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Nathan Anderson
Lifetime Shelton resident Na-
than B. Anderson died in Shelton
of cancer on Friday, January 5. He
was 56.
He was born
in Shelton on
October 18, 1950
to Norman and .....
Mabel (Holman)
Anderson. He
attended Shel-
ton schools and
graduated from
Shelton High
School in 1970.
Mr. Ander- Nathan
son had been Anderson
employed for a
number of years
as a truck driver with Larry Man-
ke Construction and most recently
was driving for Kamin Trucking•
He married Marta Morgan in
Shelton on December 30, 1978.
The marriage ended in divorce.
He loved the outdoors, especial-
ly hunting and fishing.
Surviving are sons Jeremiah
Anderson and wife Mieka of Spo-
kane Valley and John Anderson of
Shelton; grandsons Owen Nathan-
tel Anderson, Daniel Cody Ander-
son and John Matthew Anderson,
all of Spokane Valley; brothers
Russell Howry and Lee Neate of
Marble Mount and Ray Howry
of Raymond; and sisters Renata
Hext of British Columbia and Glo-
ria Kiddy of Shelton.
A memorial service was held
Monday, January 8, at Mountain
View Alliance Church. Pastor
Mark Sartori officiated•
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home of Shelton.
Cristie L. Meister
Former Mason County resident
Cristie Lynn (Julius) Meister died
of cancer on Thursday, January 4,
at the University
of Washington
Medical Center
in Seattle. She
was 42 and a
resident of Fair-
banks, Alaska.
She was born
in Tacoma on
November 5,
1964 to Larry
She attended
grade school and
high school in Cristie
Mason County. Meister
She graduated
from the Uni-
versity of Alaska in 1998 with a
bachelor's degree in accounting.
She married Lwell Meister in
1986 in Fairbanks.
Mrs. Meister lived in Fairbanks
for the past 22 years and was very
active in the Nazarene church•
She worked as an accountant for
the City of Fairbanks.
She loved her family and friends
and found strength in her ihith.
Her family described her as a kind
and generous person with a loving
i heart.
Surviving are husband Lwell
Meister of Fairbanks; son Derrick
Meister of Fairbanks; fathe Lar-
ry Julius of Shelton; sister Laura
Julius of Rochester; and brothers
Adam and Alex Julius of Shelton.
A memorial service will be held
at 4 p.m. on Saturday, January ]3,
at the North Seattle Church of the
Nazarene. Pastor Charles Chris-
tian will officiate. Inurnment will
be in Fairbanks.
Memorial donations may be
made to Fairbanks First Church
of the Nazarene, 1524 Westwood
Way, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709.
Blooms By
The Park
Delivery to
Mason and
"Ihurston counties
• Unique
holidays, gift baskets
or ally • Garden
occasion, decor
• Live plants
()pen Mon.-Fri. 8am6pm,
Sat. 9am3pnl
Verna IAles, Owner
Your locai full-service florta
Located by Kneeland Park at
421 S. lst St., Shelton
Donne L. Staley
Donne Lehn Staley died of com-
plications from open heart sur-
gery On December 18. He was 74
and had lived in Shelton for seven
He was born in Kiowa, Colo-
rado, on May 28, 1932 to A. Clark
and Myrtle (Davis) Staley, and at-
tended high school in Petersburg,
He entered the U.S. Army in
1953 and was discharged in 1955 as
a private first class with honors.
Mr. Staley worked for the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank, then as an ex-
aminer tbr the U.S. and Washing-
ton governments for many years
and as the King County Credit
Union manager until his retire-
ment in 1981.
His family said he had a great
sense of humor, dry wit and loved
telling a good joke and stories.
Surviving are children Lesli,
Janell, Tonya, Lyndene and Jef-
frey; grandchildren Stephen,
Kristopher, BreAnn, Jeffrey and
Alex; great-grandchild Lacie; for-
mer wife and best friend Kareen;
and siblings, nieces, nephews and
An interment ceremony will be
held at 11 a.m. on Friday, Febru-
ary 2, at Tahoma National Ceme-
tery, 18600 SE 240th Street, Kent,
with a celebration of his life to tbl-
In lieu of flowers, memorial do-
nations may be made to a charity
of the donor's choice.
Arrangements are by Marlatt
Funeral Home.
