January 9, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Marl Jacobson, Women's Editor
Moose Women To
See Cancer Film
Next Tuesday
• A film on breast cancer will
be shown to the Women of the
Moose next Tuesday at 8 p.m.
The film was arranged by Mrs. : :
Kathy Carr for her chapter night
All members are urged to at-
tend the meeting which will be
held in the Moose hall.
SUMMER WEDDING l)lans are being made by Carolyn Lee
Schwab and Itobert A. Larson. The engagement of the
Central Washington State College seniors was announced
by her prents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy L. S(,hwab of tfoodsport.
The future benedict is the son of Mrs. Ilarry I). Larson,
Seattle, nd the late Mr. ltrson, Miss Schwab is a Shelton
High school graduate. An August wedding date has been
WHAT'S COOKIN' at your house? Do you have a recipe
you w(mld like to shaJ'e with other Journal readers? Or
maybe you have a friend or relative you could tell us about.
Here is an invitation to fill our suggestion box with names
of people in Mason County you would like to see featured
in this column.
Class Of 1954
Planning Reunion
• A class reunion planning meet-
ing for the Shelton Itigh School
Class of 1954 will be held tonight.
Any interested class members are
asked to attend at 8 p.m. in the
home of Mrs. Don (Georgia) John-
son, 827 So. 16th Street.
Sashayers Plan
Regular Dance
• Salty Sashayer Square Dance
Club members are planning a
regular dance this Saturday at
the fairgrounds. Bernie Bernd-
son of Olympia will be the caller.
A potluck supper will follow the
dance which begins at 8:30 p.m,
Nurses To Mee÷
At The Hospital
Tuesday Evening
• The regular meeting of Dis-
trict 22 Washington State Nurses
Association will be held at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday in the dining room
at Vfason General Hospital.
There will be a business meet-
ing and a film on cancer. All
registered nuses are urged to
* High School Spotlight *
• A career in some field of
mathematics is Leila Locke's pre-
sent plan for the future. At this
time she intends to attend Cen-
tral Washington State College
after her graduation from Shel-
ton High school next spring.
Leila is a member of Honor
Society, Pep Club anti French
Club anti vice president of AFS.
She is also active in the Metho-
dist Youth Fellowship.
Her senior subjects include Eng-
lish, drafting, chemistry, French
and ciwcs.
Sewing and reading are the two
favorite pastimes of today's 4 feet
10 inch senior student in the
spotlight. She has brown eyes
and black hair.
Leila is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Locke. She was
born Aug. 5, 1951 in Olympia anti
moved to Shelton when she was
a year old. Two sisters, Carol
and Bonnie, are also Shelton
High schcx)l graduates.
Community Club Plans Dance, Meeting
• DAYTON .... Dance Jan. 18
from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. to the
music of the Little Blue Echos
at Dayton Hall. Tami Mason,
Dayton Community Club meet-
ing will be Jan. 11 at 7:30 p.m.
Former meeting was cancelled
because a number of members
were ill.
Nell McCarty, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Merlin Short, spent a few
days in the hospital fighting
Scientist Services
• A communion service will be
held Sunday in Shelton First
Church of Christ, Scientist, 302
Alder. The service will begin at
11 a.m. and is open to the com-
The Lesson-Sermon is titled
"Sacrament," and the Golden
Text is from I Samuel: "Behold,
to obey is better than sacrifice,
and to hearken than the fat of
'the Bug".
Mrs. Cecil McLaln has been
appointed "Cheer Lady" by the
community to send flowers, cards
etc. to the hospitilized or sick so
please contact her if you know of
anyone who should be remem-
Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton,
Mike and Susan spent Friday,
Saturday and Sunday in Seattle
and while there attended her sis-
ter's wedding. Miss Jennifer
Smith married Richard Mahal
of Minnesota Dec. 28, which was
also the FullertolVs wedding an-
Mrs. Fullerton was matron of
honor and Mr. Fullerton atten-
dant, with Susan as flower girl.
While in Seattle, Mr. and Mrs.
Fullerton and Mike were guests
in the home of friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin Earp and Susan
stayed with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Neun.
Jesse Aldrich is home and feel-
ing much better from surgery
performed Friday at the St. Peter
Hospital in Olympia.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mahal
honeymooned at Alderbrook Inn
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Golden Age Club potluck, n()n,
Memorial hall.
