January 11, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 11, 2007 |
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Correction rights lights
This photograph by Kathy Danford of the Christmas
lights at Linda Laney's house in Lilliwaup was incor-
rectly identified in last week's Belfair Herald section
of this newspaper.
PUD financial reporl,
Wins national award
The finance department of
PUD 3 has received an award for
:nancial reporting from the Gov-
iernment Finance Officers Asso-
Ciation of the U.S. and Canada.
The document that caught the
iass°ciation's eye was the 2005
Comprehensive Annual Finan-
cial Report of the public utility
district. This is the second year in
a row the PUD has received na-
tional recognition fi)r the quality
:of its reporting on the financial
:health of the local utility•
"I'm very pleased that our fi-
nance department has been rec-
ognized for its excellent work by
• ' , . . • , •
Said Wyla Wol)d ' m ives to meet
PUD Our staff str .
:high standards of financial man-
viding accurate, clearly presented
and accessible information about
how the PUD is operated. This is
a team accomplishment of which
all our employees can be proud."
The association regards its
certificate of achievement as the
highest form of recognition in the
area of governmental accounting
and financial reporting.
The PUD annual report was
judged by a panel to meet the
high standards of the program,
including demonstrating a con-
structive "spirit of full disclosure"
by clearly communicating its fi-
nancial story and motivating peo-
ple to read it.
The association is a nonprofit
professional organization of ap-
proximately 16,000 financial pro-
Annas Bay will . ., , . .
bring Spanish " ' " -" " ' " '
song to Shelton ETk] ]JE
Representatives of the Annas && ¢
Bay Music Festival will present
an afternoon of Spanish song in
Shelton this Sunday in a benefit € E
for the Mason County Concert As-
The January 14 matinee, "Can- Warm LIp
tar del Alma: A Prog,,am ofRo-li frQ w|th
mantle Spanish Song, is an An-
nas Bay presentation originally these $[110 CI[A$
performed for a crowd of more fr end y i I ::HO-UR-MOV/?F0426sl.co00m.SHELTjO
than 500 at Town Hall Seattle. b llii
It will begin at 3 p.m. in the
Shelton High School Auditorium usinesses!! I
at 3737 North Shelton Springs ( I i i i v!ilonO0n is
Road. Concert association mem-
bers are admitted by their season
tickets. Individual tickets to the
co=t il!!l r
students, are available at Lynch ALL-YOU.CAN.EAT
Creek Floral at Fourth and Rail-
road in downtown Shelton. BREAKFAST
The concert will feature bari-
tone Matthew Melendez Blegen, Saturday, January 13, 2007
the general director of the Annas
Bay Music Festival, joined by so-
prano Tessia Altiveros, pianist
agement racti .....
: P ces as well as pro- fessionals in the public sector, in singing).
00Saltv Sashavers show some class
)r . .,
:y ,-Dyl teaching_ sauare,_ round dance
00a,t. u.ro an. 'oo,n on 00hur.a, 00anu- on State00' 00ance on
lggl R .... Y, t gi g y gt
;al!;wnLDance Club is sponsoring a ary 11, the club will offer waltz April 17, 1979, Club spokesperson
mit; erms of dance lessons, rhythm dance lessons from 7 to 9 Sarah Granberg offered a square-
,nal p.m. Square dance lessons will be dance history. When pioneers
efl| f'N
il 1 •
. "-"' "" 4i, V
:pTarty gift
re.alas t teol, nd_er a photograph in
;aylli,,- E'" s paper containea some
ring .... currect inibrmation A $357 con-
tribution of funds to" help with a
ichildren,s Chris
mart ,_ "tmas art at the
jnelton ln. T . P Y . .
,,,s oa w mane o
- Sthe t.,a, • . ge as " y
, p0,Lo,,..'ae.s ot the Elks, not the
€ be$ J', urder of Eagles.
from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Janu-
ary 16.
All lessons are offered at Skoo-
kum Community Hall, located at
3480 Lynch Road near Shelton,
3.5 miles from U.S. Highway 101.
The first lessons is free, then
the club will ask for a $4 donation
for adult students, $2 for youth
10 years of age or older or $10 per
family for continuing students.
Mary Parsons will lead the waltz
step and Bill Odam will teach the
square dance movements.
