January 10, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 10, 1963 |
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10, 1963 8HELTON--MASON
- t ...... .
in "C/m'istmastown. U.S.A.". Shelton, Washington
grapplers success-
)inned their sixth straight
)Qttqntthis year with a surpris-
e-side( 32 '" " "
• "±' victory ovel
Bremerton in Shel-
g:y,m Tuesday night.
'he Knights were rated
y Weir as the tough-
opponents his Climbers will
matmen won three
oy pins and four by de-
s forfeit in the m-
Where the Knights
have a rival for Bruce
ON PILED UP most of
margin in the lighter
winning the first five
John Cochran opened it
a,,fast pin at 1:45 of the
round over Frank Noll
division. Cochran is
oe Snyder got a pin on Paul
at 1:48 of the third
after a tough battle in the
then Daron Taylor
five straight successes for
with a last-second
l-behind victory in the
Wrestling a divi-
Da °v ::So n,r mlln w eigh t due
..-,- Y ' ess, Taylor
.f)eh!]d on points right down
mu,;ll,¢ m the last round but
pulled it out with
,,r , . . three points
-ear-pro 3ust at the buzzer
IM LAMONT was Shelton's
dropping Jim Brook-
second left in the
in thc 175-1b. dirt-
Climbers aren't scheduled
Saturday of next
Port Angeles, due to a
by Curtis of a match
ally scheduled for next
Next home match brings
here Jan. 22 (a Tues-
The results:
103 lbs..---John Cochran S pinned
Frank Noll EB. 1:45, 1st.
112 --Ralph Noll S decisioned
Gary Howard EB. 4-0.
120---Roy Gripp S decisioned
Bob Huff EB. 10-6.
127--Joe Snyder S pinned Paul
Adamski EB. 1:48, 3rd.
133--Daron Taylor S deeisioned
Bob Pierro EB. ii-8.
138--Roland Toole EB deci-
sioned Paul Brown S. 4-0.
145-Floyd Petcrson EB deci-
stoned Geral Rodgcrs S, 5-3.
154•--Mike Lambert S deci-
stoned Ted Freemantle EB, 3-2.
165--Bob Netterfield EB deci-
sioned Jim Rodgers S 8-0.
175 Jim Lamont S pinned Jim
Brookman EB. 1:59. 2nd.
191--Mike Stouffer EB pinned
Brian Snyder S. 1:41, 2rid.
Unlimited----Bruce Crawford S
won by forfeit.
Carl Bloomfield rolled the first{
"turkey" (three consecutive stri-
kes) recorded so far in the Shel-
IBuildogs Finish Strong
To Dump Pirates00
Face Weekend Foes
W L pf pa
Port Townsend _. 3 0 169 105
Bainbridge ............ 2 1 129 113
Seq,fim .............. 1 1 90 88
Forks .................. 1 2 124 132
North Mason ..... 0 3 91 165
Lnst Week
North Mason 43. Vashon 3I (nl).
Port Townsend 56. Bainbridge
Sequim 53. Norti 48 (nl).
This Friday
North at Port Townsend (nil.
Qni!cene at Forks (nl).
Bainbridge at North Mason,
This Saturday
North Mason at Matlock.
Port Townsend at South (nl).
TIDES OF TitE WEEK{ Li{!ie Climbers Fall
Computed for .ODd Canal [ Twice Along Wi|h
Oakland B. tides are lhr. =d Their Big Brothers
50 min. later and plus 3.0 ft.
By Dennis Shelly
BELFAIR North Mason's Bull- Low ................ 2:01 a.m
Friday, J:m. 11
High ............ 6:48 a.m. 13.1 ft
Low ............... 12.18 p.m. 7.4 ft
High .............. 4:57 p.m. 10.8 ft.
Low . .............. 12:04 p.m. -1.9 ft.
,atur(lay, Jan. 12
High ............. 7:26 a.m. 13.0 ft.
Low . ............... 1:06 p.m. 7.0 ft.
High .............. 5:43 p.m. 10.3 ft.
Sunday, Jan. 13
Low . .............. 0:44 a.m. -]..1 ft.
