January 11, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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WANTED - LAWN/garden equipment,
all shapes and sizes. Specifically riding
mowers, pressure washer, hand tools,
utility trailer. Trade work, or reasonable
cash paid. (360) 432-7935; (360) 789-
5570. L6/15tfn
BUYING SCRAP gold and silver and
PUREBRED AMERICAN Bulldog pup- I CAN fix anything and build anything.
pies. Not papered, $200 to approved Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
homes only. Ready Friday, 7 weeks - 1 490-8008. P1/11-3/1
male, 1 female. (360) 426-6901. L1/11 .............................................................
............................................................................... SITE PREP -land clearing, driveways,
FREE - 12 week old male poodle/terri- tree removal, excavating, utility ditches.
er, 1st shots. Owner has health issues. Roan Construction ROANCC*941PB
(360) 426-1040. C 1/11 (360) 426-7181. J 1/11-2/1
LANDSCAPING, Queen Anne's. All 10,000 POUND mini excavator and opera-
aspects of landscape installation, rear- tar for hire. 2 hour minimum. No delivery/
ganization and reclamation, toxic-free, pick-up fee. Call (360) 432-3147. E2/24tfn
Consultations. Extensive references. - ................................................................
(360) 426-4598. Q12/21tfn W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new
construction and repairs. 50 years experi-
STORM CLEANUP. Can clean up limbs,
trees, debris and haul it away. Free es-
timate. Phone (360) 426-4504. Ask for
Randy. H12/21-1/11
movies, ...............................................................................................................................................
$300 females, 8 weeks old. Call (360) cleaner with references. Schedule for .......................................................
796-3290. M1/4-11 one time or regular cleaning. (360) 490- FURNITURE REPAIR, refinishing and
...................................................................................... 7045. D1/11-2/1 custom built. My low overhead saves
DACHSHUND PUPPIES, long-hair and .................................................... you money. Walter (360) 275-8421.
short-hair miniature. Male$550, females JOEUS LANDSCAPING. Brush clear- A1/4-24
$650, AKC registered, purebred. Vet ing, hauling, trimming, mowing, flower ................................................
examined, short-term health guarantee, bed cleanup, barking. Free estimates. K&L YARD Services and Landscaping
Also 2 adults. (360) 490-4212. A1/4-25 Year around. (360) 970-7063; (360) work. Hard working people. Mowing,
costume jewelry, DVDs/VHS
designer and vintage clothing and ac-
cessories. Big Little, 211 W. Cota Street.
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous-
es inside and out. Also garages, gut-
ters, roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling,
and fall cleanup. Have job? We'll trav-
el. (360) 229-0931 (360) 229-9442 or
(360) 229-0373. P1'1/23tfn
ROOF REPAIRS, affordable, call (360)
DOGS LOVE school with September
Morn (30+ years professional trainer and
author of best-selling training books).
Group classes, convenient private les-
sons and behavioral consults. Manners
Obedience, Agility and more. (360) 432-
3633 morndogs@aol.com. M11/9tfn
j 427-6289, ask for AI Handley. H1/4-25
nt ! ------- ............................................................................ 426-1490. C 12/7tfn
STARVING COLLEGE student looking
for work till Americorps job assignment
:begins. Strong as an ox and frequently
iflgi as smart, I will do most any home- and
,,1 Yard-type
;(360) work with a smile. Shane,
426-4540. P10/26tfn
4NEED CHILDCARE for evening classes
nor Work ? Jumpstart Childcare has ex-
u nded hours to meet your needs. Li-
nu.j.censed for 15 years DSHS acce ted,
t 44US.DTA_Food Program. Call (360)26-
,/. 41/11-2/1
'i 3tfn
d llr
GIFT of music. Guitar and Bass
in your home. Professional
)Usician with 5 years teaching expe-
race. $80 per month for 4-40 min-
sloes. Call or email Will. (360)
2/14tfn willmusique@hctc.com.