Square dancing became Wash-
Jerrod Wendland and a classical
The Puerto Rican baritone and
friends will provide a program of
rarely heard romantic Spanish art
song. The selections will include
works by Federico M0mpou (1893-
1987), Xavier Montsalvatge (1912-
) and Carlos Guastavino (1912-
2000); guitar virtuosi Fernando
Sor (1778-1839) and Emilio Pujol
(1886-1980); and the vocal maestri
Manual Garcia (1775-1832) and
his daughter Pauline Garcia-Viar-
dot (1821-1910).
Melendez Blegen has performed
with the New Jersey State Opera,
Opera Orchestra of Los Angeles,
both the Los Angeles and William
Hall Master Chorales, the Seattle
Tudor Choir and many more en-
sembles. He has a passion for
early music and received praise
from nationally renowned early
music soprano Ellen Hargis for
his coloratura skills (showy style
moved west, they brought with
them a dance called the quadrille,
which means "square" in French.
Pioneers liked the simpler term
and so the square dance was born.
The dance is known for its series
of figures and footwork. A caller
directs the dancers.
"It is easy to learn, a good tbrm
of exercise and fun," Granberg
Casual clothing is advised and
refreshments will be served. More
information is available by calling
877-5907 or 456-2056.
)pen at 4pro
ab ,
ork 100 Years Ago were to be filed in Mason County Su-
perior Court Wednesday afternoon
against Harry Kerr, Grapeview, in the
shooting death last month of George
High winds which hit Mason Coun-
ty Saturday night and again Monday
night have kept PUD, telephone, road
and street crews busy restoring ser-
vice and keeping roads cleared of trees
and branches.
10 Years Ago
From the January 9, 1997, Shelton-
Mason County Journal:
A 16-year-old Shelton youth, Adam
L. Snyder, died at Saint Peter Hospi-
tal on Saturday of a self-inflicted gun-
shot wound that ended a standoff' with
Olympia and Lacey police officers in a
vacant lot off Martin Way in Lacey on
Friday evening.
Workshops look at
better country living
Washington State University
Extension Master Gardeners, the
WSU Mason County Extension,
and Mason Conservation District
announce their winter 2007 Coun-
try Living Workshop series.
If you want to learn about gar-
3 aN From the "
.% . ,January 11, 1907 Mason
t sl°ttttt.Y JOUrnal: "
:. rAcc°rding to Henry A. Budding,
yp[,uO ar,.,y!() this morning from Van-
cl c vet, B.t .... the course of true love
owio.n ce more runs smoothly. Buddin
ttaY s that tht tn)ubl • , • g
call:and C ! ': e between himseff
der " .A. l, al urgey, father of the 14-
* t {ear.old Lillian LaFur e
. ne e-.-.-. g .y, wth whom
• ,,pu several da s
orrd satisfact,,:L . ...... Y, ago, has been
"--y settled. He says he will
"-yd n[vg)Ve up the girl, and that she is
o £ temporarily in the custod of her
bei: parents. • Y
There will be a short video fea-
turing Bill Moyers, former press
secretary to President Lyndon
Johnson and a regular contributor
to television programs of the Public
Broadcasting System. Washington
Secretary of State Sam Reed and
Ralph Munro, former secretary of
state, are the invited guest speak-
T •
s tll. he County Commissioners have
,,T[I een, in session this weei, approving
eV$.e, bonds of County ofticers-elect and
' making settlem
d0!offio i ..... . ents wzth the present
.qf: :ats. They also disposed of several
' :id matters and cleaned up all the
oa(1 business before them•
35 Years Ago
, From the January 13 1972, Shel-
'°n-Mason County ,J(urn(d:
Second-degree murder charges
dening, livestock, or just how to
manage your property more re-
sponsibly to protect natural re-
sources, than any of these work-
shops are meant for you.
Many of the workshops are free
and some them have a nominal
charge to cover the cost of speak-
ers. Dates, times and locations
will vary, but the schedule will
include the following topics: Mon-
day, January 15, Horses for Clean
Water with a focus on mud, pad-
docks and livestock; Thursday,
January 18, Naturescaping; Fri-
day, January 19, Healing Gar-
dens - Growing Herbs for Health;
Monday, January 22, Horses for
Clean Water with a focus on live-
stock and manure management;
(Please turn to page 36.)