Wayne Gibler
Wayne Gibler died of complica-
tions from surgery on Thursday,
January 4, at Capital Medical Cen-
ter in Olympia. He was 78 and an
Olympia resident who had worked
at the Rayonier Pulp Mill in Shel-
He was born in Pasadena, Cali-
fornia, on August 10, 1928 to Frank
and Essie (Taylor) Gibler.
He married Beverly Simon in
Shelton on June 28, 1947.
Mr. Gibler worked for the Rayo-
nier Pulp Mill from 1947 to 1958,
the last two years in the engineer-
ing department. He then worked
tbr the Washington State Depart-
ment of General Administration
Division of Engineering and Archi-
tecture from 1958 to 1962.
He worked in the heating, ven-
tilation, air-conditioning industry
for 35 years, working for several
Tacoma and Olympia engineering
firms and contractors. In 1978, he
went to work for Lennox Interna-
tional Industries as its territory
manager and became commercial
sales specialist until his retirement
at the end of 1994.
He enjoyed carpentry, traveling
and the company of his family.
He was preceded in death by his
parents and brother Frank Gibler
Surviving are wife Beverly
Gibler of Olympia; daughters Vick-
ie Spickelmire, Tamara Scott and
Wendy Kearin, all of Olympia; son
Wayne Gibler Jr. of Olympia; sis-
ter Lois Kussman of Olympia; sis-
ter-in-law Helen Gibler of Seattle;
eight grandchildren and one great-
At Mr. Gibler's request, no ser-
vices were held.
Arrangements are by Mills &
Mills Funeral Directors in Olympia.
Christel Anderson
Christel (Sittartz) Anderson
died of natural causes on December
27 in Shelton. She was 79 and had
lived in Shelton
26 years.
She was born
in Krefeld, Ger-
many, on July 2,
2927 to Rudolf
and Magdelana
She studied
chemistry and
became a lab
technician. Dur-
ing World War
II, the family
fled Krefeld and
their home was Christel
destroyed by Al- Anderson
lied bombing.
In 1953, she emigrated to Ray-
mond, then moved to Olympia
where she started a career in
sales with Montgomery-Ward. She
worked for several retail stores,
selling jewelry and clothing until
she purchased her own ladies ap-
parel franchise in 1961.
She married Keith Anderson in
Olympia on June 11, 1980. Previ-
ously, she was married to Dr. Wil-
liam Kennedy. He preceded her in
death in 1980.
Mrs. Anderson was a homemak-
er who enjoyed cooking, sewing,
gardening, painting and traveling.
Surviving are husband Keith
Anderson of Shelton; daughter
Magdelana Ross of Chehalis and
Quartsite, Arizona; grandchildren
Kristie Boxberger of Shelton and
Kali Spikes of Hoodsport; step-
children Dan and Dick Anderson
of Olympia, David Anderson of
Albany, Oregon, Doug Anderson
of Oak Harbor, Jennifer Kihano
of Vista, California, and Steven
Anderson of Tenino; and numer-
ous step-grandchildren and great-
A funeral service was held on
January 5 at Mills & Mills Memo-
rial Park. A celebration of her life
was held at the family home.
Memorial donations may be
made to Providence SoundHomeC-
are and Hospice, 2146 West Rail-
road Avenue, Suite C, Shelton.
Arrangements are by Funeral
Alternatives of Washington in
Roger Lawson
A celebration of Roger Laverle
Lawson's life and his love of mu-
sic has been scheduled for Sunday,
January 28, in Shelton.
The Shelton native, who had
long careers as a professional mu-
sician and The JoUr photo
technician, died of cancer last year
on October 13 at age 54. A 1970
graduate of Shelton High .School,
he was the son of Verl and Lucille
Lawson of Christmas Village.
For more information on the
January 28 celebration, contact
Elizebeth Lawson at 432-9912 or
Wendy Lawson at 456-1276.
Mary Ruth Malone
Mary Ruth (Beachum) Malone
died in Shelton on Saturday, Jan-
uary 6. She was 64.
Services will be held at 1 p.m.
Thursday, January 11, at Hope
Chapel, 421 West E Street in Shel-
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home.
"A reputation built on service"
Professional service,
fair pricing,
attention to details.
At Forest it's not about
the money a family spends,
it's about the
service we provide.
