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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 11, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 11, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The weather is just going through a stage High winds of last month destroyed the stage at the Mason County Fairgrounds, according to Mike Rutter of Mason County. He's in charge of maintaining the fair- grounds. "It was built with volunteer labor and lasted for quite a while," he said. Damage to the stage and the roof of a nearby building was estimated at $16,000. Rut- ter said the county is considering whether to replace the stage with a fixed struc- ture or one that can be moved. Guilty pleas: Ramos admits he drank and then tried to get away A 20-year-old Shelton man admitted driving a vehicle after drinking alcohol and attempting to get away from a police officer who attempted to arrest him when he changed his plea re- cently in Mason County Superior Court. Juan Felipe Ramos of 220 East Northlake Drive, pled guilty on Monday to attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle and driving under the influence of intoxicants, or DUI. Judge James Sawyer explained the sentencing range for felony eluding is from zero to 60 days in the Mason County Jail based on an offender score of zero. The range for the DUI conviction is from zero to 365 days with a mandatory minimum sentence of 45 days confinement and 90 days on electronic home monitoring and a $1,503 fine. The mandatory sentence and fine are based on a prior alcohol- related driving conviction, Dep- uty Prosecutor Mike Dorcy said. Ramos had a 2005 conviction in Mason County District Court for negligent driving which was re- duced from a charge of driving under the influence. In his plea statement Ramos indicated: "On November 23, I tried to avoid the police. I had been drinking before I drove." ' He was arrested on North Highway 101 near the Mason County Fairgrounds just after 1 a.m. by Trooper Richard Pigman of the Washington State Patrol. The trooper reported using sta- tionary radar which showed Ra- mos going 68 miles per hour in a 45-mph zone. After the officer activated lights and siren, Ra- mos cut through the Airport Gro- cery parking lot at a high rate of speed and turned onto Blevins Road going 60 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone. Results of the breath test in- dicated a .19 blood alcohol level, over twice the legal limit of .08. Sentencing is scheduled for Feb- ruary 5. Court-certified interpret- er Mariana Sparkman translated the plea fbrm and the proceed- ings into Spanish and English. Also on Monday, January 8: • Floyd Raymond Dahman Sr., 53, of 421 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton, pled guilty to possession of methamphetamine, resolving a year old case. In his plea state- ment, Dahman admitted he had meth inside the vehicle he was driving when he was arrested on January 16, 2006. With an offender score of three, the sentencing range is from six to 18 months, Judge Sawyer explained. Sentences of" less than a year are served in jail and sentences of over one year are served in a Washington State Department of' Corrections facil- ity. Sentencing is scheduled for February 5. • Allen Paul Mosqueda, 41, of 21 North Aspiel Lane, Shelton, pled guilty to failure to register as a sex offender. He is required to register as a sex offender as Man charged with raping his cellmate An inmate accused of sexually assaulting his cellmate while he was being held at the Washing- ton Corrections Center in Shel- ton appeared on Monday, Janu- ary 8, in Mason County Superior Court. Sonny Allen Faausa, 26, an in- mate at Clallam Bay Corrections Center, was identified in an in- vestigation of rape in the second degree. According to a probable-cause statement by Detective Jack Jail vote delayed The Mason County Commission has delayed action on a proposed change to an agreement with the City of Shelton for the use of the Mason County Jail this year. The proposed agreement includes a fiat monthly confinement billing of $13,454. Commissioners want to learn more about this before casting their votes. Gardner of the Mason County Sheriffs Office, Faausa is accused of assaulting his cellmate Joshua Blum-Adam on March 27, 2006 by smacking him upside the head and then forcing him to perform oral sex. Blum-Adam, who has a severe brain injury from an auto- mobile collision, reportedly told a doctor at the prison about the incident and said Faausu would hit him in the head to get him to do things. Judge James Sawyer appoint- ed the law firm of Jones and Fer- rell to represent Faausa. He or- dered the defendant to have no contact with the victim except under conditions of direct super- vision by the Department of Cor- rections. Faausa, whose release date from prison is in 2009, pied not guilty and is scheduled tbr an omnibus hearing on January 29, a pretrial hearing on February 12 and trial during the jury term beginning March 6. Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 11,2007 a result of a 1998 conviction in King County for communicating with a minor for immoral pur- poses. According to court documents, he was arrested on November 22 when he surrendered himself at the courthouse to Detective Bill Adam, who coordinates the sex offender registration program for the Mason County Sheriffs Of- rice. Adams reported being con- tacted on November 21 by Susan C. Arb of the Yakima County Prosecutor's Office who said there was a warrant for Mosqueda's arrest and said she had learned Mosqueda was living at 21 Aspiel Lane. He admitted he had been living at his father's residence for several months. Judge Sawyer explained that because the charge is a gross mis- demeanor, the sentencing range is from zero to 365 days, with the state recommending a sentence of 365 days with credit ibr time served and the remainder sus- pended. He said Mosqueda would be held pending sentencing set for January 22. On Friday, January 5: • Frank Michael Riedle, 36, of 1118 Sydney, Port Orchard, entered an Alford plea of guilty to an amended charge of theft in the second degree. He had been charged with first-degree theft. According to court documents, he was arrested September 9 by Deputy Kelly LaFrance who said she saw a man running from the area of 390 East Mason-Benson Road and walking towards a ve- hicle located across the road. The deputy located a 1998 Jaguar near a cell phone tower behind a locked gate on private proper- ty. Riedle was accused of taking parts from the vehicle which the registered owner, Doug E. Iver- son, reported stolen in Tacoma. Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold Schuetz said, "The defendant admitting knowing the car was there and although he did not steal it, he admitted he was tak- ing parts, including the seats." Schuetz said the state agreed to reduce the degree of the theft charge after ascertaining the value of the seats was less than $1,500. With an offender score of three, the sentencing range is from two to six months, Judge Toni Sheldon explained. She said the state would recommend a sentence of five months, with four months confinement in the jail and one month on electron- ic home monitoring. Riedle is scheduled for sentencing on Feb- ruary 5. In an Alford plea a person does not admit guilt but pleads guilty to take advantage of an offer from the state and because the evidence is such that a jury is likely to convict. Superior court roundup: Man is jailed demanding ride at knife point Bail was set at $50,000 for a man arrested after allegedly threat- ening another man with a knife while attempting to force him to give him a ride to Olympia. Steven Rodriguez, 24, of" 440 64th Avenue NE, Lacey, was iden- tified on Friday, January 5, in Ma- son County Superior Court in an investigation of robbery in the first degree, kidnapping in the first de- gree and malicious mischief in the second degree. He was arrested around 5 a.m. January 4 by Sergeant Jeff Rhoades of the Shelton Police De- partment who said he was respond- ing to a report from Esteban Eva- risto Gaspar. The witness drove to the police department and said his passenger, Rodriguez, was acting "crazy" and had assaulted him. Gaspar said he had been at the Shelton Shell when Rodriguez and a female asked him for a ride to a residence in the Hillcrest neigh- borhood. Rodriguez allegedly showed Gaspar a knife and told him to drive to Olympia. When Gaspar refused, Rodriguez reportedly took the keys to the vehicle and then knocked Gaspar in his face when he attempted to call 911. Ro- driguez allegedly got out of the ve- hicle and punctured the tires with a knife. Judge Toni Sheldon appointed the law firm of Jones and Ferrell to represent Rodriguez when he ap- peared in court January 4 but she delayed the identification hearing since Rodriguez allegedly admit- ted using methamphetamine just prior to his arrest. On Friday, she set bail at $50,000 and scheduled arraignment for January 12. Sheldon ordered Rodriguez to have no contact with Gaspar. On Tuesday, January 9: • Robert Floyd Vanguilder, 33, of Belfair, was identified in an investigation of failure to register as a sex offender. He was listed as transient at booking. Officers said Vangnilder is required to register as a result of his conviction for in- decent liberties in 1990 in King County. He was arrested when he turned himself in on January 8 by Detec- tive Bill Adam who coordinates the sex offender registration program for the Mason County Sheriffs Of- rice. He was convicted of failing to register in Mason County