January 10, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 10, 1963 |
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January 10, 1963
likely today and through
trend, highs in the 30s,
," 15 to 25.
SHET,TON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastn U.S.A." Shelton, Washin
Be Comfortable
Shell Modern Heat
Blue +Crutch Sale
Raises $152,27 For
March of Des
Legionnaires conducting the
March of Dimes "blue crutch sale"
last Saturday colleched $152.27,
reports Jay Umphenour, com-
mander of Fred B. ,Wivell Amer-
ican Legion post.
The project was carried out by
Umphenour, E)el "Weston, Stan
Smith, Bob Taylor, Phil Durand,
Glen Gardner, and Jim Durand.
Four officers of Fred B. Wivell
post attended an American Leg-
ion Legion regional membership
conference in Seattle Sunday at
which National Commander James
E. Powers of Macon. Ga., was
principal speaker.
They included Post Commander
Jay Umphenour, First Vie Com-
mander Del Weston, Adjutant
Mel Dobson, and Service Officer
John Luhm. Legionnaires from
Alaska, Montana and Oregon as
well as Washington were present
for the conference.
Action to establish a memorial
to the late Gone Martin in mem-
o'y of his devoted services to four
veterans organizations in this
community was started at its
monthly promenade last Thursday
by 40 & 8 Voiturc 135 of Mason
Chef de Gare Frank Travis Jr.,
appointed Mel Dobson to repre-
sent the 40 & 8 on a committee
&hod Board
Hires Architect
For Kitchen Job
The Shelton School Board Tues-
day night voted to hire G. Stacey
Bennett, Olympia architect, Lo
draw plans for the central kitcimn
it plans to put in the lrene S.
Reed building after school is out
next spring.
Tfie High School will be moved
to the Grant C. Angle building
when it is completed, and, part
of room left in the ISR building
by this move win be used for the
central kitchen.
Superintendent of Schools R.
\\;V. Oltman told the board it ap-
peared that the move into the
Grant C. Angle building could
start about Feb. 1.
The board voted to accept the
bid of Cleave Robinson of $100 to
tear down an old house on school
property at Eighth and Franklin.
The board is continuing its in-
vestigation of what can be done
with the driver's training course
in the high school. Oltman said it
would cost each student about $30
in tuition if the course was taken
out of the curriculum and taught
after school hours and on Satur-
The board received a report
from the citizen's advisory com-
mittee that Loop Field was inade-
quate and dangerous and asking
the board what further investiga-
tion nf what to do could be pur-
to consist of representatives of the sued by the committee.
American Legion, Veterans el
G0 A|| UIL U ' Foreign Wars, and "World War II
Veterans to study ways and means
BAYSHORE42.aa22ROAO of establishing suci" a mem°rial" [ Sch001Sn'|i h.'.T0 n.0bserve
e ,voLop--- bei----g bette-------r sto:,s,-,-zens-,e .,aj , ,
being good. Oliver Cromwell. l Schools in Mason Count3 ill
observe "Temperance and' Good
Want To Stay Young?
Have Clean Fun? ,
Citizenship Day" Jan. 16.
In a let{or to school adminis-
trators. Louis Bruno. Superintend-
cnt of Public Instruction, said that
on that day emphasis should be
directed toward the effects of to-
ba.cco, narcotics and alcoholic bev-
erages as they relate to the health,
strength and vigor of the nation's
The day is observed in the
schools under a law passed by the
Simpson Names
Export Mnager
Appointment of Lantz D. War-
rick as export manager of Sinap-
son International, effective today
was announced by Hal W. Mc-
Clary, vice president and general
Simpson International is a div-
ision of Simpson Timber Com-
pany and seeks trade opportuni-
ties everwvhere outside the U.S.
Warrick will headquarter in Shel-
ton and be directly responsible for
developing and managing Strop-
son's stepped up export activities.
A native of Aberdeen, and life-
long resident of Washington, War-
rick attended the University of
Washington, He brings to Simp-
son broad experience in the for-
est products export business, dat-
ing back to the 1930s. He comes
to Simpson from Elliott Bay Lum-
ber Company, Seattle. where he
was manager of the export de-
pa rtment.
Warriek succeeds the late Gee.
Hobbs, who was killed Nov. 8 i
an airplane accident.
