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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 9, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 9, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Real, Estate Real Estate bF YOU HAVE wanting to live in the then this may be for bedrooms o. 5 acres, corn- cleared with 850 feet of Road frontage. It's and an 85% mortgage be arranged. Better call to it. BEDROOMS, I/2 ACRE renovated inside and kitchen, new bath, new new__floors, AND it's on a 260 ace. p _ Excellent ffarden rrult trees, berries and $13,250 and we'll talk after you've seen it. BEDROOMS, MT. VIEW 3 Years old and it's located 6000 SOl. ft. fenced lot, range and attached All in A-1 condition and price is $15,950. You tell you can pay down and it from there. P/2 ACRES, 2 MILES OUT Arcadia Road. A 4 bedroom up, 2 down) with cir- fireplace, large dining 1 baths, small horse some merchantable timber more, It's $18,500---let's go it. BEDROOMS, GPPOSITE of a year-around M home on Pickering edium benk with a stair. to the beach. House also extra rooms which could be as a 3rd bedroom. $19,500 We'll eonsider your terms reasonable). Want to see it? .OOK WHAT $10,500 BUy spent money ltke it was f style on this truly bedroom home on New bath, fur- Walls, floors, ceiling, car- and much, much more. to be seen to be appre- Call for appointment. 'AKEFRONT WITH IMALL STREAM on Lake Limerick with depth, nicely wooded from the Golf Course. price Is right--so call to it today. qEW LOTS (3 ONLY) x 100 feet, Water and sewer and pid. $1,700. Terms of Good area. YOUR RETIREMENT BAY-EAST that was planned future. All large wood- lots, water and power, of beach, deep water and much more. PLAT MAP and Prices start at $2,950 U little as $250 down. REAL ESTATE R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime Publications NO. 3980 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Superior Court of the Washington for Mason (in ,Probate) of the Estate of Deceased tt " GIVEN erened has been persond has quakes as ,.,_ u. rePresentative of --' of Rose Brew that all ..... er, .de- against v,,, na_vlng vcease(l are to serve the verified, on the un- of rec- stated same with the Clerk together with within four date of first notice or the publication: Jan- C. BATCHELOR CORREA F4tato Street --____ 1/9"16-23 3t NO. 3942 FINAL TION wSUperior Court of the aahinrton for Mason Matter of the Eaate of c" , a. with said and petl- the dis- per- dis. l report on the 1969, at 9:30 of said DA mS d I. daY of Jan- tk or tl S. . .,._ _ uperlm, Court AAAAAAAAAAAA AA A AAA L Legal Publications Legal p s Real Estate Real Estate egal Publications ublicatlon , =-- . t j NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE NO. 9969 OF VALUABLE MATERIAL OF VALUABLE MATERIAL SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ..... -----'- T ON STATE LAND ON STATE LAND The Superior Court of Wash- State of Washington State of Washington' ingcon for Mason County. , = " AS IS OR REDECORATED Commissioner of Public Lands Commissioner of ,Public Lands wife, Plaintiffs, vs. HARRY M. This large 3 or 4 bedroom home Notice is hereby given that on Notice is hereby given that on PIERCE and OLIVE P. PIERCE, in the downtown area is in the 1618 Olympic Highway South Tuesday, the 28th day of Janu- Monday, the 27th day of his wife if living and if de- process of being redecorated. 426-1600 ary, 1969, c°mmencing at ten January' 1969' cOmmencing at ceased' THE UNKNOWN HEIR ! ;. Buy now as is or choose your o'clock in the forenoon of said ten o'clock in the forenoon of said AT LAW OF SAID HARRY M. own colors, panelling etc. You DOWNTOWN LOCATION day, at the Port Orchard District day, at the Shelton District PIERCE and OLIVE P. PIERCE; i -' - -- must see this one to believe it. Only $12,500. on Contract with Lots of room in this home--3 Headquarters, located at Port Headquarters, located at Shelton, and ALL OTHER PERSONS OR Orchard, County of Kitsap, State County of Mason, State of Wash- PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIM- 10% or less down. bedrooms down and lots of room of Washington, by the District ington, by the District Admin- ING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ES- Foursquare ANGLE HEIGHTS: 'Fnis nice 3 bedroom home is in one of our best residential areas. There is a fireplace, carpeting, garage and double carport, as well as a patio and completely fenced back yard. Privacy plus and only $18,500., $5,000. will take over low interest mortgage or we can diseuss other financing. PRIVATE YARD: This nicer 2 bedroom home comes completely furnished. There