Call on us today
313 West Railroad Avenue, Shelton, WA
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 11, 2007
Richard E. Wood
Richard Ernest Wood died of
natural causes on Sunday, January
7, at Saint Peter Hospital in Olym-
pia. He was 73
and had lived in
Shelton 44 years.
He started
working in the
timber industry
at age 16 as a log
truck driver. He
hauled logs all
over Mason and
Lewis counties
for more than 47
He was born
in Kosmos on
March 30, 1933 Richard E.
to Esther (Carl- Wood
son) and Ernest
George Washington Wood.
He married Florence Muir on
September 24, 1954 in Morton.
Mr. Wood loved fishing and hunt-
ing, spending time with his grand-
children and having coffee daily
with his buddies at the Burgermas-
ter restaurant. His family said he
loved to tinker and there wasn't
anything he couldn't.fix or engineer
to work a better way.
He was preceded in death by his
parents, brother Lawrence J. Wood
and sister Lanorma Loucks.
Surviving are wife Florence
Wood of Shelton; daughters Sue
Avery and husband John of Mat-
lock and Cherie Wood of Shelton;
sons Steven Wood and wife Terri
of Matlock and Larry Wood and
wife Sharolyn of Shelton; and sister
Dorene Luond of Morton.
Also surviving are grandchil-
dren Robbey Wood and wife Mi-
chelle, Jessica Renecker and hus-
band Chuck and Rachel Wood, all
of Shelton, Teddi Pals and husband
Jeremy of Matlock and Sunni Kul-
backi and husband Tim of Belfair;
and great-grandchildren Connie
and Cara Wood and Austin and Tin
Renecker of Shelton and Jonathon,
J.J., Adam and Colt Pals of Mat-
A graveside service will be held
at 1 p.m. on Friday, January 12,
at Shelton Memorial Park. Pastor
John Pals will officiate.
Arrangements are by Forest Fu-
Clarence L. Nixo00
Clarence L. Nixon died of nat
ral causes on Sunday, January
at Fir Lane Health and Rc hat i
tation Center.
He was 80 and
had lived in Ma-
son County 35
He was born
in Coggon, Iowa,
on December
15, 1926 to Rob-
ert and Bertha
(Gardner) Nix-
He worked for
several years as
part of the main-
tenance crew at Clarence
Exceptional For- Nixon
He enjoyed working at jigsa'
puzzles, gardening, spending tiz
with friends and caregivers, a
watching parades and batse[al
He was a member ofSprin g Rc
Chapel for the past 27 years.
He is survived by numerotW
A memorial service will be he]
at 11 a.m. Thursday, January 11
at Spring Road Chapel. Paste
Alan Tinnerstet will officiate.
Memorial donations may
sent to Providence SoundH om t/
are and Hospice, 2146 Railro$
Avenue, Suite C, Shelton.
Arrangements are by M,:Col
Funeral Home of Shelton.
Chris Bonivert
Christopher "Chris" Bonive!
died at his home in Shelton ol
Wednesday, January 3. He wa
37. Arrangements are by M
Comb Funeral Home in Sh
An Important legacy
We encourage families to i
elude their loved ones' interest
memberships and activities,
well as survivors, in obituaries
The Journal provides forms and il
happy to print information on
lives of residents and former re
m- ,
neral Home of Shelton. dents free of charge. I the
Phillip E. Roderick li
Phillip E. Roderick of Olvmpta, , passed away Saturday,
30, 2oo6 at!Harborview 1Vlcdic 1 Center due to injuries sustained in a cat'
o:ident the previ()us week. He was 69.
Phillip was born on I)cember 18, x937 to Alvin and Mary Rodefick in
Elma, WA where he grew up on the family farm. He attended hool ill
Eima until 195, graduating fi:om Oakville High School in 056. Thereaft
Phil took tO fie wcxxls. After the first year he decided ther wasn t much
thmre for him in choker setting so he bought his own dairy farm in t95
'l'hat same year Phil and Sonia Moe were married and Phil took a nigt ttjol
at a ccdar drill to make ends iiact. In m6x Phil ourchased a hou affd lan
tbr his dairy fireman, logged and marKetea me timber ti'om the proper0
and wts so plext with th results that he found a new career. Philsol-d th
dairy farm and began buying timber and timberland, tle operated a lar
domestic and export log yard known as Roderick Timber in Aberdee
Phil and Son.ja have three children, Annette, Andy and Brenda.