High .............. 8:02 a.m. 12.9 ft.
Low . ............... 2:45 p.m, 6.1 ft.
High ............. 6:32 p.m. 9.7 ft.
Monday, Jan. 14
Low . ............... 1:24 p.m. 0.8 ft.
High .............. 8:38 a.m. 12.6 ft.
Low . ............... 2:45 p.m. 6.1 ft.
High .............. 7:29 p.m. 9.1 ft.
Tnesday, Jan. 15
1.9 ft.
W L pf pa
Port Angeles .... 4 0 186 147
East .................... 4. 0 214 137
West .................... 3 I ] 94 1_7(?
SHELTON .......... 1 2 134 159
North .................. 1 3 152 181
South .................... 0 3 99 152
Central ................ 0 3 123 156
Last Week
West 67. Shelton 52.
Port Angeles 45, Central 41.
East 56. South 34.
North 40. Sequim 39 (nl).
East 51. North 29.
By Denny Wagner
Even with their first 50-point
total of the season the Little
Climbers hit the skids twice in
weekend basketball play, once in
league competition, once m non-
dogs earned their third victory in
seven starts (their first in the
last four outings) by bombing the
Vashon Pirates. 43-31. on the
strength of a fast start and a
strong finish.
The Bulldogs ran up an 11-5
first quarter lead. which the visit-
ing'Pirates whittled to four points
at 19-15 and 32-28 in the next
two periods. Then the Bulldogs
stepped on the gas to outscore
the Pirates in the last canto, 11-3,
to win going away.
Coach Clarence Hedstrom
switched North Mason's defense
to start the final period and it
worked perfectly against the con-
fused Pirates.
It was Mike Stevenson's night
in the spotlight, the Bulldog for-
High .............. 9:12 a.m 12.3 ft.
Low . .............. 3:37 p.m. 5.4 ft.
High 8:34 p.m. 8.6 ft.
Wednesday, Jan. 16
Low . ............... 2:48 a.m. 3.2 ft.
High ............ 9:47 a.m. 12.09 ft.
Low ................ 4:31 p.m. 4.8 ft.
High .............. 10:04 p.m. 8.2 ft.
Thu}'sday, Jan. 17
Low ................ 3:37 .a.m. 4.5 ft.
High .............. 10:22 a.m. 11.7 ft.
Low ................ 6:15 p.m. 3.1 ft.
High ............. 11:28 p .m. 8.2 ft.
conference play.
A 52-point accumulation wasn't
good enough to top West Bremer-
ton in the Shelton gym Friday
night in tle conference game, the
Visiting'Vildcat reserves surging
to a 67-52 trimnph on the strength
of big first and third quarters.
North Thurston roared from be-
hind with a 20-point fourth quar-
ter to snatch a 46-36 victory in a
non-league game at North Thurs-
ton. Saturday night.
Floyd Barnes and Mike Kelley
led the Little Climber attack a-
gainst West Wikh 12 and 10 re-
spectively while Don Clary and
Jim Richards provided the often-
rove spark at North.Thurston with
13 and 9.
Richards generated a spurt
El:)on',i.,.Miss the Fun and
ntertainment of Television
... • ..,
7 : A
ward scoring 14 points, although
the Bulldogs showed a well-round-
ton retarted ehildrens bowling-ed attack. Wes Pollock of the Pi-
competition last Saturday.
It came in his second game, in
which he scored 126 after a 58
opener. Tommy Kunkle had the
day's high game at 146, followed
by a 112. Other scores were Bobby
Neinmeyer 60 and 79. David Cas-
tle (a new participant) 28 and 50,
Bobby Kimbel 88 and 98, and Ben-
ny Nestell 61 and 53.
Help given the retarted bowlers
each Saturday at the Shelton Rec
alleys by Peggy Bloomfield and
Lea Robinson has been deeply ap-
Ex-Glimbers Sizzle
In Gollege Gage Play
Ex-Climber cagers had another
big weekend in college hoop play.
