January 9, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 9, 1969 |
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County-City Record New
• Appearing on the docket in
Mason County Justice Court be-
fore Judge Glenn Correa during
the past week were:
Waslflngton State Patrol
Dorothy Bolduc, Rt. 1, Box 289,
Elms, failure to stop for stop
sign, $13 forfeit; Michael Fara-
hay, 124 Second Ave., Miamis-
burg, Ohio, negligent driving, $31
forfeit; James Kourtney, Rt. 1,
Box 29, Shelton, failure to sig-
nal when passing, $13 forfeit.
Gravie Peterson, P.O. Box 121,
Hoodsport, no operator's license
on person, driving while license
suspended, $13 fine, 10 days in
jail, suspended; George Hoffner,
Rt. 1, Box 340, Fall City, speed
too fast for conditions, $13 forfeit.
Jack Huston, Rt. 3, Box 306A,
Shelt0, defective headlights, il-
gonal Possession and consump-
* of beer, $63 forfeit; Jimmie
Rod.gers, St. Rt. 1, Box 118,
anelton, failure to yield right-of-
vW.ay, $13 forfeit; Sylvester Schou-
tllier, Rt. 11, Box 526, Olympia,
Speeding, $13 forfeit; Donworth
Schreiber, 736 14th Way SW, Ed-
monds, speed too fast for con-
ditions, $23 forfeit.
Raymond Thompson, P.O. Box
42, Union, driving while intoxi-
cated, $115 fine, 10 days in jail,
Pended, license revoked 30
ays; Nancy Spilseth, Rt. 1,
330, Shelton, no operator's BoXlic_
lte?%grson, $13 forfeit; Lynn
27 N. Madison Shelton,
failure to stop at stop 'sign, $13
Jim Weddle, Rt. 3, BOx 466,
Shelton, minor consuming intoxi-
cants, 5 days in jail, suspended;
Robert Hilary, 122 S. 38th, Ta-
coma, speeding, improper lane
z ravel, $18 forfeit.
Sh. eriff's Office
Dames Bryant St Rt. 2, _.Bo, x
183, Shelton, no' valid operat:t
license on person, speed too..
for conditions, $26 fine; Wllham
*vzorrls, Rt. 2, Box 977, Shelton,
eding, $13 forfeit; Richard G.
lth, P.O. Box 193, Shelton,
speed too fast for conditions, $36
William Scannell, 4603 69th Ave.
W, Tacoma, drunk in public, $75
Game Department
Robert Kennar, 2405 S. Spencer,
Seattle, possession of loaded rifle
In motor vehicle, $25 forfeit.
sA.Ppearing on the docket in
nelton Police Court before Judge
R°wlla Halbert Dec. 30 and Jan.
ere Tom Emerson. 10406 SE
17th, Renton, defective equipment
driving While license suspended,
$100 forfeit. Douglas Caesar, St.
Rt. 2, Box 198, Shelton, minor
St_50mtuning intoxicants, $22.50 fine,
costs; Michael Miljour, 1776
wart St., Shelton, minor con-
7Ting liquor, resisting arrest,
li::rcy James Jr., General De-
, ry, Muskugon, Mich., drunk
m Public, five days in jail, $2.50
reels; Charles Whitmore, Rt. 3,
Box 553, Shelton, speed too fast
r conditions, $15 forfeit; Re
'. enyon, St .... -Y
OL . • l%t. J., J=iOX 1,
onelton, minor consuming liquor
$25 forfeit; Grover Fleur Rt
2, Box - - Y, '
,: _ *, Belfair, drunk in pub-
Rt' 1532 5 orfeit; Gaylen Taylor,
,:,__ , ox 455A, Olympia, dis-
,:'Y conduct, $22.50 fine, $2.50
,, - g permits approved by
me Mason County Planner's of-
;weiffe to Shelly Kenyon, add
e2.'Y" .oo; Sandra an-
-- ' ,-uctel residence, 3 000"
D_inl_ er Kidder, cabin I'w'
Y Straffo .: . "^^''"T;
tTunlop ^_;' =u,n, a,; John
000; a..=,'.. aence and shop, $13,-
$22,000 -rreu Barnes, residence,
Violet Bjorger, cabin, $4,050;
John Rirnback, cabin, $2,500;
?0°a=,and Sons, residence,
$20,000: a zranl May, residence,
dence, 'tl ers°n and Sons, resi-
• *v,uuQ; R"*" .....
age, $1,000. uuetx utt, gar-
mmsRn,s tho . __ Olc
w;Xo:re.ye tUed in a
T. J.°pan*eeunraeperted someone
haAdntoered h!s summer home.
house ._elett reported a pump
taken, mKen into and a pump
Bill Griffith reported a cafe
and real estate office at Belfalr
broken late.
