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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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mmkmmA-A “51_#\ - which tells of results of hunting ' here with his father, Lee Valley.1 Vl’ar’s EridliiToppedfil945 Headlines _ Naturally But There Were Others Framing headlines in the 52 issues of The Journal printed in. 1947) rever the. followmg news items made the front pages as thr- most important and interest~ inf: pieces of information of the year. lTZiis: part of the review was omitted from last week'si Journal because of lack of space. and is being printed today 215‘ promised i. 1 JANI'ARY 7! Frank Trans. R1 :3, $3.10 :1. Roy Kim- 2 Ilili‘sillli‘ I:12:n:i ('iliicvns protwsl urw {w l\' schedule. . 1 lnl "lt‘(‘lt'|l to thrm» munnipal com/11> sm'. sures-«ding W'arien Lincoln! ,,.,_\..,,,._,.,. Uri-mp as 511911,,“ minimums r1 aimed to act-cpl Shelton postmaster—i olil rouni auzr form of government . 51“il- l 1' :r Dillllsflwlli’i' t_\pi- city g ivi-i'ir 1 MARCH 15 l llll'!‘.l. 1 First trip made over nv-w Slit‘llhll‘ ; lion Clark st’.llt"l as Kiwanis Club 3 Si-iiiii-i'fon railroad spur. 1 pi «uh-iii. ‘ Hunter lu'oilit‘l’s punliase \Vi lib 1 Sip-lion (lap-r11! ll ispitalag‘ain p1211'- 1 fun”, i i‘ll on approved list of .‘xllll‘lll'ull (‘ol-i MARCH 29 new 1: Surgeons. < . . ... . Q. .. _' North-1.: Pacil'u' brand: line from “£113.12” “HIM” “HAL Hum) m 1 Slimm- rH {ll'libfllilAll‘y‘yY“1111mmle l Millions to lll’ spent on power line; i . i ! l l F41 Elliott 1‘ :‘cs a"l~r 1* wars si-ivic‘ with llz~lll Logging Com- p'iuv i'Jiiioml l\'l>iul\. liuilv \‘v’wiiwruv-i' lllf’lililt'l as pin-sh, (ll-ill or (‘liuulv ' of Courthouse. 1 7., JANl‘ARY ix \Vuoili. ll arson Iv-uuotwd to rank of lo v'r L'l’lll"'ill in 1'. S. Maxine Cups. .I.\‘.\'1'ARY '25 i Siiillllll :[lllllillillfll ll'dl' .. i'umls rip-i pr p iait <1 13-1' Shelton Naval Air 6111—; ii. 11. \Hm-rn' Paul i-lm‘ml chairman o/ Slirltou Livnwral Horgiial board of (li‘ WWHW. ('ll:ll'i«‘< \\'“E r1 signs as c ~unly ,1 ltiilLf ltllo lr‘V. Inn-11' , s as supviinten-‘ if nur I Shw‘ion himpital. 1 FIIHRI’ARY l 1 l'lolu rt 'I‘rr-nwkmaiiu n'um d g-rnv . rigor. Mrs. ISle-l Thompson ., i-l sujiv nienilwni oi nurses ati In liosp . in: lll(l‘.. .y. I? z. r writhil. l‘v'i‘ indus . in war clfo: EBRFARY 8 l raped 11 County ‘ fund u‘me. hour 172'- llli‘l’llS. .iously l Shelton ‘ ()1 '. Ray: .11 wr's llwip- 11in; ' ble hv purrhasc piant llll'il'l ii . . company announces. ‘. Haincs U) . Company opens newr uvstcr prm .sing planr in Shelton. ,‘ ' rmmruu' 22 Jes<i~ Kill-I'll r~ us after 26 _\"ars as Slll'l'illl p :1111 .. Warren Lin— (will named -.or. l" ,BRI'ARY 2!) 4511:)!6130 saved in i'vfiindinf: ol' 1'. 1' 1‘. No. :3 bonds. . fair—Drcmcrton , store ‘ Aslibaiuzh as nil-i'i-lianrlisc manager for ton Grecn program. 1 Reed Mill wins second Army—Navy ‘ E production award. ‘ MAY 3 l llayonier rcceives federal approval} W. L. Kncv‘land killed by (3111' on highway. Logging division of Simpson Log». ‘ging Company wins second Army—i Navy E production award. MAY 17 VJalt-‘r Ecker't sells vineyard on, 1 Stretch Island. Active Club organizes I\I.‘-.‘o:1 County Infantile Paralysis Chapter. MARCH 8 O. M. Sim-n elected V.F.VV. post Clilllllllllllli 1'. John W. l‘munett elm-{ml Shelton stuool (lisll‘ltl director. 