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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Percy M Pie 6017 S.E. 86th Portland, Ore kV6 • 's First Successful 'Fish • o ' Test At Cra, berri, L#ke 'ISH FARMING  Jack Rodman (left), Shel- assists Washington State Department of Fish Farming Specialists Harry Mash- turn (center), Gig Harbor, and Charles Hatha- Shelton, spawn silver salmon at the Cntn- .'rry Creek fish traps on Cranberry Creek in 'County. Cranberry Creek flows from ;ranberry Lake., • Washington State Department fish farming showing promise restoring depleted Northwest runs? Are succesve rot- large enough to justify Lreh into this new sys- of salmon culture ? Do sports- commerciai fishermen, anti share in the benefits fish farming ? questions were answered Harry Mashburn ' Foreman lgton State Depart- "Take a look silvers", he g-to hundreds of sal- in the traps on Cran- "Unt{l about four ago this stream did not run fish to keep a good sized alive. Now we figure Support about 30 percent eL silver salmon found in Puget Sound waters, in-. both commerci al and fishing". is the source Creek which flows Bay near the out- of Shelton. In the summer fisheries biologists poison- the lake to rid it of competi- trash fish. The following 400,000 silver salmon fry, a total of about ,0()0 were planted in the water where they lived natural food until of migra- age. 'WE KEPT CLOSE touch on )se babies that first year we lake,', said Chuck Ha- Shelton, Mashburn's as- in fish farming research "When time was up for to start down stream migra- you Would have thought'an clock had gone off. They out of the lake and down Creek like they had a dead bead on the salt Winter of 1961-62, all as to the snccess of the Lake experiment were ld, three hund- adult silver salmon returned captured in traps thrown parent waters. A Ms- County lake had become the fish farming trial propagation of anadrom- on the North American planted in suitable s, Where they farm out to mi- ' age by feeding on natur- , grow to be larger adults raised by the ordinary method', Mashburn said. originating from Cran- about i0 pounds en caught in salt water. system costs very little te. Nature bears the ms- are of rearing expenses by most of the food and over the long pre-mig- period." EC H N I C I A N S fin-clip salmon are lnanaged in this research ram, giving them distinctive Pernlanent identities. They recognized wherever Marked fish, caught by and sport fishermen, that for every adult re- ng to fish farm traps, fear seine brood were harvested water. Thns. the 1958 Cran- produced a 46-ton take that were Once ster- ]]t s,asoll's rl]ns {Ire ],500 adults have and the lower rea- Creek are tea- migrants. Bi- .aye taking spawn daily Wzl! be incubated at the ams Hatchery on Put- the Skokomish Valley, Connty. The resulting fry ed to initiate another 'Y and to replen- waters in the South Pu- Olmd area. fish farming system, we holds the key to the fu- the salmon industry in the West" Hathaway said. "The t on Silvers results we the Capitol Lake chili- at Olympia, give hope Pnblic" backing, our'sal- tree,, can be economic. ,lly ING PERMITS Pm'mits were ap- Mason County Corn- They were to Jr., WOod residence, Jean B. Livingston, 800, of Fisheries Biologists developed this water sys- tem into a fish farm in which silver salmon are raised to migratory age under natural conditions, The Cranberry Fish Farm was the first of its kind to successfully propagate anadromous fish on the North American continent. {Mason County Extension Service Photo) More Arrests, Less Fines 1,1962 Police Report Shows There were more arrests, but less collected in fines in 1962 than in 1961 the annual report of abel- ton Police Chief Paul Hinton to the city commtsion shows. City police made a total 386 ar- rests during the year with 350 cases filed in police court. In 1961, the comparable fignres were 361 arrests mid 337 cases filed. The city collected a total of $7.986.50 in fines and bail forfeit- urea in 1962 compared to $8,938.50. These figures do not,include bail posted and later returned. One indication of what may have Postal Rate Increase Brings Sale Rush It looked like "Christmas rlmh" time in the Shelton Post Office Monday and Tuesday as Shelton residents stocked up on the five- cent stamps now necessary for first class letters and got one-cent stamps to