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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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\ e. ¥———~v~____ JULL- ictory Garden, I Preservation Diners Rewarded a ong‘ M ed itason County's ‘blue ribbon ling: agory garden and food preser- ‘6 " ndlon Winners and their parents ove ’ 1eadch attended the Sears 1 5 . oebuck banquet at Aberdeen last :2 I aml‘day, [ I .ers of the Goldsborough Telephone. Company will be held at the A. Bile— chel home on Friday tllc,2.’3th day of January. 1.946, at 8 o‘clock P. M. for the election of Directors and the. transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meet ing. Stock transfer books will be closed from tlle evening of January 24, 1910. and be reopened on the morning of January 26, 1946. . re orts Count' Agent 511‘e ghokerstrgm. ‘V ites'. his Victory contest has been ave finsored by the company for the 4- eresieyerai years to stimulate in— ie t W . “1 f00d production and pres- )n 0. Talon. 0110 1011’” _blue ribbon food preserva- ,d ’ I one WInners attending were Eli- 44 at HBrumbaugh, Shirley Abel, 10w:;he art. and Betty Newman.I 1 11 garden contest winners were anB en Du . ' arent ...... .luded Mr 18.11.. an h ' r" 52.. Mrs. r. ,J. ans .11 ...« an u sag, et rumbaugh, Meridee Wivell, Seoond time winners), War- ffey and Lawrence Putvin. S and leaders attending in— and Mrs. Roy Brum- a Harry Newman, Mrs. “1 Hart, Mrs. H. W. Wivell, Duffe'y, and Mrs. Robert Begides being entertained at the _the members were pre- d‘With cash awards by Mr. ’er Shavigpelfi Aberdeen store manager. company has also presented .... .. I ward ers : ’x», James I Hunter, Bob Hunter, an. fl. Tahuya , S. to the following second 15d thlrd place garden contest Bill mm -v Ronald . .1130“. Dale Bailey and Gene m vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv MW'V'V'VV'V'VVV' Be hel . 1118 t I 8113fer an abscessed tooth. »f ,: emmel’ton Hospital J 3 like infection. {ctr Mattus is still in the ’1 Hospital at this writing, reated for infection result- St Neurenber‘ger is in the suffering ohnny Husen received his dis-i “Se from the Coast Guard last “guy His mother shopped zin i him in Seattle for his civies " "if 6 day. [ap , etfir‘ and Mrs. Paul Adams have ‘ ix. lined to their home in West, ‘ i ’g‘r‘the Earl Nelsons. iii after a holiday visit here “(3:13:1an the Earl Nelsons with 31 ear 0 M H the Orcutt and V. 11 0“ton families along a . is ~. 5 ,1' and Mrs. J. W. Husen enter- “led ighta celebration on New Year’s L. with Dad : awn and Elmer Ollis with tur— 01m nner on Yew Years day. “3 Husen was lucky enough 0 r 3191111500 trump in pinochle A ThQVeni'ng. «p we Eddie Monroe family spent r 1 0m Year’s with friends in Ta- A3. i ‘1 . allmeeting of‘ the Bible StudyI M .;I m: was held at the Ted Blair “lesday afternoon. Light - 'e .- reshn‘ients Were served b the , out 3’ , ess. , fiuver , e Jess Whitman family. i «1). Color. MoOds “a 1 9°“ Q3, the utmost 0 ’11 contact with them. c0'I'lputed for Oakland Bay “a 55 minutes earlier) Canal tides are one hour Mnand Mrs. Bodine of Van- spent the week end with “firfltudy of the relation between lors which. surround us and mt! of our physical and men- fio 1this but in its infancy. There: doubt that the colors in rooms influence on the l .1 every human being who : «Tides of the Week I and Mrs. Harvey Rends-i l l 1 Low. 6:00 a.m. 4.1 ft. High 12:35 p.m. 15.3 ft. ‘ Low 7:47 p.m. 1.8 ft. at, -——-—— fln. 12' High 2:15 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low 7:08 a.m. 5.6 ft. High 1:17 p.m. 15.1 ft.‘ I, wa 8:41 p.m. 0.4 ft. uh, anfls High 3:47 a.m. 12.6 ft. low 8:23 a.m. 6.8 ft. ,High 2:04 p.m. 14.9 ft. Low 9:33 p.m. -0.8 ft. 0n. 1121.31 High 4:59 a.m. 13.6 ft. Low 9:37 a.m. 7.6 ft. High 2:53 p.m. 14.7 ft. I i I Low 10:24 p.m. —1.8 ft. . .98. . “_— . '3 .2115 High 5:58 a.m. 14.6 ft. 4 Low 10:50 a.m. 7.9 ft. High 3:45 p.m. 14.6 ft. Low 11:14 p.m. -2.4 ft. .4 ed. I . ___..__ n. '16; High 6:46 a.m. 15.4 ft. Low 11:50 a.m. 7.8 ft. _High ‘ 4:35 p.m. 14.4 ft. I I Low 12:00 -2.6 ft. hrs. ——— =‘ flu. 1:, High 7:30 a.m. 15.8 ft. .r Low 12:45 p.m. 7.5 ft. r. High 5:26 p.m. 14.2 ft. 1., _._. n. n 130w 12:25 a.m. -2.5 ft. . High 8:13 a.m. 16.0 ft.. pr 1:35pm. 7.1 ft. at. I High 6:16 p.m. 13.9 ft. ‘: _’ _— ‘i . 1', Low 1:29 a.m. -2.0 ft; I ‘High 8:50 a.m.‘16.o ft. ‘ 'w 2:25 .m. 6.6 ft. . lgh 7:08 pm 13.4 ft. , 11., ‘ n. Low 2200 a.m. -1.2 ft. ; 0 High 9:27 a.m. 15.9 ft. Low 3:14 p.m. 6.0 ft. High 8:00 p.m. 12.9 ft. N u . 