January 11, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 11, 2007 |
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Fri Dec. 01 Bremerton
Mon Dec. 04 Wilson
Wed Dec. 06 Peninsula
Sat Dec. 09 Evergreen
Wed Dec. 13 Aberdeen
Frl Dec. 15 Clover Park
Thu Dec. 21 RiverRidge
Wed Jan. 03 Springwood
Fri Jan. 05 Capital
Tue Jan. 09 Lakes
Frl Jan. 12 Timberline
Tue Jan. 16 NorthThurston
Fri Jan. 19 Central Kitsap
Tue Jan. 23 Yelm
Fri Jan. 26 Clover Park
Tue Jan. 30 Capital
Fri Feb. 02 Lakes
Tue Feb. 06 Timberline
Fri Feb. 09 NorthThurston
Fri Feb. 16 Yelm
Brem HS 7:00 PM
Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Evergreen HS 7:00 PM
Shelton HS 7:00 PM
CPHS 7:00 PM
River Ridge HS 7:00 PM
Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Lakes HS 7:00 PM
Timberline HS 7:00 PM
NTHS 7:00 PM
Central Kitsap HS 7:00 PM
Shelton High School 7:00 PM
Shelton High School 7:00 PM
Capital High School 7:00 PM
Shelton High School 7:00 PM
Shelton high School 7:00 PM
Shelton High School 7:00 PM
Yelm High School 7:00 PM
Tue Nov. 07 Jamboree West Side Lanes TBA
Thu Nov. 09 Timberline West Side Lanes 3:15 PM
Tue Nov. 14 NorthThurston Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Thu Nov. 16 Tumwater Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Tue Nov. 21 River Ridge West Side Lanes 3:15 PM
Thu Nov. 30 Yelm Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Tue Dec. 05 Black Hills Tumwater Lanes 3:15 PM
Thu Dec.07 Timberline Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Tue Dec. 12 North Thurston West Side Lanes 3:15 PM
Thu Dec. 14 Tumwater Tumwater Lanes 3:15 PM
Thu Jan. 04 River Ridge Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Thu Jan. 11 Yelm Aztec Lanes 3:15 PM
Tue Jan. 16 Black Hills Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Tue Jan. 23 League Tournament West Side Lanes 3:15 PM
Sat Jan. 27 WCD Tournament Bowlero Lanes 3:15 PM
Feb. 02-03 State Tournament TBA 3:15 PM
Wed Nov. 29 Takedown Tourney Fife 4:00 PM
Sat Dec. 02 Dual Tourney N. Kitsap HS 9:00 AM
Thu Dec. 07 NorthThurston N, Thurston HS 7:00 PM
Sat Dec. 09 Dual Tourney Olympic HS 9:00 PM
Thu Dec. 14 Yelm Yelm HS 7:00 PM
Sat Dec. 16 Holiday Tourney Shelton HS 9:00 AM
Sat Dec. 30 N. Mason Classic N. Mason HS 9:00 AM
Thu Jan. 04 Timberline Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Thu Jan. 11 Capital Capital HS 7:00 PM
Sat Jan. 13 CK Matman Tourney C. Kitsap HS 9:00 AM
Thu Jan. 18 Clover Park Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Sat Jan. 20 Tahoma Tourney Tahoma HS TBA
Thu Jan. 25 Lakes Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Feb. 02-03 Subregional Shelton HS TBA
Feb. 09-10 Regionals TBA TBA
Feb, 15-17 Mat Classic Tacoma Dome TBA
Sat Dec. 09 JV Tourney Centralla HS 9:00 AM
Sat Dec. 09 JV Tourney Centralia HS 9:00 AM
Sat Dec. 30 MontesanoTourney Montesano HS 9:00 AM
Sat Jan. 06 N. Beach Tourney N. Beach HS 9:00 AM
Sat Jan. 27 JV Qualifier TBA 9:00 AM
Thu Nov. 30 League Relays Aberdeen YMCA 3:00 PM
Tue Dec. 05 Olympia ' Shelton HS 4:00 PM
Thu Dec. 07 River Ridge Shelton HS 4:00 PM
Tue Dec. 12 Timberline Timberline HS 4:00 PM
Thu Dec. 14 Capital Evergreen St. Col. 4:00 PM
Thu Jan. 04 Lakes Shelton HS 4:00 PM
Wed Jan. 10 Aberdeen HoquiamYMCA 4:00 PM
Thu Jan. 11 Lakes Clover Park HS 4:00 PM
Sat Jan. 13 Kentridge Invite KC Aq. Center 9:00 AM
Tue Jan. 16 Timberline Timberline HS 4:00 PM
Thu Jan. 18 Clover Park Shelton HS 4:00 PM
Tue Jan. 23 NorthThurston NorthThurston HS 4:00 PM
Sat Feb. 03 WCC League Meet Aberdeen YMCA 11 AM
Feb. 07-10 WCD 3 Meet TBA 3:30 PM
Feb. 16-17 State Meet KC Aq. Center TBA
