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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 11, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 11, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Letters to the editor... = grey) i LY 0M S ! j%: g.cO: ppt.O Taking fond memories Five concerns Editor, The Herald: I am writing to say goodbye and to acknowledge the many great people in the North Mason com- munity. It has been a great honor to serve as your fire chief for the past ]5 years. I have accepted a position as the fire chief of the Si- erra Front Fire District in Washoe County (Reno), Nevada. I grew up and started my fire service career in Nevada, but that didn't make the decision to leave any easier. This is a great community and there are some special people who have given me gifts of friendship, insight, humor and lifelong les- SOns in citizenship. Former Fire Commissioner Gene McTee gave me the gift of Understanding the difference be- tween a manager and a leader. Don Cady taught me that the strength of a community can be measured by its fire department, churches, service clubs and the school dis- trict. Bill Quigley taught me the importance of being accountable to the taxpayers and "those that ay, need to have a say." Brian etersen, Harry Martin, Cherie Cloud and Mike Boyle all taught rae the importance of altruism and giving back to the community. The greatest gifts I received Were from the dedicated volun- teers, commissioners and career staff of Fire District 2. They are the most competent, profession- al, caring group of people I have ever worked with in my 34 years of public service. Words can't de- scribe the quality and caliber of the people who make up Fire District 2, but their actions and deeds do. Last week they saved a man whose heart had stopped; the week before they bravely entered a burning building in search of a child. This holiday season they towed a Santa Sleigh, giving away smoke detectors and prizes. Dur- ing the past year they made ad- dress signs, taught disaster pre- paredness, helped a needy citizen by securing her a free car, expand- ed the community action fhnd, in- stalled auto-dialers, expanded the student firefighter program and inspected homes and buildings for fire safety. I truly believe our com- munity is a safer place to live due to the dedication of the members of Fire District 2. It has been an honor serving with them and they will always remain in my heart. I would also like to ask the community for some help. Please support my replacements, Cap- tain Bakken and Captain Cooper. I am very proud of both of them and the district couldn't be in bet- ter hands. My fire commissioners are also unsung heroes; without their leadership, oversight and vision, the district would not be where it is today. Commission- ers Brooke Quigley, Dan Burris, Carl Ehresman, Kelly McIntosh and Marco Brown are excellent examples of dedicated community leaders; please thank them for their service. Both my wife and son will temporarily remain in Belfair; my son will be graduating from North Mason High School in June and my wife will retire in October after 25 years with the Olympia Fire Department. I will be coming home as often as pos- sible; please watch out for them in my absence. Rather than "cashing me out," the fire commissioners have gen- erously offered to allow me to use my accrued leave until it runs out on May 1. They have told me that I can come back anytime between February 5 and May 1 in case I find out I made a huge mistake, leaving such a fantastic group of people. Whether I return or stay in Ne- vada, I want to publicly say that it has been my honor to serve in a leadership position for the past 15 years in such a great fire district and North Mason community. Please be safe. Michael Greene Belfair v|MUN ITY C,00kLEN DAR Thursday, January 11 7:30 a.m., Allyn Community As- SOciation no-host breakfast meet- !ng, Lennard K's, Allyn. For more latbrmation call 275-9744. 1%.8 a.m -1 p m, Senior Nutrition Ogram', Mary'E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- lag, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. B 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, c.elfair Community Baptist _ hurch. For more information call fi92-4643. c. Noon, North Mason Rotary h lub, LakeLand Village Club- ease, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-3282. Noon, Mason Benson Club, raonthly potluck For more infor- rQation call 427-0785. A1 p.m., North Mason Seniors SSOciation board meeting, Con- rence Room E. Theler 1, Mary oraraunity Center, Belfair. For raore information call 275-4898. p4 P.m., Cub Scout Pack 514, rmce of Peace Catholic Church, downstairs. For more information call 275-6995. Friday, January 12 . u:40 to 5:30 v.m., Brownies, ary E. Theler Community Cen- [er. For more information call 277- u540. 