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Church Obituaries
to host
The North Mason Bible Church
is set to present a three-day
"Prophecy Conference" with Dr.
Jim Borror.
"The Purpose and the Proph-
ecy" will run from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
on January 14. "Why the Hatred
of Israel," will run later that eve-
;ring beginning at 6 p.m.
"Israel, One World Government
and the Anti-Christ" will run at
6:30 p.m. on January 15. The con-
ference will conclude with "The
Middle East and the Soon Coming
of Christ," beginning at 6:30 p.m.
on January 16.
Dr. Borror holds multiple de-
grees and has taught at various
universities and seminaries. He
Lawrence Prato
Belfair resident Lawrence John
Prato, died of cancer at his home
on Friday, December 29. He was
He was born on January 6,
1923 in Seattle's
South Park area
to Albert E. and
Augusta (Ozar)
He graduated
from Seattle's
Cleveland High
School in 1941.
Mr. Prate
served in the
United States Lawrence
Navy from 1941 Prato
to 1945.
In 1948 he married Corinne
Joy Lemoine. She preceded him in
death on February 26, 1994.
For 30 years, Mr. Prato was the
her husband, Jay, of Cheney, and
Patti Boring and her husband,
Dave, of Missoula, Montana; by
his brother Albert and his wife,
Carol, of Oak Harbor; and by elev-
en grandchildren and five great-
A graveside service was held
at Twin Firs Cemetery in Belfhir
on Saturday, January 6. Arrange-
ments were under the direction of
Rill Chapel of Port Orchard.
Phyllis J. Hjorth
Tahuya resident Phyllis J.
Hjorth died December 31 in Port
Orchard. She was 79.
She was born September 4, 1927
Obituaries form
in Hollywood, Caliibrnia, to Nils
and Clara Mac (Murton) Hjorth.
She graduated from West Se-
attle High School in 1945 and also
attended art school.
Mrs. Hjorth worked as a techni-
cal illustrator at Milmanco Corpo-
She enjoyed painting, garden-
ing, flowers and cats.
She was preceded in death by
her brothers Roy, Gordon and Clif-
IbM McCartney and Victor Hjorth;
and by her sister Lois Hjorth.
Survivors include her niece
Karen McCartney.
Mrs. Hjorth was cremated at
the Cherry Grove Crematory.
There were no tbrmal services.
Arrangements are by Lewis Fu-
neral Chapel.
has also been the senior pastor for
over 28 years at two churches. He
was the tbunding pastor of Scott-
sdale Bible Church in Arizona for
over 7 years and the senior pastor
of the The First Baptist Church of
Lakewood in Long Beach, Calitbr-
nia, for over 20 years. Organizers
say that having begun a church
and growing it from the ground
up, he has a heart fbr, and an un-
derstanding oi, the small church.
There is no cost to attend the
confbrence. All donations will be
used to cover the expenses for the
speaker. Childcare will be pro-
vided for 9-year-olds and younger.
For more intbrmation about the
event contact the church directly
by calling 275-4555.
owner and operator of Hi View
Auto Rebuild in Burien, Boule-
vard Park and Belfair. He retired
in 1990.
He also served as a Mason
County cemetery commissioner.
Mr. Prato enjoyed restoring old
cars, especially his 1927 Model T.
He also enjoyed boating, traveling,
sharing his waterfront home with
family and friends and spending
time with his grandchildren.
In addition to his wife, he was
preceded in death by his sister Sa-
die "Teet" Prato McIntyre.
Mr. Prato is survived by his son
Michael and his wife, Laura, of
Tacoma; by his daughters Linda
and her husband, Mike Aylt, of
Cheney, Kathy Stockbridge and
temso Note
Mason Transit asks
for more volunteers
to transport clients
Mason Transit is seeking vol-
unteer drivers imte North Mason
area to provide transportation for
citizens who are unable to use reg-
ular transit for essential medical-
care services outside of the county
such as kidney dialysis, cancer
treatment and other medical con-
terns. Rides are also arranged for
nutritional services, social services
and shopping.
Transit officials say that pres-
ently a strong need exists for vol-
unteers in or near the Tahuya and
South Shore areas to transport cli-
ents to Kitsap County for kidney
dialysis treatments. Such appoint-
ments are scheduled around the
clock so volunteer with uncon-
ventional schedules are welcome.
Volunteers use their own ve-
hicles, are reimbursed and partici-
pate as often or as seldom as per-
sonal schedules will allow. Vehicle
insurance as well as a good driving
record are required for all volun-
Those that are interested in
volunteering should contact Ma-
son Transit at 1-800-281-9434 for
more information on how to get
More squares are
needed for Theler
Center quilt project
Last summer the Mary E. The-
ler Community Center began a
quilt project, planning two theme
quilts to be made by members of
the public. One quilt was to be for
permanent display and one was to
be auctioned offas a fund-raiser.
