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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 10, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 10, 1963
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10, 1963 Rt,TON--MASOI CO/OURNATI- Published in "Ghrlstntaown, U.S.A.," 8he!ton. Page 1. Real Estate T V:,EW--3 BEDROOMs lave just listed one of the }eW three bedroom homes under $11,000. Everything • floor. Spacious rooms One bedroom is ex- Lots of storage. Newly -=€ kitchen. Handy utility. garage. Convenient to school and shopping. This is ,d buy at $10,750. Call Vince e today for an appointment. OICE SUBURBAN is.the home you have been g for. Located close in on aores. This 3 bedroom beau- be yours for just 10 percent Loaded with fine features, ng built-in appliances, beam fireplace, carpeted double carport, dril- and many others. Don't a minute longer  call today appointment. IXER  UPPER Han¢l yman  opportunity lrvestigate this 3 bed- home with rental property. =Is will make payments and :penses. See it now -- just Contract terms to the qua- buyer. AT THIS] lown-payment required. Use ;G I. Loan to purchase this home. Four large basement, spacious l'-room with fireplace plus kitchen dining area. Excel- including new roof outside paint. See it to- it only $9,500. O'K: MOM -- STA I RS perfect home for the small children. Fount rams  2 baths all on one It has spacious rooms, par- ent, oil furnace, fire- new roof to mention = few of it's fine features. e the existing loan at just TERMS you can name your own on this good-sized 2 bed- me. Located close to sto- is vacant to give posession. Asking =miner FUN] for just $7,500 you can own Own cottage on the canal Will appreciate the well kept arance and spotless conditi- :ally furnished. Also you wil ownership in 50' of some of font on the canal =s arranged so call today. i-O SCHOOL __ sleep late. Just 324 to SChool. See this rOOmy 2 3m home today. Large liv- room. Convenient kit- Jus $5,750. LARGE HOME spacious bedrooms and a )p or rec. room make family home. The ran,& utility room have more I::eUs?%2uilt'i.n. s. Lots of lar- ="nCrY hving and din- -try hall. Corner lot. Priced at $11,0D0. you trade? VIEW see th s choice 3 bed- Her. Located on fenced Fruit trees. Large play Y plastered, hardwood rge attached garage. A $11,500. STING LOCATION down will move you downtown listing. price. This two a full basemen. to everything. ERFRONT COTTAGE miles from towri low-bank fron- access to Highway. nged two bedroom cot- to large sun ch. Priced at ;rms arranged. ACREAGE Property has a very -round stream running 10 aCres. The land is Iced, but has lots of Perfect setting. There ea^_,r°°mY, two-bedroom ¢.ent condition as well garage. The price is and some terms can DOWN PAYMENT? for just $400 we u into a brand new It has three bed- heat, sidewalks, at- =d is easy to care can assume on this large that has four bed. full basement. You corny kitchen as well as ng room with ace. Just ,850. Immediate SlOn.,, HOME Mt. View home YOu see it. When you m, You can boast of largest living room carpeted and with Two large ep saving kitchen, co- fenced and a at [ today. ESTATE ANYTIME Street @ CALL HI M L I E---426-6501 M A N N--426.3228 Legal Publications NO. 3368 NOTICE OF IIEAR]NG FINAl, iEI)ORT AND PETITION ]POR DIWF I,kl BUT ION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of FRANK A. ORI. Deceased. NOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ]VIAXINE PEARL ORI, Administratrix of the estate of Frank A. Ori. deceased. has fih,d in the office of the Clerk of maid Court a final report and peti- LaBISSONIERE * &tar Values. * TOP QUALITY, CUSTOM- BUILT, EXCELLENT LOCA- TION. only two minutes to downtown. One of Shelton's finest three bedroom homes, like new. Acti;e area windows look out on superb views, day or night; even the breakfast al- cove tins fog-free double glaz- ing. Lovely 22' x 15' living room, w/fireplace, hostess-size dining. Separate tiled step-in shower. 3/4 daylight basement, trophy room, shop, laundry, plus large recreation center. Radiant heat. Immediate pos- session. $21,500 and worth more. Convenient terms ar- ranged. (First time offered). * 110' SALT-WATERFRONT HOME Two acres, four min- utes to P.O. Ideally situated on the South Shore with tidelands. Almost new three bedroom home. two baths. Massive sand- stone fireplace in a delightful 30' x 14' living room. beauti- fully carpeted. Family dining. Economy baseboard heathlg. Slate floor hall entry. Birch and mahogany panels used wis- ely. Dream kitchen, three-car separate garage. Black-top drive and turn around. 