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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 11, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 11, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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A e CLASSIFIED • is words or less-- $6.50 ,Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 •Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday IRLTES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday A e Phone (360) 426-4412 to Place Ad In multiple Insertion ads, The Journal will be responsible for errors in the first Insertion only. HELP WANTED LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort - open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./ accepts VISA/MC - (360) 426-8632) will continue her winter clearance sale thru the January 15th holiday! This sale features 50% savings on all sweaters, jackets and coats including fur, leather and Pendletonl In addition, regularly priced house tickets are reduced 30% including furniture, lamps, chandeliers, carpets, housewares and collectiblesl Don't miss the new inventory including a mahogany curved front bookcase, an antique settee and chair set, a marble topped wash stand, a Duncan Phyfe dining table/chairs and so much morel In addition our artisans have stocked the Lady with reliquary, stained glass, jewelry, handwork, copper sculpture, rare books, gel candles, bath and body products, and hand made lamps and novelties for that hard to find gift. And finally, for those escaping to vacations or cruises to warmer climes, the Lady will continue to offer a selection of resort wear to outfit you for any occasion or Captain's table. L1/4-25 AU( :TIONS DOUBLE OVEN range, works great ex- cept for one burner element. $50 OBO. You haul. (360) 426-0824, please leave message if no answer. Wl/11 JC'S HAS Dr. Christopher's Liver and Gall Bladder formula in stock. Regard- ing ad posted December 2006 should have read "All praise belongs to Jesus Christ." JC's, 206 So. 2nd Street, (360) 432-1274. J1/11 SOLID OAK dining table, 8 chairs, china cupboard, 2 leaves. $1,400. (360) 426- 5442, (360) 701-1941. N1/11 RALEIGH 10-SPEED bicycle. Golf bag travel cover. Yakima car carrier with ski and bicycle attachments. (360) 898- 4949. Sl/11 ALMOST NEW Dell Dimension E310 computer. 19" flat panel monitor, speakers with sub, XP Home, DVD, ROM and burner (2 drives). 3.0 ghz processor, 80 gig hard drive, 1 gig RAM, $850 OBO or trade for laptop. (360) 432-7935 or (360) 789-5570. L9/14tfn DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus- tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood- smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn GARAGE, YARD SALES LOVE GOOD food but hate to clean? Love to host home parties? Love the perks of home parties? Consider upgrading your cookware and bakeware to what profes- sional chefs usel For more information and to schedule a home party for you and your friends, call Penny Wilson, your De- made at Home Independent Representa- tive, at (360) 490-2515. P9/21tfn Collectible • Coins • Currency • Militaria DAN'S 3012 Harrison Ave. NW Olympia HI-SPEED DIALUP $17.95, Regular speed $13.95 per month. Local access numbers, free e-mail, www.universal- pin #85026. (360) 402-7129. D1/4-25 PUBLIC AUCTION. Complete Liquida- tion! The Sports Shack. Hunting, fish- ing and sports store. 527 Devoe Street SE, Olympia. Sunday, Jan. 14th. Sale at 2 p.m. (preview Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday noon-sale. Firearms, fishing, hunting, reloading and sport- ing goods. The entire store, fixtures, mounts and all. Info at johnnysauction. corn or call (360) 791-6085. J1/11 PUBLIC AUCTION! Ken's Auction, 3707 Marvin Road. Saturday, January 13th sale at 10 a.m. (preview 9 a.m.- sale, and all day Friday). This is a jam packed auction featuring a beautiful house full of modern furnishings, 1996 Ford F250, 1990 Force 90 hp outboard, big screen TV, nice primitives and an- tiques, old toys, older electric guitars and like iters, beautiful lighting, gobs of tools. A great lot of seized storage! Neat collectables, etc. or (360) 791-6085. K1/11 S.O.C.K. (SAVE Our County's Kids). Monthly community swap meet and craft sale. Shelton Community Center, 601 Franklin, Saturday, January 13, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Coins, crafts, clothing, collectables, household goods - new and old - chang- es monthly. Up to 30 individual sellers, all inside. Buyers and sellers welcome. No admission for buyers. 