Fri Dec. 01 Bremerton Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Wed Dec. 13 Aberdeen Sam Benn Gym 7:30 PM
Fri Dec. 15 Clover Park Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Men Dec. 18 Wilson Wilson TBA
Thu Dec. 21 River Ridge Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Dec. 27-29 Tyee Hoopfest Tyee 10 AM
Wed Jan. 03 Australian Team Shelton 5:15 PM
Frl Jan. 05 Capital Capital HS 7:00 PM
Tue Jan. 09 Lakes Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Frl Jan. 12 Timberline Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Tue Jan. 16 NorthThurston Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Frl Jan. 19 Central Kitsap Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Tue Jan. 23 Yelm Yelm HS 7:00 PM
Fri Jan. 26 Clover Park Clover Park HS 7:00 PM
Tue Jan. 30 Capital Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Fri Feb. 02 Lakes Lakes 7:00 PM
Tue Feb. 06 Timberline Timberline HS 7:00 PM
Fri Feb. 09 North Thurston N. Thurston HS 7:00 PM
Fri Feb. 16 Yelm High School Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Feb. 21-22 Districts TBA TBA
Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 11, 2007
i ii! i, !iii':i
(Continued from page 22.)
her. She does a 470 bench press
at 165 pounds. A LADY. And
it's all a fine art. There's a lot o
tcque that goes into it.
"We watched two gentlemen
in Montana 83 years old bench-
pressing 275. And then a 75-
year-old man benched 375,
380: down, right back up.
"And that's when I staeted
thinking, 'ManI'"
What? He might join Travis
in competition one of these
Dad grinned anew. "Wel-l-ll,
* " " " I m... He shrugged. I m one of
t so contagious, as it TO don't
happens, has been the public U
education system. Travis has anna let'e
quit going to Shelton High W m
School altogether, in fact,
opting instead to stay at home IH,k' then
and earn his GED. v...
qbf Vm b
school's , workin' for
' 9' ° 9
be dora
"We talked to Mrs.
Martinson and Coach Hinkle
about him training there,"
said Dad, referring to Climber
powerlifting and football
mentors Lorna and Matt. "And
they were alright with it. You
"As long as he shows respect
and is proper about it, it's all
MEANWHILE, of course,
a good place and there's always The Basement.
all. Like, you can learn stuff, a kind, I guess., That and the familiar, familial
But Ihave a short attention Back at the start ofthe school
that year, said the now ex.Climber, motivator already down there
) gettin' there were those who chose to a-lurking.
pigeonhole him because of the Travis grinned. "Trust," he
company he keeps, said, "is the #1 thing when it
"They think we're all jocks comes to a trainer. And you
Just cuz we all hang out together," always have to build your! '
he said. "But, other than that, relationship before you can
fully trust 'ira.
far as the public s cheers part
all know
all went through
with my _ gonnabe
because of my high-school
diploma. It ll be a little part.
But I'm gein' somewhere with,
like, my brawn. So I'm hopin'
thatql take me somewhere."
ike, it's
to be 'Brains
" e " " t
h smd. Bu
basically the
@ qb
when they get to know us, like,
there's nuthin' too bad to say
about us..."
"Like, I see a lot o' people
with trainers that don't rely
go nowhere cuz they don't
really get along great.
"But mine's
is he? What with his being Without the trust such'i
trainer and coach as well? chemistry allows, added the
Yeah, he's, like, really young champ, you're never
supportive," said Travis. "He's going to get past the stumbling
always there, which is pretty blocks that are so much a part
good. But. like... I dunno, of the sport.