add to the four cent ones they had on hand. Postmaster Jack Gray said more stamps were sold Monday, the day the new postal went into effect, than any day during tile Christ- mas rush. There were $948.50 worth of stamps sold. The demand for one-cent stamps was larger than expected, Gray said, and the Post Office was old out by noon Monday. During the afternoon all of the one-half cenl stamps on hand were sold and pos- tal clerks ended out the day run- n]ng off one-cent meter stickers for those who needed them to go with four-cent stamps. Gray said he had about 9,500 one cent stamps on hand Monday morning. Tuesday lie received 27,000 one- cent stamps front Portland. Tuesday 16,600 one-cent stamps wene sold, Gray said and total stamp sales that day were $780. Gray said that the Post Office does not have any stamped en- velopes with the new five-cent postage rate on them. The 60,000 envelopes he ordered from the overnment Printing Office in Washington b. C. about Dec. 1 have no arrived. The Shelton Post Office was not alone in its plight Monday, Gray said, as the Post Offices in Olym- pia, CentraHa and Clehalis as well as the small Post Offices in Ma- son County were also out of one- cent stamps Monday. influenced the drop in fines at the same time the number of ar- rests went up is the number of meals served to prisoners which jumped from 776 in 1961 to 1,176 in 1962. This indicates more pris- oners were serving their sentences in jail and less paying their fines. ONE NOTICEABLE DECLINE was in the number of arrests and the amount of fines driving while intoxicated violations. In 1961 there were 30 arrests for driving while intoxicated and $4.117.50 col- lected in fines for this offense compared to 17 arrests and $1,- 862.50 in fines in 1962. The income from parking meter violations and parking warrants fell also. from $787 in 1961 to $610 in 1962. The number of arrests for being drunk in public increased from 60 in 1961 to 96 in 1962 with amount of fines paid for this offense $854 in 1961 and'S1,130.50 in 1962. ARRESTS 1O1{ reckless driv- ing, negligent driving, speeding and faihn'e to make an arterial top, vioiatiou of the operators li- cense and vehicle laws. liquor law violations, arrests for drunk, dis- ordezly conduct and assaults and for miscellaneous traffic violations remained about the same for 1962 as fer 19961. The number of burglaries was 23 in 1962 and 24 in 1961. Eight car thefts were reported each year. The mnnber of petit larcen- ies in 1961 was 123 compared to 116 in 1962, The city police de- partment handled 116 juveniles in 1962 compared to98 in 196i. City Traffic The nu • ' l .... ic accidents in the City of Shelton took a big jump during 1962, the annual re- port of Police Chief Paul Hinton to the city commission shows. Almost all of the increase oc- curred on Highway 101 in the citv. £here were 188 accidents in which there was damage of $25 or mm'e in 1962 compared to 116 in 1961 Of these 97 occurred on Highway 101 in 1962 compared to S0 on the same rouie in 1961. Persons making out aCCldCnt re- ports estimated damage to the ve- hicles involved ill the 1962 acct. dents at $31,096.50 compared to $28,105 ill 1961, There were 32 persons injured in traffic acci- denis in the city during 1962 com- pared to six in 1961. NATIONAL EDITORIA| mF±l II II|SlF;ll | aR|;ll S :1 ,'iR 77TH YEAR NO. 2 Published in "Christmastoum, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington 10 Cents per Copy Thursday, January 10, 1963 Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton. Washington, 16 Pages  2 Sections under Act of March 8. 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cots. Simpson Plans Shipment By Foreign Ship SEATTLE -- Shipment of 500,- 000 bd. ft. of fir and hemlock lum- ber from the Port of Olympia to San Juan. Puerto Rico. is .schedul- ed for late February, i.he Simpson Timber Compahy announced here today. Simpson was among four North- west lumber firms granted foreign vessel shipping rights by the U.S. Department of Commerce last Fri- day Georgia-Pacific of Portland earlier had announced plans to send 1,500.000 bd. ft. of lumber to Puerto Rico this month. Gas .Hubbard. Simpson traffic manager, said "first refusal" noti- fication was wired today which gives two U.S. maritime associa- tions and four U.S. shipping lines five business days in which to meet