The first quilt, a truly outstand-
ing piece of workmanship, is now
on display at the center and plans
for the second one are now under
way. Prior experien9e is not nec-
essary. To make. a square, go to
the center and, for a $10 fee, pick
up the instructions and three re-
quired fabrics. Completion is re-
People dealing with alcohol issues
may note the following meetings.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
42 Old Belfair Highway
Sunday: 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m., 7
Monday: noon, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday: noon, 7 p.m. Step
Study, Legacy
Wednesday: 7 a.m. Third-step
study, noon, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Big
Book study
Friday: noon Step study, 7 p.m.
tbr women, 9 p.m. candlelight.
Saturday: 9 a.m., 7:30 p.m.
speaker meeting. A potluck is held
at 6:30 p.m. on the last Saturday
of every month.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Allyn Historic Church
State Route 3, Allyn
Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors
Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big
Book study
42 Old Belfair Highway
Monday: 7:30 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous
Fiesta Restaurant
23730 NE State Route 3, Belfair
Wednesday: 6 p.m.
More information on AA is avail-
able at 275-9868 or 275-4395. For
Al-Anon, call 275-3833; and for
Narcotics Anonymous, call 432-
0542 or 731-5051.
an important
family legacy
Complete obituary informa-
tion is not only an appropriate
tribute to the deceased but also
a part of history that can shared
with loved ones for years to
The Herald provides forms
and is happy to print inibrma-
tion on the lives of residents and
former residents.
Please stop by our office in the
Log Plaza to pick up one of the
forms or to drop off a picture of a
loved one to be printed with the
story. Photos that are published
as part of an obituary can be
picked up the tbllowing week.
quired by January 31. The center
is located at 22871 NE State Route
3. For more information call the
center at 275-4898.
Literacy program in
need of volunteers
to serve as tutors
Mason CountyLiteracyislooking
fbr volunteers to tutor in adult basic
education and GED preparation.
Volunteers must be 18 and able
to pass a Washington State Patrol
background check. The work is
generally done at the North Ma-
son Timberland Regional Library
in Belfair and volunteers should
be able to commit to three to four
hours per week of work with their
students. Officials sa that volun-
teers must also be patient and un-
derstanding, and able to work with
very diverse sorts of students.
Those that would like more
information about the program
should contact Amy Olson at 360-
St. Hugh
We invite you to join us for
Sunday Family Worship
10 a.m. ° Sunday School Provided
280 E. Wheelwright St., Allyn
Chad, owner Licensed
15 years experience
Cell 1-360-401-0048
,,, HOODCCP979NN .,,
to Ia
i:]:ll!| .l,tl to s(
I| I :ll]i-ll past
L 1 H E *4=J posi:
---,Since 1982 erra
Valerie McLeod, and
in N
Physical Therapisl the
70 NE Medical Center Road This
275 4352 hav,
3/4" 11/2- (Black or grey) i twee
", Crushed n: ,,..r,vewa r Rock - --. (Clean or mi Cad,
r ...... "! of a"
* Large River Rock I ALL DRIVEWAY i by il
* Delivery 5 days a week I GRAVEL CUSTOMi serv
* [)ark, rich topsoil
Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I SPREAD FREE ! trier
'w",', vu,o7 (,,,h,,,,,,,,. in]pc
to tI
' Clou
Since 1961
Miller Remodeling
Building on Your Dreams with Quality and Service
Vih www.tnmillerremodeling.c
t() read ab(mr our ,naZa4,e approi
Custom Homes
me t
Clearing, Grading, Excavating
Logging, Homesites to Commercial
Building Complexes - Culverts to Storm Drainage Systems
Driveways to Highways - Topsoil to 2 MAN Rock
18862 E State Rt. 3 ZEPHI*033C0 (360) 275"28@
, Allyn, WA 98524 Fax (360) 275-335
January Health
Buy 1 and get 1 of equal or lesservalu'
for40°/o OFF
SALE DATES JAN. 12-24, 2007
* Except Natures P/us andRenew Life Products
Safeway Shopping Center * Belfair, AVA
dragounsleir@aol.com (360) 277-9434
Mumalo@numdaw Arnold & Smith "Since 1970'
Insurance Agency, Inc.
Located at 1 1 N.E. Old Belfair Hwy., Belfair, WA 98528 (Across from QFC)
p,o, Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Bolfair office open 9 a.m. to S p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mall slot by the door for copy, Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Shefon-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
Ailyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, January 11,2007
Our new Belfair office provides the same products and services you
have always known. Come in and see Chris Ladner, Artemia Settle,
and our team of insurance professionals for all your insurance needs!