10'x10' space including a table and 2 chairs, $20/day. Donations to S.O.C.K. welcome. Call (360) 898-4937 or (360) 432-3229 to re- serve space. Mail donations or payment to: SOCK Swap Meet, PO Box 1013, Shelton, WA 98584. $1/11 ADOPT-A-PET SUPPORT sale. 210 Grove and 2nd Street, Shelton, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday the 13th. Great finds for the new year. Unusual antique table-top electric washing machine, old granite- ware juicer, child's china tea set in origi- nal box, Sears and Roebuck black pot belly stove, K2 CSP downhill skis with poles, bindings and carry bag, 1/2 price on all coats, sweaters and linens. A1/11 TWO FAMILY sale, Saturday only 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 2x-3x-4x clothing, men's and wom- en's. Collectibles, jewelry, beads, house- hold miscellaneous. See us at the S.O.C.K. Swap Meet, 610 W. Franklin. C1/11 TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut = No Rocks = No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deflverles Anywhere -LANDASCAPERS" NORTHWEST OE8D114 tlcad Start/ ECEAP Lead -- Teacher -- Jackson Park Plan and implement child development services. Supervise assistant teacher and volunteers. 142 days, 5.5-8 hrday. $13.74/hr. Details and Application: or 360.479.0993 Closes 1/16/07 4pro 426-9922 F.o & ADA Job #56-42C ,,,, LAND20,3B-4 IH1AIR[ MIOIAINISBBAINITI = IMI I ISIEIR I IAI LtEIEBBAIRIRIOIWBBMIOIA[T Be ! iNtT|R]OI Journal's Super Crossword Answers I BBOIRIA]T[E1 I ITIL[L[ , IOIMIEIGIABBRIAINtTBBRIAINIDIYBBAISIT[ 01 Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 11, 2007 DRIVERS: $1,000 bonus when you haul your first flatbed load. Also seek- ing western regional drivers. Werner Enterprises, 1-800-346-2818 ext. 126. A12/21-1/11 PIONEER SCHOOL District has open- ings for substitute classified personnel. Apply on-line at or call Kelly Evans at (360) 426-9115 for more information. Sl/11 A GREAT career opportunity! Now ac- cepting applications for immediate openings working for the developmen- tally disabled within their homes. Start- ing salary: PT $8.25/hr., FT $1,550/mo. + benefits. Send letter of interest and generic application or resume: Pla- ceone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail to placeone@ P1/11 HEAVY EQUIPMENT field mechanic needed for area construction company. Must have necessary experience includ- ing cutting, welding, diesel hydraulics and should have Cat equipment back- ground. Excellent pay - $20/hour plus, D.O.E. and benefits. Call (360) 532- 0351 or mail resume to Arris Kollman Trucking, Inc., PO Box 106, Aberdeen, WA 98520. L1/11 TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time, evenings and weekends, great supple- mental income. 5 year good driving record, good people and driving skills, some commercial experience required. Must be able to pass drug screening. Knowledge of area a plus. Have to be 25 or older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. (360) 426-8294. M1/11-2/1 OUR COMMUNITY Federal Credit Union is seeking a full-time Collection Specialist with 2 to 5 years experience effectively working delinquent accounts. Applicant must be able to consistently perform at high quality and accuracy; able to evaluate financial situations and make recommendations when col- lection efforts necessitate a different course of action. A significant level of trust and diplomacy is required, in ad- dition to normal courtesy and tact. Work involves extensive personal contact with others and is usually of a personal or sensitive nature. Work may involve mo- tivating and/or influencing others. Gen- eral computer skills are essential for this position. Good benefit package, Salary DOE, only qualified applicants need ap- ply. Please send rsum( to OCCU at- tention HR Department, PO Box 1670, Shelton, WA 98584. EEO. O1/11 PART-TIME DAYCARE Assistant. High school diploma or GED, STARS a plus. Call (360) 427-1334. Ask for Sandy or Liessa. B1/11-18 MARY M. Knight School District is seek- ing Substitute Teachers, Substitute Bus Drivers and Substitute Cooks. If inter- ested please contact the school at 2987 W. Matlock Brady Road, Elma, WA 98541. For more information call: (360) 426-6767. M1/11-18 CLAM DIGGERS needed. Current WSDL and ability to pass UA required. Benefits. Call to request application or interview, 8 a.m.