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January 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 1978
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Harstine: Events which made news on island during 1977 reviewed By CARMEN YATES Dot Smith will soon need more than two hands to count all her great-grandchildren. This past Saturday evening she received the news that her granddaughter, Nancy Whitener, had given birth to her first baby, a nine-pound, seven-ounce girl. Nancy's parents are Jim and Pauline Archer. By next week we should have news of some of the folks who have returned from holiday trips, hopefully. Now for a backward glance over my shoulder at the year 1977 as it slowly slips into the Harstine Island history book. JANUARY: The year, 1977, got off to a happy start for many islanders who attended the annual New Year's Eve island party at the Community Hall. Upwards of 70 island folks attended, some in costume. There was a table loaded with assorted odds and ends for each person to make his owtl original hat. John and Alice Budd enjoyed a very rare treat - a vacation. The couple drove to Lethbr!dge, Alberta, Canada to visit John's brother, Buddy, while son Curtix Achziger and his wife housesat for the travelers. Later this month Carol and Harvey Graf became brand-new parents, for the first time. Michael Fredrick arrived in the wee hours of January 24. Almost equally proud were Grandpa and Grandma Holden who live just 'up the hill' from the Grafs. Grange welcomed two new couples this month, the Floyd Coles and Ivan Thorsos. FEBRUARY: Helen Louise Simons was recuperating at home after very successful hip surgery at St. Peter Hospital in Olympia. Just to be sure she could get along okay at home, she spent a few days at the Fir Lane Terrace before returning to the island. Word was received that a former islander, Mrs. Roscoe Page, had died the latter part of January in Olympia. The Pages history of the Community Hall" ready for printing. Grange took in more new members, Mike and Anna Lou Sprouffske, at ttle February meeting. A work party is set for weed pulling at the triangle. Awe Babcock, a Pickering resident, and friend of many islanders (also a brother of two island gals, Gret Simmons and Toni Fessler) died this month. MARCH: The Harstine Community Hall was the scene of the second "just island party" this year. This time the 'charming Irish' provided the lucky excuse for the island folk to get together for some fun, in honor of St. Patrick's Day. Music was provided by Charlie and Andy Glaser's stereo and tile food was potluck. Aid car summoned from Station Five 6 at Deer Creek for Sid Baunsgard, who had suffered another heart attack. Jack Miner home and garage were robbed while couple gone just a few hours on Sunday afternoon. Thieves got a chain saw, stereo, camera and other tools. A freak accident injured Wingert returned from a trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee to visit Helen's son, Ron Johnson. The couple took the trip via bus which headed south from here. In Sparks, Nevada they stopped off to visit Clara Carlson. The next leg of the trip took them to Youngstown, Arizona, where they called on former islanders At and Monies Pridham. Then just down the road apiece at Apache Junction they enjoyed five marvelous days with island folk, Bill and Hildur Ashby, who were spending the winter months in the sun. From there it was on to Oklahoma where they visited a couple they had met at Jarrell's Cove the summer before. The next stop was their ultimate destination, Chattanooga, to spend several days with Ron. Ron, who is a manager of a 286-unit Day's Inn Motel and Restaurant, took them on a tour of Nashville during their stay. They returned home through New Orleans and the southern border and up through California. Back home on the island they were happy to see Helen's sister, Elizabeth Johnson, who had been housesitting for already had eight inches of snow on the ground. Eight people on hand to greet them at midnight in a snowstorm, plus a bouquet of flowers, just about totally overwhehned the American travelers! After over 30 years of correspondence Ivan met his aunt for the first time. It wasn't until the following morning after breakfast 'that included as many gestures and lots of pointing as well as food, that an English-speaking cousin arrived to help the visitors on numerous sightseeing jaunts. One of the highlights was a day of shopping in Oslo before the return trip to their daughter's home and yet another fantastic day of shopping at a Flea Market before heading back to the States from a trip that could best be described as fabulous. MAY: Family of three were proud owners of a "new to them" sailboat, 29 feet in length. The boat, a converted Alaska gillnetter, now belongs to John and Carrie Erickson and their daughter Jane of Hartstene Pointe. The sails have thus far been "a good luck omen." John the Harstine Community Hall, and it was the subject to be painted... Georgetown Green. A former islander, Margaret McCulloch, who now resides in California, spent a few days in the Shelton area visiting friends and chatting with others via "Ms