January 11, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 11, 2007 |
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00ommunity 00alendar
Special Events
Sunday, January 14
3 p.m., Mason County Concert As-
sociation will present representatives
of the Annas Bay Music Festival in a
performance of "Cantar dd Alma: A
Program of Romantic Spanish Song,"
Shelton High School Auditorium, 3737
North Shelton Springs Read.
Thursday, January 11
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport,
Hoodsport Library, 40 North School-
house Hill Road.
7 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Lions
Board Meeting, Suzan's Grill, 1927
Olympic Highway North.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly} meeting, 3740 North Lake
Sons of Legion
serving catfish
Members of the Sons of the
American Legion will serve a Ca-
jun catfish dinner, complete with
seasoned jojos, coleslaw and a roll
with all the trimmings from 5:30
to 7 p.m. on Friday, January 12.
The cost will be $8 per person.
Proceeds benefit community char-
ity programs. Meals are served at
the 40 et 8 veterans' club, 113 West
Cota Street in downtown Shelton.
Cushman Road, State Route 119.
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch
Creek Road, Hoodsport.
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off"
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washington and J
10 a.m., SCORE small business
counseling available to 4 p.m., ap-
pointments 360-426-2021.
11 a.m., Alzheimer's Support
Group, Alpine Way Retirement Apart-
ments, 900 Alpine Way, Shelton.
1.1:30 a.m., Union Civic Club, Union
Fire Hall.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint
David's Parish Hall.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
6:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary 3862,
411 First Street.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pit)-
neer School Gym.
7 p.m., Christmastown Quilters,
Mason General Hospital.
7 p.m., Emergency Medical Servic-
es Council, Mason General Hospital.
7 p.m., Harstine Island Garden
Club, Harstine Community Hall.
7:30 p.m,, Union City Lodge 27 Free
and Accepted Masons, stated com-
munication, Masonic Temple, 19341
North Highway 101. For information
call 426-1689.
Friday, January 12
10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off"
Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com-
munity Church, Hoodsport. Call 360-
877-9814 for information.
Class of 1948 slates lunch
Members of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1948 will
meet fi)r lunch at noon on Tuesday, January 16, at Taylor Sta-
tion Restaurant and Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road. Classmates and
spouses are invited to attend.
Retired,scientists set study
Members of the Retired Scientists of Shelton will gather for a
regular meeting this week. Their meeting will be,dn at 1:30 p.m.
on Friday, January 12, at the PUD 3 Auditorium, 307 West Cota
Street in downtown Shelton. The featured speaker this month will
be Carl Hauge. He will talk about groundwater management in
California, as well as some of the natural, political, legal and insti-
tutional complexities related to this subject.
Kiwanians will host Nichols
Don Nichols of Adopt-A-Pet will address the Shelton Kiwanis
Club at noon on Tuesday, January 16, at Xinh's Clam and Oyster
House, 221 West Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton.
Democratic women to meet
The Mason Couhty Democratic Women's Club will host its
monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 17, at E1 Sarape Restau-
rant in Shelton's Gateway Center. A no-host hncheon will begin
at 11:30 a.m.
Following a short business meeting at noon, Kim McNamara,
Olympic College Shelton's director, will offer an update on the cur-
rent happenings at the college. The public is invited to attend the
meeting. More information is available by calling Marilyn Sayan
at 426-7440, or Cathy Gallagher at 426-6411.
Women voters set meeting
The Mason County League of Women Voters will meet from
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 16, in the library at
Olympic College Shelton, 937 Alpine Way in Shelton. At noon, the
league's "Know Your County" discussions will continue with a pre-
sentation by Emmett Dobey and Barbara Robinson of the county's
department of community development on the varied subjects of
utilities and waste management, impact fees and the historical
preservation of the county courthouse. The public is invited to at-
tend. Members and visitors are encouraged to bring a brown bag
lunch. More information is available by calling Lynda Links at
9.oger at ¢
#Oger rhom?S
YOur exhaust
10 a.m., Hospice bereavement
group, Roosters.
12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop,
330 East Country Club Drive. Call
Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, tbr infor-
7 p.m., Mason County Deaf Asso-
ciation, PUD 3 Auditorium, Third and
Cota streets.
