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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1963
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9 lhursday, January :tO, 193 m , H • m HOLIDAY ENGAGEMENT TOLD MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR COFFMAN announced the engagement of their daughter, Carol Lynn, to Mr. James Richmond Cakes. son of Mr. an&apos;d Mrs. John Oakes, at a family party Christmas Eve. The bride-elec}, a Junior at the Universit ly attended Linfield college, McMinnvill:.°f Washington, former- Oregon, where she af- filiated with Lambda Lambda Sigma Sorority. Her fiance is a Student at Olympic College, Bremerton. No wedding date has been set SHELTON--MASON COUNTY J it's A Date Today, Thm.:;day, Jan. 10 Rotary Club weekly hmeheon noon. Ming Tree Cafe. Chamber of Comnm:'ee monthly membership meeting, dinner 7 p. m.. agenda 8 p.m. Eitner's Broi- ler. Public open house for Harry Deyette. retiring county official. 2 1.o 4 p.m. couru'oom in county courthouse. Friday, Jail. I I StY Potluck. 6 p,m., church basemenL Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m., IOOF hall. Olympic League basketball. Shelt<m vs South Kitsap, B squads 6:30 p.m.. varsities 8 p.m.. Shel- ton gym Natnrday, Jan. 12 FOE Pinochle party, 8 p.m., Eagles airport hall. Salty Sashayers Chlb. 8:30 p, m., Memorial hall. State Patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 10 a.m to 5 p.m.. police station. Sunday, Jan. 13 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Monday, Jan. 14 County commissioners weekly session, 10 a.m.. county courthouse 8 & 4 Salon meeting, official visit of Departmental Chapeau Olga Roberts, 8 p.m:. Memorial Hall. Tuesday, Jan. 15 Kiwanis Club weekly hmcheon. noon, Memorial Hall City commissmners weekly ses- sion. 2 p.m., city hall. Fred B. W/veil American Legion post and auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memo- rial Hall, official visit Department Commander Chester Chastek. Wednesday, Jan. 16 Hillcrest Homemakers Club. 12 noon luncheon, home of Mrs. John Jackson. B.P.W. 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Earl Jagow, business meet- JOURNAL- Publihed in "Chrisfma,tow+, U.S.A.". Shelton. Washington ,n, uv. Social Even ts Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 • .. m, ERNEST DUNBAR TAKES BRIDE IN SEATTLE WEDDING CEREMONY MISS VIRGINIA BARNETT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindon Barnett, Walla Walla, became the bride of Mr. Ernest V. Dunbar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Dunbar, Shelton, at the Seattle Magnolia Congregational Church November 18. Rev. Kenneth Claypool, former pastor of Walla Walla's First Congregational church performed the 3 p.m..candlelight marriage ceremony. Tall 00loodsport Family Returns Home ing. candelabra ,ighted the sanctuary and altar as the couple repeated State Patrol drivers license ex- their marriage vows attended by Mrs. T. E. Deer, Bellevue, sis- am/nor, 10 a.m to 5 p.m., police ter of the bride, and Jack Valley, Tacoma. The reception followed station, the ceremony in the church. The couple made their home in Kirk- [ter :Holiday Trip To California ==,+,= 1'i' land following a week's wedding trip in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. " Past Matrons Welcome Chapter Dunbar are both graduates of Washington State University. The No. 40, DES, 12:30 p.m. sack bride has taught for two ]ears at the high school in Bellevue. Mr. ' lunch, Masonic temple. Dunbar is employed at Simpson Research Center in Bellevue as a i iii i i p.m., PUD attditorium. Navy Mothers Ch,b, 00:30 pm, Rachel Knoll Guild Gold Star Mothers Memorial hall. Rotary Club weekly hmcheon, noon, MingTreeCafe. Schedules First Meet Meet In Tacoma ' ...... N if.