10,000 gallons per hem" artesian wa- ter, native pressure flow 28 p.s.i. Two patios. Landscaping in. The price will be based on pending FHA appraisal. (New offering today). ' *" WELL LrOCATED HOME with king-sized living room. Deep pile luxury carpeting, two bedrooms with possible third, hardwood floors. Studio fire- place, hnmaculate kitchen, am- ple storage. Garage, shop and sealed guest room. Paved pa- tio. Flowers in profusiom Out- of-town owners have drastical- ly reduced price to $8,900 for immediate possession. Easy terms can be set up. -k MOST ATTRACTIVE TWO BEDROOM Angleside home. Life-time shake roof Log-sized fireplace, appealing living room and dining area. It's partly fur- nished; includes drapes, elec. range, washer, refrig., all merge'd neatly in an efficient kitchen. Extra built-ins. Room size bedroom rugs• The "most" for your home investment at only $9•500. Easy, easy FHA terms. * $450 CAN PUT YOU IN A GOOD 2-BEDROOM HOME -- Spacious living room, panelled dinillg with built-ins. Nice clean !dtchen includes utility. This ts a good sound family home. Separate garage. Fenced yard. Priced for immediate sale --- $6,950. $450 down, and $50 monthly. * SECLUDED FAMILY HOME, FIREPLACE, EDGE OF TOWN. Two large bed- rooms, spacious panelled living' room. floor furnace, cheerful dining room. Suhny entrance. Immaculate throughout. Well lighted kitchen, cabinet inter- mrs enameled in glowing color. Double insulation• Large attic storage, or two extra rooms. Separate garage, shop. Fine garden, loads of varied berries. Two, big lots. Only $600 down. Sensibly priced at $6,600. $50 per month. * EXCELLENT FAMILY P R 0 P E RT Y, view location. Fine four bedroom home, a room divider makes five. 225' corner fenced frontage on An- gleside. Hardwood floors throughout, circulating fire- place, healthful hot water heat- ing system. Attractive living and dining rooms. Breakfast area is well heated. Large lawns, sprinkler system. substantial family home can be purchased for only $11,500. Low down, on FHA terms. "k 100' FRONTAGE ON IS- LAND LAKE. Three bedrooms modern contemporary, board and batten exterior. F_mchant- ing view, open design living- dining rooms• Glass-door fire- place. Colorful kitchen• Two- car facilities. Party-sized float and approach ramps. Landsca- ping and shrubs in. * NICE 3 BEDROOM HOME on Angleside. 11 baths, floor furnace. Large comfortable liv- ing room. Family dining room with ,glassed doors to patio. Ample, new kitchen cabinets. Half basement w/shop, all pav- ed, outside entrance. Potential rec room in two-car a¢ctached garage. Fenced and hedged front lawn. Shade, fruit trees. Immediate possession for $795 down and $65 monthly. Full price only $7,950. Call us now. CALL 426-4666 LaBissoniere Agency Real Estate  Insurance 119 So. 4th -- Shelton, Wash. EVENINGS : JOHN DEVEREUX 426-8544 SYLVIA CAREY 426-3132 Legal Publications tion for distrit)ution, asking- the Court to settle snid report, disiribute the properly tO the pcl'SOllS /hel'et0 en- tith'd and to discharge the petitioner as Administ.ratrix: and tlmt said re- port and petition will [)e heard on the 25th day of January. 1963 at 10:00 o'clock in tile forenoon of said day, O] aN FOOll lhereat'te] as the IlHIIt(}F Call be heard al the court l'l/(')lll (If tile above-until led eolll'l, ill tile (ourt- ]h)ll ill Sb(tolh Mason County, Washington. lit which Iitlle and place an.v persall interesied ill said Estate lllay al)l)ear llIld file ol)jections there- to and contest tile sall]e. Dated this 21st day of Deeemher, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court BY TECKLA VERMILLIAN Deputy. WOWl! I'['s been a long time since we've had a listing like this one. There are three bedrooms. 2 baths, large storage area. utility room, electric heat. modern ranch st,fie, fenced yard. It's located on the Olympic Highway, close to stores and school. All this for $8.950. Better see this one now it won't last long at this price. ....... A. ROY DUNN .... ATTENTION COVEY WORKERS] This one is in an ideal area if you have to drive or take the "crumby" to work. Your family will enjoy the large 3 bedrooms, handsome fireplace, easy-care kitchen, enormous yard, workshop garage, there is even room for a cow and some chickens. The only way you can go wrong is to wait. The price is $7,950.00 pay- ments to please your budget. -- A ROY DUNN Legal Publications GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Belt Building 121 South Fom'lh Street Shelion. Washington. 