1 New ferry. llarstine II. placed on} Harstine Island run. 5 Mason County loses $27300 in state, 1 road funds thru reallocation of hielri 1 way llcl» ‘ from In Shelton—Allyn and highways taken system and placed money. road state highway system. Vincent Paul appointed county couni y conntruetion in county. Bonneville Ad~ reports. APRIL 5 Cameron farm in Skokomish Valli-y sulll to William Bourgault. Lois Gibli-r nanch FOI'l‘St Que-u. l M. A. Clotliicr resigns as liquori umnaccr. William Rawrling nam- l'und drivi- AI’RIL 13 William Rawrling resigns as liquor stwrc manager due to poor health. , Naming of William C. Reed as Len-1 cral manage-r. C. Henry Bacon :'s| assistant general manager. and George} ministration ml successor. Red Cross short. l‘lUSl'S $3.01)” Mi'i'cantilc announced. APRIL 19 Clifford Collins named liquor store. National Housing Agency 21) ncw private home units ton. All county joins Lumhi-rincn's manager (it 1 approvcs ! rui- Shel-i in Keep Washing—1 A I’RIL 26 of construction of new waste disposal , plant. I Local rents cut back to 1943 levels. MAY 10 ' Germany surrenders. Chamber of Commerce honors Gram Angle as uldc‘st living‘ active mcm- ‘ of the organization. 1 C. 111‘!“ Etta—1914111 Placed At 200 F or Area bullctin game department a-;"'ivities over the state in the 19!?) season. reports that about; 200 deer were taken in each of; the three CI'H‘JthS of Jefferson, Clailam and Mason. “Deer were plentiful. but hot. dry weather and increasing dens- ity of vegetation made hunting difficult." the bulletin reported. Elk season was reported disap- pointing to hunters on the Qiiects.: Clearxvater. Hoh and Bogachicl, rivers, where the tital bag was; about. TS. Flumptulips special elk, season resulted in 820 kills, how—1 ever. with approflmately 6.000: hunter»~ active there. 1 l l Vvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvi Matiock Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, Tito Muilock Ladies Club had a: tuvkcy rli .ier all the trim-‘ mines for their husbands New: Year‘s Eve. Men reported theyi suze enjoyed it and would like to’ see more feeds like that. Mr. and Mrs. Don I'ye and boys; Gene and Dale. spent New Year‘s! Day at Rochester. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis havei \vi _‘ moved over at Frisker-Y in the’ house \R’illiam Starr formerly, lived in. ,1 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nordwell and baby have rented the house; from Jay Kingcry who bought the Davis place. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Valley andi children. ilrs. George Kelly and girls spent Sunday at Tacoma! iilton Valley. who has been‘ spending: his Christmas holidays, 1 returned to Buckley with them. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knoble of‘ Spokane are visiting with Mrs. Knoble's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. James Neer. Wil— liam Neer and Mrs. Sam Nye re— turncrl home Thursday evening af—i ter spending the: week in Oregoni visiting: relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Nye were) Sundav dinner guests of Mr. and: Mrs Mel Beardon of Hoodsport. l Erix Forsbcrg and Mrs. Alicei Larson and girls. Janet and Julie, of Shelton were visitors in thei ncic‘hborhood Thursday. j Mrs. William Lundquist andl grandson, Ronny La Garde, and: Mr. and Mrs. Bud La Garde werei Tacoma visitors Friday and Sat-‘ urday. VVVVvvv'Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Grapeview 1 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvi Vr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell andl m Miss Hattie Barker had Ncwi‘ Year's