IfDemocrats meet on Saturday
i The 35th Legislative District
i eraocrats meet from 1 to 3 m
iaLuay:, January 13, at the il
' u,"" '. Need Public Library, 710
• 'vest Alder Street in Shelton.
i ira Chris Stegman of the Wash-
i: §.ton Public Campais organi-
:;tlon.will present a program on
i! ;ra°ting public financing of cam.
gas in this state.
from 8:00 to 10:30am
Union City Masonic Hall
19341 N. Hwy. 101 --
across from Lucky Dog Casino
$5 donation suggested
l,r.:.,m'd t,!l ( hmm ( !1 ( I ),xolm (cn)l( (o N,
Mo.ia.y-Tl,urshl '-5:31)i,...
s 15 i,,, ,,,,, i,,.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,,,
• ( :lmi(,e .fent re(. * ( :l.,i,'l' ,,f si,h, ,lisl
• (:t.fi('(, ol'sou I) )' sala,I • ( :)n,l.'e:.l
10841 Kennedy Creek Road SW, Olympia (36111, ,,866"8704
Sun-lhm's I lam- ml
(0.(; Illi. I):lsl Sllllllllil I,ake I)l: ('sd.,..(I .tl I I. 8 :ri & Sat htm-glm
l'oys Topless
of f00orst
Bottomless Drinks
.Video Games, Pool Tables
, Personal Conversation
. Good Music Mix & Much More
For the Brave of Heart
Visit us online
for current specials at toystopless,com
Momin Happy
Ernie's is now happy to serve you
Busy? Why cook toniEht ?
Call for Take-Out Specials!
Breakfast Muffin
Ham, Bacon, Egg & Cheese .............................. $2.25
1/3-Lb. Cheeseburger with Fries ........................... $4.75
Try the Ernie Burger
"About a pound of heaven"
Includes Large Fries .......................................... $6.50
FREE TEXAS HOLD'EM Monday 6:30 & 9:30
Weekly winners, no fee
II,a00 F,. co., TAVERN Hour II
lllil Three pool tables, two shuffleboards & darts/Ijl II
7114 Wtsr COTA * SHELTON, WA * 426-2221
Bingo Tue. & Thurs. 6-8pm
Nightly Dinner Specials
7431 W. Shelton-Matlock Road at Dayton
The Ragsdale Family, New Owners
Open Daily 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
(360) 426-5450
Thursday, January 11,2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29
Correction rights lights
This photograph by Kathy Danford of the Christmas
lights at Linda Laney's house in Lilliwaup was incor-
rectly identified in last week's Belfair Herald section
of this newspaper.
PUD financial reporl,
Wins national award
The finance department of
PUD 3 has received an award for
:nancial reporting from the Gov-
iernment Finance Officers Asso-
Ciation of the U.S. and Canada.
The document that caught the
iass°ciation's eye was the 2005
Comprehensive Annual Finan-
cial Report of the public utility
district. This is the second year in
a row the PUD has received na-
tional recognition fi)r the quality
:of its reporting on the financial
:health of the local utility•
"I'm very pleased that our fi-
nance department has been rec-
ognized for its excellent work by
• ' , . . • , •
Said Wyla Wol)d ' m ives to meet
PUD Our staff str .
:high standards of financial man-
viding accurate, clearly presented
and accessible information about
how the PUD is operated. This is
a team accomplishment of which
all our employees can be proud."
The association regards its
certificate of achievement as the
highest form of recognition in the
area of governmental accounting
and financial reporting.
The PUD annual report was
judged by a panel to meet the
high standards of the program,
including demonstrating a con-
structive "spirit of full disclosure"
by clearly communicating its fi-
nancial story and motivating peo-
ple to read it.
The association is a nonprofit
professional organization of ap-
proximately 16,000 financial pro-
Annas Bay will . ., , . .
bring Spanish " ' " -" " ' " '
song to Shelton ETk] ]JE
Representatives of the Annas && ¢
Bay Music Festival will present
an afternoon of Spanish song in
Shelton this Sunday in a benefit € E
for the Mason County Concert As-
The January 14 matinee, "Can- Warm LIp
tar del Alma: A Prog,,am ofRo-li frQ w|th
mantle Spanish Song, is an An-
nas Bay presentation originally these $[110 CI[A$
performed for a crowd of more fr end y i I ::HO-UR-MOV/?F0426sl.co00m.SHELTjO
than 500 at Town Hall Seattle. b llii
It will begin at 3 p.m. in the
Shelton High School Auditorium usinesses!! I
at 3737 North Shelton Springs ( I i i i v!ilonO0n is
Road. Concert association mem-
bers are admitted by their season
tickets. Individual tickets to the
co=t il!!l r
students, are available at Lynch ALL-YOU.CAN.EAT
Creek Floral at Fourth and Rail-
road in downtown Shelton. BREAKFAST
The concert will feature bari-
tone Matthew Melendez Blegen, Saturday, January 13, 2007
the general director of the Annas
Bay Music Festival, joined by so-
prano Tessia Altiveros, pianist
agement racti .....
