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, whil
a 0
:ited t
v aP
ve cg
Y00eaders" CJournal: Despair averted
Editor, The Journal: and helped us. Christmas Eve and
Cut losses and forget winning
Editor, The Journal:
Cut to win?
I've been hearing this bandied
about recently as a solution for
Iraq. I guess the main idea being
that we have become a major part
of the problem and a roadblock to
peace and victory. While I agree
with the getting-out part, I have
to disagree with any idea that
we can still have a victory/win in
How about, cut our losses in
human terms and forget the win-
ning? For any sensible definition
of the term, there is no winning,
can be no winning, tbr the U.S. in
Iraq. The Iraqi people may pull a
win out of the mess we created,
but for the U.S., there is no win
Iraq Study Group? Where were
the Iraqis in determining what
went into the report? Yes, a lot
of Iraqis were consulted, but the
final draft was decided on and
written by Americans. The Presi-
dent is going to outline his plan
for Iraq later this month. How
arrogant can we be'? In case you
missed it: We are Americans; we
will do that and only that which
is in the best interest of America.
Only the Iraqis can act in the best
interest of their country and only
the Iraqis should be deciding what
the solution is for peace, victory or
whatever it is they want in their
Yes, we broke it and we need to
be involved in fixing it. This does
not mean we need to be the ones
doing the actual fixing. We alone
can not and never could fix it. We
need to step back and assist the
Iraqi people in fixing what they
deem necessary to fix. Unlike tell-
ing them, "You're fired; only Hal-
liburton knows how to fix a power
Not being an Iraqi I can not
even begin to determine a solution
for Iraq.
So my solution for the U.S.:
Quit playing God. Give all power
back to the Iraqi government.
Tell the Iraq government that
our troops are going to be gone in
six months. Okay, give it a year,
but by next Christmas all U.S.
troops will be out of Iraq. During
this time our troops will assist
you in any way you feel necessary,
within the restraints of interna-
tional law, of course. For the next
10 years we will provide any rea-
sonable economic aid you require.
No payback required or desired.
It is your country. We are very
sorry we all but destroyed it, and
we will do all we can to help you
fix it. We ourselves can not fix it
because our presence is in fact a
large part of the problem and a
deterrent to the fixing.
All this political posturing and
concern for actions of others is of
no concern. The country belongs
to the Iraqi people. Assist them,
yes. Direct them, no. They must
make what they will of THEIR
Floyd C. Hall Jr.
Strozyk dedicated to others
Editor, The Journal:
I and many other veterans
have had the honor and the
pleasure to work with this fel-
low Gene Strozyk on our food
and toy distribution for Christ-
mas. This is the fifth year that
my wife and I have done our
meager share of volunteer work
at the old armory, and I can
honestly say that when I went
to bed at night I was completely
Now I know for a fact that he
gets up at 3 in the morning and
is still going strong at 6 in the
evening. How can he do it? Be-
cause not only is he a concerned
person but a very caring person.
For the Christmas basket dis-
tribution on Saturday, December
23, because of the foul weather,
quite a few of the families were
unable to make it to the armory.
So what does he do? He gets on
the telephone and starts calling
each and every one of" the fami-
lies that couldn't make it in and
notifies them that he would be
open Sunday morning and asks
them if at all possible to come
and pick up their baskets of fbod
and toys for the kids. He didn't
ask for any volunteers to help
him, but a whole bunch of the
vets and theic wives were there
to help him. Now if that didn't
put a lump in your throat. All
those guys weren't going to let
him do all that work by himselfl
I have seen him year after
year make trips in his own ve-
hicle on his own time to deliver
food to families and kids that
weren't able to make it in. You
know what his answer to that is:
"Nobody is going hungry, not if I
can help it, not this Christmas!"
He goes out of his way to
thank everyone for helping, vol-
unteering and donations, etc.
How about him taking a few
bows? Oh no! Not him. He's too
Well, anyway, fbr a terrific job
well done, Gene, we all applaud
you. I'm proud to have you as my
friend, and may God bless you.
