January 9, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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MR. AND MRS. JESSE WOLFE announce the marriage of
their daughter Patricia Ann to Michael Patrick Mucks. tie
is the son of Jack Mucks, Poulsbo, and Mrs. Lois Mucks,
Shelton. The newlyweds were married December 20 in the
I!Lst Vancouver Methodist Church. They are making their
home in Olympia where the bride is employed by the
Acme Personnel Services. He is an employee of Niagara
Pacific In Tumwater.
New Officers C Ve÷erans
Groups In Belfair Take er
• The new officers of Belfalr
WWI Barracks and Auxiliary
No. 2778 took over their duties at
the first meeting of the year held
Sunday in the Beffalr Masonic
hall. A potluck lunch preceded
the business meeting.
Officers for the barracks are
Homer Stewart, commander; Ro-
bert Delk, senior vice comman-
der; David CYosswhite, junior
Republican Club
Slates Regular
Monthly Meeting
• The regular montl:meeting
of the Mason County Women's
Republican Club will be held at
1 p.m. Wednesday in the Mum-
oHM hall.
Mrs. Merle Hall will have
charge" of the program. Plans for
the Lincoln Day dinner in Feb-
ruary will be discussed. Tea will
be served.
vice commander; Lawrence Cas-
tleman, adjutant; Harry ttubbut,
judge advocate; and George Sum-
her, chaplain.
Auxiliary officers are Hattie
Brooks, president; Marian Beck.
senior vice president; A 1 i c e
Squire, junior vice president;
Elma Neipoth, treasurer; Cora
Davidson, chaplain; Lorraine
Thompson, conductress; Grace
llunt, three-year trustee; Helve
Olsen, two-year lruste< and Nel-
lie Castleman, one-year trustee.
Appointive officers +ire Christ-
ine Ahl, assistant conductress;
Pearl Stewart, secretary; Elma
Neipoth, hospital chairman; Em-
ily Fisher, publicity; Laura On-
stad, legislative; Grace Hunt,
Amerlcanisfn; and Pearl Stewart ,
patriotic instructor.
Welcome Wagon
Club To Meet
• Welcome Wagon Club will meet
at 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday in the
home of Kay Boyd, Route 3 Box
329 (Walker Park Road). Phone
426.2870 for directions.
Members, guests and newcom-
ers are invited to attend.
Junior Degree
• The Shelton Degree of Honor
Junior Club will meet at 6:30
p.m. Tuesday in the Menmrlal
hall. Election of officers will be
Birthday Potluck
Is Planned By
Laurel Court
• A Birthday potluck dinner will
precede the 8 p.m. business meet.
lng of Laurel Court No. 26, Or-
der of Amaranth next Wednes-
day. Dinner will start at 6:30
p.m. in the Masonic Temple.
Past Royal matram and pat-
tons will also be honored. Roy-
al Matron Margle Brown and
Royal Patron Harold Brown ex-
tet a welcome ta all
'Nill Mee÷
• The Mason County Homemak-
ers Association will hold its
monthly meeting next Tuesday
in the extension office. The meet-
ings will begin at 11 a.m. with
each person taking their lunch.
Coffee will be served by the
Homemakers Council.
The next three meetings will
be open to all interested women
in the county. The subject this
month is Furniture Care; Feb-
ruary, Carpet Shampoo; and
March, Clothing and Textile Care.
The extension office is in the
basement of the post office.
Bridge Club Has
Its First Game
Of The New Year
• Nine tables were in play Mon-
day night when the Duplicate
Bridge Club met for the first
game of the year.
Winners far north-south were
Walt Parsons and Bob Quimby,
Lenora Dudley and Aggie Mur-
ray, Yas Ito and Tom Halpin.
East-west winners were Ed Dud-
ley and Jim Thomas, Liz Allison
and Valerle Wolf, Mary Keller
and Bill Batchelor.
The club meets every Monday
at 7:15 p.m. in the PUD audi-
torium. All bridge players are
invited to attend.
Yicki Lee Guild
Meeting Monday
• The Vicki l.e Orthopedic Auxi-
liary will hold its January meet-
ing at 8 p.m. Monday in the
hme of Nancy Dunnington. Jane
Machner will be co-hostess for
the evening.
