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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 SItELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S,A.", Shelton, Washington i i t I I I I t I i • -, ) Thursday, January 10¢ Allyn Resident Found Dead At His Home By Son Last Week By Judy Von Oaten ALLYN -- Allyn residents morn the passing of Harry W. Shellgren who passed away Thursday, Jan. 3. His son A1 came home and found him dead from a heart at- tack. He is survived by four sons; Harry W. Shellgren, Jr. of New- port, Ore. Don Shellgren of Bel- fair; Dick Shellgren of Seattle; and AI Shellgren of Allyn; Nine grandchildren and a sister in Long Branch and brother of Shelton. Funeral services were held at Shelton Saturday and he was laid to rest at Long Branch. Mrs. Fran Peterson and Randy called on Mrs. Lois Terrell last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Be,son and two children and Mrs. Elmer Bee- son took Pat and DonnE, Valley back home to Crescent City, Calif. over the weekend. Mrs Elmer Bee- son stayed with daughter Virgi- nia, and Mr and Mrs. Don Be,son stayed with Marge's sister, Eileen. ALL CUB SCOUTS and their families are reminded of the mon- thly meeting of Pack No. 537 on tonight at 7 p.m. Advanced first aid meeting will be held at Howard Wynn's home at 7r p.m. tiffs eveng. Mr. and Mrs. McCrady have re- turned home from their vacation which took in Oregon California, Arizona and Mexico. While in Ca- lifornia they visited two T.V. Shows "Queen or a Day" and "Seven Keys". They were visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Paul lIaeKayare the proud new grandparents of a baby girl boril to daughter, San- dy, iii CaIiforriia. Mrs. Susie Von Oaten and Mrs. Judy Von Oaten and Kgren and Share were callers pn Mrs. Bar- barn Wynn on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell brought in the New Year with their old gang in Seattle. Iuch fun and lai]ghter with good friends. Late in the evening a Buffet lun- cheon ws served. As Terrells ca- me out to their car to start for home they had a flat tire. What a way to bring in the New Year. MR. AND MRS. Harvey Wolfe of Seattle are out spending seve- ral days at their Lakewood Cabin. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell, Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Von Oaten, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Von Oaten, Karen and Shah attended a very lovely buf- fet dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Hemphills last Sunday. Other guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cole, Mr. Harry Kar- chevall of Port Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaschk of Tacoma, Mr. 2nd Mrs. Robert Rash, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller of Bre- merton. A1 very enjoyable day was had just eating, visiting, and play- ing games. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shellgren of Newport, Ore. stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wynn. The -wo- men are sisters. Mr. Shellgren was here to attend  fathers funeral While here she also spent some time with her niece in Shelton Mrs. Gene Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hemphill spent New Year's Eve and New Years Day with the Von Ostens. Mr and Mrs. Harold Cleveland entertained the other members of the Cleveland Clan to a lovely Buffet dinner last Friday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. An- son Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bariekman, bbth of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zett and Grandma Cle- veland all of Allyn. They had lots to talk over as the fellas are home from Alaska for the winter. A PLEA TO ALL Allyn real- SCHOOL MENU WEEK OF JAN. 14-18 MondayToasted cheese sand- Wich, buttered corn, pickled beets, pumpkin custard, milk. Tuesday,--Hot dog on a but- tered bun, potato salad, carrot sticks, fruit, milk. WednesdayTtrkey pie, veg- etable salad, party sandwich, chocolate- cake, milk. & cheese, sandwich, fruit jello, milk. Friday--N0 school. End of se- mester. Supplement your ¢hild's diet with Plenamins from dents for the ambulance fund. They are asking that all adult members donate $1 per each adult in the home or what you feel you can donate. If everyone did this it surely would help keep up the maintenance on the ambulance and fire truck. You can leave dona- tions at the Allyn Shell, or with Howard Wynn. Please contribute! Every bit helps and all donations are greatly appreciated. Grapeview Man Dies At Home Charles Anderson, affectionately known as "Uncle CharlEs" in the Grapeview. area where he lived, died at his home Thursday, Jan. 3 1963 