Paul Sanchez
Christmas Village
ly wat
Supp d C 1
,rtall ort Hoo ana measures
ll S Editor, The Journal: with our support of the mainte- to replace a couple of buses that
Lo ha I am writing this letter in sup- nance-and-operations levy, we will are over 20 years old - another im-
the p port of the Hood Canal School do our part to help maintain pro- portant piece in helping our chil-
fives; District maintenance-and-opera- grams in place and hopefully help dren receive an education.
he w ions levy and the transportation to enhance essential functions of a I urge your support of proposi-
) th0 vehicle levy. o, quality education, tions 1 and 2 in the all-mail elec-
d bo For the past seven years, I h,,ve The funds from the transporta- tion on February 6.
not t Doris Fredin
,lida Volunteered at the school. This tion vehicle levy, if passed, will be
ear, I am working with four chil- used to purchase a couple of' buses Lake Limerick
Treb ren in helping them to improve
d La their reading skills. I volunteer
,s hM
es 1
,n idt
rs WIle
lgs #
:ms (:
od i
mt M:
s of It
to ti
c u $
end f
md tb,
dy uzs,,
ecause it is extremely rewarding.
atchin these children ow in
their abilities is a gift to m?
Prior to my retirement f₯om the
hool in 2000, I taught kindergar-
° _n, third grade and fourth grade
vet a 20-year span. In my first
ar of teaching kindergarten, I
Laa 32 students. I spent more time
uOWlng noses and tying shoe-
swings than anythi:lSechanges
I have observed Years The
In.education over these y .
mng that has changed the most is
me number of demands placed on
ne schools, teachers dnd students
from the state and national gov-
ernment. With so many demands
directed at the basic skills and
ettLng requirements, little time is
mr teaching creativity and the
tfie arts. At Hood Canal School,
ae music Program was eliminated
due to the double failure of a levy
election several years ago. Previ-
OUsly, the school had offered an
instrumental and choral program
h?ugh a half-time teacher at the
The fine arts are an important
part of a student's education, and
Specializing in
brakes, exhaust
and custom work
"Quality and Trust
That "s Hometowne
January 4,
December 10,
Rev. Wesley H. Gain
Sunday, January 14
12 Noon- 3 p.m.
Hood Canal Community Church
Hoodsport, Washington
i i
A week befbre Christmas, our
family's home was burglarized.
The thieves took all of the Christ-
mas presents that we had set aside
fbr our two girls.
Even the Christmas wrapping
paper and Christmas stockings
were taken. Other items were
taken, but the Christmas presents
were the items that shook us to
the point of tears.
What kind of people would steal
Christmas away from our little
girls? We told ourselves in the
days following that we would just
do the best that we could and make
sure our girls got a few things.
The hardship and stress that this
Grinch thief placed on my hus-
band and me was a horrendous
In the pits of despair, faith
in humanity and the true spirit
of Christmas blessed our family
100 times over. Our community,
people who love us and care about
our little girls, rallied around us
Christmas morning, our children
opened their presents wide-eyed
with amazement and giggled with
glee at the dolls, toys and clothes
they received. Their smiles wiped
away all the horrible feelings
that we had felt in the week prior
and indeed, we had a merry little
Without the love and support
from all the volunteers at Ma-
son County Fire District 9, the
Skokomish Public Safety Depart-
ment, Alfred and Layla Smith
and Keoki and Kerry Kaluna, our
Christmas would have been very
We truly appreciate the gener-
osity of everyone who gave to our
family over the holidays. We will
never forget the kindness and
compassion we received. All of
these people saved Christmas at
our house.
Lalena Amiotte
Donald Monahan
"',[ :,I( Rt t)R DI A4L5
1 O00 watts
Weighs less than 29 Ibs.
12V-8.3A DC output
Super quiet
2000 watts max
Lightweight portable design
Fuel-efficient Eco-Throttle
Extremely quiet operation
3800 watts 120/240
OHV Honda engine
GFCI equipped
Electric start
12V DC charging circuit
5000 watts
Honda 1 lhp OHV
4.5-gallon fuel tank
Electronic ignition
Ready-made heavy duty ,I Hardware
rubber twist block cord
First & Mill, Shelton
sets 426-4373 or 426-2411
Generator transfer Monday-Saturday 7:30-6
switch sets Sunday 8:30-5
Vour Authorized Full Service Dealer f]Z
Thursday, danuary 11,2007 - Shelton-Mason County dournal - Page 5
, whil
a 0
:ited t
ve cg
Y00eaders" CJournal: Despair averted
Editor, The Journal: and helped us. Christmas Eve and
Cut losses and forget winning
Editor, The Journal:
Cut to win?
