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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 9, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 9, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PICTURE is of a class in the Shelton School ill :906. It was brought ill to the Journal by Ed Faubert, !meme°fthemembers of the class. Faul)ert brought the. ieture out after the meeting last month of a group in- not |erested. in re-a('tivating the Mason Coun' ty llistorical areaJ;ociety.i The groul) will have its second meeting at noon ,nferiday in the Capital Restaurant. Officers will be elect- uhli¢ id and those attending are asked to bring suggestions 24, ! b a.l , $2  ill-- | 2!00nlldren¢o00 s Theatre Performance Set he:re °n's illustrious Children's _at" " group has not he(n idle. ere"'or the past few wealds the class been studying l)antomim(, and make-up, but with arrival of th(, new year, they starting on their second ma- t)roductian, "Jack and the The opening date for fis play will be Jan. 1?,, so re- earsals are feverishly underway. The play was adal)ted by Mar- Anderson, from (he well- fairy tale. Meridee has written original versions of Wizard of Oz", which was last year; and "Squeak a Christmas tale about mouse who didn't believe in trlta Claus. The hdicr \\;wls Dec. 17 for the Jaycee's ristmas party t)efore ;in audi- of delighted children and Dec:. 14, it was present- to the IW AUnion membeL-s ildren. The cast for "Jack and the includes such leads Sales J. S. Savings Bonds sales Mason county totaled for the month of Novena- aeeording to Volunteer Say- BOnds Chairman L. A. Carl- as Frank Kuhr and Nell McClan- ahan, as Jack; Nadine Larson and Ginger Me(tley as his "mot- her"; Rita Nutt and Art Nicklaus as I)ssie the "danciw, cow"; Gaye Scheol and Pete Neils"n as lbe Giant; Linda Williams as (he goose who 'ays the golden Multi.Service Director Sought • The Mas(m-Thurston Commu- nity Action Council is lo:)king for a director of the Multi-Service Center at Yelm. The duties include organization and administration of the Yelm Multi-Service Center and serving as a specialist to all Multi-service centers in the area of social ser- vices, individual and group coun- seling and olher areas. Qualifications include one year (f successful experience in or- ganizational work at the com- munity level, a bachelor degree in behavorial or social sciences or an allied fiehl and experience in personnel supervision and de- velopment of in-service training l)rogrnaas for professional and nan- professional staff. The salary range is from $702.- 50 to $752.50 a month. BAND.AID Sheer Strips Package of 32 Regularly 71€ NOW as to where historical markers should be placed in Mason County. Shown in the picture, are front row, left to right, Robert Forrest, Roy Tidd, Clora Lucille Stewart- l)arland, Myrtle Fortnum-Livermore, Harold Brown, Earl .lotmson, Angus O'Neill, F_xlward Faubert, Maurice Need- ham, Eagle Shelton, Bernice Baker, Maude Dohrman- Croshy and Beulah Clay-Jenkins. Second row, left to right, Clara Rohinson-Huntley, Mamie-Swan-Earl, Irma egg; and Karen Burgess as the singing "Magic Harp." The flowers and mushrooms in !iant land will be l)laycd by Francie Rice, Wendy Bolender, Chris D:nn, Patti Bourgault, Sue l,emagie, Harold Redman, and lynden Flmlund. Chris Bevis will play Ibe flitlering butterfly. The firsl l)erf(:rmance of "Jack and the Beanstalk" will be Jan. 13 on the Shelton High School stage for Evergreen School. Jan. 14 will find the group at Bor- deaux, Jan. 15, at Southside, and Jan. 16, the final performance at Mt. View. The public is in- vited to view the play, which will begin 1)etween 12:45 and 1 l}.nl.r OI1 :In 3 Of lhese days, as there will be no nightime perfor- nlilnc.e. Eac.h Children's Theatre pro- duction is shown to the three h)cal elementary schools, with the ttood Canal, Southside, and Pioneer schools rotating turns to see the plays. Hood Canal stu- dents were enchanted when ear- lier' this year they were able to see the play based on "Peanuts". Pioneer students will take their turn this spring with the produc- tion of "The Hobbits", adapted by Cheryl James, Linda Williams and Jody Engen. ALBERTO VO.5 BRECK HAIR'MIST SUper Hold and Regular Hold $ Regularly $2.25 NOW HAIR DRESSING and CONDITIONER For Regular Hair Regularly $1.09 Tube NOW RINSE AWAY ! After Shampoo Rinse Regularly $1.00 Fredricks, Ardella Ltsk-Moran, Bernice Flsk-Potts, Gen- eve Sargison-Crary, Ida Needham-Jamison, Carrie Tay- lor-Durand, Maude Shorter and Thresa Cormier-Baich. Third row, left to right, George Baker, Edwin Carlson, Arthur Needham, Mabel Willet Cormier-Cross, Jessie Clay, Laura Moore-Packard, Gyneth Getty and Mrs. Ituscher-Rhodes (teacher). Union: NOW Ladies Civic ,31ub k ee÷ing Today By NANCY VRAHNOS • UNION .... Things are begin- ning to get back to normal. Fro- zen pipes have been th!lwed, tons of snow have been shoveled and people who have been house bound are enjoying thoroughly just going to the store. Parents are breathing a little easier and have thoughts of getting things back in order after having the John Howe Is Fromoed • John E. Howe Jr., whose par- ents live in Shelton, was pro- mo:d to Army Sp/5 Oct. 23 in Vietnam, where he is serving with the 1st Logistical Command. Spec. Howe, a mechanic in the oommand's Task Force near Bong Son, entered the Army in basic training at Ft. Polk, La. He was stationed at Ft. Riley, Kan. before arriving overseas last January. The 20-yeard soldier was graduated from Shelton High School in 1966 and was employed by Graystone of Shelton before entering the Army. SCOPE MOUTH WASH Large Size Regularly $1.15 o,scou.Nr stoRE Open Dady 9:30 - 6 " i')n €,, _ '-v,ota , Sheffon • 426-2818 children home for two weeks, flew down To help get life back to nor- mal the Union Ladies Civic Club will hold its regular monthly meeting today starting at noon at the Fire Hall Meeting Room. The hostesses this re(ruth are Mrs. Bob Gwinn and Mrs. Ed Hough. While the Pacific Northwest's teeth chattered and our world was white, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bishop was basking in the sun in San Clemente, Calif. They spent the holidays with their daughter Mrs. Wilda Clark and saw their new great grandson h)r the first time. He is four months old. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Hogan to San Diego and spent Christmas with Mrs. Ho- gan's parents Mr. and Mrs, Pat Grace. They returned home just before the New Year. Jean Morrow of Tacoma has been staying at Clara Eastwoods while Miss Eastwood was in Tor- onto visiting with a brother. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Nils(m en- joyed having his grandchildren Russel, Joey and Lisa Nilson of Seattle. The children spent the week between Christmas and New Years with them. Mr. and Mrs. Dilsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean cele- brated the release from the grip of ice and snow by having din- ner at Milo's. Passbook Savers DALLY DIVIDENDS Compounded Daily * Savings EARN from fhe day you save ÷o the day you with- draw * EARNING S are compounded daily... so fha÷ your earnings earn dividends every day! We're Out to Make Our JANUARY QUOTA Mell Chev DON'T LICENSE YOUR TRADE-IN! We're Art Nicklaus Thawing Out Prices New '69 Nova Coupe Delivered Here $2174 ,5s,o0o of Used Cars, Pickups and Trucks Gee. HasBrouok aa: Wally Dundas from $125.00 '67 BEL AIR 4-Dr., V8, R, PG, P8 '67 CUTLASS Cpe. V8, R, Jetaway, PS, '66 BEt. AIR 4-Dr., VS, R, PGIIde, P8 '66 BEL. AIR 2-Dr., VS, R, PGIIde, P8 '66 GTO Coupe, 4 Speed, R '65 FURY III 4.Dr., VS, R, Auto, P8 '65 MALIBU 88 Cpe., VS, PS, PG '64 T.BIR D Cony., Full Power, All' '63 BONNEVILLE Cpo., Hydra, R, P8 '62 CATALINA Wagon, Hydra, R, P8 '63 FAIRLANE 4-Dr., V8, R, Auto, P8 '66 CHEV )-T, Fleetside 327, Turbo, R 'e@ FORD -T, 352, V8, Auto, R Darrel Andrews Earl French Quick Parts & Service Mon. - Sat. ?/tell MIC Ins. Rental Cars Chev-Olds l st & Grove 426-4426 "Slnoe 1927" I I I Thursday, January 9, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9 in ----- m