: P ces as well as pro- fessionals in the public sector, in singing).
00Saltv Sashavers show some class
)r . .,
:y ,-Dyl teaching_ sauare,_ round dance
00a,t. u.ro an. 'oo,n on 00hur.a, 00anu- on State00' 00ance on
lggl R .... Y, t gi g y gt
;al!;wnLDance Club is sponsoring a ary 11, the club will offer waltz April 17, 1979, Club spokesperson
mit; erms of dance lessons, rhythm dance lessons from 7 to 9 Sarah Granberg offered a square-
,nal p.m. Square dance lessons will be dance history. When pioneers
efl| f'N
il 1 •
. "-"' "" 4i, V
:pTarty gift
re.alas t teol, nd_er a photograph in
;aylli,,- E'" s paper containea some
ring .... currect inibrmation A $357 con-
tribution of funds to" help with a
ichildren,s Chris
mart ,_ "tmas art at the
jnelton ln. T . P Y . .
,,,s oa w mane o
- Sthe t.,a, • . ge as " y
, p0,Lo,,..'ae.s ot the Elks, not the
€ be$ J', urder of Eagles.
from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Janu-
ary 16.
All lessons are offered at Skoo-
kum Community Hall, located at
3480 Lynch Road near Shelton,
3.5 miles from U.S. Highway 101.
The first lessons is free, then
the club will ask for a $4 donation
for adult students, $2 for youth
10 years of age or older or $10 per
family for continuing students.
Mary Parsons will lead the waltz
step and Bill Odam will teach the
square dance movements.
Square dancing became Wash-
Jerrod Wendland and a classical
The Puerto Rican baritone and
friends will provide a program of
rarely heard romantic Spanish art
song. The selections will include
works by Federico M0mpou (1893-
1987), Xavier Montsalvatge (1912-
) and Carlos Guastavino (1912-
2000); guitar virtuosi Fernando
Sor (1778-1839) and Emilio Pujol
(1886-1980); and the vocal maestri
Manual Garcia (1775-1832) and
his daughter Pauline Garcia-Viar-
dot (1821-1910).
Melendez Blegen has performed
with the New Jersey State Opera,
Opera Orchestra of Los Angeles,
both the Los Angeles and William
Hall Master Chorales, the Seattle
Tudor Choir and many more en-
sembles. He has a passion for
early music and received praise
from nationally renowned early
music soprano Ellen Hargis for
his coloratura skills (showy style
moved west, they brought with
them a dance called the quadrille,
which means "square" in French.
Pioneers liked the simpler term
and so the square dance was born.
The dance is known for its series
of figures and footwork. A caller
directs the dancers.
"It is easy to learn, a good tbrm
of exercise and fun," Granberg
Casual clothing is advised and
refreshments will be served. More
information is available by calling
877-5907 or 456-2056.
)pen at 4pro
ab ,
ork 100 Years Ago were to be filed in Mason County Su-
perior Court Wednesday afternoon
against Harry Kerr, Grapeview, in the
shooting death last month of George
High winds which hit Mason Coun-
ty Saturday night and again Monday
night have kept PUD, telephone, road
and street crews busy restoring ser-
vice and keeping roads cleared of trees
and branches.
10 Years Ago
From the January 9, 1997, Shelton-
Mason County Journal:
A 16-year-old Shelton youth, Adam
L. Snyder, died at Saint Peter Hospi-
tal on Saturday of a self-inflicted gun-
shot wound that ended a standoff' with
Olympia and Lacey police officers in a
vacant lot off Martin Way in Lacey on
Friday evening.
Workshops look at
better country living
Washington State University
Extension Master Gardeners, the
WSU Mason County Extension,
and Mason Conservation District
announce their winter 2007 Coun-
try Living Workshop series.