I've been hearing this bandied
about recently as a solution for
Iraq. I guess the main idea being
that we have become a major part
of the problem and a roadblock to
peace and victory. While I agree
with the getting-out part, I have
to disagree with any idea that
we can still have a victory/win in
How about, cut our losses in
human terms and forget the win-
ning? For any sensible definition
of the term, there is no winning,
can be no winning, tbr the U.S. in
Iraq. The Iraqi people may pull a
win out of the mess we created,
but for the U.S., there is no win
Iraq Study Group? Where were
the Iraqis in determining what
went into the report? Yes, a lot
of Iraqis were consulted, but the
final draft was decided on and
written by Americans. The Presi-
dent is going to outline his plan
for Iraq later this month. How
arrogant can we be'? In case you
missed it: We are Americans; we
will do that and only that which
is in the best interest of America.
Only the Iraqis can act in the best
interest of their country and only
the Iraqis should be deciding what
the solution is for peace, victory or
whatever it is they want in their
Yes, we broke it and we need to
be involved in fixing it. This does
not mean we need to be the ones
doing the actual fixing. We alone
can not and never could fix it. We
need to step back and assist the
Iraqi people in fixing what they
deem necessary to fix. Unlike tell-
ing them, "You're fired; only Hal-
liburton knows how to fix a power
Not being an Iraqi I can not
even begin to determine a solution
for Iraq.
So my solution for the U.S.:
Quit playing God. Give all power
back to the Iraqi government.
Tell the Iraq government that
our troops are going to be gone in
six months. Okay, give it a year,
but by next Christmas all U.S.
troops will be out of Iraq. During
this time our troops will assist
you in any way you feel necessary,
within the restraints of interna-
tional law, of course. For the next
10 years we will provide any rea-
sonable economic aid you require.
No payback required or desired.
It is your country. We are very
sorry we all but destroyed it, and
we will do all we can to help you
fix it. We ourselves can not fix it
because our presence is in fact a
large part of the problem and a
deterrent to the fixing.
All this political posturing and
concern for actions of others is of
no concern. The country belongs
to the Iraqi people. Assist them,
yes. Direct them, no. They must
make what they will of THEIR
Floyd C. Hall Jr.
Strozyk dedicated to others
Editor, The Journal:
I and many other veterans
have had the honor and the
pleasure to work with this fel-
low Gene Strozyk on our food
and toy distribution for Christ-
mas. This is the fifth year that
my wife and I have done our
meager share of volunteer work
at the old armory, and I can
honestly say that when I went
to bed at night I was completely
Now I know for a fact that he
gets up at 3 in the morning and
is still going strong at 6 in the
evening. How can he do it? Be-
cause not only is he a concerned
person but a very caring person.
For the Christmas basket dis-
tribution on Saturday, December
23, because of the foul weather,
quite a few of the families were
unable to make it to the armory.
So what does he do? He gets on
the telephone and starts calling
each and every one of" the fami-
lies that couldn't make it in and
notifies them that he would be
open Sunday morning and asks
them if at all possible to come
and pick up their baskets of fbod
and toys for the kids. He didn't
ask for any volunteers to help
him, but a whole bunch of the
vets and theic wives were there
to help him. Now if that didn't
put a lump in your throat. All
those guys weren't going to let
him do all that work by himselfl
I have seen him year after
year make trips in his own ve-
hicle on his own time to deliver
food to families and kids that
weren't able to make it in. You
know what his answer to that is:
"Nobody is going hungry, not if I
can help it, not this Christmas!"
He goes out of his way to
thank everyone for helping, vol-
unteering and donations, etc.
How about him taking a few
bows? Oh no! Not him. He's too
Well, anyway, fbr a terrific job
well done, Gene, we all applaud
you. I'm proud to have you as my
friend, and may God bless you.
