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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 9, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 9, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1 riday, January 9, 1942. sHELT NLMASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ ‘ lull PUBLICATIONS 'I _N0TICE OF SALE OF COUNTY , N REAL PROPERTY WOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That! tsuant to an order of the Boardl ‘m County Commissioners made and eTed on the 21st day of Decem- sclfioo, res ,: 1941, there will be offered for I‘ e by. the Sheriff of said County, iCipalS miss tImwa auction, at the front door 1- of the 1' court house in Shelton. Wash- .Ofle q 1nd.- rdg’n. to the highest bidd ", on Sat- 1 ' W. M , January 17. 1942 at ten o‘clock and -. the following described real "3 “3‘10? hi pligtriii t t 1“ tb 8 th “.1; ; eas quar er 0 .e on 413439, MES Vgest quarter (NEillswll) of Sec- senior 1112‘ N011 two (2), Township Nineteen (19) CENT. in a .Orth. Range four (4) West, W.M., broken 9‘“ i No. 1415 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter Of the Estate of Olga Marie Onsru‘d. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Edvin Tingelstad. Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Olga Marie Onsrud, Deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the. above entiltcd Court. his Final Report and Petition for Dis— tribution asking the court to settle and approve said report, distribute the property to those thereto entitled, and to discharge said administrator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN. that said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be heard in the Courti Room in the Court House in Shelton. Washington. at the hour of 10 o‘clock in the forenoon. on Saturday the 7th driv of February. 1942. Dated this 3rd dav of January. 1942. CLARE ENGELSEN. (SEAL) l County Clerk [CHAS R. LEWIS, user é'rlag .1001 F no in big (1 Lu II. 1.1. cc. as vacatio ’,/\ personal property oinimui'n selling price of said reali .1 figgty I’sIhaléi b3 mg. 1liess thaln ngn- r delayed a undred dun ’10 . O airs p us me I i ollais fOI eis<na1 ro ert ed fro Freon. p p p ) . in IO nermsi $30000 9353b and “mama” in Attorney for Administrator. ' ncc, cenior a rceequa‘l yearly payments With 5% Suite 1. Lumbermen's Bldg. D at mtgreSt 0“ balances Shelton. Mason County. , 111‘ irated this 21st day of Decembernwashington. 1_9_16-23_30__4t r; of thc ' , Wm .md Mi ,.. HARRY DEYETTE. ,“'° . ' County Auditor and Ex-Offl- N0_ 1474 the senior ‘ cio Clerk of the Board of NOTICE To CREDITORS To FILE 1g brides. V' County Commissioners, Mason CLAIMS l IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR] THE STATE OF WASHINGTON INl AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MA-l SON. IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate ofl' Anna Cora Ayres. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that! Letters Testamentary on the abovei estate were granted to the under- signed on the 3rd day of January. 1942. bv the said Superior Court. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tliaiL all persons having claims against said estate are required to serve the same with the necessary vouchers upon the undersigned at the Law Office of Al- den C. Rayley. Title Insurance Build- ing. Shelton. Washington, that being the place designated for the transac— tion of the business of the estate. 0 w n , County, Washington. ciarciit te 12-25-.1-1.8_3i. himself has Invhhlt a5 3‘ gum FOR Bins FOR COI'NTY veral OthCI‘, NS" ROAD EQUIPMENT ». TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 9‘1 bids will be received by the “W of County Commissioners at l" Office in the court house at km. Washington. on Monday, the day of January. 1942, at two p. m. for the. furnishing of . IDIlowilig equipment: (2) New trucks. Minimum 93 Piston displacement 235 cubic E S. Enter incl. A i. ,nge in She} Tires 7.501120 front, 8.25x20 , . rear with 14.251120 spare. Re—, IVRS announ mmrced frame. 2 Speed Rear End, 11 Olstead, , 011. Timken or equal. 4-yd. dump »mli Wood or 32‘ at the Witll.Anth.9n3fv St- within six months after the date Of t'l C .’ HOlSt~ Splmgs adequat“ f0.“ the first publication of this notice. 