St. Edward's Woman's Club,
7:30 p.m. hoard meeting; 8 p.m.
regular meeting, at the church.
Jayettes, 8 p.m., home of Ellen
Ruby Rebekah Lodge potluck,
6:30 p.m., IOOF hall.
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers Rest-
Mason County Historical Socie-
ty, noon, Capital Restaurant.
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base-
Salty Sashayers, 8:30 p.m., fair
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
PUD No. 3 commission meet-
ing, I p.m., PUD conference
Mason County Salon No. 508,
8 et 40, 7 p.m., Memorial hall.
County commission meeting,
10 a.m., court house.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 p.m.,
PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town. Phone
426-4847 for pickups.
LANCE, 7:30 p.m., Hood Canal
Junior High.
Vicki Lee Auxiliary, 8 p.m.,
home of Nancy Dmmington.
Welcome Wagon Club, 7:30 p.m.,
home of Mrs. Loren Stillwell.
Degree of Honor Junior Club,
6:30 p.m., Memorial hall.
Homemakers Association, 11
a.m., extension office.
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers Restaurant.
City commission meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
Teen Meet, 7:30 p.m., Multi-
service center.
WSNA, 7:30 p.m., Hospital Din-
ing Room.
School board meeting, 8 p.m.,
Evergreen scho:)l.
4-H leaders council meeting,
8 p.m., extension office.
Moose I_dge, 8 p.m., airport
Degree of Honor, 8 p.m., Mem-
orial hall.
Elinor Chapter OES, 8 p.m.,
Union Masonic hall.
Mason County Credit Women,
7:30 a.m., Timbers Restaurant.
Laurel Court Amaranth potluck,
6:30 p.m. ; regular meeUng 8 p.m.
Masonic Temple.
Republican Women's Club, 1
p.m., Memorial hall.
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base-
Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
court house annex.
WARC, 8 p.m., chapter center.
Multi-sezjce .center advisory
hoard. 7:30 p.m., at the center.
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Port commission meeting, 8
p.m., court house.
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD conference room.
Itood Canal Woman's Club,
11:30 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse.
Shelton Nimrod Club, 8 p.m.,
Mason County Democrat Club,
8 p.m., PUD auditorium.
Do You Know A Go Coo ? CLOWNS AND FLOWERS are two of Ron with no training whatsoever. He gotstaed
Kunkle's favorite subjects for painting. Ron by doing'commercial painting in connection m,
became a i painter quite by accident and with his Job in a printing shop in Denver.
Necessi÷y Uncovers Ar÷is÷ic Talenf
I Until it fell his lot to do :
some commercial painting in con- ::: ::::: : :
nection with his jo in a print-
ing shop, Ron Ktmkle did not
realize he had artistic talent.
He was working in Denver,
Colo. when the project came up.
No one else in the shop could
draw so he won the honor, in
spite of the fact he didn't think
he could draw either.
Ron enjoyed the assignment so
much he soon bought a paint
set and started working in oils.
His favorite subject is clowns,
but he does equally well on de-
licate flowers and especially likes
to paint roses.
Window decorations, like the
Santa Claus on the Journal win-
dow during the Christmas sea-
son, come easy to Ron and he
enjoys doing them.
Sometimes Ron uses a picture
to copy from and other times he
makes up his own. He has work-
ed with oils and acrylics and
prefers the acrylic paints.
He is entirely self-taught, al-
though he would like to find the
time now to take some formal
art training. He started painting
about six years ago.
Ron was raised in Colorado
and moved to Shelton in 1952
and attended school here until
he returned to Colorado in 1957.
About a year and a half ago
Ron returned to Mason county.
This time he had a wife, Bar-
bara, and two sons, Ralph, 8,
and Donald, 7. Last August Ron-
aid Jr. joined the Kunkle fam-
ily for a total of five.
Ron's job as a printer for the
Journal does not require his com-
mercial painting background, but
it is nice to have him around
when it is time to decorate for
the holidays.
at CLIVrON'S of SHELTON, 4th & Railroad
FRIDAY, JAN. 10. •
4 p.m. until store closes
.10 a.m. until store closes
4 p.m. until store closes
WEDNESDAY, JAN. IS • 4 p.m. until store closes
• At the beginning of each year
an invitation is extended in this
column to the ecK)ks in Mason
county. We would like to feature
Kidney Group
Extends Thanks
• The members of the Mason
County Kidney Foundation have
expressed their gratitude to the
many organizations and indivi-
duals who contributed toward
their Christmas tree stand. The
foundation reports a very success-
ful project.
