January 9, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 9, 1942 |
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9, 1942- ynganuaryM9t1942.
“ thas. Slate '1
‘ Meeting
Activettes will meet on
‘W 21 at the home of Mrs.
' Watkins, for a 6:30 din—
cout News
Girl ,
America has been slow to re-l
‘ dbusiness meeting. Anyone alize the importance of training:
and daughter, Georgina, vis- i youth as ta. defense measure. Not i
rk . fso the to alitarian countries who
now by noon Of that day' l liquidated all democratic groups
—- 1 like the Girl Scouts and substitut- l
ed their own type of training dur— ‘
.ing formative years. i
1 Unless we are willing to givel
our girls the inspiration and lead- .
l crship they need, we expose them,
1 to those who would seize the
1 chance to turn them from the
democratic way of life. I
Neglect of youth, today, is dan-
gerous. '
Girl Guides in Great
have done such a good work that
defense agencies in the United,
States are saying, “We can count}
on the Girl Scouts for the kind of i
work the English Guides are do-
ing." 'l or“ 3
Some of this work is: child.
care. messenger service, prepara-
. HERE. -
' Sponsored by
1 Shelton Eagles I
Rau’s Orchestra
.AT., JAN. 10
Britain ;
,ning, January 3rd.
.neckline and short puffed sleevesi
.with a full skirt of net. Pink and
'white carantions formed her bou—
l tod swiss was cut on similar lines
Baldwin-Stella Wedding l
Solemnized Saturday Eve l
Miss Rosalie G. Stoner, daugh-'
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George “.I
Stoner, became the bride of Royal 1
F. Baldwin, son of Mrs. Velma;
Baldwin and Mr. T. C. Baldwinl
of San Francisco, Calif, at thel
home of the bride’s grandmother.
Mrs. George N. Stoner, on the
Lake Isabella Road, Saturday eve-
Thc ceremony was solemnized by
the Reverend J. O. Bovee at 8’
o’clock, before an altar of green—
el'v and flowers. v'
The bride’s gown had a bodice
of white taffeta with a sweetheart
quet and she wore pink rosebuds'
in her hair. Mrs. Jimmie Edwards,
cousin of the bride, was the ma-
tron of honor. She wore a gown of
yellow chiffon cut on simple
princess lines. Jean Baldwin, also!
a cousin of the bride. was the
bridesmaid. Her gown of pink dot—
to the matron of honor.
tion and serving of food. collect-
ing and mending of clothes, and 3
many other similar services.
Girl Scouts, besides buying their
iown. could help promote the sale
of defense stamps. A local poster
lssion 25¢
~‘ Tax 5¢
———«———4, Mil
30¢ per person
Being 9:30 to 1:30
.1- ‘ ‘ l
contest might be tried.
" Mere willingness to serve is not
.dcfenSe. It means deciding what,
u N .you can do and doing it to the;
lbest of your ability. If each girl,
, . would do her part, it- should not
lbe burdensome to anyone.
1 Shelton, Wash. 7v
, s Gail Ahlskog, Scribe.
' "day " Saturday Mrs. Lloyd Morgan’s Brownie
January 9 _ 10 Troop held their first meeting of.
TWO FEATURES [1942 on Monday evening, at her
home. Roberta Gillum Served the
a" treat of pop corn balls.
WI _ New Director—Elnoum-ed
wfl‘ For Shelton Women Chorus
,‘ Mrs. John L. Dotson. newly el—l
i ectcd president of the Shelton W0-
men‘s Chorus, to fill the unexpired
1term of Mrs. Beth Johnson an—
,55042 . , nounced the new director for the
.,439,85 T ‘PIUs 2nd Feature i rest of the year will be Ben Hall—
. ' ” ; grimson. He will work toward an.
’000'00 T $.3an Manhunt Easter cantata, Music Week and
363-73 'theealurmg'Bln Boyd» the State Convention at Ellens—
,372-97 ’i ‘smg‘ng Radio Star , burg. There will be no practice on
1‘ , . . . lMonday. while the chorus waits
I816.Sl : l for music, but the. group will meet
f‘”‘"‘ w 1 day 130 Thursday in the music room of the Senior
643.49 January 11 __ 15 , high school each Monday at 7:45
‘1 5 BIG: DAYS ;thereaftel.