Grog Vermillion, 1960, had his
best night for Seattle U Monday,
scoring 22 for the key figure in
the Chiefs' victory at Idaho State;
Jerry Bloomfield. 1961. had 22 as
St. Martins dumped Oregon Col-
lege of Education Fridav; and
Corky Peterson, 1962. had 30 as
St. Martins lost to OCE Saturday
after scoring 14 Friday. Jerry had
8 Saturday.
The electric meter.
as accurate and pre-
cise as man can make,
measures the amount
of electricity you use
each month.
But even this accu-
rate instrument can't
measure the real val-
ue of electricitythe
family pleasure from
TV, radio, record play-
er . . . the work-sav-
ing electric washer &
dryer.., the kitchen
clean-up team of elee.
tric dishwasher and
waste disposal . . . the
Convenience of the
food freezer and re-
frigerator . . . the -':
marvels of electric air
conditioning and elec-
tric heat.
Nothing you buy
does more to bring
comfort, convenience
and better living than
yo u r electric service,
a bargain you'll de-
pend on every day of
the year.
',,, COUNTY = , , .
JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, vice-president;
ED TAYLOR, secretary; CLAUDE DANIELSON, manager
rates took game honors with 19
The Bulldogs junior varsity lost
by a 52-26 count in the prelim-
Coming up next for North Ma-
son is a home game against Bain-
bridge Friday and a road game at
Matlock against Mary M. Knight
The lineups:
Stevenson 14 f Green
D. Miller 8 f Murphy
Crosswhite 8 c Pollock 19
Shelly 5 g Kirschner
Caskey 8 g Hartness 4
Subs: N.M.---Shellgren. MeKay.
Vashon--Smith 8. Lowe Singer,
North Mason 11 8 13 11--43
Vashon ............ 5 10 13 3 31
Goac5es Ass'n, Slate
Benefit Hoop Contest
The newly organized Shelton
Coaches Association will sponsor
a benefit basketball game featur-
ing faculty teams from'the Monte-
sanD and Shelton school districts
in the Shelton gym on January 23
The coaches association will use
funds from the game for a scho-
larship to be awarded to a deserv-
ing Shelton high school graduate.
Furl.her details will be announced
Cook Plant Farm ........ 31 11
Timber Bowl ................ 28 14
Shelton Journal ............ 24 18
Morgan. Eacrett Lbr .... 19 23
Eagles Aerie 2079 ........ 19 23
Lions Club .................... 18 24
BOOR'S Plumbing" ............ 15 27
Wilson Company .......... 13 29
High games Sonja Ahlquist
127, Gary Robinson 152
High series --- Sonja Ahlquist
253. Chuck Thompson 259
Shelton Valley ................ 4 O
Matlock .............................. 3 1
Skokomish ........................ 3 1
Pomona .............................. 2 2
Cloqualtum .......................... 2 2
Souttmide ............................ 1 3
Agate .................................. 1 3
Patrons ................................ 0 4
High games Eva Rostvold 174,
Art Sharp 218
High series Ina Kimbel 47,3,
Carl Emsley 504
Wilson Company ............ 21/_, ½
Simpson Timber " .2 1
Lumbermen's Merc ....... 2 1
40 & 8 ............................ 2 1
Beckwith Jewelry ............ 2 1
Shaub-Ellison .................... 2 1
Rishel Logging Co ......... 1 2
High game--Start Ahlquist 211
High series--Stan Ahlsquist 553
Pin Curlers ........................ 3 1
Rayonettes ....................... 3 i
Silva Foxes .................... 3 1
Wood Birds ...................... 3 1
Acetate Aces .................... 1 3
Water Boys ..................... 1 3
Four Fowlers .................. 1 3
Maintenance ...................... 0 4
High game Mars Bacon 206
High series Mars Bacon 525
Moose Antlers ................ 4 0
Fuller Construction ....... 3 1
Kiwanis Club ................... 3 1
Shelton Hardware .......... 3 1
Bull Moose ........................ 1 3
Lions Club ........................ 1 3
Rotary Club .................... 1 3
Eagles Aerie .................... 0 4
High game --- Buck Mackey 212
High series -- Chuck White 562
Ball's Food Center ........ 4 O
Edward's Beauty Salon .... 3 1
Evergreen Florist ............ 3 1
Shelton Marine Supply....2 2
Hood Canal Marina .......... 2 2
Shelton Union Service .... 1 3
Angle Agency ................ 1 3
Jim Pauly Ine ................. 0 4
High gameStella Howard 191
High series--Edith "Levett 522
Split picks--Stella Howard, Lu,
cille Speece, Beth Elliott 5-10, Pau-
line Archer 5-8-10
Two divorces were granted in
Mason Connty Superior Court Fri-
day morning. They were Nancy
Anne Doak from Richard Dock
and Miriam Wilson from William
Preceded by a potluck dinner.
