January 10, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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10, 1963
COUNTY ff0URNA- Published in "OhritmastowL U.g.A.", Shelton, Wauhington
13 ¸
Belfair Couples Become
of Daughters Last Week
• ]}y Ra('hel Freelin
-- Two New Year
made welcome news in
Jr the first week of 1963. Mr.
Larry Ramsev of Port
ard became parents"of a baby
Joan Louise, Jan. 2.
grandparents here are
W. Henningsens. On Jan.
daughter, Catherine Diane,
the Edward p. Squires of
,ld highway, also delighting
brothers and grandpar-
Mr. and },lrs. Gordon J. Squi-
that the holidays are over
the commnnity ias settled
to normal routine, it's time
and planning for the
ahead. Bufit also seems a
to look back hmg enough
credit to one of Belfair's
citizens, Mrs. Viola Points,
her quiet way could easily
for the title of "Mrs. Santa:
Prints, a widow who lives
Belfair school, acts as a
bureau for toys, cloth-
in fact, just about
ping a list of Notrh
who need certain items,
rking With service agencies
and Bremerton to see
-the rest go where they are
needed. She is helped by
and neighbors who often
and dress the dolls she re-
a Port Orchard church
that quilts the materials she
and has pieced; and the
that help round up
s. But she is the
gtting force behind any num-
donations, and
at finding whatever is
the late white gladi-
her garden that decora-
November wedding, to the
pandas that de-
ed a number of yotmgsters at
mas, and the sewing roach-
helped a burned-out
BELFAIR takes pride in
"Pointsie", who personi-
spirit of Christmas, not
r but all year
st 'ishes for speedy recover-
to Mrs. Joe Tschida. recov-
' from eye surgery, and Mrs
)n Fortman. who was rushed
hospital for an emergency
.ectomy on . . . of all times
wishes and congratulations
Leslie M:cDonald and Gi-
whose engagement
when Giles return-
six months army duty at
in time for the Christ-
mlidays. The bride-to-be is
of the Perry McDo-
of the north shore, her li-
the son of the Eeker Swan-
and is a '62 graduate of the
W. where Leslie is a sopho-
Frances Gladwin Orthope-
is collecting old lieence
and everyone is asked to
plates in at any of the
gas stations to "help the
help the children',
Womens Missionary Soeie-
the Belfair CommunRy
held the first of this year's
meetings on the evening
n. 4. Following a short bust-
conducted by presi-
Raymond Medeiros. Mrs.
of Bremerton spoke on
illustrating her talk
a film strip, and hi-fi
rags of oriental music.
basement was
into an oriental tea
the refreshment hour
With bamboo han-
lanterns, and hiba-
out the theme, and
and tea served at
Mrs. R. Medeiros,
Meyer, Mrs. L. A.
and Mrs. Jack Dean were
arge of this part of the even-
and their clever
popular with all those
Shackleford is ask-
presidents of all local
.iOns meeting or-
before Jan.
race the showing of
Women". a new
the old title, which
n at the Community
P.m. on the 24.
no charge for the film,
1 as part of the Ameri-
Society's campai n to
m;e to the early discogvnery
so,;se. No contributions
F:utect or accepted. Dr.
*se Will be nre
any questions an I',',,, "
P ture. Refreshments
l :ason Senior High P.T.A.
its January meeting at
)l at 8 pm Thursd
,, • ay the
7 .t Your Student Council"
u,, theme for the pro ram
,ouncil • g '
i,m of putt}rig, on a de-
an actual meetin
r t Parents with the me ng-
.ae Work being done.
i or the Minstral Show,
f)r. March 16 will also be
L. at this meeting.
J NOTE in the December
s Was the passin of two
e fidents, both well known
t}ya#d community. Mrs.
)I af{e[ a, passed away in
' " a two-year illness
Stroke. The widow of
}i dry, she had lived in the
1,,,,LV since 1939 when the
°'h'er on the North shore.
e include a son, Ro-
c..r,, and a daughter Mrs.