-. The Washington-Idaho Depart- " .... ' :  ,NAVYTo SERvEMOTHERSKIwANI$CLUB Of The ew Year merit of Gold Star Mothers tteld Navy Mothers Club will serve The Rachel Knott Orthopedic its regular board meeting at the l;, Kiwanis hmcheon next Tuesday. Guild will hold its 12:30 p.m. lun- Winthrop Hotel in Tacoma last late College and San t,'ran- nine a popular game at this time. Tho regular meeting of the Na- cheon meeting Jan. 18 at the home Saturday. Mrs. Florence Horr of }SCOrac(uateState,orkWherej Marvin. Is. doing - midnight hmch, includm" g a vy Mothers Club will be at 7:30 of Mrs. Kenneth Frank with Mrs. Vancouver, Wash., President. pre- E r ,_ . .. .udy s employed decorated cake was served to the p.m. next Thursday in the Memo- Richard Brewer as cohostess. Fur- sided over the meetings. ]n2: e reglstrar's office there, husbands of the ladies mentioned rial hall. mua particularly enjoyed attend- and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lauber. UE ther plans will be made for the Following the morning session Fg a performance of Ray Charies Mr. and i'VIrs, till Bolender will N R "Next to Ndw Sale" to be held at lmclmon was served to 41 moth- emorial Temnl ..... " orget: the days they FOR LOCAL GIRL PUD aud'itorium March 29-o0. era. Attending from this section nd his orchestra at the Masonic not coon f were Mrs. W. S. Rempel and IIrs. --i-l'tght of the'---'trip VXforCOUrSe,stex .... the moved into men " borne at In- The guild's Christmas party was Grace Holt of Shelton and Mrs. [ltteadin the u ...... . c \\;.as man Beach. The rain was bad held Dec. 14 at the home of Mrs. Clara Megiveron. Mrs. Ethel Cam- est  -,, u Lar Mast- enough on New Year's day but i2Y ed visiting Dr. tidl'"at San Jose. and Mrs. Carl bridal attendant Mrs. Rich was for the Hales. mo there was a lot of reminiscing do! All in all, they r.eport a de- ghtful .trip return'lug refreshed face the yearly task of taking ventory. " [rs. Andrew Scott and Mrs, eorge Yocom visited the Ke raves ram/l,, .' ..... n IFrida-- -j m arrmgton last U:  Y and Satt rday The found : e Graves h ' " Y :,i - appHy settled and Dut- ,l" g (own roots in their new c'om- :unity. M" i_: IL ANI). MII,%. EARL the New eeenct visiting relatives game. The entire family ea when a portion of the hillside came down just north of Hoods- :ort. Bill 'was on the south side of the slide with the final load and Lethe had passed the slide area going north only moments before. This happened shortly after 3 p.m and one way traffic was restored at 10 p.m. that night. Tos of mud and debris com- pletely covered the road The Be- lenders had a lot of company/as they anxiously waited for traffic t0 nlove again Mr and Mrs. Jim Shumate drove Jamie back to school at LaVerne College in LaVerne Calif., last week and have been visiting friends and relatives in the south. They were expected back in Hods- port Monday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Chaussee visited at. the George Yocom home Sunday night and Monday They are on their way to Chicago to attend Moody Bible Institute. Mrs. Yocom was saddened on Monday to receive word of the death of her father in Spokane. Our Sym- t'athy is extended to her at this lime. Shelton General Hospital Ken Cb00,.berlin o a girl, 4 Journal Wanl Ads Pay MISS PATRICIA PALMS re- cently accepted a position as a surgical nurse at the Peninsula Hospital in Burtingame, Calif. Mis Plm's is a 1956 g'aduate of Irene S. Reed high school and graduated from the Tacoma General School of Nursing in 1959. She is the daughter of Mrs. Florence Palms, Grape- viJ,v. Not/re Of Correction NORTHWEST Sewing Machine Oistri00k,tors Glendon Ferguson with Mrs. Herb Rotter as co-hostess. The Fergus- on home was beaut/fully decorat- ed. In one corner of the Living room was a lighted living alpine tree. Members exchanged gifts and each one brought a toy oz' game to be sent in the name of the H. Enzo Loop Cogs to th Orthopedic Hospital for Christmas gifts. Can- ned goods were also brought to be given to the Shelton General Hos- pital. Ghosts of the guild were Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson and two inac- tive members. Mrs. "William Judah and Mrs. Franz Rauscher. Mrs. Dexter Edge was welcomed as a new member. bridge and Mrs. Thelma Burling- ame of Olympia. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason county Auditor's of- flee this past week were: ANis "vV. Johnson. 31, Hoquiam and Verna L. Cox, 31, Hoquimn. Elmer E. Watkins, 74, Bremer- ton and Margaret H. XVatkins, 60 Bremerton. Everett M. Starkenberg, 21, Shel- ton and Tonia E. Becraft. 19. Shel- ton John M, Brighan. 16, Port Of chard and Anita L Hershaw. 15. Port Orchard. 