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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1963
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Page 12 SItELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, January ) i I t i Keep That Rope Away From Jim Doherty--Temptation Might Excell FLIP-FLOP HiGHCLIMBERS LOSE TWO MORE, An,)ther weekend like the one if vour ball club had: he jnst went through may find Highclimber basketball coach Jim Dolte)ty looking for a high bridge |o jump off, YOU \\;vould. too, chances are. See Emerson • TV and Stereo al Johnny's Music Box 205 Cola St. tJlayed like champs the first half and like chnmps the second half on Friday night; Played like chumps the first half and like champs the second half on Saturday night. THAT'S TIIF STORY. in a nut- shell of the Highelimber hasket- ball performances against West Bremerton and North Thurston last weekend. It hardly seems ne- cessaty to tack on the fact that they lost both decisions. The Climbers had the Wildcats on the run fm the first two peri- ods in their Olympic league game FridTy on the Shetton floor, lead- ing at the half by 27-18 and appa- rently having things we/1 trader control. In the second half they scored a miserable total of 12 points, at one time going 11 minutes and five seconds during a stretei of the third and fourth quarters without twitching the twine for a single digit DURING THE THIRD quarter they completely dissipated their nine point lead to let the 'Cats knot it up at 32-all as the fourth period otened. Before the Clim- bers scored again West held an insurmountable 44-32 lead. In North Thm'ston's gym Satur- day night, the Climbers played the act backwards. ToWard the tail- end of the first half the Rants held a 29-point lead at 37-8. In I 2bh minutes of the half lhe final the Climbers started to move and STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING" The annual meeting of the members of the Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan As- sociation will be held at the home office of the Association on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1963, at 4:00 p.m., at which time directors will be elect- ed to fill the offices of those whose terms ex- pire and to transact other business as may properly come before this meeting. Shellon Branch Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Association Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 by the F.S.L.I.C. 9 A.M. -- 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday 10 to 3, 4 to 5:30 Fridays Home Office Branch Otflce 5th & Capitol Way tlV °33 Railroad Ave. Olympia, Wasl' , , _, .Shelton, Wash. reduced the swelling to 37-15 by the half. Early in the fourth period they had it whittled to 12 points a 47-35 and hope began to surge that the humiliation might be era- sed by this hearty comeback. But about that time foul attrition be- gan to set in and the Climbers lost Larry Powell first with :23 on the clock, then Jinl Goodpaster, and finally Brian Briekert. PO[VEIJ PLAYED a tremen- dous game. ?ent the Climbers great strength on both boards. His toss killed any faint chance of the comeback getting serious. Another beacon in the gloom was the play of Bobby Walker. given his first starting assignment cf the season He earned more with spirited play, his 1.3 points to lead Climber scoring, and nu- 1%1 er o11 s steals. Oh, you insist on knowing the scores'.; All right, glutton for pun- lshment: \\;Vest 46. Shelton 39 and North q'hurston 61. Shelton 45. Having gone that far here are some of the other sour stats: against West the Climbers hit 14 of 55 field goals and 11 of 26 free throws while at North Thurston the figures were 17/54a nd 11122. WEST 46 SHELTER ,39 Dicks 11 f err 3 Tamerius f Powell 8 Shedwin 7 c Smith 10 Stockton 2 g Sloan 4 Sehumacher 9 g Carte 7 Subs: West --- Leslie 8. Kegel 7, Ferris 2 Wright. Grahn. Buries,,, Folger. Shelton Anderson 3. el- son 2. Briekert 2. Jeffery, Walker. Shelton ...... 