January 9, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 9, 1969 |
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15 words or le m $1,50
• 10 cents for each additional word over 15.
• FOUR (4) insertions for tho price of
THREE (3).
• Clarified deadlinez 3 ).m.
For Sale For Sale Used Cars For Rent For Rent Help Wanted Services Services
...........----..- - - - - - -_ _ ....-......--....%%%%.#dq --- - - - - -- --; "------.-..--....-- -- .-..----" - - -
HAY FOR SALE, $25 per ton. WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or 1966 DODGE CORNET 500 two- ONE BEDROOM apartment, low FOR RENT: Two-bedroom un- GIRL WANTED for car hostess, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, LANE
Phone 426-4912. C 12/5 tfn room-size rugs. Custom-made door hardtop. H.P. 383 Three- rent and utilities to older sou- furnished apartment. Carpet- must be 18 or over and out of speedy, accurate, precision
draperies. We measure, expert speed auto., radio, New tires, pie for light services. 426-3242. ing, drapes, range, refrigera- school. $1.60 per hour. Apply grinding. Now at Saeger Mo- HOUSE MOVING
MOBILE HOME FURNITURE installation. Your satisfaction 40,000 miles. Make offer. Call ' B 12/5 tfn tor supplied. Heat hot water, in person at A & W Minor's Lor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426- Houses Raised,
We specialize in quality is guaranteed. Free estimates 426-2551 after 5 p.m. Water, garbage and sewer in- Drive-In, Shelton. 4602. 1/15 tfn
compact furniture for your You're always welcome at O1- D 1/9-16 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED eluded in rental. Holly Hill A 1/9 and Leveling
mobile home. At Olsen Furni- sen Furniture. 4th and Cots. apartment, w/w carpeting. Apts. No. 4. 4213-6593. _ ..................................... BATHROOM AND KITCHEN Phone 426-8147
ture you're always welcome, 426-4702. O 11/18 trn 1961 PONTIAC4 Dr. HT $200.00, Heat, water, garbage fur- 1/9 tfn WANTED --- Baby-sitter, four remodeling. Roofing, patios,
4th and Cola. 426-4702. " ........................................................ 1951 Ford Pickup $150.00, 14 nished. Inquire 1119 Franklin, days a week, in my home. Call carports. Smaller jobs also.
4/14 tfn REPOSSESSED -- 1 year old re. Cedar Boat. 5 HP outboard Apt. 5, after 5 p.m. PARTLY FURNISHED 3 bed- 426-4893 after 5 p.m. O 1/2-9 Call Osborne's 426-6241.
Lowrey piano $650. Cost new and trailer $125.00. Power saws B 1/9 tfn room house. $90. Waterfront, O 1/25 tfn
BLU LUSTRE not only rids $805. Johnny's Music Box, 205 24 and 30 inch, 426-6861. FOR RENT -- Three bedroom 5 minutes from town. Call
carpets of soil but leaves pile Cots. 426-4302. J 12/12 tfn L 1/9 426-4000 after 5 p.m. Work Wanted EXCAVATING, HAULING, and
....................... furnished house, waterfront, B 1/9 Urn clearing. Free estimates. Ph.
