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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 9, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 9, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Jail Breaks Top 1968 Mason County News For 1968 (Continued from l)age 1) session of marijuana. The first three arrests, which were made in May. The other two came in separate instances this fall. As the year ended, all except one of the youths was awaiting trial on the charges agaitst him in the Superior Court jury term in February. One of the youths had pleaded guilty to the charges and had tx,n given a deferred sen- fence during the year. The new State Pah'ol Academy, which is heing built at Sander- son Field, was under construc- tion as the year ended. D-A con struction, Union, had been award- ed a contract for the work ear- lier in the year and had start- ed some clearing work. A long-time Shelton land-mark, the Rayonier stack, disappeared during the year as Custodis Con- struction Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, dismantled it. The stack was a part of the Rayonier Pulp Mill which chased in 1957. ll Jan. 4 - Mrs. Winifred Roister killed in h'affie accident at Se- cond anti Railroad. Mary Etta Vensko, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Venske is the first baby born in the county in 1968. Jan. 11 - School board lo:ked at preliminary phms for the new B¢deaux School addition. Cus- todis Construction Co., Salt Lake C'lty, Utah, was getting ready to tear down the old Rayonier stack. Action was Caken on sev- eral criminal matters in Superior Cxmrt. Jan. 8 - Mrs. Mahle Gills was killed in a traffic accident on IIighway 101. Ninty persons se- lected for jury duW. First dehate tourrmment hehl at Shelton ltigh School. Dale Tayh)r presenled bronze Star for Vie( Nam ac.tion. Jan• 25 - Heavy rains caus( some washout problems. City an- nourmes garbage rah) increase. Mrs. Allie Ahl dies at liX). Feb. 1 - The body of Mrs. CaHv erine Calkins, Tacoma, was found near her car in the Tim- berlake area. Plans for the new State Patrol At,ademy at Sand- erson Fiehl were ;inlloUnced. Fell. 8 - N)rm Eveleth and Jim Pauley were h, mored hy the Jaycees. Plans for a new P,)sl Office at Gral)eview were an- nouDt:e(L >LIF atllo lhefls were [miI investigaled. Feb. 15- School Board talks shout the new Bordeaux building. A car and t impson speeder collided at the raih'oad crossing near 10th and C.ta. The first case of the, jury term, a cond(n- nation action, in progress. Fire damages Gordy's Auto Body on Mt. View, Feb. 22 - The Health Depart= ment lmted the water supply in f.lfair as unsafe. Work on the new hospital was halted by a strike. The theme for the Forest Festival was selected. A county meeting on the establishment of the Craig Road drew a large crowd. A federal grant to the county" for its comprehensive planning study was approved. Feb. 29 - School and the new hostipal levies brought tax in- creases. A citizen's committee to study city problems was sche- duled. Mrs. Henrietta Fredeen was sentenced to charges of dri- ving while intoxicated and third degree assault when she (lid not appear for trial in the Superior Court jury term. March 7 - A suit between Mr. and Mrs. James Elmlund and By- ron McClanahan was being heard in the: Superior Court jury term. James Connolly began work as county planner. Shelton ttlgh School Drama Department was presenting Teahouse of the Au- gust Moon. March 14 - The first attempt at an escape from the Washington Corrections Center here was short lived when the five inmates in- volved were caught between the two fences. The Shelton citizen's Committee held its first meeting. Candidates for Forest Festival queen and the design for the Festiwfl button were selected. The Shelton Scht)l board took initial action toward purchase of a 40- acre site on Shellon Springs Road. March 21 - Jan Gwinnelt select- ed as Forest FesUval Queen. Gary Engebretson is killed in Vietnam. March 28 - Bids on the Har- seine Island Bridge are opened. Ed Sehetler died in a fire in his trailer home at Lilliwaup. April 4 - Officers were investi- gating an auto theft charge against two young Shelton men. The contract f( the construetian tff the ttarsline Island Bridge by Western Pacific Contractors, Sea- ttle, received tentative approwd from the county commission. Dave Puhn selecled as Paul Bun- yan for Forest Festival. April 11 - School hoard to have propos(,d building site appraised. John Flower, Barhara Wolfe hon- ored as top juniors. April 18 - City improvement plan tagged P.O.P. (Plan Of Pro- gress). A c.ontract for paving a part of Highway 3 was aI)proved by the State IIighway Del)artment City considers ho×ls for parking meters. April 25 - Three young Shelton men, Charles Holt and Michael Sergeant, and a juvenile, arrest- ed for possession of marijuana. William Sollock, a marine ser- ving in Vietnam, loses a leg in a mine explosion. The contract for the Harstine Island Bridge given final apprewal. May 2 - Bid opening for the new P.onleaux Sch(xfl buihting set for' May 21. Charles Savage announces he will seek to regain the seal in the Stale Legislature he h)sl lwo years ago.. The' Ma- son County Democrat conv(,nlion elecLs a slate of Eugene McCar- thy backers to the state conven- tion. May 9 - City studying problem of fhx)ding from Shelton Springs Creek. 