11 16 5 7---39 West .......... 7 1I i 14----46 N. TIIURSTON 61 SHELTON 45 Fast 1.2 f err 4 Whitman 14 f Goodpaster 4 Carey zz e mith 8 Piekell 9 g Powell 5 Collins 10 g Walker 13 Subs: N.T.--Ford 2. Lee 2. Her- ness, Moran. Gustafson. Porteous. Ensign. Shelton Sloan 5. Ander- son 2. Brickert 2. Olson 2. Jeffrey, Carte. N. Thurston .... 20 17 10 14--61 Shelton ............ 6 9 16 14--45 $1 - LOC&L "rRAoEMARKI, : dO r" o'' .1 Stodden Dunks Victory Poinls In Last Minute As Owls Beat Indians TRI-COUNTY LEA(IJE W L pf pa Mary M. Knight 0 41 39 \\;Vishkah .............. 1 0 37 33 N[oclips ................ 0 10 30 0 North River. ....... 0 41 Quinault .............. 0 1 33 37 This Friday Mary M. l{night at Moclips. This Saturday North Mason at Knight. MATLOCK---Wearing the hero's loga is becoming a habit with Bill Stodden. junior guard and play-maker for the Mary M Knight Owls. In the final minute of play Fri- day night. Stodden scored the basket which gave the Owls the lead, then dropped in a foul shot with 17 seconds to go for a final 41-39 margin over North River in opening Tri-County league basketball game for both clubs. Stodden scored 17 points to top both sides. The Owls operated under foul strain a large part of the gain6 when Gene Brehmeyer and Bill Trenekmann each ac- cumulated three personals in the first quarter, sat out a major share of the contest thereafter, and both departed for good in the final quarter with their fifth per- sonals. AI Pile Earns Top Competition Trophy in Motorcycle Club hL PILE With Motorcycle Trophy It was a nip-and-tuck struggle The Shelton Trailblazers Motor- all the way with the visitors lead- cycle Club presented 1962 trophy ing at the end of the first and awards at a New Year's Eve par- lhird quarters, the Owls at the ty with A1 Pile taking home the top honors. Pile was awarded the trophy for earning most competition points during the past year. lvtillie t'ne received a trophy for most service points. The 1962 yearly scrambles tro- phies were presented to Derriell Singer, first; Paul Johnston, se- cond; Ed Johnston, third; and A1 Pile, fourth. Club members expressed their appreciation to the band for don- ating its services for the party. Next club meeting will be held Jan. 19 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Bob Aitken. MR. AND MRS. LEAGUE W L Vagabonds .................... 43 21 Skid Row-Lets ............ 37 27 I. Da No ....................... 36/ 27 & Gutter Snipes .............. 32½ 31b Nite Owls ................... 31 33 Bowl Evils .................... 28 36 Four Squares ................ 24 39 l& Down Beats .................. 23A 40 High games--Vern Beeson 229, Fae Robinson 177. High series -Vern Beeson 557, Fae Robinson 457. Gutter Snipes 4 (Judy Staudt 452 I. Skid Row-Lers 0 (Del Stormo 468: I. Da. No. 3 (Eldon Todd 545). Down Beats 1 (Jerry Christy 505): Site Owls 3 (keg Brown 444) Bowl Evils 1 (-Fae Robinson 457 b : Four Squares 2/2 i Vern Beeson 557, Vagabonds 1 t Joe Engen 4731. half and at the gun. The Owls have two games scheduled this weekend, at Me- clips Friday against the title- favored Crabs• at home Saturday against North Mason m a non-con- terence game. The lineups: KNIGHT 41 N. RIVER 39 DeFoer 6 f Edwards 8 Hollatz 7 f Cox 8 Brehmeyer 2 c Walford 6 Trenekmann 4 g Henson 3 Stodden 17 g MeKay 10 Subs: Knight--West 3: Walker 2. Valley. N.R.--Schlesser 4. Score by Quarterm NorO River .... 8 7 12 12--39 Knight ............ 7 11 8 15--41 12:30 WOMEN'S LEAGUE W L NeWs Pharmacy ......... 39{ 24'/ Phil's Richfield .............. 