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Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 11, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 11, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SPORTS JOURNAL ! BUT NOT NECESSARILY in ways redeemable at your average portrait gallery. Largely unrecognizable in recent hoop action in the Minidome - where players (from left, near) CarrieAnne Allegri, Paige Barrett and Brandi Dickinson maintain focus during a brief stint on the bench - are sophomores Jared Carlson and Alexan Ehrich (on the left in each inset). Climber mat forfeitures c0sfiy !. onlt:aislongeonatrhtha:SblUt:  ienthinS]iinalinltahstath,gseh:d nIMt:pe::tY:dungAnton t Wrestlers bowed 29-43 to Timber ne in league dual meet action ere last week. ,, B1Shelton's hosts spotted the for ers fully 30 points by way of s:et, ture- clearly the only thing va"mag in the way of teamwise • ctory _ but still made it interest- gby Winning five of the final six arches of the evening. One of four outings it aa:eek for the young Chmbers, , ofthera in all claim victors points. Senior Ty Barnhart won b;:e:h. nical fall two minutes and c onds into his match J8u.iorL:g:n Roadraan prevailed - Zoren time. Classmate Nathan Won by pin in 1:48. Junior Ronald Yates needed just 58 seconds to Holiday Tournament. Junior Isaac Garfias came from behind to win 9-8, and classmate Jacob "Niko" Nikolaisen won by 1:12 pin in the battle of heavyweights. Earlier in the evening, soph- omore Isidro "Chilo" Antonio claimed the hosts' lone jayvee vic- tory. A WEEK BEFORE, in sepa- rate events the day before New Year's Eve, several Climbers took to the mats in tournament action. Barnhart led the way with three straight wins en route to the throne in the North Mason Clas- sic, where Garfias finished third and Yates and junior Brett Cor- bett both fifth. And in a tourney the same day Last weekend ten Climbers competed in the North Beach Tournament. Barnhart and Road- man copped matching runner-up honors, both winning two of three. Placing third with matching 3-1 records were Antonio, Zoren and junior Juan Lopez. And claim- ing fifths were sophomores Sarah Brownstein (2-2), Kim Yates (2-2) and Wally McMorris (1-2). Also vy- ing for Shelton there were senior Jacob Ohlde and sophomore Tyler Anderson. TIMBERLINE 43, SHELTON 29 103 - Jared Swanson (T) won by forfei- ture. 112 - Manny Mendiola (T) won by forfei- ture. 119 - Joe Pugh (T) decisioned Sarah (Please turn to page 23.) f Football s Shelton THE SENIOR VARSITY: Players include Joey Wuolle, Dale Fontaine, Aaron Roaf, Jacob Barrett, Ryan Adams, Forrest Puderbaugh, 'Ire Fisher, Houston Dean, Travis Hanes, Kyle Bizwell, Richie Franco, Nikolasz Dudas, James Wypych, Taylor Gettle, Taylor Johnson, Bobby Albaugh, Cody Tarver, Colby Barber, Jethro Wily, Daniel Staley, Zac Fennel, Primo Ceniza, Justin Putvin, Wade Wyatt, Frank Lingle, Dominic Deacon, Alex Spencer, Chris Westermann, Emil Hebert and Stash Conklin. After Coug split: Hoop Climbers get 'Lanced' Climber hoopdom's boys and 2, Corey Golob 12, Derek Ranney 4, Curtis girls got to see the value of defense from opposing viewpoints last week in a home-and-away split and then suffered matching set- backs against the league's early- season favorites Tuesday. Stop-corps success keyed by senior veteran Derek Ranney proved rewarding for the boys against Capital here last Friday, when classmate all-leaguer Cur- tis Trondsen