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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,i Jrsday, January 10, 1963 , ,el STJTON--MASON COUNTY JOrRNAL- Published in "Chrfrnaown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington [LLI,VAUP .----Tlm new year le in with a heavy do,,mpodr rain. Ca, sing many bad earth es north and south of Lilli- ap on Highway 101. the worst e was at Warfields, where it ered the highway for 80 feet.. state highway crews worked mad for five hours before ides Rasper Traffic On Highway 101 li The L[l[iwaup Area By Mrs, Neil anee !.h,} hJT, h\\;vay was cleared for one- followina" the potluck dinner the l{OOl) CANAL Womans Club way traffic, all northbound traffic nmnthly business meeting will be '.viii hold their next meeting Jan. was detoured by way of Bremer- held. called to order at 7 p.m. by i7 at the' club house at Potlatch. ton and the Hood Canal fearing the president Jack Leimbaek. Lunch will be served-at 12:30. bridge. It was lucky no one was pinochle will be played. TTlis will People on Hood Canal were caught in the slides, be the last card party in a series startled Dee. 31 when an earth- Lilliwaup Community Club will of five. quake was felt at 12:45. some entertain Friday evening, Jan. 11 Special prizes will be given to people report small buildings with a potluck dinner served at the members having the highest shook and windows rattled. 6:30 p.m. to members and friends, score for the five parties. I am sorry to report that Mrs. Allie Ahl is confined in Clinic Hospital in Shelton, last report she was recovering nicely and expects to be home in the near future. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. md Mrs. Oran Lee spent several days in Tacoma last week, where they visited Oran's broth- Haines. Other guests were the er and wife Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haines' daughter and family Mr. Lee, also Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hub- and Mrs. Tony Anthony and bard and family. [dmlghter Nancy and son of the Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ahl of I Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Poulsbo spent last weekend with Haines of Oakland, Calif. Mr. and l{[rs. Oran Lee. They en- joyed their visit very much. Mr. and Mrs. Dess Haines re- tnrned home last Thursday after a two weeks' visit in Sacramento. Calif.. where a Christmas reunmn was held at the home of their son and family, lWr. and Mrs. Robert ........ ........ , Pace 9 The Haines also visited Mr. and I heart attack last Tlmrsday. at :Mrs. Perry Smith and Mrs. Smith's t Memet, Calif.. where the Jensens mother, Mrs. Gladys West in Oat- I had gone with their mobil trailer land, and several old friends of the] to spend the winter months. The Haines. The Haines reported very I funeral was held Sunday at Vir- cold weather and fog in Sacra-/ gin Mortuary at Hemet. ]{r. Jen- mento. The morning they left for sen will be greatly missed by his home their car was covered with many friends on the Canal. frost. They were glad to get home Syn.pathy is extended to the faro- to our mild climate, lly. The CanM was saddened to hear f Juct received the report that Of the sudden death of Mr. Walt- [ Mrs. Allie Ahl returned home Sun- er Jensen of EldmL Mr. Jensen I day from Clinic hospital in Shel- passed away in his sleep from a ton, and is doing nicely. GIRLS' ROBES.... "/3 OFF Quilted Cottons, corduroy and Terry Cloth, sizes 3 to 14. CHILDREN'S ANKLETS Sizes 4 to 8 ½  REGULAR 39¢ CLEARANCE STRETCH SOX Sizes 6 to 8 and 8 to 9 ½ -- REG. 69¢ CLEARANCE .................................. GIRLS' SWEAT SHIRTS S h.rt ............. $100 Sleeve ............................ Kiddies' Korner Department • FLAT ENAMEL • SEMI-GLOSS ENAM. • HIGH GLOSS ENAM. " • PORCH & DECK ENAM. • SASH & TRIM ENAM. • FLAT STIPPLE • GLOSS VARNISH REDUCED 1/3 to ALL BOYSEH PAINT • FLAT LAYTEX WALL • SEMI-GLOSS STIPPLE • ALL TYPES U-COATS • MARINE ENAMELS -• ALL TYPES STAINS • GYM & FLOOR VARN. • FLAT VARNISH • SEMI-GLOSS VARN. Clear! KEH TONE and KEH GLO PAINTS R ED UCE D % to ¢leart WHAT A VALUE IN YARDAGE One Lot Assorted YARDAGE woolens .. blends .. synihelics cottons To Clear At Just 1/2 PRICE LADLES FALL HATS ½ Price Ready-to-Wear Department REFUNDS. NO NO THESE ITEMS ON SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY II--AT 9:30 A.M. IN OUR FURNITURE DEPT.