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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I JourrLal00Jot$ H..t,.m....,..u,,. &apos; for exchange students American host families are The Scandinavian studenls, Unemployment pay to end being sought for 450 age 16 and 17, will a,,ive i,, thv _z Scandinavian high school United Slates in hie August - Federal Supplemental Benefits (FSB), tile program that provides students from Sweden, Norway, 1978, attend the hc:.lJ liigh for additional weeks of unemployment insurance for those persons Denmark and Finland for the school, and rctmn h-me m lal¢ I IOnolonououolololonololOlOlOnOlOlOlOUOU VE who have exhausted eligibility for regular or regular extended school year 1978-79 in a June 1979. "i21e sllltlonls, all LIV[   MUSIC i payments, will end in all states on January 31, 1978. The week program sponsored by the fluent in Euglish, have bee,, ending January 31 is the last week of unemployment for which FSB American Scandinavian Student screened by their school i " • can be paid. FSB was authorized under provisions of the Emergency Exchange. representatives in Scanditmviu Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974. Interested families in this and have pocket money and "WESTERN EXPRESS ll  area can contact Mrs. Vesla medical insurance. counr,v .ocK • Census survey planned Smith, 3825 32nd Avenue West, American families with s,,mtl Seattle, Washington 98199; children are welcome tu Friday & Saturday • Local representatives of the U.S. Bureau of the Census will telephone (206) 283-5024. participate ill the proglam. • • • conduct a survey of employment in this area during the week of Letters should contain the ASSE is alsti seekint. 9.30 pem. to 1.30 a.m. .. January 16.21. The survey is conducted monthly for the U.S. writer's telephone number. American students, ages 16 I,, Enjoy your favorite bevera e with a delicio s  i Department of Labor using a sample of approximately 70,000 18, who would like to spend a g O • households throughout the United States. In November the survey high school year with a homemade sandwich -- beef, ham or turkey. = indicated that of the 99 million men and women in, the U.S. civilian • . Scandinavian family or HAPPY HOUR 4 to 6 Dsms l| labor force, 92.2 million were employed. The nations unemployment Fish hearing par,cipate *ha f*ve week ra,,ih, I tilk!: et b rate was 6.9 percent, compared to 7.0 percent in October and is scheduled stay during summer 1978. " ... Monday thru Friday Ii secondSUbstantiallyquarterbel°Wof 1975.the recession peak of 8.9 percent reached in the The ASSE is the official n ticket ann modittcation el , • • , ]acnooner25 € Pitcher$1.501i d / ..._A .r.edesigned treaty Indian Swedish high school exchange  ijsn ucKets to comply witll operating under the auspices of I 5 918 killed In traffic ........... program in the U,,tted State,; Shelton Inn+" Washingtons 1977 highway death toll did not set a new record. lu'tax"mcreasesn'anaat'ea oy.ouse, kle '+'+' ann various Sincethe Swedish Board ofEducation+1938 more Iha,1 150,000 but it came close. A total of 918 persons were killed on the state s amoSe t epmg measures are students have taken part in Ple Tree roadways last year, an 11 percent increase over the 825 killed in ,o, prepaid regulaUons student exchange, honle stay t oe mreu at a puolic nearing at , : ' 110 S. First Street, Shelton Phone 426-1220 i 1976. The state's worst annual death toll was 931 in 1968. This past _ and school exchange programs m meI°IeIeIeIemeIeIeoe,o.eieieiolOieieieneloiei December also came close to a record, with 107 persons killed. This tlhOe]a?ieF:indf:nJcnUa:Ym27,tlln the Untted States Sweden, was just four below the previous monthly high of I11 recorded in I I Denmark, Norway, Finland, November, 1968. Rural deaths in 1977 jumped 59 higher than the General Administration Building Germany, France, England and 40 et 8 CLUB Volture No. 135 . i Now Appearing I Terry Gunderson & Jim Ryan Friday and Saturday American Legion, VFW, 40 el 8, World War I members and their invited guests only. SPENCER LAKE RESORT Live Entertainment Featuring "It Happened One Hight" Thursday, January 12 Corner First & Railroad, Shelton. Phone 426-2604 Open Sunday thru Thursday 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays 6 a.m. until Midnight. 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Swlu Steak, whipped potato, salad, roll ......... $2.95 Meat Loaf, whipped potato, roll, salad .......... $2.75 Scalloped Potato and Ham, veg., roll, salad, t.. $2.65 Oysters with Fries, coleslaw ................... $3.25 IYII;ilDIP tllh & €,hllml, coleslaw. ........................ $2.75 Come, relax in the "SPARE ROOM" Try our famous "Watergate" __ $3.00 or our "Timber's Cooler" -- $3.25 elton, Washington Dial 4264452 LY SPECIAL SERVED 11 a.m. to 6:30 Or take home ready to serve. MONDAY .......... { Cannelon!is the ' :: liiill ? dass eoal. Take out too ! ........... _, .TUESDAY _.-_-_+ ........ ._ I -''" IvUm I This is Casa'gna day" Take some home !" - ....... l SSp WEDNESDAY - ........ aghetti and Meatballs ' have it here or let them think -+ +-_-..++ ............ , :. +. _++_ .. + .. _ %_ _ _. _ + __ml "THURSDAY  _. I ....... a/ad, roll and butter RI f+'FRIDAY  I Manicotti --- her-e or taKe " out ...... .... | ! pasta filled with ricotta, mushrooms, ipinach, onions and spices PI Catering  Party Trays  Her' D'oeuvres Lots of salads, soup, main dishes to take out, cheeses and meats too. 426-5808 114 S. 2nd previous year, from 634 to 693 last year, for a nine percent increase. Urban fatalities climbed from 191 the previous year to 225, an 18 percent increase. Recycling number told The Department of Ecology, Recycling Hotline has just published an informative brochure designed specifically for grade school children. A dinosaur and caveman were used to emphasize the importance of recycling, symbolizing the background of environmental riches from which we draw today. Free copies of the brochure are available by calling 1-800-RECYCLE (toll free) or writing the Department of Ecology, Recycling Hotline, Olympia, Washington 98504. Insurance dividends coming Veterans living in Washington State who are .insured under government life insurance policies issued during World War !, I1 and the Korean Conflict will receive $9,338,000 in dividends during 1978. The national average dividend being paid to 106,900 World War 1 veterans with participating USGLI policies is $224. Nearly 3.5 million World War 1I veterans will receive NSLi dividends averaging $117. Korean Conflict veterans with current VSL1 policies total 550,000. Their average dividend is $29. Tax deadline is reported Washington citizens who do not have enough taxes withheld are required to pay their final instalhnent of 1977 estimated :federal income tax no later than Monday, January 16, 1978. Aiso+dua+tt .same day are amended estimates from citizens whose 1977 income changed substantially during the last quarter. IIIIIII II I p,.- The 01d00 Lumberyard Inn OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK -- LOUNGE- Lunch Served Daily NOW OPEN 11 a.m.-2 a.m., Tuesday thru Saturday 1 p.m.-Mtdnlght, Sunday 11 a.m.-Midnight, Monday -- DINING ROOM -- 5 .p.m.-10 p.m. Monday thru Friday 1 p.m.-10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 426-9736 607 So. First Street k i iilll d in Olympia. Fisheries Data Processing Manager Mike Brackett said the housekeeping measures mainly involve changes in terminology such as Department of Fisheries boat registration number rather than the previous plate number. Anyone unable to attend the hearing should send written comments to the Hearings Officer, Washington Department of Fisheries, 115 General Administration Building, Olympia, Washington 98504. Final regulations will be adopted at a sho'rt public hearing at 10:30 a.m., Friday, January 27, in the small conference room of the General Administration Building in Olympia. Commissioner is named The Mason County Comniission has been notified by tlae pot Port Commission (hat WJI Pettetn has 'been appointed to fill a vacant position on the port commission. The appointment will be effective April 13 and the term to which he was appointed will expire December 31, 1979. Dem0 women to meet The Mason County Democratic Women s League will hold its noon luncheon meeting January 18 at the Timbers Restaurant banquet room. Major Bud Moore, recruiter for the National Guard from Tacoma, will be the guest speaker. Major Moore will speak about eqrthquakes, such as the large quake which struck Alaska in 1965. He will also show slides of earthquakes. The public is Welcome to attend. Two named Bernard Dorcy and Owen Elliott have been reappointed by the Mason County Commission as advocates serving on the Lewis-Mason.Thurston Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council. The appointments will be for two-year terms and will expire at the end of 1979. Switzerland. ASSE has representatives in all areas of the United Slates. Heart fund head named Mrs. Diane Tullar of Shelton has been nanled chairman or Mason County's 1978 lteart Fund Drive. The new lleart Fund leader will recruit w)ltmtee[ chaiHnen who will direct the Amcticm Heart Associalion of Washington's annual Heart Fund Drive in the cotmty's tllajo( cities and smaller commtmities. The fund-raising calnpaign is planned for February to coincide with American lleart Month. Last year 40,000 wlunleers statewide knocked on doors Io distribute information on heart disease prevention ;,nd 1(3 collect nearly $154,00(I in ctnltrihutio., to the Arnericah Hcalt' Association of Washington. :' Present danger The question in every case is whether the words are used in such circHInS|.lllCC, S and ;ire of such a llattlre as to creale a cleat and presenl danger. Oliver Wendell I lohnes Jr. Wing it... to our first ammal <Mds'n ends SALEt Wooden Utensil Barreli was $3.25.. Now $1.10 Selected Wooden Beads ....... HALF PRICE Assorted Pots ......... ItALF PRICE Truck Kit w, Is.m) .......... now $2.99 Ray Prouty, as of Jan. 6, 1978, is now the former owner of the Coast-to-Coast Hardware Store in Shelton, WA. He wishes to thank all his customers for their support through the years. Transfer of funds will not take place until 30 days after this notice. T I0• (With a regular savings account, it may take awhile. But it's worth it.) THE GROWTH BANK Puget Sound Natkmal $an k O Thursday, January 12, 1978 - Shelton-Mason Count,/ ,J(ttl l+al • Pa:e 1 5