provided a 23-point offensive complement en route to 55-45 victory. Alas, though, similar stinginess proved costly for the Climbers' lady counterparts the same night on the Cougars' court, where their Capital hosts' chief asset in 58-28 triumph was their ability to virtu- ally shut down Shelton's offense. They can play a whole lot better, though, assured the Climbers' lat- est addition to the assistant-coach- ing staff, exClimber star Willow Shanahan, adding that everyone's pumped for the two teams' Janu- ary 30 rematch. Tuesday night the Climbers launched their series with the league favorites from Lakes High School, and the Lancers' outstand- ing speed proved the difference in both contests as Shelton's boys fell 47-59 and their girl counterparts 32-54. Boys' head coach Mark Jensen praised his Climbers' teamwise defensive effort in victory over the Cougs. "And you might men- tion Ranney just havin' a really good all-around game," he added. "He took their best player - that Lampkin kid, who's been scorin' pretty well for them - and he did a nice job on him. He was two for 15." VARSITY BOYS Sprlngwood, Australla 11 25 31 41 Shelton 15 34 50 60 Springwood, Australia - Matt Porter 6, Angus Brandt 15, Aaron Adams, Brett Good- ier 11, Taylor Barry 2, Josiah Rooke 5, Ben Smylie 2. FG - 18-51 (2-12 three-pointers); FT - 3- 8. Shelton - Charlie Vernon 5, Alex Olson 10, Corey Golob 12, Derek Ranney 5, Curtis Trondsen 12, Trevor Peterson 7, Tyler Pachol- ke 2, Will Trondsen 1, Levi Sutton 3, Brandon Moore 1, Brett Riley 2. FG - 24-44 (6-15 three-pointers); FT - 6- 13. Capital 10 18 26 45 Shelton 10 23 35 55 Capital - Aaron Lampkin 7, Quang Tran 5, Matt Holm 4, Kevin Thai 3, Brennan O'Keefe 12, Reed Wall, Sean Hollingsworth 2, Riley Wall, Robert Powel112. FG - 17-60 (2-18 three-pointers); FT - 9- 16. Shelton - Charlie Vernon 4, Alex Olson 7, Corey Golob 8, Derek Ranney 6, Curtis Trondsen 23, Trevor Peterson 5, Tyler Pachol- ke 2, Will Trondsen. FG - 18-36 (2-11 three-pointers); FT - 17- 25; reb- Ranney 9, Golob 7; assists -Vernon 4; steals - Golob 4. Shelton 12 31 40 47 Lakes 12 27 44 59 Shelton - Charlie Vernon 6, Alex Olson Youth wrestling sign-up time Shelton Parks and Recreation and Shelton Wrestling Club are taking sign-ups now for the up- coming Shelton Youth Wrestling season. Eligible are all kids in kinder- garten through eighth grade, and they will learn the basic skills and fundamentals of wrestling "while having fun," to quote the rec de- partment's veteran director, Mark Ziegler. Practices begin Monday, Janu- ary 29, and run through April 27 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes- days and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at Oakland Bay Junior High School. Registration fee is $25. Sign up at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street downtown. For more information, call the rec department at 432-5194. Wondsen 17, Trover Peterson 4, Tyler Pachol- ke 1, Will Trondsen. FG - 19-33; FT - 4-5. Lakes - Nest or Roque 11, Danny Miller, Anthony Enriquez 13, Jermaine Kearse 11, James 4, Kavario Middleton 18, Wren An- thony 2. FG - 21-44; FT - 11-20. JAYVEE BOYS Capital 12 18 24 45 Shelton 13 18 22 39 Capital - Schade 15, Lo, Bly, Carnus 3, Joseph Ingman 5, Thorpe, Ruiz, Lee 8, John Ingman 12, Vrena 2, Tolman, Mandler. FG - 16-51 (0-5 three-pointers); FT - 13- 26. Shelton - Alex Potts 2, Levi Sutton, Kevin Eichhorn 3, Brandon Moore 4, Rodney Gou- ley 2, Jared