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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.'4 Page 10 ,qHELTON--MAON COUNTY JOURNAI- Published in "Chriot,atown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washinon Thursday, January 10, NORTH AMERICAN VAN LINES NEEDS VAN DRIVERS You can earn more as an own- er-operator driving for North American Van Lines. You'll be in a business for yourself in an expanding industry, with America's fastest - growing moving van company. You will receive complete train- ing with pay, free uniforms, free licenses, free van mainten- ance and plenty of year-round work with no selling required. You must be over 23 and have a late model tractor or a rea- sonable down payment. We'wiil assist in financing. Call Personnel Department, Anthony 4261, or write North American Van Lines, Depart- ment 10, Fort Wayne, Indiana, for application and further de- tails. Missionary's Letler Read At Meeting Of Local WGTU Mrs. L. D. Hack entertained the Januar 4 meeting of the Wom- an's Chiistian Temperance Union. After a delicious luncheon Vice President Marian Johnson conduc- ted the business meeting and read an interesting letter from Dr. Do- ris Hunter Wilson who is a me- dical missionary in Sudan, Africa with her Ousband, who is a tea- cher. Inspirational devotions were gi- ven by Mrs. Roy Eells. Christian Citizenship Director. Mrs. David Turner. conducted a forum on "What Everyone Should Know About the Constitution" and led the salutes to the Ainerican, Chri- stian and Temperance flags. Greetings were sent to Mrs. Wi- nifred Lewis of Seattle who was state president of the WCTU from 1939-1947. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Merritt Winga/'d, 2210 Olympic Hwy No. NOW --- TWO NIGHTS 40 & 8 VOITURE t35 PRESENTS FUN ON FRIDAY and SATURDAY WITH THE POPULAR and TALENTED HARTY FRIDAY, JANUARY II SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 113 GOTA STREET Members Only RESERVATIONS -- Phone 426-3949 9:30 p.m. to • ,tl¢,, 1:30 a,m. t WHAT'S GOOKING IN WHOSE KITGHEN? • $ $ aP I Recipe Favorites of County Residents BEEF STROGANOFF is a favorite at Wilma Oowning's house. If you have always considered thisgourmet dish too difficult for your cooking talents try Wilma's recipe just once. You will sur- prise yourself and your family! Also in the picture is Kathy, 5. Have you ever thought you would like to try making Beef Stroganoff but decided it was tOO much work ? If so, you will be in- terested in Wilma Downing's re- cipe for this delectable dish. But termilk is the secret ingredient that gives, it a real gourmet fla- vor. Wilma and Carl Downing have three youngsters. Gaff is a senior in High school, Dale is a 9th gra- der and Kathy is 5. Carl runs the Bootery and Wilma works after- noons at a local Realtors office. Square dancing is "the" hobby at the Downing household. Carl is president of the Salty Sashay- era Square Dance Club and Wil- ma helps with the publicity. The LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Lodge No. 1684 Gerry Hart, Governor Phone 426-3047 Russ Morken, SecretaFy Phone 426-4071 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m, Airport two help give square dance les- sons. Wiliua has been president of the Methodist WSCS for two years. She is a member of the Wesley Circle of that church. She teaches the Sunday school class for the 3-year olds and enjoys it very much. Sewing clothes for the girls and reading; join square dancing as Wilma's hobbies. Helping with Job's Daughters takes some of her time and will soon take more of it as her daughter, Gail, will be Junior Pincess next term. BEEF STROGANOFF 1½ pounds Beef chuck, cut in cubes /i "cup Flour 1 tsp. Salt 1/8 tsp. Pepper 2 Tbsp. Shortening  cup Water 2 Tbsp. CatSup 1 4-oz. can sliced Mushrooms  cup Buttermilk Coat meat in flour, combined with salt and pepper. Brown slow- ly in shortening in heavy kettle, turning meat to brown on all sides. Drain mushrooms, add liquid to meat. Add water and catsup. Co- ver and Cook over very low heat until meat is tender -- about 1£ to 2 hours. Do not boil. Stir in mushrooms and buttermilk and cook just until heated thoroughly. Serve on lee or hot buttered nood- les. *2964: We price them small. $2964 is the kind of price most people atociat with a smaller car. They seldom expect m find it on a full-size, precision-engineered Chrysler Newport 4-door sedan. After all, look at all the value a Chrysler offers. Features like torsion-bar suspension; all-welded, one-piece body; carpeting; trip odometer; and the Newport engine that performs like a champ on regular gasoline. Then, there's the waya Chrysler is put together. Quality all the way. So well made, in fact, that your Chrysler dealer provides you with America's longest and best new tYour authorized Chrysler Dealer's ,Warranty against defects in m#terlal and WOrkmanahllJ on 1963 cars. has bee# expanded to :tnalude ports replacement or repair, without charge for required parts or labor, for 5 years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first, on the engine block, head and internal parts; transmission case and internal parts (excluding manual clutch); torque converter, drive shaft, universal/otnts (excluding dust covers), rear she and differentia/, and rear wheel bearings, provided the vehicle has been serviced at reasonable intervals according to the Chrysler Certified Car Care schedules. t But we build them big. ear warranty--5 years or 50,000 miles. You have fewer worries about expensive repair bills. And because the warranty can be passed on to the next owner, you can O €ount on excellent Chrysler resale value. So, if you cotton to smaller prices, big value and ig cart (remember, we don't build any jr. editions) go{ in touch with your Chrysler dealer. =Manufacturer's suggested retail price of Newport 4.door sedan, exclus/ve of state and local taxes, i[ any, and destination charges, White waft tires extra, CHRYSLER • e.avss OmSmN O CHRYSLER M0m.S =0.P0.n0 KIMBEL MGTORS, IHG. " "/OI S. !st St.  .............................. SEE "EMPIRE," CHRYSLER CORPORATION'S WEEKLY HOUR.LONG TV ADVENTURE SHOW Rev. C. Hatten And Wife Honored At Double Fete A former minister of the Shel- ton First Methodist chnreh. Rev. Charles Hatten. and his wife. were feted in a dual celebration Dec. 30 at the Mason MethodisI Church in Taeom'a. The couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary as well as 50 years in the minis- try. Rev Hatten :s an assoeiate Minister of Mason Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Hatten re-enacted their weddina- vows with Rev. Earl E. Reisner of Grandview, who was best man at the wedding 50 years ago, attending along with the eouple's two daughters. Mrs. Ches- ter Slaughter and Mrs. Claude Coffeev, Jr.. of Lakehurst. N. Y and C. P. Hatten their son of Seattle. A son T. W. Hatten of Hollywood. Calif.. was unable to attend. Following the eeremony a re- ception was given in the church parlors where some 350 guests greeted the honored couple. About 30 people from Shelton attended the affair• The Hattens moved from Shel- ton to Tacoma in 1958. Hood Canal Club Meets Next Week At 11 a.m. next Thursday the Hood Canal Woman's Club will convene at their Potlatch club- house. A potluck luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. Vice chair- man, lVlYs. Vera Shortsleeve 6f Hoodsport, Will preside. Mrs. Marie Turner. Union. will present a book review and panel discussion. Mesdames Ann Rowe, Edith Kraus, Ilma Jenner of Pot- latch and Marjorie Akers of Hood- sport will make up the panel. Clubwoman o[ the Wee/( GRACE WELLS, seen here at her sewing machine where she spends a good deal of her time, is Royal Matron of Laurel Court Order of Amaranth. Her husband, Ellis, is Royal Patron. Lodge and club work take up l a lot of Grace Wells' Lime but she! enjoys it. She makes it a rule not to join an organization unless she intends to get in and work hard. Recently Grace was installed as Royal Matron of Laurel Court Or- der of Amaranth. This climaxed four years of preparing for the po- sition. Attaining her goal does not JUNE WEDDING BELLS TO RING MR. AND MRS. C. M. FERGJBON, Bremerton, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Judith Mae, to Kenneth William Mar- tig, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martig, ShelteR. The bride- elect graduated from East High school and Olympic College in Bremerton and