in 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005 and 2006. According to Adam's report: Vanguilder registered his address as 140 NE Byerly Drive, Belfair, on October 2 and was told he needed to return within 90 days, between December 18 and 22, to verify his address; on November 1 Vanguil- der registered his address as 390 East Olympic View Drive, Belfair. Vanguilder failed to show up for his address verification and on De- cember 29 Brian Gluberg, who re- sides on Olympic View Drive, said Vanguilder had lived on the prop- erty but had not been there since the first week of December. Judge Sheldon appointed Ron- aid Sergi as defense attorney and set bail at $10,000, noting there were five prior convictions for failing to register. Sheldon sched- uled arraignment for January 16 and said if Vanguilder posts bail he must provide a street address where he will be residing. • Terry Edward Brown, 34, of 17066 East State Route 106, Belfair, was identified in an inves- tigation of possession of metham- phetamine. He was arrested around 1 a.m. on January 9 by Deputy Kelly LaFrance of the Mason Coun- ty Sheriffs Office who said she stopped the vehicle Brown was driving because she was aware that he did not have a valid driv- er's license. LaFrance said she searched the vehicle after arresting Brown and found a black case in the center console which contained a glass smoking device with a white resi- due, a small digital scale and sev- eral small bags. She said one of the bags contained a white crystal substance which field-tested posi- tive for meth. The residue in the pipe also field-tested positive for meth, LaFrance reported. Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $5,000 and scheduled arraignment for January 16. On Monday, January 8, men appeared in court after arrested for allegedly taking from the Belfair residence the men's father. George Thomas Jr. III, 32, of 505 East enue, Bremerton, and "Creeper" Gardner, 37, Game Trail Way, Port were identified in an investi of residential burglary. arrested January 6 in and are suspected of taking from the residence of George Casterline Jr. II at 3558 NE Shore Road on January 3. According to court the senior Casterline said hired his son and a man he as "Creeper" to install in a crawl space but told they could not go inside the dence. He also said he locked residence and gave the key to daughter Beca Casterline. Casterline reported picking up brother and his friend at their apartment in and taking them to the She said she told them not go inside the house and she returned to pick them up saw them inside the garage residence. The senior reported finding the garage unlocked and a bathroom dew opened. Miscellaneous reportedly were missing from residence, including a for Vicodin, a The senior Casterline confronted his son about the before reporting it to the County Sheriffs Office. Judge James Sawyer the law firm of Jones and to represent Casterline and as defense counsel for The judge set bail at $10,000 Gardner and at $5,000 for erline. He ordered the men have no contact with each Casterline's father and sister the residence on NE North Road. Casterline and Gardner scheduled for arraignment ary 22. On Friday, January 5: • Troy Lee Matheny, 46, 40 North Twana Court, was identified in an investi of assault in the second degree. He was arrested at 2:41 a.I on January 5 by sheriffs ties responding to a report Skokomish tribal officers that ° theny struck Ryan K. Johns a baseball bat several times, ing injuries to his legs, arms head. Matheny reportedly told ricers he heard his dog barking went outside his residence, Johns and confronted Johns hitting him a week ago. Johns i portedly became verbally abusi and Matheny picked up a bat struck him as he ran away. Joy claimed he was walking with : Immm fany Bustamante and Matheny J tacked him without cause. Judge Sheldon appointed tl Oanua law firm of Jones and Ferrell Oanua represent Matheny, set bail Oanua $10,000 and scheduled arrai! Oanua ment for January 12. She order 2anu Matheny to have no contact wi! Janu Johns or potential witnesses 2 Oanu fany Bustamante and Heidi W!. NI liams.  the • Matthew Albert Pin San 35, of 80 North Quinault Pla Hoodsport, was identified in an' start vestigation of assault in the thJ, of p degree.. He was arrested January 5  (Please turn to page 27.) Illlilill i: Kim wants to sell alcoholic drinks "",,,, State officials are reviewi an application for a permit to beer and wine in a restaur at 506 West Railroad Avenue downtown Shelton, current dress of the '50s Diner. The application is from Jo Keun Kim, who is doing busin$ as Max, Incorporated. Persons wishing to support  oppose this application she nt contact the Regulatory Servi Division, Washington State I# quor Control Board, 3000 ! cific Avenue SE, P.O. Box 4305 Olympia, 98504-3098. The pho# is 664-1600.  