12 '27-1/3-10-17 4t ('AI,L FOR BIDS The North Mason School Directors NORTH MASON SCHOOL NEWS Seniors Plan Rummage Sale Jan. 12 As Fund Raising Project; Band Candy Sale Success By Dennis Shelly teet after presenting one of their Coming up this weekend the best performances yet at the Soc seniors will be holding the "al- Hop that followed the Vashon call for bids on the following; ] Regular gasoline, delivered at the most annual" rLunnlage sale. [ say site of the Belfair Elementary Sctlool. "alnlost annual" because this is 2, Diesel burner fuel. delivered to the only the second me ill three years Belfair Elementary School. and lhe that the seniors have held such Altyn Ehlnelltary School. 3. P.S. 300. diesel burner fuel (heavy duty), delivered al tilt, site of the Nol'lh l%{ason Junior-Senior High School. All bids will be received no later lhan ciKllt pail. the ex'enin2- Of Jall- uary 14lh. All bids will he sealed Bids ",viii be oI)elled at a regular llleet- ink of the directors on this date, The directors. North Mason Consoli- dated School District. reserve the right to reject any and all bids. CHARLES AMACHER. Clerk North Mason School Dist. Belfair. Washington 1/3-10 2t New Officers For LPN Installed At December Meeting The last meeting of 1962 for the Mason County Licensed Prac- tical Nurses was held Dec. 10 at the Nurses cottage of Shelton General hospital• Election and in- stallation of officers and the Christmas party were combined. New officers for 1963 are: President, Dorothy Adams; vice president, June Weckhorst; see.. Helen Simmons; treas.. Ellen Har- rison Evans; trustees. Lois Schil- ling, Norene Coleman and Blanche Campson.' an event. The sale will be held in front of the PUD office in Shelton between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.. Jan. 12. Most of the pro- ceeds will go to the senior fund for either the senior ball in the spring or else for props for the • senior play to be held Jan. 26. Speaking of proceeds, it was an- nounced that the profit on the band's candy sale was over $100. Part of the money will go toward a nmsic scholarship, but some of it will go for the nearly arrived "spats" for the band uniforms. Along with the spats came the braids for the majorette's uniform as well as a dm.lm majorette's hat. NM's famed sextet, the Yachts- men, have done it again. They brought all the spectators to their game. The group was scheduled to sing at the Kiwanis Club's in- stallation of officers Tuesday. They sang "Mamma Don't Allow" and "Tom Dooley' . The Girl's Athletic Club recent- ly held a special meeting to pass out all the awards earned by the girls so fat' this year. There were letters, certificates, and even chev- rons for another completed year of good service for the club. This year. the seniors will be en- titled to the \\;Vashington pre-cof lega test program for high school students. During the period from December. 1962, through August, 1963. the College Boards will ad- mimster a testing program• Some of the tests are scholastic apti- tude tests and others are achieve- ment tests and writing tests. Some of the seniers will be taking tests on Jan. 12. others will be taken some time in March. Bell Riders Saddle Club Holds First Meeting of the New Year Mrs. Ray Krateho of Brookings Ore. Mr. and Mrs. SOUTHSIDE - Bell Riders McIntyre left last Saturday after Saddle Club met at the community spending a week with Mrs. Mcln- hall on Capitol Hill on Jan. 4 for tyre's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. their first meeting of the new Castle. FUN IN THE SUN The linen hamper was awarded On Phillips Lake. There is "60 to Mrs. Florek. Congratulations feet of frontage, a float for a were extended to Mrs. Josephine boat and swimming, a cabin with gas range and some fumiture. The owner has cleared a nice plot loun- ging. You'll be surprised when I tell you the low price!! -- -- A. ROY DUNN HOW ABOUT THIS 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath. Located on a sprawling .... lot in an ideal neighborhood. You can own this one with just a small down playment and your rent mo- ney. The price is $2,500,00 Help a man who has two houses. A. ROY DUNN WANT TO BUILD?? Better pick your mew lot and get started on that new home you've been planning. We have some of the better lots in Shelton available now. We are