Mr, Anderson had been a Grapeview resident for 42 years. He was born March 13, 1877 in Munsala, Finland. The funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 5 at the Batstone Funeral Home with Rev. Carl Carlsen officiating. Interment was in Shelton Memorial Park. In addition to his niece, Mrs. Ann Westberg. Grapewew. who he made his home with. Mr. Ander- son is survived by 5 nephews and 4 other nieces. Last Rites For Harry Shellgren Death called Harry William Shellgren, Allyn, at his hme Wed nesday, Jan. 2, 1963. Mr. ShelN gren was born Nov. 17, 1884 iri Pierre, Sou Dakota. He had raa- de his home in this area for the past 40 year& The funeral Was held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 5, at the Batstone Funeral Home. Interment was in Longbranch Cemetery, Iong- branch. Rev. R. R. Rings officiat- ed. Survivors ilclude 4 sons, Harry W., Newport, Oregon, Don M. Belfair, John R., Seattle and AI" lan, Allyn; :1 sister, Miss Ellen Shellgren, Longbranch; 1 brother Arthur, Seaside, Oregon; and 9 grandchildren Donald R. McLeod Taken By Death Donald Ralph McLeod, Rt. 3 Box 393, died Jan. 6, 1963 at Botts Nursing Home. Mr. McLeod had lived in Mason county for the past three years. He was born in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Ca- nada April 20, 1909. The Funeral was held at 1 p.m. Jan. 9 at the Batstone Funeral Home with Rev. Clarence A. Lody officiating. Interment was in ShelL. ton Memorial- Park. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. "L. A . "Hicks, Shelton; a half-bro'- ther, Charles (Rocky) Morrison, Shelton: step-father, James Mor- rEsort, Shelton; an aunt. Mrs. El- len Evans, Shelt0h. Mrs. Libby Dies In Aberdeen A gray, side service was held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, 3an. 8 at the Shelton Memorial Park for Lillian A Libby. Rev. Charles Wigton of- ficiated. Mrs. Libby passed away at the St. Joseph's Hospital in Aberdeen Saturday, Jan. 5, 1963. She had lived in Seattle many but for the past year had been a resident of the Mt. Ash Home in Montesano. She was born June 6, 1878 in Olivia, Minnesota. She was a member of Independent Order of Good Templars, Baltic Lodge No. 100, Seattle. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Hannah T. Peterson, Shelton; two brothers, Arthur Anderson, Mesa, Arizona and Tony Anderson, Shelton; two nieces and two ne- phews. Graveside .Service For T, W. Sperry A gray, side service was held Tuesday, Jar/. 8 at the Sandhill Cemetery in Belfair for Thomas William Sperry who died at his home in Belfair, Dec. 31, 1962. Mr. Sperry was born April 24, 1925, in LaMesa, Calif. He had lived in Mason county for 10 years. Rev.. Milton Gire officiated at the serwce. Survivors include his wife, Mar- jorie Sperry, Belfair; 2 sons, Ray- mond J. and Mark James, Belfair; 2 daughters, Misses Lowleen and Arvita, at the family home; par- Prenn't Rexall ents Mr. and Mrs. Jay V. Sperry, LaMesa, Calif.; a brother, George =1"1"1" Sperry, LaMesa; 2 sisters, Mrs. 133 RR. Phone 426-4642 LaVonne Clapham, Redwood City, Calif. and Miss Kathleen Sperry, easide,. Calif. SHOE SALE CHILDREN'S ALL COLORS -- • Straps $199 • Oxfords • Loafers and up STARTS FRIDAY, JANUARY II All Sales Final THE BOOTERY CLEANING UP PARK -- Boy Scouts from Troop 110 load bran- ches on a truck while three of the Jaycee volunteers cut up a log during the Jaycee work project at Callanan Park Saturday. About 40 percent of the clean-up work at the park was completed, Ar- nold Fox, Jaycee chairman of the project said Equipment on the job included three dump trucks, a fork lift and a cat. The trucks were furnished by Norman Anderson, who also volunteered his services as the driver; Graystone of Shelton with Jim Nutt and John VanderWal as drivers and a truck from the city of Shelton. The city also provided a fork lift and Simpson Timber Co. the cat. About 20 Jaycees turned out for the work party. Fox said about one more work party will be needed to get the park in shape so it can be used by the public next summer. He said that if any organ- ization was looking for a project and would be inte'rested in doing some of the clean-up work, they can contact the Jaycees. Female Dog, Four Pups Dumped At Union Garbage Dump Last Week By Ethel Dalby ? UNION--The party who "dump- 1 ed" a female dog and her four] small pups at the Union garbage dump a week ago, and then left them, to shift for themselves or perish, has certainly come in for a lot of sharp criticism by local resideDts. As no one seemed to want to take over the mother dog and her young brood, it was de- cided by a group of men, the best thing for the good of all the ani- mals was to put them