William Cooper Buster Hanson
Succumbs A+ 57 Dies In Arizona • Teachers, librarians, admlnls- exhibit are covered by annotated,
trators (and parents too) - every- curricuhim-related, fully, indexed
• William LaValle Cooper, 57, • Buster F. Hanson, P. O. Box one interested in fostering stimu- catalogues which provide immedi-
of Star Route 2 Box 10, was dead 654, died December 30 in Yuma, lating and relevant reading fox' ate access to the books of one's
on arrival at Mason General Hos- Ariz. at 60 years of age. A vet- younger boys and girls from pre- interest - in general or particu-
pital, December 31. A self-em- eran of World War II, he was school to Junior High - will want lar. The collection is broken down
The Belfair Cafe reported a MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL ployed communications technic- born Sept. 11, 1908 in Hoodsport to attend the exhibit of new It- into 10 main and 50 sub-classifica-
break-in. • Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan, tan, he had lived in the area 32 and made his home in Mason brary books which will be on tions.
Elton Baird reported a hreak- 1518 Summit Drive, a boy, Jan- years. Mr. Cooper was born Jan. county all his life. diSlflay at Bordeaux School Jan. The titles at the Prirnary level
in. uary 3. 26, 1911 in British Columbia. He is survived by his wife, 6- 17. in part cover Living Things,
Hug() Glaser reported he found Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Kaare, He is survived by his wife, Gladys, of the home; two step- The 400 titles comprising the Sights and Sounds, the Seasons,
an oyster barge on his beach. 1021 So. 7th Street, a boy, Jan- Jean, of the home; one son, Wil- sons, Ralph R. Harp•l, North
Mrs. Vance reported someone uary 6. liam, of Lakewood; one stepson, Bend, Ore., and Richard L. Bal-
taking oysters. * * * Rodger Bogden, Olympia; two lard, Roseburg, Ore. ; one brother, WI Tn al T t' AeLoA"S*S el TCla*e w! aLJo-!
A. G. Savuageneau reported DECEMBER BABY (laughters, Mrs. Carol Dunbar, Wallace O. Hanson, Hoodsport; e rn
• a trailer house broken into. A baby tx)y was born Decem- Shelton, and Mrs. Virginia Ed- and one sister, Mrs. Agnes Gran-
Karla Bliner's residence was ber 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas wards, Tacoma; one stepdaugh- ger, Everett. ,v, L Au-:- r 9DrO-ra oa[- ry-'"
reported broken into. R. I,)we, Bellingham. He will be ter, Mrs. Emma Goodpaster, The funeral service was con- m nun
I,rry Deemer reported four called Thomas Jr. Grandparents Walla Walla; five grandchildren; ducted by Rev. Mason Young.
tires and wheels taken, are Mr. and Mrs. Rolland B. one sister, Mrs. Marion McCutch- lund at 1 p.m. Monday in the • "The America of the sixties ior High U.M.Y., it has been
Joe Andrews reported a l)at (Sonny) L)we, Shelton, Mrs. Ken con, Bremerton; and a brother,
lost. Stephens and Roy Madison, bath Charles, Great Falls, Mont. Batstone Funeral Home. Burial is youth-centered, and young peo- the suhject o many favorable
The Richfield and B and R Oil of Olympia. The funeral service was held wa ,n Sh,u,o. IV,.,,.ar' :,. Par:: ple today are finding their own reviews and has been performed
Co. offices on Bayshore were Great-grandparents are Mr. at 1 p.m. Fr!day in the Bat- attitudes and values, and styles in other churches in the Olympia
broken into. and Mrs. Thomas R. Rowe, Shel- stone Funeral Home followed by of life. They have broken with area. The public is welcome.