R ebekah Potluck I Th a n k Yo u I
p.m. Friday in the IOOF to thank all of my customers for their patronage. It
hall. A business meeting will tO1- I
low r, ' i has been a privilege to serve you through the years.
Organs & Planes i hope that you will continue to support
Rent or Buy on the new owners of the restaurant in the future as you
Easy Terms - have myself in the past, Thanks again.
Music Box --Mamie Clark
Open 'tll 8:$0 p.m.,
Monday A Friday Mamie's Java Haus
Oota 42e-490Z
+ Page 6 - Shelton.Mason Cou,nty Journal - Thursday, January 9, 1969
Mar i Jacobson, Women's Editor
VALENTINE DAY wedding plans axe being made by Sharon
li]een Edlnger and Steve C. Faulkner. The bride-elect is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Exttnger, Union.
Her future husband is the son of Mrs. Don Ashton, Olym-
pia, and Clarence Faulkner, Shelton. Miss F_,dinger is a
graduate of Neigh Mason High School and her fiance
graduated from Shelton High School.
MISS COLLEEN K. SHRUM became the bride of Leonaxd
(. Hunter Saturday, December 28, in the Faith Lutheran
Church. Rev. Carl Carlsen performed the ceremony for the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Shrum, Shelton, and
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hunter, Hobart, N. Y.
Attendants for the couple were the bride's sister, Miss
Terry Shrum, and Arthur Tracy. The immediate families
of the couple attended the 6 p.m. ceremony and the wed-
ding dinner which was held in the Timber's Banquet Room
following the service. The bride is employed by the National
Bank of Mason County and her husband is with the U. S.
Forestry Service. They will be making their home in
Jayeffes Resume
Schedule After
Holiday Season
Orange And Green Theme Featured In
HlibOki-Creekpaum December Wedding
• An orange and green bridal
theme was used for the Decem-
ber 14 wedding of Marjorle Lu-
cille Hllboki and Richard D.
Creekpaum. The double ring rite
was perf0vmed by Rev. Edwin C.
Zschoche in the Mount Olive
Lutheran Church.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Hllbold,
Shelton, and the bridegroom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. John
E. Creekpaum, McCleary. Mr.
Hliboki escorted his daughter to
the altar.
Orange ribbon accented the
candelabras and altar spray of
white poinsettias with green fir
bows. The colors were also used
in the bridal attendants' gowns
which were designed and made
by the bride's sister, Mrs. Lila
Miss Hliboki's gown of bridal
satin was fashioned with a full-
length, slightly gathered skirt
with train and sash, long fitted
sleeves and a low, round neck-
line. Her elbow-length veil of
bridal illusion was attached to a
crown of bridal satin roses and
she carried a bouquet of tropl-
cana roses with baby carnations,
lily-of-the-valley and olive green
Mrs. Meriott was her sister's
matron of honor in a full-length
princess style gown of orange
crepe with matching satin piping
at the bodice. It had short sleeves
and a round neckline. Her hat
was made of matching fabric With
five petals formed with the pip-
ing. She carried a single white
carnation with orange ribbon.
Mrs. Sandy Danford was brides-
maid and Miss Denise Merriott,
niece of the bride, was junior
bridesmaid. Their dresses were
made identical to the matron of
honor's in olive green and they
carried single white carnations
With olive green ribbon.
Miss Diane Creekpaum, niece
of the groom, was flower girl in
a dress like the bridesmaids'.
She carried a white basket with
olive green ribbon which held
white rose petals.
Henry Feeser was best man
for the occasion and Frank Roush
acted as acolyte. Seating the
guests were Howard Merriott,
brother-in-law of the bride, John
D. Creekpaum, brother of the
groom, and Steve MoCuliy, cou-
sin of the groom. Mrs. Mildred
Putvin was organist and Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Stoehr sang a duet.
Mrs. Hliboki attended her
daughter's wedding in a green
double knit jacket dress with
a , :
orange accessories and a corsage
of white roses with orange ribbon.
Mrs. Creekpaum selected a red
A-line dress and white accessories
and a corsage of white roses with
olive green ribbon.
A spray of white chrysanthe-
mums with greenery, topped with
white wedding bells, graced the
reception table when the newly-
weds greeted their guests in the
church parlors after the cere-
mony. A spray af orange roses
and silver leaves decorated the
wedding cake which was top-
ped with the traditional minia-
ture bride and groom.