the annual meeting of the Shelton-
Bayshore Golf Club will be held
January 21 at the clubhouse, fea-
turing election of 1963 officers.
A nominating committee has
offered a slate of candidates con-
sistiug of Buck Price for presi-
dent, Jim Morrissey for vice-
president, Jim MeComb for treas-
urer, and M. D. Parrett. Max
Sehmidt and Dot Willour for two
year terms on the board.
The meeting will also hear re-
ports from the greens, house, fi-
nance, membership committees,
men's and women's divisions, the
pro-mansger, and the board of
A social hour starting at 6:00
will precede the 7:00 o'clock pot-
luck with the business agenda
due to get under way at 8:00 pan.
Social Season End_s
Social activities for the season
were concluded with two year-end
events at the clubhouse--the
Christmas party Dec. 16 and the
New Year's Eve dance.
For the former the clubhouse
was decorated with symbols of
the Christmas season and a
bountiful buffet of hors 'douvres
enjoyed by a large gathering. Bill
and Mary Smith were chairmen.
The New Year's Eve party em-
ployed peppermint candy canes tin,
basic decorations and was called
the "Peppermint Twist" with an
intermission twist contest high-
lighting the evening.
The contest was declared a
stand-off between two couples--
Nita Kimbel dancing with Jim
Bariekman. Clod Cummings with
Jim IV/c Comb.
A capacity crowd attended and
enjoyed nmsic of the Jack Glass-
go group. Lcs and Nancy Shelver
weer chairmen.
Shelton Motors ................ 4 0
Pan[priam Cleaners ............ 4 0
Lumbermen's Mere ............ 3 1
Cole's Mobil Service ........ 3 1
20th Century Thriftway. ..... 1 3
Clary Trucking .............. '. ..... 1 3
Canteen ................................ 0 4
Morgan Transfer. ............... 0 4
High game--Ray Walker 225.
High series--Ray Walker 582.
Angle Agency ................ 37 19
Bloomfield Logging .... 33 23
The Hut ........................ 256 30U2
Hembroff Agency ........ 25 V2 301,.,/_,
Beckwith Jewelry ........ 23u 32½
Joslin Insurance ............ 23 V2 32 Va
High game --- Bill Kneeland 196
High series Claude Cook 484
Shops .................................. 4 0
Loggers .............................. 3 1
Railroad .............................. 3 1
Loaders ................................ 2 2
Insulating Board .............. 2 2
Engineers ............................ 1 3
Mill 2 .................................... 1 3
Mill 1 .................................. 0 4
High game -Glen Robertson
Higt series--Glen Robertson
Bells & Valley .................... 4 0
Allyn Shell Service ............ 4 0
Darigold ................................ 3 1
Gott Oilerettes .................... 2 2
Bill's Shell Service ............ 2 2
Ming Tree Cafe .................. 1 3
Timber Bowl ........................ 0 4
Richfield Oil ........................ 0 4
High game---Andy Rodgers and
Adair Neau each 198.
High series--Andy Rodgers and
Adair Neau each 538.
Split piekViv Davison 4-5-7.
Hep Katz ............................ 30 18
You Name It .................... 26 22
Suburbanites ...................... 23 25
Twisters .............................. 18 30
High games--Verna Johanson
181. Chuck Thompson 224.
High seriesVerna Johanson
465, Chuck Thompson 550.