10:00 A.M. FRIDAY Asstd. MEN'S sOCKS Reg. to $1.00 pAIR 19' 10:00 A.M. FRIDAY Men's Summer play clothes, s.s Shirts, Swim Suits, Shorts, etC'RiS°75'00 2400 THIRD AVENUE • SEATTLE 1, WASH. • MAin 4-8930 January 3,1963 Mr. James Needham Needham Food Center P.O. Box 337 Shelton, Washington Dear Mr. Needham: Mr. Pollam called us this morning saying there was an error on the letters sent out. We are very sorry this has happened and apologize for the embarrassing position this has caused you. Will you please post this so the people will know who did win he machine from your store ? MALVIN MeCOWAN RT. 2, Box 150 Shelton, Washington If you wish to put in an announcement in your paper, please do so and send the bill to us. .Again please accept our apology. Yours very truly GEORGE HETH, Manager h • ) Farewell Dance For Betty Kelley, Matiock, To Becom Jai00y Sashayers The Salty Sashayer Sqaare Dan- ce Club will have a dance Satur- day night at the Memorial hall. This will be a farewell dance for caller. Clint Renney, who has re- ceived a .hholarship and will be leaving for Pulhuan anti VrSU the first of February. The hosts for the dance will be Mr. and Mrs. James Baxter and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Purvis of Olym- pia. A potluck supper will be serv- ed following the dance. The club will have two new cal- lers. Ben Forbe.s of Bremerton and Bonnie Berndson of Olympia. Ben- nie and Hilda Berndson have star- led new square dance lessons at Bordeaux school to be held at 8 p.m. each Monday night. Anyone wanting more information can call Carl Downing at 426-3122. ITillcrest Homemakers Luncheon Wednesday The Hillerest Homemakers Club will meet for a 12 noon luncheon by the hostess next Wednesday at the hohe of Mrs. John Jackson. At the first meeting in 1963, 15 members out of 20 were present, (with two visitors. Mrs. Rickey demonstrated ornaments from dif- /erent countries. Local People A|lend Thad Byrne Reunion Mr. and Mrs, Gib Racker, ac- companied by Mrs. W. S. Rempel and Miss Nellie Nelson attended the Thad Byrne reunio.n held in the Roosevelt Hotel in Seattle Dec. 29. A reception was held and inn- cheon served to about 100 travel- ers and their friends. Following the luncheon Miss Nelson showed colored slides of several countries she visited on her trip around the world last spring. Square Dance Lessons Available To Public Square dance lessons have star- ted at Bordeaux school on Mon- days at 8 p.m. Anyone interested is invited to attend. Classes will be open for new dancers for two more weeks. After January 21 the class will be closed to newcomers. Bonnie and Hilda Berndson of Olympia are the new teacher-cal- lers. Bennie is caller for the Chain Gang, a square dance club in Cen- tral/a, and will call for the Salty Sashayers one night a month. Anyone interested in more in- formation about tle square dance lessons may call 426-3122, 426-3213 or 426-2057. Sia00e Legion Head To Appear Here Chester J. Chastek, commander of the kmeriem Legion for the State of Washington \\;viii visit the Fred B. W/veil Post of the Legion here Jan. 15. He will be the featured speaker at a program at 8 p.m. in the Me- morial Building. The meeting Is open to the public. He will speak on a trip he made to Europe last April during which he visited NATO and SHAPE Headquarters, military installa- tions and U. S. Embassies in Fran- ce. -West Germany and Italy. He is a veteran of World Wars I and II and 1he Korean War and has held numerous local district, state and national Legion offices and committee assignments . Bride of Lawrence D. Parker By Joann Tapper \\;Ve are happy to announce in our cohmm, the engagement of Miss Betty Kelley and Lawrence Douglas Parker. Betty is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arehie Kelley of Matlock "Doug" is formerly from Tennessee, and now lives at the home of his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. frying Sieve- land, Matloek. No wedding date has been set yet Saturday night, drop-in g'aests at the Kelley residence were Mr. and Mrs. Hank Chappell, and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, I<amilehe and Don Gunstone of the Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle, Jr. and family enjoyed Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- nard Rischel, Dayton. SUNDAY DINNER guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bleeker were Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Sharpe of Olympia. New Years eve, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cunningham of Tacoma. The Coopers received a "long distance" call New Years day from Mr. Cooper's brother. Levi Cooper of Startex. S. C. Sunday visiting" the Coopers