January 12, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 12, 1978 |
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Changes are made
in food stamp program
The Department of Social
and Health Services is advising
food stamp households in
Washington State that if their
heating or utility bills go up this
winter, the amount they pay for
i their food stamps may go down.
Under new federal food
stamp rules effective January 1,
1978, households may be able to
get prompt adjustments in their
food stamp purchase price if
heating or utility bills increase.
Food stamp purchase prices
are based on net income, after
itemized deductions. When
Ideductions for heating and
costs increase, purchase
races go down because there is
income available to the
for food.
Food stamp households will
able to use their most recent
utility bills to claim a larger
even if they have not
managed to pay the bills.
If heating and/or utility bills
h serving
all sentence
go up by more than $25,
households will have their cases
reviewed at once. If they have
already bought their food stamps
for the month, they would have
their purchase price adjusted for
the next month.
Households whose utility
bills have increased less than $25
will have the change processed
according to normal procedures.
Body of boy
is recovered
The body of a Grays Harbor
County youth was found in a
beaver pond where he had
drowned while duck hunting last
The body was found after
the pond was drained, authorities
Mason County
law-enforcement divers had been
asked to assist in the search last
month when the boy was first
missing, but declined to do so
after being contacted by Grays
Harbor County sheriff's office
divers who
WINNERS in the Mason Youth Services Christmas Window Decoration
Contest, left to right, were Lisa Whitney, second; Donald Holcomb, first;
and Earl Brown, third. Not pictured is Patty Gibson, also a third-place
winner. All received cash prizes and the first-place winner also received a
turkey donated by Mark-It Foods.
were in a labor Seattle youth arrested
Steven Hallberg, 18, 818 dispute with county authorities
14th, Shelton, is serving and declined to dive.
days in the Mason County jail Navy divers who were
a sentence imposed one brought in were unable to fin d on old theft harge
charge of second-degree the body, so the pond was C
in King County. drained.
King County had requested
County to allow Hallberg Mike L. Gundram, 24, 238 for identification on a charge of Mason County Superior
serve his jail time here. Southwest 143rd, Seattle, was grand larceny, warrant.
He was booked into the
County jail this week to
serving the sentence.
The charge was the result of
fight in King County.
Almost omnipotent
Private opinion is weak, but
public opinion is almost
Harriet Beecher Stowe
arrested by a Mason County He was released on personal
deputy sheriff at the King recognizance after his court
County Jail Friday. appearance under conditions set
He was brought to Mason down by the court.
County where he appeared Gundram was arrested by
before Judge Gerry Alexander. authorities in King County on a
He is charged in connection
with an incident involving a
motorcycle in June of 1976.
The warrant on which he was
arrested was issued in August,
Public defenders named
Tile Tumwater law firm of
J arrett and Kaeding has been
appointed to the public defender
contract for Mason County for
the six months January i to
June 30, it was announced this
week by the Superior Court.
They represent criminal
defendants in Superior Court
who are unable to afford an
Shelton attorney Ben Settle
has been named to represent
juvenile offenders in juvenile
court actions.
The Tumwater firm is a new
law firm. Partners are James
Kaeding, formerly an assistant
code reviser for the state and a
graduate of Loyola School of
"Law, Chicago; and John Jarrett,
a former law clerk for the State
Supreme Court and a graduate of
Gonzaga University Law School.
Minimum wage up
The federal minimum wage William C. Buhl, Seattle
increased to $2.65 an hour on regional administrator of the
January !. The increase will labor department's Employment
bring a pay raise of $2.2 billion Standards Administration,
this year to 4.5 million workers, estimated that about 56,000
The new minimum wage was workers will be affected in
passed by Congress as an Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and
amendment to the Fair Labor Washington this year. Around
Standards Act and was signed $2.8 million should be added to
into law by President Jimmy affected regional salaries.
Carter on November 1, 1977.
The law provides for the Unemployment
minimum wage to increase
annually over the next three, here is low
years until it is $3.35 an hour
beginning on January 1, 1981.
"Overall, more than 5.3
million workers will be affected
by the minimum wage
The Mason County
Commission has been informed
by tile State Employment
Security Department that the
unemployment rate in Mason
increases," Secretary of Labor County in October, 1977, was
Ray Marshall said. 3.9 percent.
* Electric Chainsaws • Skilsaws • Electric Mowers
• Electric Power Tools (of all kinds)
We have new and used electric motors
for any purpose. If it's not in stock, we can get it!
Shelton Electric Motor Repair
The average household
in 1978 will spend $3,354
on food, $1,166 on
clothing and shoes, and
$985 on new and used
automobiles, but costing
more than all of the
above will be their
expenditures to keep
Uncle Sam in shape.