Saturday, January 13
8:30 a.m., Mason County Amateur
Radio Club, Alpine Way Retirement
Apartments, 900 Alpine Way, Shelton.
For more information: 432-9558.
10 a.m., Shelton-Mason County
Amvets and Subvets, Pine Tree Inn.
Sunday, January 14
Mason County invites you to attend
the church of your choice.
Monday, January 15
9 a.m., Take Off Pounds Sensibly
(TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community
Hall, 3371 East Harstine Island Road
6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160,
Faith Lutheran Church.
6:30 p.m., Mason County Fire Dis-
trict 10TEP training, Hoodsport Fire
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 110, Shel-
ton Un-ed Methodist Church.
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 112, Ever-
green School Auditorium.
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
8 p.m., Canal Court, Order of Ama-
ranth, Union City Masonic Temple.
Tuesday, January 16
9 a.m., Mason County Commission,
Mason County Building I.
9-11 a.m., Tuesday MOPS meeting,
Seventh-day Adventist Church, 210
West Shelton Valley Road, Shelton.
10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, boardroom, Third and Cota
11:30 a.m., League of Women Vot-
ers, Johnson Library at Olympic Col-
lege Shelton, 937 West Alpine Way,
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
2 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commis-
sioners meeting, district, office in Pot-
2 p.m., Poll. of Shelton Commission
meeting, port office, Sanderson Field.
5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance
Church. Call 360-426-0101 for intbr-
5:30 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop,
330 East Country Club Drive. Call
Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, for infor-
6 p.m., Shelton City Commission
meeting, civic center.
6 p.m., Forest Festival Planning
Committee meeting, Godfather's Piz-
6-8 p.m., Society tbr Creative
Anachronism monthly meeting, Wil-
liam G. Reed Library, Shelton.
6:15 p.m., Shelton Lions Club din-
ner meeting, Alpine Way Retirement
6:30 p.m., Hepatitis Support
Group, Shelton Community Center,
601 Franklin Street.
7 p.m., American Legion and Aux-
iliary dinner, Memorial Hall, Second
and Franklin streets, Shelton.
7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
7:30 p.m., Epsilon Omicron, home
of member.
7:30 p.m., American Rhododendron
Society, PUD 3 meeting room.
8 p.m., Nimrod Club, Dearborn
Wednesday, January 17
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memorial
Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shel-
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwan-
is Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
9:30 a.m., free bingo, Maple Glen
Assisted Living, 1700 North 13th Loop
Road, Shelton.
11:30 a.m., Mason County Demo-
cratic Women's Club, El Sarape V.
6 p.m., Mason County Civil Service
Commission, county commissioners'
chambers, 411 North Fifth Street,
7 p.m., Mason County Fire District
1 drill, Hoodsport Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Back Country Horsemen,
Mason County Chapter, Mason Coun-
ty Fairgrounds.
7:30 p.m., Mason County
leaders, cooperative extension
7:30 p.m., Emblem Club,
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
Thursday, January 18
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of
tloodsport Library, 40 North
house Hill Road.
7 a.m., Shelton Morning
ons, Taylor Station Restaurant
Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road.
9-11 a.m., Thursday MOPS
ing, First Baptist Church of
428 West Cota Street, Shelton.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (
Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North
Cushman Road, State Route 119.|
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quill
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, FJ
Creek Road, Hoodsport.
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain
Alliance Church, Washington a]
Noon, Senior citizens, Mason-
son Community Clubhouse.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, S
David's Parish Hall. J
4 p.m., Board of Supervisors 01
Mason Conservation District,
ing, district office, SE 1015 High t
3, Suite (. |
Complete $ 3 7 5
or 1-800-575-8823 24 hours
Always low cost with dignit]
The holidays may be over,
but you don't need to be alone.
There are friends and helpful staff
at Alpine Way. You're free to leave
the privacy of your apartment to
join friends or participate in
activities at any.time.