soft and lofty. Rent electric R ] "-" SA: Black and white Hammersley Inlet. $100.00 - - -- - 426-4378. Gordon B. Moore. n end worn,n, 10
shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. FOR SALE: '64 Oldsmobile 442
1/9 General Electric television set. month. Phorte 426-2589. Refer- -- M 4/4 tfn Ci [ S '
Large screen. Reasonable. and '67 Mustang. Both good Ip HOUSEKEEPING -- $1.60 per " vi ervice
LOCAL HAY for sale. Start Phone 426-3526. condition. Phone 426-2727 days, ences required. S 1/2-23 He Wanted hour. Phone 426-1659. $7.95 RENTS a new piano. Sher* ,,, 00s OF JOSS OPeN "'*
P 12/19 tfn 426-8671 evenings, lOx----45,l0--]3-E)-ROO-----M--ful-nish F 1/2 tfn man-Clay, South Sound Center, No High School--No Experience
Johnson, Star Route 1, Box 56. G 1/9-23 ed mobile home on private lot. Lacey. Phone Olympia 491-
426;8974. J 8/1 tfn YouNGGtAIN.iED-STE-E: Adults only, no pets, $80.00. GIRL, live-in, to help in the IRONING DONE, regular or ffll-
svi-PLi--Ci--,7lilS-an--d"-ill Side 47¢ per lb. Expert .'utting 19631/ FORD 2-DOOR hardtop, Hoodsport 877-5738. home and in the care of elderly in basis. Fast, efficient service. 3370. S 8/22 t.fn POSTAL C
ers. See now at Mike's McCul- and wrapping. Shelton Foods, 390 engine, four speed, $750.00. T 1/9-30 mother. 426-3648. H 9/12 tfn Call Mrs. William Landis, 426- STARTING PAY
: loeb Sales and Service. 2215 Inc., 426-6523. S 2/29 tfn See 1313 Cots. space 4 after 4 4593. 1/2-23 HAND SAWS 2.80 HR.$480 M0,
p.m. D 1/9-16 APARTMENT 12 miles from HELP--VANiD CUSTODIAi Keep present lob while training
Olympia Hwy. North. FOR SALE -- Good. effective Shelton on Hood Canal. Fur- --start $425 per month. Apply DEPENDABLE WOMAN needs TABLE SAWS F,e c,eks o,,ce cl.r,
3/28 tfn and inexpensive advertising. '59 CHEV. 2-DOOR. V-8. Power- nished, including heat, Rghts, District Office Evergreen Ele- work. Experienced housework, - IV00rSlnof other types of }0b$
HAY $22.00 PER TON. 70c per Just call The Journal, 426- glide, air conditioning. Phone water and T.V. $90 me. 877- mentary School to Bruce Jaros, ironing, selling. Consider al- SHARPENED CALL KE*N0'V--W°24e'ehRS'T..,...''
bale. Minimum, 5 bales. Phone 4412. 8/19 tfn 426-4895. M 119 tfn 5328. R 1/2-9 FrankASsistantWillard,SuperintendentDirector of°r decent.re°st anything426.4998, legal and ph,1714426-6687Jefferson (Mt.H 2/17View)tfn 32 secumy mdg.
426-3649. FOR SAL: round pine table and ........................................ FOR RENT -- Clean attractive Special Services at Reed Bldg. D 1/9
B 1/9 tfn chairs; refrigerator; bowling '63 DODGE. ton, deluxe cab, three room cottage. Couple or 12/19-1/9
HAr-iO--I-SALE, no tansy, balls. Micky Thompson Chev. 318 V-S automatic. RanG, single person, no ehild00n or Real Estate Real Estate
weeds. McDonald Farm, Ka- mags. Wide oval tires, 1961 heater, overloads, top condi- pets. 426-6124 or 426-6927. BEAUTICIAN WANTED- full Services
Hlllman. 426-4653 after 5 p.m. R 1/9-23 or part time. Phone 426-4582. '
milche Valley. 426-3740. L 1/9 tfn tion. Call 898-2323 Union. E 12/12 tfn
Mc 10/17 tfn B 1/9 FOR RENT Trailer space ELECTROLUX SALES & Sere-
INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPET, ........................................ WANTED Sitter - housekeeper.
ZENITH STEREO CONSOLE in 1959 FORD GALAXIE, 292 close to downtown. Call 426- ice. Electrolux bags available. MR. REALY STATE says---
good condition. $100 cash. $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 4426. M 10/8 tfn 2-5 p.m., weekdays. $55 month. Free delivery. Call Jack Man-
426-4246. A 1/2-25 different colors at Olsen Fur- motor. 4 door. Call 426-8598 Own trarmportation. Call 426- Icy, 426-3544. 1622 Boundary.