Maurice Stackhouse was one
Shelton sports fan who attended
the recent Seattle "Man of the
Year in Sports" banquet, where
he had the pleasure of seeing hy-
droplane champion Bill Muncey
crmmed as "man of the year in
sports" and of shaking hands with
Johnny Unitas, Baltimore Colts
professional football quarterback,
who was the banquet's "special
which gained the Little Climbers
an eight point lead early in the
fourth quarter but the Rams ral-
lied to take the decision with a
strong finish.
Shelton never led against West
after the visitors jumped to a 23-
12 first quarter lead The lineups:
Matlock 4 f Kadoun 2
Gordon 12 f Richards 5
Gran 6 c Barnes 12
Shute 8 g Villines
Egan 3 g Kelly 10
Subs: IVest -- Tobacco 12. Pudas
2, Watson 2. Chamberlain 18. Cos-
tello, Shelton --- Bailey 8, Wyatt
6, Brickert 3. Carte 2. Clary 2. An-
derson 2. Wilson, Fredson, McNeil.
Score by Quarters
West 23 15 20 9--67
Shelton 12 16 7 17- 52
Herness 17 f Villines 6
Ensign 9 f Kadoun
Dwyer 7 c Barnes 1
Faubian 5 g Anderson 1
Conway 3 g Kelley ii
Subs: N. T. --- Shelton 3, Porteous
2, Shelton Clary 13. Richards
9. Brickert 1. Carte. Bailey,
Score. by Quarters
N. Thurston 10 10 6 20--46
Shelton ' 10 fi ],-
Oakville's Late Spurt
TWO WEEKEHDitOOP CONTESTS,wings Owls, 5e.4e;
Anothor double-dose of basket- halves baek-to-baet: in which they Stodden Stashes 19
ball action faces the Shelton High-
climbers this weekend.
South Kitsap visits Shelton gym
Friday night for an Olympic
League game. then the Climbers
hit the road to Hoquiam for a
non-conference affair S;,turday
Coach Jim Dohcrty, desperate to
shake his cluh out of the ineffec-
tive performances which have
brought Oll a ]-6 season record
so far, will give Bob Walker. fire-
hrand backcourter, another start-
ing assignment tomot'row night.
Walker scored 1;3 points against
North Thurston in his first start-
ing call of the year Saturday,
mostly on fast-break steals util-
izing his speed and aggrcssive-
That the Climbers have the ab-
ility to play top-flight bail has
been denmnstrated frequently for
two or three quarters but the flat
spots have been too long and eos-
Last weekend, in the second
half against est Bremerton and
the first half against North Thur-
ston, the Climbers laid a pair o£
scorcd only, 27 points.
It was enough to make a coach
search for a rope and a conven-
ient trce.
\\;r L pf pa
\\;.Ves| .................... 4 0 199 162
East ...................... 4 0 225 164
Central ................ 2 1 1.68 170
SHE1JrON ......... I 2 132 147
Sonl.i .................. 1 2 124 131
Port Angeles .... 1 3 185 202
Nmih .................. 0 5 203 261
Last 'Week
\\;Vest 46, Sheiton 39.
East 49. South ;37.
Coal.rat 69. Port Angeles 58.
East ,]7. North 36.
ThLs Friday
Sooth at Shelton.
Central at \\;Vest
Port Angeles at East.
North at Port Townsend (nl).
3?his Satnrday
V¢est at North.
Shelton at Hoquiam ,nl.
Port Townsend at South (nl).
Next Tuesday
Stadimn at West ,nl).
Action in the salt chuck picked
up this past week with wide-
spread reports of blaekmout show-
ing in Hood Canal and lower Pu-
get Sound areas.
Some as large as 18 lbs. were
reported, although specifies were
not available on who had the luck.
Mel Morgan and Gus McNeil. us-
ing imitation squid exclusively,
took five from the canal Sunday
going to 8 lbs. Verle Sehreiber took
a small one Tuesday while check-
ing reports of excellent catches off
Johnson's Point, where it was said
28 boats all had fish earlier run-
ning from 5 to 1.1 lbs.
The 18-pounders were reported
in Hood Canal.
a: :: a:
7, Duckabush: Ed Bodette. 7Vz,
Duckabush: Archie Young, 5/e,
Goldsborough; Harvey Greenwood,
5!/, Chehalis: Wayne McAferty,
5Li, Dosewallips; and Ralph Hil-
ligoss. 6-0. Hamnm Hamma.