' ‘ who. ,W.C.T.U. Slate
uranium i Friday Meeting
mngfl'g The Women's Christian Temper-
98107 my lance Union will hold a potluck
K352.” "wé‘? lluncheon with Mrs. W. H. Snel—
., . s. \ mental!“ x rove at 1 . m. Friday, January
M5638 — ———J 1 f6. p
5816.51 . .__1_~L.____._
3736.98 i '
:35}; Finlay Saturday Say It
anuary 16 — 17 , WITH FLOWERS
j ‘ 3 They Bring Comfort
. i ‘ g and Happiness
Delivered anywhere, anytime
. a r: '-
no 4 3 ‘V Trains Floral Shop
"A "" “Km”, "malt, Shelton Hardware Bldg.
l Phone 232 270-W
“Don’t give me that 'Oscar’_.
You can't make
a qul cup of
"Mica Lake tells Academy Award winner Preston Sturgex,
1, “director of Paramount’s “SULLIVAN’S TRAVELS”
’ PRIS‘ION: Everything3 wrong! Rain’s held up shoot-
,jn those outdoor scenes—and to make Ihings worse,
~ ad a bum pot of coffee for lunch.
’l'fVllONICN can’t do anything about the weather, but
ran‘giue you some good coflee. Try this.
' ‘M‘hlS‘I’ON: Swell! little weaker than usually take
.j’coflee, but it has plenty of flavor.
VERONICA: Oh—you prefer .tlrong roflee? 0.K., I’ll
make some. ~
PRESTON: Marvelous! Black as night, but not bitter.
You deserve the Academy Award for thix, Veronica.
VERONiCAt Thanks, but really don’t rate [but "Oscar."
Everybody knows you (411‘! male: hull (up of M. I. B.
a“ ,. .
. yo: 3 why it never fails! Make
you; pofiee with the same care as
“agave in the past. These two
Mve M. J. B. features—a
I roast— and double blend-
oz,‘ W111 give you the finest cup
9%88 you ever tasted!
Writ of M. J. B. If you don’t
It’s better than any other
C fiemreturn the lid to M.J. B.
. yfland we will refund double
pul'chase price.
1hr drip orglass coffee makers. REGULAR GRIND, for percolalor or coffee
I sage.
Robert Chase was the best man.
Mrs. Stoner’s dress was of
black silk crepe trimmed in white
and Mrs. Baldwin wore a green
silk crepe gown.
A reception was held at the
home of Mrs. Thomas Skillman.
sister of the bride. The three tier- l
ed bride's cake formed the center
piece of the lace covered table
with tapers in crystal holders on
either side. Mrs. George Stoner;
iassisted by Catherine Evans serv-
.cd. Jean Baldwin was in charge‘
‘of the guest book.
For going away the bride wasi
attired in a black dress with black
accossories and a brown fur coat.
Pink rose buds formed her cor-
Aftcr a trip to points on
the Sound they will make their.
home in Shelton where he is em-
ployed by Mackc and Lewis of
Mr. Baldwin graduated from the
Irene s. Reed high school with the!
class of 1940 and Mrs. Baldwin
will graduate with the class of
Out of town guests attending
were Bill Kreibell of Montana, Mr. l
and Mrs. George Everetts and"
sons of Satsop and Perry Stoneri
of Vancouver, Wash. Local guests
were Mr. and Mrs. G. Stoner, Mrs. ,
lGeorge N. Stoner. Norene Evans.
Bobby and Joyce Baldwin, Thomas .
Skillman, Lester Baldwin, Marjor-
ie Lanegan. Rav Stoner. Millie
Stoner, Ted and Lucy Weyand,
Darrel Stoner, Mrs. James Grimes,
Mrs. Carl Rains and Frank, Jack
Stoner. Ida Kirkland, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Evans, F. C. Harris,
Elbert Stoner. Coreta Nutt, Fran-v
ces and Joe Barrett, J. W. Stoner,
Corinne and Harry Monroe, Clar-
ence Height, Alvin H. Hocking,
1 Keith Evans. Edna and Berna E 'v
ans, Art Higgins, Arline Stoner,
Ada Bassett.
Amaranth Inst—allatlml
Slated For Saturday
The Laurel Court Order of Am-.
aranth will hold a public installa—I
‘tion of officers in the Masonic
‘Temple at 8 o’clock this Satur-l
day evening, January 10. Install-
ing officers will be John Rau,
past supreme royal patron mar-'
shal, Georgia Hill, past supreme
royal matron, and national aide.