"Like, he's always there, "Thereql be that time where
but my MOM is basically the you work out all the time but
biggest part of it." you aren't getting bigger and
Gina Belen, to be sure, is , " e
you re not getting stronger, :h
his #1 inspiration, said the said. "And then you just hal
C g '
young hamp. Cuz she s been trust that they know what
workin' two jobs so I can go out they're doing. Cuz it's pretty
there," he said. "She comes out hard.
to every one of my meets. She's "Like, if you're training for
never missed one meet before.
She's always in the crowd.
"Soit's, llke, agoodthingjust your squat or somethin'- it
to look up and see your morn. gets really frustrating. But if
Cuz, like, especially when you you have that trust there you'll
go different places you don't just keep doingitanyways,"
recognize anybody. So when
you look out in tle crowd you And has he hit such i
just zone tn on it. And all I see stumbling blocks? Our world-
is my morn.
" 's i " " "
Opu? ,. o u" So she a bg msplration.
eah, ms p , repeated She helps out a lot. Like, it "But you've just gotta trust
Dad, grinning. "His stomach." takes my mind off a lot o' - and be vatient. Cuz it all
stuff. Because if my mind's comes aown m the end.
not there, even though I could,
community like, bench 300, if I m not in E erything you re looki
' b'
translate from his native the zone I could pro ly bench, for ends uphappenin'...'
d his trainer/coach dad, Alonzo
Hawaiian? like, a hundred pounds.
More to the point: How "So, like, when I look out in
do his peers here in largely the crowd and I see my morn,
whitebread Shelton regard everything gets better..."
him? Do they tend to take him . .
the wrong way?
"Ummm, no, I don't think
so," said Travis. He grinned. omorrow?
"Everyone just thinks I'm a Hopefully a berth on the
weird guy."
USA Powerliiing Team, of
How so?
course, and the Olympic Games
"Ummm, I dunno: I'm just possibilities that presumably
really outspoken and stuff, and would accrue. And after that
I do what I want most of the
a career as a trainer. hat's
time. Like, I'm not embarrassed what I've wanted t' do for the
to really do anything." longest time," said Travis.
But people wouldn't,consider
him a jerk necessarily?: More short-term among his i
No," said Travis. plans, though, put in his dad,:!
is a return to the Highclimbers'
weight.training facility.
Fri Dec. 01 Bremerton
Mon Dec. 04 Wilson
Wed Dec. 06 Peninsula
Sat Dec. 09 Evergreen
Wed Dec. 13 Aberdeen
Frl Dec. 15 Clover Park
Thu Dec. 21 RiverRidge
Wed Jan. 03 Springwood
Fri Jan. 05 Capital
Tue Jan. 09 Lakes
Frl Jan. 12 Timberline
Tue Jan. 16 NorthThurston
Fri Jan. 19 Central Kitsap
Tue Jan. 23 Yelm
Fri Jan. 26 Clover Park
Tue Jan. 30 Capital
Fri Feb. 02 Lakes
Tue Feb. 06 Timberline
Fri Feb. 09 NorthThurston
Fri Feb. 16 Yelm
Brem HS 7:00 PM
Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Evergreen HS 7:00 PM
Shelton HS 7:00 PM
CPHS 7:00 PM
River Ridge HS 7:00 PM
Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Lakes HS 7:00 PM
Timberline HS 7:00 PM
NTHS 7:00 PM
Central Kitsap HS 7:00 PM
Shelton High School 7:00 PM
Shelton High School 7:00 PM
Capital High School 7:00 PM
Shelton High School 7:00 PM
Shelton high School 7:00 PM
Shelton High School 7:00 PM
Yelm High School 7:00 PM
Tue Nov. 07 Jamboree West Side Lanes TBA
Thu Nov. 09 Timberline West Side Lanes 3:15 PM
Tue Nov. 14 NorthThurston Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Thu Nov. 16 Tumwater Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Tue Nov. 21 River Ridge West Side Lanes 3:15 PM
Thu Nov. 30 Yelm Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Tue Dec. 05 Black Hills Tumwater Lanes 3:15 PM