-noon Monday through Friday (360) 426-9759 or fax (360) 426- 5272. L1/11 INSURANCE AGENCY looking for a Sales Producer. Current insurance li- cense preferred or will help license if hired. Quality is desired. Loyal, depend- able, people oriented and professional. Typing, computer, phone skills nec- essary. Wage DOE. Send resume to A1/11 - 18 MASON COUNTY Civil Service examina- tion notice for Finance Manager with the Mason County Sheriff. Minimum qualifica- tions: Bachelor's degree in accounting and five years of experience in governmental accounting or equivalent combination. Announcement closes January 22. Ap- plications available by sending a self-ad- dressed, stamped (78¢) 9x13 manila en- velope to Chief Examiner, 415 E. Sound- view Dr., Shelton, WA 98584. M1/11-18 MASON COUNTY Civil Service exami- nation notice for Food Services Coordi- nator with the Sheriff's Office. Must be a US citizen and speak, read, and write the English language. Three years man- agerial experience in food service indus- try and knowledge of institutional cook- ing. Applications available by sending a self-addressed, stamped (78¢) 9x12 manila envelope to Chief Examiner, 415 E. Soundview Dr., Shelton, WA 98584. M1/11-18 EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT - Child Development Center. 34 hours per week, during school year, $11.30 per hour. Must be 21 years of age, and meet STARS requirements. Apply at and click on Employment Opportunities, or contact Shelton School District, (360) 426-1687, 700 S. 1st Street, Shelton, WA 98584. EOE. $1/11-18 GREEN DIAMOND Resource Company in Shelton, WA has an immediate open- ing for the Log Forecast and Allocation Mgr. position. Incumbent is responsible for supervising and coordinating all tim- ber cruising activities for fee harvest/ inventory units, stumpage and land ac- quisition/exchanges; oversight of main- tenance and enhancements of cruis- ing/timber tax/log allocation software/ hardware; timber taxes; administration of log production forecast/quarterly log allocation; monitor and report log qual- ity issues; backup to Sales & Marketing Manager; review/appraisal of stumpage. Must effectively communicate with log- ging operations relative to production, log allocation and quality control. Mini- mum education required: B.S. in forestry or equivalent. Five to ten years experi- ence in forest management operations strongly recommended. Please send resume to Barb Dunbar, Admin/HR/PR Asst., Green Diamond Resource Com- pany, RO. Box 9001, Shelton, WA 98584. Closing date is 2/2/07. Equal Opportunity Employer. Drug free work environment. G1/11-18 PART-TIME PERMANENT Office Assis- tant - Port of Shelton is recruiting for the position of Office Assistant. M-F 9 a.m.- 2 p.m., some flexibility is required. This position will provide customer service and clerical support to all team members under the direction of the Office Manag- er. For a complete description including benefit information, please contact Ter- m Dittmer at: The Port of Shelton, 21 W. Sanderson Way, Shelton, WA 98584; (360) 426-1151; terrad@portofshelton or Closes Jan- uary 19 at 4 p.m. P1/11-18 LOOKING FOR massage therapist. Pri- vate space in new salon. Choose your days. Call Tammy at Bella Capelli, (360) 432-9950. F1/4-11 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for laborers, CDL drivers, starting at $11-$12 per hour DOE. Pick up applications at The Roof Doctor, 1131 W. KamUche Lane, Shelton from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday- Friday. Located just off U.S. Hwy. 101 across from Skyline Drive-In at Taylor Towne. R12/21-1/11 MASON COUNTY POSITION: Center Director OPENING DATE: January 2, 2007 CLOSING DATE: January 31,2007 HOURS/WAGES: Full time: (Based on 176 hours month salary) Range: 2,100-2,375 DOE JOB LOCATION: 826 Railroad Avenue, ShaRon, WA 98584 Job Summary: Managerial experience required: Day-to-day operations of a multi- sen/ice senior center, including personnel, contractual services; fund-raising, coordina- tion with other human services providers, planning and programming