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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 9, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 9, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Fort Colville was founded inI 1825 and named for the governor Washington are in Cowlitz, King, Ska of the Hudson Bay Company of ; Kittitas, Lewis, I Thurston and Whatcom counties. that period. The principal coal Pierce, fields Now At Just to Let You Know Hal Olstead Formerly with Credit Office Lumbermen's Merc. Co. WeineI-Olstead Agency Phone 30 GENERAL INSURANCE 123 R. R. Avenue Shelton inI git, physician advice, i . gt. . Jung “as. The Nearest Thing Perpetual .Motion “is To G Dung Special f0 Friday and Saturday I MORNING STAR —- GUARANTEED ‘22an '. Fl (Til 'pl‘v' gt. HALEY’S PURE ii TRIANGLE OATS 3pkgs. LARII 2-le Whole Kernel—lb. cans Com m 25c Boanszfor23c COOKIES Assorted _____ 49¢, GRAPEFRUIT _______ -. 25¢ Fruit Cocktail 2 -lbs... 2 Cans. BEEF Stew qt. Two billion. two hundred seventy million} five hundred ninety-' two thousand heart beats in a life span of sixty years the heart will carry on much longer than that if healthy ’When disease attacks. it often falls far short of this. ‘ Heart disease is NOT HEREDITARY! Heart Disease is acquired in the vast majority of Instancesx Some of the heart destroying diseases are hardenmg of the arteries. high blood pressure and syphilis. Not all Heart Disease is alike. ' age. who for years had diseased hearts ever being aware of that condition. Ninety per cent of Heart Disease can be diagnosed accurately through proper physical examination. by an experienced rheumatism. Many people live to a ripe old others die without have it color" appears weekly in this paper and When dealing with this faithful ‘piece of vital bodily machin- “ ery, treat it at least as well as you do your motor checked up at least onCe a year. and follow your doetor‘s :r—n ! t I 1 RICHARD E. GRENBEQG. Pr‘op. FIIIIIIB PIIISCIIIPIIIIIIS IS IHE IIIIISI IIIIPIIIIIIIIII Plilll Ill [lllll BlISIIIfSS "Telling lh_e_Pubhc About the D GGFFEE 2-Ibs. 510 GRADE “A” LARGE rEGGS 2doz. 83¢ ' -‘ 25o IOILERS WIN PAllI ‘ T0 CAPTURE CITY LOOP CAGE LEADI CITY BASKETBALL w L PF PAI IKimbel on ........ .. 7 l 269 162; IMcConkey Pharm.. 6 1 204 171 4-15 Dairy .......... _. 2 199 137: L. M. .. .. 1 6 206 240: VVilson’s Cafe o 7 125 186‘ Game Saturday 7:30—«4-E Dairy vs. McConkey I With Dan Cormier, Jim Mc- ‘ Comb and Bill Levett at the trig- I gers, Kimbel Oil blasted into the I city basketball league leadel\hip McConkey I with victories Pharmacy and L. M. Saturday and , last night. I 1 Cormler and McComb register-. I over ed 16 and 13 respectively in the. Oilers 41 to 27 verdict which brought the pharmacists their first defeat of the schedule, While. it was Cormier and Levett who- hit for 18 and 16 tallies respect-, ively as the Oilmen slugged the' L. M., 58 to 37, last night. First half play ends Saturday night and if McConkey wins from I 4-E Dairy a playoff for the half season‘ title will be necessary be— tween Kimbel and McConkey. The ‘ lineups: Kimbel (41) McConkey (27) Anderson 7 .......... _. Russell 7} Levett 2 Somers'9 Rose ............ ..‘..C... ..... .. Price 53 McComb 13 Taylor 6} Subs: Kimbel -— H. Gruver 2,: Woods 1, McGuire. McConke Eacrett. I l Kimbel (58) LE“. (37) Cormier 18 ........ .. Fredson 7 Levett 16 ...... .F ........ ._ Clark 6.... Rose 2 ..... __ McComb 10 ....G ...... .. L. Gruver 2i H. Gruver 10....G .......... _. Driver 10Inow live at the Junction Auto Subs: Kimbel Mc Guire. ‘2, I Camp, Were guests of Mrs. Si- ‘lmon’s parents. the T. Jacobsons 1 on Christmas day. iCormier 16 .... "G": ............... .. Cole: I Woods. L. M.—E11iott 6. Junior High Cagers Go ton junior high resumes basketball I Hallgrimson 6 I Smith in Shelton. , I son , To Chehalis Saturday I where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Idle Since December 20, Shel-I activity Saturday when it goes to Chehalis for first and second team I games billed at 10:30 o’clock. Shelton won its last start, at Eatonville. I .