60 additional jurors drawn ;is a number of criminal cases are slated in Superior Court. Nix- on favored hy Republican con- vention delegates elected here. May 16 - C(mslruetion started on tlarstine Ishmd Bridge. As- sault, auh) theft charges filed as result of two incidents. City talks shout drainage, sewer problems. May 23 - The '1968 I"o¢'est Festi- val activities slarf. Scho:fl Board let a contract for the Bordeaux Seh(x)l eonslyuction. A reward for information on COWS which were shol on the Te(t Richert farm offered. May 30 - Forest Festival con- cludes successful event. New race track al county fair grounds to have first: race. June 6 - City to put parking meters hack into operation. Den- nis Swantak is killed in Vietnam P.O.P. group hears reports. City advertises for bids on a sewer trunk line. June 13 - A Superior Court jury finds tlarry E. Rohinson guilty of grand larceny in c:mnection with eight cows which were tak- en from the Ft. Lewis military reservation and ended up ,)n a farm here. Earl Crumb and his daughter, Virginia, killed in traf- fic accident. June 20 - Rohert Plant, Shelton, killed in a Simpson crew bus accident in the Camp Govey area. Cliffred Evans was killed while serving in Vietnam. A Su- l)eri()r Court jury deliberating the vase of a charge of indecent ex- lxmure against Gilbert Mallett. Rohert Emeras, a French stu- dent here under the AFS pro- gram, ready to leave for home. June 27 - Police and Sheriff's officers investigating what had happened to Mrs. Barbara Sweih zer, who was h)und badly beaten in the woods about 41, miles from Shelton. The city commis- sion aPt)roves a contract for pav- ing Pioneer Way. Gilbert Mallett found not guilty of indecent ex- Ix)sure. July 4 - The city summer re- creation program swimming pro- gram set to start. Investigation of the assault on Mrs. Barbara Sweitzer continues. A young Jap- anese man studying agriculture on the Hunter Brothers farm in the Skokomish Valley. July 11 - Two burglary sus- pect.% John J. Pinckney III and John lt. Johnson, flushed from a cabin at a trailer ccalrt near Sanderson Field. Two hikers taken off the side of Mt. Wash- ington by a mountain rescue group. Jack Itommell, Bremerton, killed in a boating accident at Lake Cushman. July 18 - Paulo Pereira, from Brazil, announced as the AFS student for the coming year. Arend Haitjema, The Netherlands amounced as the Rotary ex- change student for the coming year. The Shelton School Baord v,tes to put a 20-mill special levy on the Sept. 17 ballot. Mrs. Vii'- ginia Clocksin, state representa- tive from the 24th legislative dis- trict, announces she will not seek re-election since she would be moving out of the state. July 25 - Harry C. Wilke, thx)ds- port, dies when his car goes off the Jefferson Imke Road. Pay raises for some county eml)loyees ruled improper by prosecuting Ath)rney John C. Ragan. Aug. 1 - Some restrictions on wo, ds activities go into eff,,ct as dry wee*her increases the dan- ger of fire. Political contests de- velope as the filings fl)r offices ol)ened. Ray Waddell killed in an a('cident at Camp Grisdale. Aug. 8 - Jess Cates, Tahuya, injured by gun shot in altercation. Primary an(l general election contests develope as filings closed. County fair ready to open next week. Aug. 15 - Four l)ersons killed in traffic accidents in the county, Fair exhibits began arriving. Mason County's first wheat har- vest in many years in progress. Brazilian student Paulo Periera arrives in Shelton. Aug. 22 - James Hammond, 3, drowns in Spencer Lake. A group which hopes to organize a county youth council hold its first meet- ing. Planners began work on the county comprehensive p I an. Rain didn't diminish fair crowds. Aug. 29 - John Pinckney III and John tL Johnson sentenced after pleading guilt), to burglary charges. The city approves a six-year street improvement pro- gram. The assessed wduation of the county up $5.5 million. Sept. 5 - Sharon A. Clark, 15, killed by an accidental shot while baby sitting. Most county schools see enrollment increase. Har- stine School doors closed. Dr. Jud- son Holloway retires h-am Ray- onier Inc. Sept. 12 - Voters prepared to cast ballots in t)rimary election. County faces budget trimming joh. Dedication of new hospital set. Purchase of a 40-acre site off Shelton Springs Road com- pleted by the Shelton