18 0- en . gross .Welght. Booster brakes: Oil MW“ Within nth air cleaner: Leather Upholstery. ' I 9th day of JanuarV. 1942. and file the same with the ClerlI of this Court. mroximately 158" whch base. 178 Inablhty ta pounds minimum Torque. Heavy EbUSineSS. egty radiator and fan“ Cab-over- ,,Y:{‘h},nprf?,?.g‘,2£ gzg‘edéervme‘ old a half ongme Job Will be conSIdered. Dated W,“ 9th dav M. 'Tammrv' 1942. 8 1933 Ford Duni and one 1932 1 Insurance 0‘“ Dump now owried by 1 who will " ,ty to be traded in. “e to the V ' ted this 29th day m Will be k HARRY DEYETTE, stead Age Clerk of Board of Mason i” ' County Commissioners. forms of ~ .Dec. 31, 1941. Jan. 8, 1942. HEY-EN A. AYRES SFAFOR. Executrix of the Estate of Anna Cora Ayres, Deceased. ALDEN C BAVLEV. Mtorva for Executrix. Title Insurance Building. Shelton, Washington. 1-0-16-23-30—-4t. Mason of December, six months after the. l. . No. 1476 l 15 W911 1‘ . NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE .ason Count CLAIMS . T No. 1395 CE OF HEARING ON FINAL UNT, REPORT AND PETIT N ADMINISTRATRIX FOR 5 MENT, DISTRIBUTION AND 1 DISCHARGE. Superior Court of the. State of , shington in and for the Conn-l with the itile C0. : 3 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE, STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Samuel Derbvshire. Deceased. l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Letters of Administration on the 19”“ M I i 1 “on n Inmate: above estate were granted to the un- L MATTER OF THE ESTATE dcrsigned on the 3rd day of January, ./ x J AMES H- FRISKENI Deceased- l1942. by the said Superior Court. ! Rifil’m‘fifiififinmg‘i? NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN. that abOVe e ta’te‘ h ff] d h‘erem, all persons having claims agauist said final accosunt”m 11:1 alga etifi'bn estate are required to serve the. samel Settlement and dipstributi upof "the with the necessary VOUCherS.“p°n thei e of {h d d ho~ . m; undei‘SIgned at the Law Office of Al-‘ e ecease w mm" L den C. Bayley, Title. Insurance Build- ., is asked to approve said account ; - . report, and make distribution of ‘ng' Shelton wasmngmn’ that being . . ) Ethe place designated for the transac- the 00ml Egg??? and d‘Sd‘arge the Ad‘i tion of the business of the estate, Tuesday ‘X' 'within six months after the date of: TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that‘ '- Cordance with an order of said; the first publication of this notice, made and entered on the 20th’ December. 1941, a hearing will, 039 before the Court on said finall I “fit. report and petition on Sat-. —“‘—‘ t 9- the 24th day of January. 1942,’ ', . O'clock, A.M., on said day in T I C r . £01111 Room of said Court in the .3 House at Shelton, Washington. lated this 23rd day of December,- 0 ac towit: within six months after the 9th day of January, 1942. and file the} same with the Clerk of this Court. tO-l zcther with proof of such service, or they will be forever barred. ! Dated this 9th day of .Tanuarv, 1942. WILLIAM DERBYSHIRE. Administrator of the Estate1 of Samuel Derbyshire, De-l should . any . he address iishing to, AI DEN C ‘i‘i‘é‘l‘l‘tm I , , CLARE ENGELSEN, 4. , " . - -' ' glease can" ' I Clerk of the Superior Court of1 flimm‘y fol Admin-‘Sirator' 4og_w, Bus Washington. Title Insurance Building, i IDENM‘Q‘SO“ county" Shelton. Washington. Carpenters 1-9-16-23-30--4t . n c. BAYLEY. . “Whey for Administratrix, .- .91“- Insurance Building, , ion Washington. #21410. 1-6—13—4t. No. 1396 ( NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATEhBALE ————-—- | IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE v STATE OF WASHINGTON, FOR one No. 1419 MASON COUNTY. D M E :00 [,E OF HEARING ON FINAL In the Matter Of the Estate of I r FXNT. REPORT AND PETITION Wanda Bogden. Deceased. Ixsi, ECUTOR FOR SETTLEMENT,, . “‘RIBUTION AND DISCHARGE. 1 »_° Superior Court of the Statel '1 Washington in and for the kg“)! of Mason, In Probate. WI E MATTER OF THE ESTATE V .. dNNIFRED G. KNEELAND, Dem inient T ,‘uICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that WWI“- Kneeland. Executor of the NOTICE pursuant to in above entitled cause, istrators 0 said estate will on the Ellst day 0 January. 