Charles Boughner. The officers to
be installed include, the royal ma-
tron, Mae Lusk; raycl patron, Er-
nest Dahlgren; associate matron,
Ethel Flatner; associate patron,
Robert Anderson; secretary, Ollie
Cleveland; treasurer. Martha Ja-
cobs; conductress Winifred Toz-
ier; associate conductress, Georgia
Miller; trustee, Ida Kirkland; mar-
shal in the East, Ida Loughnan;
marshal in the west, Clare En-
gelsen; standard bearer, Anne
Kneeland; prelate, Marguerite
Ferwerda; truth, Jeanne Zintheo;
faith, Clara Harrier; wisdom,
Minnie Logan; charity, Ella Mc-
qulloch; musician, Neil Zintheo;
,historian, Margaret Anderson;
'warden, Leila Adams and senti-
nel, Ernie Crane. In the corona-
tion ceremonies the crowning ma~ ,
tron will _be Dr. Belle Dearbornl
of Seattle, honored marshal. Hat-
tie Bonnar of Seattle, marshal in
the east Ida Loughnan, marshal
in the west, Clare Engelsen; stan-
dard bearer Anne Kneeland; sword
bearer, Neil Zintheo; crown bear-i
er Vera Duffield; musician Mael
Winiecki and the flower girls will
be the four ladies of the square
and the two conductresses. Cap-
l tain of the guards will be Harry
,Cailow of Elma and the soloistl
l Pearl Ingulls of Seattle.
1 Lincoln P.-T.A.
Slates Meeting
, The Lincoln P.~T.A. will meet
the fourth Thursday in January,
for the convenience of Patrolman I
Cliff Aden, guest speaker, the
I group are looking forward to hear-
ing. Mr. Aden says he will be glad‘
to answer any questions on safety V
at this time. The executive board
of the Lincoln P.-T.A. will meet
at the sehool on Monday, January
12 at 1:30 p. m.
l Visit Portland
Miss Inez Shorter. Mrs. Ernest;
lFor Shelton Womens Chorus
'ited recently in Portland. Mrs.
I Mrs. Ernest Hankins, nee Cecelia
Hurst and Georgina visited Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Barkley and daugh-
ter Peggee June.
American Legion Auxiliary
Holds Regular Meetingi
The American Legion Auxiliary
held their first meeting of this
year on Tuesday, January 6. It
was reported that five more Scrap-
books made by the Junior Ameri—
can Legion were sent to the Or-
thopedic hospital. Three baskets
for needy families were provided
at Christmas. The Auxiliary made
and packed 50 dozen cookies
which were sent to Fort Lewis at
Booth and Miss Shorter visited.
-_..';:;;”_.M _. -....._._ __ 0—.
WWW"... n
Valera Davis “’ods
a House Guests Here
Glen Morrison and Bob Treble of
Aberdeen were house guests of
Charles Runacres last week. Both
are junior students at the Stan-
ford University.
i Los Angeles Visitors
Visiting Friends ’
Christmas time.
Mrs. Warren Earl. rehabilitation
chairman reports she is still col-
Retsil hospital.
Mrs. Witsiers stated the de-
partment president would visit t'le
4th District the last week in
February. Mrs. Warren Earl and
Mrs. Robert Binns were installed
las president and second vice-
presi‘dent respectively to fill the
unexpired terms of those offices.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
DHViS 0f Ridgefieldi WaShingtOH. The main business was to elect
and Robert George Comegys, son
of Mr- and Mrs- Clande Comegysltion to replace Mrs. Beth John—
Of Thornton. 1son, president and director, who
united in marriage. .
colored wool trimmed with silver
accessories. Talisman roses,
bouvardia formed her corsage.
and journalism at the Irene S.
Reed high school. expects to com-
plete her year of teaching here;
She is a graduate of the Univers-
ity of Washington, where she af-
filiated with Phi Chi Delta and Pl‘
:Lambda Theta,
the U. of W.
teaching fellowship for the past
two years. At present he holds a
teaching fellowship in
versity of Minnesota and is doing
graduate study toward a Doctor
of Philosophy degree.
W.S.C.S. Slates l
Interesting Meeting
tian Service
meeting on Wednesday, January
mittce of members from each cir-
o‘clock. This will be followed by
nice Stewart; installation of new‘
You are invited.