out of the way. None of the local men, who were on the spot at the time, had the heart to do so, but a young humanitarian from Shelton who happened to be visiting relatives at Union, put an end to the poor animals misery in their abandon- ment and quickly in shooting, them, and also burying them near by. Nothing' is more cowardly or " nl heartless than to dump" an a "- mal after their mmers either tire of it. or find it a bother, and for that very reason parents of young men of the State of ashington being held there, and who axe mourning his passing. lVlR. AND IERS. ED HOUGH left Thursday via bus for Los An- geles, Calif., where they will stop off for a visit, then proceed on to Mesa. Ariz., where they will be spending the next several weeks enjoying a winter vacation. Mr. and Mrs. George Mattson are enjoying a period of leisure, while Union Cafe is being reno- vated. Local friends are sorry to hear that Mrs. Edna Gatewood is in Seattle waiting to undergo sur- gery, and hope that she may soon be recovered and able to return to her Union home. Meanwhile she is at the home of her daughter Mrs. Luke Barnart. Mr. and Mrs.' Herb Allen and Dayton Han, Leaving To Hake Home In Arizona, Is Honored By Mabel Kidd and Pat and Bill Strope, Shelton. DAYTON. The Traveling Pi- Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Schuffen- children should think over the care and responsibility of pets and especially female dogs or cats be- fore accepting them as household pets. State Highway Patrol Officer Pete Arkin. who had the misfor- tune to break his leg around the holidays, when out in his yard to feed his tame mallards--find the cast on his leg cramps his style considerably--both with re- gard to duties, and also the new steelhead fishing season, he being an ardent fisherman and sports- man. However he will soon be on duty in the office at Olym- pia, with radio assignment until able to cast off his cast, and be back on highway Patrol duty again. We were sorry our Union News failed to appear in last week's Journal as it arrived in the office too late to make the printour own fault in not getting it out in Saturday's mail. So we apologize to the friends who phoned in news nochle Club meeting held on Satur- day evening was also a going away party honoring Joe Liegel who lefB on Tuesday for Tucson. Ariz., where he will make his new home. Thirty-two guests were present to present him with a lovely gift. For the occasion, lrs. Warren Williams baked a choco- late shirt cake with collar and a lovely red and white striped tie. Joe will be accompanied on the motor trip by his brother, Henry Liegel who lives in Tuscon. M2r. and Mrs. Jim Booth were hosting the pinochle party. High prizes went o Gladys Rishel and Mr. Bennett, low to Warren Wil- liams and Mrs. Bennett and travel- ing pinochle to Mrs. Anne Cash and Bernard Rishel. daughter motored to Olympia Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Needham Saturday evening to the home of and sons, CharlEs and Steve en- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pearce, and joyed a two week trip south visit- where they enjoyed dinner. Pres- ing relatives and friehds. They ent also were :Mr. and Mrs. Max spent time in Bakersfield. Calif., articles to us, and which could not be published. Back to School Miss Nancy Johnson, who was home over the holidays, enjoyed hr vacation from school and a good visit with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Johnson, and also the big New Years party at Alder- brok Inn last Monday, and which was also attended by a score of Unionites. Nancy returned to tim University of Washingto?. for the opening of the mid-winter term. Mary Buechel spent an enjoy- able vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Buechel, and her young friends, and returned to Seattle where she attends Holy Names Academy. MR. AND ,MRS. Eugene Gilli- land are making plans for their trip to California, where they will spend a month at Tiboron, oc- cupying the home of Mr. and Mrs. William achieve during the time the latter are away from home. Mrs. Schieve being the daughter of the Gillilands, whose husband is said to be one of the top physi- cists of the U.S. Navy and who received his Doctorate in that field. An article written by Dr. Schieve was recently published in the American Physicist Journal, an honor to the writer. Union friends and summer neighbors heard with regret of the passing of Werner A. Rupp at his home in Aberdeen Tast Wednes- day. Mr. Rupp had been ill for a long time and died at the age of 82. A veteran newspaper man, he was also editor and owner of the Dean, their daughter and son-in- law of. Shelton. Mrs. Core Kelly enjoyed a visit with her daughter Pat Ganty and family at Kent over the holidays. She is. however, glad to be back on the Canal and at her post at North Mason SchoG1 at Belfair. Daughter Pat and children accom- panied her on the drive back and also remained on for a little visit. leaving' last Sunday a week ago for her home. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Cook en- tertained a number of their neigh- bors at their home New Years Eve. Ed Dalby made the trip to Idaho with son Kenny of Seittle and where they enjoyed a visit, re- turning on Wednesday. Thursday Ed made a trip across the Canal to fish and brought back two nice steelhead. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Needham. in Los Angeles with her brothers and families. Mr. and Mrs. John Vylasek and Mr. and Mrs Joe Vylasek, in Phoenix. Ariz.. with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Elliott a Apache Junction with an uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown. in Boulder City, Nev., with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norsby. They left son. Charlie in this city where he will be working. The Needhams even got into New Mexico, where they did some sbopping for gifts for relatives. MR. AND MRS. Donald Wild, Santa Rosa. Calif.. arrived the weekend before New Years to spend a week with Mrs. Carrie Barker. Steven Ford. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan F.ord, observed his fifth Mr. and Mrs. Dinning returned birthday 3an. 1. to St. Andrews House last Tues- Mrs. Pete Roberts spent Thurs- day, after spending a pleasant day overnight with her sister, Mrs. two-week vacation visiting their John Gates of Kirkland and visited two sons in California. They first with another sister, Mrs. Vernon Stonefelt. Glen Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Young, left on Wednes- day of last week for Bellingham, where he will enter .Western Washington College, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Needham bade goodbye to their daughter, Leah, and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. N, Allen of Kent. Jan. 3, when they left for Alaska by jet. Mr. Alien will be in charge of a cold storage plant on Chiehagof Island near Pelican City. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams motored to Tacoma on Saturday where they spent the night with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs, Lester Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chapmar and children, Agate, were Friday dinner geusts of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Chapman. New Years eve dinner guests in the home of Mr. Mrs. Pete Robert were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams and children, Lost Lake. The chil- dren were also overnight guests. Holiday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Young were daughter, Sharon, Olympia, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Young and family, Shelton. MR. AND MRS. Eugene Ander- son and son were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John An- derson. Bill Kidd and Mrs. Esther Kidd were New Years dinner guests in the Arcadia home of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dillon. Surrday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rishel were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle and children, Lake Nahwatzel, Mr. and Mrs. Aberdeen Daily World. The Rev. Harold Lawrence, rector of St. An- drews Episcopal Church presided at the service--with burial follow- ing. He is survived by his wife and a brother Otto RUFF, an at- torney of Seattle. and a nephew, Orville Wiseman. The Werner Rupps purchased the Union home of the late Dr. N. A. Johanson--former surgeon of Seattle Swedish Hospital and also one of the founders of Swed- ish hospital, and also the famed Swedish colony founded 35 years ago beyond Alderbrook. For the spent a few days at the home of son Richard Cochran at B0ran Air- field, Boran, Calif., then went on to Tempe to visit with son John A. Cochran and who is a member of the teaching staff at the col- lege, where he has his Ph D in Economics. St. Andrews House has a busy schedule ahead for the next few weeks, Jan. 2nd Bishop Fisher E. Lewis of Olympia, will be in charge of a retreat for clergyman of the Olympia Diocese. mm m = = = = = === = === === • mimm  mmm What's Doing Among Our SERVICEMEN Marine Private First Class lames T. Trail, son of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Trail, Shelton, has re- turned to Camp Pendleton, Calif., after serving with the Fifth Ma- rine Expeditionary Brigade of the IInited States quarantine forces in the Caribbean. The unit