In 1984 the Rodcrick family purchased Aloha Lumber Corporation. P
was voted pre,ident in 99 L Aloha Lumber has just celebrated is rood
Phil and Maeng Soon were married in 998 and built their new hom
in ()lympia. They enjoyed trammeling, fishing, political involvemen
and entcrtaining family"and friends. He was an astute businessma
and a friend to nearly everyone he met. Family was of the utmos
importanc to Phil ind h took great pride and interest in the
acx:omplishments of his children and grandchildren. His Aloha Lumbai
staff" Was as much a part of his extended family ms he was to ther.:l
He will be greatly mi:'ssed by everyone fortunate enoug
to have known him.
Phil is survived by his wife, Maeng Soon Roderick, his three children!
daughter, Annette (Tom) Creekpaum of Shelton and their childre
Tommy. Jennilr and Vanoc son, Andv ((/innv) Roderick of Edmond
and hi,4 son Alvim daughter, Brenda Siaes or teuevue; ste _p:daughter
Naomi Wilson and her son Miles of Seattle; his sisters, Laurazen
Roberts ()t" leavenworth; Sharon Michalek of Bellevue; Marilyn Olcn a
Seattle; (,loria l)eursch of Las Vegas; and his aunt, Helen Bateman a
Pe Ell. His brother, Ralph Roderic, preceded him in death. Phil's famil
respectfully requesm that in lieu of flowers memorial contributions be mad
in his memory to any Venture Bank, addressed to the Phillip Rodede
Memorial Fund. Contributions will be divided between a memod
,holarship to the Elma High School and Harborview Medical Center i$
A Celebration of Phil's IJfe will be held tbr family and friends o
Saturday, January q, zoo 7 from :oo to 4:00 p.m. at the Red Lio
Inn in Wt,t Olyinpia. Private graveside rvices for immediate.
family were held at Masonic Cemetery in Elma, WA. Friends a.
invited to share memori and sign the f a, mily's online gust book a
wav.phillipnxlerick.com or at www.hitesidefamil)afiortuaries.co
_A43angements are being made by the Whiteside Family Mortuat
of Elma.
Paid Obituary Notice 4. i
Nathan Anderson
Lifetime Shelton resident Na-
than B. Anderson died in Shelton
of cancer on Friday, January 5. He
was 56.
He was born
in Shelton on
October 18, 1950
to Norman and .....
Mabel (Holman)
Anderson. He
attended Shel-
ton schools and
graduated from
Shelton High
School in 1970.
Mr. Ander- Nathan
son had been Anderson
employed for a
number of years
as a truck driver with Larry Man-
ke Construction and most recently
was driving for Kamin Trucking•
He married Marta Morgan in
Shelton on December 30, 1978.
The marriage ended in divorce.
He loved the outdoors, especial-
ly hunting and fishing.
Surviving are sons Jeremiah
Anderson and wife Mieka of Spo-
kane Valley and John Anderson of
Shelton; grandsons Owen Nathan-
tel Anderson, Daniel Cody Ander-
son and John Matthew Anderson,
all of Spokane Valley; brothers
Russell Howry and Lee Neate of
Marble Mount and Ray Howry
of Raymond; and sisters Renata
Hext of British Columbia and Glo-
ria Kiddy of Shelton.
A memorial service was held
Monday, January 8, at Mountain
View Alliance Church. Pastor
Mark Sartori officiated•
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home of Shelton.
Cristie L. Meister
Former Mason County resident
Cristie Lynn (Julius) Meister died
of cancer on Thursday, January 4,
at the University
of Washington
Medical Center
in Seattle. She
was 42 and a
resident of Fair-
banks, Alaska.
She was born
in Tacoma on
November 5,
1964 to Larry
She attended
grade school and
high school in Cristie
Mason County. Meister
She graduated
from the Uni-
versity of Alaska in 1998 with a
bachelor's degree in accounting.
She married Lwell Meister in
1986 in Fairbanks.
Mrs. Meister lived in Fairbanks
for the past 22 years and was very
active in the Nazarene church•
She worked as an accountant for
the City of Fairbanks.
She loved her family and friends
and found strength in her ihith.
Her family described her as a kind
and generous person with a loving
i heart.