1942, sell at pri— vate sale the following described real property situate in Shelton, Mason County, Wash. to wit: Lot Seven (7) Block eleven (11) David Shelton's Second Addition to I? HEREBY GIVEN that n order of court entered; the Admin-‘ IA N S; . estate. htas titled litetrein léis finitll Shelton. Washington. , ,_V“ repor an D8 i ion 01' Se -. All b‘d‘ on s ‘d‘: 0 art must b “table and distribution of the estatel 1 5 a1 ' Dr p y e in writing and addressed to the under- signed Administrators or to their at- torney below named or filed with the Clerk of said court on or before noon of the 31st day of January. 1942. Any bid so made shall specify the amount 1 and terms of the offer. No offer under $900.00 can be accepted. Dated at Shelton. Wash, January l 111:11 account. report and petition! 6th 1942' JnE BOGDE'N‘ I Sake decea ed, wherein the Courti ' “ed to a prove said account and . , r and make distribution of the oi, and discharge the Executor. iICE 1s FURTHER GIVEN. , '1 accordance with an order of . , court made and entered on the ‘ , . ia ore e ur on lull-ity Sa, , r be /. ‘ O . Associa surance» “B. iELAY rday. the 17th day of January. 6.} ~a7. , 10 o'clock. A.M.. on said day e e Court Room of said Court in J" W; GRAHAM Co 7 . “rt House at Shelton. Wash-i Attornov fm. Administrators '0 mm id ., .this 23rd day of December, l sfifjtlmé “gash, 1-94624, CLARE ENGELSEN. _ Clerk of the Superior, Court NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS l Dmfor Mason County, Washington. ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the an- nual meeting of stockholders of the ,i Goldsborough Telephone Company Will be held on the evening of Thursday,. January 15. at dg’ht o'clock in the A.l ‘0 H c. BAYLEY. for Executor. Title Building. Shelton, . 12-23-30. 1-6—13——-4t. Buechel residence at Dayton. DELPHI-NE RISLHEL. Secreta . 1-9—-1t. 9m: AND PETITION non —— 1' DISTRIBUTION ~ SUEEREGR oouRT 0F THEI NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that COUNTY ‘ {the mal and personal pr erty tax IN, PROBATE rolls of Mason County. ashington Matter; of .the Estate of l for the year 1942, have been delivered, Imam Onsrud. Deceased. i to me. in accordance with the law. for ‘13 HEREBY GIVEN, thatl the collection of the taxes as shown existed, Executor of the Last therein. The real and personal .prop- M Testament. and Estate of, erty taxes. for-the year 1942 Will be ‘. “Idlme‘fi Onsrud, Deceased, has, dun and payable on and after the. t th ' e Clerk of the above, 15th day of February. 1942. All tax Cour$ his Final Re ort andl payments made in full on real and , for istribution, as ing the] personal property on on before March' ' settle and approve said re-515. 1942, will be subject to a rebate rlbutie the property to those‘ of three per cent. entitled. and to discharge will own L. DION. l .01? WASHINGTON, FOR' 2 Treasurer Mason County €83 Is FURTHER GIVEN, thatI 1—9-16-28~3t. m Re 0 ' - - .5 531mm D rt and Petition 101,—._—————-——- will be heard the C tl In the Court Houseuin sneii‘éil, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE gt03.1. at the hour of 10 o'clock I fur. v , . ‘9' 9mm” migfé‘fuml the 7th! “Sacrament” IS the subject of “‘1 It?!) “5,13% t J 1942 l IS 1" siyo anuar . . - CLARE ENGEIJXSEN' ithe Lesson Sermon which Will be read in all Churches of Christ, County Clerk‘ 1 I Scientist, Sunday, January 11. I «ton: figggergmfldg-i I Golden Text: “Let us keep the 1. ‘ 1-9-16-23-30——4t. feast, not with old leavcn, neither I“ with the leaven of malice andl ‘ l mm OF HEARING FINAL lwickedness; but with the unleav-l \ RT,_ANI) PETITION FOR ened \bread of Sincerlty and a .‘ DISTRIBUTION Etruth” (I Cor. 5:8). ESUPERIOR COURT OF THE; . . . , OF WASHINGTON, FOR ' Among the Citations which com- , N Cgm'IEOBATE prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol- ev Matter of the Estate of, lcging from .the Bible: “Let us. $19111 Deceased. “R; LEWIS. for Executor, No. 1430 ,d w near With a true heart in' . IS HEREBY GIVEN. that‘ 1 ' ' Tingelsta (1‘ Administrator of the \ fuli assurance of faith, havmg our , . - ' o: and“, 0,13,“, Deceased. ; hearts sprinkled. from an evil con- Would {=1an litiggdcwul: urge C%t‘l‘kl0§ the tabovg science, and our bodies washed ' our , IS ina CDOI‘ an ‘- ' " ‘ ay Season b n for Distribution asking the With pure water (Hebr.10 22) . i '41,; rsgttle grim apprmtre gaidhm- . > ._ ., iue epropery 0 use mes avallab .. «.