Carlson 15, Nathan Vrabel 2, Api Moliga 5, Alex LeGault 6. FG - 16-45 (2-5 three-pointers); FT - 5- 17. Shelton 58 Lakes 44 Details next week. VARSITY GIRLS Shelton 10 17 22 28 Capital 16 32 48 58 Shelton - CarrieAnne Allegri 2, Brynna Fuller 4, Paige Barrett 5, Marissa Hill, Krystal Lindblad 3, Brandi Dickinson 6, Alexan Eh- rich 4, Jen Hess 2, Tara Grant 2. FG - NA; FT - 7-12. Capital - Katy Duran 14, Julie Schade 6, Tosha Hollingsworth 6, Brianna Morkert- Burling 8, Alexandra Isoz 6, Jena Russell 8, Brenna Peterson, Kelly Myers 8, Ayla Mull 2, Sasha Barnes. FG - 23-51 ; FT - 9-17. Lakes 10 24 47 54 Shelton 10 15 22 32 Lakes - Brit-tani Terry 2, Brandy McK- inney 6, Jenise Callahan, Sara Halasz 24, Chene Cooper 14, Christina Caddy, Brittany Tillman 2, Brianna Morrison 6. FG - 23-60; FT - 5-t0. Shelton - CarrieAnne Allegri 6, Brynna Fuller 5, Paige Barrett 10, Marissa Hill, Jen Hess 4, Krystal Lindblad, Alexan Ehrich 1, Brandi Dickinson 2, Tara Grant 4, Erin Ran- ney. FG - 11-40; FT - 6-14. JAYVEE GIRLS Franklin Pierce 6 13 22 29 Shelton 12 19 39 48 Franklin Pierce - Byrd 2, Clayton, Reinsch 6, Stafford, Collaro, Williams 2, Lundgard, Christian, Lewis, Callaham, Stevens, Tribble 4, Koa, Jamison 6. Shelton -Tiffany Twiddy 9, Kassi Profitt 8, All Lund, Nicole Brown, Sam Farr 2, Macken- zie Schmidt, Erin Ranney 12, Tara Ramsey 2, Michelle Davis 6, Amande Stevenson 7, Rachel Fennel 2. FG - 16; FT - 16-34. Shelton 15 23 31 42 Capital 24 37 45 51 Shelton -Tiffany Twiddy 4, Kassi Profitt 9, All Lund, Nicole Brown 1, Mackenzie Schmidt, Erin Ranney 9, Tara Ramsey 1, Amande Ste- venson 14, Rachel Fennel. Capital - Brianna 6, Tasha 13, Matia 4, Martey, Stephanie, Kay 2, Kassy 12, T.J. 5, Rachel 3, Megan 2, Kristi 1, Laci 2. Lakes 5 14 21 28 Shelton 14 33 45 51 Lakes - Shawayla High, Shawanda Lewis 6, Matilda Biota, Angela Baum 11, Mariah McCalla, Zoe Ostrander 4, Kaitlyn Kessel 1, Ariele Reeves 6. Shelton - Tiffany Twiddy 9, Kassi Profitt 5, All Lund 2, Nicole Brown 2, Mackenzie Schmidt, Erin Ranney 12, Tara Ramsey 1, Michelle Davis 10, Amande Stevenson 10, Rachel Fennel. ---Bowling. ...... SIMPSON WOMEN 12/28/06 Dry 41-23, Mill #3 40-24, Accounting 37.5- 26.5, Shipping 37-27, Mason 35.5-28.5, Mill #5 35-29, Lowland 31-33, Loggers 31-33, Planers 31-33, Dry 31-29, OPP 30-34, Camp 28.5-35.5, Power 27.5-32.5, Tech 25-35, Railroad 22-42, Resources 22-42. Scratch Game and Series: Dolores Goodbur n, 206 and 571. SIMPSON WOMEN 12/21/06 Dry 40-20, Mill #3 38-22, Accounting 37.5- 22.5, Shipping 33-27, Mason 32.5-27.5, Mill #5 32-28, Dry 31-25, Loggers 29-31, Planers 29-31, Lowland 28-32, Camp 27.5-32.5, OPP 26-34, Power 23.5-32.5, Tech 23-33, Railroad 22-38, Resources 21-39. Scratch Game and Series: Jenni Deyette, 212 and 541. SIMPSON LEAGUE 12/18/06 Lumbermens 22-6, Bull 17-11, River 17-11, Bowling 15-13, Endowyn 15-13, Timber 14- 14, Mor 13-15, Harveys 12-16, Clark 11-17. Scratch Game and Series: Greg Harvey, 225 and 613. WEDNESDAY SENIOR LEAGUE 12120/06 Missfits 25-7, Pin 24.5-7.5, Perfect 19-13, Ernies 18-14, Nitas 18-14, Timber 12-20, JBs 8.5-23.5, VFW 6-26. Men's Scratch Game and Series: Curt Sny- der, 222 and 633. Women's Scratch Game and Series: Donna Nicholson, 190 and 519. KEN O'DELL MEN'S COMMERCIAL 12/20/06 Floors 19-9, Pine 18-I0, Rich 18-I0, North 18-10, Custom 16-12, Timber 14-14, Richies 14-14, D.H. 13-15, Basic 12-16, Log 11-17, Sunrise 11-17, GSC 10-18, Just 4-8. Scratch Game: Curt Snyder, 