is a carport and covered patio in the fenced back yard. Near school on paved street. The price is $16,500. and owner will carry contract. FENCED ACREAGE: 10 Acres, fenced with some tim- her about //2 cleared, some out- buildings, well and 2 Bedroom house, needs a handyman $10,000. BUILDING SITES: Several lots in town available, also lots on Fawn Lake, Shore- crest, Agate near Pioneer School, and even 6 acres on the Steam- boat Island Road. COLE ROAD AREA: Almost new 3 bedroom home, 2 full baths, lovely fireplace, double carport, all electric, on wooded acreage. Call today for more information. VIEW OF BAY & MOUNTAINS: 4 Bedrooms, 2 up and 2 in the daylight basement, garage & carport, large kitchen with ac- cees to the view deck, oversize lot $16,200. SEEING IS BELIEVING: The size of the rooms in this 2 bedroom home are almost un- believable. There is a formal Dining am., large kitchen, fire- place in the living room, hard- wood floors. Drapes and carpets are included and there is also a full basement, very dry, single garage and fenced yard. Close to stores and schools. See it to- day. Call 426.1641 Bev Thomason 426-8848 Polly Swayze 426-2059 LaBI$$ONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD $1 Legal Publications NO. 9959 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Superior Court of Washington for Mason County PENNY WALLEN, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES WALLEN, Defend- ant. THE STATE OF WASHING- TON, to the said JAMES WAL- LEN, Defendant: YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, within six- ty (60) days after the 9 day of January, 1969 and defend the above-entitled action in the su- perior court aforesaid and answer the complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff, at their office below stated; and, in case of your fail- ure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to obtain a decree of divorce on the ground of cruel treatment. PEBBLES, SWANSON & LINDSKOG By RALPH G. SWANSON Attorneys for Plaintiff OFFICE AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS: 202-212 Security Building Olympia, Washington 98501 1/9-16-23-30-2/6-13 6t CALL FOR BIDS 1969 Diesel Burner Oil P.S. 300 Regular Gasoline The North Mason School Dist- rict No. 403, Mason County, Washington calls for bids on the following: DIESEL BURNER FUEL for Belfalr & Allyn Elementary Schools (Approx. 13,000 to 18,- 000 gallons per year) P. S. 300 HEAVY DUTY BURNER FUF_ for North Mason Upper Elementary and High School (Approximately 20,000 gallons per year). REGULAR GASOLINE (ap- proximately 18,000 to 25,000 gal- lons per year) All bids must be submitted to the Clerk, North Mason School District Office no later than Jan- uary 13, 1969, 8:00 P.M. at which time bids will be opened. The North Mason School Dist- rict will receive these products on automatic delivery. Gasoline should be delivered weekly or oftener if necessary. Oil distri- butors will be responsible for checking tanks periodically. The Directors, North Mason School District No. 403, reserve the right to refuse or reject any or all bids. WENDELL HARDER, Clerk North Mason School District No. 403 Beifair, Washington 98528 2/26-1/2-9-8t upstairs. Paneled living room is extra large. Only 1 block from city center. Call for more details -+-$11,500. INVESTMENT PROPERTY 327' waterfront with tidelands--- 30 acres -- 7 miles from city limits -- $39,500. Owner will sell on contract. VIEW PROPERTY Come in and talk about assuming the mortgage on this 3 bedroom home--large lot and secluded Monthly payments of $115.00 per month includes taxes and insur- ance. $16,600. SHORECREST LOT 71' waterfront -- 310' depth -- $7,8OO.OO. MT. VIEW SPECIAL 2 bedrooms plus a large family room --- fireplace -- 2 baths -- double garage and workshop -- fenced yard $16,000.00. OCEAN SHORES Large lot, right in Ocean Shores. Will sacrifice for quick sale-- S3,500.00. BREATHTAKING VIEW 2 lots overlooking Hood Canal -- Home already started  Large living room  Fireplace -- extra large bath and dressing room Lots of storage  completely furnished to a T.V. Must see to appreciate  $22,000.00. TRAILER Ken Craft -- 23' -- 1965 model .... $4,OOO.OO. WATERFRONT LOT- FAWN LAKE 50' x 200' -- $5,500.00 DAIRY FARM 119 acres of excellent farm land ...... some timber--5 bedroom home. $125,000.00. BRAND NEW MT. VIEW 2 large bedrooms -- built-in ap- pliances -- carpets and drapes in- cluded. Many features to see. $19,750.00. SUE M. DANIELS, Broker Legal Publications NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF ABANDONED VEHICLES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Tuesday, January 