niture, 4th & Cots. 426-4702. after 5 p.m. FOR R1PT2 bedroom unfur- 2870 evenings. M 8/15 tfn
LARGE CIRCU. OIL STOVE O 8/1 tfn W I/9-16 nlshed apartment. Stove, re- B 1/9-30 ............. "Call
witt fan. Good condition, $30, wAN wHEEL-B-iJNK BEDS, 1964 DODGE. motor 383, 28.000 frigerator, heat furnished. One BACK HOE SERVICE Lia'ht
Phone 877-5573. miles, 4 speed with Hurst ciki acceptable. No pets. grading, hack filling, sewage
D 1/9 like new, $75.00. Thomas systems. Reasonable rtLes. i fo
............................................................ Combo organ with bass amplI- positractlon rear end. $400.00 $85.00. $25.00 damage deposit. HELP WANTED
HAY --- Shelton Valley. Phone tier. Excellent condition, cash. 426-3823. B 1/9-16 426-4506. 650 Dearborn. S 1/9 YelmMUlti'SeiCearea. MinimumCenter DirectOrqualffica.fOr Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893.7/22 tfn n me
426-8774. O 1/2-23 $400.00. 426-6539. P 1/9-16 _ _ _- 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, gs tlons Bachelor degree in Behav-
heat, $65. Water, sewer, gar- /oral, Social Sciences, or allied PAINTING and DRY WALL inme©t our
[ [ ' [ ' F'R E 1" "K OA K FI ' K od" C GIG r Pets, Livestock ge furnished. Damage de- fields; one year experience in or-
COLOR T,V. or black/wh/te with eaci roll posit, couple preferred. 426- ganizational work at the commu- RESIDENT and
left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask - -- - S* me II
for it. 426-6163. 5/25 tfn K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle 4719. P 1/9 nity level. Experience may be COMMERCIAL
................... substituted for educational re- liSTings..
clipping and pet grooming. FOR RENT downtown. Two bed- quirement, if appropriate. Apply J.E. HARRIS
40" G.E. RANGE. good condi- Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- room apt. with fireplace and at Mason-Thurston Community
tion, clean, $40.00. White, Old- ment 426-8988. 8,31 fin carpet. Large fenced yard. Action Council, Inc., 202 Capital Bonded and Insured 426-00i4b,"
er model. Phone 426-6416. $110.00 per month. Phone 426- Theatre Building, Olympia. Ap- CALL 426-8773
W 1:2-9 - - 2692 before 5:30 p.m. plications close January 13, 1969. 714 tfn
TRAD-----E--"'"Y0't-old" fuiture Lost & Found E 119-1/16 119 -----------------------------------..--.# MOVE RIGHT IN--
at Olsen Furniture, 4th and -------------------------------------- - -
See at Cota. 4114 tfn LOST--Toy Poodle. Black with Mr. View Trades Real Estate ViewWe canhome.give yoult offersimmediate3 bedrooms,P°ssessi°nconvenient°n this attracUVefamily
Olsen Furniture IRON RI-'--GHT-iRoNER-and q3rinkling of silver, has new carpeted living room and a new range in the newly
El d M
4th & Cota 426-4702 chair, $50.00. 990 Mason Lake saddle clip. Disappeared Dec. ated kitchen. Other surprises too at the realistic price of
Drive. phone 426-3852. 26, Benson Lake area. Treas- WOO anor HORSE CAMPER for % ton DOWNTOWN AREA -- 3 bed-
pickup $30. Phone 426-2035. rooms, full basement with rec- 450. Call now to see it.
, , N 1/9 ured pet. Reward. Call 426- Ap +
3834. T 119 ar men s M 1/9 reation area, double garage
with work area, nice yard. NEARING COMPLETIONil
PRE o SALE .... Large selection - - -
I of reconditioned ranges, re- 2 BEDROOM Walking distance to schools, If you act now" you can pick your own carpet for this
frigerators, washers dryers. Personal UNFURNISHED Wanted shopping. My equity $3500, new 3 bedroom home at Parkwood. Y0u'll appreciate the
Eelis & Valley Appliance Cen- _ ._. assume 5%% mortgage on plan and the many fine features offered. Big double
INVENTORY . Mr. IAchter, 948-8,79 too and all located on a large wooded lot. We can
ter. 615 tfn - "-------- , Available NOW. WANTED: Alder and second after' 6 p.m. 112 tfn your home as down payment, so why not find out moro
CONF[DENTIAL care for un- CONTACT MANAGER growth maple. 9 inches and it today.