School Dis- trict. Sept. 19 - Voters defeat the Shel- ton School I)istrict's 20-mill spec- ial levy. Mason General Itospital dedicated. Martin Auseth, Harry Elmlund, Paul Conner, Charles Savage and Elisabeth Johnson win primary victories. Sept. 26 - John H. Johnson and Donald Macomber, inmates in the Mason County Jail, overlx)w - er Jailor Ed Itall and escape. They were captured the next day in Itoquiam and returned to jail here. The Shelton Srhool P, oard votes to put the special levy pro- posal on the Nov. 5 general election ballot: as two separate prol)osals. The city commission approves 1969 preliminary bud- eheue, Harvard beets, uxd- wieh, applesauce cake, Tuesday  Cheeburger OR buttered bun, potato salad, carrot sUck rhubarb pie, milk. Wedneadey  Creax of tomsP to soup, meat and pickle sand- wich, vegetable tray, fit wlg'e, cookie, milk. Thurscley --- Turkey ehtmka in gravy over whipped potagoos, eabbage lad, light roll fruit, milk. Friday --Noodl UI beef, to green as.lad, hot bi cults with honey, JeUo with whivved topping, milk. 8upplament your ohlld'o (fief with Plenemins from Prepp's Rexall • . . when you either open a new savings account for $200 or more, or add $200 to your existing savings ac- count - at any of our three offices in Olympia, Lacey or Shelton. Make your choice of either the tray, or the bowl. Limit one to a person, and the supply is limited. So make your selection now. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OLYMPIA. SHLLI'ON. LACEY get. A contract awarded to D-A Construction, Union, for the new State Patrol Academy b e i n g built at Sanderson Field. Oct. 3 - Albert W. DeWitt is re-captured after a four-day man- hunt in the Agate and Arcadia areas after he escaped from Ma- s(m County Jail. Patients moved into the new Mason General Hos- pital. The newly-formed Mason County Youth Council announces plans to attempt to start a teen cafe here. Oct. 10 -Backers of more mon- ey for law enforcement in the county jam a county budget hear- ing. A group of businessmen ask the city to replace the rest of the parking meters on Railroad Ave. Ray Campbell, a soldier serving in Korea, dies of hemorrhagic fever. Olympic National Park of- ficials hold a public meeting here. Oct. 17 - A crude, home-made I)omb exph)des near a Shelton Police car. County adopts bud- get which is $49,000 in the red. City agrees to put all parking meters back. Oct. 24 - A sign promoting George Wallace for president dis- aPl)ears from its location along ttighway 101 and re-appears on the Shelton High School gym- nasium. Albert DeWitt pleads guilty to escape charges and is sentenced. Tom Weston named to school board to succeed John Sells, who resigned because he is working out of town. Oct. 31 - Voters prel)aring to go to t)lls for general election. Logging Pioneer J. William Gris- dale dies• Nov. 7 - Voters approve one, turn down the other of Shelton School District's special levies. Clmrles Savage regains 24th Leg- islative District post, Bill Hunter defeats Harry Elmlund for coun- ty commissioner. Walter Clayton Sr. (lies in home fire. Schuffenhauer killed in ear cident. Body of Delbert Wes recovered from rugged spot Ill: ' Olympic National Forest. i. Nov. 14 - 17 criminal ca MAS listed for jury term. Plans _ U81 establishment of five-county  II A r.,::. ),.,in made. School boaA: Maso studies next step in building i fare gram. Veterans Day is hon the 1 by 11/11 Club. ; Wash Nov. 21 - Mrs. Elsie W Do found dead near her car. Nai Elms .,.. e.. ?, "-'i"::'i i . ::,c! sign, $680,000 bond issue. George i hay, feUuw, tal.,p,a, a,*,., .u* i burg, session of marijuana. A THURSTON COUNTY 3 4 FEDERAL FIRST! TRUE! PER ANN U/v DIVIDENDS from DAY of DEPOSIT to DAY OF WITHDRAWAL - plus DAILY COMPOUNDING (anticipated Passbook Rate starting Jan. 1, 1969) DIVIDENDS • DALLY DIVIDENDS- plus- DALLY COMPOUNDING • SAVINGS EARN FROM DAY YOU SAVE TO DAY OF WITHDRAWAL • NO NEED TO KEEP A BALANCE IN YOUR ACCOUNT ON WITHDRAWAL. NO MINIMUM BALANCE REQUIRED. DIVIDENDS DISTRIBUTED QUARTERLY v • NO NEED TO WAIT FOR A NEW MONTH OR QUARTER TO START SAVING, OR ADD TO YOUR ACCOUNT, BECAUSE SAVINGS EARN FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT TO DAY OF WITH- DRAWAL. YOU NEVER LOSE DIVIDENDS BECAUSE OF WITHDRAWALS BEFORE THE QUARTER IS OVER. • 43/£% BECOMES 4.86% ANNUALLY BECAUSE DIVIDENDS ARE COMPOUNDED DAILY. PER ANNUM YES, THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL STILL OFFERS... C RTIFI " ACCOU S @ 6 MONTHS SAVINGS CERTIFICATES e MULTIPLES OF $1,000.00 @ PAYABLE QUARTERLY SUBJECT TO ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS - SAFETY of Your In- Savings sured up to $15,000.00 by Federal Savings & Loan In- surance Corporation. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OLYMPIA. SHELTON • LACEY Pao 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 9, 1969