6 P.m., Victor Improvement Club social hour; 7 p.m., potluck; d 8 p.m., meeting, at Victor all, Victor. For more information Call 275-4139. C6 to 8 n m, Girl Scout Cadette, eaior, S[udio 2B, Mary E. Theler Oraraunity Center. For more in- [°rraation, call 277-0540 SatUrday, January 13 M 10 a.m., Humane Society of mason County, at QFC upstairs • eeting room. For more informa- boa leave message at 275-9310. SUnday, January 14 • North Mason invites you to wor- Ship at the church of your choice. bYO nday, January 15 :40 to 5:30 p.m., Brownies and Uaior Girl Scouts, Mary E. The- i .er Community Center. For more mrraation call 277-0540. t  P.m., Lower Hood Canal Wa- ershed Coalition, North Mason 2 e °cations Our AAA, n. it14 o Credit Un00on/ ;oering anyone lying or working m Mason or Grays Harbor County L2 526 W. Cedar Shelton St., 948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton 426-9701 School District offices. For more information call 275-0618• 6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter 1197, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-0944. 7 p.m., Port of Allyn commis- sioners' meeting, Port of Allyn Building, Allyn. For more infor- mation call 275-2430. Tuesday, January 16 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Belfair. For more infbrmation call 275-3780. Noon, North Mason Kiwan- is, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-03O2. Noon, Belfair chapter of the Puget Sound Genealogical Soci- ety, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-4990. 6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 7091. 6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up- stairs meeting room. For more in- formation call 372-2613. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 277-0892. 7 p.m., Port of Dewatto commis- sioners' meeting, Port of Dewatto Building. For more information call 372-2755 or visit 7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair. For more information call 674- 7105. Wednesday, January 17 9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321, Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For more information call 275-2524. 10 a.m., Fire District 5 (Central Mason) commissioners' meeting, Mason Lake Fire Hall. For more information call 275-2889. 10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group, Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair. For more inibrmation call 275- 2098. Noon, Allyn Birthday Club. Call Hazel Carpenter at 275-5717 for a location. 4:30 p.m., Daisy Girl Scouts, Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter. For more information call 277- 0540. 6:30 p.m., North Mason School District Board of Directors, work/ study session at district offices. For more information call 277-2300. 6:30 p.m., Belfair Cemetery Dis- trict, QFC upper meeting room. For more information call 275- 2461. Thursday, January 18 8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 692-4643. Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-3282. 2 p.m., Pacific Northwest Salm- on Center Board of Directors, at Timberland Regional Library, 23081 NE State Route 3. For more information call 275-2763. 4 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 514, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, downstairs. For more information call 275-6995. 6 p.m., Mary E. Theler Com- munity Center Board of Directors, at the Theler Center Belfair. For more information call 275-9241. 7 p.m., Fire District 8 commis- sioners' meeting, Tahuya Fire Hall. For more information call 275-6478. NORTH MASON FIBER COMPANY Re. Box 275 • NE 431 Lo W Yard Rd. • Belfair, WA 98528 The Place To Take Your YARD & WOOD Waste Contractors Welcome OPEN DALLY 7 A.M.- 5 RM. 27$- 0228 mose ca, for directions and more information NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE Thursday, January 1 Editor, The Herald: Is Belfair really a "strange lit- tle village"? I think not. We have problems just like any other town, large or small. It is just easier to see them here. At the moment, we have at least five items of con- cern. First, we have state bureaucrats and their local supporters sitting on their duffs at the Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group, making a living writing for grants from taxpayers to provide money to build a salmon gift shop over- looking the beautiful mud of lower Hood Canal. A somewhat ques- tionable use of public funds. Second, we have the teachers' union trying to get more money for teachers and the union, along with having free rein to run the school district without any responsibil- ity for the failure or success of the district. Third, we have the need for a second north-south road, also known as the Belfair Bypass road. If