social, educational and recreational activities. Recruiting members and volunteers with emphasis on training for the proper operation of the center and the thdff store. Administers/oversees general office work, assigns tasks to both paid and volunteer work- ers. Coordinates, volunteers, oversees recruiting and training. Brings awareness to other organizations of the needs and services of the center and seniors. Advisory Board of Directora: Coordinates with advisory board. Directs recruiting, orienting and training new members of the center's board of directors. Communication: Establishes and maintains effective, motivating supportive inter- actions with all staff, center members, participants, as well as the community at large. Oral and written communication skills a prerequisite. Employment requires a complete WA State Patrol cdminal history background check and criminal history self-disclosure form. Prerequisite: Experience in related field as well as grant writing. Organization skills, communication skills, (written and oral). Computer literate in MS works, MS word and able to maintain member date base. Send cover letter and resume to: Shelton Senior Center, RO. Box 1066, Shelton, WA 98584 1/11 ii NEED DEPENDABLE framers. working with some lead Wages negotiable. Call (360) or (360) 507-4678. A1/4-11 ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLY needed in Shelton. Previous ex desired, but will train. Work involves of microscope. Basic math Pay depends on skill level. atmosphere, steady work, benefits. Cable Corp, 820 E. Hiawatha Shelton, (360) 426-5719. $1/4-11 LINE COOK for Vern's Restaurant Shelton, call (360) 870-2040. Vl/11 WATER RESOURCES Associate: Mason County Extension is fill a part-time hourly (~15 position to assist with the or marketing and implementation of resource related educational Strong computer and skills a plus. Bachelors' degree knowledge of water quality issues region preferred. To a resume and cover letter to WSU County Extension Attn: Emily 11840 North Highway 101, WA 98584. Deadline is Friday, 12th, 2007. Questions? Call (360) 9670 x682. Wl/4-11 NURSING ASSISTANT (NAC). She Health and Rehabilitation currently openings on evening and night We are seeking an individual who has good attitude, can work in a team, for others and will show up on Competitive wages. Come apply at Johns Ct., Shelton or apply $12/28-1/19 SALARIED OTR truck driver(s), days out, 4-7 days off. Dedicated dispatched work offered on days desired. Paid vacation and medicaJ surance assistance. Team or single plicants. E-mail holl or call (360) 426-9549. H 1 2/28-1/18 MASON COUNTY PUD No. 1 sioners are seeking candidates for position of Manager. Bachelor's in public administration, business neering or equivalent. Minimum years experience in management a public utility. Comprehensive edge of principles and practices of utility industry, including utility operations, financing, and ning. Demonstrated management ity through the work of others, knowledge of management union negotiations, ability to authority and responsibility, and human resources management. ence working constructively and with a board of elected officials. to communicate and work with employees, the public, the "civic and business groups, tions, government agencies and lators. Salary: DOE. Excellent package. To Apply: Contact Resources for an application (360) 877-5249 or email com. Application materials must be calved no later than 5 p.m. January 2007 to be considered. P12/7-1/11 50 Hostesses WANTED No nudity necessary. 18 years or older. Taking 50 applicants only. PT & FT Earn while you learn ;50 to ;200 A Da NEW ACCOUNTS REP HERITAGE BANK Heritage Bank, "the quality since 1927, has an opening for New Accounts Representative our Shelton branch. The succesS: ful applicant will have a minimum Of two years previous experience in commercial banking environment to include teller operations and ne# accounts responsibilities, a demOrl" strated ability to train and motivate peers through leadership by pie. Must have proven sales Bilingual Spanish/English a plus. We aren't open on weekends! time position with benefits, com tive salary and quarterly incentiveS', Excellent opportunities for ment. Please apply In person at E. Wallace Kneeland Blvd, or resume to Heritage Bank, HR PO Box 1578, Olympia, WA