Surviving are husband Lwell
Meister of Fairbanks; son Derrick
Meister of Fairbanks; fathe Lar-
ry Julius of Shelton; sister Laura
Julius of Rochester; and brothers
Adam and Alex Julius of Shelton.
A memorial service will be held
at 4 p.m. on Saturday, January ]3,
at the North Seattle Church of the
Nazarene. Pastor Charles Chris-
tian will officiate. Inurnment will
be in Fairbanks.
Memorial donations may be
made to Fairbanks First Church
of the Nazarene, 1524 Westwood
Way, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709.
Blooms By
The Park
Delivery to
Mason and
"Ihurston counties
• Unique
holidays, gift baskets
or ally • Garden
occasion, decor
• Live plants
()pen Mon.-Fri. 8am6pm,
Sat. 9am3pnl
Verna IAles, Owner
Your locai full-service florta
Located by Kneeland Park at
421 S. lst St., Shelton
Donne L. Staley
Donne Lehn Staley died of com-
plications from open heart sur-
gery On December 18. He was 74
and had lived in Shelton for seven
He was born in Kiowa, Colo-
rado, on May 28, 1932 to A. Clark
and Myrtle (Davis) Staley, and at-
tended high school in Petersburg,
He entered the U.S. Army in
1953 and was discharged in 1955 as
a private first class with honors.
Mr. Staley worked for the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank, then as an ex-
aminer tbr the U.S. and Washing-
ton governments for many years
and as the King County Credit
Union manager until his retire-
ment in 1981.
His family said he had a great
sense of humor, dry wit and loved
telling a good joke and stories.
Surviving are children Lesli,
Janell, Tonya, Lyndene and Jef-
frey; grandchildren Stephen,
Kristopher, BreAnn, Jeffrey and
Alex; great-grandchild Lacie; for-
mer wife and best friend Kareen;
and siblings, nieces, nephews and
An interment ceremony will be
held at 11 a.m. on Friday, Febru-
ary 2, at Tahoma National Ceme-
tery, 18600 SE 240th Street, Kent,
with a celebration of his life to tbl-
In lieu of flowers, memorial do-
nations may be made to a charity
of the donor's choice.
Arrangements are by Marlatt
Funeral Home.
Wayne Gibler
Wayne Gibler died of complica-
tions from surgery on Thursday,
January 4, at Capital Medical Cen-
ter in Olympia. He was 78 and an
Olympia resident who had worked
at the Rayonier Pulp Mill in Shel-
He was born in Pasadena, Cali-
fornia, on August 10, 1928 to Frank
and Essie (Taylor) Gibler.
He married Beverly Simon in
Shelton on June 28, 1947.
Mr. Gibler worked for the Rayo-
nier Pulp Mill from 1947 to 1958,
the last two years in the engineer-
ing department. He then worked
tbr the Washington State Depart-
ment of General Administration
Division of Engineering and Archi-
tecture from 1958 to 1962.
He worked in the heating, ven-
tilation, air-conditioning industry
for 35 years, working for several
Tacoma and Olympia engineering
firms and contractors. In 1978, he
went to work for Lennox Interna-
tional Industries as its territory
manager and became commercial
sales specialist until his retirement
at the end of 1994.
He enjoyed carpentry, traveling
and the company of his family.
He was preceded in death by his
parents and brother Frank Gibler
Surviving are wife Beverly
Gibler of Olympia; daughters Vick-
ie Spickelmire, Tamara Scott and
Wendy Kearin, all of Olympia; son
Wayne Gibler Jr. of Olympia; sis-
ter Lois Kussman of Olympia; sis-
ter-in-law Helen Gibler of Seattle;
eight grandchildren and one great-
At Mr. Gibler's request, no ser-
vices were held.
Arrangements are by Mills &
Mills Funeral Directors in Olympia.
Christel Anderson
Christel (Sittartz) Anderson
died of natural causes on December
27 in Shelton. She was 79 and had
lived in Shelton
26 years.
She was born
in Krefeld, Ger-
many, on July 2,
2927 to Rudolf
and Magdelana
She studied
chemistry and
became a lab
technician. Dur-
ing World War
II, the family
fled Krefeld and
their home was Christel
destroyed by Al- Anderson
lied bombing.
In 1953, she emigrated to Ray-
mond, then moved to Olympia
where she started a career in
sales with Montgomery-Ward. She
worked for several retail stores,
selling jewelry and clothing until
she purchased her own ladies ap-
parel franchise in 1961.
