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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Thursday, January 10, Shelton l Lodge No. 62 Mn is Every Wednesday 8 pm. 1.0.012 In“. Visiting Members will be Cordially \Velcomed * ROBERT HYDE, N. G. CITY CALL, Secretary Ban 5 Chicken Dinner Inn 0N HOOD CANAL OPEN EVERY DAY BUT lVIONDAY Banquets Accomodated PHONE UNION 294 Styles for Discriminating VVom- on Direct from Manufacturer to Wearer. Fashion Frocks, Inc. Personally Represented 3y Mildred Laney 619 Dearborn Ave. JACK MOFFETT DANCING LESSONS. TAP, TOE, BALLET. BALLROOM and all STYLES Every Wednesday 2 to 6 pm. ' Ethel I Zint‘neo; ELaurel C011th Will 0 Install Wednesday V Laurel Court No. ‘26, Order of 'Amaranth, will hold the annual fiinstallaiion of officers for 19:16 at' i the Masonic Temple, Wednesday, ‘ January 16, at .‘s‘ o'clock. It Will 1 be a public installation. i Mary Smith and VI'. R. Smith will be the new presiding" officers. _j Margaret and Robert Anderson will be installed as associate ma- tron and associate patron; Ella McCulloch, secretary; Claire En— gelsen, treasurer: Kay Suther— land, conductress; Ruby Crane, as- sociate conductress; Ethel Flat- 5 ner, one year trustee: Ollie Cleve: land, two .year trustee; Georgia Miller, three year trustee. Appointive officers include Jean Zintheo, Alice Dahlgren, Beatrice Grout, Grace Beckwith, Ida Kirk- land, Annie Anderson, Lydia Tow- ers, Muriel Rhodes, Annette Mun— son, Ruth Latham, Neil Zintheo and Oscar VVilkie. The uncrowningmf the outgo-, 7 ing matron and the retiring of theI outgoing officers will be under" the direction of Ollie Cleveland, uncrowning matron. She will be assisted by Lela Adams, crown bearer; Anna Kneeland, flag bear- er; Ida Kirkland, standard bearer and the flower girls, Ladies of the, Square. Installing officers will include: Mistresses of ceremonies, Vera Dufficld; installing officer, Thur— man Givens; installing marshal, Stella Givens: aide, Edwin Jones; prclatc, Minnie Logan; secretary, Flatner; musician, Mae VViniecki; crowning matron, Jean honored marshal, Stella Givens; standard bearer, Annette Munson; marshal in east, Ella Mc— Culloch; marshal in west, Alice Dahlgren; crown bearer, Ruby Crane; sword bearer, Ernest Crane. Honored guards will be members of the Court and the Flower Girls will be officers of 1946. Mrs. Bernhard VViniecki will have charge of the musical pro- gram. Shelton C. T. U. Reports Meeting The Shelton VVoman‘s Christian Temperance Union held its regu— ,lar monthly meeting on Friday, January 4, at the home of Mrs. IA. L. Bell beginning with a 1 o’clock potluck luncheon. Shelton Eagles Hall Phone Union 385 Christian citizenship, gave a time— Mrs. W. M. Elliott led the devo- tions and the business meeting followed. Mrs. Harold Chase, director of ly talk stressing the importance of being a good citizen. Mrs. Lew— is Wiley gave an interesting re- FOR BETTER Dancing 'advisability of having the Bible View of an article regarding the read without comment in the pub- lic school. She read. a monologue on the Bible. It has been decided to have a tea for the Y‘.T.C. girls and their mothers in the Baptist Church Evergreen | Old Olympia-Tacoma Highway Every Saturday ’ Night Music by Al Walsh’s Orchestra I Dancing 9 to 2 l RESOUR-C $ 600,000,000 “The Largest of Many Excellent Banks In the Northwest” Statement of Condition December 31, RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks . . United States Cov’t Securities Direct and Fully Guaranteed State, Municipal and Other Public Securities . Other Bonds and Securities . Loans and Discounts . . . Federal Reserve Bank Stock Interest Earned Not Received . and Acceptances . TOTAL . . . Capital Stock L. . . . . Surplus . . . . Undivided Profit Reserves for Contingencies o . Discount Collccled Not Eamed Deposits . TOTAL........ were 0 a o o o u . SIlEL'I'OlI SHELTON, WASHINGTON SEflTTlE-FIRST IIIITIOIIIII. BIIIIH 38 strategically located Blinking Oflices in the State of Washington Member Federal Reserve System I lug date at the home of Mrs. L. D. -daughter returned to their home guns-nu; Bank Buildings, Vaults, Furniture and .Fiiitures Customers’ Liability Under Lane-rs. of Credit Reserves for Interest. Taxes, etc. . Letters of Credit and Acceptanccs . Deposits in this Branch on December 31, 1945. parlors Saturday afternoon, Jan- uary 26 from 2 to 4 o’clock. The committee in charge of the affair will be Mrs. Wiley, Mrs. Mel Dob- son. and Mrs. A. L. Bell, refresh— ments. and Mrs. Roy Eells, enter- tainment. ians were discussed for a local institute to be on the next meet- I i I a .1v (Jen, l~l February 1. NEW YEAR GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. A. Almaden spent New Year’s eve in Port Angeles with her sister. Mrs. Jones. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Larson at Blyn New Year's day. RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sanborn and at Coulee Dam Sunday having spent the holidays with Mrs. San— born‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 7 A. McBratney. u. ES OVER Totals . $149,091,868JG . 371,396,225.25 49,993,918.07 I 8,606,438.82 $579,088,450.30 122,957,79236 495,000.00 1,763,218.89 1,234,992.47 . 1,661,776.35 . 070725136037 LIABILITIES $0,000,000.00 6,500,000.00 4,290,839.03 3,781,966.80 32457230533 1,810,468.24 196,557.65 1,661,776.35 679.009,652.30 . . . . . .3707,251,260.37 $5.676,518.,14 BBIIIICH Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. . charge of gifts. Geraldine Carlson, Carol Jo Lov- will be open to the public. LILLIAN WARREN, Society Catholic Church Settings For Weddings Wednesd Editox PHONE 100 0 ay, Saturday The St. Edward’s Catholic Church was the setting of into lovely weddings the past week when Miss Barbara Durand become the bride of Flight Officer Allen J. LaBis— sion. Lieutenant James H. McComb re and Miss Joann Faubert’ plighted her troth to Reverend Mark Wiechmomn officiated at both cere- monies. The marriage of Miss Joann Faubert and Lieutenant James H. McComb, United States Army, was solemnized Sunday morning at! 11:45 before an assemblage off about 150 guests and relatives.‘ The bride is the daughter of Mn! and Mrs. Edward Faubert and the? groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Homcr McComb, all of Shelton. Soft organ music was played by Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki. The attractive bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a wool suit of champagne wool with an off-thev-face hat of pink satin with matching veil. She wore a single strand of pearls, a gift from the groom, and carried a white prayer book topped with a single, orchid and a shower of white satin‘ ribbons. } Matron of honor and sister of] the bride, Mrs. Samuel H. Dins-l more of Olympia, chose a dress of' aqua wool with off-white hat while Miss Shirley Parent of Seat—‘ tle, maid of honor, wore a pink‘ crepe dress with black accessor-l ies. They carried bouquet-cor—I sagcs of pink carnations with a shower of pink satin streamers tied with tiny pink rose buds. The bride’s mother attired in a‘ gold wool dress with matching hatl wore a corsage of brown orchids. Mrs. McComb wore a suit of sap- phire blue, black accessories and a corsage of gardenias and pink rosebuds . William H. McComb was his brother's best man and ushers were Warren J. Woods, RM 2/c, and James F. Hillier, cousin of the bride. A reception for relatives and, close friends of the newly mar- ried couple was held at the home of the bride’s parents following the ceremony. Floral decorations about the rooms and on the man- tle were daffodils, lavender tulips, acacia, pink rosebuds and green- cry. The bride’s table was centered with a beautiful white tiered cake' trimmed with yellow rosebuds, flanked by white tapers, yellow roses and acacia on a lace cloth. The handle of the silver knife wasg adorned with