a rate of $40 per thousand bd ft. negotiated with a Norwegian ear- go vessel. Hubbard said this rate is about $17 per thousand bd. ft. below cur- rent U.S. shipping quotations, but still higher than British Colum- bians are paying to ship their lumber to Puerto Rico. Simpsou's initial shipment un- der the amended Jones Act provi- sions relating to intereoastai ship- ping climaxes more than two .),cars of costly efforts by North- west lmnber mills to convince Congress and the administration that U.S. restrictions have en- abled Canadian producers to dom- inate many U.S. lumber markets. The Puerto Rican market an- nually buys 100,000,000 bd. ft. of lumber. The past severn . years, British Columbia supplied ?5 per- ,o,, of this lumber and Southern mills about 25 percent. Pacific ,orthwest mills have been com- pletely shut out by shipping costs. Two Captured Alter High Speed Chase Two Ft. Lewis soldiers are out on $500 bail each from the Mason County jail on charges resulting from a fight and a high-speed chase early Sunday morning. John R. Spencer, 20, Columbus, O.. is charged with carL%,ing a con- cealed weapon, disorderly con- duct, aiding' and abetting failure to yield to a red ligtlt and siren and aiding and abetting reckless driving. Frank R. Walker, 19, Price, Utah, is charged with reck- less driving, failure to yield to a red light and siren and aiding and abetting carrying a concealed weapon. %VALKER WAS THE driver and Spencer a passenger in a ear which eluded city, county and State Highway Patrol cars in a chase at speeds which at times reached more than 100 miles an hour to Quilcene and back to Pot- latch. ' The pail. were arrested by High- way Patrolman Start Sushak at Potlatch at about 2:45 a.m. Sun- day after the chase had lasted more than an honr and a half, The chase started when city police answered a call that there was a fight at Dorans Service Station and found Spencer snuffs ing with Dick Roberts, Shelton. Spencer jumped into the car driven by Walker and the pair took off. They eluded road blocks, narrowly missing a Mason County Sheriff's car which set up a road block at Hoodsport. THEY WENT /S FAR. as Quil- cene and then turned around and were headed back toward Shel- ton when they were halted by Pa- trolman Sushal. A loaded pistol was found in Spencer's pocket. Institutions Head Says Correction Center Here Will Relieve Crowding At Other Places fornatory at Monroe has exceeded its-naxmmm designed capacily by as much as 24 per cent (ill 1960. Dr. Heyns said that lhc Shelton insl,itution, with an initial ca- )acil.y of 480 young adults, will receive and process all ;l(hnisslons nd "will provide more flexibility in deternlining lhe needs of i lleonl- inff individuals." "Because o[ a. shm'i age of space," Dr, Heyns said "we have heen forced in the past to trans- fer many young lnen froln the re- formatory to tile state pemten- tiary simply because there was ill- adeql]ate space Col thenl aT tile re- formatory. This situation will be improved wiU the opening of the neW Corrections- Cen 1,el..,, The research ret)orl indicates lhat Ille median length of sLav for all inmates ha declined "sh]rply dp.]'hg tile last five yea]', pmmar- ily because of an increase iu the mmber of' paroles .'.ranted by the Board of Prison Terlns and Pa- roles. THE MIqlJlAx LENGTll of stay for into:ties at the state penit(l- tiary was only slightly higher than that for hnnates of the reforma- tory during the last fiscal 5"cat'. Statistics in tile report show that there has been a. consistent decline in the average age of pro'- sons committed to the adult fa- cilities, which "indicates a need to expand the programs designed pri- marily fez the younger offenders." The average daily cost for main- lathing one inmate ]n an adnlt COl'- reclional instilntion was $6.22 dnr- ing the last fiscal year. with the daily cost at the reformatory slightly higher than at the peni- tentiary because of additional pro- grams of training and instmmtion Co. younger imuates. The report emphasizes the in. creasing need fer prog]'anls to solve the emotional and personal- ity problems of inmates. These programs would require additional psychological and social services, the report states. "Considerable progress has been made in the treatment of adult of.