This year, as it has
every year since 1965, the
federal budget will
increase. The explosion of
federal expenditures
during the last decade has
resulted in a 97% increase
per household, up from
$2,941 in 1968 to a
projected level of $5,797
in fiscal '78.
Nell's Pharmacy
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays- 9:30 to 6:00
Bath Towels S233
One group ................ .................... Special
'°' ,,,h,, $4999
|l ,L. .... '
Shoe Dept.
Dress & Casuals
Famous brands. Reg. to '29.95. S 15"
Ladies' sizes ......................... NOW
California Cobblers
Bo ' Dept.
Pants $499
Dress and casual. Choice of style
and color. Reg. to $13.00 ............ NOW
4 Sets only. Reg. to S100.00, were $69.99 ........ How Choice of styles; not all sizes. $990
Reg. to $22.00. Ladies' sizes .............. NOW
Satin Bangers $ I" Oxfords Pre-washed Denims $899
Box of 2, podded. Reg. $2.S0 .... Flare leg. Reg. to $16.00. (Pre-teen sizes
t I ........................ Brown or black velveteen. Ladies' sizes. $599 26-31, s9.99) Sizes 8-14 ...................
Bathroom Carpet $1 5 °° Reg. $9.00 ...................................
8LG O" 5 only. Reg. $19.98 ................................
Pant Boots, $799 3
Bedspreads 112 111:1: ,o.only. Ladies sizeshV= to,0 .............. B' Shirts $ 99
One group ............................. I .I. i i Men's Dress & Casuals $15 '° ton, sleeve pull-over. Choice of styles .....
SAt prhllntth SheetI $99 Not all sizes. Reg. to $32.00 ........... NOW O
................. i ..................... Speclal
Lace Table Cloths 4 OO e •. OO Children's Shoes Jackets $200
Sierra, 54"x54" to 64"x120". "v,o L, ' • il wo Leather, boys' and girls styles iOO " I I Nylon in sizes 8-18.
Reg. to$22.98 ................ Now -- to = and sizes 8'/, to6. l°°qltP I I Rag. S30.00 ................... NOlhF
Reg. to $17.00 ...................
Children's Accessories & Ready-To-
i • Men'= Dept.
Dept. L ngerle Wear
Winter Vests $ 99
Assorted colors ingirls sizes7-14 ......... 16 Flannel Gowns $J49 - 50 % Dress Shirts $ Ig88
Long and short sleeves. Choice of colors.
Down Look Jackets $ au s,z.. to, Were $6.99 ................ 1 Lar?atckSof assorted _ 1 Reg. to$13.00 ...........................
Girls sizes,.,, ..................... Flannel Pajamas $m)99 styles and sizes ............... UPTO I=
Wmter Coats n Of Sizes36 to38only. Were$S.99 i $599 Levi Casual
" ............ Denims $99
Long styles in girls sizes 7-14 ..... lV /O OFF Brushed Gowns OQc Pants . $1199 Waist sizes. Reg. $21.00 .................. AB'
T-Sh,rts s. were $5.99 ....... Jl " on
• Pu- styles and sizes 8.20 ........... OIL Sweaters $1199
One group. 50%,polyester, 50% GO Cardigan and pull-over styles. .
cotton Knit. Boys sizes4.7 ............. 2JS5 Brushed Gowns $'X50 Cord Jeans $'799 Choice of color. Reg. to$23.00 ............ --
S-M-L, were $12.99 ....... mr juniors sizes 5 to 15 This week end only • J
Dresses $ 99 Brushed ............ . " S 19 Leather Jackets $'lrlOtl
.............. 7 88
., Palamas $ IT 50 then =89.00 ............... To Clear ,
Knee H, s s li O0 S-M-L were $12.99... i r pant Suts . SgA88 Suits S Ia99
Assorted colors in girls sizesT-8% I ............. .... -- W ' , d,p,ecesty,es .... e= ="W ,'=*r00"°ru'l?°rd°Y: ........ =d11
Pajamas . Knee Hi', 33' & Down Vests $9900 Thermal Underwear $4 77
Pre-shrunk flannel In bo ' SJl) One size fits all. .......... ..................... 44 = s,z,, xs-s.m-, ........ I/
ys sizes 2-5 only ........
Asso.rted Curler • Bottoms in s-l-xl only --
Pants $11 99
Clothing -n o With Mist €: ! • 99 Coat Sweaters $1 '799 Casual brushed or corduroy ' I
Compac, collapsible qlP I I
One table girls' sizes 7-14 ......... 5V YO OFF was $16 00 '
.......................... I I Bulky style ......................... I mr styles by Levi. Reg. to $20.00... NOW i
Thursday, January 12, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3