Phone: (360) 277-5300
Toll Free: 1-800-633-4848
Church Obituaries
to host
The North Mason Bible Church
is set to present a three-day
"Prophecy Conference" with Dr.
Jim Borror.
"The Purpose and the Proph-
ecy" will run from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
on January 14. "Why the Hatred
of Israel," will run later that eve-
;ring beginning at 6 p.m.
"Israel, One World Government
and the Anti-Christ" will run at
6:30 p.m. on January 15. The con-
ference will conclude with "The
Middle East and the Soon Coming
of Christ," beginning at 6:30 p.m.
on January 16.
Dr. Borror holds multiple de-
grees and has taught at various
universities and seminaries. He
Lawrence Prato
Belfair resident Lawrence John
Prato, died of cancer at his home
on Friday, December 29. He was
He was born on January 6,
1923 in Seattle's
South Park area
to Albert E. and
Augusta (Ozar)
He graduated
from Seattle's
Cleveland High
School in 1941.
Mr. Prate
served in the
United States Lawrence
Navy from 1941 Prato
to 1945.
In 1948 he married Corinne
Joy Lemoine. She preceded him in
death on February 26, 1994.
For 30 years, Mr. Prato was the
her husband, Jay, of Cheney, and
Patti Boring and her husband,
Dave, of Missoula, Montana; by
his brother Albert and his wife,
Carol, of Oak Harbor; and by elev-
en grandchildren and five great-
A graveside service was held
at Twin Firs Cemetery in Belfhir
on Saturday, January 6. Arrange-
ments were under the direction of
Rill Chapel of Port Orchard.
Phyllis J. Hjorth
Tahuya resident Phyllis J.
Hjorth died December 31 in Port
Orchard. She was 79.
She was born September 4, 1927
Obituaries form
in Hollywood, Caliibrnia, to Nils
and Clara Mac (Murton) Hjorth.
She graduated from West Se-
attle High School in 1945 and also
attended art school.
Mrs. Hjorth worked as a techni-
cal illustrator at Milmanco Corpo-
She enjoyed painting, garden-
ing, flowers and cats.
She was preceded in death by
her brothers Roy, Gordon and Clif-
IbM McCartney and Victor Hjorth;
and by her sister Lois Hjorth.
Survivors include her niece
Karen McCartney.
Mrs. Hjorth was cremated at
the Cherry Grove Crematory.
There were no tbrmal services.
Arrangements are by Lewis Fu-
neral Chapel.
has also been the senior pastor for
over 28 years at two churches. He
was the tbunding pastor of Scott-
sdale Bible Church in Arizona for
over 7 years and the senior pastor
of the The First Baptist Church of
Lakewood in Long Beach, Calitbr-
nia, for over 20 years. Organizers
say that having begun a church
and growing it from the ground
up, he has a heart fbr, and an un-
derstanding oi, the small church.
There is no cost to attend the
confbrence. All donations will be
used to cover the expenses for the
speaker. Childcare will be pro-
vided for 9-year-olds and younger.
For more intbrmation about the
event contact the church directly
by calling 275-4555.
owner and operator of Hi View
Auto Rebuild in Burien, Boule-
vard Park and Belfair. He retired
in 1990.
He also served as a Mason
County cemetery commissioner.
Mr. Prato enjoyed restoring old
cars, especially his 1927 Model T.
He also enjoyed boating, traveling,
sharing his waterfront home with
family and friends and spending
time with his grandchildren.
In addition to his wife, he was
preceded in death by his sister Sa-
die "Teet" Prato McIntyre.
Mr. Prato is survived by his son
Michael and his wife, Laura, of
Tacoma; by his daughters Linda
and her husband, Mike Aylt, of
Cheney, Kathy Stockbridge and
temso Note
Mason Transit asks
for more volunteers
to transport clients
Mason Transit is seeking vol-
unteer drivers imte North Mason
area to provide transportation for
citizens who are unable to use reg-
ular transit for essential medical-
care services outside of the county
such as kidney dialysis, cancer
treatment and other medical con-
terns. Rides are also arranged for
nutritional services, social services
and shopping.
Transit officials say that pres-
ently a strong need exists for vol-
unteers in or near the Tahuya and
South Shore areas to transport cli-
ents to Kitsap County for kidney
dialysis treatments. Such appoint-
ments are scheduled around the
clock so volunteer with uncon-
ventional schedules are welcome.
Volunteers use their own ve-
hicles, are reimbursed and partici-
pate as often or as seldom as per-
sonal schedules will allow. Vehicle
insurance as well as a good driving
record are required for all volun-
Those that are interested in
volunteering should contact Ma-
son Transit at 1-800-281-9434 for
more information on how to get
More squares are
needed for Theler
Center quilt project
Last summer the Mary E. The-
ler Community Center began a
quilt project, planning two theme
quilts to be made by members of
the public. One quilt was to be for
permanent display and one was to
be auctioned offas a fund-raiser.