anyone can make a mountain out of a molehill, state engineers can. It is hard to believe this has been going on since at least 1996, with millions of dollars lost mak- ing studies. Fourth, we need a first-class health clinic that can handle emer- gencies such as heart attacks and strokes. A facility like the Harri- son Hospital complex at Silverdale would be a wonderful addition to Belfair. With the number of senior citizens in the area, this should be of highest priority. Fifth, we need new commercial stores and I don't mean another gift shop. We need a Target, K- Mart, Wal-Mart, or you name it. It is just too tiring to have to make 50-mile round trips to have some variety in shopping. Now, add a bunch of inflated egos of people who are used to run- ning things and resist any chal- lenge to their power and you have the making of what appears to be a "strange little village." I prefer to believe that common sense will prevail and all our little problems will eventually be taken care of: However, at my and my wife's age, I doubt if it is something we will enjoy. John Stockler Belfhir Allyn View RV Park Senior park located in quaint beach community. Sound views. Walk to shopping and beach. (360) 275-3120 SHOOTING STAR LIMO "Where You're The Star" • All occasions * Competitive rates • New luxury stretch limos • 5 star service 24 hours Airport Service 360-275-4423 $75 360-790-5471 TRUCKING " & LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, INC. Topsoil. Bark • Mulches. Fill Dirt • Roekery Rock • Crushed Rock • Washed Rock Land Clearing • Free Estimates • Certified Scales • Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete * Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri." 7-5 1 Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Repaired Risers Installed • Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone Drain Fields • Curtain & Foundation Drains • Foundation Digouts Misc. Clearing • Gravel • Perc Holes ° Designs Available >,J£W IN B£LF,IIL GREAT ASIAN FOOD C)PFN DAILY 1 1 A.hA.-9 P.hA. 10 % OFF Any Entree with this ad --valid thru 1/15/07 23690 NE Hwy 3 * Belfair (N(X'[ I0 NIN,k'i NI,KILI &, "[,KN) (360) 275-2302 North Mason Eagles #4226 JANUARY EVENTS Join us for some great fun in the New Year Friday I/:12 Prime Rib Dinner 6 p.m,. $13 Friday t,/19 1/26 : Aerie Steak Dinner 6 p.m. • $11 b • e with music from the and Juke Box" Sunday No. 4226 80 NE Alder Creek Lane, Belfair (360) 275-6885 ,2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 Letters to the editor... = grey) i LY 0M S ! j%: g.cO: ppt.O Taking fond memories Five concerns Editor, The Herald: I am writing to say goodbye and to acknowledge the many great people in the North Mason com- munity. It has been a great honor to serve as your fire chief for the past ]5 years. I have accepted a position as the fire chief of the Si- erra Front Fire District in Washoe County (Reno), Nevada. I grew up and started my fire service career in Nevada, but that didn't make the decision to leave any easier. This is a great community and there are some special people who have given me gifts of friendship, insight, humor and lifelong les- SOns in citizenship. Former Fire Commissioner Gene McTee gave me the gift of Understanding the difference be- tween a manager and a leader. Don Cady taught me that the strength of a community can be measured by its fire department, churches, service clubs and the school dis- trict. Bill Quigley taught me the importance of being accountable to the taxpayers and "those that ay, need to have a say." Brian etersen, Harry Martin, Cherie Cloud and Mike Boyle all taught rae the importance of altruism and giving back to the community. The greatest gifts I received Were from the dedicated volun- teers, commissioners and career staff of Fire District 2. They are the most competent, profession- al, caring group of people I have ever worked with in my 34 years of public service. Words can't de- scribe the quality and caliber of the people who make up Fire District 2, but their actions and deeds do. Last week they saved a man whose heart had stopped; the week before they bravely entered a burning building in search of a child. This holiday season they towed a Santa Sleigh, giving away smoke detectors and prizes. Dur- ing the past year they made ad- dress signs, taught disaster pre- paredness, helped a needy citizen by securing her a free car, expand- ed the community action fhnd, in- stalled auto-dialers, expanded the student firefighter program and inspected homes and buildings for fire safety. I truly believe our com- munity is a safer place to live due to the dedication of the members of Fire District 2. It has been an honor serving with them and they will always remain in my heart. I would also like to ask the community for some