Good credit history is required. tage Bank is an Equal Opl Employer. JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 360-426-4412 A e CLASSIFIED • is words or less-- $6.50 ,Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 •Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday IRLTES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday A e Phone (360) 426-4412 to Place Ad In multiple Insertion ads, The Journal will be responsible for errors in the first Insertion only. HELP WANTED LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort - open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./ accepts VISA/MC - (360) 426-8632) will continue her winter clearance sale thru the January 15th holiday! This sale features 50% savings on all sweaters, jackets and coats including fur, leather and Pendletonl In addition, regularly priced house tickets are reduced 30% including furniture, lamps, chandeliers, carpets, housewares and collectiblesl Don't miss the new inventory including a mahogany curved front bookcase, an antique settee and chair set, a marble topped wash stand, a Duncan Phyfe dining table/chairs and so much morel In addition our artisans have stocked the Lady with reliquary, stained glass, jewelry, handwork, copper sculpture, rare books, gel candles, bath and body products, and hand made lamps and novelties for that hard to find gift. And finally, for those escaping to vacations or cruises to warmer climes, the Lady will continue to offer a selection of resort wear to outfit you for any occasion or Captain's table. L1/4-25 AU( :TIONS DOUBLE OVEN range, works great ex- cept for one burner element. $50 OBO. You haul. (360) 426-0824, please leave message if no answer. Wl/11 JC'S HAS Dr. Christopher's Liver and Gall Bladder formula in stock. Regard- ing ad posted December 2006 should have read "All praise belongs to Jesus Christ." JC's, 206 So. 2nd Street, (360) 432-1274. J1/11 SOLID OAK dining table, 8 chairs, china cupboard, 2 leaves. $1,400. (360) 426- 5442, (360) 701-1941. N1/11 RALEIGH 10-SPEED bicycle. Golf bag travel cover. Yakima car carrier with ski and bicycle attachments. (360) 898- 4949. Sl/11 ALMOST NEW Dell Dimension E310 computer. 19" flat panel monitor, speakers with sub, XP Home, DVD, ROM and burner (2 drives). 3.0 ghz processor, 80 gig hard drive, 1 gig RAM, $850 OBO or trade for laptop. (360) 432-7935 or (360) 789-5570. L9/14tfn DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus- tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood- smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn GARAGE, YARD SALES LOVE GOOD food but hate to clean? Love to host home parties? Love the perks of home parties? Consider upgrading your cookware and bakeware to what profes- sional chefs usel For more information and to schedule a home party for you and your friends, call Penny Wilson, your De- made at Home Independent Representa- tive, at (360) 490-2515. P9/21tfn Collectible • Coins • Currency • Militaria DAN'S 3012 Harrison Ave. NW Olympia HI-SPEED DIALUP $17.95, Regular speed $13.95 per month. Local access numbers, free e-mail, www.universal- pin #85026. (360) 402-7129. D1/4-25 PUBLIC AUCTION. Complete Liquida- tion! The Sports Shack. Hunting, fish- ing and sports store. 527 Devoe Street SE, Olympia. Sunday, Jan. 14th. Sale at 2 p.m. (preview Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday noon-sale. Firearms, fishing, hunting, reloading and sport- ing goods. The entire store, fixtures, mounts and all. Info at johnnysauction. corn or call (360) 791-6085. J1/11 PUBLIC AUCTION! Ken's Auction, 3707 Marvin Road. Saturday, January 13th sale at 10 a.m. (preview 9 a.m.- sale, and all day Friday). This is a jam packed auction featuring a beautiful house full of modern furnishings, 1996 Ford F250, 1990 Force 90 hp outboard, big screen TV, nice primitives and an- tiques, old toys, older electric guitars and like iters, beautiful lighting, gobs of tools. A great lot of seized storage! Neat collectables, etc. or (360) 791-6085. K1/11 S.O.C.K. (SAVE Our County's Kids). Monthly community swap meet and craft sale. Shelton Community Center, 601 Franklin, Saturday, January 13, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Coins, crafts, clothing, collectables, household goods - new and old - chang- es monthly. Up to 30 individual sellers, all inside. Buyers and sellers welcome. No admission for buyers. 