266. Scratch Series: Ed Michalac, 691. Thursday, January 11, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21 SPORTS JOURNAL ! BUT NOT NECESSARILY in ways redeemable at your average portrait gallery. Largely unrecognizable in recent hoop action in the Minidome - where players (from left, near) CarrieAnne Allegri, Paige Barrett and Brandi Dickinson maintain focus during a brief stint on the bench - are sophomores Jared Carlson and Alexan Ehrich (on the left in each inset). Climber mat forfeitures c0sfiy !. onlt:aislongeonatrhtha:SblUt:  ienthinS]iinalinltahstath,gseh:d nIMt:pe::tY:dungAnton t Wrestlers bowed 29-43 to Timber ne in league dual meet action ere last week. ,, B1Shelton's hosts spotted the for ers fully 30 points by way of s:et, ture - clearly the only thing va"mag in the way of teamwise • ctory _ but still made it interest- gby Winning five of the final six arches of the evening. One of four outings it aa:eek for the young Chmbers, , ofthera in all claim victors points. Senior Ty Barnhart won b;:e:h. nical fall two minutes and c onds into his match J8u.iorL:g:n Roadraan prevailed - Zoren time. Classmate Nathan Won by pin in 1:48. Junior Ronald Yates needed just 58 seconds to Holiday Tournament. Junior Isaac Garfias came from behind to win 9-8, and classmate Jacob "Niko" Nikolaisen won by 1:12 pin in the battle of heavyweights. Earlier in the evening, soph- omore Isidro "Chilo" Antonio claimed the hosts' lone jayvee vic- tory. A WEEK BEFORE, in sepa- rate events the day before New Year's Eve, several Climbers took to the mats in tournament action. Barnhart led the way with three straight wins en route to the throne in the North Mason Clas- sic, where Garfias finished third and Yates and junior Brett Cor- bett both fifth. And in a tourney the same day Last weekend ten Climbers competed in the North Beach Tournament. Barnhart and Road- man copped matching runner-up honors, both winning two of three. Placing third with matching 3-1 records were Antonio, Zoren and junior Juan Lopez. And claim- ing fifths were sophomores Sarah Brownstein (2-2), Kim Yates (2-2) and Wally McMorris (1-2). Also vy- ing for Shelton there were senior Jacob Ohlde and sophomore Tyler Anderson. TIMBERLINE 43, SHELTON 29 103 - Jared Swanson (T) won by forfei- ture. 112 - Manny Mendiola (T) won by forfei- ture. 119 - Joe Pugh (T) decisioned Sarah (Please turn to page 23.) f Football s Shelton THE SENIOR VARSITY: Players include Joey Wuolle, Dale Fontaine, Aaron Roaf, Jacob Barrett, Ryan Adams, Forrest Puderbaugh, 'Ire Fisher, Houston Dean, Travis Hanes, Kyle Bizwell, Richie Franco, Nikolasz Dudas, James Wypych, Taylor Gettle, Taylor Johnson, Bobby Albaugh, Cody Tarver, Colby Barber, Jethro Wily, Daniel Staley, Zac Fennel, Primo Ceniza, Justin Putvin, Wade Wyatt, Frank Lingle, Dominic Deacon, Alex Spencer, Chris Westermann, Emil Hebert and Stash Conklin. After Coug split: Hoop Climbers get 'Lanced' Climber hoopdom's boys and 2, Corey Golob 12, Derek Ranney 4, Curtis girls got to see the value of defense from opposing viewpoints last week in a home-and-away split and then suffered matching set- backs against the league's early- season favorites Tuesday. Stop-corps success keyed by senior veteran Derek Ranney proved rewarding for the boys against Capital here last Friday, when classmate all-leaguer Cur- tis Trondsen provided a 23-point offensive complement en route to 55-45 victory. Alas, though, similar stinginess proved