a white gardenia andi pink rosebuds. Presiding the first hour were Mrs. T. W. McDonald and Mrs. A. E. Hillier, aunts of the bride. They were assisted byl Miss Virginia Connolly and Miss Ruth Hillier. The second hour Mrs. Henry Durand and Mrs. An-' na Kneeland, assisted by Miss Betty Attwood and Mrs. Gilbert Oswald, presided. I Mrs. Mervin Drain and Missf Elaine Keith of Seattle were ini I Out of town guests included Mrs. Belle Evarts of Scattle,: grandmother of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Zalloco, Mrs. Wendall Hemphill, Miss Barbara Oneal, Miss Reva Hansen, Miss Clare Mae Reiley, I Miss Mary Groce, Miss Dorothy Gleason, and Miss Gloria Romeo all of Seattle, Miss Eileen Cookson of Bremer- ton and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Dins—, more of Olympia. Recital Given At Lewis Home Recently Mrs. Charles R. Lewis enter- tained with a recital at her home. recently for the parents of her musical students. Those taking part were Joan Dodds, Gordon Grant, Toby Hal- bert, Jean Simmons, Erma Rich- ert, Donna Jean Paulson, Mary- dith Jacobs, Rosemary Stevenson, I I i ell, Ernestine Crane, Jackie Hal- bert, Winnifred Eells, Frances Johnson, Edith Johnson, Laura Ashbaugh, Janice Swanson, Jim Hall, Philip Stoehr and Winnifred Collier. Classical numbers by Brahms, Mozart, Greig, Schubert, Beethov- en, Debussy and others were en- joyed. Sheltonites Attend Amaranth Installations Mr. and Mrs. VVilliam Smith and Mrs. Eli McCulloch, accompanied by Mrs. Ida Kirkland of Olympia, attended the Lincoln Court Amar- anth installation ceremonies in Ta- coma Thursday. , Saturday Mrs. McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. M. C.I Zintheo attended the Colonial. Court Amaranth installation cere— monies in Seattle. Colonial Court candidates wear Colonial costumes! and wigs, making the ceremonies very unusual and picturesque. Hood Canal Club Meet To Be January 17 The January 17 meeting of the ! I l Hood Canal Women’s Club in Hoodsport, will feature a pro-[ gram presented by Mrs. Gracei McGrady who is chairman of In- ternational Relations. Mrs. Mc- Grady will change program dates, with the Legislation department. due to her intention to move outl of the neighborhood soon. ’ Miss Frances Fentiman’sl Engagement Announcedl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fentimanl this week announced the be-j trothal of their eldest daughter,l Miss Frances Fentiman to Williaml M. Lundquist. He is the son of. Mr. and Mrs. Maldor Lundquist,l all of Shelton. The wedding has been set for Saturday, February 23. JOINT INSTALLATION Rainbow Girls and DeMolayI Boys will hold a joint installation at the Masonic Hall on Wednes- day, January 23. The ceremonies. I ‘bride and groom. Mrs. Joseph D. Miss Durand, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Durand Flight Officer LaBissioniere, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. LaBission- iere of Tacoma were united in marriage at a double ring nuptial mass at nine o‘clock Wednesday morning, January 2. ‘The bride was lovely in a gown of white satin with a full skirt‘ and train of net. Her fingertip veil of illusion net was fastened to . Pi Alpha Will Elect a ruffled halo of net and her only jewelry was a string of pearls. On her white prayer book she car— , ried a purple orchidand a shower of white satin ribbons and freesia. Her J bridesmaid, Miss Joann Faubert, wore a gown of pink chiffon and carried a bouquet of roses and gardenias. She wore roses in her hair. Mrs. Durand‘ chose a suit of Air Force bluel with black accessories and Mrs! LaBissioniere wore a Fuchsia suit‘ with black accessories. Their cor- sages were roses and gardenias. Sergeant Leslie LaBissioniere,- brother of the groom, was the best man. Ushers were Bob Kim-l bel and Lt. James McComb. El-n mer Patrick Smith was the altar] boy. i Mrs. A. E. Hillier, organist, ac-I companied Mrs. Richard Grenberg who sang “Ave Maria Guneau”.ent: and Mrs. Roy Rector and Mrs. Grenberg as they sang, “Ave Maria, Bright and Pure” and . “Guardian Angel.” , The wedding breakfast was; served at the Durand home fol—1 lowing the ceremony. Daffodils? and roses were used in the decora- tions of the rooms. The bride's white covered table was centered with a tiered wed—, ding cake topped with a miniature} I Hill presided at the silver service, and Miss Faubert served the cake. Mrs. Warren Boby, Mrs. Bob Springer and Mrs. Emmet Smith assisted with the serving. Miss Bryanetta Shaffer of Seattle was in charge of the guest book. i The young couple are on their‘ way to Santa Ana where the; groom will report for duty at the! Distribution Center. They willl stop at Sacramento to visit his sister, Sister Marie at. O.F.F. S. Anthony Convert. For travelin Mrs. LaBissionieres Wore a black' suit, black top coat with green trim and green accessories. ‘ The groom entered the service, in March 1942 and spent seven' months in the Italian Theatre of Operations. Guests at the reception in- cluded Mrs. Robert Springer, Joan ' Fisk, Harriet Smith, Don Smith, Mrs. Warren Toby, J. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hill, Flor- ence Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kimbel, Pat Williams, Frankie Ann Fredson, Mrs. Roy Rector, Jane McKay, Gordon Smit , Rob- ert Kimbel, Jim McComb, Eulalie Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cyr, Jr., Mrs. O. K. Stephens, Carol LaBissioniere, Helen Martineau, Ken Kofoed, Joyce LaBissioniere, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. LaBissioniere, Leslie LaBissioniere, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cyr, Mrs. LouiSe Patnode, Joann Faubert, Viola Austin, Mr.l and Mrs. Edward Faubert, Charles! Durand and Bryanetta Shaffer. Dr. Brown, Speaker At Bordeaux P.-T. A. The January meeting ofvthe Bor— deaux Parent—Teachers Associa4 tion will be held at the Bordeaux School on Thursday, January 17,, at 8 pm. Dr. E. A. Brown, state supervis- or of Remedial and Special Educa- tion, will be the speaker. Piano solos by Katheryn Jordan and vio- lin numbers by Reverend Hard— wick W. Harshman will complete the program. A cordial invitation is extended to anyone interested in elimentary education. Refreshments will be served. Friendship Club El’ects Officers At‘Meeting l Officers for the coming year , J were elected at the last meeting of the Friendship Club which was held at the home of Mrs. Verne Pearcy. Officers to take charge this year are Mrs. Nell Eads, president; Mrs. Ruth Beebe, vice president, and Marjorie Yule, sec- retary. Mrs. Eads won the Penny Annie prize. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Roy Castle on January 16. Shelton Photographers Meetin January 15th The She ton Association of Pho- tographers will meet January 15 at Burgoyne Studies at 7:30 pm. Dr. Louis Keyser will lead the discussion of “The Lenses” and “Type of Cameras.” This is the first of a series of lectures on photographical subjects. Anyone interested in photog- raphy is invited. DANCE SATURDAY, JAN. 12 From 9 to 1:30 Shelton Valley Grange Hall Sponsored by General-Welfare Club Music by General Welfare Club Orchestra Public Welcome and I l and Wayne Meier, Ellen and Rob-l 'and Mrs. Harshman. Betty McKielyVells Lt. H. E. Barber l Sprays of huckleberry and bas-l kets of chrysanthemums with talli white tapers on either side, made up the altar for the quiet homei wedding New Year‘s Day when} in the presence of close friends and relatives, Lt. H. E. Barber and Betty Jo McKiel were united in marriage. The ceremony took place in Hoodsport at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKiel, with Rev. H. W. Harshman of Shelton officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was love- ly in a soft, gray suit with black patent accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Her attendant, Yvonne Bartels, wore a pale green suit with a pink