---"---------* wed pregnant teen-age girls.
SALE Sporting Goods UGN Agency. Collect calls ac- 426-3100 larger. Any length. 426-3464
L. R. Smith Alder Mill. MT. VIEW Mr. VIEW--
cepted. Florence Crittenton or S 11/14 tfn Just a hop and a skip to the Mt. View school from this
,,**A--%--. Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, 2 bedroom home, plastered, hard- tire 3 bedroom rambler. Ideally located in an area of
GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Seattle, Wa. 98178. 8/29 tfn 426-6155 WANTED TO SHARE in car wood floors, fireplace, utility homes with all improvements in. There's an extra bath,
20% off _.o_ Whaler, Schock pool from Cran Deer to BreTn- room and garage. Nice grounds petedlivingrcom, bigcou-ntrykltchenandevena
sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite - - - - " 1 - 2 BR Apartments erton. Shift hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and good Mt. View location. Buy it now at $18,500.
Uppy's Hood Canal Marina R.E. Exchanges $110 Call 426-4993. S 1/9-16 Drive by 300 West H SL
Union 898-2252. 2/15 tfn
- - - - " Appliances, Drapes, Carpets, Price $12,750 2 MILES OUT OF TOWN
1 WEEK ONLY TRADE 24 ft. Aluminum Lone Here's an immaculate 4 year old 3 bedroom home that is
Star cabin cruiser for 20-25 ft.. EXCHANGE .... What you have Water, Garbage, Ample Parking Real Estate GLEN WAT8ON 426-3170 to please the whole family. Ranch style in design, it has
January 9 - 20 travel trailer. 877-5560 Pot.- -- for what you want. Kurt No Pets - - - 1/9-16-23 carpeting in the living room and dining room, beautiful
Mann. Realtor - Exchangor,
Figurines • Greenware latch. JEFFERSON APTS. fireplace and the yard is all fenced in a wooded setting.
D 12/26-1/16 426-6592. 8/18 tn price is just $17,250, so hurry, this won't last long.
On Mt. View
Bisque • Stains • Glazes TRAILMASTER 100 cc Yamaha. Phone 426-8656 HERE'S I'EAL ECONOMYI!
All plants-trees-shrubs 2100 miles excellent condition. Real Estate 1215 tfn i. PICK YOURS OUT - We've got a3 bedroom home near the Mt. View
Phone 426-2049 evenings. - - well insulated both in the walls and ceiling,
bushes B 11/28 tfn and there's also a circulator fireplace to boot, all
Also- Good Assortment 4-Sxl-0-ft- 2--BZDRM-ouse HOOD CANAL PURDY REALTY CHARM AND 2 FOR 9... help make this a truly practical, economical home to
trailer with full length porch. COUNTRY Wynwood Center--P. O. BOX 410 CONVENIENCE .... Here are 2 two bedroom homes You'll also appreciate the wall-to-wall carpeting, and the
of Tulip, Daffodil and Completely furnished, good Gig Harbor -- 857-2121 Are just two of the many on Mountain View for $9,000. family room. And, to further emphasize the
Lily Bulbs condition. $2500. 426-6125. 140' x 150' Waterfront, wooded, 6 yr. old 3 Bedroom Home, Fire- plus features of this down- The investment opportunity is the price is only $17,950 and can be purchased with
H 1/9-30 native landscaeped, view. Duplex, place, Electric Heat, Rotisserie, town 4 bedroom, home. The good because both units are FHA financing.
WI/t00'r VII:W --_-_-_-_-;-_-_-.. shop, etc. on cove $29,500. Birch Cabinets, Rugs, Drapes, rooms and basic construction occuplied with families who
" * * 3 Car Garage. All landscaped for is a 'pioneer" style which gives have no desire to move. Why NEED MORE S-P-A-C-E??