dinner at the Spooncri home. Late Christ has news: Mr. anrli Mrs. ld Larson and daughters,i Joan and Laurel, Mr. and Mrs.1 (his. Inmbard of Grapeview and, James Bmtley of Seattle were: Christmas Day guests at the Johni Lombard home. ( Mr. and Mrs. Julian I. Lombard were guests of Mrs. Lmnbard'si parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of! lli’r‘merton. Mrs. Rose \Valls of Yakima Spent Christmas V’Vlth llCI‘ d‘dllg'l’l‘i tor. Ilcttc. at the Charles Lombardi home. i Vl'or'l comes that Billy Besch is? a civilian again. Leah MCGraw of Gi'apeview. to-i ,‘I‘Ctllt‘l' with seven other Art stu-l dents Irene S. Reed High Sylvia], nave cntcrerl a nation—i wide youth coziipetition offeringr $10.00!) in prizes. Vic notice also‘ that Roberta Dc-Voc. a former pu- pil of (lrapevicv' school, is also on‘ the list. (‘urils have been soul. out to the citizens of this community, an-‘ nouncingr a very important meet— inc; to be held at the school house on Sattu'day. .121. 12th. 1946. at 7:31? to discuss ways and means of financing an adequate school built" at Grapeview. at p.111. . war registration, which is expected ' the University probably will oper- =Simpson Company book, ‘ Commonwealth," in the book, when in 1884 a lean he lost it. and Grant found it af— , iterwards in a manger, and still Journal Classifieds get results ipreserves it. i U. W. Heading For : After-Dinner And Saturday Classes Seattle. Operation of the Uni-ii versity of Vv‘ashing'ton on a six-f day week and I class day by the start of the falll quarter of 1946 is the prediction of President Lee Paul Sieg. i \Vith the rapid increase in post- to far surpass any prewar enroll— ment within the next few months, it probably will be necessary to organize classes for the period ben tween 7 pin. and 10 p.111, the pres- ident said. “Saturday morning classes 1 probably will be necessary also in order to fully utilize the class room 1 spa cc now occupied only three days each week by three-hour; classes, " Dr. Sicg said. “Thusi ate the three-hour classes not only on l'v’iondays, Viednesdays and Fri- days. but also on Tuesdays, Thurs- I days and Saturdays. Many labor-; atory periods and quizz sectionsl also can and probably will be shifted to Saturdays in order to relieve the space shortage. 1 “Unless some expansion of class room hours i undertaken, it prob—i ably will be necesary to limit reg- istration to residents of the state and men and women discharged from the armed forces of the United States," the president ex-: plained. In outlining the possible trend toward after dinner classes, Dr. Sieg pointed out that University officials are not thinking in terms of extension or night school. In- stead those classes meeting after dinner would be a part of the reg- ular Univerity program to be util- ized by all students, he added. “Undoubtedly numerous men and women who now are employed! and find it impossible to attendi " day classes would take advantage of the evening sessions to continuel their tudies toward degrees, but the primary purpoe of such a movel would be to obtain a more wide-| spread and therefore economicI use of preSent class room and lab-i oratory facilities," the presidenti said. i 1 Lower Furniture Prices Promised .1 Low and medium priced house— hold furniture which has been largely off the market since 1942 can be expected back next springi at prices substantially less than consumers now are paying for furniture serving the same pur-l -. pose, the Office Of Price Adminis- tration has announced. Consumers now are paying anl average of 25 per cent more for! household furniture than they: paid in March 1942, largely be—1 cause low and medium price lines- havc disappeared from the mar- ket. The return oghthcsc price lines, even at a slib t rise over their pro-war levels, will mean a substantial not savings to consum- ers, Irvin A. Hoff. OPA Districti Director, said today. 