help. Please support my replacements, Cap- tain Bakken and Captain Cooper. I am very proud of both of them and the district couldn't be in bet- ter hands. My fire commissioners are also unsung heroes; without their leadership, oversight and vision, the district would not be where it is today. Commission- ers Brooke Quigley, Dan Burris, Carl Ehresman, Kelly McIntosh and Marco Brown are excellent examples of dedicated community leaders; please thank them for their service. Both my wife and son will temporarily remain in Belfair; my son will be graduating from North Mason High School in June and my wife will retire in October after 25 years with the Olympia Fire Department. I will be coming home as often as pos- sible; please watch out for them in my absence. Rather than "cashing me out," the fire commissioners have gen- erously offered to allow me to use my accrued leave until it runs out on May 1. They have told me that I can come back anytime between February 5 and May 1 in case I find out I made a huge mistake, leaving such a fantastic group of people. Whether I return or stay in Ne- vada, I want to publicly say that it has been my honor to serve in a leadership position for the past 15 years in such a great fire district and North Mason community. Please be safe. Michael Greene Belfair v|MUN ITY C,00kLEN DAR Thursday, January 11 7:30 a.m., Allyn Community As- SOciation no-host breakfast meet- !ng, Lennard K's, Allyn. For more latbrmation call 275-9744. 1%.8 a.m -1 p m, Senior Nutrition Ogram', Mary'E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- lag, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. B 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, c.elfair Community Baptist _ hurch. For more information call fi92-4643. c. Noon, North Mason Rotary h lub, LakeLand Village Club- ease, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-3282. Noon, Mason Benson Club, raonthly potluck For more infor- rQation call 427-0785. A1 p.m., North Mason Seniors SSOciation board meeting, Con- rence Room E. Theler 1, Mary oraraunity Center, Belfair. For raore information call 275-4898. p4 P.m., Cub Scout Pack 514, rmce of Peace Catholic Church, downstairs. For more information call 275-6995. Friday, January 12 . u:40 to 5:30 v.m., Brownies, ary E. Theler Community Cen- [er. For more information call 277- u540. 6 P.m., Victor Improvement Club social hour; 7 p.m., potluck; d 8 p.m., meeting, at Victor all, Victor. For more information Call 275-4139. C6 to 8 n m, Girl Scout Cadette, eaior, S[udio 2B, Mary E. Theler Oraraunity Center. For more in- [°rraation, call 277-0540 SatUrday, January 13 M 10 a.m., Humane Society of mason County, at QFC upstairs • eeting room. For more informa- boa leave message at 275-9310. SUnday, January 14 • North Mason invites you to wor- Ship at the church of your choice. bYO nday, January 15 :40 to 5:30 p.m., Brownies and Uaior Girl Scouts, Mary E. The- i .er Community Center. For more mrraation call 277-0540. t  P.m., Lower Hood Canal Wa- ershed Coalition, North Mason 2 e °cations Our AAA, n. it14 o Credit Un00on/ ;oering anyone lying or working m Mason or Grays Harbor County L2 526 W. Cedar Shelton St., 948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton 426-9701 School District offices. For more information call 275-0618• 6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter 1197, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-0944. 7 p.m., Port of Allyn commis- sioners' meeting, Port of Allyn Building, Allyn. For more infor- mation call 275-2430. Tuesday, January 16 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Belfair. For more infbrmation call 275-3780. Noon, North Mason Kiwan- is, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-03O2. Noon, Belfair chapter of the Puget Sound Genealogical Soci- ety, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-4990. 6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 7091. 6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up- stairs meeting room. For more in- formation call 372-2613. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 277-0892. 7 p.m., Port of Dewatto commis- sioners' meeting, Port of Dewatto Building. For more information call 372-2755 or visit 7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair. For more information call 674- 7105. Wednesday, January 17 9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321, Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For more information call 275-2524. 10 a.m., Fire District 5 (Central Mason) commissioners' meeting, Mason Lake Fire Hall. For more information call 275-2889. 10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group, Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair. For more inibrmation call 275- 2098. Noon, Allyn Birthday Club. Call Hazel Carpenter at 275-5717 for a location. 