___. t IOpens Up. Clogged Bronchial Tubes Spend afew cents today at Fir Drug Store. McConkey Pharmacy or any good drug store for a bottle of Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture( triple acting). Take a couple of sips at bed- time. Feel its instant powerful. effec- tive action spread thru throat, head and bronchial tubes. It starts at once to loosen up thick, choking phlegm, soothe. raw membranes and make breathing easier. Sufferers from those persistent, nasty irritgting'doughs due'to colds or bron— chiaI irritations find Buckley's brings quick relief. Over 10 million bottles sold. Be sure you get Buckley's CANA— DIOL Mixture. WALNUTS L. ________________ -zs¢ DATES lea. ________ -33e 'BORENE‘ Giant Size ............... MEAT BALLS CAN ......... 19¢ Standby-«BAKED SHOPPING BAG FULL ORANGES bag ‘ 49c EXTRA LARGE LETTUCE hd. 10c SUNKIST' SHOPPING BAG FULL GRAPEFRUIT SQUASH APPLES box LEMONS doz. 45c 3c 1.19 29c lb. New Manager 0f Family To Canal By Elizabeth Hussman Potlatch, Jan. 7'Mr. and Ml'S. iROlalld E. Johnson and children,, Betty Jo and Al, of Shelton, mov— . ed to Potlatch January 1. Mr. ‘Johnson has taken over the posi- tion previously held by F. G. Briggs, as manager of the Public. ‘ Utility District No. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carlson and their daughter. Esther, at- tended-a. candlelight wedding in Seattle at the First Lutheran church. The bride was one of Es- ther‘s sorority sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Hale accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of Lilli- waup drove to Poulst to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Were the', guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Newm ton January 5. i Mr. and Mrs. K. Simmons, andI daughter Anita, spent several days f; in Concrete visiting Mr. and Mrs.‘ L. E. Wills. 1 Mr. Jack Simmons left Potlatch: late Tuesday afternoon for Seat— tle to enter the government em- ployment in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Briggs and; daughter Jean, moved from the' P.U.D. No. 1 to their home nearl Chico, Wash. (The following items were mailed} too late for last week’s paper) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eisenzimmer, 3 son Ferdie of Anacortes, and the; young grandson, Ralph Alexander, of Olympia, were dinner guests of, the Lanning family Sunday. Rich- 3 ard Pearce was another guest at, the dinner. , ‘ Mrs. Anna Smith‘ spent Christ— mas day with her son and daugh- i ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. BobI Mr. and Mrs. K. Simons, who. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Simmons and I Mickey, drove to Puyallupl Cook over Christmas. Miss Esther Carlson was home from Seattle over the week end. I Mr. and Mrs. Tinley and two; children and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wakefield and son of Tacoma, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Morrison for the Christmas holi- dav. Mr. and Mrs. Henery Newmark* spent Christmas in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Les Wyres were guests of the Knowltons and the. Housons of Tahuya for Christ- mas. Jack Reader of Everett, is the guest of his cousins Donald and Billy Reader for several days. Harold Jacobson left home Mon- l day to enlist in the army air force. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eisenzimmer, son and grandson, visited at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Lathaln of She]- ton. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Sislev Sunday afternoon. I Mr. and Mrs. H. J. HussmanI and children. Mark and Elizabeth, spent the Christmas holidays in Chehalis with Mr. and Mrs. G. W'ickman. Miss Nellie Esaw was home from Seattle over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. K. Simmons and daughter Anita, drove to Con- crete Sunday to visit Mrs. Wills for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Hale spent Christ- mas holidays at the G. V. Peter- sons of Lilliwaup. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Severt Tholo of: Tacoma, and Mrs. George Gron—i vold. of San Francisco, were guests \ of Mr. and Mrs. Gronvold of Camp B Mr. and Mrs. Day of Camp B; are going to attend a wedding in‘ Tacoma. After that Mr. and Mrs. Dav plan to Spend New Year’s day with Mr. and Mrs. David Thomp-‘ son in Seattle. | Belfair Doings . Told By ScribeE By Mrs. Gladys Irving Belfair, Jan. 7—«Mrs. Lucy Fos— ter entertained on Sunday hert brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. George McKinney and four chil- dren, Tex, Harold, all from Mt._ Vernon. Cecil Hosman, from Mis-‘ souri, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rosel and children, and Mrs. Frances Demiero and children. I The Fernery has had to suspend operations for a' while until the cold weather is over. - 1.....