World War I Vels
To Elect Officers
Madrona Barracks of the Vet-
erans .of World War I and its
Auxiliary win elect officers for the
comping year at their meetings at
8. p.m. today in the Memorial Hail.
IL will be the regular January
meeting of the groups Member-
ship reports will be presented
Refreshments will be served fol-
lowing the meetings.
Fourth In Fire
School Series Held
The fourth in a serie of fire
schools sponsored by Mason
County Fire District No. 4 in
Little Skookum Community Hall
was held Jan. 3.
Speaker was James Brom, fire
marshan from Vancouver, who
talked on the behavior of fires.
About 20 volunteer firemen at-
The next in the seines of fire
schools will be Jan. 17 with Clin-
ton Maehl as speaker.
Hearing Set On
Fire Dis trkt On
Harstine Island
The Mason County Commission
set 11 a.m. Jan. 28 as tbe date or
a .hearing on the formation of a
fire district on Harstine lsland.
The commission received a peLf-
lion last week bearing 41 signa-
lures asking for the formation of
the l-ire district.
The commission voted to send a
letter to the city commission in-
dicating the county was willing to
give the city first priority in seek-
ing federal funds under the
county's distressed area designa-
tion for its proposed sewer pro-
A letter from city street su-
perintendent Elroy Nelson in-
formed the county the city was in
the process of getting the applica-
tion for the federal funds in order.
The commission accepted the]
bid of the Burroughs Corporation I
for $5,071.04 for a bookkeeping I
machine for the county treasur-[
er's office• t
Also acceptea was the bid of I
Coast Office Equipment Ca., O1ym- i
pia, for a printing calenlator and
a dictating machine for the audi-
tor's office.
Irvin MeArthur. county public
assistance administrator, ap-
peared at the meeting to ask if
the commission would consider re-
activating the Welfare Advisory
Committee. Such a group lind
ab;e? bint, lP'abtie°enmS:VeralivY?ars
Delegates To Meeimg
The Mason County Democrat
Central Committee named dele-
gates to a State Democrat meet-
ing in Tacoma, Jan. 17 when it
met recently.
Delegates elected were Cliff
Sutherland. Helen Savage, Mari-
an Newkirk Bole Sarkowitz,
Wayne Barnett and Dave Dick.
Officers of the county central
committee also will attend the
meeting as delegates.
(C,mtinued from Page 1)
measure over my dead body. I am
even going to introduce a bill to
make the unemployment week co-
incide the work week for shift
workers so they won't lose so
much compensation just because
their weekend comes in the mid-
dle of the calendar week.
fl R I V E R S' LICENSE: The
Yule Trees A " --WEATHER- .
re High Low Precip.
.Ianuary 2 52 -i6 .75
,lanuary 3 51 33 .02
ChamhP-,Pro-ram + ....
]January 5 41 37 --
[ JanlIary 6 ,14 3D
Subject Tonight " ....
January 8 52 38 .....
ors issociat,o,=.
The future of the Christmas I A socisI heat aL 6:30 p.m] Tilt
t Tree industry in Mason County will I start the evening with dim]or aL
i be the topic of the pl'ogram at the " p.m. and tl]c pvogram at 8 p.m.
lSa|urday, Jan, 89
Stale Legislature in 1923.
Appointment to the board of di-
rectors of the Washington News-
paper Publishers Association had
cnool been accepted by Journal editor
MONDAYS __ 8:00 P.M. and publisher Bill Dickie. WNPA
Benny Berndson, Te president Hal Zimmerman of the
acher. Caller Camas Post-Record asked the
Shelton newspaperman to take the
place of Walt Woodward, Rain-
PHONE 426-2057 FOR DETAILS! bridge Island Review ,,(.ditor. who
question of raising the age limit:monthly Chmnber of Commerce
from 16 to 18 before being able imembership meeting tonight in
to obtain a drivers license is corn- Ritner's Broiler.
ing up. I am opposed to raising Speakers will be Lee Wells of
tbe age limit. I believe 16-year- the Hoeffert Tree Company and
olds are better driving students. Herbert Plum, former U. S. Forest
Older ones have learned too mny supervisor and now a trustee of
bad habits• I want the schools to the Washington Christmas Tree
continue driver training because Association.
it is a life and death matter. It
is the only way we are going to Among the points they will dis-
" • cuss will be marketing the trees
be able Lo stop the slaughter on which will have to be produced in
our highways, the future to meet market de-
Our school people locally should mands.
not be talking about eliminating
driver training, they should be The program was arranged by
talking about how to expand it so Glenn Correa. president of tim
all kids have to Lake it. To kids Washington Christmas Tree Grow- , .........
who are not going beyond high
school driver training is a lot more
important than some of the for-
eign languages. I will agree with
the critics that teachers with a
Masters Degree should not be tied
up teaching drivers but teachers
of what ever qualification required
should be doing the job.