10'x10' space including a table and 2 chairs, $20/day. Donations to S.O.C.K. welcome. Call (360) 898-4937 or (360) 432-3229 to re- serve space. Mail donations or payment to: SOCK Swap Meet, PO Box 1013, Shelton, WA 98584. $1/11 ADOPT-A-PET SUPPORT sale. 210 Grove and 2nd Street, Shelton, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday the 13th. Great finds for the new year. Unusual antique table-top electric washing machine, old granite- ware juicer, child's china tea set in origi- nal box, Sears and Roebuck black pot belly stove, K2 CSP downhill skis with poles, bindings and carry bag, 1/2 price on all coats, sweaters and linens. A1/11 TWO FAMILY sale, Saturday only 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 2x-3x-4x clothing, men's and wom- en's. Collectibles, jewelry, beads, house- hold miscellaneous. See us at the S.O.C.K. Swap Meet, 610 W. Franklin. C1/11 TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut = No Rocks = No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deflverles Anywhere -LANDASCAPERS" NORTHWEST OE8D114 tlcad Start/ ECEAP Lead -- Teacher -- Jackson Park Plan and implement child development services. Supervise assistant teacher and volunteers. 142 days, 5.5-8 hrday. $13.74/hr. Details and Application: or 360.479.0993 Closes 1/16/07 4pro 426-9922 F.o & ADA Job #56-42C ,,,, LAND20,3B-4 IH1AIR[ MIOIAINISBBAINITI = IMI I ISIEIR I IAI LtEIEBBAIRIRIOIWBBMIOIA[T Be ! iNtT|R]OI Journal's Super Crossword Answers I BBOIRIA]T[E1 I ITIL[L[ , IOIMIEIGIABBRIAINtTBBRIAINIDIYBBAISIT[ 01 Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 11, 2007 DRIVERS: $1,000 bonus when you haul your first flatbed load. Also seek- ing western regional drivers. Werner Enterprises, 1-800-346-2818 ext. 126. A12/21-1/11 PIONEER SCHOOL District has open- ings for substitute classified personnel. Apply on-line at or call Kelly Evans at (360) 426-9115 for more information. Sl/11 A GREAT career opportunity! Now ac- cepting applications for immediate openings working for the developmen- tally disabled within their homes. Start- ing salary: PT $8.25/hr., FT $1,550/mo. + benefits. Send letter of interest and generic application or resume: Pla- ceone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail to placeone@ P1/11 HEAVY EQUIPMENT field mechanic needed for area construction company. Must have necessary experience includ- ing cutting, welding, diesel hydraulics and should have Cat equipment back- ground. Excellent pay - $20/hour plus, D.O.E. and benefits. Call (360) 532- 0351 or mail resume to Arris Kollman Trucking, Inc., PO Box 106, Aberdeen, WA 98520. L1/11 TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time, evenings and weekends, great supple- mental income. 5 year good driving record, good people and driving skills, some commercial experience required. Must be able to pass drug screening. Knowledge of area a plus. Have to be 25 or older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. (360) 426-8294. M1/11-2/1 OUR COMMUNITY Federal Credit Union is seeking a full-time Collection Specialist with 2 to 5 years experience effectively working delinquent accounts. Applicant must be able to consistently perform at high quality and accuracy; able to evaluate financial situations and make recommendations when col- lection efforts necessitate a different course of action. A significant level of trust and diplomacy is required, in ad- dition to normal courtesy and tact. Work involves extensive personal contact with others and is usually of a personal or sensitive nature. Work may involve mo- tivating and/or influencing others. Gen- eral computer skills are essential for this position. Good benefit package, Salary DOE, only qualified applicants need ap- ply. Please send rsum( to OCCU at- tention HR Department, PO Box 1670, Shelton, WA 98584. EEO. O1/11 PART-TIME DAYCARE Assistant. High school diploma or GED, STARS a plus. Call (360) 427-1334. Ask for Sandy or Liessa. B1/11-18 MARY M. Knight School District is seek- ing Substitute Teachers, Substitute Bus Drivers and Substitute Cooks. If inter- ested please contact the school at 2987 W. Matlock Brady Road, Elma, WA 98541. For more information call: (360) 426-6767. M1/11-18 CLAM DIGGERS needed. Current WSDL and ability to pass UA required. Benefits. Call to request application or interview, 8 a.m.