• The Dazy Maya 4-H Club mem-
bers baked snickerdoodles at the
December 14 meeting. The cook-
ies are being saved for the Christ-
mas party which will be held
Saturday. The December 28 meet°
Ing was called off because of
the snow.
, . . Sanlce Barnes, reporter
you and your favorite recipe.
Don't let that word "cook"
scare you! By that we do not
mean you have to be the type
of cook whose family or guests
rave about your food. Neither do
we mean your recipe has to be
original. These are few and far
Of course, we aren't going to
turn you down if you are a su-
per chef, but whether you are
or not, everyone has a specialty.
It might be a salad, casserole,
dessert or maybe a hot bread
or candy. Perhaps you have a
special way of preparing a veg-
etable or meat. If you and your
family particularly enjoy it you
can be sure many others will
Possibly you have a neighbor
or a friend or relative you would
like to see featured. We would
be glad to have their name, too.
We know there is an endless
number of people with recipes
in Mason county, but we have
no way of knowing who they are
if you don't tell us.
Why not drop your suggestions
in the mall today to the Journal,
P. O. I)x 430, Attention: Wo-
men's Editor, or phone 426-4412.
ING may be nature's warning of
functional kidney: dtsorders"Dang-
e" Ahead." Increase and regulate pas-
s.ge with GENTLE BUKETS diuretic
in 4 DAYS (only 3 tablets a day) or
our 48© back at any druq countor.
oday at
For Your
and joined other guests
home of the Fullertons on;
Years Eve. Gusts were Mr,
Mrs. Merlin Short, Mr.
Harold LeGarde, Mr. and
LaMoyne Sievert and
Mrs. Howard Jeffries.
Mrs. Fullerton has
hard way that the looks of a
can be very deceiving.
she and Mike were on
to town and had gone no
than a mile when her car
out of control after
spot of ice. After going
times back and forth
road, over the bank it
landing on its side facing
her home.
En÷ries For
Ar÷ Show
Du e Jan.
• Artists throughout
Washington are eligible to
the "21st Annual Pacific
Artists Open Show" durin
ruary in Tacoma, at the
Public Library. !
Artists residing in
Clark, Cowlitz, Jefferson,
Harbor, Kitsap, Lewis,
Pacific, Skoania, Th urn
Wahkiakum and Vashon
are eligible.
Original work in all
(maximum horizontal
not over 40") completed
the past two years and notl
viously exhibited in a
show in the Tacoma
be received in the
room of the Tacoma
brary's second floor Jan. 24,
to 5 p.m. and Jan. 25. 10
noon. Entry fee will be $2
each artist limited to two
Copies, patterns,
work done under instruction!
not acceptable. Sculpture
woodcarving may be
der the same rules.
The show will be held at
brary's Handford Gallery
Feb. 1 through Feb. 28.
chairman Glenrae Hoffman
nouncod $100 purchase
from Nalley's, $100
award from Pennsalt Chem.
$50 purchase award by
Iron Works, $50 purchase
by Precision Machine
Inc. Awards for First $30,
$20 and Third $10 in each
of Oil, Watercolor and Other
ia from Pacific Gallery
Jurors will be Prof. F.
Ball of the Art Dept. of U
and Georg Kosanovic well
artist and teacher from
David T. Kneeland, son of'.
and Mrs. David T.
Sheiton, has been
staff sergeant in the U. S.
Sgt. Kneeland is a rescue
survival specialist at Clark
Philippines. He is a
the Pacific Air Forces.
The sergeant is a 1963
of Irene S. Reed High
W rite:
P. O. Box 764, 8helton,
Washington 981,14
on the floor.
or anywhere
in your home.
in your chair...
That's because it's electric heat [
Electric heat---a big step towards carefree electric living
"Live Better
Idwin TaYlor, President
Harold W. Prker, Vice PreJldent
Jack Cole. Secretary
Jerry Samples. Manager
Page 8. Shelton.Mason County Journal. Thursday, January 9, 1969