37 27 Shel[on Union Service 32 31/.5 Dairy Queen ................. 18 46 High game- Rubye Frisken 202. High series- Rubye Frisken 561. Phil's Richfield Service 4 (Lor- ene Wilson 451: Dairy Queen 0 (Jenny Tratnick 393  ; Nell's Plar- macy 3 (Rubye Frisken 561}. Shel- ton Union Service 1 [ Connie Cronquist 529 ). i i STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AFTER CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 31, 1962 FIRST MORTGAGE Members' savings have been invested in first mortgages and contracts on local real esate and are being repaid in monthly installments. LOANS ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS .................................. OTHER LOANS ........................................................................ PROPERTIES SOLD ON CONTRACT .............................. Properties being purchased by monthly pay- ments stipulated in contracts we have originat- ed for purchasers. REAL ESTATE OWNED AND IN JUDGMENT .......... INVESTMENTS AND SECURITIES ............ $983,992.00 CASH ON HAND AND ;N BANKS .............. 441,666.90 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK STOCK ........................ This stock makes available to the Association such short and long term credits as its business requires: OFFICE BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT .................... Less depreciation. DEFERRED CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS ........ ASSETS LOANS AND CONTRACTS $15,593,158.80 24,487.87 None 95,298.66 57,816.29 1,425,658.90 210,000.00 356,184.64 36,473.08 LIABILITIES SAV I NGS ACCOU NTS .......................................................... $14,757,296.71 This represents the savings Of members. Each account is insured up to $10,000.00. SHARES PLEDGED ON MORTGAGE ACCOUNTS NONE ADVANCE FROM FEDERAL HOME LOAN BAN K ............................................................................ 850,000.00 LOANS IN PROCESS .......................................................... The association has made loans to build, re- pair, re-finance or buy homes on which these funds are to be disbursed. 509,079.95 OTHER LIABILITIES .......................................................... . • Miscellaneous items to be paid in the ordinary conduct of business. 70,735.47 35,487.52 1,576,478.59 SPECIFIC RESERVES .......................................................... This ace.ount is made up of accrued interest re- ceivable, mueh of which is not yet due. GENERAL RESERVES ................................ $1,409,362.48 SURPLUS .......................................................... 167.116.11 TOTAL ASSETS ........................................................ $17,799,078.24 / TOTAL LIABI LITI ES .............................................. $17,799,078.24 Quarterly dividends at the rate of 4¼% per annum have been declared December 31, 1962. Thurston County Federal Savings and Loan Assodation HOME OFFICE SHELTER BRANCH Fifth and Capitol Way OLYMPIA WASHINGTON 13 Railroad Avenue OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON  SHELTON, WASHINGTON Blazers Lose 00ain Event, But Win Two Supporting Features JUNIOR IIIGlt iIASKETBALI, W L pr pa Mille]'. ................... 4 0 150 94 Hoqniam ............ 2 1 92 87 Centralia ........... 2 2 121 113 Jefferson ............ 2 2 115 140 Washington ........ 2 1 118 92 Shelton ................ O 3 69 307 Hopkins .............. 