-noon Monday through Friday (360) 426-9759 or fax (360) 426- 5272. L1/11 INSURANCE AGENCY looking for a Sales Producer. Current insurance li- cense preferred or will help license if hired. Quality is desired. Loyal, depend- able, people oriented and professional. Typing, computer, phone skills nec- essary. Wage DOE. Send resume to A1/11 - 18 MASON COUNTY Civil Service examina- tion notice for Finance Manager with the Mason County Sheriff. Minimum qualifica- tions: Bachelor's degree in accounting and five years of experience in governmental accounting or equivalent combination. Announcement closes January 22. Ap- plications available by sending a self-ad- dressed, stamped (78¢) 9x13 manila en- velope to Chief Examiner, 415 E. Sound- view Dr., Shelton, WA 98584. M1/11-18 MASON COUNTY Civil Service exami- nation notice for Food Services Coordi- nator with the Sheriff's Office. Must be a US citizen and speak, read, and write the English language. Three years man- agerial experience in food service indus- try and knowledge of institutional cook- ing. Applications available by sending a self-addressed, stamped (78¢) 9x12 manila envelope to Chief Examiner, 415 E. Soundview Dr., Shelton, WA 98584. M1/11-18 EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT - Child Development Center. 34 hours per week, during school year, $11.30 per hour. Must be 21 years of age, and meet STARS requirements. Apply at and click on Employment Opportunities, or contact Shelton School District, (360) 426-1687, 700 S. 1st Street, Shelton, WA 98584. EOE. $1/11-18 GREEN DIAMOND Resource Company in Shelton, WA has an immediate open- ing for the Log Forecast and Allocation Mgr. position. Incumbent is responsible for supervising and coordinating all tim- ber cruising activities for fee harvest/ inventory units, stumpage and land ac- quisition/exchanges; oversight of main- tenance and enhancements of cruis- ing/timber tax/log allocation software/ hardware; timber taxes; administration of log production forecast/quarterly log allocation; monitor and report log qual- ity issues; backup to Sales & Marketing Manager; review/appraisal of stumpage. Must effectively communicate with log- ging operations relative to production, log allocation and quality control. Mini- mum education required: B.S. in forestry or equivalent. Five to ten years experi- ence in forest management operations strongly recommended. Please send resume to Barb Dunbar, Admin/HR/PR Asst., Green Diamond Resource Com- pany, RO. Box 9001, Shelton, WA 98584. Closing date is 2/2/07. Equal Opportunity Employer. Drug free work environment. G1/11-18 PART-TIME PERMANENT Office Assis- tant - Port of Shelton is recruiting for the position of Office Assistant. M-F 9 a.m.- 2 p.m., some flexibility is required. This position will provide customer service and clerical support to all team members under the direction of the Office Manag- er. For a complete description including benefit information, please contact Ter- m Dittmer at: The Port of Shelton, 21 W. Sanderson Way, Shelton, WA 98584; (360) 426-1151; terrad@portofshelton or Closes Jan- uary 19 at 4 p.m. P1/11-18 LOOKING FOR massage therapist. Pri- vate space in new salon. Choose your days. Call Tammy at Bella Capelli, (360) 432-9950. F1/4-11 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for laborers, CDL drivers, starting at $11-$12 per hour DOE. Pick up applications at The Roof Doctor, 1131 W. KamUche Lane, Shelton from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday- Friday. Located just off U.S. Hwy. 101 across from Skyline Drive-In at Taylor Towne. R12/21-1/11 MASON COUNTY POSITION: Center Director OPENING DATE: January 2, 2007 CLOSING DATE: January 31,2007 HOURS/WAGES: Full time: (Based on 176 hours month salary) Range: 2,100-2,375 DOE JOB LOCATION: 826 Railroad Avenue, ShaRon, WA 98584 Job Summary: Managerial experience required: Day-to-day operations of a multi- sen/ice senior center, including personnel, contractual services; fund-raising, coordina- tion with other human services providers, planning and programming social, educational and recreational activities. Recruiting members and volunteers with emphasis on training for the proper operation of the