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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 1978
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Letter to Editor: u ii ii Genuinely concerned Editor, Huckleberry Herald: the story was courteous, A few weeks ago I wrote a genuinely concerned and viewed letter outlining the problenls I tile conversation with an open had encountered after an mind. automobile accident, i sincerely appreciated that Fm glad to report that I did the state patrol thought enough receive input from the of my problem to warrant Washington State Patrol office, personal attention. The officer who came to our Rebecca Roberts house and listened to our side of Belfair iiii iiii i For All Your Insurance Needs Fulmer & Co., Inc. 520 Pacific n Bremerton, 377.8547 Represented in North Mason by Bob Sutton 275-6120 i i i I The Episcopal Church Welcomes You f ST. HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9 a.m. ST. NICHOLAS -- TAHUYA -- Sunday 11:15 a.m. Come As You Are Church 275-3753 i Belfair Electric Co. We are franchised General Electric Dealers • Discount Prices • Factory Service • Terms • We take trade-ins. Q Free delivery g normal installation. Bonded & Licensed Electrical Contractors Special Contractor Pricing. 275.2020 /2 block North of thriftway I I TOWING 426-1731 i:'.  Shetton 275.2861 Allyn & BelfaJr II BODY SHOP LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE II III I I I D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783 DAVE'S BELFAIR ARCO STATION BONDED LICENSED INSURED JESFIELD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING • BUILDING CONCRETE WORK P.O. Box 377 Belfair, Wish. 275-6684 Jim Jesfield i i iii ii i tttittttttttttltilltt Huckleberry H00ald By ELEANORA FEDENK CR 5-2774 Mist clings to treetops across the canal from Tahuya while an idle log floats by on its sere'ne journey. Milt Jensen's new year's resolution to "not do that again" is certainly one he plans to keep. During tile week before Christmas Milt was working underneath the hood of his truck when he accidentally hit its starter button. When the motor took off he was struck both on the forehead and over the rib cage, and then his left hand was slashed open from tile wrist up past the thumb. After his mother called in the emergency, the Belfair first-aid car arrived and transported Mill to Bremerton. Unforunately, the doctors at Harrison said they didn't have the proper equipment to treat the severed hand, so Milt was flown by helicopter to Harborview Medical Center in a matter of minutes to waiting doctors. Although repairs were immediately made to the hand's tendon, Milt still has had little feeling in his hand and fingertips, so a second surgery was scheduled for January 9 to fix the severed nerves. Milt says his mother "was an angel" in reacting to his battered condition and getting help. Milt also thanks the Belfair EMT gals, Barry Snover and the men "who responded so quickly and completely." Over in neighboring Allyn, a dog that wouldn't stay home has been the reason for prominent 'ads running the past weeks in this newspaper. Local pet lovers could help reunite a family and their lost ..... ------:---- ...... -: Application received S,00tk Skene for Tahuya pier By HANNAH DEHLER 275-3512 Some Cliristmas memories fade with the passage of time, but it's not so at the Grant Morse home. Even outshining the 'creme de la creme' gift of 'La Machine,' Santa also dropped off a beautiful female St. Bernard puppy, just eight weeks, old. She answers to the name of Mousse. Sired by Hannibal Sinslaw and listed with 18champions in her trandsome pedigree, Mousse should be quite impressive. Although the origin of St. Bernards is shrouded with as much mystery as cloaks many other breeds, they are really one of the oldest breeds. Given their name by tile noted mgnk, Bernard de Menthon, at the tospice on St. Bernard's Pass in i. Swiss Aips, the first public reference of tile breed was made by the hospice in 1774. Used chiefly as a guard over the treacherous last five miles t)f tile trail over the pass, the hmely monks soon discovered they were excellent pathfinders. Their uncanny sense of smell made them invaluable in forewarning dangerous footing, and locating lost persons in the Alps during the sudden snowstorms. The first St. Bernard to land in America was brought over by General Lafayette and presented in 1828 to J.F. Skinner, then assistant postmaster general. A great companion and extraordinarily gentle with children, the St. Bernard can be bad tempered and dangerous to intruders. Recent visitors to tire Bob Soltis home were his father and stepmother. They were able to spend a part of the holidays before returning to their home in Minot, North Dakota. A Twelfth Night celebration was held at the home of Carl and Alma Larson. The wine-tasting party was followed by a potluck dinner for the 38 guests. [,elfair office open '*)-b - Wed., THIJIS., Fri. MARK LEE ........................................ Editor CAROL WENTLANDT .............. Advertising Manager, Phone: Office Telephone CR5-6680 Eves. CR5-6259 Ptd)lv, hed I)y .%hellfl lhflHi,,hmg, Its(, Po',t ()ffite f:-h)>' 430, Shellon, Washington 985,1 ; lerephore 42) 4412. A section of the Shelton-Mason CotJnty Journal. utttt Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - January 12, 1978 23" Diagonal COLOR IV Priced from s59900s* COLOR SENTRY It controls the color picture...corrects the color picture 30 times a second automatically. PORTABLE J1912W ................ "" COLOR IV ...... --' " r Priced from • lid-State Chromacolor II • Brillant Chromacolor Picture Tubes • Energy-Savings 100% Solid.State Hmn Chasis • Power Sentry Voltage Regulating System COLOR TV & RADIO SERVICE --- MOST BRANDS Application has been received by the Army Corps of Engineers from Eugene R. Coons, Auburn, on behalf of ldmself and Donald and Gloria Walker for proposed work in Hood Canal, near Tahuya, to install a pier with ramp and float and construct a bulkhead and place fill for an extended upland recreation area and private boat moorage. Preliminary review by the Sea!ttle district indicates that this work will not significantly affect the quality of the human environment. The preparation of a Federal Environmental hnpact Statement is not anticipated at this time. Any person may request in writing within 30 days of the date of this public notice that a public hearing be held to consider the material matters at issue in this public notice. The request must clearly set tbrth with particularity the reasons for holding a hearing. Comments on these factors will be accepted and made part of the record and will be considered in determining whether it would be in the best public interest to grant a permit. Comments should refer to re fe renc.e numbers 07 I-OYB-2-004278 and 071-OYB-2-004344, and should reach the office not later than February 2, 1978 to insure consideration. Comments should be addressed to: Department of the Army, Seattle District Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box C-3755, Seattle, Washington 98124. Three CPR classes offered at Olympic Three 18-hour first aid co u r se s, incJuding cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), will be sponsored by the Industrial Safety and Health Division of the State Department of Labor and Industries over a two-month period. The first course started January II and will be given from 7 to 10 p.m. January 18, 25 and February 1, 8, 15, 1978 at the Olympic Community College, Room El 15, Bremerton. The second course will be given from 9 to noon, January 12, 19, 26 and February. 2, 9, 16, 1978, at the Kitsap County Airport Terminal Building. The third course will be given from 7 to 10 p.m. January 19, 26 and February 2, 9, 16, 23 at the Cedar Heights Junior High School, Room 210, Potter Avenue, Poll Orchard. There is no charge for these courses, and they are open to all Washington State employers and employes. CLEARANCE SALE ON LEFT-0VER MODELS KAWASAKI SUZUKI KZ400S. Save $200 GT750.. Save $400 KZ400D. Save $200 GT250.. Save $300 KH 400. Save $400 GT380.. Save $:300 KH100.. Save $,200 A100... Save $100 GS400X, ................ ....... SAVE $200 CLIFF'S CYCLE CENTER GORST 373-7444 pooch, Babe, by being on the lookout for a black German shepherd with white markings and large ears. Babe strayed when the family arid their two pet dogs moved a short distance (one-quarter mile) between Allyn and Sherwood Creek., Babe disappeared from the new house and has not been seen since. The three-week search has included the former homesite. The weather is mighty cold, and information of Babe could bring warmth to all concerned at 275-3702 or P.O. Box 53, Allyn. Airman Timothy McKnight was home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKnight of the' Old Belfair Highway, for a holiday visit. He has returned to the Air Force base at Grand Forks, North Dakota, to security police duty. Before his visit home he took specialized training at the army Camp Bolls in San Antonio, Texas after completing basic Air Force training at Lackland Air Force receiving the ribbon. The roads from, to Mission, Tiger and Lakes have been improved by the crews, but some curves remain and respect in driving. A warning was evident accident on the South Road the day before when a tire blew and a end over end, landing a nearby gully, on a! Driver and passenger escaped with minor MAGGIE LAKE Sherry Gray December 30 that her Lake summer cabin of a color telephone receiver, estimated $300. Tahuya By LENNIA CATES -- CR5-2245 Tahuya welcomes newcomers to the area Art and Connie Cooperstein, who purchased Hugh and Tiny Tiurra's place up the canal and are looking forward to all the local pleasures once the monsoon season passes. Don and Dorothy Wise are building a new home at Shorebrook. The couple sold their home at Maple Valley and have been busy trying to get their new home altogether. Don is an avid steelhead fisherman and Dorothy loves to sew. Both say they are anxious to get the new house's major jobs done so they can get back to enjoying their hobbies. Incidentally, the Wises celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary over the holidays. Ray and Marge Metzger are back after spending the holidays with relatives at Ra"s hometown in Kentucky. The couple had planned spending sole time in Mesa, Arizona, as they did last year, but Ray's arm has been giving him fits so they came home a month earlier than planned. Bob Miller will undergo surgery in Seattle on January 23. It will be a repeat of surgery he had a couple years ago. He and wife Ina are staying at her brother's place there so if you'd like to drop him a card, the address is 3819 North Densmore, c/o Bud Nelson, telephone 632-8240. Babe Sills spent the holidays here with son Bob ,nd family. Babe and sister Elouise lived here in Tahuya years before moving their old stomping Eastern Washington. them once in this "Snooper Sisters" as just the opposite ai moniker stuck even to their mail was received with no sweat. Gladys Sills' mother Wheeler, who lives husband where the Sisters" once hospitalized during the with chest pains. now and says she's nicely. The Sills' son, home from Coast for the holidays only flu and spend most of which had to be bed. Morn? Yes, she's it now. Complaints on duck Nancy Wyman says just shooting to be Ducks are shot and retrieved, she reports. one that apparently been grazed crawl up yard where she picked gave it some vitamins her domestic ducks. feeding and resting, moved out into the on the Tahuya River (to for target practice again'?.), Game warden: "Say, hunting with last year's Hunter: "That's shooting at the ones I year." "DELIVERY BY CANAL BLUE • For Chevron Heating Fuel • Modern Heating Equipment • Complete H,ousewarm ng Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair Service Fuel Co., Inca 1318 PARK AVE. BREMERTON S & M Tax Service, Inc. . Pat Mayfield, 876-5675 * Donna Shellgren, 876-5345 Business Phone, 876-1405 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 3113 Harold Dr. S.E. Port i! As of January 1, 1978, I have taken up my practice again at the BELFAIR MEDICAL CLINIC Belfair, WaShington Telephone 275-6111 Office hours will be from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Amaly H. Frese, M.D.