4:30 p.m., Daisy Girl Scouts, Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter. For more information call 277- 0540. 6:30 p.m., North Mason School District Board of Directors, work/ study session at district offices. For more information call 277-2300. 6:30 p.m., Belfair Cemetery Dis- trict, QFC upper meeting room. For more information call 275- 2461. Thursday, January 18 8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 692-4643. Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-3282. 2 p.m., Pacific Northwest Salm- on Center Board of Directors, at Timberland Regional Library, 23081 NE State Route 3. For more information call 275-2763. 4 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 514, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, downstairs. For more information call 275-6995. 6 p.m., Mary E. Theler Com- munity Center Board of Directors, at the Theler Center Belfair. For more information call 275-9241. 7 p.m., Fire District 8 commis- sioners' meeting, Tahuya Fire Hall. For more information call 275-6478. NORTH MASON FIBER COMPANY Re. Box 275 • NE 431 Lo W Yard Rd. • Belfair, WA 98528 The Place To Take Your YARD & WOOD Waste Contractors Welcome OPEN DALLY 7 A.M.- 5 RM. 27$- 0228 mose ca, for directions and more information NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE Thursday, January 1 Editor, The Herald: Is Belfair really a "strange lit- tle village"? I think not. We have problems just like any other town, large or small. It is just easier to see them here. At the moment, we have at least five items of con- cern. First, we have state bureaucrats and their local supporters sitting on their duffs at the Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group, making a living writing for grants from taxpayers to provide money to build a salmon gift shop over- looking the beautiful mud of lower Hood Canal. A somewhat ques- tionable use of public funds. Second, we have the teachers' union trying to get more money for teachers and the union, along with having free rein to run the school district without any responsibil- ity for the failure or success of the district. Third, we have the need for a second north-south road, also known as the Belfair Bypass road. If anyone can make a mountain out of a molehill, state engineers can. It is hard to believe this has been going on since at least 1996, with millions of dollars lost mak- ing studies. Fourth, we need a first-class health clinic that can handle emer- gencies such as heart attacks and strokes. A facility like the Harri- son Hospital complex at Silverdale would be a wonderful addition to Belfair. With the number of senior citizens in the area, this should be of highest priority. Fifth, we need new commercial stores and I don't mean another gift shop. We need a Target, K- Mart, Wal-Mart, or you name it. It is just too tiring to have to make 50-mile round trips to have some variety in shopping. Now, add a bunch of inflated egos of people who are used to run- ning things and resist any chal- lenge to their power and you have the making of what appears to be a "strange little village." I prefer to believe that common sense will prevail and all our little problems will eventually be taken care of: However, at my and my wife's age, I doubt if it is something we will enjoy. John Stockler Belfhir Allyn View RV Park Senior park located in quaint beach community. Sound views. Walk to shopping and beach. (360) 275-3120 SHOOTING STAR LIMO "Where You're The Star" • All occasions * Competitive rates • New luxury stretch limos • 5 star service 24 hours Airport Service 360-275-4423 $75 360-790-5471 TRUCKING " & LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, INC. Topsoil. Bark • Mulches. Fill Dirt • Roekery Rock • Crushed Rock • Washed Rock Land Clearing • Free Estimates • Certified Scales • Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete * Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri." 7-5 1 Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Repaired Risers Installed • Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone Drain Fields • Curtain & Foundation Drains • Foundation Digouts Misc. Clearing • Gravel • Perc Holes ° Designs Available >,J£W IN B£LF,IIL GREAT ASIAN FOOD C)PFN DAILY 1 1 A.hA.-9 P.hA. 10 % OFF Any Entree with this ad --valid thru 1/15/07 23690 NE Hwy 3 * Belfair (N(X'[ I0 NIN,k'i NI,KILI &, "[,KN) (360) 275-2302 North Mason Eagles #4226 JANUARY EVENTS Join us for some great fun in the New Year Friday I/:12 Prime Rib Dinner 6 p.m,. $13 Friday t,/19 1/26 : Aerie Steak Dinner 6 p.m. • $11 b • e with music from the and Juke Box" Sunday No. 4226 80 NE Alder Creek Lane, Belfair (360) 275-6885 ,2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3