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SEELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAl;- Publisld in "Ohzstmastown, U.B.A., Shelon. Washington
H0odsp0rt Woman Describes Trip
To Australia and
By Joyce Scott
OODSPORT. Two hours
slipped by like minutes as I sat
catting with Rule Dickinson
about her recent trip to Australia.
Many travel, but not all have the
ability to relate their experiences
in such an interesting manner. It
really wouldn't be a bad idea for
us to chip in and send Rule off to
all the interesting places we long
to see, than sit at her feet. so to
speak, and relive the trip with her!
The S. S. Liberia, carrying 1,300
passengers and a crew of 700, left
Vancouver, B. C., Oct. 10. The
first night out they met HEnri-
cane Karen. The winds were fierce
enough to toss the ship so that
Rule, good sailor that she is, was
the only one at her table for five
days. A one-day stop each in San
Francisco and Long Beach made
it possible for her to have a brief
visit with friends in both cities.
Five days at sea brought them to
PIonolulu, where a day was 'spent
touring the island. Their next
stop was Yokohama. Rule took
a four-day inland tour which gave
her a new appreciation for the
Japanese people a.s she was able
to meet and mingle with them in
varied situations. The millions of
people and the over-crowded traf-
fic conditions, especially the 600
express trains daily in operation
in Tokyo, were a sight to behold.
And from her vivid description, a
horror to board or to depart from
as .they stop for only one minute.
Fifty-six tourists were in her
party so the guide hd to be an
expert to get them lined up and
instructed so that no one was left
at the station! New highways
and new buildings were much in
evidence as Japan is busily pre-
the Far East
ship next docker] in HonK Kong,
in the harbor at Kowloon where
150 ships were tied up. A friend
of Mrs. Nancy Yates was very
gracious in showing Rule around
Hang Kong. At one time they
were in an area where they could
look over into Communist terri-
tory. Rule had her first rickshaw
ride here. The man she judged to
be past sixty, ran twelve blocks
nearly as fast as a taxi would
have been able to go. The gov-
ernment has built huge apart-
ments, housing as many as 3.000
in a single building in an attempt
to do away with the thousands of
squatter's huts in the slum area.
Mrs. Dickinson found six people
living in a single room about 10
by 12 feet in one of these build-
Leaving Hang Kong, they sailed
through the China Sea enjoying
soft Trade Winds and sunny skies.
Manila was the next stop. A visit
was made to the William Mc-
Kinley MonumEntal Cemetery
where there are 70.000 graves,
only 17.000 of these being nmned.
Each grave is marked by a marble
cross or Star of David brought
from Italy. In the three major
colleges in Manila over 100.000
students are enrolled. In spite of
the cultural trend and the lovely
flowers. Rule felt this city dE-
pressing due to the sight of these
many graves of tim war dead and
the extreme poverty seen on every
hand. Seven days at sea brought
them to Sydney, Australia. where
friends she had made on a trip
to Europe several years ago met
her. The next two weeks were the
most interesting and educational
of the entire trip. She visited
Carn beE'ra, the capital city, and
paring for the 1964 Olympics. Old Glory flying over our embassy
AFTER LEAVING JAI'A, the was a welcome sigtt. A visit was
Mr. Bill Dickie, Editor
'The Journal
Shelton, Wash.
Dear Mr. Dickie:
Amid your shower of editorial
bouquets for the retiring PUD
manager and praise for his com-
missioners, let me rmse one dis-
for a number of years, it was a
source of income for about 30
years, my husband worked there.
and my son and other members of
nay family also. The cost to build
that pulp mill was huge, yet there
it stands like a ghost town doing
nobody any good. Why couldn't it
be turned into a cannery? This is
a berry country, and there are
fish. clams and oysters. I believe
Among Your
Several personnel changes at
Kimbel Motors Inc, local Chrys-
ier. Plymouth, Valiant. Interna-
tional agency, were announced
this week by President Jack Kim-
A1 Munro has sold his interest
in the firm to take other employ-
ment and his position as firm ac-
countant and office manager has
been taken by Mrs. Shirley Jen-
Duane Dewell has been succeed-
ed as shop foreman by ClaUde Ir-
win, who has been with Kimbel's
for 15 years, following Dewell's
acceptance of a position in the
Simpson Timber Company garage.
Wilfred White, head of the
firm's body and fender shop for
several years, has leased that de-
partment and is now operating it
as his own business under the
name of "Whitey's Auto Body",
in the same location.
