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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ou. al e ord c i DISTRICT COURT A : ppearing on the docket in iiMason County District Court ibefore Judge Carol Fuller during !the past week were: Justice Court i William Newman, 7010 !Blaine Road, Aberdeen, driving while intoxicated, $250 fine, 30 days in jail, suspended; Gino Rau, 150 Holly Place, Shelton, possession of marijuana, $75 fine; Leslie Towhey, 20 Cherry Park, Shelton, minor frequenting tavern, $50 forfeit; Frank Williams, Rt. 3, Box 4, Shelton, speeding, $40 fine; Janet Adams, Rt. 2, Box 452, Shelton, negligent driving, 1535 fine; Harold Allen, P.O. Box 32, Quilcene, negligent driving, $50 fine; Robert Close, St. Rt. 1, Box 201, Union, speeding, no valid operator's license on person, $40 fine; Link Elliott, St. Rt. 2, Box 326, Belfair, i.peeding, $40 fine; Ernest Lewis, .ox 412, Sequim, speeding, $15 pme; Kathrine McDonald, 26 Lakeshore Dr., Shelton, speeding, $20 fine; Craig Merriman, 276 [ake Whatcom Blvd., ]ellingham, 'no valid operator's icense on person, $30 forfeit; ]yron Meyer, 108 N. National, gremerton, negligent driving, $65 arfeit; Robert Satran, P.O. Box 44, Half air, no motorcycle endorsement, $10 fine; Larry Ewing, P.O. Box 568, )lympia, larceny by check, $100 me, $80 suspended; Raymond )Ooley, 1970 NW Saltzman, ortland, Oregon, speeding, $41 arfeit; David Barton, 267 Bella ]ella Dr., Fox Island, speeding, ;30 forfeit; James Christy, 2149 ,ake Blvd., Shelton, defective quipment, no operator's license m person, $33 forfeit; Michael :erkovich, St. Rt. 1, Box 856, i!elfair, in excess of legal weight i294 forfeit; Peggy Barnhart, Rt. 5, Box i63, Shelton, speeding, $32 forfeit; Patsy Burch, P.O. Box 8, nllllllinluulnnuilllUllUll 00dees* :1 These tides are for the Union area. For Shelton and Oakland Bay add an hour and a half and 2.4 feet. January 12 ....... 12:33 a.m. -1.2 ft. ....... 7:38a.m. 13.7 ft. ....... 1:33 p.m. 4.8 ft. ....... 6:49 p.m. 10.5 ft. 13 ....... 1:18 a.m. 0.1 ft. ....... 8:19 a.m. 13.5 ft. ....... 2:29 p.m. 4.2 ft. ....... 7:59 p.m. 9.7 ft. January ! 4 ....... 2:07 a.m. 1.6 ft. ....... 9:01 a.m. 13.1 ft. ....... 3:30 p.m. 3.6 ft. ....... 9:12 p.m. 9.1 ft. ary 15 ....... 2:56 a.m. 3.2 ft. ....... 9:45 a.m. • 12.6 ft. ....... 4:34 p.m. 3.0 ft. ...... 10:43 p.m. 8.8 ft. January 16 ....... 3:51 a.m. 4.7 ft. ...... 10:28a.m. 12.1 ft. ....... 5:36 p.m. 2.3 ft. lesday, January 1 7 Ih 12:19 a.m. 8.9 ft. ........ 4:58 a.m. 5.9 ft. ...... 11:14 a.m. 11.6 ft. ....... 6:37 p.m. 1.7 ft. Inesday, January 18 ....... 1:45 a.m. 9.6 ft. ....... 6:16 a.m. 6.8 ft. ...... 12:02 p.m. 11.2 ft. ....... 7:29 p.m. 1.1 ft. Xsday, January ! 9 ....... 2:54 a.m. • 10.3 ft. ....... 7:36 a.m. 7.2 ft. ...... 12:47 p.m. 10.9 ft. ....... 8:15 p.m. 0.6 ft. Union, unlawful issuance of a bank check, $50 forfeit; Clinton Weaver, 1321 Mason St., Shelton, failure to yield right-of-way, $30 forfeit; Robert Jennings, Rt. 10, Box 500, Shelton, defective equipment, $23 forfeit; Jack Jackman, St. Rt. 1, Box 880D, Trails End Lake, depositing litter on property other than his own, $25 forfeit; Joseph Lewis, 125 Ostrander, Kelso, failure to dim headlights, $30 forfeit; Theresa Elwell, Rt. 10, Box 500, Shelton, never obtained Washington driver's license, $30 forfeit; Vernon White St., 2205 Airway Dr., Moses Lake, speeding, $25 forfeit; Leonard Padvier, Rt. 2, Box 648, Shelton, failure to yield right-of-way, $30 forfeit; Lyle McDonald, 7836 Decatur, Portland, Oregon, speeding, $18 forfeit; Robert