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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 14 SEELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Publishel in "Ohr{stmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Th , , | I I i I Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional insertions 25 each. Rates for larger ads on request. Classified display $1 per column inch. Card of thanks $1.50. Read- er notices 15 word minimum $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" notices $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing is necessary. i &apos; Sale For 11 . i "C%IRISTMASTOWN, U,S.A." rubber stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cota. 12/1 tin --EED your Ieatllered f-rie-n-ds--t winter, wild bird feed from Shelton Marine-Hitlcrest Hardware. 11/29 tin S-qE"on Perutz '35 mm color f $K49. 20 exposures processing in- cluded. Ziegler a Studfo and Camera Shop. 11/29 tfn 'IONEER SAWS sales and servtce. Wa e are open Sundays. Shelton rine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn MOSS IN YOUR lAW1W? Now is the time to apply Mossite from Gray- Stone of Shelton. Free use of spreau- er. Phone 426-6661. 4/19 tfn EIECTROLUX SALES. service end supplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6).08. Free demonstrations. R 1/7 tin 1000 WATT, 110 volt light plant, ailers, boats, campers. $198.50. uaeger Motor Shop, 426-4602. 12/7 tfn YOU  CAN pUM more water -d longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps. See them at Sheltbn Electric Co.. 419 Railroad. 8/16 tfn road and fill gravel,, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea grave l for driveways. Norman An- derson, phone 426-3552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn FOR SALE  Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co, First and Mill, phone 426-8626; 9/8 tfn FOR SALE  Large selection at re- conditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Vall 5  pl|ance Center. ORGAN ALES---Johnn's music Box. 205 Cota St., phone 426- 4302. 2/1 tfn N----E-W--S and goldfish in, 638 Arcadia. 426-4378. V 8/.16 tfn lor Sale TOP SOIL, graveI, fill dirt, F. E. Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn SLAB WOOD for sale. You haul $9.50 per cord. We haul $12.50 cord. Length desired. Call 426-4363. Niell on Olymt)ic Hiway So. Mac 10/11 tfn EMERSON TV and stereo. See them at Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota St. 4/12 tfn TRADE your old camera in on a new Zeiss 35ram automatic at our new discount price. Reduced from $132.50 to $99.50. Limited time only. Ziegler's Camera Shop. 6/28 n NOW--You can purchase the New N.L. Creme Cleanser here. Scours-- Deep Cleans--as it Polishes. contains "Hexachlorophene" SHELTON ELECTRIC COMPANY 419 Railroad Ave. 1/3-10-17 31 SINGER AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG sew- ing machine repossessed with full balance due of only $43.50, Want responsible party to assume balance at only $5,00 per month. Machine will zig-zag, overcast, sew on but- tons. make buttonhores, all without attachments, Guaranteed. For further information call Olympia 352-8551. anytime, ll-ltfn FOR SALE -- Wood. 16 inch and over. Slab $12.50 a cord; Pole Wood Alder and Maple, $16 cord. 426-4867. S 9/6 tfn MEMBERSHIP in Shelton Golf Club. $100 value for $75. Terms. 426-3649. B 4/5 tfn BUY your Holiday flash globes now and save. No. 5, Reg. $1.80, $1,59. M-2, reg. $1,56, now $1.29. Ziegler's Studio and Camera Shop-- Z 11/29 tin NEW SPEED Q--E-EN automatic elec- tric dryer, 3 drying temperatures, 2- year parts guarantee, $168 at Lem Warren Refrigeration. 2rid & Cots. 12/6 tfn TAPPAN--Remodeling your kitchen or building a new home. you owe it to yourself to see and price the new TAPPAN built-in ovens and surface units. Six colors to choose from, prices to suit any budget. Terms available. Lem Warren Refrigeration. 12/6 tin POLAROID camera and Kits reduced up to 25%. Buy now SAVE. Ziegler's Studio and Camera Shop. 11/29 tfn GLIDDEN Spred-Satin and pants are your best buy at Shelton Electric Co. your best buy. 12/13 tfn GIRLS RUDD bicycle. Like new, $35. Phone 426-8260. 