Millo's Diner . ....................... 3
Polka Dot ........................... 3 i
Hoodsport Lumber ............ 2 2
McConlVey Drug Center .... 2 2
Morgan Transfer .............. 2 2
Sunbeam Bread .................. 2 2
Lumbermen's Mere ............ 1 3
>Shelton Hotel ...................... 1 3
High game Esther Berets 196.
High series---Esther Berets 514.
Olsen Furniture .................. 4 0
Shelton Recreation ............ 3 1
Rainier Beer ........................ 3 1
Lemke's Service .................. 3 1
Ritner's Pink Ladies .......... 1 3
Lucky Lager ........................ 1 3
Northwest Evergreen ........ 1 3
Olympia Beer .................... 0 4
High game--Adair Neau 196.
High Series Memory Smith and
Alice Hildebrandt each 520.
Split picks---Dot Smith t5-7, Mac
Dunbar 5-10.
Rusty Ducks ........................ 6 2
Board Busters .................... 6 2
Strippers .............................. 6 2
Pin Busters .......................... 4 4
What's Next ...................... 3 5
Knock Outs ........................ 3 5
Timber Ducks .................... 2 6
Charles Anderson, Resident of Grapeview Since 1920, Succumbs
GRAPEVIEI 7 .... Grapeview re-
sident were saddened by the death
of Charles Anderson last Thurs-
day. "Uncle Charlie," as he was
fondly know- by his many friends,
was born ]n Munsala. Finland.
March 12. 1877 and was in his 86th
year. He had lived in the Grape-
view area since 1920 where he had
operated a farm. these past two
years (to the day) having been
spent in the home of his niece,
Mrs. Ann Westberg. Survivors
other than Mrs. Westberg and
daughter Marcella included five
nephews and four nieces. Fu-
neral selwices were held at 2 p.m.
SatEmday at the Batstone Funeral
Home in Shelton, and "Uncle Char-
lie" was laid to rest in the Shel-
ton .Memorial 'Park.
We are delighted to see Walter
Eckert up and about again, driv-
ing in to Kiwanis etc. Eckert was
released from the Clinic Hospital
last Wednesday after a brief stay
Mrs. Walter Clayton St. after
spending a few days at home was
admitted to the St. Peter's Hos-
pital in Olympia last Wednesday
where she underwent major sur-
gery ThursdAy morning. Her con-
dition at the time of this writing
is improving very satisfactorily,
we are most happy to note, alth-
ough she has been unavoidably
Mrs. Ray Uhly is still recuperat-
ing. Iron 3 surgery at the St. Fran-
ces Xavier Cabrini Hospital ih
Seattle, with frequent visits from
Mr. Uhly cheering her on. May
we wish her a speedy recovery.
ARRIVING back at their Ben-
son Lake home Saturday after-
non the Bill Staudts brought with
them pleasant memories of a seve-
ral weeks holiday in California
spent with family and friends. Ju-
dy who left in Mid-Dec. spent a
week with her mother. Mrs. Ama-
lia Boettner at the home of sister
and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Norman at Lemon Grove. Calif.
Dec. 22, Bill's mother, rMs. Eva
Vaughan picked up Judy and took
her to her Pacific Beach home.
That Saturday evening they were
joined by Bill and sons Kenny,
Chick and Chick's friend Bill Cre-
wel. who although a native of El
Centre. Calif. is at present station-
ed aboard the USS Bennington. a
"flat top" under repair at the Pu-
get Sound Naval Shipyard. Sun-
day the family group was joined
by Bill's sister and husband,
"Trish" and Dick Moore of Holly-
wood and brother Bob Vaughan,
all spending an overnight in order
to be able to spend Christmas Eve
spent mking a brief visit with on Frank while there with the
Judys brother and wife. iV!r. and
Mrs. XVilliam Boettner at Los Al-
tos. lunching in San Francisco
with service friends, and another
quickie visit with another of Ju-
dy's brother's Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Boettner at Novato. Calif. Thurs-
day night was spent .with Mrs.
Ira Broughton and children. Fri-
day, on the homeward trail, they
spent the night in Hines. Ore. with
Bill's step-dad. C. J. Vaughan. Sa-
turday morning they departed, ha-
ving become more anxious each
day to return home and begin the
new year. With them came Robert
Vaughan who plans to spend se-
veral months here.
MEANWHILE. back on the La-
ke. Bill Stoudt. ST. spent a plea-
sa.nt Christmas Day with Dr. and
Mrs. Nils Olson who had driven
out from busy Bremerton to spend
the holiday at their quiet lakeside
A two-weeks holiday vacation
in California was thoroughly en-
Merchant Marine.