- ‘eglltitled, and to discharge said ‘ a or. ' .. IS FURTHER GIVEN. that 10, there we chfirt bandh Platition {gr , ._ On wi e ear in c "It delay-,W. 91 ilk-om in the Court House in Heft] for th VglideVilashington. at the hour of 'k in the forcnoon, on Satur- gh these bu , M'7th day Of February, 1942. 2. this 3rd” day of January, CLARE ENGELSEN. County Clerk The Lesson-Sermon also includes the following passage from the Christian Science textbook, “Scie—l rice and Health with Key to the! Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "We should strive to reach thei Horeb height where God is reveal-- 1 ed; and tfie comer-stone of all,- spiritual building is purity. Thei baptism of Spirit, washing the; body of all the impurities of flesh, l signifies that the pure in heart see God and are approaching spir- itual Life and its demonstration" (p.241:24). :1 best, udder. lift) ‘ _. . , a, nice possilblfi' I: R- LEWIS, 1 13’ for Administrator. Lumbermcu's Bldg. Mason County, n. 1-9-16-23-30"‘1t. «ii viz“ Ire-booming. The protracted cold. icluding the Hart Brothers .total picking off the 16th prize New Years Wind I Plays Havoc In CaiElL District Dewatto, Jan. 7—The heavy N. W. wind of Monday night and Tuesday before New Years made a lot of disturbance on the Canal. Mr. Orcutt, the boom man at Hol- ly, lost four sections of logs and four sections of piling. They were all boomed up but the wind and waves broke the boom and scat- tered the logs all. along the beach above and below Holly. Orcutt, his son Orvil, Gordon Cunningham, Harry Burt, William Markwell and others worked New Years day and through Sunday-picking them up. They used the camp tug “Tum Turn.” The “Pioneer” also lost 26 sec- tions in transit from the upper canalv to Port Gamble. Another crew working with the “Pioneer” and “Billy H” were gathering up those logs which were badlyl scattered. Some of them are stor- ed in this bay and at Holly for spell has made it necessary to stop logging operations. The booms are frozen so the logs cannot be boomed. Mr. Frank O. Lockwood return- ed to the bay last Saturday and will fall timber for the C.M.C. Co. He left here last March and has been employed at a wool filling plant at Troutdale, Oregon. Ow- ing to the lack of felts the plant is shut down until later in the season. A nice quiet watch party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cunningham Ney Years Eve. Present were the. host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Dick King and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams. The spirit of the party was. dampened by the call of Mr. Orcutt an- nouncing the breakingfuo of the log booms and a request for all hands to work next day. Orvil Orcutt accompanied Mr. W'aync ‘Huson and two sons of Tahuya on a ski party last week to try out his new skis which San .3. brought him. Word was received last week by Lee Barton and Mrs. Bedell of the serious illness of their friend W. D. Denny of Seattle, who is a frequent. visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Williams spent the New Years day with Mrs. Lee Baxter and Mrs. Bedell in return for the Christmas day spent at the Williams home. Mr. Johnny Mattson is tending hook for Tom Loonev who is get- ting out logs for Mr. Langer of Port Orchard. Johnny has been picking brush but the cold weath- er stopped that. Mr. Miles Howell, of the De- watto Log Co. now in operation at Mavwood. was in the bay last Saturday. He reports lots of hard frozen snow up in the mountains and the closing of the camp until ‘ March 1. Several of our old neigh- bors are working up there, in- and Russell Stelting. Harts still have their house here and may elect to spend some of the shut doWu here. D. A. Orcutt has the ground prepared for the setting of their float house which they intended moving from Dewatto to Tahuya- during the recent high tides but wind and cold weather interfered, so now it is problematical when they will be able to get off the beach here.» and on there. Mr. and Mrs. Hoel and two children have moved to the camp of Bob Boad near Mission Creek, following the. wrecking of their home recently at the C.M.C. camp by a big tree