GREEN STAMPS: There is a
big" battle brewing now that will
wind up in the legislature on green
stamps. The Green Stamp people
m'e dotng a job on the housewives
and malting then] believe they 5 157
would get something for nothing Responses from Users
if the legislature would pass the
law. But what they are not tell-
ing the honsewives is that the of Helena Rubinstein's
merchants have to pay nearly as
much for the stamps as the sales
tax amoun,s to and the me.chant Ultra Feminine
will be compelled to add the cost
on to the proceeds +of the com- * .................
modities. .the,,face cream that starts you
This would mean that if you pay " "
$I.00 for groceries you will get P looki
+9+ worth of groceries and + + ng younger t0dayl
worth of green stamps for which
you could buy trinkets or cut glass
or something that you would not '-' "' " nverwhelm;lw
buy at all if you had your mone:;
back. If you lose (he stamps, 94%0ftheseusers0fUltraFemininc.
though, that will be net profit for
the green stamp promoters who the only cream that works within the skin
will ah'eady have your money, t0replenishl0ss0fvital estrogen and
This is the other side of the story +
resigned following his sale 'of that
publication recently.
At last Tuesday's regular meet-
ing of Sheiton Moose Lodge fur-
ther plans were made for the next
enroihnent of new members to be
held Jan. 26. The honored guest at
this class enrollment will be Em-
met Berg, Mount Vernon, 1963
president (ff the Washington State
Moose Association.
All the major buildings on the
University of Puget Sound camp-
ns in Tacoma are of modified
Tudor Gothic architecture.
industrial & Builders Supply
Ist and PINE 426-4393
State committeenlan and corn- and I am still studying it. but
mitteewomen Mr. and Mrs. Roy it does not look good to me.
Ritner will also attend the meet- ALCOHOLIC ILLNESS: Anim-
ing. portant issue in this session which
...... pffLICE--COGR-7 I am very much interested in will
be the appropriation of a frae-
At)pearing on the Shelton Po- Lion of one percent of the States'
lice Court docket Monday night liquor profits Lo continue the pro-
were Harold Bibbee, no operator's gram of research and curing a.1-
license, $10 forfeit; Leonard coholics.
Knudsen, minor in possession of This is a new program, I helped
liquor, $25 forfeit; Thomas D. to promote it in the 1955 and
Stewart minor in possession of 1957 Session. It is a division of
liquor, $25 forfeit: Ernest L. O1-
den. speeding, $20 forfeit: David
B. Robertson. minor in possession
of liquor. $25 fine: Roy Shafer.
picked up for Western State Hos-
pital: Gerald VanCieave, minor in
possession of !iquor. $25 forfeit;
Ned Miller. drunk in public and
furnishing liquor to minors, dis-
missed: Gary Brevig, minor in
possession of liquor, dismissed:
Sharon Young, no valid operator's
license. $5 forfeit; James Cromar-
ty, no valid operai;or's license and
faihu'e Lo keep tO the right of the
center linc, $15 forfeit: Larry BaN
lard. furnishing, intoxicating nq-
uor to minors. $50 fine, $25 sus-
Five persons appeared in Shel-
ton Police Court last Wednesday.
They were Otto H. Schliep, drunk
in public and vagrancy, 30 days in
jail, 24 st spended; winiam Back-
hind. 10 days in jail; James O.
Towne. drunk in public, $10 for-
feit; Ted Pu]sifer, disorderly con-
duet. $25 fine and Francis Foley,
disorderly conduct, $25 forfeit.