BACK IN Grapeview several
groups gathered to greet the New
Year. The Myron Polks took their
four grandchildren, Clifford, Alice,
Kathy and David Hicks. £or a
dinner of Chinese foe0 at the Mink
Tree in Shelton New Year's Eve.
After returning home they watched
TV until midnight, when they join-
ed their parents, Jubie and Virgi-
nia. The Hicks' were hosting a
New Year's Eve get-together for
a group of friends. Those enjoying
their hospitality were Rod and Sil-
via Hansen. Ann Westberg, Frank
and Elaine Kowalc.zyk and Phyl-
lis Lutz. A delicious midnight sup-
per of Chinese food was enjoyed
by all.
At the Don Pogreba's residence
18 guests joined them New Year's
Eve to see out the old year and
ring in the new. "Helping" them
with this "Chore", most enthusi-
astically, were Art and Ernestine
Nicklaus, Russ and Ruth Wells,
joyed and appreciated by Mrs. Flo- Howard and Murial Somers, Ed
rence Palms. Leaving Grapeview and Louise Okonek, Speck and
Dec. 21. Florence was met at Mil- Irene Fredricks, Joe and Shirley
bray Calif. by youngest daughter Engen, Walt and Salli Clayton,
Pat and friend Ruth Wallace. The Clem and Marge Hell and their
lhree ladies then proceeded on to two Oregon house guests, Mrs.
Salinas and the home of Ivan Ruth Davis and Miss Leona Eag-
Palms where they all spent Christ-
mas Eve and Christmas Day. The
girls had to return to Milbray but
Florence stayed on until New
Year's Day when she too returned
to Milbray. At this time Pat took
advantage of having, two days off
by showing Florence a little of this
area of California. The first day
was spent visiting Hillsdale. Fri-
day, they explored several of San
Francisco's spots of interest; Chi-
natown, lunch at Fisherman's
Wharf and browsing in the fabu-
lous Import and Export shops.
Mrs. Palms stayed with daughter
Pat and her roommate until Sa-
turday, returning to Grapeview
Sunday evening While with Pat
Friday evening, Florence was most
pleased and delighted to receive
phone call from son Henry
(Wayne) from his Lawton, Okla.
station telling her not only of his
les. Live nmsic, dancing aBd group
games kept the group fully enter-
tained with a delicious "Beef and
buffet" midnight supper sending
all home jolly-well full and happy.
Phyllis Lutz and son Larry dro-
ve down to Vancouver Saturday
when they picked up Fred at the
Barnes Veterans' Hospital. They
then took advantage of Fred's
weekend pass by driving over to
Mossy Rock to spend the week-
end with Phyllis' cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Andersen. Phyllis and
Larry returned home to Grapeview
Sunday afternoon after having re-
turned Fred to the hospital, much
heartened by his apparent impro-
vement. Baby Laurie spent the
weekend with Uncle and Aunt
Enoch and Pat Uldricksen in Allyn
while Doug stayed with his grand-
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Blair.
incidentally, that splashy "new"
return from Greenland but also '31 red four-door Ford that Doug
the good news that he had been
promoted to Warrant Officer. W.
O. Palms will leave Jan. 15 for
his next station. Fort Hood, Tex.,
and in tim meantime, he and his
wife are busy selling thelr home
in Oklahoma in preparation for
the move. Upon her retunl home
she found out that Christmas
flowers were yet to be delivered,
having been wired from Egypt by
is dashing about in these days is
a gift from his fond grandparent.
THE DON QUERYS are safely
home in Grapeview again after a
lovely nine-day holiday. Rigby,
Idaho was their destination for
Christmas with Den's folks Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Cuthbert. The
Querys were most fortunate, in-
deed. to have Den's great-aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Orlin Black,
awaiting them, on both the east-
ward and westward trip, with
their hospitality at Nampa, Idaho,
for the overnight necessary when
driving as far as Rigby. Clear
roads, no snow or ice, made for
good traveling both ways and the
vacation was enjoyed by all.
Jubie and Virginia Hicks helped
Virginia's folks, Mr. and Mrs. My-
ron Polk. celebrate their 34th wed-
ding anniversary by serving them
a delicious steak dinner. Jan. 2.
Later on the Lee Whitneys dropepd
by to add their best wishes.
Mrs. Kay Sanford is finally re-
cuperating from , severe cs.e of
the flu that somewhat dimmed her
full appreciation of the holidays.
Dec. 22. sonJBert, wife and two
children arrived from Eugene,
Ore. The next day Kay's mother,
Mrs. Bea McRae, arrived with son
Eddie. Christmas day Kay's
laughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Hinesh and daughter Barbara
arrived from Portland. As if a"
stiff case of the flu weren't
enough, while removing the turkey
from the oven. Kay sufferdd a
fractured finger when the pan
slipped. In spite of s slow re-
covery, Kay still claims to have
enjoyed it all.
THIS SUMMER we will prob-
ably see a real going concevn
churning up and down Case Inlet!
Conld be it will be the 16V2 foot
drag boat that Bob Battles has
been building. This boat. modeled
after those that have been so
popular in California, will sport a
240-hp. automobile motor and will
be used for water skiing. Latest
development worked on Sunday by
Bob and buddy Dean
start of the side
Newest student at the
view School is Master
man who has entered
grade. The Freemans
into their beach cottage
the Earl Parks' property.
From Neil Evander
The word "orthopedic" is
often, and yet so little
that it might be a good t
explain it. One of the
mmconceptions arises
fact that many of us
tin and
is a cam
of two
makes sense and
straightening or curing
ren. The French used
the 18th century when
gan a system of
strtct diet plus
they used to correct
in their children.
Open Daily 9:30 to 7
Saturdays 9:30 -
senting voice.
I have no desire to take any-
thing away from anyone complet-
ing a 10ng and faithful service to
his public but I would remind you
that this same group of PUD ad-
ministrators has not always
drawn the same compliments from
the public that the Journal has
so often bestowed on them.
It was essentially this same
group which built the oX, ersized
PUD office building in spite of
repeated protests from large num-
bers of aroused customers. It was
this stone group which spent thou-
sands of our dollars building a
switching station without permis-
sion in a residential zone, only
to tear it down again after the
error was made public. It is this
same group which still upholds
one of the highest electric rate
structures in the state, long after
the necessity has become doubtful.
The Journal hastens to tag the
newly appointed PUD manager as
a protege of these men who,"ex-
pert continuation" of policy, but
I prefer to believe he has a ind
of his own and will profit from
their mistakes.
Very truly yours,
Dear Sir:
As others write in their ideas,.
I thought I would try it. I don't
know as tt wiIl do any good, but
I have been tiinking of this for
sometime, and it dosen't hurt to
try. rm thinking of the old pulp
mill that has been standing empty
maybe the farmers round about
would be interested in raising ve-
getables, fruits and other kinds
of produce. Also this building is
situated right on the waterfront
which would bE ideal. This is
just a thought.
Mrs. Evelene Farrell
103 So. 12th apt. 5.
Open Letter to t, hc Journal
Jan. 7. 1963
Please express the gratitude of
the ChambEr.De Commerce f0r the
ecel]} job' ddne On Christmas
dcorahons all over the city of
Shelton. Many favorable commems
were heard from local people as
well as outsiders. It is most fit
ting that Shelton be welt decorated
during the holiday season.
The funds provided by the Cham-
ber and other organizations were
used m more concentrated mau-
ner £or the first block on Railroad
Avenue. including the "Big Tree".
Plans for the future seem to favor
doing a good job on one block at
a time. The long range plans now
being formulated will attempt Lo
keep the business sections of
Shelton on a par with the residen-
tial sections, which were really
outsLanding in 1962.
The Rotary Club and the Jay-
cees carried out their part of the
decorations in their usual well or-
ganized manner.
Your Chamber is proud to be
associated with such cooperating
P. B. Murphy See'y Mgr.
By order of the Board of Trustees.
Odd Balz .............................. 2 6
High games Ken O'Dell 233.
Clara Ericson 189.
High series Ken O'Dell 529
Lynn Temple 473.
made to large sheep ranch to
observe the shearing. A "Rotol-
actor", an ultra modern revolving
milking parlor handling 50 cows at
each revolution, was perhaps the
most modern invention seen on the
trip. Seven hundred and seventy
cows were milked in two and a half
hours. Her friends took her on
the Snowy Mountain Tour. Read-
er's Digest for January '63 de-
scribes this projecL as one of the
five future wonders of the world.
The tour took the group over
erode mountain roads in a bus to
view the progress made on this
hnge engineering feat.
RUlE FLEW FROI Sydney to
Adelaide. where she encountered
the hottest weather of the trip.
One day the temperature reached
108.6 degrees.