Cliff Perry reported two tires ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. burial in S!=elton Memorial Park. OJe Siensager the past. Their music- rock and
and wheels taken. Neill, Panorama City. roll, folk, or elech'onic - is a
Joel Green reported a burg- break out from that: of previous Smith Returns
lary of hi residence in which
two guns were taken. Marriage Licenses Walter Welch, 49 Succumbs At 86 generations . . . On(, thing is
sure: among the same youth who
Dr. Nelse Olson reported a • el• H. Stensager, Route 2 Box are swinging at the discotheque, TO Ft. Lewis
cabin entered. Taken By Death 17, died Monday at Fir Lane there are many wh:, are no only
James A. Walker reported a • Applying for marriage licenses Terrace at age 86. He was born fed up with yesterday's piety but • David A, Smith, son of Mr.
April 21, 1882 in Norway. Mr. who hunger and thirst for some- and Mrs. Dan Cush, Shelton, re-
cabin broken into. in the Mason County auditor's of- • Walter A. Welch, 1734 Olympic Stensager had made his home in thing better - a real and mean- turned to Ft. Lewis after a 20-
Don Stowell reported a cabin fire this l)ast week were: Hwy. So., died Monday in the Maso county the past 52 years, ingful faith exl)ressed in today's day leave at home.
broken into. B. Wayne Rodgers, 23, Shelton, McCleary hospital at age 49. He Pastor Edwin Zschoche officiat- language, their language." -Wil- He has been recuperating in
Mrs. Alice Pierce reported and Janice Hull, 19, Olympia. was born June 18, 1919 in Kettle ed at the funeral service at 11 liam R. Miller. the U.S. from wound received
three cabins broken into. Glen Hansen, 51, Olalla, and Falls. Mr. Welch served in the a.m. Wednesday in the Bat- Jan. 12 the Shelton United Met- in action in Viet Nam last May.
ADD Superior court, new cases ... Charh)tte Elliott, 51, Bremerton. U. S. Army during World War stone Funeral Home. Cremation hodist Church will present a Folk He was awarded the Purple
Mason County against Mr. and Ronahi McLean, 23, Shelton, II. He was a member of the followed. Mass at both the 9 a.m. and Heart for the wounds received
Mrs. J. A. McCrory, c ndemna- and Randi Kimbel, 19, Olympia. Elks )dge, VFW and American Survivors include one daugh- 11 a.m. worship services. An ex- and the Medal of Her0m for
tion. James Martinez, 61, Tacoma, Legion in Alaska where he lived ter, Mrs. Stanley (Kay) Sushak, perience in modern worship, this continuing to hold back the enemy
Dorothy Gornick against Mr. and R.ose Martinez, 57, Tacoma. before moving to Shelton four Shelton; one son, Norman, Minn- Folk Mass is an example of the after being wounded.
and Mrs. Andrew Blevins, da- Barry Nermo, 26, Seattle, and years ago. eapolis, Minn.; five granchildren; use of contemporary music and One of his legs was broken
mages. Karen Pindell, 21, Elma. The funeral service was held and one sister, Miss Oline Sten- themes, and the other received shrapnel
SHELTON POLICE at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Bat- sager, of Norway. Performed by the Olympia Sen- wounds.
John Howe reported a wheel stone Funeral Home, followed by
cover from his car missing. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY He is survived by his daughter, '"
Claudia Gamber reported a re-
sidence entered and wallet with Pamela Welch, Juneau, Alaska;
$120 in it and a carton of riga- FOR RENT ..... Housekeeping one sister, Mrs. Rae W. Melcum,
rettes taken, room. Everything furnished, in Shelton; and his father, Walter
Mrs. Bonnie Tibbits reported a downtown area. Call 426-8115 G. Welch, Shelton.
purse found, or 426-3573. L 1/9 tfn
Patricia Sissons reported a 2 NEW RECAP TIRES, 7:00x15.
purse missing. 6 ply commercial, Traction
The door to Shaub Ellison was tread. $35. Phone 426-2020
found open. after 4 p.m. C 1/9
Default Divorces
Default divorce decrees were
granted tO:casada Everg
Kathryn frtml Wilburn ,rte
Phyllis Fortner from Clarney
Dorothy I.is Barnett from Wil-
liam Royal Barnett.
New Cases
Woody's Olympia Lumber and
Millwork against Mr. and Mrs.