• Real Estate Wooded view lots $3,750. $18,500 & Easy Terms. In you loads and loads of living not put about $1,000 down and Take a peek at this attractive Angleside 4 bedroom
- - -----v--_ * * • Grapeview. space throughout the entire start collectin your rent? Situated on a acre, it has a full daylight basement
GARDEN 176' choice beach lot, all or structur Large living room rec room, 2 fireplaces, a beautiful view of the Bay and
even a Junior sized swimming pool in the hack yard. A
TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, five part $155 per foot. 100' of Lv Bank Waterfront. with fireplace, laundry room,
cleared fcres with large barn, , . , Pea Gravel Beach. 3 Bedroom and even a food preparation ARCADIA ROAD .... buy at $17,950.
SHOP three miles out Arcadia Road. Home with Basement. Excellent area off the kitchen. There is Dandy 2 bedroom home on IA
426-6861. L 1/9-30 34 wooded view acres, right in PRIVATE STUDY!!
town. $30,600, terms.. View. $21,500 with only $2,000 a lot of life left to this home. acres at the edge of town. A
, , down. Has new heating system and cozy cottage with attractive Look into this roomy home on Angleside if you need
s a l&rge enclosed yard. You panelled rooms, electric base- It features a large master bedroom with its own private
1936 Olympic Hwy. North Cottage at 8te on's remodeled Treasure Islanc Beach Lots with can't be sold unless you see board heating, and many plus bath; a quiet study opening onto a private deck overlooking
ANGLE A|NCY Water & Power. Private Bathing
426=710 and completely furnished $9,850. the entire layout. Large home- features. Nice workshop. $10,- private back yard; also a second bath adjoining the other
• * * Beach & Boat Moorage Dock. small price--S13,000. 800 with $2800 down and $75/ room. Terms are attractive on this $13,750 home and
Open Daily 11 to 6 EXCELLENT INVESTMENT Choice beach lots and upland Prices start at $1,750 and up. month, vacant if you are in a hurry.
Mon. - Sat. FOR RENTAL lots with beach access. Buy now for later fun. KIDS GONE? . . .
• . • If you are selling your larger NICE PLACE TO LIVE ESTATE-LIKE SETTINGII
I/9-16 1 story, 3 bedroom, older home, In Grandview 5 acres of view home and looking for a very 1 PLACE TO RENT .... Quietly set on a seldom traveled street where it commancis
Ity peaceful view over city to mountains beyond--pretty gushy,
part basement, laundry facili- Shumate Rea you can only see from a plane, comfortable 2 bedroom home Opportunity to combine a
ties, practically new oil furnace that's how you'll find this yery fine well-seasoned 4
and good lot overlooking the HOODSPORT Total price $4,850. for retirement years, here's one home and a nice rental income.
to see. This home is like new These are 2 one bedroom home. It has a basement and there's a fireplace in the
city. Can use some fixing up 877-5576 days, 877-6575 evenings Call Julius Stock, 426-6705 days; inside and out. Many plus feat- homes in a downtown location, room. A buy for $18,500 and we'll help arrange terms.
and will always rent for about SHELTON 426-8610 426-6911 evenings and weekends urea includin new carpeting, The rental unit on the back of
Immediate Delivery $75 per month. Must cash out aluminum frame windows, the property has a solid tenant RARE WATERFRONT FINDll
and priced very reasonably at panelled walls, utility room, and the $60/month income will And a real value in "close to town" saltwater property.
$6,850. J!!*"'"mII.Ir i etc. Only $10,950. help pay for the investment, with tidelands and rip-rap bulkhead. Southern exposure.
DOWN TOWN LOCATION :-I: Ask to see this one soon. $21,250 with good terms or owner will divide at $85 per
S-P-A-C-I-O-U-8 $13,000. Could you huy better?