0 3 75 103 Lasl Week Centralia 35. Shelton 25. Millet' 52. Jefferson 24. Washington 50. Hopkins 30. Today Shelton at Hopkins. Miller a Hoquiam, Tomor row Jefferson at Washing]on. After losing the main event Blazer basketeers gained a meas- ure of revenge on the visiting Cen- tralia Yellowjackets by winning 7th and 8th grade supporting con- tests in junior high basketball ac- tion in Shelmn gym Friday after- noon. THE YI;LLOW,IACKETS fended off a promising Blazer' comeback to win the varsity game, 35-25, but the home forces turned around and won the 8th grade game by the same score and the 7th grade contest, 21-17. in a long after- noon of basketball on the Shelton court. This afternoon the Blazers head for Aberdeen to settle last place in the standings with Hopkins. Both have yet to win. Centralia got out in front early and stayed there throughout the varsity contest getting a 7-0 lead before the Blazers got the ball across mid-floor. Coach Walt Clay- ion's crew trailed by the same eight point margin at all the quarter pauses, 15-7. 19-11 and27- 19 despite getting eloser during each quarter, ineludin the final when they had it down to 28-23 at one time, only to see the Jack- ets pull away in the late going. SCOTT SWISHER led Blazer scoring with eleven markers Coach Jerry Knutson's 8th grad- ers distributed their scoring beau- tifully in hanging up a convinc- ing 35-25 auceess, their second in three games. A 10-1 margin the first quarter just about stowed it away. Mike Swisher duplicated big brother Scott's total for the var- sity with 11 points which led tile Blazer 7th graders to victory, 21- 17. It was closely fought all the way with the final margin being the widest of the game. The line- ,tips: VARSITY GAME CENTRALIA 35 SHELTER 25 Noyes 8 f M. Johnson 6 Griel 1 f Olson 1 Knapp 9 c Swisher 11 Kast 17 g Prepperuau Peterson g Loving Subs: Shelton---Archer. Winn. B. Johnson, Fredson Centralia -- Bailey, Galvin. C. Johnson. Adams. Allender. Petett. Ashby, Rousseau Tho'pe, Dorn. Score by Quartcr Centralia ........ 15 4 8 8 35 Shetton ............ 7 4 8 6---25 8th GRADE GAME SIIELTON 35 CENTRALIA 25 Knautz 5 f Moiler 9 Olson 5 f Stoves 9 Gunter 8 c M. Hedge 2 B. Masteller 8 g Brown 10 Clayton 4 g Linderman Subs: Shelton--- T. Marshall 2, K. Masteller 2, Carper. Wilson, Jos- lin. J. Armstrong 1. Duckham, Purvis. R. Marshall. Centralia-- Turner 4. Michaelson. Olsen, Geld- er. Holt. Kidril. P. Hedge. Centralia ........ 1 4 8 12---25 Shelton ............ 10 4 10 11- --35 7lh GRADE GAME SHELTON 21 CENTRALIA 17 Koningsfeld 4 f Olson 10 Swisher 11 f Wastradowski Malloy 1 c Enoch 1 Young g Siemers 6 Swope 5 g Pan(cleft Subs: Shelton---Pierson. Dem- men. C e n t r all a Authauser, Knowles. Score by Quarters Centralia ........ 7 4 2 4--17 Shelton ............ 8 3 4 6--21 Great Rally Shares Spotlight As PIHS GO THUNDERING MAJOR LEAG (.E YV L Jim Pauly Inc ................ 3 0 Timber Bowl .................. 3 0 LaBissoniere Agency ........ 2 i Northwest Evergreen ..I 2 Olson's B & B Shop ....... 0 3 Dan's Nite Hawks ............ 0 3 High games Bert Itoard 247. Rawlin McInelly 245. Dob \\;,ruench 216. Bill Beseh 233. Ray Rice 232. l?re,i Snelgrove 221 High serms Bill Besch 630. Bert Hoard. Fred Snelgrove and Ray Rice each 604 Tumbling pins thundered through lhe Timber Bowl as Major league keglers enjoyed another hot night Friday to christen their second half schedule. Fern' 600 series and six big single gme pin counts marked the night, along with a comeback lhey'll talk about for a while. Blistering Bill Beseh. who has been emulating Do)] consistency this season, a 630 series on step-laddeI ,)f 196. 