8/23 tin PYLON WILL 'OT CRACK, chip or peel. Permanent finish and sealer, does not discolor with age. See Graystone. 5/25 tin DUTCH BOY PAINTS -- We are open Sundays, Shelton Marine, Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn GREENEST--LAWN in the block. Use Galbraith Golf Green. Graystone of Shelton. 426-6661. 4/19 tin WAX NO MORE -- PYLON liquid transparent plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub- hing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Graystona- 5/25 tin SEE GRAYSTONE FOR PYLON. the amazing, improved finish for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts and lasts. 5/25 tfn Freight damage, 3 only, brand new 1962. portab )  Zig Zag sewing ma- chines. Slight case damage. Only $39,50 esch..357-7761 Olympia. POtTABL combination radio--3- }ed record' player $30, Kirby vacuum (:leaner $16. neal 4-drawer S 1/3-31 Sport. g Goods EVINRUDE SAL anti ser%ce. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3129 tfn 14 ft. runabont speed boat with trailer and '6] model 45 hp. motor. Phone 426-8542, B 1/3-17 FOR SALE---Ski rack. used one sea- son, cut flown to fit Corvair, $10. 426-8469. W 12/6 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn GLASS covered plywood boat, planing type hull. 15'2"x6'2". 30 hp. Evin- rude. battery chalger and battery. good condition. $350. Phone 426- 8970. M !2/27-1/I0. Used cars 1948 FORD racing motor, ,good condi- tion. with" zephyr gear cox $50 in- quire 1800 Northcliffe Road, Sheiton SI/10 1--92 A Coupe, motor in good condition, body fair. Best offer over $150. 518 Elinor. W 10/11 tin Used Cars 1958 RAMBLER Ambassador Station wagon, new motor, good white wall tires, low gas bills. 1713 No. Madi- son. 426-6655. L 11/29 tTn 1949 STUDEBAKER, 11 ton truck, Phone 426-2204. M 12/13 tfn 1955 Plymouth V8 motor, auto trans. and diff. for sale. Car wrecked. Phone 426-6364. D 1/3 tfn FOR SALE--1956 Mercury hardtop, $650. Kenneth Simons. Potlatch. 877- 5308. S 1/3 tfn '59 RENAULT Dauphine, Motor re- built, fires excellent. Call 426-4280. F 1/10-17 ' For Rent FOR RENT -- Large two-bedroom, heated apartment. Close in. Call 426-6283, S 10/18 tfn FOR RENT -- e-bedroom furnished house, water and garbage furnished. Phone 426-8150. N 572 tin FOR RENT -- Two room furnished: heated-apartment. Adults only. In- quire 311 No. First, phone 426-3025. P 6/28 tfn SLEEPING ROOMS, with kitchen pri- vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth. phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn APARTMENT for rent, one block from downtown. Laundry and utilities furnished, except lights. Phone 426- 2461 or 426-3283. B 8-9 tfn FOR RENT or sale. Large one-bed- room house, close to school, fenced yard. Phone 426-2259. S 4/26 tin GO-E-BU-" -T---Z----PX-m Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At highway brldge. S 4/4 tfn EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS -- Cheer- ful one and two bedroom furnished apartments, lots of closets. Near Shelton Airport and prison site. phone 426-3772. S 10/11 tfn 2-B-E'-D--R: dup,ex for rent. garage and utility room. electric heat. water, garbage furnished. 426-8150. N 11/22 tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor units ideal for single men or wo- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All untilities furnished, except lights. Reasonable, Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 12/4 tfn FOR RENT -- Reed Apt. 2 hedroom unfurnished, garage, yard, Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. D 3/29 tfn ONE BEDROOM BUNGALOW. Angle- side, $45 per month. Phone 426-4475 days, 426-6692 evenings. S I0/4 tfn TWO BEDROOM house for rent. Good garden spot• Partially furnished. 426- 8851. First llouse on right on Fred- son Road. N 1/3 tfn CABIN FOR RENT furnished. Lights water and garbage paid. Call 426-6815 P 1/10-24 FOR RENT -- One light ilousekeeping room also 2 bedroom partly furnish- ed house. Inquire 100 West Pine Phone 426-4679 R]/10 tfn SMALL modern cottage, rqnt free in exchange for maintenance work. Ideal for couple or bachelor. No children. Call 426-2420 after 7 p.m. D 11/22 tfn CLEAN, comfortable, one and two bed- room furnished cottages with or without linens or TV. Heat, elec- tricity, water, garbage collection in- cluded in low weekl: or "monthly winter rates, Mill Creek Motel. Call 426-4420. 