4 Bedroom Home with two full You have probably been shown
haths, large kitchen, living room through some pretty small LOOK AT THIS ONEI CLOSE TO TOWN
and dining area. Also a small ....
study for the studious child. Close 000000'rltE4LT Y homes for $10,000. Here's a New spacious 2 bedroom home Here's a nice smaller 1 bedroom home located in .the
10,000 home that will sell includes many excellent feat. Park area which gives you waterfront privileges. There is
to school and an excellent buy at FHA and offers 3 bedrooms, ures. Many of the "moving-in" one-car attached garage and a view of Hammersley Inlet,
HOTPOI NT $16,200.00. family room, fireplace, and car- expenses are already out of the Just $6,500.00.
10 Year DOWNTOWN RENTAL port. If you qualify, this means way when a home includes
Free Replacement INVESTMENT "THE AOTION OFFICE" 226 N. 1st St., Shelton it will take only about $450 drapes, carpeting, range and 13 IS YOUR LUCKY NUMBERI
down and monthly payments, refrigerator. Even has a sealed $13,000 is the full price on this large Angleside home on
Warranty Two 2 bedroom homes on ap- which includes tax and lnsur- 2 car garage with electric 150' lot. Older home, but in good condition with new
proximately 1 acre, downtown. A BUTCHER'S DREAM! Home & Business. Meats, Groceries, x
Space for additional hullding or Notions, Hardware, Gas & Oil. 50' x 60' modem store. COM- ance reserves, would be around doors. Located in a new dis. 3 bedrooms and separate double garage. Nice trees. See
condition and rented. Potential $6,000 inventory included PLUS, sepa'rate, EXCELLENT 3 their appraisal and inspection $19,750.
income of $160.00. Will sell en- Bedroom HOME. All on 3 LEVEL ACRES in a GROWING why not make yours HA8 EVERYTHINGII
FOR RENT .... This exclusive 3 bedroom Mt. View home has everything
tire property or separately, on SHELTON AREA .................................................................. $40,000 BARGAIN DAYS .... 3 bedroom hore on Angleside. living can offer. Spacious rooms, large yard, beautiful
contract. Price $19,500.00 -- of-
feri cortsidered. LEVEL 5 Acre CORNER. (Fenced Pasture). Good 4 bedroom This is the time of year to look Lovely home with range and fireplace, lots of built-ins, drapes and carpeting included.
home ..... garage -- shop .... barn --- near Elementary School. at some of the lots we have to refrigerator. $150/month. is a separate extra big double garage and shop. If you
SHORECREST TRACT 7 miles N.E. of Shelton ........................................................ $14,500 offer tn Mason County's top been thinking of moving up, you must see this one.
recreation areas. We do offer 2 bedroom home on Pickering
] Tract at above development a-
WATt:n IIAT, cross Bay from 8helton with 60Acres. Tralls, Roll/ng Meadows and Woods. 3AcreLAK, 2 such opportunities on the Pass, Does come furnished. HIMLIE REALTY Inc
The Hotpol.t Custom Glassllne beach and pool privileges. Priced EXCEFIONALLY NICE! .................................................. $32,000 Fawn IXe development. $65/mont.h. | •
water heater provides the ulti-
mate im eutomatle, sere, effl- at $2450 with at least $250 down A IUNN
€lent eperetJon. And be|t of sli, and $25 per month at 7%. 10 ACRES 6 miles west of Shelton. Half in meadow rises 1717 Olympic Highway N. Phone
It is backed by I0 #elf tuuk 1 above road. Balance of property is lightly wooded.
replaemeat warrmty, creek along back line. Well on property ............ $8,500 • EVENINGS CALL:
Appliance Center ilnce 1690 Evening8 Call: DAVE THACHER 426-8635 C, ARL JOHNSON
2nd & Cots St. Real Estate & Insuran(e Evenings Call DON BROWN - 426-6388 TOM TOWNSEND - 426-6597 DICK BOLLING, Closing Brokor 426-81(12
Phone 426.4663 HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE "Jim" Roush 426-8522 A. ROY DUNN - 426-4601 VINCE HIMLIE, Brkor 426-6801
Evenings 428-4134 or 426-6188 G. John Brush, Jr., Broker 46.1111
Complete Home Furnishing 4@1 RiIIrtd Ave. Ph. 42B.8272
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thureday, January 9, 19(59