P.~T.A. Slates Tea
For This Evening ,
daughter, Mrs. Paul Chapas, andl
[Entertain January
In Mlnenapolis
At a Christmas wedding in Min-
Valera Jane Davis,
Washington, were
The Reverend William Hunter}
officiated at the ceremony which‘
‘was read at 4:30 o’clock in the!
chapel of Andrew Presbyterian!
Church near the Campus of thellaughter followed
University of Minnesota. ‘
The bride wore a suit of wine-l
with which she wore blackl
The bride. who teaches English
education honor-
Mr. Comegvs is a graduate of
where he held a
the De-.
artment of History at the Uni-
The Women‘s Society for Chris-
of the Methodist
hold their regular‘
Church will
14 in the church parlors. A com-
cle will serve a luncheon at one
a splendid program consisting of
Devotionals led by Mrs. Robert,
Maulden; vocal solo by Mrs. Ber-l
officers by Mrs. W. A. Brodt; vo-
cal solo by Mrs. Bea Larson andl
a talk on “Plans for the Coming
Year,” by Mrs. Hugh Hamilton.’
The Agate P.-T.A. will give a;
Silver Tea at the home of Mrs.‘
Emma Garrison this evening,
January 9th. Everyone is cordial—
ly invited to attend.
week in
Alvin Hartman spent
and Wednesday of last
Seattle visiting her
brother, Mr. Paul Motger. She‘
was accompanied by her son W.
O. Bullock and family of Los
Angeles. Mrs. Bullock is well
known here having been employed
for a number of years at the Me-
Cleary sash and door factory in
McCleary. They returned to their
home on the fourth.
Returns to Chlgago .
Mrs. Frank Anderson left on.‘
Tuesday via the Limited from
Portland to return to her home
in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ander»
son had surprised her parents, Mr. i
and Mrs. D. H. Logan, by arrivingl'
here on Christmas day. Mrs. An-.
derson stayed over several daysf
to visit friends and relatives.
Arcadia Home Economic :
Club Meeting Today !
The Arcadia Home Economics
Club is meeting today, January
9, at the home of Mrs. Walter
Allen to sew for the Red Cross. '
Mr. and Mrs. Packard
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Packard en- E
tertained at their home: on New".
Year’s eve. The home was attrac-;
tively decorated in keeping with:
the occasion, as was the table},
center piece. Those attending were 3
Mr. and Mrs. Denzal Grifford, Mr. i
and Mrs. Dan Bennett, Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda, and Mr. and
Mrs. Dud Okerman of Olympia. A?
mystery supper was served by the
hosts. l
New Year’s Eve Party
At Kenneth Logan Home
The Kenneth Logan home on'
Anglcside was the gathering place
for a no—host Watch party New
Year’s Eve. The crowd went
dancing and at midnight returned
to the Logan home for refresh-
ments. Those attending were Mr.
and Mrs. Duane Ryan, the occas-l
ion marking their 4th wedding an—
niversary, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mad-
dux, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Laurila and
Mr. and. Mrs. Logan.
Helen Regis Jones
\Veds During Holidays
Coming as a surprise to her
friends in Shelton was the an-
nouncement of the marriage of
Helen Regis Jones, language tea—
cher in the Senior high school to
Conard Harman Crock on Decem-
ber 27th in Blessed Sacrament
Church in Seattle. The former
Miss Jones will continue teaching
in Shelton while Mr. Crock intends
to complete his training for gov-
ernmental service at the Univers-
ity of Washington.
Visiting Here
Mrs. Mary Jackson of Olympia
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lew 'Wiley from Thursday
through Sunday. On Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. Wiley accompanied ,by,
lectins 01d cotton rags. COlored 1 Mrs. Minnie B. Meyers drove Mrs.
or white, which she sends to the l Jackson home and spent the day'
visiting a school friend of Mrs.
From Seattle
Mrs. J. W. Lester of Seattle ar-
rived Sunday for a. short visit
with Mrs. W. A. Brodt. Mrs. Les-I
ter' is the sister of the late Mr.
Bordeaux P.-T.A.
l Frank Willard,
Shelton W'omen’s Chorus
Holds Monday Meeting
Monday evening Mrs. John L.
Dotson called a business meeting
of the Shelton' Women’s Chorus.
a new president of the organiza-
recently moved from Shelton. Mrs.