She married Keith Anderson in
Olympia on June 11, 1980. Previ-
ously, she was married to Dr. Wil-
liam Kennedy. He preceded her in
death in 1980.
Mrs. Anderson was a homemak-
er who enjoyed cooking, sewing,
gardening, painting and traveling.
Surviving are husband Keith
Anderson of Shelton; daughter
Magdelana Ross of Chehalis and
Quartsite, Arizona; grandchildren
Kristie Boxberger of Shelton and
Kali Spikes of Hoodsport; step-
children Dan and Dick Anderson
of Olympia, David Anderson of
Albany, Oregon, Doug Anderson
of Oak Harbor, Jennifer Kihano
of Vista, California, and Steven
Anderson of Tenino; and numer-
ous step-grandchildren and great-
A funeral service was held on
January 5 at Mills & Mills Memo-
rial Park. A celebration of her life
was held at the family home.
Memorial donations may be
made to Providence SoundHomeC-
are and Hospice, 2146 West Rail-
road Avenue, Suite C, Shelton.
Arrangements are by Funeral
Alternatives of Washington in
Roger Lawson
A celebration of Roger Laverle
Lawson's life and his love of mu-
sic has been scheduled for Sunday,
January 28, in Shelton.
The Shelton native, who had
long careers as a professional mu-
sician and The JoUr photo
technician, died of cancer last year
on October 13 at age 54. A 1970
graduate of Shelton High .School,
he was the son of Verl and Lucille
Lawson of Christmas Village.
For more information on the
January 28 celebration, contact
Elizebeth Lawson at 432-9912 or
Wendy Lawson at 456-1276.
Mary Ruth Malone
Mary Ruth (Beachum) Malone
died in Shelton on Saturday, Jan-
uary 6. She was 64.
Services will be held at 1 p.m.
Thursday, January 11, at Hope
Chapel, 421 West E Street in Shel-
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home.
"A reputation built on service"
Professional service,
fair pricing,
attention to details.
At Forest it's not about
the money a family spends,
it's about the
service we provide.
Call on us today
313 West Railroad Avenue, Shelton, WA
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 11, 2007
Richard E. Wood
Richard Ernest Wood died of
natural causes on Sunday, January
7, at Saint Peter Hospital in Olym-
pia. He was 73
and had lived in
Shelton 44 years.
He started
working in the
timber industry
at age 16 as a log
truck driver. He
hauled logs all
over Mason and
Lewis counties
for more than 47
He was born
in Kosmos on
March 30, 1933 Richard E.
to Esther (Carl- Wood
son) and Ernest
George Washington Wood.
He married Florence Muir on
September 24, 1954 in Morton.
Mr. Wood loved fishing and hunt-
ing, spending time with his grand-
children and having coffee daily
with his buddies at the Burgermas-
ter restaurant. His family said he
loved to tinker and there wasn't
anything he couldn't.fix or engineer
to work a better way.
He was preceded in death by his
parents, brother Lawrence J. Wood
and sister Lanorma Loucks.
Surviving are wife Florence
Wood of Shelton; daughters Sue
Avery and husband John of Mat-
lock and Cherie Wood of Shelton;
sons Steven Wood and wife Terri
of Matlock and Larry Wood and
wife Sharolyn of Shelton; and sister
Dorene Luond of Morton.
Also surviving are grandchil-
dren Robbey Wood and wife Mi-
chelle, Jessica Renecker and hus-
band Chuck and Rachel Wood, all
of Shelton, Teddi Pals and husband
Jeremy of Matlock and Sunni Kul-
backi and husband Tim of Belfair;
and great-grandchildren Connie
and Cara Wood and Austin and Tin
Renecker of Shelton and Jonathon,
J.J., Adam and Colt Pals of Mat-
A graveside service will be held
at 1 p.m. on Friday, January 12,
at Shelton Memorial Park. Pastor
John Pals will officiate.
Arrangements are by Forest Fu-
Clarence L. Nixo00
Clarence L. Nixon died of nat
ral causes on Sunday, January
at Fir Lane Health and Rc hat i
tation Center.