",g, as Well as one grand-
-'. 24 Mrs. Ruth Small died
erton nursing home fol.
illness of several months.
resident since 1947 when
mOVed here from Pull-
had lived at Sunset
her husband's death
rvivet by two ons,
ellex ]e and James of
two daughters, Mrs.
• Bremerton and
ols of London,
s a member and
atron of Belfair
chapter, Order of Eastern Star,
and belonged to the Belfair Com-
ntunity Baptist Church.
Both women were talented 'Area -
vers, had been active in the local
weavers group, and as members
of the Kitsap Weavers Guild had
exhibited at: both the Kitsap and
Western \\;Vashington Fairs.
Before young people of tho com-
munity returned to their various
collezes, Ym)th t{ecognition Sun-
day was observed at the Commun-
ity Cimrch, with five young people
taking charge of the De(:. 30 ser-
Participating were Jiln Wilson,
Jr. of Lintield; John Stokes of
Olympic; and Karen Kovack, Lin-
da Spooner and Carolyn Preelin of
lhe U. of W.
The last weeks of 1962 and this
particular column were pr, etty
well upset by a frantic hunt for
the family dog, lost somewhere in
the wet and stormy woods; and a
daughter who took the family car
for a swim. But, thanks to the
Johnsons of Haven Lake, "Skook"
is home. And the daughter is sa-
fely back at school. So this is
time to thank all those who help-
ed gather news during the past
year, and say a belated "Happy
New Year."
Matlock Grange
Has Meeting
Friday Night
By Dor Hearhlg
MATLOCK.---Matlock Grange
held their regular meeting last
Friday evening with a good turn-
out. Ore' former Master Elmer
Bradberry installed three offi-
cers, assistant steward Clifford
Combs, Chaplain Donna Combs,
and Cere's Lula Crea'mer, and had
application for three new members
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz and
James Hickson.
Matlock Grange will start to
give dances again the third Satur-
day of the month or Jan. 19 and
promises real good music.
Mr. Dick Clift and friend of
Asotin, spent a few days last week
with his brother and sister in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift.
MR. AND MIS. James Freden-
burg of Hoqtfiam were Sunday
evening supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Elvin Hearing.
Mr and Mrs. James Churchill of
Dayton where Saturday dinner
guests of Mrs. Augusta Portman
and Carl Portman.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaBrec
spent Wednesday evening with the
Edward Valley family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rickert of
Hoqniam where dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Mon-
tesano spent Saturday evening
with the Kenneth Howard family.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl "Wilder and
son of Satsop spent Saturday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley at-
tended the Pinochle Party at Day-
ton Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walker of
Eastern Washington were week-
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. John Rebman of
Shelton spent Sunday with the
William Avery family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
spent the weekend in Enemclaw
with Mrs. Rossmaier's sister and
family the Ernest Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe
and family of Hoquiam spent Sun-
day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
I. C. Ford.
Debbie and Beckie Brehmeyer
spent Saturday, with their grand-
parents Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford.
Census To Collect
Senior Odmzen lnfo
The U. S. Bureau of the Census
will conduct a special survey of
"senior citizens" in connection
with the January Current Popula-
tion Survey, it was announced to-
The survey will cover living ar-
rangements, medical and dental
costs, work status, insurance, ho-
me ownership, income, and related
items. Persons 62 years of age and
older, residing in Current Popu-
lation Survey sample households.
will be covered in the survey.
The special questions to be ask-
ed of older people will be in ad-
dition to the regular monthly in-
quires on employment and unem-
ployment. Current Population Sur-
vey interviews will be conducted
locally during the week of Jan:,
14 by Polly A. Swayze, Shelton.