0. 1-47 . 1* IEnOE'HEARING 0N FINAL 1.135;, material.“ F0“ . STA ESUPERIOR COURT OF THE WASHINGTON ion or (igUNTY .111 v u, the m t PROBATE ' B. t er - . NOTIcgovW. of the Estate of Ar 4 gee E Deceased. re!" , ‘ a (I IS xeel-Itors of the estate “ion is e istributiend ecutors. be of February, 1946, ‘the court Shel . s 23%;) Washington. ' . ~. 8%,, RE ENGELSEN ~ yunt Clerk i, EyTHER ROLES. HEREBY GIVEN that EGO-WY and Charles E. Run— of i' 1783'. deceased, havin . “93th the Clerk of the abovg ,their final report and distribution, asking thei thapprove saidt fifial, e proper o e e saifi’eto entitled, and3 to dis- RTHER GIVEN that and petition for dis- ' heard on Saturday.: at 10 o'clock in the fore—I room in the court? ay of December.I (SEAL) I i , 1-3-10-17-24——4t. l l i l l i I. V VVVVVVVVV'VVV VVVVVVVV‘VV LEGAL PUBLICATENS vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv NOTICE OF A N N l‘ A I. HOLDEHS' Ml'llil’l‘lNG, GOLDSBOR- Ol'tlll ’l‘l‘llJ‘li’llONlll COMPANY, Shelton, “'asllington NOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that the annual llleetiliju: of the stockhold- STOCK- Dated January 1, 1946. DELPHINE RISHEL. Secretary. 1»10»17A2t. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the real and personal property tax rolls of Mason County. Washingtone for the year 1946. have been delivered 1 to me, in accordance with the law, for the collection of the taxes as shown therein. The real and pe‘sonal prop; erty taxes for the year 916 will be due and payable on and after the 15th day of February, 1946. All tax pay-1 ments made In full on real and per- sonal property on or before March 15. 1946, will be subject to a rebate of thre per cent. ()MER L. DION, (SEAL) Treasurer Mason County ’ 1—10-17—24—v3t. l NO. 1780 l NOTICE TO (‘REDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATE OF WASHINGTON FO MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Albert P. Saeger, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Richnlolld H. Saeger and Geneva Sacger Angle have. been appointed and have qualified as Ad— lilinistrators with the will annexed of the estate of Albert P. Saeger, de- ceased; and that all persons having claims against the said dece‘sed or the. said estate are hereby required to serve. the. same, duly verified with the necessary vouchers attached, upon , the undersigned Administrators with " the will annexed or their attorney of record, at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, Boll Building, 119 So. Fourth Street. Shelton, Mason County, Wash- ington. the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the business of the said estate, and file such claims together with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled court, within six lnonths after the date of the first publication of this notice, to—wit: January 10. 1946. or all claims not so served and filed shall be forever barred. I RICHMOND H. SAEGER. I GENEVA SAEGER ANGLE I Administrators with the will annexed of the. estate of Al- bert P. Saeger, deceased. CHAS. R. LEW’IS, Outhern relatives in a New, Attorney for said estate. ’ I Bell Building. 119 So. Fourth Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 1-10-17~24—31—4t. I l NO. 1712 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF. WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Combined Es- tates of John Killmer and Laura Killmer, husband and wife, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Alfred D. Killmer, Administrator of the combined estates of John Killmer and Laura Killmer, husband and Wife. deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court his final re- port and petition for distribution, ask- ing the court to settle and approve said final report, distribute the prop- erty to the persons thereto entitled, find to discharge the said Adminis- raor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said finalrreport and petition fordis— 'tribhtlbh will be heard on Saturday. the 26th day of January. 1946, at the hour of 10 o‘clock in the forenoon, at the court Boom in the court house in Shelton. Washington. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1945. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN, County Clerk CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate. Bell Building, 119 So. Fourth Street, Shelton, Mason County, Wash. 12-27—~1—3-10-17—4t. NO. 1775 . NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Verne Keyes Loop. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of .the estate of Verne Keycs Loop, de- ceased; that all persons having claims against the said deceased or the said estate are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the underSIgned Administrator or his at- torney of record at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, Bell Building, 119 So. Fourth Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washington, the same being designated as the place for the trans- action of the business of the said estate. and file such claims together With proof of service with the Clerk of the. above entitled court. Within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: Dec- ember 27, 1945, or all claims not so served and filed shall be forever bar- red. HERBERT E. LOOP. Administrator of he estate of Verne Keyes oop, de- ceased. -' CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said estate. Bell Building, 119 So. Fourth Street, Shelton, Mason County. Washington. 12-27—1-3-10-17—4t. N0. 4629 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. George V. Paul, Plaintiff, —vs.— Kathleen L. Paul, Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON to Kath- leen L. Paul, Defendant: You are hereby summoned to ap--, pear Within sixty (60) days after the 5 date of first publication of this sum. mons. to-wit. within sixty days after; December 20, 1945, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court and, serve a copy, of your answer upon the underSIgned attorney for plaintiff at his office address hereinbelow stated‘ and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you accord- ing to the demand of the. complaint. which has been filed with the 'Clerk of said court and a copy of which Is hererth served upon _you. The Object of said action is to obtain a divorce uponi the ground of cruel treatment. J. W. GRAHAM, , Attorney for Plaintiff, Office Address, Govey Bldg. Shelton, Wash. , 12-20—27—1-3—10-17—24-31—-7t I N0. 1779 . NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOP. MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Moon. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Hazel Moon, has been appointed and has qualified as Executrlx of the estate of Frank Moon. deceased, and that all_ persons haVlni;r claims against the said estate are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, upon the said Executrix or upon her duly appointed age-11001“ attorney in Suite 5, Covey BulldIng. Shelton, Mason County. Washington. designated as the place for the trans- action Of the business of the said estate, and file the same with* the Clerk of above entitled court together With proof of such ecrvice within six months after the date of first hub- llcation of this notice, to-wit, Dec- ember 20th. 1945. or said claims will be forever barred. HAZEL MOON. l Executrix of said Estate. I .T. W. GRAHAM, Attorney for l l l I l l Executrix. Suite 5, Govey Bldg. Shelton, Wash. 12—20-27-1—3-10—4t the same having been I NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 5th day of February. 1946., commencing at ten o'clock in the iorenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the County Court House. in the. city of Shelton, county of Mason. State. of Washing- ton, by the County Auditor of said county, the following described state. tide lands, together with the. improve- ments situated thereon, will be. sold at public auction to the highest bid- der therefor, to—wit: NO'I‘Ez—No one except citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to be.- conle such, can purchase state lands. APPLICATION NO. 11102 The tide lands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, situate iii front of, adjacent to or abutting upon those portions of vacat- ed Smith, Cation and Hood Streets and vacated Canal Avenue, Plat of Lilliwaup Falls, lying above the line of ordinary high tide, in government lots 6 and 7, section 30. township 23 north, range. 3 west. W. M., With a total frontage of 6.92 lineal chains, more. or less, appraised at $50.00 per chain or $346.00. APPLICATION NO. 11095 The tide lands of the. second class, owned by the State of Washington, situate in.front of adjacent to or abut- ting upon the. west 150 feet of lot 3. section 30, township 22 north. range 2 west, W. M.. with a frontage of 4.07 lineal chains. more or less, ap- praised at $50.00 per chain, or $203.50. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraiSed value above stated and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: Not less than one-tenth of the pur— chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not Classified Service 'vvvv v vvwvviavvvv" IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS contact C. L. Col— lins, Business Agent, 1612 Division. Phone 240W. 3-30ifn CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING: ""— have your locker meat cut the. right way. Beef, veal. pork, cut and Wrapped the owner of the improvements, must ' forthwith pay to the. officer making the. sale the full amount of the ap- praised value of the improvements, as above. stated. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of Six per cen- tum per annum:. Provided, That any purchaser may make full payment of principal, interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed. _The pur— chaser of land containing timber or oth' valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands, until the filll amount of the. purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are. made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in section 3 of chap- ter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights- of—way and the carrying of timber, stone, minerals and other products over the same. (SEAL) OTTO A. CASE. Commissioner of Public Lands. 1—3-10-17-24-31—5t. NO. 4599 SUMMONS FOR. PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY VIOLA EVANS, Plaintiff, —vs.—— CLEMENT J. EVANS. Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said CLEMENT J. EVANS, Dc- fendant, Greetings: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within 60 days after date of the first publication of this summons. to-wit: within 60 days after the 13th day of December, 1945, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the com- plaint of the Plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer or other plead- ing upon the undersigned Attorney for Plaintiff at his office below stated. and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the. demands of the complaint, which has been filed With the Clerk of said court. The object of this action is that Plaintiff seeks a divorce from you, the above named Defendant, upon the grounds of your negligence and re— fusal to make suitable provision for plaintiff or to support her, and for a decree awarding to her the. dishes, silverware. etc, in her possassion, requiring you to pay the community debts of the parties hereto. and giv- ing Plaintiff judgment iii the. sum of $100.00 against you, the Defendant. as attorney‘s fees, and for her costs and disbursements herein. CHAS. R. LEWIS._ Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and Post Office Address: Bell Building, 119 So. Fourth St eet, Shelton. Mason C unty, Washington. 12-‘13—20-27—1—3-10-17-24-7t. i NO. 4617 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY AUGUSTA JERICHINA. also known as AUGUSTA ZOLOTUN. Plaintiff: ——vs.— IGNATEE ZOLOTUN, The unknown heirs of Ignatee Zolotun, deceased, and all other persons havmg or claIm- ing to have any right. title, claim, equity or interest in and to the here- inafter described real property, De- fendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the. said IGNATEE ZOLOTUN, the unknown heirs of Ignatee Zolotun, de- ceased. and all other persons having or claiming to have any right, title, claim, equity or interest in and to til? hereinafter described real prop- er y: You, and each of you, aIe hereby summoned to a pear within 60 days after the date 0 the first publication of this summons, to-th: within 60 days after the 29th day of Novem- ber, 1945. and, defend the above en- titled action in the above entitled court and cause. andanswer the com- plaint of the Plaintiff. and serve a Copy of your answer upop‘the under- sxgned Attorney for Plaintiff at his office below stated. and in case of your failure so to do. Judgment will be rendered against you accordinz to the demands of the complaint, which has been filed With the Clerk of said court. . The object of this action is that Plaintiff seeks to (what her title in and to Lot 6. Block 1. Dav1d‘Shelton’s Third Addition to the Town (now City) of Shelton, Washington, to have a decree that Plaintiff is the owner of the above described remises, and that Defendants and care of them be forever enjoinedumd debarred from asserting any claim whatever in or to said lands or premises or any part thereof, adverse to Plaintiff. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Bell Building. 119 So. Fourth Street. Shelton, Mason County Washin on. 11-29—1 -6-13-20-27-—1-3-10—7t vvvv-v mvwm LOST AND FOUND "mm FOUND: 18 carat white gold wedding band. Owner identify. pay for this ad at Journal to reclaim. 1-10 LOST OR STOLEN; valuable four 'mos. old short halred. male, tan hound. White vest, tlny white spot middle. of head. Reward. H. L. Kidd, Star Route 2, Shelton. 1-3-17 LOST: white and‘ green boat No. 300602, 15 ft. long. Reward. Leslie Younglove, Route 2, Box 269. 1 3 10 LOST: ladies gold Bulova wr'isfwatch. Reward for return. Phone 80R or i ‘ 356. B1-3-17 v v v v’vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv VV v v ‘ Miscellaneous vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ANYONE HAVING DIRT which 'they wish to dump, please contact Mark Fay, 515 Park Street. 1-3-17 ALL PERSONS ‘who cashed checks at our store on December 24 and 26 please communicate with us at once. Olympia Feed Company, Shel- ton. 1-3-17 REFRIGERATION Instruction, Male. Shortage of men for installation and repair work. The need for trained men to overhaul and install refrigeration and air con« ditioning equipment. is urgent. If you are mechanically inclined and have a fair education, look into this big pay trade. Learn how you can get this training in spare time or evenings. No present job. For full information write at once, giving name, address. etc. Utilities Inst, 1314 Belden, Chi- cago 14, Ill. 1-10 »\ l l l 3c lb. Doll Williams. Phone 381M. 604 Dear-born. 11—8tfn USED TIRES: passenger and truck recapping and repairing. Sam B. Snlith Co.. Legion and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. U. 8. Tires and batteries. 11-15tfn. ELECTRIC MOTORS checked over and repaired. Al Kilmcr's Electric . 409 Pailroad, phone 208. SW9 ‘ 12-6tfn. MASON COUNTY PLUMBING AND HEATING Union Shop Insured & Licensed Mechanics 222 South Second I Shelton, Wash: Phone 456 C. R. Bridges BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING TRUCK HAULING Phone 649-W and. TOZIER 1 /3~tfn L For BULLDOZING ROAD BUILDING LAND CLEARING See ‘ PAUL BROS. Route’ 2, Box 108 Shelton, Wash. Phone '10F21 After 5:30 p.m. 12 /13-tfn MITCHELLlS AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP o \ SPECIALIZING IN MO'I‘OR REBUILDING REBORING I VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING._ O 407 s. First St. Phone 628 — Shelton TAYLOR RADIO ELECTRIC SERVICE -—‘—SPECIAL~——- CONVERT YOUR BATTERY RADIO TO ELECTRIC WITH 11,9 X 90 CONVERTER O O TUBES BATTERIES PHONOGRAPH CRYSTALS 00 Service On All Makes of Radios 0'0 123 Cota St. Phone 128 . '. REAL ESTATE .vvvvvvv FOR SALE: 18 acres, two room cabin furnished, 5 miles from Shelton on the Cloquallum road. Walter A. Magoon, 325 Railroad, phone 115. 1-10-24 FOR SALE: If you have cash and are interested in a. modern county home, write Box B, 0-0 Journal Office. B1-10 FOR SALE: 6-1‘oom modern house. Gas _and oil cook stoves included. Inqu1re 921 Railroad. 1-10-24 FOR SALE OR TRADE: lots 11 and 12, block 412 original townsite, Port Angeles. Vera Gleason, Star Route 1, Bremerton. 1—3-31 FOR SALE: 3 modern houses, 2 furn- ished, 1 unfurnished. One furnished vacant January 4. Inquire Shelton Hotel. W1-3-10 FOR SALE OR TRADE for home in or near Shelton. 4—room modern Waterfront home in Allyn. Work shop, wood shed, double garage, good water system. Approximately % acre, some fruit trees, berries. Inquire Goldsborough Apts., No. 4 after 5 p.m. 81-3-17 FOR SALE: 5-room modern house With shower, with or without furni- ture. Three lots, house newly decor- ated inside. Beverly Heights Addi- tion. See Joe Fitts, owner. $2,700 cash Without furniture. Terms $3100. With furniture $3650. Mailing ad. dress P.O. Box 172, Shelton. 1-3,-17 FOR SALE:_ 31/; acres fine Skokomlsh Valley 5011, cleared, small house, barn. Also 21/3 acres partly cleared. house and outbuildings, fruit trees. etc. Priced to sell ulckly. See own- er after 6 p.m. at ox 115, Star Rt. 1 (Skokomish Valley) or in uire County Auditor's Office. D12- tfn. FOR SALE 37room float house equipped with lights and Water. In good condi— tion. Wish to move at once, $475. $A3l5so boy's bike in good condition, 9-room modern home close in and in good shape. Has upstairs rentable as furnished apartment. Will make fine large home or boarding house. Some furniture can be purchasedp $7,000 with terms. he. 20 acres of land with small house 10 miles west of She‘ltop. $575. HERBERT G. ANGLE _# NOTICE On and after this date, January 10. interference W1t1111946, I will not be responsible for any debts other than those contracted by myself. WILLIAM H. STEWART i 1—10-17 SHELTON—MASON COUNTY JOURNAL 'vavv WV vvv‘ ' l Classified A vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘ Box 458. I ‘ .._a—r-—_ I i HANDY MAN: day or contl kinds home repairing, not. w.