9/6 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat; city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426- 2446. B 5/18 tfn RENTAL E Q UI-P-IENT" HAIN SAWS. Rotary Lawn Mowers, Reel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers. Floor Waxers and Polishes, Wheel Barrows, Electric Saws, Electric Drills, Saber Saws. Sanders, Exten- sion Ladders, Step Ladders. Pipe Wrenches. Shelton Marine Supply 426-8163. 617 tin FOR REedroom unfurnished house, Clean inside, fenced yard. Call 426-8663. T 1/3-]7 -- One bedroom, up- stairs apartment. Ceramic tile kit- chen and bath. Ample closets, Phone 426-6424 after 5 p.m. J 7/19 tfn FOUR-ROO furnished apartment for 1957 Cl}evrolet 4-door station wagon. Power steering, power brakes, auto- matic transmission. Low. low mile- age, John Rebman. Star at. 1. Box 328 Cota 20. Union. Phone 898-2335. 1/10 tfn rent. Call 426-6345. S 8/30 tfn FURNI-SHED APttTMEiT -v all abl e at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn i iii i i RENT A TELEVISION SET AT OLSEN FURNITURE Ph. 426-4702 chest $11. chest of 2 drawers $4 Singer treadle sew. machine $10, 2 .... upholstered chairs $8. $10. kitchen table $4. Igc. bed complete $10. station wagon carrier rack 72"x42"x 6, cost $22, sell for $11. 208 E. Pine, Ph. 426-4808. D 1/10 DAVENO and chair for sale. In good condition. Black sadie, almost new. Phone 426-6584. H 1/10 FOR SALE -- Used Maytag wringer washer, also G.E, dryer. Both for $25. Phone 426-2270. A 1/10 FOR SALE -- 8 cu, ft. G,E. refrigera- tor. Phone 426-4674 after 5 p.m. S 1/3 tfn DISGUSTEI) vh inferior transistor radids? Unsurpassed Sony perform where others fail. Reduced prices. Custom aligned and guaranteed. Component Hi Fi, $98. Chester's Radio & T. V. 426-3743. 12/6-2/7 'Y-O--17-SE a montIly--c-ha-r account on food? Below retail prices, free home delivery, no githmicka, no high prices. Une¢aditional guaran- tee to satisfy you. Olympia 943-3720, Dll-ltfn E stock of fireplace equipment, Y'rom flreglow to Frank- lin stoves, grates to glass doors. Curl Tile and Fireplace. Mt, View. 11/15 tfn s---i woo $10.o cord. o-i and fireplac wood $14.09 cord. Ph. 426-8010 fter 6 p,m. " F 7/19 tfn JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS! USED CARS 1961 Falcon Sedan 2-Door, Automatic 1960 Ford Ranch Wagon V-8, auto. trans., 4-door 1959 Ford Guslom 300 4-door, V-8, Automatic 1954 Ford Ranch Wagon 2-BEDROOM duplex unit. Heat, gar- bage, sewer, water, unfurnished, $60. Spcial rates for elderly woman. 426- 3575. J 12/13 tfn. D--U-P-LEX apartment for rent, furnished. 1619 Adams. S 12/13 tfn b--N BEDReous ret. Phone 426-4644. S 10/25 tfn C" one-beacon lmuse, part-fl.- nished, $40. 426-2081, B 12/6 tfn Wanted WILL DO babysitting in my home. Fenced yard. 426-4617. D 11/29 tfn Union-$kokomish junction. Hour, day or eek. 426-3895. Bll-ltf 8 pass., V-8, 4-door, automatic 001954 Ford 3/4 ton Pickup 4-speed Wanted Lost and Found BABYSITTING WANTED -- Will care LOST Two year old black female for children in my home. Daytime Scotty. near Harstine Ferry. Answers Reasonable, Close to school Call to Tam-O-Shanter. Phone 426-223]. 426-8537 C 11/8 tfn. Reward Y 1/3-10 TREES TOPPleD, trimmed, removed. LOST -- 20" Roadmaster boys' red Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- bicycle in Angleside vicinity. Phone 4823. 2/13 tfn 426-8614 anytime. L 1/3-17 SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth- ing, Aft work guaranteed. Ted Bcr- Classified Service ry, , 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. 3/8 tfn MeCULLOCtt SALES and Service. We HANDY MAN -- Odd obs! If you are open Sundays. Shelton Marne think It can't be fixed call Henry Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn 3/29 tfn LADY WANTS WORK by hour or HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior day. Has own electric scrubber. 