sure you will find one in a location you May for winning second place in the Quiz put on by the state of- fice. " The meeting date has been changed to the first Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m February 5 at the Nurses cottage. Real Estate Preferred Properties by Walerfronl Really 317 Railroad Ave. CALL 426-8277 NO BETTER BUY IN TOWN] Suburban setting, fenced year. The meeting was called to order by the president, Pete Ro- berts. Past president Jip] Taylor is president of Pacific zone and Ed Carney is vice-president of Pacific zone. New members of the Bell Riders are "Red" Roe and family and Leo Bishop and family, All members voted to go Western State Horse- men. Jim Taylor urged more members to attend the zone meetings which are the third Friday of the month at the Eagles Hall at Elma, prac- tice play day is the first Sunday of the month at Cosmopolis and the fair board meets on the third Tuesday of the month. A correc- tion Darrel Williams won thirty two points on his trophy instead of twenty seven as stated. The banquet that was held was a suc- cess. The Bell Riders Saddle Chtb have a skating party scheduled for Arcadia club meets at Margaret Asche's Jan. 15. Mr and Mrs. Phil Hardie return- ed home last Saturday after visit- ing Mrs. Hardies brother Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gowin of Cottage Gro- ve, Ore. The Hardies also spent a day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Pierce of Toledo, Ore. The Pierces were former residents of Arcadia. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Bare and Ken- ny of Acardia returned home New Years Day from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zetterberg and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Binks of Springfield, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Binks now living in California are well known to Shelton resid- ents. Guests of Mr. and 1Virs. Paul Koch Christmas Day for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rose. and son, Clayton Koch of Darrington and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koch Jr. and family of Lacey. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schuffenhauer and family were Christmas Day Asia Topic Of Methodist Study "Tim Rim of East Asia" will be the topic of the School Mis- sions, which will begin Sunday evening at the Methodist Church. running for four consecutive Sun- day evenings. The countries to be studied are Korea, Taiwan. Hong Kong and Okinawa. Each session will begin with a potluck supper promptly at 6 p.m., followed by recreation from the lands being studied and classes for all ages. There will be pictures, filmstrips, music and displays, which will help to make these countries real to those who attend• Hal McClary is General Chair- man of the school and will lead the adult group. Those who will be teaching in the Children's Depart- ment are Mrs. Harry Cation. Mrs. Frank Porter. Mrs. Elroy Nelson. Mrs. Douglas MacVilliams and Mrs. Lee Boeekstegel. Those who will have a special part at the first session this Sun- day when tile topic will be Korea. will be Don Brown. Mrs. Vrarren Moe. F. \\;r. Herrick, Mrs. Hal Mc- Clary and John Ragan. Use Journal Wanl Ads Kamiiche Pastor Moving into New Parsonage By Frances Sinlnn)ns KAMILCHE.--Tile community is glad to welcome into the neigh- borhood the pastor of the Kamil- che Community Church and hi iamily, Rev. and Mrs. Earl Brad- ley and two sons. David and Stephen. of Lacey. They have started moving belonngs into the newly acquired parsonage, f61n- erly owned by Mr. and Mrs Eu- gene Taylor. Announcement is made of a fellowship-meeting to be held at the church Sa:turd6y evening at 7:30 p.m. Enjoying a New Year's outing were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Petty and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petty and Mrs, Marian \\;'ltite who drove to'T- coma by way of Purdy arid the Narrows Bridge. Tbey had a pleasant dinner at the Top of the Ocean On the return trip they drovc through Parkland, where they visited R. N. Grate. Little David Herriek, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Don Herrick has been in the hospital for over 5a week and we are tappy to report is improving and expected to re- turn home this week .... Mr. and Mrs. ¥illiam Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Staaes of Seattle visited over the weekend with the Dewey Sigo family. Coming from Gresham. Ore., Saturday to spend