center and the thdff store. Administers/oversees general office work, assigns tasks to both paid and volunteer work- ers. Coordinates, volunteers, oversees recruiting and training. Brings awareness to other organizations of the needs and services of the center and seniors. Advisory Board of Directora: Coordinates with advisory board. Directs recruiting, orienting and training new members of the center's board of directors. Communication: Establishes and maintains effective, motivating supportive inter- actions with all staff, center members, participants, as well as the community at large. Oral and written communication skills a prerequisite. Employment requires a complete WA State Patrol cdminal history background check and criminal history self-disclosure form. Prerequisite: Experience in related field as well as grant writing. Organization skills, communication skills, (written and oral). Computer literate in MS works, MS word and able to maintain member date base. Send cover letter and resume to: Shelton Senior Center, RO. Box 1066, Shelton, WA 98584 1/11 ii NEED DEPENDABLE framers. working with some lead Wages negotiable. Call (360) or (360) 507-4678. A1/4-11 ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLY needed in Shelton. Previous ex desired, but will train. Work involves of microscope. Basic math Pay depends on skill level. atmosphere, steady work, benefits. Cable Corp, 820 E. Hiawatha Shelton, (360) 426-5719. $1/4-11 LINE COOK for Vern's Restaurant Shelton, call (360) 870-2040. Vl/11 WATER RESOURCES Associate: Mason County Extension is fill a part-time hourly (~15 position to assist with the or marketing and implementation of resource related educational Strong computer and skills a plus. Bachelors' degree knowledge of water quality issues region preferred. To a resume and cover letter to WSU County Extension Attn: Emily 11840 North Highway 101, WA 98584. Deadline is Friday, 12th, 2007. Questions? Call (360) 9670 x682. Wl/4-11 NURSING ASSISTANT (NAC). She Health and Rehabilitation currently openings on evening and night We are seeking an individual who has good attitude, can work in a team, for others and will show up on Competitive wages. Come apply at Johns Ct., Shelton or apply $12/28-1/19 SALARIED OTR truck driver(s), days out, 4-7 days off. Dedicated dispatched work offered on days desired. Paid vacation and medicaJ surance assistance. Team or single plicants. E-mail holl or call (360) 426-9549. H 1 2/28-1/18 MASON COUNTY PUD No. 1 sioners are seeking candidates for position of Manager. Bachelor's in public administration, business neering or equivalent. Minimum years experience in management a public utility. Comprehensive edge of principles and practices of utility industry, including utility operations, financing, and ning. Demonstrated management ity through the work of others, knowledge of management union negotiations, ability to authority and responsibility, and human resources management. ence working constructively and with a board of elected officials. to communicate and work with employees, the public, the "civic and business groups, tions, government agencies and lators. Salary: DOE. Excellent package. To Apply: Contact Resources for an application (360) 877-5249 or email com. Application materials must be calved no later than 5 p.m. January 2007 to be considered. P12/7-1/11 50 Hostesses WANTED No nudity necessary. 18 years or older. Taking 50 applicants only. PT & FT Earn while you learn ;50 to ;200 A Da NEW ACCOUNTS REP HERITAGE BANK Heritage Bank, "the quality since 1927, has an opening for New Accounts Representative our Shelton branch. The succesS: ful applicant will have a minimum Of two years previous experience in commercial banking environment to include teller operations and ne# accounts responsibilities, a demOrl" strated ability to train and motivate peers through leadership by pie. Must have proven sales Bilingual Spanish/English a plus. We aren't open on weekends! time position with benefits, com tive salary and quarterly incentiveS', Excellent opportunities for ment. Please apply In person at E. Wallace Kneeland Blvd, or resume to Heritage Bank, HR PO Box 1578, Olympia, WA Good credit history is required. tage Bank is an Equal Opl Employer. JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 360-426-4412