falling across it. This leaves our school with only one pupil, the child of Mr. and. Mrs. Wharton. Mrs. Wharton is the teacher and they\ reside in! the school cottr etc. I Public Meeting At Belfair For School Affairs! First public meeting called by the new Mason County. SchOol District Reorganization COmmit- tee will be held at the Belfair school house next Wednesday, January 14, at eight o’clock for the purpose of informing/residents, teachers and directors of the Bel- fair, Allyn, Victor, Tahuya and- Dcwatto school districts Of the procedures, purposes and: policies to be followed by the committee in its program of reorganizing school. districts in Mason County. All questions asked by persons attending the meeting will be an- swered to the best ability of the committee members, state notices distributed by the committee to residents of the five districts. Anyone interested is welcome to attend the meeting, whether a res- ident of the districts mentioned or not, according to County School Supt. J. E. Martin, secretary of the committee. ’County Commis- Sioner Fred Ferris Jr. is commit- tee chairman. Shelton Bowlers Score at Seattle There must be something magic in a 2816 bowling total. Shelton’s Associated 01] pin‘ quintet hit that figure for the third time this year in tourna- ment competition and for the, third time it earned a prize post, in this case third place in the an- nual Ideal Alleys Classic at Seat- tle last week end. Bab Stewart’s 634 total showed the way. In the seven-game singles com- petition Shelton bowlers copped two prize places, A1 Ferrier's 1412 and George Mcrrick’s 1403 figure good for let position. BEADMITTED PATIENT Frank Mako, Simpson Logging company employe, was re-admit- ted' to Shelton hospital New Years Day for medical care. ‘ March’s ~311d Mr} 14- wren tOOk the Pino‘l era] housework and care of Chle Prize- _ small baby 8:30 to 5230. Phone Next Saturday evening Will see 473w. 1-9"“. "Skokomish Acied . NEW Illuminati i FillNGSRECllRD O U SET BURNS YEAR, I Using instrument filings as a1 a l l l VWWV‘W mvvvv vvvv v measuring stick, 1941 business in- diccs were considerable ahead of the previous year in Masoni :i: ii: a: County. During the year 4928 in- struments were filed with the county auditor, an increase of over 600 above the 4300 filed the best year in previous bus- iness annals here. Filing of instruments, which record tranactions in the sale of cars, home appliances,_ property of various kinds. etc., is consid- ered a pretty reliable indicator of business conditions. Instrument filings fell off after 1937, when 4,140 were recorded, to 3,185 in 1938 and 3,948 in 1939, but the comeback was strong dur- ing the past two years. Best month during 1941 was 514 filings, which was slightly below the peak of 539 filed during August of 1940, but the year as a whole was much higher with six months passing the 400 mark. Auditor’s office receipts dur— ing 1941 also showed a good gain, $5,652.70 compared with $5,321.60 during 1940, while the insrument filing fees naturally gained nice- ly, too, $2,825.25 from the $2,542.25 in 1940. . Besides receipts it could claiml Herbert Angle as its own, the auditor’s office Angle Bldg' Phone 304 also handed $38,565.54 in motor: 'mvvvvvv'vmvv'vvvwv vehicle trust funds for the state and federal government during the year, of which $23,798.50 was in motor vehicle license receipts, “M “A.AA.. M Tract of land. more than two city lots, well located on Railroadi Ave. Nice place for a residencel or several rental houses. Ban. gain at $450 cash. FOR SALE 7-room modern home with large tract of land. Excellent groundi with lawn and flowers. Thisi will make a fine suburban home! Close in. $3,000 with $500 downy or $2500 cash. i 6—ROOM modern home, hard-wood i floors, fireplace, full basement‘ and furnace. Also large unfin- . ished upstairs. This home is! located on oiled street and has nice yard. Entire property in excellent condition, and priced; below present value. Will con—l sider terms.——$4375.00. 3-ROOM modern home close inn Nice garden tract. House can: easily be enlarged. Why pay‘ rent when you can own a home of your own. $1575 with $200 "WVVvavvvvvvvvvv" $12,988.04 in motor vehicle taxes, FQFR cISAIfEZ t3235ligiersitiggfi and $1,779 in motor vehicle title H?l,,n:;a »2 M__1_1_,7_n-_§4»t I funds. 