———— ~/\_..__ _— vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv“ Classified Service ova v- vv ‘p- vvv'vvv'vvvv\ m All remodeling. carpentry, gardening, trimming, leaf. raking, cleaning. Phone 100. C12—27ml—10 alterations. C. ton. dluilt to order. Call 21.7R2 estimate. Wilber Peterson. els or for lBUILDINGS RAISED, new founda- ' tion placed under them and other N. Allen, Rt. 1, Shel- 12-27—~1-17tfn. ALL—TYPES OF CABINET WORK an : 1-3—17 CURTAINS LAUNDERED, lace, pan- ruffled. Also tinting. Also lace table cloths. 1409 Railroad. 8-30~A1-17 Martha Jacobs. HEMSTITCHING: 404 Frankii; Mrs“. 2—1tfu Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED , Phone 132-M l CONVERT Prompt Service Wood or Coal Ranges TO OIL BURNERS CONVERSION OIL. BURNERS $39.95 Olsen Furniture 11 /22/t£n - Co. SWEDISH MASSAGE Rheumatism, underweight. overweight, Regulates functions of skin, nerves, digestion, lumbago, circu- lation and elimination. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. 6 p.m 228 South Second. St. A. F. OPPELT. Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or Shelton 448 SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs L Sleyster’s Fixit Shop Third and Cota; PHONE 243 BELL & HOWELL HOME MOVIE Equipment Available Soon f i r arrivmg for yours, you will ob-. tain one of the st outfits REGISTER NOW at i so ANDREWS STUDIO Exclusive Bell & Howell Agency 119 Railroad Phone 152 Interior Painting and Paperhanging Satisfactory Work Guaranteed George W. Sawy . 105 Front Street ' er Auto Body Repair Welding, Painting ' Glass Work Eaton Body and Fender Works Across from Mason Co. Creamery PHONE 84 For Dependable I PLUMBING I SERVICE I Phone 550 C. W. WESTCOTT 1st and Mill Sts. with General Supply Co. I CARD OF THANKS May/ we extend in this way our sin- lcere appreciation for the kindnesses. sympathies and beautiful floral pieces offered us. during the bereavement gt gur beloved mother, Mrs. ovee. 1 Rev. J. CPBovee, Ethel Wesley Bovee and family ' FOR SALE: FOR SALE FOR SALE: deep and shallow well pumps. Pipe and plumbing supplies. General Supply Company, First and Mill Streets. Phone 550. 11—15ti‘n one combination buzz saw and donkey with Model A motor. 45-inch down saw. lilounted on wheels. Also one wood conveyor mounted on wheels. One 11/_. h.p. engine to drive conveyor. Have to see it to appreciate it. Cost $750 to build, will sell for $350 cash. Call 215R3 or write E. P, Fourre. Star Rt. 1. Box 73. Shelton. ' l 5FOR. SALE: one steam donkey, two drums. 6“ x made by Washing— ton Iron Works, Seattle. Cotton Ell~ gilleering and Shipbuilding Corp. Czlll did-M, Port Townsend, Wash. 1-10 FOR SALE: metal and rubber baby carriage. in good condition, $12.00. 711 Pine Street. Apt. No, 19. (1140 1—l01fn. , a; I I I -FOR SALE: one 4 h.p. Cusllhlrln air m "vvmvvvmm W FOR SALE mmwv‘l’ FOR SALE: baled alfalfa hay 1st or 2nd cutting. Archie Lemke, Phone 14F35. S-Bfltfn WANTED: women to Work as Oysu'T (-llllers at Oyster Buy. Call long: (lis— tance. Oyster Bay, collect, ;.k for Oscar Zandell. I —18—tl‘n cooled motor. $70. Inquire Hillcrest Hardware. 1—3-10 FOR SALE: large oil circulator and 20—gallon electric hot water tank. 407 South First Street. Phone 628. Ml-3~17 FOR SALE: 25 Rhode Island Red pullets. Mrs. Mary Armstrong, Rte. 1. Box 157 (Mill Creek) or phone 466M. 1—3—17 FOR SALE: one Jersey cow. test. 5.7. Gentle, $65.00. Walter E. Allen, Rte. 3, Box 252. Shelton. Phone 11F32. 1-3‘17 FOR SALE: wood and coal l'angeJ Mason County Laundry. l—b’tfn' TIE SLAB FOR SALE in 2Tm-Il‘loids, Phone 52. (ll-3430 NEW PRINT JERSEY DRESSmsize 1-l. Side. drape style. $7.50. Never worn, too small. Cost $10. See. at' All-Slim Journal office. TWO-WHEEL TRAILER FOR SALE. 611 Dearbol'n. '1‘1—10-24 FOR SALE: hospital bed colllpletc. Almost new. Phone. Union 297. Ml-lOtfn. FOR SALE: one. only Water heater for 1941-42 Chevrolet. First collie first served. Western Supply Co.1 10 FOR SALE Monarch Circulating Wood heater, large size ........ ,.