Dotson was chosen president and
Mrs. Bernice Stewart vice-presi-
A social hour of much fun and
for the 17
guests present. Mrs Bertha Dun-
South American
Films Shown To I
Hoedsport Club:
By Yvonne Bal‘lcis I
I Hoodsport, Jan. in—
; ning, in the Hoodsport Club room,
‘the Commercial
their regular meeting. Following
the business meeting and educa-‘:
tional film concerning South Am-‘
erica was shown which was
ported to be very good. Mrs. Wil—‘x
Williams then served a delicious
luncheon of cream puffs and (of-
H. E. Lockwood I
work on the new project, Hoods- P-'T-A- Board .
? port’s own church, is well underi
.way and they
completed by Easter.
done so far has been donated and
Pa go Five
.. C .
The most western point in
Miss Mary Lou Allan ‘ . u n I V ,
Engagement Announced IVY.aSY,n:‘gFOP 1; Cdpne £11? few
The engagement of Miss Mary 1 Rules “""h 0 cap" cry'
lLou Allan, daughter of Mr. and!.
Mrs. R. H. Allan to Mr. Gilbertl
Oswald, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. ;
Oswald of Spokane was all-l
nounced at a tea given by Mrsl
A. E. Hillier and Miss Ruth Hill-l
ier, aunt and cousin of Miss Al—i
lan last Friday. Miss Allan is a?
graduate of the local high school;
and will finish at W. S. C. this},
spring where she affiliates with:
.Alpha Delta Phi sorority.
1‘9" l Mr. Oswald graduated from W.
S.C. last year and is now' emu.
ployed in Pittsburgh. Penn. He!
affilited with Alpha Tau Ome—§
. ga. No date has been set for illci
lwcdding due to the war. I
reports that ‘
1,. _... A- r
rMonday evo—
Club met for '
and Mrs. Ross
Meeting Slated
A Parent‘Teachers Board meet-
ing will be held at the Lincolnl
school at 1:30 p. m. Monday,l
hope to have itl
All work ‘
ningr Whose birthday ayas tlthat sincere “Thanks” are extended to
': Januarifizbm £1119 teaChbers 'lunChl ’9
evening, was surprise wi 1 a all those who have so willingly room- 031'
mem “"5 are‘: 3"
lovely decorated birthday cake. be- offered their time and labor. l urged
to attend l N0 W?nder is
tween lighted tapers, which was Mr. and Mrs. Jar-k Brandon-r ! ‘Always
Alone ' '
wheeled in on a tea wagon by
the hostess while the group
sang "Happy Birthday.” Then to
burg of
week end with Mr.
Dickinson of Shelton. .
schedme meefing . . . ! Such wrinkled, soiled clothes!
The Nurses Assomatlon Wlll Even the crows Sim. 3,3,5}, Yet
ihold their monthly meeting with hem“.
spent last,
and Mrs. A1
1‘... a. .l"i'r".
of to
1:60:21, “£3328? dlhe Compl’mel‘ts Tacoma Sunday to school after 12
at p. m. This is “1'1 mgumj' 7“ 3031‘“
' , ' a “35 recelved spending the holiday vacation with meeting ~
lovely gift. The Wishing Tree was hm. parents, Mn and Mrs. Kem, ' __
,' take the l‘lS.; o: lo
“‘9 h‘gh “gm 0f the evening’s. neth Bitnev of Lake. Cllsl‘lman.
Past Matrons, lens 8'3 LL LCPNCY‘Y-‘3dm23 3'01”
1. clothes to us for FREQ-3U
entertainment l Mr. and Mrs. Chester Moore and Meet on Thursday . ,
A some away party was given family moved last week from Em, The Past
Matl'ons of the Order; mailing-
for the former president, MI‘S.‘natai to a cottage in Gateway of
Eastern Star met at the home?
Johnson last week at the home Inn. 10f Mrs. J. H. Frisken on Thurs—‘
‘ I ~
of Mrs. W. F. Roberts. Mrs:
Johnson received a gift as a tok-
en of the groups appreciation of.
her work. l
any.new members until the first
of February. The new music forlI
the half year will be started at,
this time. The only requirementl
for the members is the ability to
read a musical score. The group
meets in the music room of the
Sullivan-Payne Wedding
Performed December 26
Payne and John Sullivan were un-
ited in marriage. They were ac—
companied by her mother. Mrs.
T. J. Seljestad and his sister, Mrs.
Mildred Enlow. They are now at
home in Shelton after a 10-day
trip to San Francisco.
