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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 1978
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Hoodsport: Lions Club to hold flea market By VIRGINIA REIS The Hood Canal Lions Club will hold a flea market Saturday in the Woman's Clubhouse in Potlatch from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. This event, if successful, will occur regularly on the second Saturday of each month, with all the profits going to charity. Those who want to exhibit and sell their own things may rent a table for $5 and keep their gross sales. If you would prefer that th Lions Club sell for you, they will take 15 percent of the sales for this service. Or you may donate things to the Lions Club to be sold for their charitable causes. For further information phone the president, Larry Julius, at 877-5271. COMMUNITY NEWS The Lake Cusaman Improvement Association at its meeting January 8 decided that future meetings, the second Sunday of each month at 11 a.m., will be held in the Lake Cushman Resort. The Healthmobile will make its bimonthly stop at the Hoodsport Community Hall January 17. The Hood Canal Lions Club board meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. in the PUD Building in Potlatch. The ambulance serving Hoodsport, Lilliwaup, Potlatch, Cu.shman and other adjacent 1817 Oly. Hwy. No. For Complete Auto Repair call areas has been kept on call in Potlatch. Christmas Day the vehicle was broken into and vandalized for the second time since it's been there. The ambulance company has taken it to Shelton for repairs. Those needing an ambulance call 426.1515 and one will be dispatched from Shelton. The Lilliwaup Community Club held its regualr monthly meeting last Friday. After the potluck dinner the president of the club, Frank Crichton, presided over the business meeting. Molly Oberbillig has become the new secretary. Mady Backlund, who had been shouldering both the secretary and treasurer's jobs, is relieved of the former and is now able to devote her time to the treasurer's job. Barbara Giese has been appointed chairman of the planning committee, for programs and other events. The club decided that on the first Friday of each month there will be a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. followed by the regular business meeting, and then a program. On the third Friday night of each month at 7:30 p.m. there will be a potluck dessert and coffee and a pinochle game. Remember thai all are welcome at the Lilliwaup Community Club. It is not restricted to residents. Many members are from nearby communities. p.m. in the firehall. The Hoodsport Fire Department elected officers for the coming year at a meeting Tuesday night. Elected were Rick Fredrickson, chief; Mick simmons, assistant chief; John Hays, secretary; Larry Julius, treasurer; Robb Fredrickson, first lieutenant; and Pat McNeil, training lieutenant. SCHOOL NEWS There will be a Title IV (Indian Education) meeting in the library at Hood Canal School at 7 p.m. January 16. It is very important for the parents of the Indian children to participate in this meeting. Without parental participation these funds could be denied. Title IV funds were cancelled for the school year 1977-78 because of a deficiency in the application. It is the hope of the Indian Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) and the superintendent to get the Title IV funding back for the school year 1978-79. For this coming year the Title IV allotment is $7,000. All the parents of children of Indian heritage are urged to attend this important meeting and help decide how to use the Title IV Indian Education funds. : The Parent Advisory Committee of the Title I program will meet at Fearless Freddie's at 7:30 p.m. January 18. The December Super Citizens of the Hood Canal School are: fourth grade - Dean Gierseh; fifth grade - Susan Miller, Tani Deslongchamp, Stefanie Kirk, Allen Veres, Shayla York, Michael Smith, Lisa Macy; sixth grade - Jason Celestine, Michael Snyder, Jody Dolby, Gina Gray, Kelly McDonald, Mary Pavel and Darlyn Wilbur. Crystal Anderson is the new school nurse at Hood Canal. She started this week and will be at the school on Monday mornings. The Hood Canal basketball team beat McCleary December 15 by a score of 48 to 35. January 5 St. Mary's lost to Hood Canal. The score was 41-35. Monday night this week the game was in Tumwater against Griffin. It was close, but Hood Canal lost, 35-34. Tonight Hood Canal will play an away game with Evergreen. Next Tuesday at 6 p.m. Hood Canal plays a home game against St. Mike's. The first semester of this school year ends January 25. Report cards will be sent home January 30. 0 Press vs. rack In old days men had the rack. Now they have the press. Oscar Wilde The H oodsport Fire Crlm e Prevention Tips: Department's newest volunteers have completed thier initial training. They are Doug Bright, New developments seen Art Carlile, Doug Groeneveld, Jack Janda, Karen Janda, Linda in combatting crime Julius, Gary Larson, Steve Marler, Dan Perkins, Hal Thompson, Mary Treadwell and Chuck Umstead." From now on all Hoodsport volunteer firemen train regularly on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 ALL SMALL BKEEDS ¢P by appointment "GINGER'S DOG GROOMING'" I 809 No. 3rd P Shelton 426-4727 By DIMITRI TODD, Crime Prevention Officer Mason County Sheriff's Office Recent information from the International City Management Association and the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration publications have revealed some interesting developments in crime prevention and some rather innovative techniques to combat crime on the homefront. One such program involved more than 50,000 women who volunteered to help state and local criminal justice officials in a nationwide effort to halt crime. The Hands Up program which was initiated by the General Federation of Women's Clubs encourages women tO participate tn the development of iommunity crime ( reduction projects. A description of the Hands Up program, a list of I meata resource materials, and guides for project development anu program evaluation can be obtained from the national headquarters in i Washington, D.C. ( A centrally monitored, anti-intrusion alarm system which has been used in 11 Portland, Oregon schools since February 1975, has reduced ( burglaries and property losses according to the final evaluation el the ( project. Part of the program included the marking of all school property in accordance