Aukland New Zealand, a city
of 450,000 and as modern as to-
morrow, was the first stop after
leaving Australia. One day was
spent here. Rule says she doesn't
know just what she expected New
Zealand to look like but it just
didn't seem to be wlmt she had an-
A day was spent in the Fiji Is-
lands where beautiful tropical
vegetation was seen before the
ship left for tIawaii. The five
days at sea after leaving the
fiftieth state were dreadfully long.
together. Christmas Day saw Bill
and family, as well as brother Bob
Vaughan, back at Lemon Grove
with the Normans but all returned
to Pacific Beach for the remain-
der of the week Saturday they
made their farewells and drove to
Hollywood where they spent the
night with the Moores. Sunday
they drove on to Long Beach for
a visit with their long-time friends
Mr. and Mrs J. E, Johnson and
stayed on to accompany the John-
sons to a New Year's party at the
George Ballards where they en-
jbyed seeing many of their Cali-
fornia friends. New Year's Day
was spent in front of the color
T. V. set of Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Steck, watching the Rose Bowl
game. The next several days were
'00'oo Late To Classify
BED. box spring and mattress 2 Hot-
point elee. ranges. Quaker oil heater.
Highchair. Phone 426- 4594.
OH BOY! Just listed this con fy cot-
tag'e on fine Hammersley Inlet
waterfront. 4 zh lovely wooded acres
witil pretty winding stream. Who'll
get it? $11.000. Call A. Roy Dunn
Realtor. 426-6363. I/i0
WANT TO RENT--Four bedl'Z
furnished home. in Shelton or vieln-
ity by February first. Will consider
option to buy. Write Box XC. c/o
The Journal. I/I0-24
"CHROME dinette SeL for sale. Eitehen
incinerator. Guitar. Phone 426-4349.
D 1-10-17
-LABRADOR I)llps 'f0r sale. 6 weeks
old. Call 426-4627. ]3 1/10
1950, CHEVROLET 4-door l'lene,.-
good condition, for sale. Phone 426-
3054 evenmgs. D 1/10-24
PRODUCE SECTION A modern as tomorrow is the tasteful
decor and equipment of the fruit and vegetable area at the new
Thriftwa¥ Food Center on Hilloet, now eerving its-oustomeP.
Harry Boelke is section manager. Grand opening of the new store
will be announeed soon.
4th &' Railroad
(Paid Adv.)
who made my recovery from
surgery possible through their blood,
encouraging messages, flowers, and
other considerations.
Capital Stock ................ $ 27,400,000.00
Surplus .................. 37,600,000.00
Undivided Profits .............. 31,312,960.24
:Reserve for Interest, Taxes, etc..
Discotm CoUccted Not Earned
Letters of Credit ad Acceptam
Deposits .........
TOTAL .......
.Honorary Cltairma#l
1cniar Vice PresidentY s
"_rite Boeing Compuny
llenry Broderck, Tn.
IVcycrhacuscr Company
Chairman F[shcrl'[our(,lg
.Mills Compan 2
J)rcsident. 7. C. IIcnry
Jnvtmgtt Company
VJcycrhacuscr t 'ore nany
Vice Chairman el the Hoar
President, Motion Pctr*re
Producers ond Distributors
o[ Amcrica I;C.
Clmirmn, Lng & Co,
,'i.tpo. TimSer otpa11
,President. Northern
Cotamcr¢id Compan
$ 96,312,960.24
......... 9,041,644.53
........ 8,621,182.7{t
..... 10,498,509.13
• 00,n7,227,2600.004
• SL241,70L_0065.so
Exccutiue Commite@
Olympia Brewing COIII
Eas/crn Outfitting ColffZ.lQt
13usincss ltfanagetneB
Carnation Compan
Honorary Chairman,
Van Waters &Roger¢, f.,=
/ --2
Cash and Due from Banks........... $24,g44,gs4z0
U.S. GovemmenSecuritie . . . . . . . . . . 269,246,314.26
State and Municipal Securities......... $8,655,2O9.9
Other Bonds and Securities .... . . . . . . . 14,439,661.39
Loans andDscoun.................. ,
Federal ReservdBankStock . . ............. .
Bank Buildings, VaiLs, Furniture and Fixtures, etc. ...... . .
InteresEamedNoReeeived, ere ........... . . .
Ctomers' Liability under Letters of Credit and Acceptances . . . o
TOTAL ................... . .
at C/ose of BUS/hess December 81, 1962
Assisted by this help, I am now
at work on a part-time schedule at
my barber shop in the theatre build:
inK. Thank you, again, you have been-
simply wonderful.