Johnson, P.O. Box 811, Aberdeen, no valid operator's license on person, $25 forfeit; Kelly Wilson, Rt. 11, Box 168, Olympia, following too closely, $30 forfeit; John Frost, Rt. 10, Box 500, Shelton, no driver's license on person, $10 forfeit; John LaBerge, St. Rt. 1, Box 54, Grapeview, speeding, $96 forfeit; Marvin Cultee, Rt. 5, Box 484, Shelton, minor in possession of and consuming intoxicants, resisting or obstructing a police officer, $150 fine, $75 suspended, six days in jail; Dewayne Grindle, Rt. 10, Box 150, Shelton, driving while intoxicated, $250 fine, 30 days in jail, suspended. , Municipal Department Vincent Beerbower, 2019 King St., Shelton, negligent driving, $50 fine; Carol Swenson, 1721 Washington, Shelton, failure to yield right-of-way, $30 forfeit; Marlene Auld, Rt. 5, Box 439, Shelton, driving without license, missing license plate, failure to obey lawful command, $143 forfeit; Ted Shonkwiler, 1792 Jones Rd'., Shelton/driving without license, $30 fine; ...... Thomas Kirk, 527 Bellevue, Shelton, speeding, $40 fine; Douglas Farrell, 2136 Olympic Highway N., Shelton, negligent driving, $77 fine; Kathleen Moore, 12907 E. Waller Rd., Tacoma, failure to yield right.of.way, $25 fine; Claude Galyan, Rt. 1, Box 117, Elma, speeding, $73 fine; Dale McKague, 433 Dearborn, Shelton, speed too fast for conditions, $20 fine; Paul Wheaton, Rt. 2, Box 864, Shelton, speeding, $51 forfeit; Valri Castle, Rt. 4, Box 317, Shelton, negligent driving, $77 forfeit; Judy Travos, Rt. 5, Box 674, Shelton, driving without valid license, $30 forfeit; Keith Nygaat:d, 550 Lake Blvd., Shelton, speeding, $43 fine; James Groves, 1121 Railroad, Shelton, speeding, $30 forfeit; Donel Korte, P.O. Box 818, GER GROW Shelton, speeding, $30 forfeit; attthorities, vehicle taken. Ruby Homchick, 220 W. G St., Gordon Smith reported a A one-car accident was Shelton, failure to yield vehicle taken, reported on Highway 101. right-of-way, $30 forfeit;Monica Wanda Medcalf reported a Canilla Matz reported Mix, 1118 May St., Sheiton, book taken from a mailbox, windows shot out. larceny by check, $35 fine; Eldred Bee reported the A two-car accident was Donald Depoe, Rt. 5, Box theft of mail. reported at the Walker Park and 583-B, Shelton, using force A burglary of Mel's Shell Arcadia Road intersection. against another, $I00 forfeit; Service Station was reported. Warren Stephens reported a Terry Adams, Rt. 5, Box 439, A wallet found near the grey poodle dog lost. resisting or hindering a police Memorial Hall was turned in to Sue Younglove reported a officer, $100 forfeit; Wallace the police deparhnent, stray goat at her place. Sewell, Rt. 5, Box 600, Shelton, Emery Vermillion reported a Mike Dudder reported the minor in possession of CBradio taken, burglary of a residence. intoxicants, S50 fine, suspended. Gwen Stidd reported a W.M. Porter reported COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS bicycle taken, mailboxes rifled and mail Louise Schuffenhauer destroyed. Building permits approved by reported an attempt to break Dixie Cundiff reported a the Mason County Planner's into a residence poodle dog found. Office during the past week were Jo Ann Buckley reported a A car was reported upside to John Allen, repair roof, tire and rim and two garbage down on the Haven Lake Road. $2,500; Donald Hanson, residence, $29,000; Antone cans taken. Mrs. Claude Irwin reported Hisser, garage, $3,641; Antone Richard Mattson reported a stray pigs at her residence. Hisser, addition, $9,000; trouble light taken. A stray weimaraner dog was A traffic accident