were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cwicklin- ski. of Tacoma, Mrs. Betty Goore, Tacoma, and Miss Bee Manier of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. AmeI Tveit had Mr. and Mrs. Paul "Webster, Brem- erton, spending the weekend. VISITING Mr. and Mrs. John Patten on Saturday were Mr. and Mr=. Francis Wright. Shelton. Mr, and Mrs. Jean Holman of Shelton visited the Pattens on Sunday. About 75 people fom Matlock, The Lake. Dayton and Shelton en- Joyed a party at Dayton Hall on New Years eve, which was a grand success and enjoyed by all who at- tended. Heart Fund Drive Is Set Feb. 24 Mrs. Maybelle Daniels of Shel- ton will direct the February Heart Fund Campaign in Mason County this year, C. K. Glaze of Olympia, regional chairman, announced this week. Mrs. Daniels has long been ac- tive in Washington State Heart Association affairs in Mason Coun- ty. She is president of the Shelton Business and Professional \\;Vom- cn's club. a group which has had heart health as its educational pro- ject for the past five years. rashington State Heart Asso- ciation hopes to raise $496.380 this year to finance research, educa- tion and community service in the field of cardiovascular disease. Researchers ]n this state last year received $127,165 for projeqts which varied frorri study'-'of the effect of anethesia on cardiac OUtlmI to pituitary reserve in rheu- matic fever patients. Grants made possible by public support of the Heart Fund also have helped to build Heart Care Cente,s in this state enabling patients to receive most advanced treatment in their home area. A statewide Rheumatic Fever_ Control Program also is made pos- sible by Heart Fund donations. l The Heart Fund Drive will be held during February, climaxing with door to door solicitations Feb. 24 Heart Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cloid Watts and family of Kirkland, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. E, Hewson on New Years, day. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson spent the weekend before News Years at their cabin at Grayland. Eddie Dawson spent the weekend as guests of Jeff and Terry Snell of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. Art Palmer of I  Matloek had as New Years day I dinner guests the families of AI Tapper and Dick Tapper. The Lake Nahwatzel Volunteer Fire Dept. had a meeting last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit. The passing of Don McLeod last Sunday was regretted by all of us here. He will be missed at his usual post on South Mountain lookout this next season and for seasons to come. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. ViIliam V#rright over the New Years week- end was her sister and brother-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. lralter HaMt- ke of Orting. Cancer Detection Film Set Jan. 24 A giant campaign to save the lives of women in Washington SLa- te who. might needlessly die of cancer, will be launched the third week in January in hundreds of theatres and other meeting places throughout the state. Here the local unit of the Ame- rican Cancer Society will show two films. "Time and Two Wo- men" and "Breast Self Examin- ation" at 8 p.m. Jan. 24 in the PUD auditorium. Showings are al- so planned at the Hood Canal JU- nior High School at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. and at the Belfair Baptist Church at 8 p.m. Jan. 24. Uterine cancer is the second most common cancer in Women, breast cancer being the most com- mon. Out of 32.500.000 women be- tween the ages of 35 and 70 in the United States. some 29,000 will have uterine cancer. One of the major weapons the society has to spearhead its drive against uterine cancer is its new film which discusses a most intio mate and serious subject with wis, dora and good taste. Its purpose is to explain how cancer of the uterus may eventually be elimin- ated as a cause of death. Its theme is that time may be woman's ally or enemy and that the choice is in large part up to the woman her- self. NEW BLUE OX FRI. - SAT. - ONLY KIOS MAT. SAT. - 1 p.m, Always Clean "Sl i a AGIqAIY  IN PA(t 00-X.lli . i -- Open 10 a.m. Daily 'til Sold -- ENTIRE STOGK MUST BE SOLD FAST Finest, famous brands now going at prices lower than Off-Brands. HURRY NOW for terrific bargains! WIr. and 00rs. Shop Railroad Avenue Men's Name Band DRESS SLACKS Reg. to $22.95 NOW ,637 LOW AS Shelton