1 Grant Talcott Visits. Shows Gold Cougar Claw Grant Talcott. the last of the} Talcott Brothers, pioncct' jewelers f of Olympia dating back to 1874. was a visitor Saturday and ex- pressed his appreciation of the; “Green which brought back old timcs to him of earlyi visits to Shelton. He exhibited a gold mounted cougar claw which fitted in with an event recounted and hungry 9-foot cougar jumped on the Hodenberger children go- ing home from school, and young Johnny bore the scars through , life. Grant mounted the claw and ' his father wore it for years until i a fourteen—hour! SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Roland Gerhardt MAY 31 elected American AUGUST 30 . 1 of \Vilson's Cafe. Restaurants announce two meatless Legion post-commander. Dredging begun .for new Simpson davs per week. C. H. Kreicnbaum reveals Simpson Logging Company industry. ‘ Davisco‘u-t Bakery sold to .Don 1 Logging Company plans for Shelton City assumes garbage collection ro- “w ‘1‘.)“1'” and Vin;r Smith. 1 improvement. sponsr lity. :h- l lll-"lll'i'lnt‘nt ox “vs hold ' JULY 19 1 Special unofficial census plat-vs . f" 9” Hi'l’hmun" 3"“!“0'5 1”- Il‘i'm‘i Thomas F. McNabb killed when Slwlmn W’pmauqn ‘11 41100: S. Recd high :chool. ; truck plungcs Off Bayshore road. ‘ J.‘ H. Gray remgns as ration board S JI'NE 7 1, AUGFST 2 (Ihénvmlilghrv Bacon named {’(111‘71 hvlton merchants ask revision ofi . - . _ ~ .- ' ‘ , v.‘ ‘.‘ OPE. Mr greater efficiency and prac- ‘ dfitfll’gfififishormge m lumbm m gunfigzg of M.. succeeding William “calliy- mi Many oldtimers gather for pioneer ‘ H . JI'NI'; 21 : picnic. :‘P‘PTEMBP‘R 6 1 New P. branch line dcdicated‘ AUGI'ST 9 General Sfmders‘?“ 515'“? S‘”",“’!d“‘ with special train run. Woods fires on increase in county. (1:! .“(gk‘lslfl‘md by Jan-5 m helm“ “I JI'NE 28 Frank Wandell retires after 39 years Chile? \ d_ n , I P. . Shelton post office raised to first as engineer for Simpson Logging .In0 lei?» 1”}, in -‘ H‘lfi‘lmf‘n. 3nd? "‘ class rating. ‘Company railroad division. 1'“ O “‘9' "3 ROW“ ’CS‘En' ‘1‘“ 7th War Loan goes over quota altho 1ndi\idual bond sales lag. New Rayonier waste reaches its 375-foot maximum height. Hughey named police chief. dlSposal “Mk Alderbrook Inn sold to Grays llar- Thirty to 40 mile gale lasting 24 AUGUST 16 bur Prefab, compally' . , hours do's-s light damage in county. V-J Day celebrated. Shelton schools show increased en- JK‘LY 5 l Simpson Logging Company resumes mllment- Firc hazards close loggingr opera— 1 40-hour week. SEPTEMBER 20 tions throughout Olympic Peninsula! Rep. Charles Savagcs tells Cham— Simpson Logging Company an- X'Ui‘Jion. ber of Commerce of trip to Europe. I nounces plans for establishment of J. 11. White dies of burns suffered AI'GITS’I‘ 23 new model li,>;:'g_'ing camp. to be known 3 in hotel room. Flotilla 48. Coast Guard Reserve, as Camp Grisdale. to replace Camp 5. JI'LY l2 ends war—time service. SEPTEMBER 27 Edward L. Weinrr. Seattle student. ’ killed in Olympics fall. Most dangerous * QUAlIlY MEATS Acme, Arm cr Blade “Good” POT