- Mrs. George Melvin. Mrs. How-i Miles ard Rose and Mr. were callers at the Irving home Wed-‘ nesday morning. Associated Oil Company has the Belfair Garage now and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Johnson are still on the job there. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morrison have both been on the sick list] this week. Everyone who skates and others too, are enjoying the ice arena at the head of the bay these cold days. also all the ponds that are available and all are having a grand time. The Belfair Garden Club meets next Tuesday with Mrs. Marsh on North Shore Road. A buffet lun— cheon is to be served. Mat-lock Events Make NeWs Briefs By Mrs. Zeo Priszner Matlock, Jan. 7—~Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bradley of Shelton, were lNew Year dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing and Mrs. Rediska. ’The teachers of Mary Knight- Isehool returned to take up their Iwork again Monday. Miss Hazel Jane Pierce from Tacoma, Miss Markwell from Arlington, Miss Cecelia Kalsch from Cornelius, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tesreau from Bellingham, where they spent their vacation. . Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rhines call- ed Tuesday afternoon on Mrs. Zeo Priszner. l P. U. D. 1 Moves I I I ,was a complete dud, too. Woods ‘ scored 14 of the 19 Shelton points {went on to hang up 15 consecu- I tive points before the Highclimbers SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Callous new . no; lN LOSS lo BOBCAl‘ mount , No well drilled soldier ever didl I i ;a more complete about face than Iyour Shelton Highclimbers execu- Ited Friday in assisting AberdeenI to a 43 to 19 victory in opening- northern division basketball play in Shelton’s new gym. The l—Iighclimbers performed likc champs while outplaying the ,Bobcats and building up a 14 to I 11 halftime margin, but they look- I ed like chumps in the second half ias they fell to pieces completely, ‘ scored but five points themselves to l lwhile allowing the visitors ‘breezc in with 32 tallies. I It was one of the most disap— pointing and complete let-downs Shelton fans have been suffered to witness. Highclimber passes were sharp and sure in the first half but weak and wild in the second, the Shel- ton defense alert and agile in the one period, dull and droopy in the other. Outside of the uniforms it wore the names of its players it was no more the same team from one half to the next than day is night. With the exception of Warren Woods, the Highclimber offense by netting four field goals and six free throws, which left two field goals and one charity toss to be divided among the nine other play- ers who saw action. V‘Vopds, Ken Fredson and Sam Wilson fouled out during the second half debacle. Aberdeen opened the second half with a fast breaking offense which wiped out Shelton‘s three-point lead in less than two minutes and managed to break thru. Shelton scored only one point in the four— th quarter. Hank Sliva and Jack' Scott sparked the Bobcat second half comeback. Other first round results found Olympia rallying for a 37 to 26 victory over Raymond Friday and Montesano shellacking Elma by 33 to 24 Tuesday at Monte. The Highclimbers draw a bye in this Friday play, which sends Raymond to Elma, Montesano to Aberdeen. and Hoquiam to Olym- pia, but next Tuesday Shelton goes to Montesano, Aberdeen to Raymond, and Elma to Hoquiam. The Highclimber second team, while it lost by an even more de— cisive margin, 43 to 10, at least was consistent by playing ragged ball for the entire game. The line— ups: FIRST TEAMS Aberdeen (43) Shelton (19) Jovanovich 2....F ........ .. Woods 14 Lea 7 ............ ........ .. Loop Ferguson 1 .... .... .. Wilson Estrada 5 ..G. Fredson Elmer 3 ........ Phillips 2 Subs: AberdeenMSliva 10, Scott 8.”Layng 5, Vigus 1, Fraser 1, den 1, Pierce, Coburn, Chase, and Maulden. SECOND TEAMS Aberdeen (43) Shelton (10) Sagen 11 ........ ._F ........ .. Bednarski McGhee 8 ...... Plemons 3 Prehm 9, ........ . Toby 1 Puljan ...G Rector . Percini 6' ...... ..G ............ ._ Maulden I Subs: Aberdeen—Burr 1, Bas- ich, Kohl. SheltonwLumsden 3, Chase 2, Robinson, Temple, Col— lins, Pierce ‘1. Army Selectees . Sent Booklets Of Information Every Washington/resident se- lected for induction in the Army now is.receiving a booklet telling him exactly‘what the Army ex- pects of ,him and what it offers to him, General Walter J. DeLong, State Director of Selective Service for the State of Washington, an— nounced today. Supplies of this booklet. which is entitled “The Army and You” and was prepared by the War De- partment in cooperation with Na- tional Selective Service Head- quarters. are being received by 10- cal boards, for distribution to their selectees, Director DeLong said. The booklet contains only 14 pages, 6 by 9 inches in dimen~ Sions, and is a convenient size for the selectee to carry with him. The valuable'information provid- ed for the “rookie” soldier is in- dicated by the following subtitles: In the American Spirit; What the Army Expects of You and I What the Army Offers You; lTeamwork is Essential; Military Courtesy; Your Health and Your Equipment Must be Well Cared IFor: Good Food—and Plenty of It; The Chaplain is the Friend of Every Soldier; Promotion Re- wards Duty Well Done; The In- .duction Station: The Reception I Center; Classification and Assign— ment; Your Family is Kept In- formed of Your Progress; The Re- placement Center. The cover page shows American contents include inspiring mes- sages from President Franklin D. .Roosevelt, Secretary of War Stimson, General George C. Mar- Ishall, Chief of Staff of the Uni— Ited States Army, and John J. Pershing, General of the Armies of the United States, together ‘with a quotation from Theodore Roosevelt. with their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. William Evers. Clinton Reed took Albert Kuh— nle‘s logging truck to the Forks to haul logs for a logging company there. One of Albert Scalff’s trucks broke down on the Shelton-Mat- hauling from Rambo & Buschnell logging camp back of the Pellis- chek place. , Delmar Priszner visited several 'sell in Lost Lake district. Mr. and Mrs. William Evers were business callers in Shelton The Misses Edith and Marjorie Evers spent the week end home Tuesday. Shiith, Boettcher. SheltonfliLums- fore his startled eyes. Miss Mell is employed in the of— I ficors’ records bureau of the Navy Department at Washington, D. C., I 5 .cam‘iinatives to relieve gas. tin 2. Jastin 4, Krom 1, Druzianel wLERIKA mday' soldiers on the march and the. lock road Tuesday afternoon while . days last week with Billy Rus-~ Tahuya Skaters Receive Bruises By Mrs. Effie Knowltou Tahuya, Jan. 7. J. W. took his sons, John and Don, with Milton Ames and Orville Orcutt to Mt. Rainier for a day of skiing. . 'I‘he vacation has been a series ofa skating parties at. Grassy Lake . where a number of minor accidents have befallen the enthusiasts. W. Huson, Johnny Crowell. Bob1 Blair and last. but far from least. your scribe, who had to go to Shelton for some embroidering up- on her head, have hit the ice with more force than ordinary. If the skating continues much longer, we suggest a First Aid station be established at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thornhill daughters. Betty and Virginia, were pleasantly surprised during the holiday week when their sail-— or son and brother, Bob. return-l, ed to them from Pearl Harbor; for a. short visit. i Mr. John Crowell. of Dry‘ Creek, is in Tacoma General hos-I nital with a serious heart ailment. 