Thu Dec.07 Timberline Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Tue Dec. 12 North Thurston West Side Lanes 3:15 PM
Thu Dec. 14 Tumwater Tumwater Lanes 3:15 PM
Thu Jan. 04 River Ridge Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Thu Jan. 11 Yelm Aztec Lanes 3:15 PM
Tue Jan. 16 Black Hills Timber Bowl 3:15 PM
Tue Jan. 23 League Tournament West Side Lanes 3:15 PM
Sat Jan. 27 WCD Tournament Bowlero Lanes 3:15 PM
Feb. 02-03 State Tournament TBA 3:15 PM
Wed Nov. 29 Takedown Tourney Fife 4:00 PM
Sat Dec. 02 Dual Tourney N. Kitsap HS 9:00 AM
Thu Dec. 07 NorthThurston N, Thurston HS 7:00 PM
Sat Dec. 09 Dual Tourney Olympic HS 9:00 PM
Thu Dec. 14 Yelm Yelm HS 7:00 PM
Sat Dec. 16 Holiday Tourney Shelton HS 9:00 AM
Sat Dec. 30 N. Mason Classic N. Mason HS 9:00 AM
Thu Jan. 04 Timberline Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Thu Jan. 11 Capital Capital HS 7:00 PM
Sat Jan. 13 CK Matman Tourney C. Kitsap HS 9:00 AM
Thu Jan. 18 Clover Park Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Sat Jan. 20 Tahoma Tourney Tahoma HS TBA
Thu Jan. 25 Lakes Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Feb. 02-03 Subregional Shelton HS TBA
Feb. 09-10 Regionals TBA TBA
Feb, 15-17 Mat Classic Tacoma Dome TBA
Sat Dec. 09 JV Tourney Centralla HS 9:00 AM
Sat Dec. 09 JV Tourney Centralia HS 9:00 AM
Sat Dec. 30 MontesanoTourney Montesano HS 9:00 AM
Sat Jan. 06 N. Beach Tourney N. Beach HS 9:00 AM
Sat Jan. 27 JV Qualifier TBA 9:00 AM
Thu Nov. 30 League Relays Aberdeen YMCA 3:00 PM
Tue Dec. 05 Olympia ' Shelton HS 4:00 PM
Thu Dec. 07 River Ridge Shelton HS 4:00 PM
Tue Dec. 12 Timberline Timberline HS 4:00 PM
Thu Dec. 14 Capital Evergreen St. Col. 4:00 PM
Thu Jan. 04 Lakes Shelton HS 4:00 PM
Wed Jan. 10 Aberdeen HoquiamYMCA 4:00 PM
Thu Jan. 11 Lakes Clover Park HS 4:00 PM
Sat Jan. 13 Kentridge Invite KC Aq. Center 9:00 AM
Tue Jan. 16 Timberline Timberline HS 4:00 PM
Thu Jan. 18 Clover Park Shelton HS 4:00 PM
Tue Jan. 23 NorthThurston NorthThurston HS 4:00 PM
Sat Feb. 03 WCC League Meet Aberdeen YMCA 11 AM
Feb. 07-10 WCD 3 Meet TBA 3:30 PM
Feb. 16-17 State Meet KC Aq. Center TBA
Fri Dec. 01 Bremerton Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Wed Dec. 13 Aberdeen Sam Benn Gym 7:30 PM
Fri Dec. 15 Clover Park Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Men Dec. 18 Wilson Wilson TBA
Thu Dec. 21 River Ridge Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Dec. 27-29 Tyee Hoopfest Tyee 10 AM
Wed Jan. 03 Australian Team Shelton 5:15 PM
Frl Jan. 05 Capital Capital HS 7:00 PM
Tue Jan. 09 Lakes Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Frl Jan. 12 Timberline Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Tue Jan. 16 NorthThurston Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Frl Jan. 19 Central Kitsap Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Tue Jan. 23 Yelm Yelm HS 7:00 PM
Fri Jan. 26 Clover Park Clover Park HS 7:00 PM
Tue Jan. 30 Capital Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Fri Feb. 02 Lakes Lakes 7:00 PM
Tue Feb. 06 Timberline Timberline HS 7:00 PM
Fri Feb. 09 North Thurston N. Thurston HS 7:00 PM
Fri Feb. 16 Yelm High School Shelton HS 7:00 PM
Feb. 21-22 Districts TBA TBA
Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 11, 2007
i ii! i, !iii':i
(Continued from page 22.)
her. She does a 470 bench press
at 165 pounds. A LADY. And
it's all a fine art. There's a lot o
tcque that goes into it.
"We watched two gentlemen
in Montana 83 years old bench-
pressing 275. And then a 75-
year-old man benched 375,
380: down, right back up.