ROAST . . .. lb. Acme “Grain-Fed," Graded “Good” 27¢ SHORT RIB-S lb. 15¢ PORK CHOPS .. . lb. 38¢ Pure Pork, Type 1 BULK SAUSAGE lb. Young, Graded “Good” LEG O’ LAMB . . . lb. Square Cut Shoulder, “Good” LAMB ROAST . . lb. Grade “A” N. Y. Dressed Fricassee FOWL lb. N. Y. Dressed, Grade “A” YOUNG FRYERS lb. 43¢ HALIBUT Steaks lb. 37¢ Pacific Oysters, Fresh! SMALL OYSTERS pt. 75¢ Veal, Olive-Loaf, Etc. LUNCH MEATS . lb. 34¢ FRESH PRODUCE Marsh Seedless, Sweet & Juicy Ariz. Grapefruit .. lb. 5¢ Marsh Seedless, Giant Size POUND Florida Grapefruit . 71/292 Texas, Beautiful For Salads Pink Grapefruit .. lb. 9¢ Small _and Large, Sweet & Juicy Navel ORANGES . lb. 9¢ U.S. No. 1 Yakima (Lb. 3V2¢) 50-Lb. Bag POTATOES ...... $1.75 11.3. No. 1 Yakima 100-Lb. B'ag GEM POTATOES . $3.39 Sunkist Fancy, Full of Juice LARGE LEMONS lb. 12¢ Delicious or Rome Beauties Box Lb. APPLES . . . . $4.79 11% ’Be-SR-GOTO-th-Ojlj-I lb. 19¢ Fancy Quality, Emperor Grapes TABLE GRAPES lb. 15¢ Supreme For Salads! C—A-L-A—V-O-S 1/2-lb. 19¢ o‘"°"”°"'°°“"g l"°“’”’“m“"; *“‘"”°m°””' l 1 FRUIT i §PEANUT§ lMARMA-i l .~ 6 ; CAKE 1 :BUTTElt, . LADE 1 l Tean Pride, Sensa- l E Real Roast Brand, 3 Citrus Marmalade, l : tional Price! High US. Graded . ‘ Spencer Farms l : Quality! : g No. 1 Peanuts i Brand . 3 -Lb. l l 1-Lb. : : 2-Lb. 5 1 l 1 Can E g Jar ¢ E ; Jar 2 ¢ : fire years confronts county hazards in; Shelton airport declared on . surplus list. Navy's . Lowest Prices in Town! EACH DOZ. Del Monte, Fancy 1-Lb. Jar Diced Carrot 12¢ 1.39s Del Monte, Fancy 20-0z.Can Cream Corn2f0r 27¢ 1.57 15¢ 1.75 $133552} 25:5?" 14¢ 1.65 Wil31§°ii飰53§ii 15¢ 1.75 13¢ 1.51 WHOLE KERNEL- Butter Kernel 20-02. CORN 2 for 27¢ 1.57 éafbisii°fiixifi£fi”'°i5¢ 1.75 Larsen Salad Vegetables VEGETABLES 15¢ 1.75 Country Gentleman, Fancy 20-Oz. Libby’s CORN 14¢ 1.63 'sfiiiiiiii‘ii":iiii§§z' 10¢ A 1.15 TOMATO Jule: 22¢ 2.59 V-§ COCKTAIL 29¢ 3.43 Libby's Fancy - 18~Oz. Can ORANGE Juice 19¢ 2.23 Bruce’s Florida, Fancy 46-02. Can ORANGE Juice 45¢ 5.35 Town House, Natural, Fancy 46-02. Grapefruit Juice 29¢ 3.43 Castle Crest, Choice No. 2y2 Can PEACH HaIVes 23¢ 2.71 Valley Gold, Choice - No. 2V2 Can Apricot Halves 26¢ 3.07 2V2 25¢ 2.95 TU‘RKEY AND Lynden's, Ready 1-Lb. NOODLES 26¢ 3.07 Dennison’s - 1-Lb. Can Chili Con Came 21¢ 2.47 Libby's, No Filler - 3%-Oz. . Deviled Meat 3/17¢ 63¢ Libby's, Spicy - 4-Oz. Can Vienna Sausage 11¢ 1.27 Prince Leo 1-Lb. Tall Can Pink SALMON 20¢ 2.35 Royal Chef, For Chowder 7-Oz. Minced CLAMS 23¢ 2.71 Underwood’s Genuine - 3-Oz. Can Deviled HAM 18¢ 2.01 -O-..-------..--o4 ClGAR-‘ ETTES Camels, Luckies, Raleighs, etc. (2 for 31¢) c... 1.55 -c..----o......o- 1 Roy McConkvy announces purrhasel Fir Drug Store. ‘ Harry Clark resigns as district for- est fire warden to illfl'l'lll management . I. H. Woods of building for Snowfall ear , ecrs. OCTOBER 1 Rayonicr plant reopens. OCTOBER :1 1 Simpson Logging Company's rc- search and enginccrihg (lcpartmcnt organized. temporarily located at Reed Wood and door ('ommi City Mill No. 2 offices. memorial. Hood Canal Chamber of Commerce ‘Grecn Con organized at Belfair. State supreme court rules city can ton's development. in great demand. 1 H - (r e collect from bonding. companies for following distribution to 250 guests at ,,t$5po,,;(i?gi,f’bb m bwnma Of Pop' shortages in water fund to Jordan Simpson anniversarv banquct. NEW garbage coupuion reps Clapper 6615*“ NOVEMBER 22 lislied. OCTOBER 18 Two huntingr accidcnis kill one, ser- ' Sale. (if The Mason County Laundry. Don (‘iark namcd ging Company. NOVEMBER 15 architect to assist in planning for war Simpson Logging Company and Shel~ to \V. L. Jessup announced. hill Thursday, January 10, 1 purchases old postofflcri i titers. future enlargement of George Cunningham killed. 