The first quilt, a truly outstand-
ing piece of workmanship, is now
on display at the center and plans
for the second one are now under
way. Prior experien9e is not nec-
essary. To make. a square, go to
the center and, for a $10 fee, pick
up the instructions and three re-
quired fabrics. Completion is re-
People dealing with alcohol issues
may note the following meetings.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
42 Old Belfair Highway
Sunday: 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m., 7
Monday: noon, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday: noon, 7 p.m. Step
Study, Legacy
Wednesday: 7 a.m. Third-step
study, noon, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Big
Book study
Friday: noon Step study, 7 p.m.
tbr women, 9 p.m. candlelight.
Saturday: 9 a.m., 7:30 p.m.
speaker meeting. A potluck is held
at 6:30 p.m. on the last Saturday
of every month.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Allyn Historic Church
State Route 3, Allyn
Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors
Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big
Book study
42 Old Belfair Highway
Monday: 7:30 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous
Fiesta Restaurant
23730 NE State Route 3, Belfair
Wednesday: 6 p.m.
More information on AA is avail-
able at 275-9868 or 275-4395. For
Al-Anon, call 275-3833; and for
Narcotics Anonymous, call 432-
0542 or 731-5051.
an important
family legacy
Complete obituary informa-
tion is not only an appropriate
tribute to the deceased but also
a part of history that can shared
with loved ones for years to
The Herald provides forms
and is happy to print inibrma-
tion on the lives of residents and
former residents.
Please stop by our office in the
Log Plaza to pick up one of the
forms or to drop off a picture of a
loved one to be printed with the
story. Photos that are published
as part of an obituary can be
picked up the tbllowing week.
quired by January 31. The center
is located at 22871 NE State Route
3. For more information call the
center at 275-4898.
Literacy program in
need of volunteers
to serve as tutors
Mason CountyLiteracyislooking
fbr volunteers to tutor in adult basic
education and GED preparation.
Volunteers must be 18 and able
to pass a Washington State Patrol
background check. The work is
generally done at the North Ma-
son Timberland Regional Library
in Belfair and volunteers should
be able to commit to three to four
hours per week of work with their
students. Officials sa that volun-
teers must also be patient and un-
derstanding, and able to work with
very diverse sorts of students.
Those that would like more
information about the program
should contact Amy Olson at 360-
St. Hugh
We invite you to join us for
Sunday Family Worship
10 a.m. ° Sunday School Provided
280 E. Wheelwright St., Allyn
Chad, owner Licensed
15 years experience
Cell 1-360-401-0048
,,, HOODCCP979NN .,,
to Ia
i:]:ll!| .l,tl to s(
I| I :ll]i-ll past
L 1 H E *4=J posi:
---,Since 1982 erra
Valerie McLeod, and
in N
Physical Therapisl the
70 NE Medical Center Road This
275 4352 hav,
3/4" 11/2- (Black or grey) i twee
", Crushed n: ,,..r,vewa r Rock - --. (Clean or mi Cad,
r ...... "! of a"
* Large River Rock I ALL DRIVEWAY i by il
* Delivery 5 days a week I GRAVEL CUSTOMi serv
* [)ark, rich topsoil
Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I SPREAD FREE ! trier
'w",', vu,o7 (,,,h,,,,,,,,. in]pc
to tI
' Clou
Since 1961
Miller Remodeling
Building on Your Dreams with Quality and Service
Vih www.tnmillerremodeling.c
t() read ab(mr our ,naZa4,e approi
Custom Homes
me t
Clearing, Grading, Excavating
Logging, Homesites to Commercial
Building Complexes - Culverts to Storm Drainage Systems
Driveways to Highways - Topsoil to 2 MAN Rock
18862 E State Rt. 3 ZEPHI*033C0 (360) 275"28@
, Allyn, WA 98524 Fax (360) 275-335
January Health
Buy 1 and get 1 of equal or lesservalu'
for40°/o OFF
SALE DATES JAN. 12-24, 2007
* Except Natures P/us andRenew Life Products
Safeway Shopping Center * Belfair, AVA
dragounsleir@aol.com (360) 277-9434
Mumalo@numdaw Arnold & Smith "Since 1970'
Insurance Agency, Inc.
Located at 1 1 N.E. Old Belfair Hwy., Belfair, WA 98528 (Across from QFC)
p,o, Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Bolfair office open 9 a.m. to S p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mall slot by the door for copy, Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Shefon-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
Ailyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, January 11,2007
Our new Belfair office provides the same products and services you
have always known. Come in and see Chris Ladner, Artemia Settle,
and our team of insurance professionals for all your insurance needs!
Phone: (360) 277-5300
Toll Free: 1-800-633-4848