426- and interior. Free estimates. Work 4378. V 8/16 tfn guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhere In Ptlone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn state. Phone FL 7-5358 or FL 2-4940. ROOFING, blown rock woo msula- WANTED -- 1000 recappable tires. OK tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1720 tfn JACOBSEN SALES and service. We Robert. Shumate. Olympia. 9/20 tln are open Sunday. Shelton Marine, PREPARE tor Real Estate examma- Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. tion. No expermnce necessary. Eleven 3/29 tfn evenmg classes, sponsored by The ]'A'CE CLEANING, repairing, In- Tacoma Board of Realtors, begin stallations, oil conversions. Shelton January 21. Inquire Alberta Smoke• Sheet Metal Co. 321 So. Third, Dial P.O. Box 1405, Tacoma. phone BR 426-6121. 2-1818. 1/10-17 EXPERT AUTO GLAS lnstallatmn. TWO people for route work. One part Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. time opening. Man or woman, porto- Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn anent. Can make $3.50 to $5.00 per hour or more. Write Mr. Stetson ,, , P.O. Bo 4014. Oakland 23. Calif. 1/10-1 NEED A FENCE? |1 EXTRA CASH Beautiful, Iong-lastlng, western Men. no investment. Work full red cedar fences of distinction by or part time selling the faro- Versapanel. Installed or do-it- ous KNAPP A E R O T R E D yourself with nothing down, usual- SHOES. Earn top commissions ly $10 per month. plus bonus, plus free insurance. Previous shoe experience NOT Fast guaranteed service or de- necessarywrite W. J. Theis- livery. FREE estimates. son, Knapp Bros. Shoes, 6401 E. Flotilla St., E. Los Angeles Glen Watson 22, California. Ph. 426-3170 1/10-17 2t V 7/26 tfn REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- BOAT BUILDING conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- Repairing and fiberglassing, frigeration Service, 315 Cole, phone 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfn Glass boats repaired or re- IT-M-XON--R.-f--e finished. 3 1/3 miles east of chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason, Agate Store. Phone 426-6977. 426-2278. 3/1 tfn I/I0 - 2/14 AILTIFICIAL BREEDING service pro- ven, and, highly e!assifipd sires. Dairy, beef and charolais, $7.00. Pi- per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield. ' ' ' 426-2084. C 12/15 tfn JEROME BURKE WA.NTD Garden rotovating, field plowing, well- Used Furniture aged older sawdust, pit-run gravel. WiLl Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 Art's Bulldozing ! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Phi TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tfn i i i Legal Publications CALL FOR BIDS Hood Canal School District No. 404 calls lor sealed bids for the sale and dismantling of he Union School in Un- ion. Wash. With the exception of con- crete Floor building to be removed and/m burned completely in 90 days or less from date of bid acceptance. Bids will be received until 7:30 p.m. January ]4. 1963. The board reserves tim right to reject any or all bids. Mail bids to John Pill. Star Route 1. Box 149-B Shelton. Washington. lTSSELL VIGER, Clerk hool District No. 404 1/3-10 21 CALL FOR BID Notic is bereby given that the Ma- son County Public Utility District No. 1 Star Route 1. Box 203. Shelton. Washington will receive sealed bids up to 8:00 o'clock P.M. January 21, 1963, at the Potlatch office of tile Mason County Public Utility District No. 1. Potlatch. Washington. for eonstruction of an office building. Bids will be opened at $:00 o'clock P.M. at Mason County Public Utility District No. I office. Potlatch. Wash- ington and publicly read aloud in the meeting room. Approximate quantities involved: ITEM No. 1--One office building 44'-8" x32'8" constructed of concrete block with wood roof. reinforced concrete foundations and floor slab. ITEM No, 2--One residence approxi- mately 26'-0x74'-0. wood framed, reinforced con- crete foundation• Bids for tile project stroll be in ac- cordance