Remodeling end repoir
Repair contrgctor will work for enything
of value; for pert or full trade
ZO years experience
Licensed and bonded
(zso) 490-5222
REHODK*941JC lzlze zn
'e CELLO SOLO ST m'n a
• rnu,-; .... perfor I g classc
p:nal'gnt rock, jazz standards, origi-
t .u,.'_,? ue more for special occasions,
lu',,=uemg s, and dinner part es Over
• '€'U e • '
,llrr^ Y .ars experience, over 8 hours of
e,, =pertoire. Call for available times and
)ki:ateS. (360)490-4695 or e-mal cello-
x coJun°-com. Visit cellodad.blogspot.
)1 for more information P1/11tfn
u23 PEOPLE wanted to lose 5-100
pktge°U;ds. All natural Herbalife. Free well-
. /" evaluation. Call Karen 360 898
3e 004. L10/26-1/11/07 ( ) "
Where Yrmth Succeed
Make a difference in a
foster youth's life and
earn $1,000/month
Community Youth Services is
Ir°°k!ng ' for foster families and
inPte/sh°rt'term foster families
anahson,. Grays Harbor, Lewis
,urston counties to care for
adolescent foster youth Families
must be caring, structured and
Willing to attend trainings. Foster
Parents receive monthly stipend,
24-hour case management, crisis
UiPnPi °rt, respite care and ongoing
h^ff"ng. For more information on
uw YOu can make a d fference in
a child's 5' ....
.e, ca, Amanda at 360
943-0780 x104. ( )
ence, free estimates. (360) 432-8663. Lic.
#WHURTM*208PN W5/4tfn
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years. (360)
426-9354. Wl 2/1 ltfn
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Department.
Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to
any automotive services." All makes and
models including motorhomes. Call us
- some services require no appointment.
W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy•
weeding, weedeater, trimming, hauling, 101 (360) 426-5585. G1/29tfn
blowing, barking, graveling and more ........ - ..........................................................
HOME WORKS. Handyman. Home re-
pairs and maintenance. Lawn sprinklers
and landscaping. Brush and debris re-
moval and hauling. Call John (360) 877-
5560. HOMEWW*943KZ. H8/24tfn
........................................................................................ 432-1900. G1/11-2/1
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County, af ..............................................................................................
fectionate companion cats and kittens, THE PROFESSIONALS' Professional Pleasecall Kris or record your message.
reasonable adoption fee includes al- home cleaner, for larger homes of 2,000 (360) 432-5919. Free estimate. K1/4-24
ter, immunization, testing and parasite sq.ft, plus. For a non-toxic, highly shin-
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455. ing home (360)426-4651. B1/11 CALL PAUL Handy Person. 25 years
Website, kittenresq.net. K1/4-2/22 ............................................................... experience, reasonable rates. Refer-
......................................................................... STORM REPAIR. Roofs, tree removal, ences. (360)427-5941. K1/4-25
FREE GANDER. Free V2 Americana repairs. Insurance welcome, mobiles
rooster. Breeder rabbits, $5 each. (360) included. (360) 349-8631; (360) 426- SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
7257 NUTTCCS954MJ. N12/28-1/18 driveways, tree removal, excavating, de-
................................................................... molition work, rockeries, retaining walls,
SHUFF'S FENCING. Family owned Io- storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain
cal fencing company specializing in drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047,
wood fences. Willing to build any style, call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W.
Licensed, bonded, insured. Call for a free Z3/11tfn GUN AND knife show January 13-14,
estimate, (360)427-2914. S12/7-1/25 ................................................. Centralia Fairgrounds. I-5 Exit 79. Sat-
................................................................... CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- urday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-3
YARD MAINTENANCE/lawn mowing, cializing in finish carpentry (including p.m. Admission $5. Information (503)
Baby needs diapers, so rm motivated!Call crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- 363-9564. K1/11
Dan for your outside chores. (360) 432- rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering, - .................................................................