the day at_the Mrs. J. L. Simmons home was Mrs. William Hanson accompanied by her daughter. Mrs. Roland 'Sim- mons of Portland. The William Penn family from LaPush are spending some time with the Edward Sigo family. :Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nicklin i:om The Daltes, Ore spent the Christ- mas holidays at the Martir/ 1-t Otto home. MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sis; Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p,m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Eugene Breid, Pastor want and at a pmce you want to pay! A. ROY DUNN ..... NO INFLATION HERE The liveable living room with its gay fireplace is just the be- ginning of the many noteworthy features of this homey home. There are two twin sized bed- rooms, an easy-care kitchen a one car garage with plenty ot storage space and a play room for the kids. The fenced yard has a brick fireplace for the summer barbeques. More than you w0uld expect for $7,500•00. -- A. ROY DUNN FIRST CLASS YEAR AROUND WATERFRONT Here's an above-par buy on this three bedroom lake home. It fea- tures two fireplaces, very attrac- tive living room with picture win- dows overlooking the lake. You'll like the family room area and the dandy dock on the 100 foot beach, There are many other fine featu- res you must see to appreciate. Ready to move into for $13,500.00 A. ROY DUNN NAME YOUR DEAL! This two bedroom Skokomish Valley house is in fair condition and very liveable. The owner has gven us the go ahead to sell and accept any reasonable offer. Let's drive out and have a look at thi one then talk terms. A. ROY DUNN - FOR FAMILY, PRICE, LOCA- TIONTHIS IS TOPS! Not as many as solidly built as this one, and just like new! You'll like the large corner fireplace, til- ed bath, spacious kitchen, outdoor patio and fireplace. It even has a guest house. We know you'll like it at $14,950.00. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR Eves Call: Mary Voss ............... A26-S07 Watt Marble ............ 426-3022 A. Roy Dunn .......... 426-4601 PONE 426-6363 126 Railroud yard, furnished two bedroom house with contract payments at an unbelievably low $40 a month. Only a small down pay- ment is required on the full price of just $5,600. MILE FROM TOWN Big" 3 bedroom home. newly installed electric heat, exeellent garage-workshop-utility center. Terms, of course, on $12,750 priee. OWNER TRANSFERRED] This fine Lwo bedroom home could easily be the bargain you are searching for! Large well planned rooms for good living. Just a small down payment on the low price of $7,750, and you can move right in! FINEST URBAN LOCATION Three big" bedrooms loaded with built-ins, extra large liv- ing-dining area with charmirg fireplace, roomy family bath. plus shower bath off master bedroom. Double garage, hot water heat. many more fine features. Let's make an ap- pointment today. GOOD HILLCREST AREA The owner will sell this cozy three bedroom home fully fur- nished for only $6800. If your credit is good you can move in with a mnall down payment, and build an equity in the eas- iest possible way. Perfect for the new family needing an in- expensive start. BEST BUY IN THE COUNTRY This fine smaller cottage in the Kamilche Point area is very neat and furnished complete- ly! The right spot for the couple desiring to go suburban: $3950 on easy terms. @ -- Evenings Call- Marden Stroud ................ 426-4000 Dik Boiling .................... 426-8162 Roy Ritner, Herb Rotter Associates, Inc. Income Tax Prepared  Some very cheap money on FHA loans WALTER GEORGE OFFICE MANAGER. BROKER OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 --- HOME PHONE 426-3530 LOG HOUSE TWo bedrooms, five acres, good well and water. Orchard. small barn, large work shop. Full price $8,500. THREE MILLION FEET OF TIMBER 200 acres of land. priced at 100 thousand dollars. 30 ACRES With eight acre lake, some timber elose to black- top road, electricity, stocked with trout. This is a pri- vate lake. Price--S35,000.00. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, part basement. Priced at $4,000. Down payment $350. TWO BEDROOMS, firepiace, electric heat. wall-to-wall carpet. Full price - $6,850. THREE BEDROOMS, dining room. fireplace, garage and car- port. Price $18,500. OLDER Typ E 4-ROOM HOUSE with 425 ft. of waterfront With tide lands, 10 acres with approximately two acres cleared. Priced at $60 per foot, Jan. 26 at 8 p.m. in the evening. Southside P.T.O. executive board meeting will be held Jan. 24 at 3 p.m. and the regular P.T.O. meeting will be held Feb. 4. FRIENI)SHIP CLUD met at Lhe home of Elma Hurst on Jan. 2 for election of officers. The new offi- cers for the comin year are pre- sident. Vi Danelson: vice president Elma Hurst; secretary treasurer, Elsie Buining; sunshine girl, Ann Pearcy and publicity chairman Grace \\;rright The next meeting of the club will be held at Vi Da- nielson's Jan. 16. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loyed Ellis of Cole road are Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ellis of Mekoryuk. Nenizok Island. Alaska. The Lee Ellis's also were here for the Christmas and new years holidays. The Fire School meeting was held at Little Skookum Hall Jan. 3. The Fire School meets on tie first and third Thm'sday of the month at Little Skookum. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Collins Sr. left last Sunday after spending so- me time visiting friends and rela- tives at Little Skookum. The Ray Collins visited their daughter in Mr. Vernon and Jan. 5 the Ray Collins St. returned to Sitka, Alaska where Mr. Collins is em- ployed. The Ray Collins are for- merly residents of Little Skookum. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Castle Christmas Day for dinner were Mr, and Mrs. John Korzen- owski of Cloquallum. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Korzenowski of Lilliwaup and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Meintyre Some Aulo Expenses Are Deductible For lnoome Tax Some car expenses are deduc- tible on individual income tax re- turns even if the car never is used for business purposes, reminds the Automobile Club of Washington. The organization's general ma- nager, John S. Allerton, today re- ported the Auto Club answers sco- res of inqui%s each day from motorists filling out tax reports for last year. The major item for most mo- torists who itemize their deduc- tions is the state gasoline tax of 7% cent per gallon. Allerton said. THE AMOUNT of gasoline used can be determined by dividing the number of miles the ear traveled last year by the number of miles it gets per gallon, he said. "Gasoline mileage varies consi- derably, but the average for all cars is about 14 miles per gallon," Allerton said, citing results of a nationwidc AAA study. "The aver- age motorist drives about 10.000 miles per year." He pointed out that compact and foreign cars average more than 14 miles per gallon. The federal gasoline tax of 4 cents per gallon m not deductible. Otier items that are deductible are registration fees and interest paid on cars that are financed, he reporl ed. LOSSES FROM fire. accident. storm or theft are deductible to the extent they are not covered by insurance, and when the acci- dent did not result from the tax- payer's negligence. Drunken driv- ing, for example, is construed as a willful act of negligence, while mere faulty driving is not, Aller- ton said. Other items are allowabIe when a car is used wholly or partly for guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ben-' . , nett of Centralia and other guests FISHERaEN,SCLg B were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ben- nett. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dorcy and family, Charlie Bennett and Dora BerLz. ,¥ednesdayMrs. LeeSchuffen- i!i/iiei{iii:p,:i:tLie, 2 hauer phoned and talked with her sister Hazel Teizel of Idaho. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Chambers and fmnily Christmas Day for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Carpenter and family of Kent, f , Mr. and Mrs. Forest Beerbower .... "" and family of Elma and Hubert FIRST BAPTIST i00HgRCil Chambers. G[ ESS OF Mr. and Mrs Ro- bert Herrick and family New Years Day were Mr. andMrs. Sam Herrick of Belfair and Mr and Mrs. Chuck Kindred and girls of Belfair, Visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer and family last Sunday evening" were Mr. and Mrs. Lec Schuffenhauer and Mr and Mrs. Bob O]son, the evening was spent showing slide pictures. Guests of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Brumbaugh for the New Years holidays were Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bmmbaugh and family of Port Angeles. Surprise visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Madsen Thursday and Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parcter of Conmnao Island. Mrs. Bertha Kruss of Los Angeles and Mr. Mike "Wicinski of Los An- geles. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Castle New Years Eve for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Holman, tile evening was spent playing cards. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sehuffenhauer and family New Years Eve were Mr. and Mrs. Ge- orge Bloomfield. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koch New Years Day were Mr. and ?vlrs. Paul Koch Jr. and fam- ily of Lacey and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rose and son. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer and family New Years Day were Effie Brownfield an Martin and Eva Getty, The occassion was Nancy Schuffen- bauer tenth birthday, Nancy was the first New Years baby born in 1953. They all enjoyed sharing cake and coffee with Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. Waler Kratcha and Susy and Mrs. Mary Winings of McCleary returned home New Years Eve after spending a week visiting Mrs. Katherine Miller and Mr. and Mrs. William Garrad of the Bitter Root Valley in Monta- na. Entente home Mr. and Mrs. Kratcha and Susy and Mrs. Win- ings were at the scene of the Grey- hound Bus and the grain truck collision at Superior, Mont. The driver of the truck was returning to Sunnyside after picking up a load of grain at Chester, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schuffenhauer and fantily were New Years Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, O. Schnffenhauer. Linda Krateha spent the holi- days with her aunt Sharon VVin- ings of McCleary, John Castle son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Castle arrived home early Sunday morning from Tennessee where John is stationed in the Ser- vice. Visitors of John Castle and Mr. and Mrs. K Castle Monday were Dave Brown and Mike Smith. both of Shclton, Dave Brown ts with the Coast Guard in Seattle. Ethyl Hopkins visited Myrtle Kratcha Friday. [ .4. new degee, the Master of business purposes. Driving back and forth to work is a personal Science Teaching, is now being rather than a business expense offered by the Uniuersity of Pu- and is not allowable, he said. get Sound in Tacoma. Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cola Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, JAN. 13 -- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. ] Broadcast over" [ 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship i KMASI: "HOW CAN I BE SURE" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service I 1280 - 11:00 a.m. :.|/ Color Film--"Moses, Leader of God's People" "Human Weakness" / Wednesday 7:00 P.M. -- Bible Study and Prayer for the family. SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pasto REVIVAL CRUSADE CONTINUES with EVANGELIST DALE HELLE TUISDAY THRU FRIDAY --7:00 P.M. SUNDAY -- 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Colored Travel Slides shown nightly! Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00'" . i i i i , MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Highway So. & Cascade Gerald Herman  Pastor ' Sunday School ........................................................................ 9:45 a.m. ! Adult Bible Class ........................................... • ..................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a,m, i i i i , i, , ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedm', Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a.m. -- Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.  Divine Worship. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer . i i i i i i RRST GHURGH OF GRIST, SOIENTIST 802 Alder t., helton, Wind1, Sundy School 11:00 a.m.  Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening tesUmony meetmp 8.p,m, _. Reading room 10cated'in church, Reading room nou,r  to 4 p,m. Men. & FrL Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. IU " i FIRST CHRISTIAN RCH Arcadia and Imke Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p,rm ; Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Set-€ice 6:30 p.m. , rednesday  Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service ' i I THE METHODIST GHURGH Noth 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Morning %Vorship, 11:00 a.m, Morning W'orship 6:30 I FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Clas 11:00 Morning Worship Service CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor ........ Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church  National Lutheran Council