Bell" as time permitted. Several island friends called on Margaret at the Timbers Motel where she was staying for a few days. A full-time security guard was hired at Hartstene Pointe. His name is Bruce Page and he temporarily resided in an island house until the gatehouse was ready for him and his wife to move into. Hartstene Pointe sponsored, now annually, a salmon derby over Memorial Day weekend. Chairman for this year's event was Walt Tupper. Top winner was Kenneth Chapman from Mason Lake, a guest of one of the property owners. His grand-prize-winning salmon was a ten-pounder. There were more than 75 participants entered in the two-day event. The grand finale of the event was a salmon bake with Leonard Deuel serving as ,head cook. One additional a slightly "sprightly" ride over tile scenic wlriety, she returned safctly but with at least two or three additional gray hairs. Pete and ttarriet Peterson's youngest daughter, Mary, was assisted in making preparations to attend the spring quarter of college in London, England, by guess who. And if you can't guess, then we'd wager you've never answered to the name "Monl." Pat and Bill Holmes arrived back home after a trip to Hong Kong to check on the progress of their new 50-foot boat they were having custom built in that city. The craft was delivered just after their arrival back in the Pacific Northwest. Friends from Hartstcne Pointe joined the couple ill Seattle for a shakedown cruise aboard the new boat. The jaunt from Seattle to Tacoma proved to be quite "hairy" as it coincided with a big Pacific storm, just about the only one of the whole winter season last year. Baby shower was held in 'honor of Carol and Harvey Graf and their six-week-old son, Michael. For many of those f / OLYMPIC STUDIO OF Fine Arts BEGINNERS" I CLASSES | START .J Sat., Jan. 21st 9:30 Till 1:00 humungus sale Items include: Ceramic Toothbrush Holder wa $6.o0... Now $2.99 Craft Cord Was $8.00 ..... Now $3.99 Polypropylene Seine Cord w $7.oo ........... No $3.99 Mighty Mac 9 ply cord. Wa $6.50.. Now $3.25 Braided Knouing lived in the home now owned by the Robert Thomases. Kin from Finland visited Ted and Elsie Ness of the Jarrell's Cove Marina. Hailing all the way from Jabobstad, Finland was Ted's nephew John and Margaretta Fagerstrom. The plane carrying the travelers put down in British Columbia and there they first stopped to visit Lars and Anita Fagerstrom (another of Ted's nephews), at Point Moody. John, a car and heavy equipment salesman, had won the trip to the States for being the top salesman (out of 40 other salesmen) for selling the most Volvos. Other news from the Ness home was that daughter Patty received her master's degree from the University of Washington in physiological nursing. She announced, too, that she had accepted a job with the federal government which would take her to Washington, Olympia man on south end of the island. Stewart Norris had been hired by an Olympic contractor to remove power lines and poles, where the power lines had been buried. The bumper of a car driven by Allan Skare caught a coil of wire lying on the road, which in turn caught Norris' leg, resulting in jerking the worker up a power pole which was broken off by the sudden impact. Norris suffered two broken shoulders and internal injuries as a result of being jerked nearly to the top of the pole, then dropped to the ground. Ernie and Mary Byers of Point Wilson were planning to move to Seattle and stated they would miss their many island friends made during the many years they have been residents here. Ernie was the brother of the late Odyenne Chaffee, also a long-time island resident. present it was a whole lot of fun seeing tile newest items available for babies since we last needed them. The Joe Vlach family are temporary island residents. Joe and Cherry have four sons, three of whom are attending Pioneer School. The Vlachs are living in her folks' the Clyde Grobeschmitsl summer home while they are making plans to have a new home built. Joe is commuting to work in Bremerton. Death claimed Hartstene Pointe resident Tom McCarty, who had been ill for quite some time. Joe Glaser traveled to Indiana to get acquainted wtih a brand-spanking-new granddaughter born on Valentine's Day. His visit lasted three weeks. The annual meetinl of the Hartstene Pointe Maintenance them, and tell her all their news. Seventeen island gals took part in the annual outing of the Women's Club this year. Lunch was at the Royal Fork in Tacoma. Larry and Ida Walsh are now making Harstine their permanent home, having been part-time islanders at the Hole-in-the-Wall for many, many years. They moved here from Tacoma. Wedding bells rang for Justine (Goetsch) Gregory and Gilbert Sims in Shelton. The couple was married by Bishop Anderson and a reception was held at the home of Keith and Sandra Hodson. A brand-new baby girl made her debut in Shelton April 18. Connie Bingham joins one brother and two sisters at the home of her proud new parents, Bill and Cindy Bingham. After what seemed like both reported as "under sail" he has brought home five salmon, while his fishing efforts "under power" have been total "zonks!" For her April birthday Justine Sims was treated to a "fly-over" of Harstine Island by Keith Hodson, who also celebrates his birthday on the same date as Justine. Keith is a seasoned pilot who until recently owned his own aircraft. Irv and Helen Harvey were most happy to be back home again after their winter vacation in Apache Junction, Arizona. Approximately 60 gals were on hand for the 1977 annual version of the Pickering-Harstine party held this month. After a salad luncheon the gals settled back to enjoy yet another 'Shirl Larson Creation" for the entertainment section. This year's theme was "The Energy Crunch." What else? Shelton Yacht Club's day of [.Cord Wu.25,..