with the Operation Identification concept. ( ' The National Neighborhood Watch, the self-help community crime I prevention program directed by the National Sheriff's Association, will continue to receive LEAA funding through September, 1978. Program plans for 1978 include producing and distributing burglary prevention materials, promoting Operation Identification, helping local programs organize residential security inspections and providing other material I for community anti-crime groups. . In line with some of these programs the Mason County sheriff's department, Crime Prevention Unit, has been working with interested I citizens and groups to help the local population develop a viable and effective crime prevention program. Anyone interested in assisting need only to contact the Crime Prevention Unit or the Shelton Police Department. Absolutely the finest combination stove and fireplace ever in- troduced to the American people in the history of fire making. ONLY $ 429 °0 NOW HURRYt. limited time only! I I I BURNS ONLY Jl/a THE FUEL OF MOST STOVES • Screen included. • Has automatic thermostat for even temperature. • Heats over 2000 square feet. • Converts to an open fireplace instantly. • One fuel load burns 14 hours. • Cook top, ideal for crockpot cooking. KELLY'S FURNITURE 1st & Mill St. 426.2411 I Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 12, 1978 Union: Canal geese killed by hunters By THELMA FLOOR The song says: "...Go tell Aunt Rhody The old gray goose is dead." We don't know where "Aunt Rhody" is but the goose is surely dead. Since eady last summer three geese, two gray and one white, took up squatter's rights in the Union area. All summer long residents and visitors enjoyed the stately sailing of these graceful birds up and down the canal. They stayed together and became familiar with the homesites where they could obtain a "handout." At some point and place in their lives, their wings had been clipped so they were incapable of taking to the air in flight when frightened but could only paddle away as fast as their webbed feet would carry them. In the late fall they moved to the mouth of the Skokomish River and were waiting out the winter in this quiet waterway. Last Sunday, however, their idyllic existence was terminated. One of the birds had the misfortune to be trapped in an Indian fishing net but the other two were still a joy and delight to the folks who live where the "Skok" runs into the canal. Three hunters (and I use the term loosely) were driving by the area, spotted the two geese and, without even bothering to get out of their car, opened fire on them. One was killed outright and retrieved by the so-called hunters; the other was wounded and swam away to nurse its wounds or to die. Residents in the area witnessed the shooting, verbally chastized the men and reported their license number to the authorities. It is hoped they will be brought to justice. Man's inhumanity to man does not stop there - it extends to wildlife, too. The Wright Carlsons and the Del Coles are keeping a watchful eye out for the surviving bird and, if they are lucky enough to find it, will try to nurse it back to health. Like Thoreau said, "In wildness is the preservation of the world." ' With the holidays out of the way, interest is turning back to other activities. A large group of golfers from the Alderbrook area are all primed and ready to fly to Hawaii to participate in the Pacific Northwest-Hawaii Pro-Am Tournament. They will travel by a 747 charter out of Northwest Airlines which will fly 180 golfers to Hawaii from various locations throughout the Northwest. We wish them good luck in their game and happy landings. June Johnston, president of the Ladies Civic Club of Union, will preside at the first meeting of her term today. Committee in charge of arrangements for the luncheon are Lucile Wojahn, Marguerite Stillwell and Judy Dunkelberger. Plans will be discussed for an active, fun-filled year and all members and guests are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Johnson of Union are such a compatible couple; they even go to the Extension to budget approved The Mason County Commission has approved a 1977 budget extension for the County Fair Convention Center budget in the amount of $1,339. The amount covers the insurance premium for the convention center which was paid out of the fair budget and should have been paid out of the convention center budget. hospital together. But we hope I I their sojourn there will be short. Good news about Mrs. Dorothy Jessup, though. She is back from  TAX her stay in Mason General Hospital and is waiting for the  weather toclearsoshecanenjoy * SERVI the spectacular view from her O hillside home. Wanda Meek, former postmaster at Union, has also been hospitalized and under doctor's care. We wish her a speedy recovery. A retiree is' much too busy these days to use her valuable time for illness. Residents of the Union area are cautioned to be on the alert for home burglaries. The Mason Reasonable Rates $ 5 and up Mastercharge - [ County sheriff's department l I dep dent encourages the use of the "Neighborhood Watch Program n en t°be°urbr°ther'skeeper'Tw° I T X S i summertime residences on the a erv ce Orre Nobles Road, above Cahn Cove, were recently burglarized and robbed of most of their furnishings. These homes are more or less isolated and this probably was a contributing factor, but it pays to care and be careful, i qib qllp 'Mlb- ¢ailiP 91ml. 123 South 4th Shelton, WA. 426-7227 THANK-YOUIII Animal Population J.C. Penney Control Clinic Joseph's Boutique Blllington's Mark-lt Foods Cran Deer Miller's Lumber Company Money Savers Deer Creek Store Music Box Dominges Old NeWs Pharmacy Fashioned Bakery OIsen Furniture Evergreen Drug Shelton Foods Grandma's Sprouse-Reitz Gregg's Graphics Timbers Restaurant Hamlin's Toy and Warren's Jewelers Hobby Shop West Realty Western Auto YOU MADE OUR CHRISTMAS STOCKING DRAWING A SUCCESS! ! MCCFA-HUMANE SOCIETY 3 More Banking Hours Our lobby is open Monday thru Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Drive-In Hours Monday thru Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 24 Hour Banking at Cash Machine 1. Cash from checking or savings 2. Make payments on loans and charge cards 3. Make deposits to checking or savings 4. Transfer checking to savings or savings to checking 5. Cash advances on Master Charge or Visa Shelton Branch 5th & Franklin Harry C. Jamel, vice-preddent, manager $EATTLE'FIRST NATIONAL BANPI A/,.. F.O.,.C.