was reported in the Alderbrook area. Theodore Cook, carport, $2,250; reported at First and Franklin. Eugene Wilhelm reported Richard Lindblad, residence, Dave Fillo reported a outside lightstaken. $29,000; residence burglarized. Bill Hughes reported a boat Florence Sigo, demolition of A two-vehicle, non-injury lost. residence, no value listed; Robert accident was reported on South Bob Phillips reported a boat Tarlton, pole barn, no value Third Street. found on Harstine Island. listed; Joseph Wilbur, Esther Lund reported a Terry Frazier reported two foundation, $8,700; Duane burglary. Walker hounds lost. Wright, demolition of cabin, no Henry Kennedy Jr. reported Don Tobin reported a value listed; Ned Wright, residence, $39,000. a chain saw taken, break-in. Sherry King reported a purse Clifford Bauchee reported SHELTON POLICE missing, vandalism. A two-vehicle, non-injury Derreill Singer reported a H and R Towing reported a accident was reported at Third battery taken from a vehicle, wrecker taken. It was later and Reed Way. Terri Shepperd reported a recovered by the owner. Raenae Lanning reported a parked vehicle hit. A, non-injury mallard duck taken. About 15 fireplace logs were accident was reported on The AA Hall on Capitol Hill re ported taken from 20th Highway 3. was reported broken into. tgentury Thriftway. John McElroy reported A pickup owned by Edwin Kathy Baird reported a gas someone digging clams on a Stansell was reported hit in the cap taken from a vehicle, private beach. parking lot at Sandy's Donuts. A burglary was reported at A one-car accident was A vehicle which had been Brad's No. 2. reported on Highway 3. pursued by a Washington State Hubert Chambers reported A car-pole accident was Patrol trooper was found to have two tires on a vehicle flattened, reported on the South Shore. gone over the bank on Northcliff Sam Smith reported the Juanita Christensen reported Road. burglary of a residence, the burglary of a residence. Troy Gamber reported a Norma McCoy reported a A one-car, injury accident vehicle taken, check taken, was reported on the Deckerville Frances Fox reported a Paul Dame reported a battery Road. mailbox taken, taken. Ed Thompson reported the Woodrow Johnson reported a A door at Bordeaux School burglary of a residence. wallet lost. It was later recovered was found opeu. Grant Morse reported a minus $252 in cash which had SHERIFF'S OFFICE residence entered. been in it. A vehicle-power pole A boat was repo'rted l'otley taken from Brad's accident was reported on the swamped in the Eagle Creek area No. 1 was recovered and a Sand Hill Road. of Hood Canal. juvenile was referred to juvenile Edwin Richardson reported a Ideleah Wilbur reported a TERM PROJ00IT$. Puget SoundNational Ban00 MEMBER F.D,I.C. GOURMET FOODS ICE and MIXES MILK 0013s DANISH CHEESES "* NORwE:TAN WASA B:;D" SWEDISH LINGONBERRIES . SWEDISH PANCAKE MIX IMPORTED MUSTARDS . SOURDOUGH BREADS * CHEESES FROM FRANCE & SMOKEY BEEF SAUSAGE PEPPERONI & SALAMI & PASTRAMI /00il _ GOOD FOR 50' ON ANY PURCHASE OF M.O0 AND UP 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday thru Saturday LOCATED NEXT TO THE LIQUOR STORE watch missing. A fence was reported down at the Belfair Trading Post. Cows were reported loose on Highway 106. Steven Wokack reported a wallet missing. An abandoned vehicle was reported on Panhandle Lake Road. Gary Probert reported building materials missing. FIRE DISTRICT FIVE January 6, 8:33 a.m., aid call, woman down, Batstone Hill, Mason County Ambulance transported to St. Peter Hospital, Olympia. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the City of Shelton during the past week were to Vander, Wegen and Kincaid, business remodeling, $2,000; Dick Wood, fire escape, $520; Howard Engen, residence, $26,950. SUPERIOR COURT Dissolutions of Marriage Ann Rodgers and Jimmie Rodgers. Johann Mak and Alida Mak. New Cases International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union 76 against Bill Smith Company Inc., breach of contract. Board of Directors of the Blue Herron Condominium against Marc Dallas, recovery of unpaid assessments and foreclosure of lien. No down payment. Your choice of our inventory. Just a small monthly charge keeps the nicest wheels in town rolling for you. )rms: 36 months first and last payment in advance, plus damage deposit. Purchase optional when lease ca!pleted. I Jiiile I lmmess OUR 12th Anniversary And Our First Offering in Olympia & Shelton DINNER CLUB Offers 0 DINNERS VALID UNTIL Oct. 1, 1978 DINE For The Price of ! rHOST RESTAURANTS00 PIERRE'S GREENHOUSE SHERATON MOTOR INN 900 So. Capitol Way THE GOLDEN CARRIAGE RESTAURANT 1200 Plum SENATOR CLAGHORN FOOD & BEVERAGE EMPORIUM West Side Shopping Center THE 5TH GUARTIR RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 5105 Capitol Blvd. MELTING POT RESTAURANT 1075 S. Capitol Way ROLA'S BAVARIAN RESTAURANT 901 Legion OLD VIENNA RESTAURANT 523 So. Sound Shopping Center DIRTY DAVE'S IHFAMOUS GAY 9O'S PIZZA PkRtOI 3939 Martin Way, Lacey PERKINS CAKE & STEAK RESTAURANT 5103 Capitol Blvd., Tumwater CHn'S FAMILY KITCHEN 4152 Market Square, Lacey COLONIAL WEST RESTAURANT 415 Perry, Hoqulam LUIGI & BORIS ITALIAN RESTAURANT k  So. Tacoma Way, Tacoma PIZZA HUTS 3817 Pacific Avenue, Locey 5300 Capitol Blvd., Tumwater 705 Harrison Ave.. Centralla SALMON HOUSE 27th & Pacific, Tacoma LOS HERMANOS 4520 Pacific Avenue, Lacey KING SOLOMON RESTAURANT Centralia NOR/ESTER RESTAURANT Centralla RIB EYE RESTAURANT Chehalls COUNTRY KITCHEN RESTAURANT Chehalis LEWIS AND CLARK RESTAURAHT Centralia THE LITTLE RED WHEEL RESTAURANT Centralia ARCTIC CIRCLE Centralia JUST EARL'S Chehalls JO MAMA'S 120 North Pear, Olympia and in CentraJlo 2 You may purchase at Thunderbird Motel Suite 43 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays, Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Buy 1 meal get 1 FREE Plus $100 in local bonuses If your membership is post-marked within 15 days you will receive over $100 in bonuses incluling Front End Alignment, Full Service Wash & Hot Wax, Automatic Transmission Check, Electronic Engine Analysis, 18 Holes of Golf, 5 Lines Open Bowling, Diamond Ring Cleaned, Checked & Polished, 1 Game Miniature Golf, 2 Wk. Man & Woman Fitness & Recreation membership, Manicure or Scalp Treatment. Membership is the $1 A 9 5 same as last year ONLY l "1' However if you order 2 or more only $10.00 each Great for Birthday or Anniversary Gifts. Order Now!! I I I I I II P.O. BOX 91528 I Lakevlew, WA. 98491 " I , ,, Enclosed is my check or money order for $ I tar _._____._._ memberships in the KMO Dinner Club I package. Containing over $400 in total value. Its I understood that I may start using my certificates I immediately. I may return my membership and material I unused for a full money-back guarantee within 10 days if I'm not completely satisfied. NAME (Print) .... ADDRESS .... CITY , , STATE ..... ZiP Please charge my VISA, knkAmedcard No. .llxp. Date Minter Charge Izp. Date Bank Cards Phone orders accepted I I.. ....... Jourmll Thursday: January 12, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11