- fenders in Washington." the report concludes, "but rehabilitation ef- forts will be further jeopardized if sufficient funds are not avail- able to employ and retain quali- fied persommh Confinement with- out constructive programs will be of little value." Opening of the new Washington] Corrections Center ]teal" Shelton will ease a space shortage, prob- lem that has plaglled adtflt cor- rect.ions officials in Washington for many years, Dr. Garrett Hcyns, Director of the Department of In- stitut;ions, said today. Dr, He\\;ms added, however, that the DiviSion of Adult Correction (which supervises all adult cor- rectional institutions i will col]- tinue to be unable to provide ade- quate programs for adult women inmates until additional facilities are available. In referring" to a research report released by the Deparihnent today, Dr. Heyns noted that the average population of the present women's unit at the state penitentiary at Walls %Valla has been over the maximmn designed capacity of the unil for {he last five years. ]'}IF] I{F.SEAIlCti RFPOI{T shows that while late 1964 or early 1965---when the Waslhngton Corrections Center is scheduled to open---the existing facilities for adult male inmates will be crowd- ed to, or beyond, their maxmmm designed capacities. The population at the state re- City Seeks Federal Aid To Make Improvements in Its Sewer System The Shelton City Commission Wednesday sent to the Housing and Home Finance Agency Reg- ional Office in Seattle an appli- cation for $52,500 in federal aid for a sewer project in the city. The application was made un- der the county's recent designa- ti0n as a depressed-area because of the rate of unemployment, The city will add some $65.500 to the federal funds if they are approved for work which will eli- minate the Imhoff tank which now empties into Hamersley Inlet and repair part of the city sewer sys- tem to cut down the overloading of the city sewer plant from seep- age. The application to the HHFA, a division of the Community Fa- cilities Administration. was ac- companied by several letters sup- porting the need for the project. THE APPLICATION will go from the HHFA Regional Office in Seattle to Washington. D.C., for final approval. erie part of the project calls for a new eight-inch sewer line from the line which now mum into the Imhoff tank running along the Northern Pacific Railway right- of-way to .connect with the city sewer system near Rayonier. The estimated cost of this section of the project, submitted with the application for federal aid, is $51,000. A second section of the project calls for replaclng about 6,700 feet of old sewer line in the lower, part of the city. This sewer is in need of replacement. It is causing a problem in that ground water seepage is entering the line and overloading the sew- age treatment plant. THE CITY HAS been asked by the State Health Department to correct both conditions, the Im- hoff tank and the overloading of the sewage treatment plant, so that only properly treated sew- age is dumped into Hammersly Inlet and Oakland Bay. The city sewage treatment plant is plenty large enough to handle the sewage, but, runs into trouble when' wet Weat}ler dumps a large amount of ground water into the lines ,b.C/us of their detewiorated condition. The city's share of the funds for the project would come from $54,- 500 in revenue bonds to be issued and paid off out of sewer reven- ues and $11,000 budgeted for sew- er work in the 1963 budget. Accompanying the city applica- t2on to the HHFA are a letter Clark Names C. E.. Fordmeir i , CLARENCE E. FORDMEIR Named Chief Deputy Tlle appointnlent of Clarence E. Fordmeir, 44, Shelton, as chief deputy in the Mason County Sher- iff's office was announced this week by Sheriff-elect D. S. (Sam) Clark. Fordmeir has been a resident of Shelton 17 yeaz and served as deputy and chief deputy in tile Mason County Sheriff's office from 1950-1955. Clark will be the fourth sheriff he has served un- der. He was witl the city public works department seven years aa with Rayonier for four years. Fordmeir is a Navy veteran and served six years as a Chief Petty Officer during "World War II. Open House Today For Harry Deyefle , Ha,rry DeyeLte, who -,,,,ill retire Monday as Mason County Cotlrt Clerk. will be honored at an open hollse in the court house iron1 2- 4" p.ln. today, The public is invited. Fellow court honse enlployees have lnRde arrangemenls for the