costly for the Climbers' lady counterparts the same night on the Cougars' court, where their Capital hosts' chief asset in 58-28 triumph was their ability to virtu- ally shut down Shelton's offense. They can play a whole lot better, though, assured the Climbers' lat- est addition to the assistant-coach- ing staff, exClimber star Willow Shanahan, adding that everyone's pumped for the two teams' Janu- ary 30 rematch. Tuesday night the Climbers launched their series with the league favorites from Lakes High School, and the Lancers' outstand- ing speed proved the difference in both contests as Shelton's boys fell 47-59 and their girl counterparts 32-54. Boys' head coach Mark Jensen praised his Climbers' teamwise defensive effort in victory over the Cougs. "And you might men- tion Ranney just havin' a really good all-around game," he added. "He took their best player - that Lampkin kid, who's been scorin' pretty well for them - and he did a nice job on him. He was two for 15." VARSITY BOYS Sprlngwood, Australla 11 25 31 41 Shelton 15 34 50 60 Springwood, Australia - Matt Porter 6, Angus Brandt 15, Aaron Adams, Brett Good- ier 11, Taylor Barry 2, Josiah Rooke 5, Ben Smylie 2. FG - 18-51 (2-12 three-pointers); FT - 3- 8. Shelton - Charlie Vernon 5, Alex Olson 10, Corey Golob 12, Derek Ranney 5, Curtis Trondsen 12, Trevor Peterson 7, Tyler Pachol- ke 2, Will Trondsen 1, Levi Sutton 3, Brandon Moore 1, Brett Riley 2. FG - 24-44 (6-15 three-pointers); FT - 6- 13. Capital 10 18 26 45 Shelton 10 23 35 55 Capital - Aaron Lampkin 7, Quang Tran 5, Matt Holm 4, Kevin Thai 3, Brennan O'Keefe 12, Reed Wall, Sean Hollingsworth 2, Riley Wall, Robert Powel112. FG - 17-60 (2-18 three-pointers); FT - 9- 16. Shelton - Charlie Vernon 4, Alex Olson 7, Corey Golob 8, Derek Ranney 6, Curtis Trondsen 23, Trevor Peterson 5, Tyler Pachol- ke 2, Will Trondsen. FG - 18-36 (2-11 three-pointers); FT - 17- 25; reb- Ranney 9, Golob 7; assists -Vernon 4; steals - Golob 4. Shelton 12 31 40 47 Lakes 12 27 44 59 Shelton - Charlie Vernon 6, Alex Olson Youth wrestling sign-up time Shelton Parks and Recreation and Shelton Wrestling Club are taking sign-ups now for the up- coming Shelton Youth Wrestling season. Eligible are all kids in kinder- garten through eighth grade, and they will learn the basic skills and fundamentals of wrestling "while having fun," to quote the rec de- partment's veteran director, Mark Ziegler. Practices begin Monday, Janu- ary 29, and run through April 27 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes- days and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at Oakland Bay Junior High School. Registration fee is $25. Sign up at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street downtown. For more information, call the rec department at 432-5194. Wondsen 17, Trover Peterson 4, Tyler Pachol- ke 1, Will Trondsen. FG - 19-33; FT - 4-5. Lakes - Nest or Roque 11, Danny Miller, Anthony Enriquez 13, Jermaine Kearse 11, James 4, Kavario Middleton 18, Wren An- thony 2. FG - 21-44; FT - 11-20. JAYVEE BOYS Capital 12 18 24 45 Shelton 13 18 22 39 Capital - Schade 15, Lo, Bly, Carnus 3, Joseph Ingman 5, Thorpe, Ruiz, Lee 8, John Ingman 12, Vrena 2, Tolman, Mandler. FG - 16-51 (0-5 three-pointers); FT - 13- 26. Shelton - Alex Potts 2, Levi Sutton, Kevin Eichhorn 3, Brandon Moore 4, Rodney Gou- ley 2, Jared Carlson 15, Nathan Vrabel 2, Api Moliga 5, Alex LeGault 6. FG - 16-45 (2-5 three-pointers); FT - 5- 