Girl Scout Council
To Meet On Monday
The Shelton Girl Scout Council
will be entertained at a luncheon
Monday. January 12 at 1 p. m.
Nominating committee for 1942
officers will make a report of
their selections.
Slates Meeting
The Bordeaux P.-T.A. will meet
on Thursday, January 15. Mrs.i
Duncan Wilson will be in charge‘
of an open forum discussion on
“Defense .Begins at .Home'”. sev‘ 2' cafe for a cup of hot
coffee. When
'eral muswal seleCtlons W‘u be:this happens Mrs. Lassoie has a
given by the pupils' Mrs' George huge cookie jar that she keeps
is tea Chairman It has filled with home baked cookies
ghee“ sugggsmd the 5'"?'A'tha‘ée l, and they are
welcome to all they
' a cup an saucer S ower 0 6 can eat. Anyone who cares to may
i help keep this cookie jar full.
meeting. Mothers who have small I View. Nephew
Mr. and
SOlhe Girl Scouts may have the 1 drovo to Fort Lewis on Sunday
practice of caring for them, as to visit her
I Charles A.
Shelton Woman’s Club ! .
used for tea service so members
are askedto bring them at this
children are asked to bring them}
this is part of their defense work.
Meets on Monday
The Shelton Woman’s Chorus‘
met on Monday afternoon at the,
home of Mrs.
with 16 members present.
J. W. Collier was a guest.
Hugh Hamilton
Club voted to contribute to the. -
local Red Cross and to meet a. ‘3
half hour early to help with de-
l .
fense work. i
[ .
The program “Vocation Educa-
tion in a Democracy” was
charge of Mrs. Leo Martin. Those
assisting were Mrs.
“Theories of Vocational Educa—
tion,” Mrs. Duncan Wilson. “Tynes ; .
Schools," Mrs.
of Vocational
Vocational Education.” This pro—
gram proved to be most inter-
esting and instructive. Next meet-
ing will be at 1 p. m. on *Monday, 5 ‘1
January 19 at the home of Mrs.
A. Almaden.
Jr. High P.-T. Club l
Ice-schedules Meeting
The Junior High parent-teachers l
club will not meet this month. The
program will be arranged for
next month.
Former Residents Visit
Delbert Klfcker and son, from
Walla. Walla, were visitors for
the day last Wednesday, accom—
panied by his sister, Mrs. Kittie
Ethorn. from Bremerton.
Klickers were Shelton residents
for several years up to 1914 with:
attended thel .
their mother and .
Shelton schools, so were glad toi
review old school days with for—, ‘1
mcr classmates. Mr. Klicker has: ,;
,since lived at Walla Walla and:
lhas extensive farm
holdings there, choosing the slackl
season for his vacation trip.
Allyn Couple Move Here
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bsker, longl
time residents of Allyn, have re-.
tired from their
Mr. and Mrs. Laurila
Entertain At Home
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Laurila‘ en-
home with a delightful dinner
party. At o'clock the
were seated at a long table cen-
tered with holiday flowers and
tall tapers. .Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ryan, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Logan, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Maddux and the hosts.
Joint Installation
.Slated for Tonight
The Rebekahs and Odd Fellows
will hold a joint public installa—
tion this evening, Friday, Janu-
ary 9 at o’clock in the Odd Fel—
lows hall. Grand Lodge officers
and the Rebekah AsSembly offi-
cers will 'be in charge. Refresh-
ments will be served.
The! ..
in; ,
Hamilton, l
“Federal Aid to]
The, “
and berry?
i .
old home and,
moved to anew one on Potlatchl, 1;
route to be nearer Shelton.
' tertained New Year's Day at their‘
guests ,
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson mo—'
tored to Ollala last Saturday to
visit her parents~
Matt Van Lanen left Tucsday,Frisken.
is now open for} to enlist in the U. S. Army. | -~~—» 7-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Compton and
family of Bellingham, formerly of
Potlatch, sncnt Saturday and Sun—
dry with Mr. and Mrs. Altx Bar-l
M r.
have recently purchased the house
vacated some time ago by the Ted
Senior high school. For further
.information call {HQ-\V. Barry‘s.
In a simple ceremony perform- the flu and Mrs. errs has a
Ed by Justice Van Hinkle in Olym- 6-lb. 2—02 baby girl, Frances, born a
i pia on December 26, Hazel Levett Ja‘mflr‘V 6‘ ‘ that there is
such a thing as
Ice skating on Lake
near Lake. Cushman, and many of
the little lakes ill this vicinity has
been reported as excellent until
the recent snow. l
Mr. Curtis Calkins and Mr. C.’
