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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pioneer E oard meets M.t,ock Progress reports regarding the Monday night, reading program, hfformation has Harstine Island property Piolleer Tile board received and beet] shared with the parents of to sell, the Student discussed tile fourth-grade test fourth-grade students. More Learning Objectives Law and the results. Pioneer students placed information will be provided Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer St. ect 80 Building Committee well above the state average in Pioneer citizens later this month reported that Matlock vicinity meeting, at 8 p.m. Wc(htesday. all three subject areas of math, by the school newsletter, had 90.18 inches of rain in 1977. were received by tile Pioneer language and reading. The The first reading of Pioneer's The month of December had School Board when it met highest ranking conic in the Affirmative Action Plan was 20.18inches. ilm showing it , with the final reading Matlock Ladies Club met at scheduled in February. the Grange Hall last week The board has scheduled a led ight budgetary workshop for all U ton interested citizens January 23 at The fourth program in the Library Association's series Movies/Take 5, the 1934 "It Happened One Night," be shown tonight at 7:30 ).m. it] the Shelton High School One of the most popular of the screwball comedies, the follows a spoiled, dizzy (Claudette Colbert) and a tough, cynical newsl)aperman Gable) as they meet on road, she in flight from her father and he it] the midst of a with his editor, and decide to join forces on a cross-country trip. They bicker, exchange and insults, share a motel room, and gradually, it] accordance with the conventions, fall it] love. One of the great sleepers of movie history, "It l lappened One Night" did its slats and director, Frank Capra, a power of good; it did wonders for Columbia, a studio until then negarded as Siberia (Gable had been sent there by MGM as punishnlent); with six Oscars, including best actor (Gable), best actress (Colbert), best director and best picture, Columbia came in from the cold in style. Admission for the film is by series ticket or individual tickets available at the door at $1.50. Children will not be adndtted unless accompanied by an adult. Running time is 105 minutes. 8 p.m. The session will focus on the effect the new funding formula will have on Pioneer School. All interested citizens are welcome to attend. Action was taken by the board requiring all out-of-district families and students wishing to enter Pioneer School to petition the board by letter for their consideration. Too Late to Classify RENT- 1-2-3 bedroom louses, furnished, apartments, nthly-weekly, rentals, also Ilers. 426-4420 or 426-6612. /12tfn EWARD: WE'VE lost our two and white, Welsh/Shetland ties in Matlock area. Any ormation, please call Mcl/12 'ANTED -- WOODEN baby 426-9190. $1/12 SALE -- Two parcels of nd within the Skokomish One parcel of land the Tulalip Reservation. bids will be accepted by Bureau of Indian Affairs, Colby Avenue, Federal ing, Everett, WA. 98201, 11:45 a.m., Daylight rigs Time, February 15, acre and 80 acre tracts n the Skokomish iervation -- 4.8 acre tract the Tulalip Reservation, access to I-5 and frontage Marysville-Tulalip Road.) Bids be opened 1 p.m., February 1978. B1/12-19 BRONCO, must sell. Blue : $4,575; will sell $3,950 or offer Many factory extras LT,O00 miles. 426-9640 -LItZ-Z;, " '2 Dr aOd iDo? Eh e :;tr ont, ePdioC kwUP. like new. $2,600: 426-4601'. Too Late to Classify WELL-MAINTAINED 3-bedroom home on creek. Large lot with fruit trees, berries and garden area. For sale by owners. $18,500. 426-3230 after 3:30. $1/12-2/2 1977 SEARS outbaord, 7Vz h.p., $150; 1977 B&W TV, portable, $65. Call Mason Apartments. Ask tar Mike. D1/12 FIREWOOD FOR' sale. 426-5677, 426-9367, M1/12-2/2 '6"7 CHRYSLER, good work car, $450. 426-7332. G1/12.19 ANTIQUE AND Collectible auction, January 14, 1978, 7 p.m. Preview all day 14th. Americana and European furniture, brass bed, items too numerous to mention, glassware, primitives and collectibles. McCleary Auction. Phone 495-3541 or 495-3545. Mcl/12 COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE, city convenience, with future investment potential. 3.3 acres, fenced and cross fenced with 5-stall horse barn, single garaqe, riding arena. Loving 3-plus Declroom 13ome, choice location. Lots more extras with a erfect etup for your future business. A very affordable price at only $43,950, terms; Shelton Land. SI/12 72 CADILLAC Coupe de loaded with extras, in top ondition. $2,750. 426-4601. €12 4OTPOINT SMALL chest :er, excellent condition, 426-2867. G1/12 -- BABYSITTER for Jr-year-old girl, Monday Friday, 8: 15-5:30, Heights-Five Corners home with child; erences, please. 