A duri to th Belt 25, Belfi Bel£ Je and fair. The weather is just going through a stage High winds of last month destroyed the stage at the Mason County Fairgrounds, according to Mike Rutter of Mason County. He's in charge of maintaining the fair- grounds. "It was built with volunteer labor and lasted for quite a while," he said. Damage to the stage and the roof of a nearby building was estimated at $16,000. Rut- ter said the county is considering whether to replace the stage with a fixed struc- ture or one that can be moved. Guilty pleas: Ramos admits he drank and then tried to get away A 20-year-old Shelton man admitted driving a vehicle after drinking alcohol and attempting to get away from a police officer who attempted to arrest him when he changed his plea re- cently in Mason County Superior Court. Juan Felipe Ramos of 220 East Northlake Drive, pled guilty on Monday to attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle and driving under the influence of intoxicants, or DUI. Judge James Sawyer explained the sentencing range for felony eluding is from zero to 60 days in the Mason County Jail based on an offender score of zero. The range for the DUI conviction is from zero to 365 days with a mandatory minimum sentence of 45 days confinement and 90 days on electronic home monitoring and a $1,503 fine. The mandatory sentence and fine are based on a prior alcohol- related driving conviction, Dep- uty Prosecutor Mike Dorcy said. Ramos had a 2005 conviction in Mason County District Court for negligent driving which was re- duced from a charge of driving under the influence. In his plea statement Ramos indicated: "On November 23, I tried to avoid the police. I had been drinking before I drove." ' He was arrested on North Highway 101 near the Mason County Fairgrounds just after 1 a.m. by Trooper Richard Pigman of the Washington State Patrol. The trooper reported using sta- tionary radar which showed Ra- mos going 68 miles per hour in a 45-mph zone. After the officer activated lights and siren, Ra- mos cut through the Airport Gro- cery parking lot at a high rate of speed and turned onto Blevins Road going 60 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone. Results of the breath test in- dicated a .19 blood alcohol level, over twice the legal limit of .08. Sentencing is scheduled for Feb- ruary 5. Court-certified interpret- er Mariana Sparkman translated the plea fbrm and the proceed- ings into Spanish and English. Also on Monday, January 8: • Floyd Raymond Dahman Sr., 53, of 421 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton, pled guilty to possession of methamphetamine, resolving a year old case. In his plea state- ment, Dahman admitted he had meth inside the vehicle he was driving when he was arrested on January 16, 2006. With an offender score of three, the sentencing range is from six to 18 months, Judge Sawyer explained. Sentences of" less than a year are served in jail and sentences of over one year are served in a Washington State Department of' Corrections facil- ity. Sentencing is scheduled for February 5. • Allen Paul Mosqueda, 41, of 21 North Aspiel Lane, Shelton, pled guilty to failure to register as a sex offender. He is required to register as a sex offender as Man charged with raping his cellmate An inmate accused of sexually assaulting his cellmate while he was being held at the Washing- ton Corrections Center in Shel- ton appeared on Monday, Janu- ary 8, in Mason County Superior Court. Sonny Allen Faausa, 26, an in- mate at Clallam Bay Corrections Center, was identified in an in- vestigation of rape in the second degree. According to a probable-cause statement by Detective Jack Jail vote delayed The Mason County Commission has delayed action on a proposed change to an agreement with the City of Shelton for the use of the Mason County Jail this year. The proposed agreement includes a fiat monthly confinement billing of $13,454. Commissioners want to learn more about this before casting their votes. Gardner of the Mason County Sheriffs Office, Faausa is accused of assaulting his cellmate Joshua Blum-Adam on March 27, 2006 by smacking him upside the head and then forcing him to perform oral sex. Blum-Adam, who has a severe brain injury from an auto- mobile collision, reportedly told a doctor at the prison about the incident and said Faausu would hit him in the head to get him to do things. Judge James Sawyer appoint- ed the law firm of Jones and Fer- rell to represent Faausa. He or- dered the defendant to have no contact with the victim except under conditions of direct super- vision by the Department of Cor- rections. Faausa, whose release date from prison is in 2009, pied not guilty and is scheduled tbr an omnibus hearing on January 29, a pretrial hearing on February 12 and trial during the jury term beginning March 6. Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 11,2007 a result of a 1998 conviction in King County for communicating with a minor for immoral pur- poses. According to court documents, he was arrested on November 22 when he surrendered himself at the courthouse to Detective Bill Adam, who coordinates the sex offender registration program for the Mason County Sheriffs Of- rice. Adams reported being con- tacted on November 21 by Susan C. Arb of the Yakima County Prosecutor's Office who said there was a warrant for Mosqueda's arrest and said she had learned Mosqueda was living at 21 Aspiel Lane. He admitted he had been living at his father's residence for several months. Judge Sawyer explained that because the charge is a gross mis- demeanor, the sentencing range is from zero to 365 days, with the state recommending a sentence of 365 days with credit ibr time served and the remainder sus- pended. He said Mosqueda would be held pending sentencing set for January 22. On Friday, January 5: • Frank Michael Riedle, 36, of 1118 Sydney, Port Orchard, entered an Alford plea of guilty to an amended charge of theft in the second degree. He had been charged with first-degree theft. According to court documents, he was arrested September 9 by Deputy Kelly LaFrance who said she saw a man running from the area of 390 East Mason-Benson Road and walking towards a ve- hicle located across the road. The deputy located a 1998 Jaguar near a cell phone tower behind a locked gate on private proper- ty. Riedle was accused of taking parts from the vehicle which the registered owner, Doug E. Iver- son, reported stolen in Tacoma. Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold Schuetz said, "The defendant admitting knowing the car was there and although he did not steal it, he admitted he was tak- ing parts, including the seats." Schuetz said the state agreed to reduce the degree of the theft charge after ascertaining the value of the seats was less than $1,500. With an offender score of three, the sentencing range is from two to six months, Judge Toni Sheldon explained. She said the state would recommend a sentence of five months, with four months confinement in the jail and one month on electron- ic home monitoring. Riedle is scheduled for sentencing on Feb- ruary 5. In an Alford plea a person does not admit guilt but pleads guilty to take advantage of an offer from the state and because the evidence is such that a jury is likely to convict. Superior court roundup: Man is jailed demanding ride at knife point Bail was set at $50,000 for a man arrested after allegedly threat- ening another man with a knife while attempting to force him to give him a ride to Olympia. Steven Rodriguez, 24, of" 440 64th Avenue NE, Lacey, was iden- tified on Friday, January 5, in Ma- son County Superior Court in an investigation of robbery in the first degree, kidnapping in the first de- gree and malicious mischief in the second degree. He was arrested around 5 a.m. January 4 by Sergeant Jeff Rhoades of the Shelton Police De- partment who said he was respond- ing to a report from Esteban Eva- risto Gaspar. The witness drove to the police department and said his passenger, Rodriguez, was acting "crazy" and had assaulted him. Gaspar said he had been at the Shelton Shell when Rodriguez and a female asked him for a ride to a residence in the Hillcrest neigh- borhood. Rodriguez allegedly showed Gaspar a knife and told him to drive to Olympia. When Gaspar refused, Rodriguez reportedly took the keys to the vehicle and then knocked Gaspar in his face when he attempted to call 911. Ro- driguez allegedly got out of the ve- hicle and punctured the tires with a knife. Judge Toni Sheldon appointed the law firm of Jones and Ferrell to represent Rodriguez when he ap- peared in court January 4 but she delayed the identification hearing since Rodriguez allegedly admit- ted using methamphetamine just prior to his arrest. On Friday, she set bail at $50,000 and scheduled arraignment for January 12. Sheldon ordered Rodriguez to have no contact with Gaspar. On Tuesday, January 9: • Robert Floyd Vanguilder, 33, of Belfair, was identified in an investigation of failure to register as a sex offender. He was listed as transient at booking. Officers said Vangnilder is required to register as a result of his conviction for in- decent liberties in 1990 in King County. He was arrested when he turned himself in on January 8 by Detec- tive Bill Adam who coordinates the sex offender registration program for the Mason County Sheriffs Of- rice. He was convicted of failing to register in Mason County in 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005 and 2006. According to Adam's report: Vanguilder