arrived in California Dec. 16, two months after embark- ing in 20 amphibious ships and passing through the Panama Ca- nal. The combined Navy and Ma- rine Corps force leaving the Paci- fic Coast was 18,000. was honored at a birthday party in his home. Guests enjoyed birth- day cake, ice cream and an eve- ning of cards were his dad, Dan Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Ken SelvEdge and children. Kamilche, Mr. and Mrs. George Witcraft and Mr. and Mrs. William L. Brown and Shelley, Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd were New Years dinner guests in the John H. Castle, airman, USE, Lyle Liemback and children and Mike and Claude Challender, Shel- son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. ton. The Challender boys were also Castle Shelton, was graduated, weekend geusts. Dec. 17, from Aviation Machinist's Mate School at the Naval Air Friday evening, Joe C. Brown Technical Training Center. Mem- phis. Tenn., after completing a course on reciprocating engines. During the nine-week course, stu- dents learn the operation, installa- tion, and repair of internal com- bustion engines used in naval avi- ation. Pvt. Dennis D. Demmon. son of Mr. and iVIrs. Don Demmon. years during which the RUFFS Shelton. completed his eight weeks Shelton home of Mr. and Mrs. El- owned the home, and occupied it of basic training at Ft. Ord..  don Todd. Other guests were Mr. during summer montits, it was the I Calif. He spent the holidays with t and Mrs. Phil "Hmdle. Mr. and hospitable center for news men, I his parents and returned to Ft. Mrs. Lowell Hardie, Debbie and the annual hath, ping of newspaper t Ord Wednesday. I Brian, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strop, Harstine Island Family Entert Social Club At New Year's Pa! By Donettc (llaser holidays were John's cou= HARSTINE.--New Years eve and Mrs. Ben Briggs and: Larry Jerrel!s entertained mem- and Bruce, also of Sheltd hers of the Social Club. Thirty THE MADGES had members and eight teenagers at- guests from Portland. Loi tended. Dinner was served and a social evening followed. The Jer- and her very charming 91- rells home was again this year mother Mrs. Ida Mm¢i very beautifully decorated and Murfin in the last 18 mo they are leaving the decorations made five trip to Hawaii np for a while so you can drop to Alaska returning from" in and see them. The home, com- New Years eve. pletely built by the Jerrells them- New Year Day our vet selves is so very beautiful and the lar, happy ferry Captair architectural design so novel that Yates celebrated his Birth whether i'he decorations are up or niversary. His folks the $ lint it is well worth your time to tea entertained at a famil, visit it and see one of Harstine's between the 10:30 a.m a most attractive homes. Recent dinner guests of the Ir- p.m,back ferrYSan,d aSforthit WaSworkJUSt vie Wingerts were the Tom Tier- Glenn. Glenns wife Cam neys, A] Pridhams Phil Rogers, their son and Carmens pal Fred Romhergs of Buckley and Dale Peugls. and the E Ed Rombergs of Springfield, Ore. Hostess enjoyed singing On Tuesday this week the unner Birthday to our ferry Ca1 Johnsons and Ben Rigneys were Our ferry crew has the Wingerts dinner guests, container on the ferry for.: Christmas news we didn't get in license plates. Just hand: last week were: The John Budds the Deckhand and at the were the Christmas day dinner the month they will he tu N guests of the James McAuliffes to the children Orthopedic and the Donald Eddys of Hoquiam, tal. spent Christmas eve and day with WORD HAS been reeei their daughter and family the H. of the Christmas eve wed V. Glasers. Miss Joan Jerrells daughte SATURDAY EVENING the Larry Jerrells to Rodger James Lolrers entertained the AI- The young couple exchan vin Pridhams at a dinner party vows at the grooms home at the Lohrers home on lovely Okla. Joans wedding go Point Wilson. made by Mrs. Jerrells a New Year guests of the James white slipper satin and Lohrers were Jim's brother and lace floor length. It was a family. The Walter Lohrers and type with overshirt ope the Elwood Lohrers and daugh- the front. The low jacket 1 ter and her girl friend, 3Dan Eddy. down the back and close Harstine Island Womens' Club pearl buttons. The long came to a point over tla will meet at 12:30 today at the She wore a white satin hall with Mrs. Dot Smith and Mrs. hat the crown of which Flora Seward as co-hostess, vered with seed pearls fi Harstine Island Social Club will veil was attached to the ! hold its regular monthly meeting tomorrow at the hall at 7:30. the hat. The benedict io  U. S. Army stationed hauer had as holiday dinner guests THERE WILL BE an all Is- Dix, New Jersey. The brt their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. land public meeting at the hall in Lee Schuffenhauer. Shelton. Mr. the near future to inform every- complete her. beauty cot and Mrs. Carl Teitzel, Tacoma, one of the preliminary findings North Hollywood before dropped in and spent the evening, and information concerning the her husband in New Jersey. . Mrs. Thelma Howard of Issa- proposed fire district. " quah spent Sunday in the home Mrs. Lillian Johnson of Salt of he," son and family, Mr. and Lake City, Utah, and her grand- P A R T Y ! 