is currently attending Western Washington State College at Bellingham. Her fiance is a graduate of Irene S. Reed high school and is now attending Olympic college. A June wed- ding is planned. You Should Buy Your Aspirin Here --Where '(ou Get O uGTAx  A SERVICE TO TAXPAYERS "]b may come as news to you, hut aspirin is one of those drugs that may be of a deductible nature on your federal income tax return. But to claim it, you must be able to offer proof you bought it. When you buy it from us, you get that proof. But when you buy it at the corner grocery, or in a depart- ment store, or in a restaurant, you are likely to forget about it. That goes for a lot of other flings, too---such as antiseptics, cough and cold preparations, laxatives, and so on. Our customers like to buy all of their drug supplies from us, because they know they will get the benefit of a complete record of all purchases of a deductible nature. Our customers get an annual statement (mailed in l"ebruary) which tells them how much they spent on drugs of a deductible nature. It's called a DrugTax record, and we offer it to our customers free of charge. Next time you buy aspirin (or any drug item), be sure you're in a store that gives you a DrugTax record. Come income tax time, it can save you money. Copyright 196 --- I ...... _ _..-.M-- mean the work is over. As Royal Matron she has a lot of respon- sibility. Grace. conducts the meetings, appoints all committees and hand- les lodge business. Her husband, Ellis, is her Royal Patron which is rather unusual, but very nice. Being able to work together on projects makes it more enjoyable for both of them. The Hillcrest Homemakers Club is one Grace has enjoYed belong- ing to since it was organized in 1946. She is a charter member and was the first president of the group, an office she held for two years. She was also treasurer for several years. ThrougM the years Grace has been active in several lodges. She is a past Noble Grand of the Ru- by Rebekah Lodge. In addition to her lodge and club activities, Grace runs a small sewing shop in her home. She has been sewing for others about eight years. She has the patience neces- sary for a good seamstress. Ceramics is a hobby of Grace's but Ellis likes helping pour the molds for her. She has he-r own kiln which facilitates making her own ceramics. She also has seve- ral ribbons to show for her ability along this line. Pst Matrons Slate Luneheon Meeting Past Matrons of Weloamm Chap- ter No. 40, Order of Eastern Star will meet for a 12:30 pma. ':eaek luneheon next Thursday at the Masonic temple. New" officers are: President, Etna Eliason; vice president, Le- t, era Borg; secretary, Hattie G. Pierce; treasurer, Army Frank. Good For Golden The Golden Age Club terday fm a noon potluck At the last meeting members were present. For tainment Harley Wivet sang folk songs, Ernie played the accordian and ne-Toppe, s fnz'lsh(-d dancing. Memhers art urged to the Rummage Sale each and Saturday at 122 nile. SEY Club To Plan Ski Trip And P The St. Edward's Youth: will hold a potluck dinner ing in the ehm'eh bseme.n p.m. Friday. Members are I ded to turn in their candy Plans will be.' made for trip to be scheduled for A chartered bus will be to all members of the paid-up dues. MAY WEDDING PLAt FOR HOOOSPORT Mr. and Mrs. William of Beaverton, Ollegoll nouneed the engagement daughter, Barbara Arden, Frank Gray, son of Mr. Gray of Hoodsport. A Ma cling is _being p!anne.d FOE PINOCHLE TO RESUME The Eagle Pinochle resume play at 8 p.m. at the FOE airport hall. The public is invited. LOANS upto '5000 Loans on automobiles, ment, livestock, other security take up to 48 to repay. Credit Insurance is able. Phone, stop or write: SE'RVIOE GO. 124 Railroad Ave. ShelteR, Washington Phone 426-4447 Morgan, Eaoretl's Amazing New , ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOOR (:5g rum Storm Door to Screen Door,,, IN SECONDS AS LOW AS '29as FULL i" THICK • SAVE SPACE-All inserts stay on door aH year • SAVE WORK--Sliding Panels tilt out for easy wasSkg • END RATTLES--Panels cushloned'in wool pile weather. • VENTILATETOP OR BOTTOM • SOLID, HEAVY ALUMINUM for of sevice MORGAN, EAGRETT LUMBER H I L LC R EST Phone 426-4522