open tlouse. Deye{te has sel-eed as all elect- ed county official since 1931, FERRY RECEIPTS Receipts from the Harstine Is- lmid Ferry were $161.50 for the week ending January 5, the Ma- son County Engineer's office re- liOZcd, from City Supervisor Pat Byrne April 23, 1962, outlining the two showing the evidence of the need problems to be corrected by the for the project; a letter from May- project and asking the city to do or Frank A. Travis Jr., stating that the project does not conflic with any other planned project; a letter from Dave Kneeland, com- missioner of finance, outlining changes in the city budget to meet the city's share of the cost of the project; a letter from the State Health Department received Comnfission endorsing the city' project. ALSO INCLUDED with the up- something about them; a letter plication are a report from the from Terry Thompson, who has city engineer, a copy of the 1963 acted as bonding advisor of the city on previous occasions, stat- ing the city could sell the pro- posed revenue bonds; a letter from the State Pollution Control Com- mission approving the project and a letter from the Mason County budget, copies of the audited ex- penditures of the preceeding year and the latest sewer utility oper- ating statement. If the federal assistance is ap- proved, t:e work would start this year. FIRST BABY  The first baby of 1963 is Bon- nie Lynn Chamberlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chamberlin, Rt, 3 Box 486c, Shelton, She was born at 7:15 a.m. Friday t Sheldon Gener- School Board Filings Will Open Friday The Shelton School Board will have at least one new face after the March 12 election in which all five board positions are up for election. Dr. Q. Thomas Ryan, represent- ing District 5, the rural m'ea south of the city, no longer lives m his district and is therefore ineligible to seze from that district. Two members of the present board, Dr. Douglas Larson and Mrs. Betty McClanahan, said they would seek re-electiorL The other two members, Mr Virginia Martig and B. Franklin Heuston, are undecided running again. Filings for the positions up for election on Mason County's ten district board and county board of education open Friday. District boazl candidates file with the clerk of their respective boards and the county board candidates with the county superintendent of schools. Filings close Jan. 25 but, if the clerk's office is open Jan. 26. a Saturday, the candidates may file on that date.. County Olh'aals Start New Terms Next Monday There will be two new facs in the Mason County Courthouse aL- ter next Monday wheu the new terms of county officials begin. Taking over as sheriff will be D. S. (Sam) Clark who defeated Sheriff W. A. Potter in the pri- mary and W. F. eWally) Ander- son, a slicker candidate, ill the general election. Clark is a Dem- ocrat Republican Mrs. Laura Wage- net will take over her duties as Court Clerk from retiring Har- ry Deyette. Other officers who will be star- Ling new terms of office are Aud- itor C. Nolan Mason. Assessor W'illis Burnctt. Treasm'er John Cole.. Prosecuting Attorney Byron MeClanahan and County Commis- sioner John Bariekman. J. W. Goodpaster, superitend- ent of schools, the ouly other elected county official, will start his new term in September. The county officials will be sworn in at ceremonies at 9:30 a.m. Monda3, in tie commission- crs roonl, CIVIL I)EFENSIC (',LASSES Two civil defense corn-sea are scheduled to start in Mason. eoon- ty/ The medical self-help classes start tonight at ]'ant C. Angle schol from 7:30-10:30 p.m The adult edneation civil defense class starts Jan. 16 at Evergreen School. The medicaI self-help class is six weeks and the adult education four wecks, al Hospital, and weighed seven pounds and 10 ounces. The Chamberlins have one Other child, a son Michael, 2. ,.a i/,i00Ej • • 5/mpson/oMo e ngmeermg Staff Ten Simpson Timber Company engineers late this month xrill me, ve into new qum'ters in the old Seattle-First National Bmzk build- ing at Second and Raih'oad in Shelton. Simpson is leasing the space from Seattle-First. who last sum- met moved into their" new build- ing at Fifth and Franklin. The move renews an historical association Simpson has had with the bank building. Many years ago, Mark E. Reed. then president of Simpson, had interests in other businesses in the area, and