0 Mrs. Doyle Howard. Purpose of son, Cliff, spent several days visit- the visit was probably to get ac- ing the H. A. Glasers. Mrs. John- quainted with her new little grand son will be better remembered as son LnUan Ruston, niece of Melvin Small Cubes in II MR. AND MRS. Jerry Bloom- Sutton. She made her home here Sacks field and daughter and Susan in the early 20's. Bloomfield. Mr. "nd/Vies. Dan Wil- Mr. and Mrs. John Hitchcock BILL'S SIIF son and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll gel- had their daughter, Pauline and tey were New Years dinner guests family of Des Moines visit them SERVICE of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Luhm, over the holidays. Joining them Shelton. New Years day were son Lyle and FIrSt and rata Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield family of Olympia & Beulah's brother and family, the Roy W'ha- OPEN  9:00 P., and Darlene motored to Belling- leys axtd Bruce and Lindley of ham on New Years so Darlene Shelton. Other guests over the conld return to college at West- . ern Washington. " Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lund and childxa,..apent the, Holiday in the ......... -'. , USED:000000CARS & TRUCKS fly, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ghramm. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lund and children, Bay- shore. 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK 4-door sed Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.'L A. Todd were Mr. md Mrs. A1 Fraisure and sons, Heater, automatic, clean. helton. Te-;sie and Donna Cormier, 1959 PLYMOUTH SAVOY V8 2-door seC daughters of the Jmnes Cormiers, Radio, heater, automatic. Shelton, spent Sunday with their grandparent. Mr and Mrs. A. O. Schuffenhauer. 1959 RENAULT 4-door sedan. Heater, Susan Bloomfield spent the economy. weekend with JanE, Wilson. Mr. md 1{rs. Hans Lurid mo- tored to Grayland, Sunday to visit 1957 PONTIAC 2-door station wagon. Re( with her sister and husband, Mr. heater, automatic. Low mileage, clea! and Mrs. Albert Allen. Sunday hmcheon guests of Mrs. 1955 NASIt RAMBLER station wagon. Ra Lea Bishop, Kamitche, were Mr. and lVIrs. Pete Bloomfield. heater, overdrive. Omitted last week: Recent callers of Donna Hulbert 1955 PACKARD 4-door sedan. Radio, he were Phyllis Macy, Sharon, Shaw- sled and Anna Marie Risk,. Shar- on, stayed over New Years as house guest. TItE L. A. TODDS spent Christ- mas in Manchester with the Er- nest Todd family and the night at Port Orchard with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lamont had Christmas dinner in the Kamil- che home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Petty. automatic. Real clean for its age. 196t} INTERNATIONAL B-112 pickup. L wheelbase, 4-speed trans., big 6 cyl. gin,, 6-ply tires. 1958 INTERNATIONAL pickup. Long wL base, heavy duty half-ton Big 6 engin' speed trans., overloads, 6-ply tires. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Evers were holiday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman. Christmas guests in the Charles Simpson home were her parents :Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Smith, Sko- komish Valley. The Chester Valleys, Skokomist Valley, and the Gene Hulberts Shelton. spent Christmas eve it the Alvin Halbert home. KIHBEL HOTORS, Inc. 707 South First St. 426. I USED APPLIANCES FOR SALE Due to the tremendous number of trade'ins we have taken in during the past 90 days we need more room. We offer the items below... AT REAL SAVINGS TO YOUI Every item has been COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED and carries a SERVICE WARRANTY. Terms Available. Chest Freezers Refrigeralors and Combinalions --Upright Freezers • A,, s,zes, shapes a.d doscr,pt,o.s • Several Each • Some real nice refrigerator-freezer combina- • Various Sizes tions, single and 2-door models. If you are looking for that extra refrigerator for the rental unit or summer cabin... TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SAVINGS NOW LEM WARREN REFRIGERATIO 2nd at Cota • Air Conditioning Headquarters • Phone 426-2445