B. Calkins. both of Roseburg, Orc~
gen, and Mrs. W. L. Leonard. of
i week with their sister and family,
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Dickinson. ;
. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larsen have
gwen by Mrs‘ Hugh Hamllton at a new baby girl, born Monday inl
her home on Elinor Street onlthe Shelton General hospital.
Douglas Gilchrist of the U. S. Squibb’s ABDG ............ .. 100's
high potency $2.98
Marines stationed in Bremerton.J Squibb’s Vigran _________ H
____________________ __ 1003 $439
spent the week. end with Mr. and, , , , ‘
Mrs, J, c, mama and Betty and' Abbotts Vita Kaps .......... .. 100’s
$4.69; 50 S $2.54
Gloria. Abbott’s Hal. Ca s lain __________________ _. 100's 9129
Mrs. Josie Lassoie of the I-loods- , p p 9
port Cafe has an excellent idea in Parke D3 {15 ABDG (adeI)
operation now that proves there} hlgh pOtency
..................................... .,_ 200’s $6.39
are more wavs than one to help . .
ithe morale of our soldiem From 2505 ABDG. Caps, H1 Vitamln content ......
.. $3.49
{time to time soldiers stop at her 100’s Cod Liver Oil Tablets
______________________________ .. 98c
and Mrs.
Potlatch are both in the Shelton
General hosnital. Mr. Wyers has
, , . var
day for their regular business“: LALAVDRY
meeting and election of officor's.;
:Mrs. A. Y. Bennett assisted FHONE 3:3
l Defense 13 Protease
2 Without HEALTH
The Preservation of HEALTH to
Moon Mn Y‘lll‘l Robbins
Leslie errs of.
S andstill.
PHYSICAL morality.
Keep Well —- Take
V 1 TA M I N s
Parke Davis Natola Capsules .............. .. 50 for $1.19
snent Dart of last
nnu sung
f ‘mcrmno’ E.onEuB'ERG,?Prop. ,
llllll‘L: llrmrriplhuu I‘ lllt‘ \liv-i‘lmpnrm rt Port of Our
Bus-um: *‘
Mrs. S. B. Anderson
nephew Corporal
The Biggest Buy Of The New Your!
Famous Pencil sheets lrnowncd for
1 I49
their super—long wearinl.r qualities,
and smooth even texture? They'll
withstand many trips to the. laun—
dry and still keep their luxurious
finish! Extra long.
81" x 99" .................................... .. 1.35
42" x 36” ........ .. 35¢ 42" TUBING .......... .. 35¢
Huge Brightly Checked
Delightfully soft and fluffy
terry with plenty of spongy
loops for quick absorption! Bold
checks in briglit colors! Huge
21" x ‘34".
Matching Wash Cloths....10¢
Good quality for owryduy!.. 10c
Snowy “'lli‘u-
Make Your Own Cases!
Double quality. Un—
bleached. 36" yd.
"as Many Household Flu-rs"!
Unbleached Muslin
Honor Cheesecloth
Smooth woven, thrift
priced. 81x99" ea.
warm—51,4. \Voull
Plaid Blankets
Exceptional values in
muted plaids to bar-
monize with
room! Bound
with sateen!
y o u r bed--
Frilled or Plain
Lovely Lace
Table Cloths
Practical for every
day— charming for
80 square, good Qual-
ity! 39" wide ........ .. yd.
Ideal for many uses!
In handy pkg. 5 yds.
bestll A neav liaind Curtains
i’i’éfil’gf’i ’3." anti}? Fresh and 98¢ Flour Sack
creamy Shade. mew”, ' ' PR' Washed and bleached'
Fluffy alumina Marquisettes Amazing low price ...... ..
Neat figures! ‘ .
Smart new designs
. . . fresh colors!
And a super-abun—
dance of f l u f l’ y
chenille tutting . .
Real beauties!
Col ton (‘rinkle Spreads ........ .390
. l’uttcrncil
Light 8: Dark figures 3‘}
“warm! 36" wide yd
Y1). 15¢
Ironing “our;
Pad and Cover
Slipam cover!
with knit pad!
Avenue Prints
and plain col- :5,
“'hite Outing
Soft So fluffy! Make “
things for baby! 27"ygl J.
oral 36” . yd.