registered his address as 140 NE Byerly Drive, Belfair, on October 2 and was told he needed to return within 90 days, between December 18 and 22, to verify his address; on November 1 Vanguil- der registered his address as 390 East Olympic View Drive, Belfair. Vanguilder failed to show up for his address verification and on De- cember 29 Brian Gluberg, who re- sides on Olympic View Drive, said Vanguilder had lived on the prop- erty but had not been there since the first week of December. Judge Sheldon appointed Ron- aid Sergi as defense attorney and set bail at $10,000, noting there were five prior convictions for failing to register. Sheldon sched- uled arraignment for January 16 and said if Vanguilder posts bail he must provide a street address where he will be residing. • Terry Edward Brown, 34, of 17066 East State Route 106, Belfair, was identified in an inves- tigation of possession of metham- phetamine. He was arrested around 1 a.m. on January 9 by Deputy Kelly LaFrance of the Mason Coun- ty Sheriffs Office who said she stopped the vehicle Brown was driving because she was aware that he did not have a valid driv- er's license. LaFrance said she searched the vehicle after arresting Brown and found a black case in the center console which contained a glass smoking device with a white resi- due, a small digital scale and sev- eral small bags. She said one of the bags contained a white crystal substance which field-tested posi- tive for meth. The residue in the pipe also field-tested positive for meth, LaFrance reported. Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $5,000 and scheduled arraignment for January 16. On Monday, January 8, men appeared in court after arrested for allegedly taking from the Belfair residence the men's father. George Thomas Jr. III, 32, of 505 East enue, Bremerton, and "Creeper" Gardner, 37, Game Trail Way, Port were identified in an investi of residential burglary. arrested January 6 in and are suspected of taking from the residence of George Casterline Jr. II at 3558 NE Shore Road on January 3. According to court the senior Casterline said hired his son and a man he as "Creeper" to install in a crawl space but told they could not go inside the dence. He also said he locked residence and gave the key to daughter Beca Casterline. Casterline reported picking up brother and his friend at their apartment in and taking them to the She said she told them not go inside the house and she returned to pick them up saw them inside the garage residence. The senior reported finding the garage unlocked and a bathroom dew opened. Miscellaneous reportedly were missing from residence, including a for Vicodin, a The senior Casterline confronted his son about the before reporting it to the County Sheriffs Office. Judge James Sawyer the law firm of Jones and to represent Casterline and as defense counsel for The judge set bail at $10,000 Gardner and at $5,000 for erline. He ordered the men have no contact with each Casterline's father and sister the residence on NE North Road. Casterline and Gardner scheduled for arraignment ary 22. On Friday, January 5: • Troy Lee Matheny, 46, 40 North Twana Court, was identified in an investi of assault in the second degree. He was arrested at 2:41 a.I on January 5 by sheriffs ties responding to a report Skokomish tribal officers that ° theny struck Ryan K. Johns a baseball bat several times, ing injuries to his legs, arms head. Matheny reportedly told ricers he heard his dog barking went outside his residence, Johns and confronted Johns hitting him a week ago. Johns i portedly became verbally abusi and Matheny picked up a bat struck him as he ran away. Joy claimed he was walking with : Immm fany Bustamante and Matheny J tacked him without cause. Judge Sheldon appointed tl Oanua law firm of Jones and Ferrell Oanua represent Matheny, set bail Oanua $10,000 and scheduled arrai! Oanua ment for January 12. She order 2anu Matheny to have no contact wi! Janu Johns or potential witnesses 2 Oanu fany Bustamante and Heidi W!. NI liams.  the • Matthew Albert Pin San 35, of 80 North Quinault Pla Hoodsport, was identified in an' start vestigation of assault in the thJ, of p degree.. He was arrested January 5  (Please turn to page 27.) Illlilill i: Kim wants to sell alcoholic drinks "",,,, State officials are reviewi an application for a permit to beer and wine in a restaur at 506 West Railroad Avenue downtown Shelton, current dress of the '50s Diner. The application is from Jo Keun Kim, who is doing busin$ as Max, Incorporated. Persons wishing to support  oppose this application she nt contact the Regulatory Servi Division, Washington State I# quor Control Board, 3000 ! cific Avenue SE, P.O. Box 4305 Olympia, 98504-3098. The pho# is 664-1600.  A duri to th Belt 25, Belfi Bel£ Je and fair.