with the plans and specifica- tions and other contract documents now on file in the offices of the Dis- trict's engmeers, Zenier. Athay, Jack- son and Hein. 212 West 13th Street Vancouver. Washington and Masol County Public Utility District No. 1, Potlatch, Washington where copies nmy be obtained upon furnishing a de- posit of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each set. Deposits will be refunded upon the return of plans and specifications in good condition within ten (10) days after the bid opening date. Proposals for the project must be ac- companied by a bid bond or a certi- fied cheek, payable to the order of the District. in an amount equal to ten per cent (10() of the maxlnmm bid price of the project. Each bidder agrees, 1)rovided its proposal is one of the three low proposals, that. by filing its proposal together with such hid bond or rheck in consideration of the Dis- lrict's receiving and considering such proposal, said proposal stroll be firm and binding upon each such bidder aud such bid bond or check shall be held by lie District until a proposal is ac- cepted or for a period not to exceed Legal Publications Real Estat _2 NGz'IUE Notice is hereby gw,-n that tlle real and personal property taz rolb , Ma- son County, Washington. for tile ycar 1963, have been delivered o me. in a,. cordance with the law. for the eolh:c- tion of the taxes as shown therein. The real and personal property taxes for the year 1963 will be duc and pay- able on and after the 15th day of Feb- ruary, 1963. JOHN B. COLE Treasurer ol Mason Couuty Dated at Shelton. Washington. January 10. 1963. i/i0-17-24-3t NOTICE OF HEABING ON PETITION FOR PROPOSED FIBE PROTECTION DISTRICT To the Honorable Board of County Connnissioners ol Mason Count)-, Washington : PETITION Be it resolved that for the elimina- tion of fire hazards and for the pro- tection of life and property, a fire district within the boundaries of Har- aline Island. an area-also served by school district 302 and Harstine pre- cinct exclusive of Squaxin Island, be fornled as petitioned by the attached signatures For the purposes herein .[ated we do hereafter set our signatures. [End of Petition• Followed by 43 signatures.) NOTICE is hereby given that a Hearing will be held on said above Petition by the said Board of County Commissioners of Mason County. in the Office of the Board in the Court House in Shelton, Washington. on the 28th day of January, 1963. at 11:00 a,m,, at which time any person so desiring may appeal' and bc heard for or against the granting of said Peti- tion. /Dated this 7th day of January. 1963. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASOT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BY C. NOLAN MASON• Clerk of the Board. (RCW 52.04.050) t/10,17,24 3i NOTICE TO CONCESSION BIDDERS Twanoh State Park 1. Sealed bids for the leasing of the food concession at Twahnoh State Park in the vicinity of Union, Mason County. Washington. will be received by the Director of the State Parks and Rec- reation Conmlission at 522 South Franklin Street. Olympia. Washington, until 2:00 p.m. Friday. January 18. ]963, and then publicly opened and read. 2. The ternl of this concession ]ease will be three years. The State shall furnisil the existing concessmn build- SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRF-CAST ST"DTIC TANKS 100-gal., 250-gal. 500-gal., 750-gai: Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 8-18tfn , iiii Hay & Feeds 50 TONS alfalfa hay for sale by ton or bale. Call Gene Rutledge, 426- 4827, 1/10-17 i ALFALFA DAIRY HAY Fine stemmed, soft, leafy, green, 2700 tons, first, second and third cuttings. Also tops, bottoms and feeder lay, delivered anywhere lead lots only. Call collect evenings SU 1-2180, George, Wash. If no answer call OL 9-2003, Marysville, Wash. Pets, Livestock FOR SALE--8-weck-old weaner pigs. Phone 426-6842. R1/10-24 Journal Wan! Ads Pay Eeils & Valley Appliance Denter Your Washer.Dryer Headquaders SPECIAL -- We have just taken in several '55 and '57 Fords from Simp- son Timber Company which, al- though a little rough on the. exterior, T are good and sound mechanically and , will make excellent buys at the prices they •are offered.  [ 0 ......... ";" ..... 7 ............ , Dealerehip -- 5th & Railroad Used Cars -- 4th & Cota St. 426-8231 T GASH PAID FOR 6ood, Glean, Used Furnilure and Appliances. KELLY'S FURNITURE ,26.24,, Always lhe besl deal, M A Y I G by George! Edls & Valley 2nd & Cota St. I II Phone 426-4663 3/2 tfn Phone 426-3678. B 10/4 tfn sixty (60) days f'om the date herein- CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, [ before sel for tht opening of proposals. If such pro)osal is not one of the three accurate precision grinding, Now at low proposals, the bid bond or check Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone will bc returned in each instance with- 426-4602. 1/15 tfn in  period of ten (10) days to the WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tore, copper, salvage of all kirads, Shelton Junk Co., First and ill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn expert painting and wall papering, call Bennett Painting Company, 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn Real Estate SALE -- Large bedroom, livingroom, dining, carpet, drapes. Small down payment furnished or not, Phone 426-4336. C 8/2 tfn NEW HOME -- Excellent downtown location, three bedrooms, 2 baths, panelled living room. R. H. Keenan, 2nd and Birch. K 6/21 tfn OR SALE -- Duplex 84x28 with 10 lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone 426-$150. N 7/23 tfn OFFERED BY OWNER -- 3 bedroom Island Lake home. 50 ft. frontage° good dock, new ]2 x 36 sundeck, fire- place, hardwood floor in living-dining area, Includes 50 ft. lot across road. Reasonably pried -- $10,800.00. Call 426-4605 between 7 and 10 p.m. E 10/4 tfn SfALL acreage, five-room house, on Cranberry Creek road. Large work shop. 5 miles from Shelton. School bus and mail at door. Phone 426- 8376. Me 11/29 tfn TRADE good  in Skokorn]sl va-- ley, close to highway 101. for Christ- mas tree or timber land. Plmne 426-6084. R 11/8/ tLn DON'T BUILD A NEW HOUSE tln-I you bare talked to Mary Erumfield about the quality and convenience of a FARWEST HOME. Plans and infornlation any time. Phone her at Montesano Insurance Agency, Monte- sano 249-3351. Also Montesano property pcieed from $1,200 to $25.000. 1/3-10 T-WO-bedrooul. partly furnished sub- urban hon)e for sale or lease. Phone 426-4147. S 12/20 tfu ,OR SALE our equity in 2 two-bed- room rental umts. Pllone 426-3944 before 6 p.m. P ]/]0 tfn FOR SALE--Dayton area, 3-bedroom home, 3 acres. Very reasonable. 426- 6605. S 1/10-24 20-ACRE ranch for safe or lease. 6- room house partly furnished. Spring water, wood for heat. Call 426-6446. Mc 12/20 tfn FOR SALE OR TRADE for water- front: newly painted, remodeled two bedroom, large backyard, trees, con- venient to stores and highway. Phone 426-3240 evenings. R11-1tfn BECAUSE OF DEATH in family, am forced to sell income property. Also four large cleared lots. 426-34'17. Call evenings. A 10/18 tfn NEAR LAKE NAHWATZEL! 10 Acres with 330' of road frontage. Covered with timber, $3.500. Phone Monte- san,) 249-3351 Montesano Insurance Agency. 1/3-10 bidder furnishing the same. The successful bidder shall be re- quired to post a 100r performance bond and payment bond before being autllorized to proceed with the work. Said t, ond stroll be posted within five (5) calendar days after official notice hy the Owner. to the selected Con- tractor thal the award has been made. The Mason County Utility District No.'1 reserves the right to reject any o," all blds and to waive minor inform- alities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof. Dated this 24th day of December, 1962. HAROLD HUNTER. Scretary Mason County Public Utility District No. ] Potlatch. Washington. 12/27-1/3-10 31 !