Robcrt Sehletty was fined $100,
assessed $11 costs and sentenced
to 60 days in jail in justice court
on two counts of contributing to
the delinquency of minors last
week. Arrests at the Mason Coun-
ty Sheriff's office included Mich-
ael F. Offleld, malicious destruc-
tion of property and James Math-
ison, malicious destruction of pro-
A bad beginning makes a bad
the Health Department under Dr.
Bucove. There are now ii clinics
in the state in heavy population
The pilot program las done
very well and I am optomistic that i
we can cure a lot o people of this ]
disease. Alcoholism has been on
the increase. There is now ovm
four percent of our adult popula-
tion above 20 years of ge, who
are alcoholics. There are 26.000
alcoholics in King county alone.
New ways are being found to
treat people and 80 percent oi
those treated have been cured or
helped. I feel that this is an ap-
propriate way to spend some el
the liquor profits.
wars have two sides but the war
of big signs on important high-
ways have more tides than thai
and the legislature is going to get
caught in the middle and will have
to make some decisions.
The legislature will be asked to
build another floating bridffe
.cross Lake Washington. This will
be old stuff Lo me because I made
the motion in the leslature 24
years ago that started the pres-
ent floating bridge and I will be
glad to help start another one.
is only a small list but is some
of the most interesting things thal
I know of at this time.
People who have no weaknesses
are terrible: there is no way of
taking advantage of them.--Aria-
role Frence.
LJmttcd. time on
progesterone, natural youth substances!
"This cream definitely nmde nly
skin look younger and nlore alive"...
"1 noticed considerably fewer lines
and wrinkles due to dryness" ..
"I like this cream better than any
cream I've ever used I:"
Wrinldes due to dryness can he
reduced. Younger skill tone can be
'¢ restored by the action of estr(en
{i!ii and pl'ogesteronel
*< * el ee..*ell.-.* l**e i** I v* I e **. e I.
Becausc Helena Rubinstein believes Ultra Feminine@ *
is her greatest cOsmetic achievement-she rnake this :
special offer. Your first jar will convince you that .
can look younger in 30 days or money back! Use :
Ultra Feminine every night regularly!
Large Size :*:! :*.":**'::::: .............
60-Day Supply +;!,) ...':;:i:+,:.+v<:: :::::::.: .........
:.': .:$: .; :: , -,:. : :: ::::, }: ;:%:.'.;:,.: :...::'/
NOW ONLY ' .... ':::+: ....
SAVE 2.25 {i::;i+:i{i {+:+++;+¢:;+ i+ " °;i{
(Save $13.50 .......:.!:i .... :
ona year's supply). -.a;{, !ili!+ i
,+ and for younger looking hands, save on Young *
; Touch@ Hand LotiOn with estrogens... 2.75 Value
Now Only 1.50
lleel o•. le..*.l•.el ee•el+l**l ...
• Prices J.ea t ,,
DI71u00 17v'q PRE - INVENTORY
'"J" %;; *;ner:ar7 CE CE
{, hundreds of Penney items MUST be sold,
+m ,-#,,' +,+:+::+ , prices slashed ... king- sized bargains!
NN(@ "i+::".::.,'+.':"
+ {,::i
t,,,+::+v i{ Girls' Dresses Women s Srts
!i Men's ShMs ' '"
\\;{::.:.:,,..,:.<, A real buy. Assorted fab-
"+:+:+ Printe cotton [33fla°°el oo, n0 +,e.+ed =
tics and styles, sorted fabrics.
i:¢::" ":" ..... plaids. Sanforized. 3-6x
,, 14 4 4o 0
S-M-L ............
$10 single control,
72" x 84" double bed size
63" x 84" single control, twin size ....................... .$9
72" x 84" dual control, double bed size .......... 13
Get thc same important features found in higher
pviccd aut.omatics 2-ycar replacement guaran-
tee against mechanical defects and moth dan>
agc, fine quality circuit!
Top [}Loa|s
Zip-in Acrylic. Pile-lined,
deeD-tone plaids.
Bath Robes
Acetatc Jacquard, fully
Satin-lined. Navy - Wine.
S.M.L ................ 8 88
sonle water-
m'OO{, assorted odds and
Spoil Shids
Asstd. Odds and Ends
s,zo '2
S-M-L .................
Boys' Jackes
Pile-lined, assorted Tab-
tics. Some water-proof.
5ss +0
GtRL.' & BOYS'
Assorted Points