was president of the State Bank of Shetton. "I CAN REIEMBElg the annu- al Simpson .board of directors The move .was made necessary meeting was held in the bank by increase in the size of the Strop- building tmtil t92, recalled L A. son office staff over the past se- CarTson, bank. manager, who be- veral months, according to -H. O. gan his banking career in Sheltor Puhn, director of timberlands de- in 1927. "In addition the annual velopment. This has crowded meetings of several other firms Simps.on s own building at Thiz were held there, too. It was kind and Franklin. of the nerve center of the aa-ea's SEVERAL engineers who are industry. located in the Simpson Central The old building wm erected for Shops on the wateront ,will re- lowing the 1914 fire which con- main there, sumed two full blocks of doyen- Although Bimpson's engineering town Shelton and Seattle-First department is headqual:tered at acquired the bank in  1934. the Company's Bellevue Research Carlson. said the old directors Center, some 15 people, mostly in table and chairs will remain in the the plant engineering section, ae building for the Use of the Strop- assigned in Shelton. son engineers. State Rep.00 • Discusses Leglsl'atlve 0# State R pres¢ tative Savage, She ton, • rill take : in the slat leg .lature conveens at noon Monday. State Representative Charles I each County a House member. Savage, Shelton, will take his seat] This is about the only way that in the state legislature when i we carl continue to have three members from the 24th District Tile Journal asked Rep. Savage his thoughts on things of import- ance to Mason County which would be coming up in the legis- lative session. These are his connnents: CORRECTION CENTER: One of the most important issues for Mason ounty; coming up in this session of the legislature, will be appropriation for phase two of the Correction Center. I will work to have these funds appropriated from capitol land grant funds because I share Dr. Heyns' apprehension of the delay that might be entailed if bouds had to go to a vote of the people pursuant to the recent Supreme Court decision on bonds. Unless Phase two is built. Dr. Hes told me this week. we would have no istitution and moYe than $7,000,- 000 is needed to build it. Dr. Heyns informs-me that in addi- tion to this capital outlay, The De- partment of Institutions for the state will need at least $87,500,- 000.00 for operation and mainten- ance. MONEY FOR SCHOOLS is go- ing to be a touoh problem. Ma- son County schools alone arc ask- ing for nearly $3.000.000 in state aid for the next two-year period. The 24th District is requesting about $10,000,000.00 for the bi- ennimn. There will be great eon- trovercy over the request for near- ly $500 million of slate aid for eonnnon schools in addition to ap- propriations for schools of higher learning. REDISTRICTING: I expect to support the Grange proposal to amend the coneLituLion to allow mid rural strength throughout the state. HUNTING & FISHING LIC- ENSE FEES: The gam'e CommL - sion :ill recommend that the Leg- islature increase some of the fees for hunting and. fishing licenss or tags. I am reclined at fixst thought to say ":No", but I will have to study their proposals and what kind of a program the com- mission intends to develop before definitely making up my mlnd. All these fees go back into develop- ing game and game fish. TIMBER TAX: Another thing sure.t come up in the legislature which is of gret concern to those wile are growing timber on a sus- tained yield bmis is the method used by County Assessors for tax- ing such timber, The Aessors are meeting this week in Cheh,- lis to consider the pt)posals be- fore they eone to the legiglattwe. MONEY FOR HIGHWAYS: Many people are interested in see- ing rapid development of better highways. There will be a lot of money appropmated for this pur- pose and I am sure our delegation from the 24th District will be very interested in seeing to i that funds are provided to com- plete l.ho freeway to Shelton. UNEMwLoY MENT COMPEN- SATI,ON : The AA:I €Association of Washington Industries) is com, ing to the Legislature with pro- osals to m p s. , , It uncmploymcnt c)m- pensation and to make it tougher for anybody to dmw and even to prohibit anyone from drawing it who has reached retirement age. They will only pass thiskind of (uufluued oa ge iS)