$50.00 Enameled Trash Burner with coils . 25.00 Box heater with. coils . . . 10.00 40-gallon hot water tank 12.00 7.50 6.00 30-gallon hot water tank ._ 120-ft. 1-inch Manila rope 51/2-ft. Drag saw blade, nearly new 10-ft. extension dining table. Lester L. Dickinson- Hoodsport, Washington 1 /3—10-2t —-E\OR SALE—e 1941 2-3 Ton FEDERAL TRUCK. 2-speed axle, fifth wheel, ’8-25 rubber, complete- ly overhauled. MORGAN FUEL 1428 Olympic Hiway Phone 381—J CONVERT YOUR WOOD BURNING COOK STOVE to an OIL BURNER BURNERS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY AT WESTERN SUPPLY COMPANY 219 N. First Phone 126 I. NEED OIL? Stove Oil and Diesel Oil, we have plentylv City orders taken before noon, delivered same day." We‘feature auto- matic delivery service -— our customers don’t run out! PHONE 87 n o Shelton Gas Co. Bulk Distributor of Standard Oil Products J UST ARRIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF OIL BURNERS For Ranges 0 . CONVERT YOUR RANGE I . TO_ OIL Also a New Shipment of Fluorescent Bed Lamps 0 AL KILLMER"S ELECTRIC STORE 409 Railroad Plfone 208 If You Need Canvas Tarps Tool Boxes P & C Tools Mufflers Tail Pipes Spark Plugs Piston Rings Inner Tubes ‘ Fog Lamps Sealed _Beam Adapter Kits IWestern Supply Co. ' 218 N. First Phone 126 I l Ramos AND STRATTON airncooled gas engine. Smith and Binger, Le- gion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. 11-15tfn FOR SALE: Lane. cedar chest. Like. new. Phone 430M. Pl—lO-2i FOR SALE: 21-foot cabin cruiser. Star conversion motor, neat. stream- lined cabin. Inquire Western Sup- ply or phone 58-1-J evenings. 1111-10 FOR SALE: 7-weeks old pigs; 25 N. H. red hens. E. C. Furistcr, Route 3. Box 188 (2 miles out Arcadia Road, 5,15. mile south). 1-10-24 FOR SALE: Estate Heatrola, circli- lating heater 24 inch; also Vaughn drag saw. light. weight. Burgess. Rte. 2, Box 451. North Shore Drive. Bell'air, Wash. 1-10 FOR SALE: 1934 Harley-Davidson series motorcycle. Good condition, tires good. See it at 104 S. lltll St., Shelton. Jl—IO FOR SALE: dining room set. S-piec‘e, large table and buffet, kitchen range, Allen's parlor furnace, dish cupboard and bed with springs. Mrs. C. E. Buxton, Route 1, Shelton. FOR SALE: portable steel trailer, Model A power unit. 150-amp. generator (electric unit needs some work to complete) $200 cash. Hal Olstead, 123 Railroad. welder. new 1-10 ' FOR SALE: two new inside 1-panel doors, 6-ft. 8-in. by 30-in. wood Heatrola. thermostat control. Good condition. Lawrence Bailey, Star R. 2, Box 57A (Dayton). 1-10 FOR SALE: Maiden New Zealand does, 10-months old, $3.00 each. Archers, Victor, Wash. 1-10-24 FOR SALE: practically new incinera— tor, coppcr coils, wash boiler and two tubs, $45.00.,Max Hanlon. 638 Arcadia Ave. 1-10-24 ONE ELECTRIC BROODER. 5 com- partment. Cheap. Needs little repair- ing. PO. Box 522. T1—10 FOR SALE: at 718 North Sixth Street after six in evening. Old sterling silver pieces, linens. one pair hand blocked linen curtains, miscellaneous household pieces, antique mantle Box 60.‘ 1—10—24 , Also ‘ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1‘1 RATES 20 .words less (minimum charge) 3 weeks- $1.00. 1 week 50c. Loyver rates ,foc larger :uls am more insertions, Reader notices per word. minimum charge on each Card of Tlianks, tit-o; poetry 50c per display rates on Advertisements the telephone flom phone serillers. Cash should :ompany all other orders or ...nt made. within five (5) (l. the first ' anion, to save ense of bill-A All extra (h: I, of 10c will made when billing,r necesn PHONE 100 or o 73¢.- |i . I‘M’IUI’SI. accepted over subv is 'mrmwww WANTED mmw vvvvmv for men wishing; to learn the County Steam Laundry. l—ltlti'n co Journal. 322 S. Second St.. Shelton. l—llltl'n till-e. Apply Hotel Shelton Coffee Shop. beds. For particulars inquire son. Olympia Oyster Co. feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm Olympia. Phone 4676 mile '1 HELP WANTED GIRL FOR OFFICE; AND SELLING Excellent Opportunity Experience Not Necessary J. C. PENNEY CO. furnished or -m— ~ ‘r‘ an.) ._—-- .-———— v». WOULD LIKE TO CONTACT MAN with small gas engine .‘illil «irulll that will handle pile driver ham- mer. PU. Bo' Tl-lll WANTED: ill (.1 . ’ room house or .lpartllient. paltly furnished. Urgently needed. Havi- txvo children. Write Route 1, Box 206. (II-Ii) Shier:an Hits A FEW ()i’lilNINTIS i'lll food business. Good pay. p it Workingr conditions. Apply in wer- son to Mr. Watson. Shelton Safe— way. 1-10' WANTED: women to work in Mason WANTED: woman for general house— work. 6 days week, beginning Feb- ruary 1st. Write or inquire Box E, El—3-17 VVAN'l"ED~ use—«l stoves. ranges. furni— WAITRESS and kitchen Rip wanieu. 