%Io. 3364 NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAL EP()RT AND I'ETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION 1N TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matte*" of the Estate of VIO- LET M. PROBERT, /ceaed. The JOURNAL Gary L. Prober*. Executor of said Estate, has filed with said Court his final report and petition for dis- tribution, asking the Court to settle said repof't, distribute the prope]lv to thc persons tbcreto entitled and to discharge said Executor. Sal(l repor and petition will be heard on the ]8th day of January, 1963, at 10 A.M. in the Courtroom of sad Court. in the County Courthouse at Shelton Wash- ington. 19 Dated62.' . this 17th day of December, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of the Superlor Court. By TECKLA VERMILLION Deputy Clerk. Robert L. Snyder Attorney-at-law 125§ North Fifth Shelton. Washington 12/20-27 1/3-10 4t NO. 3410 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the iV[atter of the Estate of NET- TI'E S. ELLIOTT. Deceased. Henry A. Elliott is the appointed and qualified Administrator of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on said Administrator or his attorney, Roberl L. Snyder. at the address be- low s(ate, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court." together with proof of such service, within six nnlnths after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or the same will be barred. Dt( of first publication: December 27. 1962. HENRy A. ELLIOTT Administrator 411 Ellinor Shelton. Washington. ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125I N. 5th Television and Radio , RePair Service and ?;:cili ;?tint?h;, ?:annol' dTnldYiqua:ifiedetJc:xwP:;Leno¢ television and radio .repair and maintenance. Having at- tended RCA color-television school he is qualified in this special field also. EELLS a,d VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER ing and water from the park domestic water system The concessionaire shall furnish all other utilities and equip- nlent at own expense. Ally additions m: alterations to the concession build- ing shall first be approved by the State and shall be the sole expense of the concessionaire. The concessionaire shall furnish public liability and property damaKe insnrance in an anlount satisfactory lo ihe Stale. 3, All bids shall' be scaled and sub- mitted by letter sctling forth tb fol- lowing: (a) hours, days and nonths ot operation, (b) items to be sold, (c) the percentage of the gross rgvonue, to be paid for the concession privilege. and (d) anlount of annnal pnyment or guarantee.d ulinlnluln rental. 4 The State reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids and to waive nl- forlutlities. Additional information may be secured at Twanoh State Park from Ranger Bruce Hawley, or Rich- ard Huebner. Property Manager, 622 South Franklin Street. Olympia Wash- ingtoa. 1/10-17 2t NOTICE OF IVATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 17658 tate of Vas]Hngton OFFICE OF SUI'ERVISOR OF WATER RESOUICES Olympia TAKE NOTICE : That ROBERT and MARY A. BELL of Tailuya, WashJugl.on ou Deeenlber 19, 1962 'flied application for pclunit to divert ihe public waters of an unnamed spring tributm-y of Hood, Canal, ill the anlount of 0.005 second-foot subject to exisLhlg rights continuously each year for the pirpose of domestic supply; that the, approximate point of diversion is located within SW{j SWk; of Sec- tion 20. Township 22 N.. Range 3 W,. W. M.. m Mason County. An)" objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed wittl the State Supervisor of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from Janusry 10. 1962. Wilness my hand and official seal tiffs 201h day of December. 1962. M. G. WALKER. State Supervisor of Water Resources 1/3-10 21 No, 3359 NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAl, REI'ORT AND PETITION :FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of LULA M. JONES, Deceased. Ada C. Clothier. Executrix of said Estate. has filed with said Court her final report and petition for distribu- tion. asking tim Com't to settle said report, distribute the property to the Persons there to entitled and to dis- clm, rged said Executrix. Said report and petition will bc heard on the 181h day of January, 1963. at 10 A.M. in the Courtroom of said Court. in the County Com'thouse at Shelton, Wash- ington. Dated this 17tb day of December, 1962. HARRY DEYTTE. Clerk of the Superior Court. Robert L. Snyder Attorney-at-law 125]z North Fiftb Shelton, Washington 12/20-27 1/3-10 4t NO. 337i NOTICE OF IIEARIN(I FINAl, REPOIUi  AND PETI•FION FOlt Your sales center for RCA color TV, black and white TV, table model and transistor radios, stereo and hi-fi. 2nd and COTA STREET PHONE 426.4663 I I L DISTRi BUTION IN THE SUPERiOR COURT OF THE Shelton. Arasllington. 