426-7268 after W1/12 R SALE- 1959 Chevy V-8 pickup, $600; 1957 Hyster lumber carrier, $600. Call 6, 426-5934. K1/12 WHY SIT & WATCH? while others are out HAVING FUN! LEARN TO D.A.N.C.E Quickly & Easily at the ,, " ,p OLYMPIC ITUDIO OF Fine Arts ADULT B.A-L.L.R-O-O-M CLASSES START FRIDAy JANUARY 20th 7:10 Till 9:00 I.W.A. Hall 2rid & Grove Downtown Shelton CALL NOW 426-7677 IlllllllllllllllllllilllllllillllUlllUllllnlllllllllllll A rea has 90.18 i nches of ra i n d u ri ng 1977 By DORA HEARING Healthmobile visit set The Healthmobile will be at the Hoodsport Fire Station on January 17 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Any Mason County resident is welcome to receive preventive health screening services. No appointments are needed. For more information, call Crystal Anderson, public health nurse, Thurston-Mason Health District, 426-4407. ,lllllinlllllUlllllllnlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnl a7tTe00 0000r'00vals Mason General Hospital -J_.lce00scs A daughter to Julianna and Stanley Woodward Jr., 124 East J Street, January 5. A daughter to Richard and Rebecca Hutchins, Route 4, Box 353A, January 6. A son to John and Sharon Johnsen, 535 Bellevue, January 8. A son to Terrance and Debra Kepi, Route 3, Box 32, January 8. A son to Cindy Keyzers, Route 4, Box 388, January 10. Jennifer Michelle was born to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Steinberg of Oakland, California on January 4. She weighed in at five pounds and one-half ounce and joins a sister, Nicole Elizabeth, who is two and a half years of age. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Steinberg of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Nichols of Belen, New Mexico. Mrs. Campbell of Belch is great-grandmother. Not a deity Prosperity is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshipped. Calvin Coolidge Rubinstein Brush-on Lips $2so Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's office this week were: Arthur Sheppard, 64, Hoodsport, and Velma Brown, 71, Hoodsport. Steven Konicek, 20, Olympia, and Marya Fuller, 18, Union. Paul Tucker, 22, Bremerton, and Cheryl Dormaier, 18, Beifair. 'nlUUllllllilllllllllUllllUllnulnlllnlUlllllllllll ¢Weathef January 4 January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8 January 9 January 10 January 4 January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8 January 9 January 10 High Low Precip. Fahrenheit 48 41 .66 49 39 .19 42 36 .00 50 37 1.10 48 43 0.89 49 42 1.76 48 44 ].]8 Celsius 9 5 17 9 4 5 6 2 0 10 3 28 9 6 23 9 6 19 9 7 5 There is a chance of showers over the weekend with high temperatures in the 40s and lows • ranging from 35 to 45 degrees. i I , Neil's Pharmacy 5th & Franklin Wednesday with Juanita Nelson hostess with 15 ladies and one visitor, Mrs. Gret, Leslie, and two children present. It was voted to make donations to the two families who burned out last month. Matlock Grange had its regular meeting last Friday evening and took in a new member, Allan Nordlund, by obligation. His wife Marian was a visitor. The charter was draped in honor of Conda Dick. The Pinochle Club met at the Grange Hall .Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Townsend host and hostess. High score went to Elmer Bradberry and Dorothy Moore; pinochle to Bill Barnes Sr. and Dorothy Moore; low score to I.C. Ford and Dora Hearing. Next party is January 21. Clarence (Bud) Willardson, 47, died at St. Peter Hospital last week. He was a former Matlock resident and leaves two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Strutz of Shelton and Mrs. Anna Marie Hoggarth of Everett. Mr. and Mrs. James Rossmaier and Lisa of Olympia were Monday dinner guests at the Lud Rossmaier home. Mrs. Mike Brehmeyer was hostess to a birthday party Wednesday afternoon for Michelle Bearden's fifth birthday. Many friends attended. There will be a wedding reception at the Matlock Grange Hall January 14 from 1 to 5 p.m. for Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Iverson. Friends and relatives are invited. Mrs. Archly Kelley spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Boyce at Lake N;dwatzei. Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Bradberry called at the Shirley Goodburn home Saturday. MERCER T.V. 217 W. Cola, Shelton, 426.2763 General Electric Warranty Station We service ANY make or model of T. V. 's, Stereos, C.B. 's I G, t Off the Money-Go-Round Too many bills got you going in circles? Nobody likes to let their bills get ahead of them, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Then it seems, the more bills you pay...the more you have! We have a way for you to clear the slate and let you consolidate your bills into one monthly payment...On approval, we'll lend you the money you need to pay off all your bills. Your credit rating is kept intact, since you'll no longer owe a group of people...just us. And your budget will be kept intact because we'll work out a payment plan that YOU can work with! Speak to one of our loan officers today. It's a step in the right direction. join Ken Fredson, Manager Shelton office: Ph. 426-1i4,11 McCleary office: Ph. 4954497 Thursday, January 12, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9