RO. Box 1208 ,, Hoodsport, WA 98548
H oodsport O-877-055
Shelton cell 3G0-4.90-0898
Serving Mason County since 1964
( oiItra(to[ #DAMIKM[ 962}1
7935 or (360) 789-5570 (cell). L6/29tfn sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
.................................................. fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-
0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP-
C981 RE. C11/gtfn
HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free
removal. Call me at (360) 427-7724.
Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn
HANDYMAN - FALL clean-up, Christmas
lights installed. Insulating pipes/windows.
Gutter cleaning, pruning. Skilled labor.
Landscape maintenance. Benjamin, (360)
426-0084. B11/2tfn
JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years experi-
ence. Landclearing, septic system instal-
lation, digouts, rock walls and logging•
Just about anything. Quality work the first
time. (360) 898-7286 JOEPFE*015MR.
• New construction
• Additions
• Remodels
• Decks
• Garages/shops
Free estimates
Licn TRUECCC949J 1
A Full.Service General Contractor
Serving Mason and Thurston counties
• Excavating
• Foundations
• Framing
• Siding
• Roofing
• Logging
• New homes
• Additions
• Remodels
• Garages
• Decks
• Free estimates
• All types of projects welcome
• Topping • Licensed
• Chipping •Bonded
• Stump • Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2
Complete Automotive
Service & Repair
Foreign & Domestic Auto,
Light Truck & RV
We Service & Repair Trailers, Too!
Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3
Nationwide Warranty
462-0403 Cue)
1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton
Prompt, professional
service -- really!
• Repairs • Remodeling
• New construction • Additions
LLC • Located in Shelton
co, m0) 359-3281
Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Automotive Service"
Everday Low
Plus -
Quality Care Multi-
Point Inspection
All Fluids, Belts and
Hoses Checked
Includes complimentary
car wash
*Plus tax and disposal shop fees
Up to 5 qts 5W.30 bulk oil
Some vehicles slightly more
2 "d Shelton exit off Hwy 101
PUBLIC AUCTION. Complete Liquida-
tion! The Sports Shack. Hunting, fish-
ing and sports store. 527 Devoe Street
SE, Olympia. Sunday, Jan. 14th. Sale
at 2 p.m. (preview Saturday, 10 a.m.-5
p.m. and Sunday noon-sale. Firearms,
fishing, hunting, reloading and sporting
goods. The entire store, fixtures, mounts
and all. Info at johnnysauction.com or
call (360) 791-6085. J1/11
80 HP Mercury with tiller handle and
pump. $2,500 OBO. (360) 427-0574.
1985 LTD, nice car, leaks oil. 1976 Club-
wagon van, runs good. 17' boat, trailer,
motor. All 3 $1,500, separately, $600
each. (360) 426-1668. C1/11-18
FORD EXPLORER 1993.191,240 miles,
1 owner, garaged since 1994. Leather,
power everything, roof rack, good rub-
ber, plus studded tires and chains.
$2,200.1-360-796-4054. J 1/11-18
1948 DODGE, very clean, no rust,
licensed, running good, flat 6-cyl.,
stainless trim, $5,000. Must see to
appreciate. (360) 432-9654 or (360)
556-7132. W1/4-25
CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en-
gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call
Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn
2000 CHEVROLET Metro, 4 cylinder,
2-door, air, 81,500 miles, good shape,
$5,000. (360) 490-2338. F1/4-25
1986 CRX $1,800. (360) 426-5271•
1988 FORD Ranger 4x4. 2.9 V6, bad
transmission, $500. (360) 426-0159•
B 11/30tfn
When your look-
ing to rent or buy a
home you'll find lots
of options on these
To list your home
give us a call before
2 p.m. Tuesday at
426-4412 or stop
by 227 W Cota
Street in Shehon.