(.Now$2,19 D.C. and also Vermont and Jim and Edith Bowers took Association drew over 300 one very long month and, at the fun culminates in a dance at the [ 'Otit0:: :*.":-i. ;"! ...... ',,  ',thei¢,new motorhome on. a-property owners. One of the, same time, one very'. ,drt ,Harstine Hall.with music by,,ttte ' :Pete Peiersbn was elected the shakedown cruise to California major items on the agenda was month, Gwen and Ivan Thorsos Country Nicks. The day started IBIIIB00I new president for 1977 to the to visit their son, Mark. to undertake the project of and their two sons, Ivan and with breakfast at the Yacht I mto,y,#,,,v.s, t,,., m.4ml Community Club. Helen Wingert Entertainment was provided the purchasing all the materials to Chris, arrived back home on the Club, then a parade of boats, | On Monday thru Saury, 9:00 to S: | II I I II and Beulah Hitchcock had "the visitors via Mark's "new jewel," a build a station for the fire truck, island after "the trip of a gaily decorated following this r,k,,ktr,k'A-'A"k"ki''-kvkt'A"A"k brand-new Lotus Seven with a which meant no expense to the lifetime." The Thorsos family year's theme, "Coming of Mazda engine. When Edith chose  taxpayers in District Five for this spend a month abroad with one Spring." George and Maxine CHARTER - AIR FREIGHT - AIR TAXI  station. They also voted to build week in England and three weeks Waite's boat, the Dorothy Mac, ** Day or Night the station with all volunteer in Europe. While in England they had one side covered with help. visited Gwen's aunt and son, evergreen boughs and dogwood ** - [ Reports Red and Goldie Weber put whom she hadn't seen for 12 blossoms spelled out "Spring Complete Pilot Training their house up for sale and years. After a week of seeing as Fever" and topside George (SHELTON S OWN AIRLINE are due moved to Puyallup. (But we'll many of the sights as was reclined in a hammock with a have another report on these humanly possible in that length copy of Playboy, while the grass -, IIHIILTON AIIIFLITB Elected officials were marvelous friends later in the of time, they ferried to was knee high and a hand mower . . reminded this week by County year.) Obstende, Belgium where they barely showed in the tall '  PHONE:  Auditor Peggy Cleveland that Glen l_aMar, Harstine artist were met by the Thorsos' they must file financial affairs from the Hole-in-the-Wall, held daughter (and the boys' sister) vegetation. _____ikl  The Waites were also in 10 a.m. to sutural, 426.14T/ statements between January his first one-man art show at the Janet Robbins and her husband, charge of decorations for the hall ,1- Night, 426-3890 or 426-6417  1-31. Westgate Shopping Mall in West Steve, and their two children, for the dance. En route out to ..__..I'_...___,/ " Emergency Anytime, 891MIIdkl  There are two types of forms Olympia. The show ran for four Rachel and Garth. The Robbins Jarrell's Cove for the dance, the which can be used, the F-1 form days, beginning with a preview family makes their home at boats stopped for a bit to watch k*****$k*rr'kr'kr'k'/kr* for full reports for those filling on Sunday, then opening on Ohain, a small town near the California gray whale which out reports for the first time or Wednesday. Brussels. While there they has been staying in the close As of January 1, 1978, I have taken up my practice again at the BELFAIR MEDICAL CLINIC Belfair, Washington Telephone 275-6111 Office hours will be from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday• Amaly H. Frese, M.D. those making major changes from past reports, and the F-1A form, a short form which can be used to update previous reports or report minor changes and corrections. Ship of truth Man with the burning soul Has but an hour of breath To build a ship of truth On which his soul may sail - Sail on the sea of death, For death takes toll Of beauty, courage, youth, Of all but truth. John Masefield 00Money Grows On Bushes l Casual Pickers -- Weekend Pickers, Bring Us In, A Pick- You Will Be Pleased Washington Evergreen Co. "H" & Monroe Street (3 Blocks West At Harvey Feed Store) Shelton 426-4313 Shirl and Gordon Larson returned home from a trip south "to see the sun, lest they might forget what it looked like." Their houseguest of several weeks, Millie Carlan, traveled with them. After two weeks they parted company with Millie joined by. another friend. The two gals planned to travel down to Old Mexico before Millie returned to her home on the East Coast. Gordon and Shirl stayed in Desert Palm