"And that's when I staeted
thinking, 'ManI'"
What? He might join Travis
in competition one of these
Dad grinned anew. "Wel-l-ll,
* " " " I m... He shrugged. I m one of
t so contagious, as it TO don't
happens, has been the public U
education system. Travis has anna let'e
quit going to Shelton High W m
School altogether, in fact,
opting instead to stay at home IH,k' then
and earn his GED. v...
qbf Vm b
school's , workin' for
' 9' ° 9
be dora
"We talked to Mrs.
Martinson and Coach Hinkle
about him training there,"
said Dad, referring to Climber
powerlifting and football
mentors Lorna and Matt. "And
they were alright with it. You
"As long as he shows respect
and is proper about it, it's all
MEANWHILE, of course,
a good place and there's always The Basement.
all. Like, you can learn stuff, a kind, I guess., That and the familiar, familial
But Ihave a short attention Back at the start ofthe school
that year, said the now ex.Climber, motivator already down there
) gettin' there were those who chose to a-lurking.
pigeonhole him because of the Travis grinned. "Trust," he
company he keeps, said, "is the #1 thing when it
"They think we're all jocks comes to a trainer. And you
Just cuz we all hang out together," always have to build your! '
he said. "But, other than that, relationship before you can
fully trust 'ira.
far as the public s cheers part
all know
all went through
with my _ gonnabe
because of my high-school
diploma. It ll be a little part.
But I'm gein' somewhere with,
like, my brawn. So I'm hopin'
thatql take me somewhere."
ike, it's
to be 'Brains
" e " " t
h smd. Bu
basically the
@ qb
when they get to know us, like,
there's nuthin' too bad to say
about us..."
"Like, I see a lot o' people
with trainers that don't rely
go nowhere cuz they don't
really get along great.
"But mine's
is he? What with his being Without the trust such'i
trainer and coach as well? chemistry allows, added the
Yeah, he's, like, really young champ, you're never
supportive," said Travis. "He's going to get past the stumbling
always there, which is pretty blocks that are so much a part
good. But. like... I dunno, of the sport.
"Like, he's always there, "Thereql be that time where
but my MOM is basically the you work out all the time but
biggest part of it." you aren't getting bigger and
Gina Belen, to be sure, is , " e
you re not getting stronger, :h
his #1 inspiration, said the said. "And then you just hal
C g '
young hamp. Cuz she s been trust that they know what
workin' two jobs so I can go out they're doing. Cuz it's pretty
there," he said. "She comes out hard.
to every one of my meets. She's "Like, if you're training for
never missed one meet before.
She's always in the crowd.
"Soit's, llke, agoodthingjust your squat or somethin'- it
to look up and see your morn. gets really frustrating. But if
Cuz, like, especially when you you have that trust there you'll
go different places you don't just keep doingitanyways,"
recognize anybody. So when
you look out in tle crowd you And has he hit such i
just zone tn on it. And all I see stumbling blocks? Our world-
is my morn.
" 's i " " "
Opu? ,. o u" So she a bg msplration.
eah, ms p , repeated She helps out a lot. Like, it "But you've just gotta trust
Dad, grinning. "His stomach." takes my mind off a lot o' - and be vatient. Cuz it all
stuff. Because if my mind's comes aown m the end.
not there, even though I could,
community like, bench 300, if I m not in E erything you re looki
' b'
translate from his native the zone I could pro ly bench, for ends uphappenin'...'
d his trainer/coach dad, Alonzo
Hawaiian? like, a hundred pounds.
More to the point: How "So, like, when I look out in
do his peers here in largely the crowd and I see my morn,
whitebread Shelton regard everything gets better..."
him? Do they tend to take him . .
the wrong way?
"Ummm, no, I don't think
so," said Travis. He grinned. omorrow?
"Everyone just thinks I'm a Hopefully a berth on the
weird guy."
USA Powerliiing Team, of
How so?
course, and the Olympic Games
"Ummm, I dunno: I'm just possibilities that presumably
really outspoken and stuff, and would accrue. And after that
I do what I want most of the
a career as a trainer. hat's
time. Like, I'm not embarrassed what I've wanted t' do for the
to really do anything." longest time," said Travis.
But people wouldn't,consider
him a jerk necessarily?: More short-term among his i
No," said Travis. plans, though, put in his dad,:!
is a return to the Highclimbers'
weight.training facility.