Visa/MasterCard accepted
Thursday, January 11,2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31
WANTED - LAWN/garden equipment,
all shapes and sizes. Specifically riding
mowers, pressure washer, hand tools,
utility trailer. Trade work, or reasonable
cash paid. (360) 432-7935; (360) 789-
5570. L6/15tfn
BUYING SCRAP gold and silver and
PUREBRED AMERICAN Bulldog pup- I CAN fix anything and build anything.
pies. Not papered, $200 to approved Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
homes only. Ready Friday, 7 weeks - 1 490-8008. P1/11-3/1
male, 1 female. (360) 426-6901. L1/11 .............................................................
............................................................................... SITE PREP -land clearing, driveways,
FREE - 12 week old male poodle/terri- tree removal, excavating, utility ditches.
er, 1st shots. Owner has health issues. Roan Construction ROANCC*941PB
(360) 426-1040. C 1/11 (360) 426-7181. J 1/11-2/1
LANDSCAPING, Queen Anne's. All 10,000 POUND mini excavator and opera-
aspects of landscape installation, rear- tar for hire. 2 hour minimum. No delivery/
ganization and reclamation, toxic-free, pick-up fee. Call (360) 432-3147. E2/24tfn
Consultations. Extensive references. - ................................................................
(360) 426-4598. Q12/21tfn W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new
construction and repairs. 50 years experi-
STORM CLEANUP. Can clean up limbs,
trees, debris and haul it away. Free es-
timate. Phone (360) 426-4504. Ask for
Randy. H12/21-1/11
movies, ...............................................................................................................................................
$300 females, 8 weeks old. Call (360) cleaner with references. Schedule for .......................................................
796-3290. M1/4-11 one time or regular cleaning. (360) 490- FURNITURE REPAIR, refinishing and
...................................................................................... 7045. D1/11-2/1 custom built. My low overhead saves
DACHSHUND PUPPIES, long-hair and .................................................... you money. Walter (360) 275-8421.
short-hair miniature. Male$550, females JOEUS LANDSCAPING. Brush clear- A1/4-24
$650, AKC registered, purebred. Vet ing, hauling, trimming, mowing, flower ................................................
examined, short-term health guarantee, bed cleanup, barking. Free estimates. K&L YARD Services and Landscaping
Also 2 adults. (360) 490-4212. A1/4-25 Year around. (360) 970-7063; (360) work. Hard working people. Mowing,
costume jewelry, DVDs/VHS
designer and vintage clothing and ac-
cessories. Big Little, 211 W. Cota Street.
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous-
es inside and out. Also garages, gut-
ters, roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling,
and fall cleanup. Have job? We'll trav-
el. (360) 229-0931 (360) 229-9442 or
(360) 229-0373. P1'1/23tfn
ROOF REPAIRS, affordable, call (360)
DOGS LOVE school with September
Morn (30+ years professional trainer and
author of best-selling training books).
Group classes, convenient private les-
sons and behavioral consults. Manners
Obedience, Agility and more. (360) 432-
3633 morndogs@aol.com. M11/9tfn
j 427-6289, ask for AI Handley. H1/4-25
nt ! ------- ............................................................................ 426-1490. C 12/7tfn
STARVING COLLEGE student looking
for work till Americorps job assignment
:begins. Strong as an ox and frequently
iflgi as smart, I will do most any home- and
,,1 Yard-type
;(360) work with a smile. Shane,
426-4540. P10/26tfn
4NEED CHILDCARE for evening classes
nor Work ? Jumpstart Childcare has ex-
u nded hours to meet your needs. Li-
nu.j.censed for 15 years DSHS acce ted,
t 44US.DTA_Food Program. Call (360)26-
,/. 41/11-2/1
'i 3tfn
d llr
GIFT of music. Guitar and Bass
in your home. Professional
)Usician with 5 years teaching expe-
race. $80 per month for 4-40 min-
sloes. Call or email Will. (360)
2/14tfn willmusique@hctc.com.