If you want to learn about gar-
3 aN From the "
.% . ,January 11, 1907 Mason
t sl°ttttt.Y JOUrnal: "
:. rAcc°rding to Henry A. Budding,
yp[,uO ar,.,y!() this morning from Van-
cl c vet, B.t .... the course of true love
owio.n ce more runs smoothly. Buddin
ttaY s that tht tn)ubl • , • g
call:and C ! ': e between himseff
der " .A. l, al urgey, father of the 14-
* t {ear.old Lillian LaFur e
. ne e-.-.-. g .y, wth whom
• ,,pu several das
orrd satisfact,,:L . ...... Y, ago, has been
"--y settled. He says he will
"-yd n[vg)Ve up the girl, and that she is
o £ temporarily in the custod of her
bei: parents. • Y
There will be a short video fea-
turing Bill Moyers, former press
secretary to President Lyndon
Johnson and a regular contributor
to television programs of the Public
Broadcasting System. Washington
Secretary of State Sam Reed and
Ralph Munro, former secretary of
state, are the invited guest speak-
T •
s tll. he County Commissioners have
,,T[I een, in session this weei, approving
eV$.e, bonds of County ofticers-elect and
' making settlem
d0!offio i ..... . ents wzth the present
.qf: :ats. They also disposed of several
' :id matters and cleaned up all the
oa(1 business before them•
35 Years Ago
, From the January 13 1972, Shel-
'°n-Mason County ,J(urn(d:
Second-degree murder charges
dening, livestock, or just how to
manage your property more re-
sponsibly to protect natural re-
sources, than any of these work-
shops are meant for you.
Many of the workshops are free
and some them have a nominal
charge to cover the cost of speak-
ers. Dates, times and locations
will vary, but the schedule will
include the following topics: Mon-
day, January 15, Horses for Clean
Water with a focus on mud, pad-
docks and livestock; Thursday,
January 18, Naturescaping; Fri-
day, January 19, Healing Gar-
dens - Growing Herbs for Health;
Monday, January 22, Horses for
Clean Water with a focus on live-
stock and manure management;
(Please turn to page 36.)
IfDemocrats meet on Saturday
i The 35th Legislative District
i eraocrats meet from 1 to 3 m
iaLuay:, January 13, at the il
' u,"" '. Need Public Library, 710
• 'vest Alder Street in Shelton.
i ira Chris Stegman of the Wash-
i: §.ton Public Campais organi-
:;tlon.will present a program on
i! ;ra°ting public financing of cam.
gas in this state.
from 8:00 to 10:30am
Union City Masonic Hall
19341 N. Hwy. 101 --
across from Lucky Dog Casino
$5 donation suggested
l,r.:.,m'd t,!l ( hmm ( !1 ( I ),xolm (cn)l( (o N,
Mo.ia.y-Tl,urshl '-5:31)i,...
s 15 i,,, ,,,,, i,,.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,,,
• ( :lmi(,e .fent re(. * ( :l.,i,'l' ,,f si,h, ,lisl
• (:t.fi('(, ol'sou I) )' sala,I • ( :)n,l.'e:.l
10841 Kennedy Creek Road SW, Olympia (36111, ,,866"8704
Sun-lhm's I lam- ml
(0.(; Illi. I):lsl Sllllllllil I,ake I)l: ('sd.,..(I .tl I I. 8 :ri & Sat htm-glm
l'oys Topless
of f00orst
Bottomless Drinks
.Video Games, Pool Tables
, Personal Conversation
. Good Music Mix & Much More
For the Brave of Heart
Visit us online
for current specials at toystopless,com
Momin Happy
Ernie's is now happy to serve you
Busy? Why cook toniEht ?
Call for Take-Out Specials!
Breakfast Muffin
Ham, Bacon, Egg & Cheese .............................. $2.25
1/3-Lb. Cheeseburger with Fries ........................... $4.75
Try the Ernie Burger
"About a pound of heaven"
Includes Large Fries .......................................... $6.50
FREE TEXAS HOLD'EM Monday 6:30 & 9:30
Weekly winners, no fee
II,a00 F,. co., TAVERN Hour II
lllil Three pool tables, two shuffleboards & darts/Ijl II
7114 Wtsr COTA * SHELTON, WA * 426-2221
Bingo Tue. & Thurs. 6-8pm
Nightly Dinner Specials
7431 W. Shelton-Matlock Road at Dayton
The Ragsdale Family, New Owners
Open Daily 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
(360) 426-5450
Thursday, January 11,2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29