Paul Sanchez
Christmas Village
ly wat
Supp d C 1
,rtall ort Hoo ana measures
ll S Editor, The Journal: with our support of the mainte- to replace a couple of buses that
Lo ha I am writing this letter in sup- nance-and-operations levy, we will are over 20 years old - another im-
the p port of the Hood Canal School do our part to help maintain pro- portant piece in helping our chil-
fives; District maintenance-and-opera- grams in place and hopefully help dren receive an education.
he w ions levy and the transportation to enhance essential functions of a I urge your support of proposi-
) th0 vehicle levy. o, quality education, tions 1 and 2 in the all-mail elec-
d bo For the past seven years, I h,,ve The funds from the transporta- tion on February 6.
not t Doris Fredin
,lida Volunteered at the school. This tion vehicle levy, if passed, will be
ear, I am working with four chil- used to purchase a couple of' buses Lake Limerick
Treb ren in helping them to improve
d La their reading skills. I volunteer
,s hM
es 1
,n idt
rs WIle
lgs #
:ms (:
od i
mt M:
s of It
to ti
c u $
end f
md tb,
dy uzs,,
ecause it is extremely rewarding.
atchin these children ow in
their abilities is a gift to m?
Prior to my retirement f₯om the
hool in 2000, I taught kindergar-
° _n, third grade and fourth grade
vet a 20-year span. In my first
ar of teaching kindergarten, I
Laa 32 students. I spent more time
uOWlng noses and tying shoe-
swings than anythi:lSechanges
I have observed Years The
In.education over these y .
mng that has changed the most is
me number of demands placed on
ne schools, teachers dnd students
from the state and national gov-
ernment. With so many demands
directed at the basic skills and
ettLng requirements, little time is
mr teaching creativity and the
tfie arts. At Hood Canal School,
ae music Program was eliminated
due to the double failure of a levy
election several years ago. Previ-
OUsly, the school had offered an
instrumental and choral program
h?ugh a half-time teacher at the
The fine arts are an important
part of a student's education, and
Specializing in
brakes, exhaust
and custom work
"Quality and Trust
That "s Hometowne
January 4,
December 10,
Rev. Wesley H. Gain
Sunday, January 14
12 Noon- 3 p.m.
Hood Canal Community Church
Hoodsport, Washington
i i
A week befbre Christmas, our
family's home was burglarized.
The thieves took all of the Christ-
mas presents that we had set aside
fbr our two girls.
Even the Christmas wrapping
paper and Christmas stockings
were taken. Other items were
taken, but the Christmas presents
were the items that shook us to
the point of tears.
What kind of people would steal
Christmas away from our little
girls? We told ourselves in the
days following that we would just
do the best that we could and make
sure our girls got a few things.
The hardship and stress that this
Grinch thief placed on my hus-
band and me was a horrendous
In the pits of despair, faith
in humanity and the true spirit
of Christmas blessed our family
100 times over. Our community,
people who love us and care about
our little girls, rallied around us
Christmas morning, our children
opened their presents wide-eyed
with amazement and giggled with
glee at the dolls, toys and clothes
they received. Their smiles wiped
away all the horrible feelings
that we had felt in the week prior
and indeed, we had a merry little
Without the love and support
from all the volunteers at Ma-
son County Fire District 9, the
Skokomish Public Safety Depart-
ment, Alfred and Layla Smith
and Keoki and Kerry Kaluna, our
Christmas would have been very
We truly appreciate the gener-
osity of everyone who gave to our
family over the holidays. We will
never forget the kindness and
compassion we received. All of
these people saved Christmas at
our house.
Lalena Amiotte
Donald Monahan
"',[ :,I( Rt t)R DI A4L5
1 O00 watts
Weighs less than 29 Ibs.
12V-8.3A DC output
Super quiet
2000 watts max
Lightweight portable design
Fuel-efficient Eco-Throttle
Extremely quiet operation
3800 watts 120/240
OHV Honda engine
GFCI equipped
Electric start
12V DC charging circuit
5000 watts
Honda 1 lhp OHV
4.5-gallon fuel tank
Electronic ignition
Ready-made heavy duty ,I Hardware
rubber twist block cord
First & Mill, Shelton
sets 426-4373 or 426-2411
Generator transfer Monday-Saturday 7:30-6
switch sets Sunday 8:30-5
Vour Authorized Full Service Dealer f]Z
Thursday, danuary 11,2007 - Shelton-Mason County dournal - Page 5