Remodeling end repoir
Repair contrgctor will work for enything
of value; for pert or full trade
ZO years experience
Licensed and bonded
(zso) 490-5222
REHODK*941JC lzlze zn
'e CELLO SOLO ST m'n a
• rnu,-; .... perfor I g classc
p:nal'gnt rock, jazz standards, origi-
t .u,.'_,? ue more for special occasions,
lu',,=uemg s, and dinner part es Over
• '€'U e • '
,llrr^ Y .ars experience, over 8 hours of
e,, =pertoire. Call for available times and
)ki:ateS. (360)490-4695 or e-mal cello-
x coJun°-com. Visit cellodad.blogspot.
)1 for more information P1/11tfn
u23 PEOPLE wanted to lose 5-100
pktge°U;ds. All natural Herbalife. Free well-
. /" evaluation. Call Karen 360 898
3e 004. L10/26-1/11/07 ( ) "
Where Yrmth Succeed
Make a difference in a
foster youth's life and
earn $1,000/month
Community Youth Services is
Ir°°k!ng ' for foster families and
inPte/sh°rt'term foster families
anahson,. Grays Harbor, Lewis
,urston counties to care for
adolescent foster youth Families
must be caring, structured and
Willing to attend trainings. Foster
Parents receive monthly stipend,
24-hour case management, crisis
UiPnPi °rt, respite care and ongoing
h^ff"ng. For more information on
uw YOu can make a d fference in
a child's 5' ....
.e, ca, Amanda at 360
943-0780 x104. ( )
ence, free estimates. (360) 432-8663. Lic.
#WHURTM*208PN W5/4tfn
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years. (360)
426-9354. Wl 2/1 ltfn
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Department.
Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to
any automotive services." All makes and
models including motorhomes. Call us
- some services require no appointment.
W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy•
weeding, weedeater, trimming, hauling, 101 (360) 426-5585. G1/29tfn
blowing, barking, graveling and more ........ - ..........................................................
HOME WORKS. Handyman. Home re-
pairs and maintenance. Lawn sprinklers
and landscaping. Brush and debris re-
moval and hauling. Call John (360) 877-
5560. HOMEWW*943KZ. H8/24tfn
........................................................................................ 432-1900. G1/11-2/1
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County, af ..............................................................................................
fectionate companion cats and kittens, THE PROFESSIONALS' Professional Pleasecall Kris or record your message.
reasonable adoption fee includes al- home cleaner, for larger homes of 2,000 (360) 432-5919. Free estimate. K1/4-24
ter, immunization, testing and parasite sq.ft, plus. For a non-toxic, highly shin-
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455. ing home (360)426-4651. B1/11 CALL PAUL Handy Person. 25 years
Website, kittenresq.net. K1/4-2/22 ............................................................... experience, reasonable rates. Refer-
......................................................................... STORM REPAIR. Roofs, tree removal, ences. (360)427-5941. K1/4-25
FREE GANDER. Free V2 Americana repairs. Insurance welcome, mobiles
rooster. Breeder rabbits, $5 each. (360) included. (360) 349-8631; (360) 426- SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
7257 NUTTCCS954MJ. N12/28-1/18 driveways, tree removal, excavating, de-
................................................................... molition work, rockeries, retaining walls,
SHUFF'S FENCING. Family owned Io- storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain
cal fencing company specializing in drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047,
wood fences. Willing to build any style, call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W.
Licensed, bonded, insured. Call for a free Z3/11tfn GUN AND knife show January 13-14,
estimate, (360)427-2914. S12/7-1/25 ................................................. Centralia Fairgrounds. I-5 Exit 79. Sat-
................................................................... CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- urday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-3
YARD MAINTENANCE/lawn mowing, cializing in finish carpentry (including p.m. Admission $5. Information (503)
Baby needs diapers, so rm motivated!Call crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- 363-9564. K1/11
Dan for your outside chores. (360) 432- rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering, - .................................................................