Call for a free lunch ai la our
900 Alpine Way (360) t2(i-:.600
Shelton, WA 98584
www.encorecommunities.com Beth Johnston, R.N., Manager
Dana 9rl . ¢.haffnn.hAacnn {'.n, infv . Inl ,rnl - Thl ,reH=w . Inl ,n, 1 1 0/'1/'17
00ommunity 00alendar
Special Events
Sunday, January 14
3 p.m., Mason County Concert As-
sociation will present representatives
of the Annas Bay Music Festival in a
performance of "Cantar dd Alma: A
Program of Romantic Spanish Song,"
Shelton High School Auditorium, 3737
North Shelton Springs Read.
Thursday, January 11
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport,
Hoodsport Library, 40 North School-
house Hill Road.
7 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Lions
Board Meeting, Suzan's Grill, 1927
Olympic Highway North.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly} meeting, 3740 North Lake
Sons of Legion
serving catfish
Members of the Sons of the
American Legion will serve a Ca-
jun catfish dinner, complete with
seasoned jojos, coleslaw and a roll
with all the trimmings from 5:30
to 7 p.m. on Friday, January 12.
The cost will be $8 per person.
Proceeds benefit community char-
ity programs. Meals are served at
the 40 et 8 veterans' club, 113 West
Cota Street in downtown Shelton.
Cushman Road, State Route 119.
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch
Creek Road, Hoodsport.
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off"
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washington and J
10 a.m., SCORE small business
counseling available to 4 p.m., ap-
pointments 360-426-2021.
11 a.m., Alzheimer's Support
Group, Alpine Way Retirement Apart-
ments, 900 Alpine Way, Shelton.
1.1:30 a.m., Union Civic Club, Union
Fire Hall.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint
David's Parish Hall.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
6:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary 3862,
411 First Street.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pit)-
neer School Gym.
7 p.m., Christmastown Quilters,
Mason General Hospital.
7 p.m., Emergency Medical Servic-
es Council, Mason General Hospital.
7 p.m., Harstine Island Garden
Club, Harstine Community Hall.
7:30 p.m,, Union City Lodge 27 Free
and Accepted Masons, stated com-
munication, Masonic Temple, 19341
North Highway 101. For information
call 426-1689.
Friday, January 12
10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off"
Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com-
munity Church, Hoodsport. Call 360-
877-9814 for information.
Class of 1948 slates lunch
Members of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1948 will
meet fi)r lunch at noon on Tuesday, January 16, at Taylor Sta-
tion Restaurant and Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road. Classmates and
spouses are invited to attend.
Retired,scientists set study
Members of the Retired Scientists of Shelton will gather for a
regular meeting this week. Their meeting will be,dn at 1:30 p.m.
on Friday, January 12, at the PUD 3 Auditorium, 307 West Cota
Street in downtown Shelton. The featured speaker this month will
be Carl Hauge. He will talk about groundwater management in
California, as well as some of the natural, political, legal and insti-
tutional complexities related to this subject.
Kiwanians will host Nichols
Don Nichols of Adopt-A-Pet will address the Shelton Kiwanis
Club at noon on Tuesday, January 16, at Xinh's Clam and Oyster
House, 221 West Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton.
Democratic women to meet
The Mason Couhty Democratic Women's Club will host its
monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 17, at E1 Sarape Restau-
rant in Shelton's Gateway Center. A no-host hncheon will begin
at 11:30 a.m.
Following a short business meeting at noon, Kim McNamara,
Olympic College Shelton's director, will offer an update on the cur-
rent happenings at the college. The public is invited to attend the
meeting. More information is available by calling Marilyn Sayan
at 426-7440, or Cathy Gallagher at 426-6411.
Women voters set meeting
The Mason County League of Women Voters will meet from
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 16, in the library at
Olympic College Shelton, 937 Alpine Way in Shelton. At noon, the
league's "Know Your County" discussions will continue with a pre-
sentation by Emmett Dobey and Barbara Robinson of the county's
department of community development on the varied subjects of
utilities and waste management, impact fees and the historical
preservation of the county courthouse. The public is invited to at-
tend. Members and visitors are encouraged to bring a brown bag
lunch. More information is available by calling Lynda Links at
9.oger at ¢
#Oger rhom?S
YOur exhaust
10 a.m., Hospice bereavement
group, Roosters.
12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop,
330 East Country Club Drive. Call
Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, tbr infor-
7 p.m., Mason County Deaf Asso-
ciation, PUD 3 Auditorium, Third and
Cota streets.