He was 80 and
had lived in Ma-
son County 35
He was born
in Coggon, Iowa,
on December
15, 1926 to Rob-
ert and Bertha
(Gardner) Nix-
He worked for
several years as
part of the main-
tenance crew at Clarence
Exceptional For- Nixon
He enjoyed working at jigsa'
puzzles, gardening, spending tiz
with friends and caregivers, a
watching parades and batse[al
He was a member ofSprin g Rc
Chapel for the past 27 years.
He is survived by numerotW
A memorial service will be he]
at 11 a.m. Thursday, January 11
at Spring Road Chapel. Paste
Alan Tinnerstet will officiate.
Memorial donations may
sent to Providence SoundH om t/
are and Hospice, 2146 Railro$
Avenue, Suite C, Shelton.
Arrangements are by M,:Col
Funeral Home of Shelton.
Chris Bonivert
Christopher "Chris" Bonive!
died at his home in Shelton ol
Wednesday, January 3. He wa
37. Arrangements are by M
Comb Funeral Home in Sh
An Important legacy
We encourage families to i
elude their loved ones' interest
memberships and activities,
well as survivors, in obituaries
The Journal provides forms and il
happy to print information on
lives of residents and former re
m- ,
neral Home of Shelton. dents free of charge. I the
Phillip E. Roderick li
Phillip E. Roderick of Olvmpta, , passed away Saturday,
30, 2oo6 at!Harborview 1Vlcdic 1 Center due to injuries sustained in a cat'
o:ident the previ()us week. He was 69.
Phillip was born on I)cember 18, x937 to Alvin and Mary Rodefick in
Elma, WA where he grew up on the family farm. He attended hool ill
Eima until 195, graduating fi:om Oakville High School in 056. Thereaft
Phil took tO fie wcxxls. After the first year he decided ther wasn t much
thmre for him in choker setting so he bought his own dairy farm in t95
'l'hat same year Phil and Sonia Moe were married and Phil took a nigt ttjol
at a ccdar drill to make ends iiact. In m6x Phil ourchased a hou affd lan
tbr his dairy fireman, logged and marKetea me timber ti'om the proper0
and wts so plext with th results that he found a new career. Philsol-d th
dairy farm and began buying timber and timberland, tle operated a lar
domestic and export log yard known as Roderick Timber in Aberdee
Phil and Son.ja have three children, Annette, Andy and Brenda.
In 1984 the Rodcrick family purchased Aloha Lumber Corporation. P
was voted pre,ident in 99 L Aloha Lumber has just celebrated is rood
Phil and Maeng Soon were married in 998 and built their new hom
in ()lympia. They enjoyed trammeling, fishing, political involvemen
and entcrtaining family"and friends. He was an astute businessma
and a friend to nearly everyone he met. Family was of the utmos
importanc to Phil ind h took great pride and interest in the
acx:omplishments of his children and grandchildren. His Aloha Lumbai
staff" Was as much a part of his extended family ms he was to ther.:l
He will be greatly mi:'ssed by everyone fortunate enoug
to have known him.
Phil is survived by his wife, Maeng Soon Roderick, his three children!
daughter, Annette (Tom) Creekpaum of Shelton and their childre
Tommy. Jennilr and Vanoc son, Andv ((/innv) Roderick of Edmond
and hi,4 son Alvim daughter, Brenda Siaes or teuevue; ste _p:daughter
Naomi Wilson and her son Miles of Seattle; his sisters, Laurazen
Roberts ()t" leavenworth; Sharon Michalek of Bellevue; Marilyn Olcn a
Seattle; (,loria l)eursch of Las Vegas; and his aunt, Helen Bateman a
Pe Ell. His brother, Ralph Roderic, preceded him in death. Phil's famil
respectfully requesm that in lieu of flowers memorial contributions be mad
in his memory to any Venture Bank, addressed to the Phillip Rodede
Memorial Fund. Contributions will be divided between a memod
,holarship to the Elma High School and Harborview Medical Center i$
A Celebration of Phil's IJfe will be held tbr family and friends o
Saturday, January q, zoo 7 from :oo to 4:00 p.m. at the Red Lio
Inn in Wt,t Olyinpia. Private graveside rvices for immediate.
family were held at Masonic Cemetery in Elma, WA. Friends a.
invited to share memori and sign the f a, mily's online gust book a
wav.phillipnxlerick.com or at www.hitesidefamil)afiortuaries.co
_A43angements are being made by the Whiteside Family Mortuat
of Elma.
Paid Obituary Notice 4. i