1/27-1/3-10-17 4t STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR MA- SON ,COUNTY, ' Ill th. .Ma(te'r of the Esiatc of JAKE C. BOAST, Deceased. ", Floyd E. P,(a'st, Exoeutor of said Es- tate, ])as filed with said Court his- final report aud petition for distrihu- tiara, asking tllc Court to set.tie sad ]eport, dTsh'ibule the property to tile l)ers(ms timreto entitled and to dis- charge said Executor. Said report and petition will be lea'd ou the 1st day of" February, ]963. at 10 A.M. in the Courtroolu ()f said Com't, ill ibe Con.nty Co urthonse at Shelion, Washingtou. zm(ed this 31st d v of Dccembcr ]962. ' ' HARRY DIYETTE, Clerk ef the Superior Court. by Tcckla Vermillion Depu[v Ch,rk ROII,]RT L. " SNYDER Attorney {it Law 12' Nu. 5th Shelton "Washington 1/3-]0-17-24 4t NOTICE TO.PRESENT CLA|MS N()TICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN tilat tl]J e]ahns against Mason Conntv for the year ]962. nlUst be presenh!d {o l]le All(titci' of" Masoll Court|y, not hller Iban Jau[lal'y 21. 1963 for allo%vauce by []/e l()ard of Coun V Conllnission- t [%1. ,' ('('(rdJ n.c it) RCV 36.40.200. any laims l)res,m[ed re.r,, ti'an 30 dys afler lhe riseal Yenr shallbe provided for Ill thc n<,xt ensuing year's budget. C. NOLAN MASON [ason County Auditor. 1 1/;I-10 2t HOOD GANAI FOR SALE' In Hoodsport  real cle bedroom home. Garage walking distance to store ly furnished. $7650 terr Threebedroom view hon car garage, 200 feet el latch Beach, sweeping' Mt. Rainier and Hood Beautifully landscapped $24,500 te FOR LEASl Three bedroom, unfurnil acres, shop, view, oyst¢ ft. waterfront. $65 month HOOD CAN/ REAL ESTA HOODSPORT " Phone TR 7-5211 TR 7-5575 Evenin EXGEPTION/00i i VALUES: I MT. VIEW BEAUTY / READY TO MOVE IN Three bedrooms electi built-in range and oven, N place, king-raze patio, streets, sidewalks are ,i and rugs are included in for $16,870. OWNER WILL HOLD CONTRACT Hillcrest location .t 1 rooms, living room with: 1 separate dining room," kitchen, large utility to, crate garage, garden sp! to stores and schools. E payment and low m0n ments for $8,000. ., J COUNTRY GENTLEME RIGHT IN TOWN ' Three bedrooms, sunnY, utility room, cement fbi three extra lots, filled ries, grapes garden, and All this located in town a to sell for only $9800. -!; GRACIOUS FAMILY LI FOUND IN THIS HOM| Charming living room' place, large entertaining ing room. view of the b rains, city, from every W this home. lVlsic room. room, large roomy kitche room is handy for the lil coming in from, play bedrooms are on one 'f16( for two more bedrooms i) attic, full basement hal basement, lots of room reation room, king-size Y beautiful shrubs and  Move right in for $17.90( READY TO MOVE iN $14,000 This home has four ] all on one floor, two baths, large recreation $ modern fireplace, living t separate dining room. with lots of cupb0ar! workshop, fenced in yar¢ downtown, come in and ( one. PLANNED FOR IMPO| PEOPLE Three bedrooms, fun- mily room off kitchen can watch what is goingli real living room with pl push-button kitchen is, f i magical wonders that i Hotpoint Appliances, stove, refrigerator, di garbage disposal, two tiled, patio built for su, ning entertainment, carl many features and man-S shop. Come and inspect t for only $23,500. FOR RENT j Two bedroom furnishe nlent, water and garbag frnished for $55. '",i WHAT A BARGAIN!! WHAT A BUY]! " Four bedrooms, livff utility room, dug well tric pump, fireplace. A]J 12 acres oo, Selling "f 'Low down payment monthly payments. Co check this one soon. , Real Estate -- InS! HERB -- Phone 426-8272 • SUE DANI ELS' DONALD (Bean) D 426-3434