3~ g Y- A“: .1 E —‘ FOR SALE: 1936 Oldsmobile,‘ coupe, excellent condition, new Plnochie Party tires. Call 412. L_1-9--tf. FOR SALEI sedan, 1,1; hp. Cleotric 53W, Vi h.p. electric mo- 1 tor, blow torch, extension lad- I Gl‘aPeVieW. Jan- 6“'*'The Gl'al‘G‘l der, r001” ladder, pipe dies, cut- view Community Club had its reg- ting bench, wrenches, shears, ulai’ ‘every-three—weeks‘ Pinoclile small plumbing toms, large KO_| Party and in Spite 0f the COM dak with tripod. Mrs. W. A. weather it was well attended. Due Brodt’ 121 E_ Cedar. to an uneven number of men and 1-9-16__2t_ women, two of the men took the mmww" place of women players. Bus Borg- ford was named Lulu Belle for the evening and as it happened he' had high ladies’ score and of course took the first high ladies' prize which happened to be a beautiful guest book. Very appro-l 1 Wanted MAMAA AAAAAAA AA. WANTED: brush pickers immed- iately. Good wages can be earn— ed. Car necessary. Apply at Northwestern Evergreen, Shel- ton. 12-94-1-6w-9t. priately he had all those attend- ing sign his. guest book, each one adding a bright remark which Bus will no doubt get a chuckle out of in years to come. Mr. Ed Cron- quist won'mens’ first prize, Mrs. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK on farm for room, board and com- pensation. Inquire Journal. “La—hm... _...w.____,_...._. . . __...._____ N down, $20 month, including in-I -. ] tercst at 7% monthly reduction. a Used Cars ’ Page Seven q... l vvvvvvvvv v\vvvvvvwvvmv For Sale Classified Service l m’mfifi” i I SHRUBBERY PRUNING and re- planting. Oscar Plovie, 726 80.: First St. 12-1-—1~1-.—_1M , AAAAAA‘AA‘M‘AA‘ A A A~ ‘AAA‘ YOUNG PIC-S 6 weeks old for sale at W'ilson’s Ranch, next to Carmans, Dayton Road. K--12-16—-tf. I I l Used Furniture 2-—wood & coal circulators..$19.50: 1~—Monarch range . ......... .. 24.50. USED l l l l l Nash Brothers 1 l l l i RATES On Classified Advertisements 10 cents a line (5 words) first insertion, attractively low rates on subsequent insertions. imum charge 40c. Reader notices 3c per word ——40c minimum. Classified advertisements ac- cepted over the telephone from Min-‘ I l ‘ , r phone subscribers. Cash should ivrkigt‘a rfié‘ffem‘f“ 13;?“ accompany all other orders or V . "fi‘ ' ‘ I. payment made before the first 1W4}: ipféns 1 Q VRManlgesnwood $39 50 of the month to save expense _’ " f‘ """"""" " 1 ulle ea ------------------------ of billing. An extra charge of 1“V‘;%§1“Sh%9f¢ refllgeratm‘w 50' 1 Admiral ....................... .. 34.50 10c will be made when billing 1 g . (“on 1 Ion ----------- " ' i1 MonarCh 49-50 is necessary. Card of thanks 1—3045? -; -» 325 1 Majestic 19.50 50c_ 0“ ag lange --------- -- 19:00 i gifntgg $2.23 Classified Display Rates on "a . ~ . es ern ............... .. . Re..uest Olsen F111 niture Co. 1 Mont. Ward ............... .. 39.50 Phdlne 100 1 Crown Empress 39.50 1 Montag ............. .. 39.50 (‘9' 1 cascade ' 32'50 . -mwvvvvvvvvvvvvc 31mm; .................................... ..49.50 i 11 Lang .................................... .. 42.50 For Sale A 1 Lang . 29.50- ‘1'- v E N E. A R E E 1 Crown ............... .. . 29.50 ‘5. . , ..‘."I“?‘ff‘.““.““ 1 Gt. Western, oil ______________ ._ 49.50 OLD GROWTH WOOD for sale: >.. r ' l1 Combination gas and $7.50 per cord plus‘tax. R. w. wood .................................... .. 49.50 Killough; phone' 586-1 l ‘ ' 11-27. 12—30—~1M. ; Heaters-wood i —————- _ ~— 11 Olympic .............................. __ 3500 FOR SALE: 17 £001; cabin boat, i 1 Pacific 35.00 6 h. p. Greymarine motor $50. $1 Montag ________________________________ __ 3950 Must sell quick. P. O. ’Box 324, t . . or Mill Creek Cabins, inquire of I Refrigerators-electric T. J. Leiske. 1-9--1t. 1 Keivinator .......................... .. 99.50 —m ll Crcslcy ......................... __ 69.50} HOWARD woon AND COAL ll Grunow .............. .. 89.50 heating stove with coils (in ex- ! . , cellent condition). Reasonable. i v VvaSherb"eleCtr1c J Inquire Journal. B—1-9-16—~2t. I 1 Maytag ....... .. 39.50 , Wm i } filmymg ---- I39'E’0iF‘OR SALEz: piling or tie timber, I 41L “3113053 Queen ------ -— - 39-00 also wood stumpage. Call at 347 I 3 Last: ---------- -- . 19-50 2116 St., Nellie Storts. 