-SECOND FLOOR LIVING ROOM, UPHOLSTERED REG. DANISH DIVAN & ROCKER. 5 pc. with end and coffee tables ............ $219.00 PROVINCIAL DIVAN & ROCKER, 5 pc. with end and coffee tables ............ $219.00 FRENCH PROVINCIAL OCCASIONAL CHAIR ............................................................ $69.00 3-PC. SECTIONAL ............................................ $525.00 DANISH CLUB CHAIR ................................ $119.00 OCCASIONAL CHAIR .................................... $29.50 OCCASIONAL CHAIR, maple ........................ $89.50 OCCASIONAL CHAIN, teak ............................ $89,00 CLUB CHAIR, maple ........................................ $92,50 LOVE SEAT .................................................... $139.50 SALE $199.00 $199.00 $49.00 $4890 $79.00 $21.95 $74.50 $54.50 $7.50 $109.00 - LIVING ROOM- END TABLE, with wrought iron legs .......... $19.50 COFFEE TABLE, walnut ................................ $34.50 STEP END TABLE, maple .............................. $23.95 COFFEE TABLE, modern walnut .................. $59.00 MATCHING LAMP TABLES ........................ $10.95 STACK TABLES, walnut ................................ $10.95 MAPLE SERVER with 3-shelf top ............ $179.95 COFFEE TABLE, walnut ............................... $24.95 COFFEE TABLE, walnut, round .................... $45.00 WALNUT BOOKCASE, 2 pc ......................... $72.45 STEP END & COFFEE TABLE, 3 pc. walnut set ........................................ $104.50 LAMP TABLE, Cherry .................................... $62.50 COFFEE TABLE, lane, inlay ........................ $59.00 FOYER HI-BOY CHEST ................................ $139.00 BOOKCASE, oak ................................................ $32.50 FOYER CHEST ................................................ $119.00 COFFEE TABLE, walnut ................................ $45.00 COFFEE TABLE, maple .................. : ............. $29.95 LETTER HOLDER, maple ................................ $7.95 COFFEE TABLE, walnut ................................ $49.50 4-SHELF BOOKCASE, walnut ........................ $29.50 WALL TOWEL RACK, maple ............................ $7.95 $7.50 $12.50 $7.95 $19.95 $4.95 $4.95 $89.95 $18.5o $34.95 $39.95 $89.50 $54.50 $39.00 $119.00 $22.50 $79.00 $17.50 $14.5o $4.95 $34.50 $14.50 $5.95 - DINING ROOM - WALNUT DINING SUITE, 5 pc. 40 x 72 drop leaf ..................................................... $219.00 HARVEST TABLE MAPLE SUITE, 5 pc. _. $209.00 cAPTAIN'S CHAIR, maple .............................. $34.50 DRY SINK, maple ............................................ $199.95 VIRTUE DINETTE CHAIRS, set of 4 ............ $43.50 TABLE ONLY, cherry, 40 x 84 .................... $159.00 TABLE ONLY, knotty Dine, 38 x 72 ............ $139.00 $125.00 $140.00 $29.95 $159.95 $29.95 $80.00 $45.00 - BEDDING- FULL SIZE HOTEL SPECIAL, set ............... $89.00 $69.00 TWIN SIZE RESTL_ANE, set ........................ $99.00 $79.00 FULL SIZE RESTLANE, set ............................ $99.00 $79.00 FULL SIZE COTTON MATRESSES ............ $16.95 $5.00 FULL SIZE BOX SPRINGS & MAT. SET, Mismatched Ticking .................................. $89,00 $59.00 - LAMPS - REG. POLE LAMPS .................................................... $13.95 TABLE LAMPS, Chinese, 1 pair only ............ $65.00 TABLE LAMPS, Provincial, 1 pair only ...... $47.00 TV LAMP .............................................................. $3.65 TV LAMP ............................................................... $6.95 FLOOR LAMP, white and brass .................... $32.50 FLOOR LAMP, provincial ................................ $35.00 BRIDGE LAMP, provincial .............................. $45.00 TABLE LAMPS, ,provincial, amber ................ $27.50 FLOOR LAMPS, provincial ............................ $45.00 WALL LAMPS, adjustable ................................ $35.00 SALE $10.95 $32.50 $23.50 $1.49 $3.49 $14.95 $25.50 $39.95 $24.95 $22.50 $17.50 - APPLIANCF- VACUUM CLEANER, Hoover Upright .......... $74.95 VACUUM CLEANER, Hoover Canister ........ $44.95 FLOOR POLISHER, Hoover ............................ $37.95 RANGE HOOD, Nutone, 24-inch .................... $59.00 USED REFRIGERATORS ...................... from ............ USED RANGES ........................................ from ............ USED DRYERS .......................................... from ........... DSED AUTOMATIC WASHERS .......... .from ........... USED OIL & WOOD RANGES .............. from ........... 1962 FRIGIDAIRE REFER, 12 cu. ft ......... $229.95 SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL TELEVISION $59.95 $39.95 $25.95 $29.95 $45.00 $55.oo $40.00 $75.00 $35.00 $189.95 SETS - BEDROOM- MAPLE BEDROOM SUITE, 4 pc ................. $269.00 WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE, 4 pc ............. $229.95 WHITE BEDROOM SUITE, 5 pc ................. $295.95 WALNUT BEDROOM SET, 2 pc ................. $278.00 BA'CH ELOR CHEST .......................................... $59.95 BUNK & BEDDING SET, 6 pc ..................... $146.95 4-DRAWER CHEST, walnut ............................ $49.95 PANEL BEO, twin size .................................... $29.95 PANEL BED, tNin size .................................... $59.95 POSTER BED, twin size .................................... $99.95 PANEL BED, full size .................................... $85.00 BOOKCASE BED, full size ............................ $69.95 BUNK BED with link springs ........................ $55.95 SIMMONS METAL BED with link springs, twin size ........................................................ $32.95 WROUGHT IRON HEADBOARD, full size _ $10.95 METAL COIL SPRINGS, full size ................ $10.00 $249.00 $209.00 $275.00 $139.00 $295 $130.50 $39.95 $19.95 $44.95 $49.95 $59.95 $34.95 $45.95 $16.50 $2.50 $2.50 - MISCELLANEOUS- PICTURE .............................................................. $16.95 WALL SHELF, brass ........................................ $49.95 PLANTER, floor ................................................ $10.95 DINING CHAIR, birch .................................... $14.50 VANITY BENCH ................................................ $20.00 LIQUOR CART .................................................... $59.50 VANITY BENCH ................................................ $49.50 BAR STOOL ........................................................ $13.50 ROOM DIVIDER ................................................ $55.00 $3.95 $24.95 $3.50 $5.95 $11.95 $29.50 $24.50 $7.95 $45.OO One Group CURTAINS ................................................. 1 Price CARPETING, candy-stripe, 12 ft. wide, sq. ft. $3.50 $1.99 COUNTER TOP, Formica, 36 x 36, pc ............. $7.65 $3.15 FIRE SCREENS, attached type, 31 x 26 ........ $15.00 $5.00 FIRE SCREENS, attached type, 41 x 31 .... ,.. $21.00 $9.50 FIRE SCREENS, attached type, 25 x 231/2 .... $21.00 $5.00 FIRE SCREENS, attached type, 43 x 31 ........ $21.00 $9.5o FIRE SCREENS, attached type, 43 x 23 ....... $21.00 $9.50 HEN'S RAIN COATS $.7.95 to $32,50 1//3 OFF Men's Fall and Winter JACKETS $9.95 to $27.95 1/3 OFF HEN'S TOP COATS 5 ONLY  All wool, 136, 1--38, 2--42 Reg. $39.95 NOW ONLY $20 1 size 40, Reg. $65 -- NOW $325o FALL and WINTER JACKETLS All Boys' Reduced 1/3 One Group Men's ¢OTTOH FLANNEL SHIRTS Reg. $2.95 ..................... $190 Reg. $4.00 .................... $29o All Boys FLANNEL SHIRTS V- Price BOYS' PAJAMAS One Group .................... $129 ALL BOYS' SWEATERS 1/ OFF One Group HEN'S SKI SWEATERS % OFT Entire Stock of JEWELRY. . . . . . /z price Hand Bags . ,., . . , , . , .  Off Plastics and Leather Wool Scarfs :rid Gloves • .  Qff Umbrellas, ,.,, i, , ½ Off Bells............ 1/: Price Accessories & Lingerie Department RETURNS OR EXCHANGE OF SALE MERCHAHDISE LU'MBERMEN'S MER,CANTiLE