Grange News
MATTOCK accepted Frank and
Velma Hollitz as new members
when they met Jan. 4. They also
installed the officers who were nn-
able to attend the joint installa-
tion in November. Plans were
made to hold a dance every third
Saturday night, beginning Jan. 19.
There was sonic discussion relative
to the amount of money that
should be paid to a delegate to the
state grange convention. A nice
thank you note from the Wash-
ington Children's Home told them
how much their Christmas contri-
bution had been appreciated. They
had a nice attendance and good
time at their New Year party and
are very happy to report that a
majority of their mernbers are
paid up for 1963.
SOUTH SIDE Grange was hap-
py to have Deputy Martin Auseth
and Gyneth as their guests. While
there Martin installed their offi-
cers, all officers being present.
Plans were made for improving
and landscaping their own grounds
the grounds around the firehall
and the road intersection where
they will erect a sign and reflec-
tors. This sounds like a mighty
fine project for the year. Their re-
gmlar winter series of card parties
will begin soon.
T'WANOH received a thank you
from the Mission Creek Camp for
helping to make their Christmas
happier. Because these boys are
pawns of circumstance they plan
to do what they can to help them
throughout the year. The master
Skokomish Valley Family Has
Reunion During Holiday Season
ly Mary Valley
SKOKOMISH -- It was a joy.
ous time for the Claude Dugger
family when they were united for
Ihe first time ]n seven years at a
rmmmn during the Cllristmas holt-
clays• Their son and family Tee.
Sg. Don Pavel and wife Anne and
children Victoria, Joe, Gregory,
and Miehae! arrived recently from
West Germany where he was sis-
!toned for three years. Don is now
h)catd in Tacoma where he is as-
sociated with a helicopter unit at
MeCmd Field. Other members of
the family present were Mr. and
Mrs. Rudy Homan, Deborah, and
Ra,ndolf, Mr. and Mrs. Haroht
Drake and son Kenneth, Mr. and
Mrs. Pat Dugger and son David
and Carl Dugger.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson
spent Sunday in Seattle with their
son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
lan Johnson and daughter Kimber-
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hicks of
Shelton were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Valley last
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Don Doak has returned
home after a week in the St. Pe-
terg hospital in Olympia following
major surgery.
Fred Sjoholm of Everett spent
last weekend with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm.
MR. AND MRS Lester Crossan,
Mary Alice and Edwin enjoyed a
trip to Oregon and going over into
Idaho for a visit with relatives
during the holidays,
Visiting at the Coble home are
Mrs. Alfine Masse of Eastscada,
Oregon, and Mrs. Vivian Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley
rove to Puyallup Sunday after-
noon and called on Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Kratofil. Mrs. Kratofil will
be remembered as the former Lou-
ise Raeburn: They recently return-
ed from India where they served
as missionaries. The Valleys also
visited Mrs. Kratofil's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Raeburn who were for-
mer residents of the Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter enter-
tained recently at a belated Christ-
mas party at their beach home
near Union. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Barkley, and
Mr. and Mrs, Gary Barkley of Ed-
monds, Mr. and rMs. Ed Kortnik of
Bellevue, Mr. and Mrs. Don Pat-
terson, Kathy and Rian of Seattle
and Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Latzel enter-
tained several members of their
l'amily on New Years Day. Corn-
ing from Shelton were Mr. and
M/rs. Frosty Godwin, Bobby and
Eva Dawn, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Tozier, Artie and Maxine.
eve with Mr. and Mrs. Spragg
were Mrs. Spragg's mother, Mrs.
Dorothy Simpson and Mr. and Mrs.
Walt Bame of Port Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Ragan and
daughter Marie called at the Dug-
ger home on lgew Years day.
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nelson
spent Sunday in Bremerton with
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Martinmaas.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Hulbert on New Years day.
Mary Anne Godding of Shelton
was an overnight guest of Janie
Cl,veland recently.