carnation corsage. Lellie Wyers of Tahuya attended the groom as best man. Other guests included Mrs. Wyers, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Van Laanen, and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gibson and daughters, Shirley and Marjorie, of Shelton. Following the ceremony a de- licious wedding dinner was served. Officers January 20 On Sunday evening, January 6, the Pi Alpha‘s of the First Meth- odist Church held their régular meeting in the church parlors. De- votions were given by Grant Pack— ard followed. by a business meet- ing with John Steinberg, vice president, presiding. The nomin- ating committee was appointed as follows: Dorothy Hawthorne, Walter Elliott, Jr., arid Bob Price. The election of 1946 officers will be held at the next meeting Jan- uary 20. , George Andrews showed to the! group the film “Highlights and? Shadows,” a film especially inter— esting to camera fans. ‘ Refreshments were served by, Opal Packard, Ellen Price and‘ Jewell Harshman to those pres- Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crary,g sponsors; Carol and Clarence Grunert, Jean and Walter Elliott,’ Opal and Grant Packard, Roberta. ert Price, Helen Rowe, John Stein- ‘berg, Dorothy Hawthorne, Alice! Gee, Frances Fentiman, Bill Lund- "quist, George Andrews and Rev. Card Party To Be Held: At Shelton Valley Hall The Shelton Valley Grange is sponsoring a public card party Thursday evening, January 17, at the Grange hall. The play will; start at 8 o’clock. , I A door prize will be awarded: and prizes will also be given for “500” and pinochle. Supper will be served during the evening by the Grange ladies. I I I l WEEK-END GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palmason and small son, former Shelton res— idents, were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki over the week-end. Mr. Palma- son, recently returned from duty in the South Pacific, will attend< school till fall. i I CAPITOL HILL CLUB The Capitol Hill Club held their 'last meeting with Mrs. Mary Bax- ter. January 10 they will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry Calkins. ‘All members are urged to be pres- ent. HOUSE GU EST Miss Florence Mullis of Friday Harbor returned to her studies at the Bellingham College after spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Palmer. ALTAR SOCIETY MEETING The Altar Society of the St. Ed— . wards Church will meet with Mrs. ' A. Almaden this Thursday at 8' o’clock. . DENTAL NEEDS 50¢ IPANA....39¢ 50¢ TEEL 39¢ Eisterine .. 59¢ $1.00 ZONITE . . . 7 9¢ 50¢ (room Paste) oRLls . 29¢ 50¢ on. WEST BRUSH . . . 47¢ . VITAMINS - 100 , ABDOL Imp. . . 2.63 $1.50 . SCOTT’S E‘mul . 9819 250 ABDOL. . . . .557 31.00 Groves Vitamin 89¢ 100 UNICAPS . . . 2.96 100 SUPER D Caps 2.55 McConke-y’s ’. Franklin D. Roosevelt. General “There will be no infantile paralysis remains as one' to eliminate, and I. am certain. V' vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv" Harstine Island vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv v vvvvvvvv Pete Coleman of Seattle recent- ly discharged, has been spending this last week with his aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Chris- tensen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whaley of Shelton spent last Thursday vis— iting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hitchcock. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Glaser and daughter of Tacoma spent the last. week end at .the Hugo A. Glaser home. Hugo Glaser had the misfor- likens Dimes Drive to War on Axis General of the. "Army" Dwight D. Eisenhower eases ‘the Mr. and Mrs. Rem . Attend Reception Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ren tended the reception Tuesda: ning given by the President ' University of Walisington r cuts of freshmen. They had an opportun meet the University pro who are the instructors of. son, Ray. They expressed appreciation of the effort In Mr. and Mrs. Rempel to 7’ the affair from the distan Shelton. o ‘BUB‘BLES SEZ. 0 Now that those lovely nyl ‘ are on the way back, the is finding soaps to Wash ’em Best way to fix that is to k turning in the USED F needed to help'make soaps. member, where there's there’s soap. Keep savingy " W" I mmllll M8 FLOWE Cl‘l March of. Dimes, conducted January 14-31 bythe‘NationalFonnda- , D I tion for Infantile Paralysis as a “fitting tribute” to the memory of "lent Eisenhower said: i I amoi question of t’he- response from2 every Ameri— , Poun can who understands the urgency of the appeal. 'In our country I milln of the scourges that we must strive use- that the fighting services and all , demc veterans and civilians will unite in helping to defeat this» enemy l the , just as they did. in gaining the victory om the'Axis‘ih the field.” ' :"Iy "lot Brazil Discovered in 1500 L 33"" Brazil was. discovered on May 3, l ergd‘ 1500, by the Portuguese Adm. Pedro R the” Alvares Cabral. , 820 I at the schoolhouse. ' it; Pvt. Theodore V. Hile, just re- .53” Are Right . Wins turned from the South Pacific, is . ma," at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl for Every 0003510 prom Harriman with his wife and, son PARTIES 1946L awaiting discharge proceedings. ‘ B'RTH DAYS Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simmons en-l . ILLNESS tth tertanied New Year’s eve, Mr. and .- CONDOLENCE at Mrs. Irvie Wingert, Mr. and Mrs. . WEDDINGS strai J. Paul Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. ANNn/ERSARIES :°eSI John McGinnis. Cards were . CONGRATULATIoN "loin played with a dainty lunch at an" midnight. . . “ll Mrs. Smith, the county nurse, '.;,. tuvre last week to step on a rusty nail and is suffering with quite a sore foot. Mrs. Inga Johnson and Mrs. Peggy Anderson called at the Shelton Hospital Friday afternoon to see Mrs. Betty Mattus of Bel- fair who has been quite sick from having a tooth pulled. She is re- ported better. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson spent Sunday with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Housen of Grapeview. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harriman entertained over New Year’s Mr. and Mrs. Don Roby of Gig Har- bor. Violin music was enjoyed till the wee small hours. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Goetsch and children and Miss Dorothy had New Year’s dinner on Brain- bridge Island with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Callahan and son, sister of Mrs. Goetsch. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Loft and ydaughter, Patricia, left last Wed- nesday for Oakland, Calif, to visit a sister of Mr. Loft. There was a good turnout at the power meeting last Friday night with "Quick Change" No mere make-up...“Quick Change” is a marvelous new complexion that you whisk on instantly with your fingertips. Available in a number of carefully considered complexion shades. $2 plus tax. ' cCONKEY's PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 4th &. R.R Phone 303 was on the Island last Wednesday checking over some of the children with measles. Phone 232 ElIfllflfllmlmlfllllflfllflfllllllllllllfllllflllllIlllllllllllllfllmllllllllllllllll New Location At 7th and Cota —for— F]? i's Beauty Shop :§r Specializing In Wella Oil Treatments and Rilling Machineless Waves Phone 291 .IIIIIIIHIIIIIIII‘IMIIIIHIIIIIIII"1mmIIIIIIlIlIlIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII . l IllilllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I ‘I i O FOR THE BABY SABLUM . fibl TALC . Mennen Oil 8 ‘57 $1 .00 Large CHUX . . . .,1.,3 Large BIOILAC . . . 1-LB. Dextri-Malt 6 ‘7‘ o MEDICINES $1.25 ‘ PERUNA . . . . 2‘ 60¢ to lam" Alka-Seltzer . . 4 $1.50 , I liquid make-up by Lydia Pinkham 98 ‘ 75¢ DOAN lllCIEll Kidneyll’ills. . .59- 25¢ , [E N SOL. MAG. CIT. ': . $1.25 . ANACIN . . . 98 I" u C ‘ b 7'; al .. .d. FIR DRUG STORE “ 213 RR. Phone 63 \ -—————1