2 Mr. Knowlton has purchased his! fine ,cow, as the doctor says Mr.j Crowell will not be able to care: for her. The family is moving to Tacoma. , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rendsland made a. trip to Seattle over thcj week end. I The extreme cold weather put a crimp in the New Years Eve party but the supper was hot and excollent. Oyster stew and sand-I wiches, cake and coffee. ' Mr. and Mrs. Watrous, of Bald Point Camp, are entertaining his daughter and her husband, from? Seattle. I The Halls were out from Seat—l tie for the week end and talk of; coming out permanently. Guy Williams was injured atv, work Tuesday night. A piece of steel lodged in his arm. I Lad Sees Sister’s Picture In Newsreel Young Bobby Mell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ocar Mell. jumped right out of his seat in a Shelton theatre one evening last week when a newsreel showing activities in the Navy Department suddenly flash- ed a picture of his sister, Lois, be- in a civil service position and the. newsreel cameraman had selected her as one of the subjects for his picture. Stolen Car Recovered Here, Damaged by Cold It’s engine block cracked wide open‘ by frozen radiator water, an old model sedan reported stolen in Tacoma December 10 was re— covered in Shelton Tuesday after standing several days on Railroad avenue. The vehicle belonged to Clarence Scrogham of Olympia. M Willi EARS RING? Maybe somebody’s talking about you! They noticed your bad, breath. Sour, gassy stomach often afiéompanies occa- si znal constipation. ADLERIKA blends 3 laxatives for quick bowel action and Try FI-R DRUG STORE Huson . .I. " and I Activians Seat 3 Newest Leadersi I New Shelton Active Club 051-. I COI‘S were installed last night at a , 'ladies night program at which Ilmmcdiate Past Active Interna— tional President Ted Little of i Olympia did the honors and Dis- , that One Governor Paul Marshall 1 of Shelton presented the past president‘s pin to retiring presi- I dont Chuck Rowe. Little pointed out that an im- Iportant year lies ahead of AC-l itive Club with citizsnship. patri- . otism and defense as the keynote i Ito govern club and individual ac— tivities. He urged the full cooper- iation of all members with the new officers, who are Francis Ea— ' crott, president: Rocky Duckhanl, I vice-president; John Stevenson, re- ,elected secretary; and Cy Mur- Iphy, Arnie Gabrielson. Walt Ha—l F l riday, Janua McCONKEY'S PHARMACY WILL HELP YOU Mom WINTER'S CHILL AND ACHE' WISE FOLK DEAL HERE. *ton oooottass sent" kola. and Buck Price, directors. 1"}; ‘1 U V. . we AMSHIDAM mo cut, i. If you Wish to Sell you'll Have. to Tell—Journal \Vant-Ads. SEHTTLE- FIRST l‘lflTIflHHL , HRH STATEMENT OF CONDITION At Close of Business December 31, 1941 RESOURCES Total; Cash and Due from Banks ............ ..$84,059,846.52 United States Government Securities Direct and Fully Guaranteed. 62,086,95052 State, Municipal and Other , Public Securities .................... .. 12,936,679.01 Other Bonds and Securities ........ ..;_.8_7_4‘,07‘4.)3_7 ‘ $159,957,sso.42 Loans and Discounts ................................................ .. 92,766,439.86 Federal Reserve Bank Stuck .................. .. .. .. 360,000.00 Bank Buildings, Vaults, Furniture and Fixtures. .. 2,482,163.73 Interest Earned Not Received ................................ .. 353,372.97 Customers’ Liability Under Letters of Credit and Acceptances .................................................... .. 7_29‘,§_l§£_1 Total .................................................. ..$256,640,343.49 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ................................ 8,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits ...... .. 6,790,547.74 Reserves for Contingencies ........... .;#_1,V971fll,‘433.33 s 16,701,981.07 Reserves for Interest, Taxes, ctc ............................. .. Discount Collected Not Earned .............................. .. 528,196-38 tiers of Credit and Acceptances .......................... .. “720,316.51 Dep051ts .............................................................. _. .. .237,796Z Total .................................................. ..¥2575,T543,343.49 The largest of many excellent Banks in the Northwest SHELTOfl 9 BBflnCH SH ELTON, WASHINGTON SEHTTlE-FIBST I'lfl'lWllflL Bflllli FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE . . . 34 BANKING OFFICES Member Federal Reserve System . . . Member Federdl DEPWI'! Inluflmfl C07?- I I I ._y 0% l IIIIIISHIIM i a... I I . r 892,352.55: ’1 ry 9, 1942. ykoanual ltes Slate Meeting Activettes \ W 21 at the ‘Watkins, f0 d business mt and daughter, 1' know by noc . SHEL'J \, VALL Sponsoret Shelton I ‘ Ron’s Orc THEA'. Shelton, ': l'lday - S January Two FEA ‘p‘lls 2nd Fe 1 Texas Mt r tP‘Ftltiituring" E erSingtngI