L. D. Keller, collection of note.
Royal Day and Nedra Boris Regu,larJy $3.04 '1 79
against Mr. and Mrs. Preston
co-- PHI$01EX .OW •
Building permits appr°ved bY Y°ung Pe°PJe (Regularly $1"19) 79¢
the city of Shelton have been to
.__, 00uo,ex, TOWELETTES
Clyde Robb, add to residence,
$1,000; Michael J. Byrne, rest- NOW
dence, $16,255.
Jan. l, l a.m., false alarm. 100's with 30 Free (ReguJarJy$7.89)G 39
Jan. l, 3 :15 p.m.,1928 Stevens THERAGRAN 'M' .ow
St., Merle Gravat residence, over-
heated stove. J
Jan. 6, 6:50 a.m., fire in car
owned by Curtis Caste, at High-
way 101 and Fairmont, $25 da. Sweetening Solution (Regularly $1.69)J 11
Dec. 30, 12:15 p.m., Simpson
Veneer Plant, overheated dryer. NOW
Dec. 31, 3:50 p.m., Simpson
Mill 3, wrappings of steam pipes
caught fire from wood chips or
dust on hot steam pipes.
"Weai'il;;" --for fhe
Sun Tan Lotion (Reg. $1.60)
HighLowPreclp-------------"-"-:-;:w COPPERTONE.ow
January 1 34 22 .95 .1
January 2 43 30 .19 --
January 3 40 32 .47 --
January 4 40 36 .72 --
January 5 52 47 .79 -- Cough Syrup (Regularly $1.49) 99€
January 6 47 ,,_ CHERACOL 'D'
January 7 43 36 .88 -- NOW
January 8 41 33 .15 .4
Readings are for a 24-hour per-
ted ending at 8 a.m. as reported Tuba or Jar (Regularly 49€) €
by the ITT Rayonier Inc. weat-
her station. M!N!HOLATU M
* * * ' NOW
Temperatures Thursday thru M
Monday to average 7 degrees be- -.ami (Regularly $12.95) $ 1 BID
]ow normal with a cooling trend PORTABLE MIXER
Saturday thru Monday. Normal NOW •
high and low temperatures are
45 and 31 degrees. Precipitation
expected to average near normal, 8.Speed with Chrome Finish '31 95
occuring mostly about Friday BLENDER WARING
and Sattaxla¥. (Reg. $36.95) NoP 1 •
Paokage of 5 Blades (Reg. 79€) 49 ¢
With a Priced from |
SELF-ADHESIVE Foam Stlk Tape €
WEATHER .... t k g
STRIP 5/32 x3/8 x18f.p g.
1882 Olymplo Hiway $. 426-4522
.-- also --
Many Cosmetic Specials
for a
Limited Time Only!
Evergreen Square •
Book Display Is At Bordeaux School
Introductions to Science, Alpha-
bet and counting Ekoks, and
Social Studies; in the Intermedi-
ate range, they include Science
and Science Information, Amer-
ica Yesterday and Today, Other
People and Other Lands, Inter-
esting People, Family and Com-
munity Life, Fantasy, Poetry,
Fiction (in variety), Art, and
Activities. Here is a collection
of books overall that will at all
levels help young and older child-
ren meet the problems, the chal-
lenges of our complex, contem-
porary world, that will extend the
frontiers of learning, develop
understanding; In addition and in
good number are books to enter-
tain and divert, to make read-
ing sheer pleasure.
Books on Exhibit, which sup-
plies the exhibit, is a national
exhibiting enterprise, now in its
18th year. Its free service for
schools, showing currently select-
ed titles of some 50 important
Juvenile publishers, has been en-
thusiastically praised over the
years for the efficiency and time-
saving organization with which
it meets a ,general need. For
librarians and teachers, for every
professional and interested citi-
zen - for all who want to keep
abreast of the best in this basic
section of instuctional materials-
the exhibit is an event not to be
Big savings on COLOR portraits!
A variety @ Babies, Children
of poses Teenagers, Adults
• ?;; per subject • Satisfaction
per famdy guaranteed
Thurs., Fri. & Sat.
Jan. 9-10-11, 1969
STUDIO • Thursday & Saturday, 9:30-5:30
HOURS • Friday, 12 to 8 p.m.
3rd & Railroad
Th,,=--*v .tan,tory 9. 1969- Shelton.Muon County Journal Pati;eb