Saturday, January 13
8:30 a.m., Mason County Amateur
Radio Club, Alpine Way Retirement
Apartments, 900 Alpine Way, Shelton.
For more information: 432-9558.
10 a.m., Shelton-Mason County
Amvets and Subvets, Pine Tree Inn.
Sunday, January 14
Mason County invites you to attend
the church of your choice.
Monday, January 15
9 a.m., Take Off Pounds Sensibly
(TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community
Hall, 3371 East Harstine Island Road
6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160,
Faith Lutheran Church.
6:30 p.m., Mason County Fire Dis-
trict 10TEP training, Hoodsport Fire
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 110, Shel-
ton Un-ed Methodist Church.
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 112, Ever-
green School Auditorium.
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
8 p.m., Canal Court, Order of Ama-
ranth, Union City Masonic Temple.
Tuesday, January 16
9 a.m., Mason County Commission,
Mason County Building I.
9-11 a.m., Tuesday MOPS meeting,
Seventh-day Adventist Church, 210
West Shelton Valley Road, Shelton.
10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, boardroom, Third and Cota
11:30 a.m., League of Women Vot-
ers, Johnson Library at Olympic Col-
lege Shelton, 937 West Alpine Way,
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
2 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commis-
sioners meeting, district, office in Pot-
2 p.m., Poll. of Shelton Commission
meeting, port office, Sanderson Field.
5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance
Church. Call 360-426-0101 for intbr-
5:30 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop,
330 East Country Club Drive. Call
Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, for infor-
6 p.m., Shelton City Commission
meeting, civic center.
6 p.m., Forest Festival Planning
Committee meeting, Godfather's Piz-
6-8 p.m., Society tbr Creative
Anachronism monthly meeting, Wil-
liam G. Reed Library, Shelton.
6:15 p.m., Shelton Lions Club din-
ner meeting, Alpine Way Retirement
6:30 p.m., Hepatitis Support
Group, Shelton Community Center,
601 Franklin Street.
7 p.m., American Legion and Aux-
iliary dinner, Memorial Hall, Second
and Franklin streets, Shelton.
7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
7:30 p.m., Epsilon Omicron, home
of member.
7:30 p.m., American Rhododendron
Society, PUD 3 meeting room.
8 p.m., Nimrod Club, Dearborn
Wednesday, January 17
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memorial
Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shel-
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwan-
is Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
9:30 a.m., free bingo, Maple Glen
Assisted Living, 1700 North 13th Loop
Road, Shelton.
11:30 a.m., Mason County Demo-
cratic Women's Club, El Sarape V.
6 p.m., Mason County Civil Service
Commission, county commissioners'
chambers, 411 North Fifth Street,
7 p.m., Mason County Fire District
1 drill, Hoodsport Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Back Country Horsemen,
Mason County Chapter, Mason Coun-
ty Fairgrounds.
7:30 p.m., Mason County
leaders, cooperative extension
7:30 p.m., Emblem Club,
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
Thursday, January 18
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of
tloodsport Library, 40 North
house Hill Road.
7 a.m., Shelton Morning
ons, Taylor Station Restaurant
Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road.
9-11 a.m., Thursday MOPS
ing, First Baptist Church of
428 West Cota Street, Shelton.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (
Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North
Cushman Road, State Route 119.|
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quill
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, FJ
Creek Road, Hoodsport.
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain
Alliance Church, Washington a]
Noon, Senior citizens, Mason-
son Community Clubhouse.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, S
David's Parish Hall. J
4 p.m., Board of Supervisors 01
Mason Conservation District,
ing, district office, SE 1015 High t
3, Suite (. |
Complete $ 3 7 5
or 1-800-575-8823 24 hours
Always low cost with dignit]
The holidays may be over,
but you don't need to be alone.
There are friends and helpful staff
at Alpine Way. You're free to leave
the privacy of your apartment to
join friends or participate in
activities at any.time.
Call for a free lunch ai la our
900 Alpine Way (360) t2(i-:.600
Shelton, WA 98584
www.encorecommunities.com Beth Johnston, R.N., Manager
Dana 9rl . ¢.haffnn.hAacnn {'.n, infv . Inl ,rnl - Thl ,reH=w . Inl ,n, 1 1 0/'1/'17