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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Legal Publkati0ns Legal Publications Legal Publications %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-- Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications ;UMMONS BY PUBLICATION v s . H E R B E R T C . described in the Complaint tract; thence west along the 140,000 bd. ft. of hemlock and office and office of the NO. 13426 LINDBERG and MARLENE J. herein, defendants: southerly line of said Petersen white fir, and 30,000 bd. ft. of Commissioner of Public Lands, THE SUPERIOR COURT OF LINDBERG, husband and wife, You and each of you, are tract ]32 feet more or less to cedar, or a total of ],980,000 Olympia. tE STATE OF WASHINGTON CAM LOVE, INC., a hereby summoned to appear the northeast corner of tract bd. ft. To be sold at South Puget AND FOR THE COUNTY Washington corporaton, within sixty (60) days after the described in contract to Herbert Minimum acceptable bid: Sound Area Headquarters MASON VIRGINIA HARVEY and date of the first publication of G. Lindberg and others dated $197,255.00. (Enumclaw), on Tuesday, P. ALBERT PETERSEN and the unknown heirs of Arthur T. this Summons, to wit, within September 7, 1960 and recorded Timber will be sold on a cash January 31, ]978, at 10 o'clock A R R I ET L. PETERSEN Harvey, deceased, and also all sixty (60) days after the 8th day under File No. 187492; thence S or installment plan basis, a.m. Isband and wife, ' other persons or parties of December, 1977, and defend 33 degrees E along the easterly Timber must be removed Additional information on E.G. HARVEY and HELEN unknown claiming any right, the above-entitled action in the line of said Lindberg tract to the prior to September 30, 1980. terms and procedures of sale are RVEY, husband and wife, title, estatl, lien or interest in Superior Court aforesaid and southeast corner thereof and the On or before January 31, contained in the "Public Auction EDWARD C. PONTOW and the real estate described in the answer the Complaint of the terminus of this line; 1978, at 10:00 a•m., each bidder Sale" pamphlet. NOW oPEN... WE'RE NEW! MILL CREEK ENTERPRISES Just off Highway 3 on Mill Creek Road, Shelton Phone 426-5404 • Precision Machining, Light Welding and Parts Remanufacturing • Gunsmithing R G I N I A E. PON TOW, Complaint herein, Defendants. plaintiffs and serve a copy of EXCEPTING therefrom that part must make a minimum deposit Said timber on said land will • OPEN MON.-SAT. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. u ;band and wife, T H E S T A T E O F your answer upon the described in contract to Thomas of $19,725.50 in the form of be sold for not less than the i, nma, l OTTO WHEELER and WASHINGTON to the unknown undersigned attorneys for the R. Armstrong and wife dated cash, money order or certified appraised value, as appraised by ............................ " WHEELER husband heirs of Arthur T. Harvey plaintiffs, at their office stated March 1, 1964 and recorded check. Said deposit shall the Commissioner of Public • .......... -_-_-_- Id wife, ' deceased, and to all other below; and, in easeof youl; under File No. 204244; in Mason constitute an opening bid at the Lands in the manner provided by I- -B-Us-------------- NADEEN L WALKER and p,ersons or parties unknown failure to do so, judgment will County, Washington, aga nst the appraised price. Upon award of law, a notice of which s now on • SCOTT "THOMPSON, ,c)aiming any right, title, estate, be rendered aga0nst you claim of the defendants and any this sale, the respective deposits file in the office of the Auditor aintiffs, uuen or interest in the real estate according to the demands of the of them. shall be returned to the of Mason County, and in the LO0]  NO Complaint in this action which McPHEE,, POPE unsuccessful bidders. Off the day office of the Area Manager of Shellto Ollymp ja has been filed with the Clerk of & PHILLIPS of sale, the purchaser must pay South Puget Sound Area. said court. /s/Wm. Thomas McPhee the balance between the bid /s/Bert L. Cole The object of this action is Wm. Thomas McPhee deposit and the full bid price BERT L. COLE to quiet title in plaintiffs to real Attorney for Plaintiffs plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or Commissioner of N mm estate in Mason County, McPHEE, POPE & PHILLIPS may, if the purchaser so elects at Public Lands Washington, described as: Attorneys at Law the time of sale, pay an 1/6-13-20-27-4t An undivided one-fifth 420 Security Building additional amount to bring the I DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS FUR1 HEB interest in that part of Lots 3A Olympia, Washington98501 total amount of the deposit,  .: PASSENGER SCHEDULE and 4 of Hartstine Island Estates, Telephone (206) 357-7797 exclusive of fees, to equal 10% I Division No. 2 as recorded n 12/8-15-22-29-1/5-12-6t of the full bid price based on the reres I Volume 5 of Plats, page 28, cruise estimate• This balance may / a SOlUtlOn but... $ Leave Shelfon 8:45 o.m.- 4:45 p.m. lying easterly of the following be paid by personal check.  Arrive Olympia 9:15om. 5.'15 p.m. described line:' Beginning at a P00rc. er o,urn / I • point on the north line of said within 30 days of date of sale a (Whatever you want in the way of a savings p]an Lot 3A, S 89 degrees 107' 20" E NOTICE OF SALE surety bond of $36,000.00 to  Leave Olympia 9:45 a.m. 5:50 p•m. 85.1 feet 'from its northwest OF VALUABLE MATERIAL guarantee compliance with all corner; running thence ON STATE LAND terms of the bill of sale. All } ArriveShelton 10:150.m. 6:20p.m. long or short terra--you 11 find it here.) southwesterly to the northeast Notice is hereby given that checks, money orders, etc. are to h corner of tract conveyed to on Tuesday the 31st day of be made payable [o the //  defects l | PARCEL EX S Richard S. Huebner and wife January, 1978, commencing at Commissioner of Public Lands. PRES SERVICE dated July 16, 1962 and ten o'clock in the forenoonof ACCESS ROAD /t "cel REVOLVING FUND: $740.00 fO r.  OLYMPIA DEPOT SHELTON DEPOT recorded under File No. 194176; said day, at the South Puget thence S 13 degrees 15' 17"E Sound Area Headquarters, to be paid on day of sale. / \\;- /J',/ Un]eBBI  Greyhound Bus Depot Senior Center Accessibility: Via along the northeasterly line of located at Enumclaw, County of Department of Natural Resources (f Capitol Way and 7th 208 Grove Street T]B[E GBOWT.]B[B.&_I00K said Huebner tract and the King, State of Washington, by / ''//: y°uhelp' I . Phone:357-5541 Phone:426-2910 access. northeasterly lines of tracts the Area Manager of said Area, The State shall reserve conveyed to E.G. Harvey and the timber on the following $6,180.00 of the initial payment ] /j o Marchl Puget Sound Nat I Bank wife dated August 18, 1961 and described state land will be sold for slash disposal. / '" of Dime / / Cascade lr all aye recorded under File No. 192163 at public auction to the highest S r w lion a and the northeasterly line of bidder, towit: Complete contract and O tract described in contract to P. MASON COUNTY specifications may be examined L ]HIS SPACE CONTRIHUTED BY rHE PUBLISHER ..... Albert Petersen and wife dated Application No. 39132 at South Puget Sound Area Headquarters located at February 27, 1965 and recorded Plantation Road located Enumclaw, County Auditor's under File No. 212323, 241.5 approximately 7 miles by road feet more or less to the west of Belfair. The sale is Major Overhauls Brakes & Ignition Welding & ld's Service 9 so. 1st. 426-1212 :khoe Servic- tk InstallatlonR Dltchln a Bonded & Licensed Cameron 421k59S9 southeast corner of said Petersen composed of all timber bounded , . bY clearcut boundary tags on  parts of the following: CMason County • . ectlon 26, N½NW% of Section *J:(i '//'- -  • !1 o o, all in Township 23 North, 82 acres, more or less, comprisincj  ) CO 4f,d  . -- . = = Range 2 West, W.M., containina , approximately 660,000 bd ft. of .u u l I1 oou,,,, fir, 60,000 bd. "ft. of white pine and Iodgepole pine, 10,000 bd. ft. of hemlock, or a S Ltlrectot.y00 ,o,.o,,,0000000. . ",%. /'i /;/ Minimum acceptable bid: 1'|" .... or installment plan basis. Timber must be removeo Cr:l:25o3zl prior to January 31, 1980. o f -.:i/ Want action? Call an expert to help you. On or before January 31, 1978, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder Baptist Church must make a minimum deposit 123W. "C" Street Repairing Drugs dusic of $7,614.50 in the form of I--Jl¢l cash, money order or certified Pastor, Rov. Kenneth P. Herring --HelenoRubinstein 205Co,o. SheltQn. WA 90 check. Said deposit shall SheJton 426-9827 Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. --Cosmetics constitute an opening bid at the Christian Fellowship Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. Prescriptions appraised price. Upon award of Hypo'AllergenicCosmetics Mb_MllkeGIbsolt this sale, the respective deposits Evening Worshlp ....... 7:30p.m. Nell's Pharmacy OWNER S h a I I b e returned to t he 825 Wast Franklin Prayer Meeting, Wed .... 7:00 p.m. Jesus loves you -- we do. tool unsuccessful bidders. On the day 426-2758 s.s.C. 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 For 911#Qur need, n rnus,c 426-4302 of sale, the purchaser must r ....... ' : ' the balance "bet.Ween the J : BIBU! .IIABISMAIK .-- COMMUNITI[ .... Electrical--  deposit and the full bid p  ,  Sunday .... plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or 10a.m ............... Bible Study Mt. View "°nded" Licensed" Wiring. Heating Painting may, if the purchaser so elects at 11 a.m... Worship Alliance Church Frolor-JohnsonElectricFurnoceondHeol the time of sale, pay an ............... Pump= • Underground • Commercial , additional amount, to bring the 7 p.m ............ Home Meetings Washington & "J" Stl. Arcadia Electric Commercial& total amount of the deposit, Thursday exclusive of fees, to equal 10% 7 p.m ................... Worship Sermon Topic Bob Taylor Office 421-91 Residential of the full bid price based on the To Be Announced P.O. Box 839 Homo426.1938 cruise estimate, provided that Multi-Media Sunday such deposit shall not be less School ................. 9:45a.m. Interior 8, Exterior than $10.150.00. This balance Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. __DOMINGE'S t'Jnrt 'lectric Motor Repair-- may be paid by personal check. Evening Service ........ 6:00 p.m. FASHIONED. --" PAINTING Purchaser must also furnish First Baptist Church Family Night (Wed.) .... 7:00 p.m. AKERY Pump Motors, Electric Mowers, Glitter, textured within 30 days of date of sale a :pen with a full line. Electric Sows ceilings, wall papering surety bond of $10.000 to Sth and Cote Roy. BERT LINN, Pastor guarantee compliance with all Downtown Shelton Pastor DENNYTYAS, Harold's Bakery. Come TOM BAZE, 426-4918 Lloyd Rath terms of the bill of sale. All January 15, 1978 meet the new owner, Assistant Pastor checks, money orders, etc. are to 426.3294 Domlnge, at Shelton Foods, If no answer: 42M79 Shelton  Commissioner of Public Lands. Good Meal" onMt. View. 7ShomrockDr. 425-1411 be made payable to the A.M "PreparingA ACCESS ROAD REVOLVING FUND: $340.00 The Cantata, Floor Covering  _ to be paid on day of sale. "Love and Kindness," OF THE Complete Her Core adio-TV Repair A c C ass i b ill t y: V i a P.M. presented by South CHURCH Wigs-Wiglets.Switches --Linoleum __ Carpeting NAZARENE Department of Natural tesources Tacoma Baptist Merle Norman Cosmetics access, singing group. Pennyrich Bras  Tile  Formica Experienced Television 8, The State shall reserve - ulne'sBeeuty$elon RoxFIoorCoverlng Stereo Repair by certifled $10,150.00 of the initial 9:OOa.m..AwanaClubs&Sunday faimeuM&Holmn 426.1298 Schoo Cad C. Green, Pastor Payment for slash disposal. ,11:00 a.m ..... Morning Worship 426-4582 Mr. View Ph. 426-2292 electronic technicians. C o m p Iete con tract an d 6:oo p.m. Evening Gospel Hour HOME PHONE 426-1985 specifications may be examined "'" at South Puget Sound Area Dr. Arlln M. Halvorlen, Pastor Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. - Floor Covering"--------- Service calls -- $13.95 reaaquarters located at 7:15p.m. Thursday MorningWorship... 11:008.m. in Shelton area Tuesdays Enumclaw, County Auditor s Bible Study & Prayer Meeting Evening Service ..... 6:00 p.m. : Expert Installation .9. Thursdays. o f f ice a n d office of the *The Morning War=hip Is broad- Large Showroom Commissioner of Public Lands, cast five over KMA=, 12N kc. " National Brands Olympia. *Convenient Terms 352-8214 To' be Sold at South Puget Sound Area Headquarters Viking Floor Covering (E n u m c I a w), on Tuesday, 111 W. Cote Shelten 422916 January 31, 1978, at 10 o'clock UNITED METHODIST CHURCH .m . Application No. 39973 G and King Streets Dr. William Andrews, Minister Insurance  :entals -- S t a t e P e n I o ca t e d Early. Worship Service ......................... 8:.]3 a.m. tiredof =hopping? Let us do it for you Auto Shelton's apProximately 6 miles by road Sunday School ............................... 10:30 a.m. Home.Boat.Life.Health.Susine|..Preferred Complete Rental Store west of Shelton. The sale Is =, w. re, o,. th,  .... * o,, ; ........ , ' Worship Service ............................... a.m. Our only bUlines|. Tools & Equipment for composed of all timber marked Homeowners & Contractors With blue paint bounded by sale Arnold & Smith Barden's Rentals lines in Unit No. 1 on part area boundary tags and property Insurance Agency 1209 OlympIc Hwy. S. 421k1091 E½NE%; all timber bounded by Faith Lutheran Church 117 I. Cola 426-3317 clearcut boundary tags and TV  property lines in Unit No. 2 on 7th and Franklin -andscaplng-----__ part NE%, part NVSE¥; plus all Ornamental gardens Roofing umber bounded by right of way Family Worship -- 8:00 o.m. and 10:30 a.m. boundary tags on part NESEW Parish Education Classes  9:00 a.m. For ServiceCall Native gardens aENT NAIL of Section 16, TownshiP 20 Rock garden=  Lawns North, Range 4 West, .M., Christian Worship, FellOwship, Education, Service Irrigation systems For all your containing 86 acres, more or less, Landscape design roofing needs, comprising approximately Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-86] 1 Horticulture 426-8178 1,090,000 bd ft of Douglas fir, Illckards Greener Grlmnory Call 426-9757 720,000 bd. "ft." of hardwoods, i u,--- 1 I Remodeling  St. Edward's Catholic Church LLnder I 'tAI;I00U00 J 00qhts ...... oo0wo.,. II011TI00 Father Michael Feeney 426-6134 3rd & Pine CUStoM W tOI11 of She|ten / ]O" Uluu' UGmlNG O'SlGNS I HOUSING R ODELS e RE-ARI I L "E UOE, .... Saturday ...................................... 7 p.m. Masonry- -- L ......  Sunday .......................... 8 a.m., 9 o,m., 11 o.m. ties, sidewalks * Fireplaces 51sughtering -- *Block Foundation, L:UI--FARM"AUaNlIRING Bible is filled with h(]])]J(hC U00IICU 00riIli00h ( Cl]l00r Pours * Anything with Masonry $15 par head. inspiration and guidance... J&T vivid examples of protection -. Cox Concrete John Klmmel and comfort through Licensed, bonded and Insured. NOI'hW4NIt Slaughterlnll understanding God. . ...... 4II-HINI Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 426-8615 evenings. You can firl.d answers to your six Miles South of Shelton on highway 101 , ....... needs with the special help of weekly Bible Lessons in the Non-denominational • Charismatic TIIIS SPACE Vloving & Storage Christian Science Quarterly. Walt Wagner - Pastor Phone - 426-7655 *-Local & long distance THIS SPACE Buy your own copy of the AVAILABLE " Agent for Lyon Va Quarterly, or study the Bible Sunday Morning Bible Classes .............. 9:45 AM ° Co-- ' " n Line= Lesson, in our public Reading Sunday Morning Worship Service .11:00 AM rnp;ete StorQ e f $1.60 per week g ocilities AVAILABLE Room. • ........ Sunday Evening Service ................... 6:30 PM" Morgan Trncfer $1.60 per Week CHRISTIAN ICIINC! Wednesday Evening Prayer & Praise 7:30 PM 121 Ilallroed She!to n 41t-$111 RLADINQ ROOM ......... s0, Alder St,  Shelton Y Shop-- AUTO BODY 8, GLASS 426-9020 * Building • Remodeling • Cabinets Dick Wood i 1, Box 598 4213657 Drive, Grapevlew 426-1691 cReady-mix Concrete oncrete Culverts & Blocks Sand Gravel Brick & Stone F replace Scrn & Tools Thursday, Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Connection & 12th Streets Phone 42k-2B05 Priesthood Meeting .......................... 9:15 a.m. Sunday School .............................. 11:00 a.m. Sacrament Meeting .............. : ............ 5:00 p,m. t FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia & Lake Boulevard Kurt Hordenbrook, Minister Bible School ........... 9:45 a.m. Worship .............. 11:00 o.m. Family Service ......... 6:30 p.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:00 p.m. i Sixth and Railroad Saturday, 9:30 a.m. -- Sabbath School, 1 !:00 a.m. -- Hour of Worship Wednesday, 7!00 p.m.  Bible Study and Prayer n Tim GalloRher , Poster 426-9601 I Sunday School 11:00 a.m.' First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 ALDER ST. SHELTON, WA. I Church 11:00 o.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings, 7:30 p.m. READING ROOM  302 ALDER Hours: 12 noon-3 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday . CHILD CARE PROVIDED DURING SERVICES EpIKopal Church Welcomes You 'J + II ' J t n"vld " 4th • '.a... Ck.lton Sunday, 7:30 & 10:30 o.m., 7:00 p.m. . \\; II / ruesday, 7:30, Holy Communion, Wednesday Service 11:30 a.m. \\; m / ,,. Germaln s, Valley Center on Hlshway i0"',. Sunday. 9:00 a.m. 42t.li47 Come Ae You Are 421k.2tt4 ,,,, ] COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH I The Friendly Church Dlscipling the saved to abundant life and reaching their world for Christ. , I 10 a.m ...................... , ................. Sunday Service & School I Evenings ................................ Home Bible Study Fellowship J 1427 May St. Tom Borwick, Pastor 426-9194 or 426-5627 FOURSQUARE CHURCH 910 East Dearborn Pastor Lewis B. Wysong 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. REV. WILLIAM LAMBERT Sunday School (classes for oll ages) ......................... 9:45 a.m. Wednesday, Prayer Time .................................. 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, Bible Study .................................... 7:00 p.m. THE CHURCH WHERE NO ONE IS A STRANGER The Church with the SlG Wolcomo SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD M.A. Younglund, pastor IS21 Monroe Street Rick Vlckery, assistant i Sunday School ............................................ 9:45 a,m. i Morning worship, Pastor Vickery, speaking ................. 10:50 a.m, Gospel Service. Pastor Younglund, speaking ................. 6:00 p.m. Wednesday. Family Night .... , ..... " ..... " ...........  [.... 7:00 p.m. Thursday, Youth Night'... ii .............................. 7:00 p.m. REVIvALTIME, SUNDAY, KGDN, 3:00 P.M. (Radio Voice of the Atsemblles of God) I I I Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 E. Wyandotte Roland Huber, Pastor, , ,, I Sunday SchOol, 9:15 Worship Service, 10:30 January 12, 1978 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31