1 Umphcnonr seriously injurrd as pole collapses on Bayshorc r0 1 DECEMBER 13 licst in memory of pion- meme“ M Di)" 5510.000 fund for improvcme ' Plums “1 SIMPSON LUB‘ Loop Field athletic plant gift William (1. Reed as memorial l E late brother. Frank C. Ree. , Skeleton of Carl Afdem. " since 1938. discovcred. ‘ DECEMBER 20 S. B. Anderson elected 1946 ‘ ber of Commerce president. ssioncrs iirc postwar imonWCalth.’ story efi I) ECEM BER 27 Journal by J. E. Angle I Rayonior union members here iously injure another. Tuinwa‘ter Council annual Scouters industry trend in voting 3 to County's forest fire work praised conference held here. accept new wage. agreement " by MaJor C. S. Cowan. chief of VVasll— NOVEMBER 29 i pulp and paper base pay eq Plans for revealed. Forest Fire Ass'n. NOVEMBER 1 OPA rent control office in Sheltoni closed. NOVEMBER 8 Simpson Logging Company and ‘ Lunibcrmen's Mercantile celebrate 50111 anniversary. ington New timber of enticing values in quality food by the dozen! Safeway has the Tomato Soup Sweet eas Tomato Juice Tom. Sauce Edw. Coffee -r-e-e-t White Magic New Stamp U. I. GRANULATED SUGAR Arm. 6 Quality 15 Excellent — 13!/2-Oz. Red Hill CATSUP 2/25¢ 11¢ Eibiffiii‘sanfifiiif' 2/27¢ Eti'i‘lifiilKiiYIQI—im 17¢ “13116543?” 30¢ iiiiiiiiiibdéiiflit 30¢ ilfiléiiifiiiicifeiv 31¢ Edit? 24¢ NOODLES 12¢ biiyv'siijiifi'aiiiiii” 2/27¢ 1366136133511 2 /29¢ iii'i'iéfiiibtiiii‘csztiiip 17¢ $5113.16 3561“ 11¢ i51"iiiiibi?aiiiiiii4siifisGs 36¢ EEKQ' 26¢ 7 ¢ WBGiSBURY’s 3 bars 23¢ {SWEEFE Sherry, Muscatel, Port 1.17 o..-----...----.. enlargement City punchboard ordinance approved. 1 ties but sugar. tires. DECEMBER 6 at tri—county meeting of logging opcr- Clarence Gruncrt as master. SAFEWAY’S FIRST BIG POST-WAR FOOD SALE . . . hundreds KETCHUP l l l l Spicy Ii‘laVOr . . Rich, 0 l l l . 14-Oz. 5------0090‘-----« NO SALES TO DEALERS: Prices start Friday, January 11, 1946, subject to market changes and stocks on hand. of hOspital 1 logging industry base. 1 Details of new Simpson board plant revealed. Final publication of Mason World War II honor roll con 1521 names. Masonic Lodge seats ins l Rationing removed on all commodi- 1 cutting: permit law aircd new of s at saving prices! low prices! Stock up! Buy RANCHO, RICH TOMATO FLAVOR 10 V2 -OZ. Vzc 1°C 19 25 ' 55 29 HIGHWAY BRAND STANDARD GRADE 20~OZ. SUNNY DAWN, FANCY SELECTED TOMATOES 46-02. GRADENSIDE HOT SAUCE STANDARD 6 FOR FOR EXTRA FLAVOR LIFT! VAC-PAK 2-LB. JAR THE READY-MEAT MEAL! ALL PORK 12-02. FULL STRENGTH RELIABLE BLEACH Vg-GAL. STAMP 39 GOOD JAN. 1 10rLBS. Amazing Suds Discovery! DREFT Is Here! 2 pkgs. 45¢. Clapp’s For Older Babies! JUNIOR FOODS 61/2-0z. 9¢ ~ 5151532113631“ 29¢ fidfi'fl‘itflfidirm 24¢? E96? iiiiLz'EdiirEE - 47¢ iiiifii PEACHES 33¢ $13135 FXNlLLA 1.29 ‘. GOLDSMEBAIZKFLOUR 52¢ C, WEXEGE°iAEX3 EGGS 58¢ Efigriaskiifi'iifiiitiiifi; 16¢ rho 60¢ '1 WJrEZEiéié’iire Sauce 29¢ J iifiuEE‘ifSids'séviiOOMs 59¢ 1: ; 2/43¢' ‘3 Girlfiibwfil‘ BULBS 6/60¢ , 311313.361? 1111th 4.49 glidiii‘iiii'TEEALT 2/13¢_ "WEEXTTEE ' ,, CEREAL =: ..Q HEINZ ' Delicious “Breakfast Thick Tomato of Champion" Goodness Cereal 8-Oz. Pkg. h --------o---o-o' 19¢ Bot. l l l o--..----..o-.. I