14, 1969 at the hour and place listed below, I will sell the following described vehicles, to-wit: SHELTON AUTO PARTS- 10:00 A.M. 1958 Chevrolet, Lic. No. HAg- 546; Ser. No. F58Fl19179; 1958 Olds., Lic. No. BFG-218, Ser. No. 588M25468; 1954 Ford, Lic. No. KSS-761, Ser. No. U4RV108661; 1951 Chevrolet, Lic. No. SAB- 865, Ser. No. 673402937; 1956 Ford, Lic. No. DSG-280, Ser. No. M6UX107892; 1957 Ply., Lic. No. JAH-698, Set. No. 6629479; 1954 Olds., Lic. No. XAB-705, Ser. No. 548M65452; 1954 Chevrolet, L'ic. No. FNK- 325, Ser. No. F59B128092. WILCOX GARAGE--10:30 A.M. 1959 Ply., Lic. No. JBR-135, Ser. No. M134104156; 1959 Chevrolet, Lic. No. APJ- 787, Ser. No. D69N172405; 1960 Ford, Lic. No. JAT-037, Ser. No. OK11S162845; 1958 Chevrolet, IA¢. No. BVD- 713, Set. No. C58J188948; 1965 Datsun, Lic. No. GCR-955, Ser. No. P1410103839; 1960 Dodge, Lio. No. BKN-258, Ser. No. 4106169586. . FLEURY CHEVRON GARAGE, BEIAIR, WASH.  1:30 P.M. 1935 Chevrolet, Lic. No. 1>54- 008, Ser. No. T52283815. W. F. ANDERSON, Sheriff Mason County, Washington By ANN ROSE, Chief Civil Deputy 1/9 It NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS State of Washington Department of Natural Resources Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Public Lands NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 28th day of January, 1969, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the county Court House in the City of Shelton, county of Mason, State of Washington, by the County Auditor of said coun- ty, the following described 2nd elass tidelands, together with the improvements situated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefore, to- wit: Application No. 14273 The tidelands of the second class lying beleOV the line of mean low tide, owne y the State of Washington, situate In front of Lots 10 and 11, Plat of Island Shores Second Addition in Gov o ernment Lot, 2, Section 18, Town- ship 20 North, Range 1 Wet, W.M,. having a frontage of 2.24 lineal chains, more or less. Appraised at $132.00 per lineal chain or $295.68. Located on the east side of Harstine Island in eastern Mason County. Purchaser mut also pay a $5.00 statutory fee. To be sold at Shelton, County Seat, on Tuesday, January 28, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Land (SEAL) 1/2-9-16-23 4t Administrator of said District, the timber on the following de- scribed state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bid- der, to wit: Application No. 33328 Clara Lake Hemlock Rehabili- tation located approximately 17 miles by road west of Belfair. The sale is composed of all tim- ber bounded by sale area boun- dary tags and property lines on part S NE%, part N SE% of Section 4, Township 22 North, Range 3 West, W.M., containing 70 acres, more or less, compris- ing approximately 100,000 bd. ft. of hemlock, 50,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir and 10,000 bd. ft. of pine and cedar, or a total of 160,- 000 bd. ft. Minimum acceptable bid: $2,- 260.00. Timber will be sold on a cash or installment plan basis. Timber must be removed prior to Decem- ber 31, 1969. On or before January 28, 1969, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must make a minimum deposit of $226.00 in the form of cash, mon- ey order or certified check. Said deposit shall constitute an open- ing bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the re- spective deposits shall be return- ed to the unsuccessful bidders. On the day of sale. the purchas- er must pay the balance between the bid deposit' and the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an addi- tional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of the full bid price based on the cruise es- timate, provided that such de- posit shall not be less than $2,- 000.00. This balance may be paid by personal check. On the day of sale purchaser must also furnish a cash bond of $100.00 in the form of cash, money order or cer- tified check to guarantee com- pliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: via Department of Natural Resources access. Complete contract and specifi- cations may be examined at Port Or(drd District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and of- rice of the Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District Headquarters, on Tues- day, January 28, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. Any sale which has been offer- ed, and for which no bids are re- ceived shall not be reoffered until It has been readvertised. If all sales cannot be offered within the specified time on the adver- tised date, the sale shall continue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clock a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the ap- praised value, as appraised by the Commissioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of Ma- son County, and District Admin- istrator of said district. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands (SEAL) 1/2-9-16-23 4t NOTICE OF HEARING Renewal Franchise Application No. 1567 In the Matter of the Appli- cation of Faciflc Northwest Bell Telephone Co. for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain buried telephone cable upon a portion of State Highway No. SR 101, in Mason County, Wash- ington. WHEREAS, the Pacific North- west Bell Telephone Company, a corporation, has filed with the Washington State Highway Com- mission, under the provisions of Chapter 47.44 RCW and amend- ments thereto, an application for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain buried telephone line upon a portion of State Highway No. SR 101, in Mason County, Washington, for a period of twenty-five (25) years, at the following locations: Beginning at a point on the westerly side of SR 101 as now located and of record In the office of the Director of High- ways at Olympia, Washing- ton, said point being in the NE% of the SW¼ of Section 12, Township 20 North, Range 4 West, W.M., at approximate Highway Engineer Station 115+54, thence in a northerly direction along the westerly side of said highway to a point in the SW of the NW% of said section, at approximate Highway Engineer Station 131+00. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a hearing will be held on said application by the Washing- ton State Highway Commission at its offices in the Highways- Licenses Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 20th day of January, 1969, at 1:30 P. M., or as soon thereafter as hearing may be had. DATED at Olympia, Washing- ton, this 18th day of Nov., 1968. W. M. FOSTER Assistant Director for Highway Development 12/26-1/2-9-3t EARLY DON and im- proved treatment of many In- born errors of body chemistry now enable thousands of children to lead normal lives, according to the b o mm. istrator of said District, the tim- ber on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, to wit: Application No. 33005 Bull Pen Sanitation & Thin- ning located approximately 5 miles by road northwest of Shel- ton. The sale is composed of all timber marked with blue paint bounded by sale area boundary tags, swamp area and property lines on part of Section 36, Town- ship 21 North, Range 4 West, W.M., containing 580 acres, more or less, comprising approximate- ly 560,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir. Minimum acceptable bid: $23,- 800.00. Timber will be sold on a cash or installment plan basis. Tim- ber must be removed prior to De- cember 31, 1970. On or before January 27, 1969, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must make a minimum deposit of $2,- 380.00 In the form of cash, money order or certified check. Said de- posit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. On the day of sale, the purchaser must pay the balance between the bid de- posit and the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of the full bid price based on the cruise es- timate. This balance may be paid by personal check. Purchaser must also furnish within 30 days of date of sale a surety bond of $3,000.00 to guarantee compli- ance with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: via private ac- cess. Complete contract and specifi- cations may be examined at Shel- ton District Headquarters, CoUn, ty Auditor's office, and office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Shelton District Headquarters, on Monday, Janu- ary 27, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. Any sale which has been offer- ed, and for which no bids are re- ceived shall not be reoffered until It has been readvertised. If all sales cannot be offered within the specified time on the adver- tised datb, the sale shall continue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clOck a.m. and four o'clock p.m. , Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the ap- praised value, as appraised by the Commissioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county, and District Administra- tor of said district. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands (SEAL) 1/2-9-16-23 4t NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS State of Washlngton Department of Natural Resources Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Publio Lands NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 28th day of January, 1969, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the County Court House in the City of Shelton, county of Mason, State of Washington, by the County Auditor of said coun- ty, the following described 2rid class tidelands, together with the improvements situated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefore, to- wit.: Applloatlon NO. 14286 The tidelands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to, or abutting upon that portion of Government Lot 4, Section 22, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., lying east of the west 440 feet thereof, with a frontage of 15.16 lineal chains, more or lelm. Excepting, however, any por- tion of the above described tide- lands included in a tract convey- ed for the cultivation of oysters under the provisions of Chapter 24, Session Laws of 1895, to Wil- llam Banks through deed issued March 10, 1903, under Applica- tion No. 3053. Appraised at $3,135.00. Located on the northerly side of Hammersley Inlet about 2 miles east of Shelton in south- eastern Mason County. Purchaser must also pay a $5.00 statutory fee. To be suld at Shelton, County Seat, on Tuesday, January 28, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands (SEAL) 1/2-9-16-23 4t CALL FOR BIDS FOR WHITNEY POINT SHELLFISH LABORATORY LARVAE POND (Phase #1) Bids will be received by the State of Wadngton Department of Fisheries, Room 115 General dmlnistration Building, Olym- , Wadagton unUl 2:00 P.M. file Standard Time, January 23, 1989, for the construction of the Whitney Point Shellfish Lab- oratory Irvae Pond approxt. ately 6 miles south of Quflceno, aahington. Plans and epeciflcaUoml are available at the above addrmm for a $10.00 refundable depoalt. State Department of Ftsheriea Thor C. Tollefson, Director TATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DE- SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHING- INGTON TO: HARRY M. PIERCE and OLIVE P. PIERCE, his wife if living and if deceased, THE UNKNOWN HEIR AT LAW OF SAID HARRY M. PIERCE and OLIVE P. PIERCE; and ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIM- ING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ES- TATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DE- SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN: You, and each of you, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 19th day of December, 1968, and defend the above-entitled action in the Superior Court aforesaid and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon the under- signed attorney for the Plaintiffs, at his office below stated; and, in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of this action is to quiet title in Plaintiffs to real estate in Mason County, Wash- lngton, described as: The west half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the southeast quar- ter of Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; EXCEPTING therefrom a strip of land 200 feet in width, the center line thereof being de- scribed as follows:: Beginning at a point on the west line of said west half of southeast quarter of northeast quarter of southeast quarter 917.4 feet south of its north- west corner; running thence east of the east line of said subdivision; and excepting also public roads, if any, against the claim of the Defend- ants and any one of them. JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney for Plaintiffs Office & Post Office Address: Title Insurance Building 122 Railroad Avenue Shelton, Washington 98584 12/19-26-1/2-9-16-23-6t NO. 9942 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATIION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Mason County VIRGIL L. ADAMS and GU- DRUN ADAMS, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. JOSEPH Y. WALDRIP and JANE DOE WAI.)RIP, husband and wife, E. O. ROBBINS and CHAS. A. KIN- DRED, and the unknown heirs of Joseph Y. Waldrip and Jane Doe Waldrlp, husband and wife, E. O. Robblns and Chas. A. Kindred, in the event they are deceased and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or inter- est in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defend- ats. THE STATE OF WASHING- TON To JOSEPH Y. WALDRIP and JANE DOE WALDRIP, husband and wife, E. O. ROBBINS and CHAS. A. KINDRED, and the unknown heirs of Joseph Y. Wsidrlp and Jane Doe Waldril, husband and wife, E. O. Robblns and Chas. A. Kindred, In the event they are deceased and also all other persons or parties un- known claiming any right, title, estate, llen or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publi- cation of this summons, to-wit: within sixty days after the 5th day of December, 1968, and de- fend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and an- swer the complaint of the plain- tiffs, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned at- torneys for plaintiffs, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you ac- cording to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to quiet plaintiffs' title to the fol- lowing described real estate sit- uate in Mason County, State of Washington, to-wit: Lots 2 and 4 in Block 8 of Sup- plemental Map of Kamllche as recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 5; TOGETHER with that part of the east half of vacated alley adjoining said lots on the west and together with that part of vacated street adjoining said property on the north. O'LEARY, MEYER & O'LEARY By /s/ ERNEST I MEYER Attorneys for Plaintiffs Office and P. O. Address: 12 National Bank of Commerce Building Olympia, Washington 12/5.12-19-26-1/2-9 St CHRISTIAN .SCIENCE RADIO SERIES Sunday, January 12 "HOLDING ON VERSUS DROPPING OUT" KXA Radio, Seattle 9:00 a.m. -- 770 K.C. Mt. View Alliance Church Sunday School .......... 9:45 am. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ..................... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. EARL EVERS, Pastor Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pallor Sunday School ........ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11 :CO ram. C. Y.'s & Cadets ...... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.).. 7:00 p.m. Northside Baptist Church 123 W. C St. at Oly. Hwy. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Training Union 5:30 p.m. Midweek Service, 7 p.m. Travls H. Lawrence, Pastor First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School II :00 a.m. -- Curch 11:00 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8:00 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mon.& Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister Bible School .......... 9:45 a.m. Family Service 7:30 p.m. Worship .............. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday-- Bible Study and Prayer ....... 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service St. David's Episcopal Church Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest The Church is always open for meditation and prayer. 7:30 A.M. --- Holy Communion 9:30 A.M. -- Church School & Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship The Methodist Church G and Kin 9 Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, Minister 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages --- 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD 06 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. ZSCHOCME, Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 19S9 ..... Divine Servloo 0:$(} " Sunday School and Bible Class 9:16 Topis: "THE BABY JESUS iN THE LAND OF THE PHARAOHS" Firs+ Bap÷is÷ Church Fifth & Cots Sts, Rev. Jerry Larsen SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1969 9:30 a.m. Bible School for the WHOLE Famllyl 11:00 a.m. "WAS CHRIST GOD?" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups 7:00 p.m. "WELCOME TRAILS" Tel. 426.8461 Morning Worship Broadcast over KMAS 1280 - 11:00 a.m. -- s I |' I F, shermen s (,,ub --. P.U.D, AUDITORIUM - 3rd & Cots l Z SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1969 ( I Topio: "HIS EARLY DAYS  I o. LOGG,NG" ! . Un,ted Pentecostal church 406 "K" Street Phono 426-8082 JOHN W. HARDT, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL ........................................ 10:00 e,m. MORNING WORSHIP .................................... 11:00 e,m. EVENING SERVICE ........................................ 7:30 p.m, BIBI STUDY (Wednesday) ........................ 7:80 p.m. The Church that Preaches What the Bible Teaches i i SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1621 Monroe Street MA&ON YOUNGLUND, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL ............................................ 9:45 am. MORNING WORSHIP ...................................... 11:00 am. CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS .............................. 6:00 p.m. VANGELJTIC SERVICE .............................. 7:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY -- FAMILY NIGHT .............. 7:00 p.m. Fai÷h Lumeran Church 7th and Franklin 11:00 a.m. -- Worship Service 9:30 a.m.  Sunday School for all ages Christian Worship, Education, Fellowship, Service CARL J. CARL8EN, Pastor Imhne 426.8411 Thursday, January 9, 1969 - Shelton-Maaon County Journal - Page 17