Serving were Mesdames
Anderson, Alvin Nagel,
Leboki and Joe Prince, all
of the bride, and Mrs. Dan
ieis, aunt of Um groom.
groom's sister, Glenda
paum, was in charge of
guest book. Another sister,
nie Creekpaum, and a
law, Mrs. John D.
were in charge of the gift
The newlyweds are both
uates of Shelton High school.
will make her home with
parents while he is stationed
Viet Ham with the First
Division the next 13 montl.
Pizzica:i:o Music Club Meets
• Shelton Jayettes will resume • The December meeting of the
their regular second and fourth Pizzicato Music Club was held
Thursday meeting schedule to- in the hne of Krts Carte with
night: in the home of Ellen An- Sana Brewer acting as co-hostess.
dres. The group will meet at 8 The Collect was played on the
p.m. with Jane Hellman as co- piano by Ann Qulmby and the
hostess, hymn of the month was present-
A busy schedUle is ahead of ed by Belinda Rae.
the Jayettes this month with as-
sisting the Jaycees with the sale
of license tabs, the community
P|_ I|
survey and the h+fl+ of the aneJTon aTuaenTs
District 15 executive meeting
January 18. On Honor Roll
Barbara Webher is chairman
of the community survey project
and of the construction of paint A÷ EWSC
aprons to be given to kinder-
garten classes. • Four Shelton students at East-
..., ern Washington State College,
Virginia Head, Charles Robertson,
Terry Stephens and Lindley Whal-
ey have been named to the EWSC
fall quarter honor roll.
IMPORTANT LEADERS Miss Head, daughter of Mr.
MEETING TODAY and Mrs. Francis Potter, is a
• Leaders are reminded of the freshman history major; Robert-
important meeting and training ram, a senior, is an English ma-
session to be held this morning jor and is the son of Mrs. M.
in the Episcopal church from Boswell; Stephens, son of Mr.
9:30 a.m. until noon. and Mrs. Charles C. Stephens,
There will be a special work- is a senior majoring in geology;
shop for Brownie and Junior MRS. WA'NDA ERI of Shelton announces the engagement and Miss Whaley, a freshman
history major, is the daughter of
leaders to attend. Be sure to take of her daughter, Saxldra Jo, to Jeraid Wayne Thomas, son Mr. and Mrs. ROy Whaley.
your handbook if you have one.
Babysitting service will be pro- of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas, of Wilsonville, Ore. No date All are graduates of Shelton
vlded, has been set for the wedding. Hish school.
H 1 II i H
L. AllAN !
. Enhre Stock Fall Jewelry Now
Hurry in ÷o 3rd and Railroad and save!
I I II _
A Salute to Edward
was featured in accordance
the program suggestion of
National Federation of
Clubs with which the junior
is affiliated. Susan Edson
sented a report on his life
Barbara Bamford played one
his best known compositions,
A Wild Rose".
The main program
of a presentation of
music by club members.
During Christmas week
members visited the Shelton
or Nursing Home and gave
. program of Christmas
Accompaniments to the
were played on flutes,
and organ, and one group
tation was given.
After the concert the girls
at the home of their
Mrs. Kelvin Hamilton, for
Christmas party which
a .gift exchange and
for YOU
Q. Mf complexion is
oi]y, and my makeup tends
streak. How can I avoid
A. Before applying
makeup use a freshener to
move some of the excesa
from your akin. You will
that your makeup goes
much more smoothly.
There are now makeups
the market that are
lated to blot up excess
from the skin. These
are for skin like yours.
As an extra
sure to blot your face
with cleansing tissue
you touch up your
Q. My skin is rather
What type of makeup
I use?
A. Cake cakeup---the
that is applied with a
sponge---is best for oily
because it dries almost
stantly and tends to soak
excess oils from the skin.
This type of makeup
up blemishes and usually
to be applied only once a
If oil breaks through
the nose or chin, makeup
be reepplled to these
without re-doing the
Face powder
this foundation Po
to covtrol oilleu,
Nulls .....
Emergency 1 426-.:
rth &Frankltn st.--42e-u
Dally 9:80 to 7:$0
-- 9:80 to e: