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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 426.4412 For Sale AUCTION EVERY Saturday night, 7 p.m. Bring in consignments for qulck cash. McCleary Auction & New/Used, McCleary, WA, phone 495-3541, 495-3454. Virg I Reading, Auct oneer. R5/5tf-n MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elalne's Beauty Salon, 6th and L_aurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn UPHOLSTERING TO fit all your needs and new custom-built furniture. Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858. S6/2tfn FOR SALE by owner -- new Neptune Lowrey organ. Call 877-9701.. W12/29-I/19 Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded Remodeling and new. No job too small. Call for free estimate. 426-4227 tfn MAC'S STUMP REMOVAL Stumps removed by chipping, no holes to fill. No stump to get rid of. In fenced yard, next to building or walks. Contact Mac's Stump Service. Phone 426-8662 or 275-5256. 12/29-1/19 6RAYBTI]NE COMPomATION Concrete Building Materials * Pipe * Sand & Gravel * Masonry * Crushed Rock * Septic Tanks * Ready Mix SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME RADIO DISPATCHED READY-M IX TRUCKS GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON South 7th & Park Street 2/1 1tin SPECIAL BUY Dear Byrne: Thanks for having all your Odds'N Ends on sale. I got 3 handfuls of your  price macrame beads, and several spools of ½ pri macrame cord. I know your sale ends Saturday... I'll be back." YOUR AREA REPRESENTATIVE O. FU.[U00E Mobd¢ Homes 456-5550 6846 Martin Way SE Olympia North of Leo's Restaurant. Near 1anglew|Ide Shopplng Center. For Sale TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn RENT A Rinse-N-Vac, carpet shampooer, by Blue Lustre, only $12 per day. Coast to Coast Store, 123 South 2nd. C1/ltfn SHELTON JANITORIAL Service. Carpet cleaning our specialty. Phone 426-8936. Sl 1/30tfn WOOD -- FIR and pine. $40 a cord, delivered. 426-5862. S12/22-1/12 VITAMINS, GRAINS, bakery and dairy products, all your health food needs. Old Healthy's Natural Foods, 101 Railroad, 426-5158. O4/17tfn FIRST-CLASS clover and grass hay, $1.50 a bale in two or more ton lots. Phone 426-8856. R9/22tfn AKIA 1730D 7" reel-to-reel tapedeck. 2 or 4 channel. Great condition. Free tapes. $300 or best offer. 426-9361, ask for Bob. $1/12-19 The Herculite Jungle Fabricators of boat tops, industrial and marine upholstery and covers. Sail loft services and repairs. 426-2321 Rt. 4, Box 312 Shelton, WA 98584 tfn Otto septic tanks dozing gravel otto field' L00ackhoe service 20b €. pine 426-1500 I I SAND ^ND.D GRAVEL / For the finest in: * SAND * GRAVEL * CONCRETE SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Radio Dispatched Trucks LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE 426-2669 DAYS *-- EVENINGS ' 9/151tfn For Sale FOR SALE -- tiny toy fox terrier puppies. Phone 426-6152. F12/15tfn CLARINET, NEW pads, new corks, new reed, perfect condition. Phone 426-2489 after 6. H12/15tfn ALFALFA HAY for sale, bale or ton. 426-1446. J7/21tfn GOOD GRASS hay for sale, $1.50 a bale. Phone 426-6046, morning or evening. J1/5-26 POOL TABLE, regulation size, $]50; girls' 10-speed bike, $50. Both good condition. 426-6790 after 7 p.m. S12/22-1/12 JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn DRAPERIES, READY to hang. Popular sizes, at rock-bottom prices. Kay's Draperies, 113 South Second. K3/4tfn SQUARE DANCE dresses. Size 12-14, like new, $7.50 each. Petticoats, 50c to $2.50. 426-6629. D12/22tfn CLARINET. NEEDS some repair. $40 as is. Also portable sewing machine, $35. 426-6629. D12/22tfn YOUR LOCAL Volkswagen sales representative for Shelton and Mason County, Hanson Volkswagen, is proud to introduce Mr. Duane Stone as their professional representative to this area. Whatever your transportation needs may be, give Duane the opportunity to serve you by calling at home, 426-7416, or at Hanson Volkswagen in Olympia, 943-2120. H1/5-26 FOR SALE -- stereo system, AM/FM, radio, with turntable, 8-track tape player, speakers, tapes, $60. 877-9208. Sl/12 Coffee Creek Ranch Quality Locker Beef All beef U•S.D.A. inspect- ed. Grain fed. Custom cutting and wrapping. We ' deliver. Visitors welcome. 426-5131 tfn Public Auctions Held every Thursday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m. at the Tropics Ballroom. Shelton, Olympia Highway 101, 866-0866. Cliff Nichols, Auctioneer tfn jx 1 Brand Beef I i grown, natural corn I Locally fed, custom cut I and wrapped. JX Cattle Co. Skokomlsh Valley 426.3325 or 426-2806 Island Plumbing New and Remodeling Repair Service 426-2458 426-6850 on Harstine Island 7/22 fin JANUARY SPECIAL Lawn mower tune-ups, only $12.00. Parts not included. For more information call, JOHNSON'S SMALL INOINI IIIPAIII 426.9339 RATES For Sale FOR SALE: Strobe electronic flash, ircludes chargeable batteries and charger, cords and etc., $40. Call 426-6059. Vl/12 BOBBY-MAC car seat, $18; cockapoo puppy, free to good home. 426-9905. C1/12 FREESTANDING FIREPLACE, too large for house, 1 year old. Call 426-6760. N1/12-19 COLDSPOT 20' upright freezer, 3% years remaining on warranty. Dayton power band hacksaw, like new. Used bath vanity, complete; used metal kitchen sink, complete. 426-1433 R1/12-19 OLD ANTIQUE round table, 42" round, 29" high, $80. 426-8455. R1/12 EASTERN WASHINGTON alfalfa hay, $60-$70 per ton delivered. 10-ton minimum. (509) 575-0967. L1/12-19 WHITE CRIB, like new, $30. 426-6264. J 1/12 WINCHESTER PRE 64 M-70 Fwt. 4X Leupold, $390. 426-6084. R1/12 MOTORHOME, 1973 Fireball 2 ' 1, self-contained. 426-8419. P1/12tfn CANOPY INSULATED for Ford 100 pickup 8' bed $150. 2-wheel trailer, 6'x8', he,vy-duty springs, covered, waterproof, $300. 426-7258. B1/12-2/2 KITCHEN TABLE with 4 chairs, $40. 426-1867. T1/12 GEODUCKS, 60c pound. 9's Fair Harbor Marina, Grapeview. 426-4028, 275-6417. N1/12tfn TWO TWIN-SIZE Simmons mattresses and box springs, $15 each set. 21" B/W swivel base RCA TV, $15. 877-5336. S1/12-2/2 FIREWOOD, MAPLE, $40 a full cord s lit , P and delivered. 426-4542. H1/12 MtRACORD 110H automatic turntable and record changer with new Shure 55E diamond stylus, $50. Call 898-3072, Union, WA. Will also sell or trade .38 S&W police special, and .22 LR-22 mag Ruger pistol, to qualified buyer and .30-.30 Winchester, commemorative rifle. M1/] 2 VACUUM CLEANERS, parts and repairs, for all makes. Free estimates. Central Sales, 877-5798. C1/12-2/2 8-H.P. front-end tiller in perfect condition, 2Vz years old. $300 or best offer. Phone 426-8569. A1/12-19-26 MAPLE BUNKBEDS, $50. Call between 5-6 p.m., 426-4353. R1/12 Concrete Foundat/ons, slabs, walks, drives, wMIs, etc. L FREE ESTIMATES For Sale HAY, BIG bales, $1.50 each. 426-6910. S1/12 SEWING MACHINES, parts and repairs for all makes. Free estimates. Central Sales, 877-5798. C 1/12-2/2 FOR SALE -- complete set Wilson Blue Ridge golf clubs, like new, including bag, $100. 426-7062. SI/12 FIREWOOD -- FIR, alder, cedar, by the cord or by the load, delivered to Shelton-Union areas. Call 426-1300, 898-3473. M 1/12tfn L Garage, Yard Sales MOVING SALE. Wood stove, furniture, clothes, plants, etc. Saturday, Sunday, 14-15, 12-5, Rt. 2, Box 333. 426-2964 or 426-3867. C1/12 FLEA MARKET second Saturday monthly, 9-6, Potlatch Woman's Clubhouse. Hood Canal Lions. H1/12tfn 275-6666 Bulldozing, land clearing, driveways, excavating, gravel, crushed rock. tin FREE ESTIMATES 275-6666 BARGAIN BOXES. Fill a bag from the boxes for $1. January 13, MCCFA Thrift Shop, 123 South Fourth. M1/12 MOVING SALE: Tools, barbecue, recliner, old New Home sewing machine, lots of sheets and pillowcases, blankets, jewelry, clothes, miscellaneous. 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Friday, Saturday, 13th, 14th. 1610 Monroe -- Mt. View. S1/12 Cards of Thanks CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to friends and relatives for the kindness and sympathy shown during our recent loss of our father, John Kratcha, for the many cards and floral tributes. A special thank-you to Pastor Robinson for his words of comfort. John Kratcha family K1/12 Used (:an 1967 CHEV 3/4-ton pickup. 4-barrel, 327, Camper Special package. P/S, A/T, P/B, bucket seats. Good condition. $1,500 cash. 426-4929. B12/22-1/11 1968 VW. Runs good, needs work, $350 firm. Phone 426-3410. HI/5-12 1971 CHEVY Blazer. Four-wheel drive, new tires, power steering, excellent condition. Call 426-1429. C1/5-12 tin CEDAR TRUCK 1958 Ford l-ton. 426-3537 after 6. F1/5-12 1966 FORD Galaxy. 426-5093. B1/5-26 FORD MUSTANG II, Mach I, 1975, excellent. 426-3579. J9/22tfn 1976 ¾-ton XL250 Ranger for sale. 20,000 miles, air, radio, automatic, $4,795. Billington's, 426-4415. B12/15tfn SHAKES No. 1 heavy resawn. No. 1 medium resawn. Mill run. No. 2. Call 426-7574 or 426.1189. 1 Iil7 tin The Carp,00t Layers (:IIMOlII installation (';IrJ)('|, vinyl, tih,. $2.(X) a yard. 426-3763 RI. :l, Box 40h Sill,lion 619tfn '62 CHEVY pickup, Vz-T., with canopy. New tires, qood shape. $1,000. 426-6777. N1"2/29tfn '64 CONVAIR body good. $250, as is. 426-9241 evenings or weekends. S1/12 '69 PONTIAC, Custom S, 6-cylinder, PB/PS, 20 mpg, 4-door, good condition, $1,095. 898-3224. W1/]2-19 1968 CHEVROLET Impala 2-door hardtop. 74,000 actual miles, new shocks, nearly new tires. Real good condition. $700. 426-5287. $1/12 1967 OLDSMOBILE -- runs aood. Radio, heater, blinkers and lights all in working order. $375 or best offer. 426-6438 after 5 p.m. M1/12 1970 CHEVROLET SW. AT, V-8, 4-door. Asking $825. 426-5638. D 1/12tfn 1975 Dodge Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER, ONE-PERSON office. Accounts payable, receivable, payroll, taxes. 426-5131 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. C1/5-12 RELIEF DRIVER for motor route. Call 426-1098. Job still open. Man had to quit. H1/5-12 REAL ESTATE sales -- If you have had experience dealing with people, we need a full-time, energetic, sincere person on our staff and you may be the one. Stop in and see Milch at Mason County Realty, 724 Railroad, Shelton. Profit-sharing program pays you more. 426-4486. M 12/8tfn CHALLENGING CAREER in sales in Shelton. Available for qualified person. Unlimited earning potential, excellent salary program with complete training, no travel. 426-3443 between 9-3. S12/8tfn EXPERIENCED BEAUTY operator. Phone 426-4266. B10/27tfn REAL ESTATE sales opportunity with new company. Come in and talk over our exciting new ideas in sales and progressive commission schedule. Ask for Mary at Preview Realty, 426-9748. P1/5-26 DRIVERS, FULL time, part time, needed for light delivery work. Must know Shelton area. See Mr. Lanz at Thunderbird Motel, Suite 43. K1/12 CASCARA BARK buyer vanted: Person to buy and process cascara bark in June, July and August. Light part-time work. We train and finance. Need 200-sq.-ft., dry, safe storage area and approximately 1,500 to 2,000 sq. ft. yard area. Rep y to Box 14. A so will pay $60 for good used ]00-lb. beam platform scales and are interested in used corn choppers (cascara bark grinders). Write c/o Journal, Box ]4. P1/12-2/9 PLAYGROUND SUPERVISOR. Three one-hour shifts, morning, noon and after school. Apply at principal's office, Bordeaux School. S1/12 MASON-THURSTON Community Action Council is accepting applications for the position of women's resource specialist. Qualifications: high school diploma, or equivalent, or willingness to achieve this goal durinc project period; 2 years expermnce (paid or voluntary) in counseling, group work, community organizing, or educational programs. Higher education may be substituted year for year for experience. Must have a valid Washington State driver's license, be CETA Title VI eligible, and a resident of Mason County. Salary $750 per month. Applications are available at the Employment Security Department. Capitol 5000 Building, Tumwater, Washington. Deadline for applications is close of business, January 18, 1978. MTCAC is an Affirmative Action/EeL employer. M1/12 MOTOR VEHICLE license sub-agent. Mason County auditor is taking applications for a sub-agent in the Shelton area. Prefer business open evenings and Saturday. Remunerations per volume of business completed. Please see Peggy Cleveland, Auditor, or Mary Van Blaricom, Chief Deputy. M1/5-26 Wanted BUY BEER bottles, 30c per case. 1619 Laurel, or call 426-8569, Shelton. Call after 4 p.m. A11/24-1/12 STAMPS AND coins. As a collector, I can pay more than most dealers. 426-9085, 426-8007. P9/8tfn CASH FOR all cars, trucks, bodies, parts. Immediate pick-up service. Scrap and metals of all kinds. Newsprint and corrugated cardboard. Mason County Salvage, 426-8626. M7/15tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Company, Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling, stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914, P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn D.200 Club Cab Pickup with 8 ft. camper ................... $6700 1970 Dodge D200 % ton PickuPs2275 4 speed trans., 318 engine, two-tone paint, low mileage .... ' 1970 Chevrolet Station Wagon $1195 1969 Dodge Monaco 4 door hardtop. Beige with block vinyl top... ................. $850 Wanted WANTED -- 6' cordwood, any mix of fir, hemlock, pine or cedar. Minimum 3% inch top diameter. 25c each. Call Versapanel, John's Prairie, 426-5571, for specifications. V7/28tfn OLD LAMPS and parts. Aladdin, Rayo, Royal, Rochester, glass and hanging lamps, household estates. 877-5733, Jack Leimback, Hoodsport. L6/23tfn WANTED -- 10-h.p. (9.8) Mercury outboard, complete, 1969-70-71, running or not. 426-4889. K1/5tfn WANTED -- CEDAR saw logs, green second growth. Call tar current prices. Versapanel Inc., 426-5571. V 10/14tfn Work Wanted WILL DO sewing in my home, alterations and drapes, for adults and children. Call 426-1137. H12/22-1/12 LICENSED DAY care, infants to 6 years old. Pioneer School District, Timberlakes. 426-8140. C10/13tfn TIMBER FALLING contract wanted. 482-2865. N1/12-19 LICENSED DAY care, any age, planned activities. 3 blocks from Bordeaux School. 426.5601. K1/12-2/2 LICENSED DAY care, age 3 and up. 1 block from Bordeaux School. 426-3814. A1/12tfn FOR MASON County business opportunities, call Tom Townsend at Century 21, Jerry Smith Realty, Shelton (206) 426-3363. C1/12tfn WILL DO babysitting, my home, swingshift only. 426-7115. K1/12-19 Lost & Found LOST IN Hillcrest area -- black-and-tan male Doberman, 2 years old. Name is "Lance." Ears have not been cropped. Reward if found. 426-1963.: M1/12-19 FOUND IN Union area -- approximately 6 months old, liver-colored Lab pup. 898-2411. S1/12 Travel Trailers FOR SALE -- 1976 8' Travelmate camper, $1,650. 426-5428. T1/5-26 Mobile Homes CASH FOR your mobile home, aid for or not. Olympia Mobile ames, 6800 Martin Way, Olympia. 456-5151. O10/13tfn USED HOMES • Klngswood (12x55) 2 bedroom. • Freedom (12x60) 2 bedroom, electric. • Golden West (24x56) 3 bedroom with fireplace. • Carriage House (14x64) 3 bedraom, 2 bath. • Brookwood (12x58) 2 bedroom, electric• • Ben Prix (24x44) 3 bedroom, electric. • Fleetwood (12x60) 2 bedroom, electric. • Ideal (8x21). • Budger (8x35, expands to 15x35), 1 bedroom• • Rainier (12x52) 2 bedroom. • Skyline (10x50) 3 bedroom, 1% bath. eL YMPIA MOBILE HOMES. INC. 61|(N) Martin W.v Olymlfi,. WA 985{)6 45h-5151 Mobile Homes FOR SALE -- 12'x56' Fleetwood mobile home, good condition. 426-2913 for more information. W1/5-12 TOP DOLLAR paid for your used mobile home or trailer. Call Olympia 357-6070. M3/17tfn 10X50 2-bedroom with tip-out, $3,300. Call 877-5561 or 877-9405. B1/5-26 TRAILER HITCHES, all types. Trailer wiring. Sway control, jacks, brakes. The Hitch Shop, 4814 Lacey Boulevard. 491-6150. H10/27-4/27 Come and see FIRST MONTH FREE If you place your mobile home in our new mobile home park. Only a few spots left. 411 V= Grove St. 426.9185 or 426-4849. I/12-2/2 OL |'MPIA MOBILE lit)AlES, INt" 6800 MARTIN WAY OLYMPIA WA I)B,506 TI'3EPHONE (206) 456-, I  1 Largest selection of new & used homes. in Thurston-Mason Counties. FEATURING HOMES SPACES NOW FOR DOUBLE AND SINGLE UNITS New 24x6 skirted, landscaped• Move in now. All adult park in Shelton. For details call Joe, 456-5550. I n,i 12x56 2 BR. ILR, ELECTRIC, SET UP IN SHELTON PARK. $8,975. I I II 1100 S.F., 3 BR. F/LR, ELECTRIC, JENN-AIR COOK, SET UP IN SHELTON. $18,995. II 1977 AIR STREAM STILL NEW. $19,900 or make offer. Available now 28 new homes, 12 used homes, 1 double wides, 27 single wides. See them all at Olympia Mobile Homes. OLYMPIA MOBILE HOMES\\; INC. 6800 MARTIN WAY OLYMPIA WA 98506 TELEPHONE (206)456.5151 Thursday, January 12, 1978 -Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27