Paul and Harold Hunter drove
to Hillsboro, Ore. last Saturday to
attend the funeral of their cousin
Mrs. Grace Tooley. They also stop-
ped in Portland for a brief visit
with their Aunt and Uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. George Emmett.
Teofil Richert, father of Mrs.
Arvid Johnson and Ted Richert
was admitted to the Shelton Gene-
ral hospital.
of the Humphrey Nelsons were Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Munson of Wa-
Paying no attention to the sea-
sons, two Muscovy ducks hatched
sixteen ducklings for a Christmas
oresent for the Duggers.
Skokomish Grange meets this
Friday evening at 8 p.m. for the
first meeting of the new year and
the new officers taking their po-
sitions. State Deputy Martin Au-
seth and his helpers will be there
to install those officers who failed
to get to Shelton Valley for the
joint installation in December, so
its very important that all officers
be present at this meeting.
The Army National Guard is
actually older than the nation it
serves. It began with the 182d In-
fantry of Massachusetts which
was organized as a militia unit in
Special Meeting For
Ruby Rebekah Lodge
The regular meeting of the Ru-
by Rebekah Lodge will be held
at 8 p.m; Friday in the 1OOF
hall. This will be a special meet-
ing honoring the present Noble
Grand as she presides for the last
time. The brothers are in charge
of the refreshments.
Public installation for Odd Fel-
lows and Rebekahs will be held
January 18.
The Mason Co, Democratic Club
will meet at 8 p.m. next Thursday
in the PUD building. On the a-
genda for the evening will be a
business meeting, musical enter-
tainment and refreshments.
The public is invited.
m,, ii i • i L
Step up the
Lawton Lumber Go.
Joe V. Simpson
i , i t ! i
i i,, 1,1,1 i j, i i
6% On Reducing Balances -- No Commission
Mason County Savings & :Loan Assooiation
appointed his committees for the
year and we predict a progressive
1963 for them. ,:;.. ,.[r..,.-:.
SHELTON VALLEY started the
new year right when they received
two new applications for member- Prices Effective JAN. 10-11-12
ship. Their meeting was devoted - _-,a,..- Right To Limit!
mostly to making plans for the " -'--- " - "
year ahead. 3,,any new projects BOHELESS ROUHD STEAK :.::!o,oo 95°
Verffme Top LB
b things from that quarter too. " "
They report their New Year dance BONELESS ROLLED ROAST , : :o.oo0 : ........ .. $9 °
was a real success and everyone ' ' i ' "'
welcomed he new year in xvith F o
noisy enthusiasm. " ¢C¢ UIADT@ ,',Stee.. < ")t¢
The Mason County Granges ape
Whoe or Ha f ............................ LB
very sorry to repm:t they cannot ili/ : .................................... ]
honestly claim the 9948 members
which 'the Jot, rnal credited them BEEF TOliGU, ES --9 °
with in the last issue. Must have
been a nervus finger on that 9. - ......................................................................................... LB.
p, Dhlh.tMI e , 'he Jumbo, 4111, CHI '
S©ientisls an OVI.VURI4 , the Piece ........................................................................................ ,. ,,,
C0mm.nion Service FILLET OF SOLE Frozen for Flavor LB 57 ¢ p]
Communion services will be held
this Sunday at First Church of
Christ. Scientist, Shelton and so- Pierce, ready to eat, 5 to 7 lb. avg.
cieties throughout, the world. The
ohm'oh tenets will be read. and
the congregation will be invited
to kneel in silent communion.
The Lesson-Sermon is on "Sac-
rament", and Bible readings will
include this verse from Matthew
5: "Blessed are they which do hun-
ger and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled."
From "Science and Health with
Key to the Scriptures" by Mary
Baker Eddy this selection will also
be read (p. 4) : "The habitual
struggle to be always good is un-
ceasing prayer. Its motives are
made manifest in the blessings
3-LB.. 6-OZ. CAN ..........
in broth without giblets
BROOOOU Large Green Shoots,
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