RO. Box 1208 ,, Hoodsport, WA 98548
H oodsport O-877-055
Shelton cell 3G0-4.90-0898
Serving Mason County since 1964
( oiItra(to[ #DAMIKM[ 962}1
7935 or (360) 789-5570 (cell). L6/29tfn sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
.................................................. fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-
0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP-
C981 RE. C11/gtfn
HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free
removal. Call me at (360) 427-7724.
Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn
HANDYMAN - FALL clean-up, Christmas
lights installed. Insulating pipes/windows.
Gutter cleaning, pruning. Skilled labor.
Landscape maintenance. Benjamin, (360)
426-0084. B11/2tfn
JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years experi-
ence. Landclearing, septic system instal-
lation, digouts, rock walls and logging•
Just about anything. Quality work the first
time. (360) 898-7286 JOEPFE*015MR.
• New construction
• Additions
• Remodels
• Decks
• Garages/shops
Free estimates
Licn TRUECCC949J 1
A Full.Service General Contractor
Serving Mason and Thurston counties
• Excavating
• Foundations
• Framing
• Siding
• Roofing
• Logging
• New homes
• Additions
• Remodels
• Garages
• Decks
• Free estimates
• All types of projects welcome
• Topping • Licensed
• Chipping •Bonded
• Stump • Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2
Complete Automotive
Service & Repair
Foreign & Domestic Auto,
Light Truck & RV
We Service & Repair Trailers, Too!
Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3
Nationwide Warranty
462-0403 Cue)
1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton
Prompt, professional
service -- really!
• Repairs • Remodeling
• New construction • Additions
LLC • Located in Shelton
co, m0) 359-3281
Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Automotive Service"
Everday Low
Plus -
Quality Care Multi-
Point Inspection
All Fluids, Belts and
Hoses Checked
Includes complimentary
car wash
*Plus tax and disposal shop fees
Up to 5 qts 5W.30 bulk oil
Some vehicles slightly more
2 "d Shelton exit off Hwy 101
PUBLIC AUCTION. Complete Liquida-
tion! The Sports Shack. Hunting, fish-
ing and sports store. 527 Devoe Street
SE, Olympia. Sunday, Jan. 14th. Sale
at 2 p.m. (preview Saturday, 10 a.m.-5
p.m. and Sunday noon-sale. Firearms,
fishing, hunting, reloading and sporting
goods. The entire store, fixtures, mounts
and all. Info at johnnysauction.com or
call (360) 791-6085. J1/11
80 HP Mercury with tiller handle and
pump. $2,500 OBO. (360) 427-0574.
1985 LTD, nice car, leaks oil. 1976 Club-
wagon van, runs good. 17' boat, trailer,
motor. All 3 $1,500, separately, $600
each. (360) 426-1668. C1/11-18
FORD EXPLORER 1993.191,240 miles,
1 owner, garaged since 1994. Leather,
power everything, roof rack, good rub-
ber, plus studded tires and chains.
$2,200.1-360-796-4054. J 1/11-18
1948 DODGE, very clean, no rust,
licensed, running good, flat 6-cyl.,
stainless trim, $5,000. Must see to
appreciate. (360) 432-9654 or (360)
556-7132. W1/4-25
CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en-
gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call
Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn
2000 CHEVROLET Metro, 4 cylinder,
2-door, air, 81,500 miles, good shape,
$5,000. (360) 490-2338. F1/4-25
1986 CRX $1,800. (360) 426-5271•
1988 FORD Ranger 4x4. 2.9 V6, bad
transmission, $500. (360) 426-0159•
B 11/30tfn
When your look-
ing to rent or buy a
home you'll find lots
of options on these
To list your home
give us a call before
2 p.m. Tuesday at
426-4412 or stop
by 227 W Cota
Street in Shehon.
Visa/MasterCard accepted
Thursday, January 11,2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31