Asa Pearson Journal printer,
put one in his creel the hard way
last weekend while fishing in the
Sammish River.He hooked one by
the tail but it broke his line. He
managed to grab the broken line
but another fisherman also hooked
it with his line and pulled the fish
ashore, then gave it to Ass.
Steelhead fishermen werc re-
mindcd again this week to turn
id their 1962 punch cards as they
give valuable information to the
Game Department in management
No gianL-s were taken by steel- of steelhead fisheries.
head anglers recently but some
pretty decent fish were among a
fair numerical catch.
Best of the reported catches was
a 9-lb. from the Duekabuslq by
L. Bartosh. John Lund was the
only double-u t) on one trip with
6b, and 7-0 takes from the Slo-
komish Tuesday. non LeGarde hit
each time on two trips, 8-0 from
the Chehalis Monday and 7-0 Sun-
day from the Skok.
Others wcre by Ray Densley,
MATTOCK - Oakville opened
the throttle in the late going to
pull away from Mary M. Knight
to a 56-49 non-league basketball
victory here Tuesday night.
The home floor Owls led at 46-
45 after overcoming Oakville's 41-
,'5 third quarter lead but hot-
shooting Joe Gibson brought the
Indians to the fore again as he
rolled up 29 points.
Bill Stodden had his best night
of the season for the Owls with 19.
Gone Brehmeyer. although he fail.
ed to score, drew commendation
from Coach Jack Hogben for his
fine defensive play on Oakville's
big center, Bob Kenser. whom he
held to three points. Jerry DeFoer
had one of his top efforts with 14
for the Owls.
Oakville also won the prelimin-
ary game. 40-34.
The lineups:
J. DeLaurier5 f H011atz 6
Hall f DeFoer 14
Bower 3 c Brehmeyer
Austin g Trenckmann 8
L. Miller 5 g Stodden 19
Subs: Oakville -- Gibson 29. Ken-
ser 3. L. DeLaurier 4. B. Miller 7.
Knight -- Walker 2. Vest. Valley.
Score by Quarters
Oakville 7 16 18 "15--56
Knight 7 17 11 14---49
Blazer's Annual Nighl
Game Slated Jan, 18
Shelton junior high's annnal
night basketball games scheduled
for Jan. 18 under sponsorhsip of
the Junior Chamber of Commerce
this year.
Three games -- 7th, 8th, and
varsity -- will played against Ho-
quiam rivals with the opener at
6:30 in Shelton gym.
Admission will be $1 for adults,
50c for all students except" those
posessing junior high student bo-
dy tickets, who will be admitted
on those tickets.
Proceeds of the game will go
to the juior high athlete fund.
Though the present punch card
does not meet the minimum re-
quirements of the post office, pos-
tal officials have agreed to ac-
cept the c, ard for mailing this )'eat'
To assure their prompt return
to the Game Department. it is
suggested they either be enclosed
.in a standard size envclope or de-
posited at a sporting goods deal-
er or otler agcncy hnndling hunt-
ing and fishing licenses.
Fairlane i
4-Door Sedan
IfyGu like'em solid,
sure-footed and quick, "
Fairlane's your kind of car!
SLAM THE DOOR--and listen to the
solid thunk of a car that's all muscle.
GET BEHIND THE WHEEL--and discover
this hot new middleweight gives you the
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and learn how Fairlane unsnarls traffic.
(Ws over a foot shorter than standard cars.)
HIT THE OPEN ROAD--This tight, trim
Fairlane has the so{id feel of a big car!
Choose from two lively Challenger V-8's
with up to "164 horses... 9 models: hard-
tops, wagons and sedans.
AND REMEMBER--in anyFairlane,
enjoy the kind of care-free driving for
which Ford cars are famous (maintenance
stops are reduced to twice a year, or
every 6,000 miles).
America's tiveliest, most care-free cars!
500 Sports Coupe
JIH PAULEY, iHC.--501 Railroad Ave.
Shelton, Washington
Set Sail For Your Ford Dealer's... the TRADE WINDS are b lowing!