Springs. APRIL: Helen and Irvie enjoyed sightseeing in Germany and France. In France Gwen and Ivan parted company with the boys. A train took Gwen and Ivan to Copenhagen, while the boys returned to Ohaln with Janet and Steve. At Copenhagen they ferried, train and all, across to Norway. Twelve hours later they were met about midnight at Oslo by Ivan's 82-year-old aunt, Ingebjorg Eckerman and seven cousins (none of whom spoke English!), in a fantastic snowstorm that vicinity of the buoy near the end of Hammersley Inlet. Several theories have been raised as to why the whale had chosen that particular location to call home for several weeks. But out of all the possibilities this one is the best: It has fallen in love with the red buoy. The latter part of this month began a session of weekly "painting parties" held each Wednesday, under the direction of Lee Campbell. The scene of this weekly painting session was 0 O O ) Simpson Employees' Federal Credit Union members and friends. Saturday, January 21, 1978 PLEASE RSVP! Beu Kokett 426-3484 Dot Oatchel1426-2831 Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal , Thursday, January 12, 1978 highlight of the event, which was by all, was the scale I.W.A. Hall IlL enjoyed model of the Shellv Foss tugboat 2nd & Grove  . made __ .... )+ :o l Downtown Shelton  by Bob T=,,,v,=,,,= .....  I 17 ,m operated by remote control. The tiny tug went out to "escort J each of the contestants back to " iiJ thLd°2Lat weigh.,.iLti£eL.,,,,.,,__  "'For gracious living" 4 I € q00brt00tma00 00illag i  Quality built affordable ii {  custom homes uniquely ii i  " set up in our all adult  ' park or on your lot. ! l .... 00'ii t Models to see & spaces available at I 2650 00ortl, t00l, irteenth 00trreti| t OO ,, .,.,,,. .o,.. The Miracle of ,.' ( Heaven, No. 4 The Problem of Sin, Pt. 1 ,1 No. 102 , Ethel B. Di _di,I+ No government can exist without law, for it is the bas'til all order, standard of conduct and judgment. THE GRAf FATHER HAS SET THE EXAMPLE FOR ALL HIS inhaldt.q TM planets. But HIS law was different, based on love. All ! I created beings obeyed by free will and were very happy bec# they were a part of the government and loved their KING  GL OR Y. , ] This worked beautifully till their highest angel, the cove cherub, leader of the heavenly music, noted for his beauty i wisdom, caused the first disruption when a spark of ]ealot crept in and grew till one-third of the myriads of angelt , joined him (Dan. 7.'10, Heb. 1:14, Rev. 12:4, 12:7-13), rnat..l a problem. What to do with them was the question. They could be out of existence, which would leave serious questionI. whether GOD was really right. Did HE have something to c up? Did HE want HIS subjects to have their free will detl{,,. them by forcing them to do HIS will? , So THE FATHER AND SON CONSULTED TOGE AS TO THE BEST MOVE in order to keep their Io  authority and still have obedience. There was space for ,i planets, while time was of no essence compared to t l e " • " • • ' termty,  thousand years but a day, when t ts passed i'  1 Pet. 3:8). ;I J Since creation took six literal days, followed by area :' (Gen. 1-2, Isa. 6:23), why not allow 6,000 years to Satan a new planet with a new pair, created in the IMAGE OF  ] and hold dominion under HIM, so if they failed CHRIST WO , still have HIS KINGDOM (Gen. 1:28)? Christ was to have complete charge with one purpose keep them loyal to GOD'S,, LAW, "For sin tt,( TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW' (Row. 6:23), like tho$][ the other planets. But if they should fall to Satan s soph l and cunning, TIlE FA THER would forgive them and ra3, ( them to HIS KINGDOM if they wished to accept Tt!.. PLAN.  1 So they were created - a beautiful pair in a beautiful la with all things provided for their needs. They were neither mortal nor immortal, but on proba: ( Obey and live happily in tune with the rest of the universe( disobey and forfeit the garden with its Tree of Life and River of Life. |- CHRIST carefully explained to them the purpose of  Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which was Plt there to be their test of obedience (aen. 2:15-17'). For tl I the only spot to which Satan had access in the whole gardet was not to be a long. test and they should stay together. , The story is as old as the earth; Eve wandered to the ttr admiring the beautiful, upright creature that talked cunntt and deceptively; she at first made an effort to hold her but in the end she took the fruit, tasted it and took Adam in her elation. With Adam it was different. He  stunned, looked at her in her beauty and decided to die her {Gen. 3:1-6). "Adam was not deceived, but the woman being was in transgression {1 Tim. 2:14). ! As the serpent beguiled Eve in his sbtlery, I fear minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Jesus" (2 Cor. I1:3). It was thus that sin entered our worM, "And death by 1 It was 4,000 years and 61 generations from Adanl:'l CHRIST, WHO came when the world was at its loweM l under cruel Rome. +J CHRIST CAME TO GIVE THE WHOLE WORLD A  START AND DEFEAT SATAN_ , PERSONALLY ON HIS ¢:- GROUND. Christ won, so Satan s end is assured. . pd., i I