17. Shelton 58 Lakes 44 Details next week. VARSITY GIRLS Shelton 10 17 22 28 Capital 16 32 48 58 Shelton - CarrieAnne Allegri 2, Brynna Fuller 4, Paige Barrett 5, Marissa Hill, Krystal Lindblad 3, Brandi Dickinson 6, Alexan Eh- rich 4, Jen Hess 2, Tara Grant 2. FG - NA; FT - 7-12. Capital - Katy Duran 14, Julie Schade 6, Tosha Hollingsworth 6, Brianna Morkert- Burling 8, Alexandra Isoz 6, Jena Russell 8, Brenna Peterson, Kelly Myers 8, Ayla Mull 2, Sasha Barnes. FG - 23-51 ; FT - 9-17. Lakes 10 24 47 54 Shelton 10 15 22 32 Lakes - Brit-tani Terry 2, Brandy McK- inney 6, Jenise Callahan, Sara Halasz 24, Chene Cooper 14, Christina Caddy, Brittany Tillman 2, Brianna Morrison 6. FG - 23-60; FT - 5-t0. Shelton - CarrieAnne Allegri 6, Brynna Fuller 5, Paige Barrett 10, Marissa Hill, Jen Hess 4, Krystal Lindblad, Alexan Ehrich 1, Brandi Dickinson 2, Tara Grant 4, Erin Ran- ney. FG - 11-40; FT - 6-14. JAYVEE GIRLS Franklin Pierce 6 13 22 29 Shelton 12 19 39 48 Franklin Pierce - Byrd 2, Clayton, Reinsch 6, Stafford, Collaro, Williams 2, Lundgard, Christian, Lewis, Callaham, Stevens, Tribble 4, Koa, Jamison 6. Shelton -Tiffany Twiddy 9, Kassi Profitt 8, All Lund, Nicole Brown, Sam Farr 2, Macken- zie Schmidt, Erin Ranney 12, Tara Ramsey 2, Michelle Davis 6, Amande Stevenson 7, Rachel Fennel 2. FG - 16; FT - 16-34. Shelton 15 23 31 42 Capital 24 37 45 51 Shelton -Tiffany Twiddy 4, Kassi Profitt 9, All Lund, Nicole Brown 1, Mackenzie Schmidt, Erin Ranney 9, Tara Ramsey 1, Amande Ste- venson 14, Rachel Fennel. Capital - Brianna 6, Tasha 13, Matia 4, Martey, Stephanie, Kay 2, Kassy 12, T.J. 5, Rachel 3, Megan 2, Kristi 1, Laci 2. Lakes 5 14 21 28 Shelton 14 33 45 51 Lakes - Shawayla High, Shawanda Lewis 6, Matilda Biota, Angela Baum 11, Mariah McCalla, Zoe Ostrander 4, Kaitlyn Kessel 1, Ariele Reeves 6. Shelton - Tiffany Twiddy 9, Kassi Profitt 5, All Lund 2, Nicole Brown 2, Mackenzie Schmidt, Erin Ranney 12, Tara Ramsey 1, Michelle Davis 10, Amande Stevenson 10, Rachel Fennel. ---Bowling. ...... SIMPSON WOMEN 12/28/06 Dry 41-23, Mill #3 40-24, Accounting 37.5- 26.5, Shipping 37-27, Mason 35.5-28.5, Mill #5 35-29, Lowland 31-33, Loggers 31-33, Planers 31-33, Dry 31-29, OPP 30-34, Camp 28.5-35.5, Power 27.5-32.5, Tech 25-35, Railroad 22-42, Resources 22-42. Scratch Game and Series: Dolores Goodbur n, 206 and 571. SIMPSON WOMEN 12/21/06 Dry 40-20, Mill #3 38-22, Accounting 37.5- 22.5, Shipping 33-27, Mason 32.5-27.5, Mill #5 32-28, Dry 31-25, Loggers 29-31, Planers 29-31, Lowland 28-32, Camp 27.5-32.5, OPP 26-34, Power 23.5-32.5, Tech 23-33, Railroad 22-38, Resources 21-39. Scratch Game and Series: Jenni Deyette, 212 and 541. SIMPSON LEAGUE 12/18/06 Lumbermens 22-6, Bull 17-11, River 17-11, Bowling 15-13, Endowyn 15-13, Timber 14- 14, Mor 13-15, Harveys 12-16, Clark 11-17. Scratch Game and Series: Greg Harvey, 225 and 613. WEDNESDAY SENIOR LEAGUE 12120/06 Missfits 25-7, Pin 24.5-7.5, Perfect 19-13, Ernies 18-14, Nitas 18-14, Timber 12-20, JBs 8.5-23.5, VFW 6-26. Men's Scratch Game and Series: Curt Sny- der, 222 and 633. Women's Scratch Game and Series: Donna Nicholson, 190 and 519. KEN O'DELL MEN'S COMMERCIAL 12/20/06 Floors 19-9, Pine 18-I0, Rich 18-I0, North 18-10, Custom 16-12, Timber 14-14, Richies 14-14, D.H. 13-15, Basic 12-16, Log 11-17, Sunrise 11-17, GSC 10-18, Just 4-8. Scratch Game: Curt Snyder, 266. Scratch Series: Ed Michalac, 691. Thursday, January 11, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21