201 aria 233 which Timt)er Bowl to a whiteW umph over Olson's Barber & ty Shop (Lloyd Clark 544). Three others shot 604 Bert Hoard and Ray Rice as Northwest Evergreen mates. Bert on 166-247-19I Ray on a string of 232- But the brush pickers still odd game of ile match w rivat LaBissoniere Agen men staged an amazing 1 the second to win it pins after being 12 marl after five frames. Rawlin ; ly's 245 and Bob Wuenel pinfalls sparked the eo The ntomentum earried t victory in lhe finale, also match triumph. Neither not' Wueneh could pary tl games into 600 set'ies, io First Pinfems To Pass Magic Mark JEAN REAH RAPS 604 Thzoughout the 1962 portion of ule Jean's engineering the cur)'ent league bowhng sea- son uo Shelton pinfem manager to build a 600 series, but Jean Ream apparently was just waiting for 1963. Jean stacked a 243 game on top of 194 and 167 under-pinning to construct the season's first at 604 as the gals in the Simpson league greeted 1963 last week and st ared off their seeond half sched- WEAK WIND-UPS FEND OFF 600s • , NT TM MEh(,IIA S LEAGUE Final 1st half) W L Ralph's Serve-U ........... 41 22/ Old Mill Tavern ........... 39 25 Bill's Shell Service ........ 35 29 Thurston County S&L 33 31 Prepp's Rexall Store .... 30 34 Timber Appliance .......... 271/=, 36V.z Kimbel Motors ............ 27 37 a 4-0 victory for Lumb( olympic Plywood (Jean 480), Accounting (Jane Vv'hi i also got off the startin with a whitewash job on I! gers (Norene Stevens 459i Dean rolled an all-spare 171 as another feature of the nll it was successful only in pl Researeh's only point durD setback from Engineers Burfiend 513). Stella ] helped out by picking t3 split. Insulating Doard (Maxin{ 507) won a 3-I nod over F ing I Dona Moran 438). SIMPSON WOMEN'S L. Accounting ............. : ............ Lumber ............................. :... Engineering ....................... :. Insulating Board .............. Purchasing ........................... -/ Research ................................. Olympic Plywood .............. 26 38 Loggers ................................ 'i High games Bob O1son 254, Olympic Plywood ................ Lynn White 242. Ed Dunbar High game--Jean Rearffi 225. High series---Jan Rea High series--Bob Olson. Ed Dun- . bar. Hank Burehill all 570. Bob Olson and Lynn White couldn't follow up terrific open- ing blasts and Ed Dunbar didn't have enough in front of his fin- ish to make it into the 600 class as Merchants league bowling closed oul their first half play last week. Bob and Lynn kicked off with 254 and 242 games respectively and led their' Old  Mill team to a 1051 team game but wound up with 570 and 561 series in Old Mill's 3-1 victory over,-4he first half champion Ralph's Serve-U (Floyd Jackson 516. The Serve- U club had clinched me title be- fore the night's play started. In other action. Thurston County Savings & Loan (Dick. Johnson 546) blanked Olympic Plywood / Jim Simmons 461), Bill's She!l Service (Hank Burehill 570) whaeled Prepp's Rexall Store (Bud Donaldson 553), 3-1, and Kimbel Motors ted Dunbar 570) drew with Timber Appliance (Hap Smith 528),. MEN S (.OMMERC%L D Wilson Company ............  . Moose Lodge ................... 3 1 Wingard Sport Shop ........ 3 1 Ziegler's Camera Shop .... 3 1 B & R Oil ........................ 1 3 Ritner's Broiler ................ 1 3 Verle's Sporting Goods .... 1 3 Got( Oil ............................. 3 High game Dale Yost 235 High series --- Joe Anderson 592 Ziegler's 3 (Charlie Savage 569), Verle's 1 (Jack Howard 507) ; Wingard's 3 (Joe Engen 534) Rit- ner's 1 , Dick Gardner 5411 ; Moose 3 (Bill Wilson 567), Gott 1 (Gall Wentz 535: Wilson Company 3 (Joe Anderson 592. B & R Oil 1 , Vince Adair 486 . TO THE TRY Tll HOMELi BU/LT FOR THE FAI:t • Converts from d rect to 1[€ drive in 9 minutes or less" • Cuts level with the ground • Instant starting in any we ONLY s1.49ss |or dhect drive with 1" bar and HAV£ A FRE DEMONSTRATION TO Saeger Molor On'Hillorest . i' We Service What We In The Cold, Cold Winter COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE COMFORT FOR YEARLY FUEL COST LESS THAN $10.00 A MONTB H E A T I 385 oo To You \\; Average 2-Bedroom Home 8,000 WATTS Electric Baseboard HEAT INSTALLED TERMS I Z PHONI 426-6477 THACKERAY ELECTRIC 217 COTA STREET