5—4111: WANTED: me; work On oy;t:fi Cliff Wivell's Texaco Service iii per— 12-141111 WANT TO BUY: old horses fOrAMi-nk l-ltt'n WANTED:- 2 or more bedroom house, unfurnished. Close in. Will Offer finder reward. Call 259M. Pll-Strn three bedroom house. unfurnished nal. FOR RENT FOR RENTz‘ 2-room cabin for man. 619 North Fifth Street. WANT TO BUY AT ONCE: modern Write full details, Box J: ('—o Jour- 311—22111]. vvvvvvvvvw vvvvvvvvvvvvvv ~"'fl‘vwm ~wv_m"'< suitable clock, oriental wall hanging. 81-10 FOR SALE: 16-foot boat. one 10 h.p. and one 5 h.p. outboard motors. All in first class shape. Inquire 921 Railroad. R1-10-24 CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil. See the new Therm silent Air Flow Burner in .operation at Sam B. Smith Co.. Legion Way and Cherry. Olympia. Phone,,7.753. 11-15tfn. CASH FOR old fashioned glass. china and furniture. Inquire or write. Box X, 0—0 Journal. 11-15tfn USED FURNITURE 1 Wood Coal Range ..$19.50 2 Davenports (good condi- tion) .............................. ..$29.50 1 4/6 Bed (steel) ........ .. $6.95 1 4/6 Bed (wood) ...... ..$12.50 1 Wood Circulator ....$69.50 1 Daybed ...................... .,$15.00 2 Club Chairs ....... ..$19.50 1 Chest ............ .. $8.50 1 Smoking Cabinet $2.95 1 Magazine Rack ........ .. $1.50 1 Floor Lamp and Shade $5.95 1 Daveno ...................... ..$15.00 1 Rocker $4.50 1 Walnut Library Dinette Ta- ble ,, .................................. ..$17.50 OLSEN FURNITURE 321 Railroad Phone 102 FOR SALE: Victrola phonograph de- luxe cabinet, 1,000 records in books and book case, extra heads and main s rings. A real buy at $75. 4201,43 aimnont Ave. B12-6tfn. FOR SALE: saddle horse. well broken, well trained. gentle, good with W0- men. children. C. W. McIrwm. Kam- ilche, Rt. 1, Box 99. 12-27—1-10 FOR SALE: two young fat cows suit- able for locker or canning meat. Also 20 steel stanchions. spike tooth and spring tooth harrow. Phone 216R3X. Ted _Richert. 12-27—1-10 FREEZING UNITS: for home, farm and commercial use. Immediate de~ liveries, riced below ceiling. See our GAR EN TRACTORS the “CAT LINE.” MISKELLA REFRIGERA- TION and EQUIPMENT at Mud Bay Olympia, phone 9690. 12-27tfn USED BARGAINS Wood - Coal Circulator Heat— ers Wood Coal Ranges Beds Bed Springs Tables ‘Chairs Baby Buggies Baby Beds Chest of Drawers Drag Saw 5—Ton Hydraulic Jack vMiscellaneous Tools Electric Office Heaters Dressers 322 S. 2nd St. \ FOR SALE: three all-metal frame, rubber-tired t r a i 1 e r s made from machine gun mounts. Ideal for boat trailers, milk carts, etc. Phone 128 or 385J. T12-27~—1-10 FOR SALE: hay in mow, about 5 tons and also king apples. Phone 6F12. J. Jacoby. Route 2, Shelton. 1-10 Leaky Hose If the garden hose leaks, cut out the damaged part. To join the cut ends, put a short pipe inside the hose and clamp the hose firmly to I thispipc‘from the outside. FOR RENT’ Hospital Beds Or Wheel Chairs OLSEN FURNITURE 321 Railroad Phone 102 FOR RENT: sleeping room for one or two, men only. Phone 61M E12—27tfn. va v»vwvvu mvvvw USED CARS mvvvv'vvv'vvvvvwvvvm Sl-3‘17 FOR SALE: 1036 Al-door Chev. sediani 1—1172 A. E. Lemke. Phone 14F35. FOR TRADE: 1936 Dodge Pickup. Trade for the best car offered. See. or write J. B. Schott. Bell'air. Wash. 1-10-24 FOR SALE: '37 four door Buick. Apartment 702, Shelton Airport. MCG 1—3-10 Vvvvvwvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvv PROFESSIONAL CARDS” mvvvvv CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER I Eliot Electric Equipment Co. Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 645 Wright and Malloy L A W Y E R 8 Charles T. Wright Virginia 0. Malloy Angle Building, Shelton, Wash. Telephone 337 CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORN EY AT LAW 119-121 South Fourth St. Bell Building Shelton, Washington l ALDEN o. BAYLEY I ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank I Phone 23 Shelton WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsicrs, Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Service! Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th st. Phone 565 l l u I INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ‘John R an ATTORNEY T LAW Shelton, Washington Office at Court House Telephone 312