1-9--1t. ,1 Nc-rge .. 39.50 I ll Apex ----------------------- -~ 3950 FOR SALE: used wood ran es BRING IN YGUR :1 American Beauty 49-50 land, heaters, 35 to $45.00, agiso FAVQRWE 1 V955, ----------------------- A- 19-50 used Washers. Shelton Electric A F 1 Mont. Ward _. 29.50 ‘ 1-9--1t SUMMER PICTURcS ‘1 Maytag. gas ...................... .. 49.50 ' _ | _. FOR SALE: slab wood $2.50 cord. Ourexperiencedphotofiniohers I I LEISCBHGHCOHS ' Old KubilZ" plaice On Cole Road, know exactly how to handle 1 Dill'flmg table .............. 12.50 5 miles out. John Thomassen. your snapshots to bring out «} gnj‘vcmfi 1‘0: Plate 535' 1-9-30~»4t. theirbestqualitiesinsizesideal : “DY‘ML” clearer-- 14'95 —"“"~— American B. Radio __________ .. 19.50, WEAR-EVER ALUM I IV UM for framing. Cost is low, service prompt. While you’re here, ask for Kodak Vcrichrome Fillmlt’s Nash Brothers Used Department 115 Coto. Free Delivery vwvvvvv" wvmmOw-w I For Rent I good insurance for more pic- tures of the enlargement kind. ! Andrews Studio mvvv Y” V$WWW ington. and water, $12.00 month. Pines Buckingham and Mr. Johnstone won the consolation, John E. Sund walked away with the door prize K—-1-1-6-8--3t. l WANTED: housekeeper for gen-i I another event at the school house. 11. . ._... . Mr. Harry Willis and Miss Eva WANTED: small size baby crib. Blake who were married recently, Must be in good condition. In- are having open house. Everyone is quire 1015 Dearborn. 1—9--1t.‘» invited and ofdcgurffi. We aret all! 1331994293... 63... 42.292293; 5 Southside Talk Interrupted While , Folks Fite Fire happiness. Remember the date,’ Saturday evening, January 10th. , Community spirit was exempli—' fied. to W. D. Buchanan, Rural‘ The regular monthly meeting of, the Grapeview Community Club, Life Specialisist, State College of‘ Washington, at a meeting being" will be held at the school house on“ Wednesday. afternoon at 2 o’clock. I held at the Southside hall Wedncs- , day, December 31. Buchanan was! WorseThan Most I ‘ . l C‘hiclilsiigmb‘gris theard;isira%i1lity -of Reports Credited as g m p t d 4“ [developing a rural life program Will F. Stiner, Skokomish Val-lthrough rural youth.,A fire in a lay resident, writes in to the edi- neighbors house was reported with tor toreport that the Skokomish ; the result that everyone was soon River flooded its banks rather cop- giving all assistance possible. iously at its junction with Vance‘ “My brief visit to the commun- Creek during the heavy rains be- ity convinced me that this com- fore Christmas and to take issue ,munity has a wonderful opportun- with County Commissioner Fred; ity to develop a high type of citi- Ferris’ statement that the run-off zenship,” stated Buchanan. channel cut in the lower river~ “As a nation we are at war. course last year was serving its'We need to do everything that purpose “very satisfactorily,” can be done for the defense of our Mr. Stiner wished to correct country," he. continucd. “Defense statements made in a story car- Of democracy, however. will not l'ied in the December 23 Journal l end when the war ends. Democracy in Which it said the Skokomish , will always be equal to the aver— overflowed its banks only at thef age quality of its citizens. The Auto Camp. 1—1-6—-2t. LOST. Monday large canvas from truck, afternoon between FOR RENT: 1 room cabin furn- 1-9-16—-2t. FOUND: pair black gloves. Orrin: er _may have by identifying and paying for ad. J—1—9--1t. house, woodshcd and garage. Arcadia and Boundary.’ Phone 267--J. S—1-1——tf. iFOR RENT: 4 room house, gar- you. Inquire Journal. M--1-1-6--2t FOR RENT: 2 room furfished cabin. Light and water paid, $10 month. Inquire 'John Terho, 2nd and Wyandotte, Southside. 1-9--tf. M Shuts Down Camp By Mrs. P. \V. Nance , Dewatto, Jan. 7A-The camp is' closed down because of the boom breaking and weather conditions. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Good and son Johnny, left yesterday for Seattle. They expect to stay there with Mr. Good’s parents un— til better weather conditions. this snow keeps up this will be a pretty quiet place. ' Mr. Harry Hurst of Shelton was ' , a business visitor here in the De- Mr. and Mrs. Lin Beckman, Mr. watto Valley last Saturday. and Mrs. Pat Simpson left this1 p_ w_ Nance made a business . morning for Lyman. Wash. They, trip to Belfair today and to get have homes. and parents at LY'i table supplies. He says the wea- man and Will remain there until l they looks as if we might get . the C-M-C- camp Opens again- Ifi snowed in as we did a few years, —#“““* ago. ' 1 Mr. Oncutt is hiring extra men Southside community will give the to “'3’ t0 g9t his bOGm together; young people an Opportunity to Logs are scattered all over Holly make this a real beauty spot they l BaY- ‘ will build character more effec- tively than any other way. Wheni young people have an opportun-l community. If the residents of the BERT HURST ILL Stricken with a heart attack- Vcrn Eaton place. He wrote: “The ‘1 finest asset of any community are river not only got over its banks 1 the young people who live in that at. the Vern Eaton residence butl it was very much over its banksl at. the junction of Vance Creek and the south fork, so much in fact that a good sized stream went right through my place over the highway and on into and over several other properties. It not only went over the banks but took a goodly supply of soil along, both from my property and ad- joining neighbors‘ property.” New FSA Oiiice At Port Orchard Farm security loans for Mason County farmers are now being handled through a new office of the F.S.A. recently established at Port Orchard to handle Kitsap and. Mason Counties, James M. Richardson, County FSA supervi- sor, reports. Loans are being, concentrated now on financing of sound expan- sion of dairy, hog, poultry, feed crops and garden enterprises to aid FSA borrowers and disadvan— taged farm families in meeting the “Food For Freedom” quotas set up by the 'county agricultural board. All applications should be made to the Port Orchard Office, locat- ed in the Williams Hardware Building, Apartment 4, P. O. Box 273, Port Orchard. ‘ Veteran Merchant— Succumbs At Elma Elma, Wash, Jan. 7 James A. Glancey, for 50 years a merchant in Elma. died at his home here yesterday after an extended ill- ness. He was 78 years old, having been born in Ontario, June 30;: 1863. _i"~’.*1.'~‘v;"p ' ‘k W mg. 0f OWQGYShiP in the 9011mm”! company owner, was admitted‘tb ity andnwm take prlde 1“ 599mg ,’ Shelton hospital where his condi- It gI‘OW- ‘ ‘ tion is reported slightly improved.’ “Ill Suite 1 county 24 years, than white. FOR SALE: Gladys Irving, Olympia and Shelton. Camina—. iiihedv light-‘1 WOOd and water, rano Bros, 507 Cherry Street,‘ $10.00 month. Pines Auto of Special__‘ phone 8411, Olympia. 4 Camp. 1-1_3__2t. ity to do things With their own' ‘ust after Skati on Mung“, "’ hands and direct them with their; iakes Monday “Evening, Be-I'ri‘t figokk. own mindS. they W111 have a feel- 3’ Hurst, Shelton Sand and Gravel 12,3, 49} 9t. FUNERAL HOME Lic‘en'iaoddEmb‘almers‘ W. A. thsiers, Prop. Phone 130 - Shelton, Wash. >44.” Alterafx‘etle‘” An I: A . LE or 65 years. and 1,966 years of age. In racial groups the table lists one Negro and 342 of other races Saleemn’s samples at substan- tial reductions. Call 472-W or write Mr. Burford. 1-9--1t. brood sow. Mrs. Belfair, Wash- 12—30--1-1-6—~3t. LAA‘AAAMMuL‘MMmfiv‘ iFOR RENT: 3-room house, lights Duplicating SALES BOOKS 2 for 15¢ 4 for 25¢ 65¢ per dozen We also take Orders for all kinds THE JOURNAL Broken Log Boom if? $23.15? 53132553; CARE? IN SU RA NCE IEBERT G. ANGLE one a ailing PRINTED SALES BOOKS ‘ FOR RENT: 3 room furnished Our Prices are' as low or lower than outside salesmen can quote as! ALDEN C. BAYL’EY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building. Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 - Shelton}, " lief-sire.” Accounti I35 Services . 94,1“. S . . .w-«u-b .. MA“ A‘mm .— miiis ‘ Wilding .. mg. .1. .. 3,151 111. County . Reside 0n Farms i . Latest figures released by the census bureau of the U. S. De- partment of Commerce say that Mason County had 6,236 males and 5,367 females among population, as of the 194-0 census, of which 10,402 were native born and 858 foreign born. Rural farm population for the is listed at 3,151. *Age classifications list .828 persons ov- 7,401 of 21 years an over, 5.766 between 24 and 64 years, 3,943 between five and under five . '1 1r ATT‘QWEX QT A. ., y. . ,2 ‘y Bldg. l.- . — l , l its ‘ 11.603