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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 12, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i Calls reported to Shel- ton Police, Mason County Sheriffs Office and Tribal agencies included: Burglaries At 9:49 a.m. on Jan. 2, a storage building was re- ported broken into in the 400 block of East Libby Road. At 2:49 p.m. on Jan. 2, • subwoofers were reported stolen from a garage in the 300 block of West Dayton Trails Drive. At4 p.m. on Jan. 2, an individual reported a bur- glary to a shed in the 200 block of East Midway Lane. At 8:07 a.m. on Jan. 3, a commercial burglary was reported in the 1000 block of East Pickering Road. At 8:56 a.m. on Jan. 3, a residential burglary was reported in the 300 block of East F Street. At 2:09 p.m. on Jan. 5, a burglary was reported in the 300 block of North Mountain View Drive, Hoodsport. At 1:33 p.m. on Jan. 5, a burglary was reported in the 1400 block of South- east Fireweed Road. At 11:47 p.m. on Jan. 6, a burglary was reported in the 1900 block of East Phil- lips Lake Loop. The report- ing person said the house was trashed and entry was gained through the win- dow. TOO LATE TO CLASSlff At 2:34 p.m. on Jan. 6, a burglary was reported to a residence and a shop in the 200 block of East Hillcrest Drive. At 11:35 a.m. on Jan. 8, a burglary was reported in the 2100 block of East Tim- berlake West Drive. At 12:37 p.m. on Jan. 8, a storage shed was broken into in the 2000 block of East Phillips Lake Loop. they were hit in the face with a beer bottle at an un- disclosed address on Olym- pic Highway North. At 7:19 p.m. on Jan. 5, an assault was reported in the 100 block of East Ce- dargrove Lane. At 3:42 p.m. on Jan. 5, an individual reported that he was assaulted by his for- mer boss in the 100 block of West Railroad Avenue. Domestic violence At 9:40 p.m. on Jan. 3, an individual in the 100 block of Northeast Steel- head Drive North report- ed that his girlfriend was beating him up. At 12:48 p.m. on Jan. 5, a domestic dispute took place in the 2200 block of Southeast Old Olympic Highway. At 4:32 p.m. on Jan. 5, a domestic dispute was re- ported in the 19500 block of North U.S. Highway 101. Thefts At 11:57 a.m. on Jan. 2, a blue 2002 Dodge Du- rango was reported stolen from the corner of West B Street and Adams Street. At 2:49 p.m. on Jan. 2, an individual reported that somebody entered his garage in the 100 block of North Gull Place, Hood- sport, and went through his car and took a number of items. At 8:19 p.m. on Jan. 2, medication was reported stolen from the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Bouelvard. At 8:51 a.m. on Jan. 3, a payment drop box was re- ported broken into in the 1700 block of West Rail- road Avenue. At 9:29 a.m. on Jan. 3, a wallet, passports and ~noney was reported stolen From the 100 block of East Nisqually Place. in the 200 block of West Euclid Avenue. At 8:28 a.m. on Jan. 5, a silver 1996 Chevrolet Sub- urban was reported stolen from the 400 block of Park Street. At 5 p.m. on Jan. 5, a mail theft was reported in the 300 block of Southeast Bloomfield Road. At 5:55 p.m. on Jan. 5, a clothing theft was reported in the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boule- vard. At 6:46 p.m. on Jan. 6, copper lighting fixtures were reported stolen from the 10800 block of East State Route 106, Union. Estimated value was $200. At 4:08 p.m. on Jan. 5, a mailbox was reported bro- ken into in the 100 block of East Queens Way. At 6:14 p.m. on Jan. 5, a mail theft was reported in the 1600 block of Mason Street. At 9:14 a.m. on Jan. 6, a 1983 yellow Toyota pickup was reported stolen from the 100 block of Southeast Cook Plant Farm Road. At 4:29 p.m. on Jan. 6, a dark teal car was reported stolen from an undisclosed address in Southeast Ka- milche Point Road. At 9:18 a.m. on Jan. 7, a theft was reported in the 200 block of Arcadia Av- enue. At 9:44 a.m. on Jan. 7, an individual in front of the Mason County Jail was reporting a theft of a boat and other items. At 10:55 a.m. on Jan. 8, an individual reported that she let two men borrow her car in the 1400 block of West Railroad Avenue. The men,brought,the car back but before she could get the keys they took it again. in the 700 block of Grand- view Avenue. Estimated value was $150. At 5:38 p.m. on Jan. 9, a debit card was reported stolen from an individual's desk drawer in the 800 block of West Pine Street. At 9:11 p.m. on Jan. 9, a credit card was reported stolen in the 1100 block of West Gallagher Road. Fires At 10:44 a.m. on Jan. 9, a structure fire was report- ed in the 100 block of East Autumn Lane, Union. ARRESTS Jan. 4 Robert Welty Rapha- el, 32, of the 200 block of West Harvard Avenue was booked at 3:21 p.m. for two counts of DWLS third de- gree. Ronald Lee Renner, 31, of the 3000 block of Johns Prairie Road was booked at 7:07 p.m. for violation of a civil anti-harrass- ment order, possession of controlled substance, possession of less than 40 grams of marijuana, possession of drug para- phernalia and disorderly conduct. I)erek Robert Williams, 38, of the 100 block of East Alder Street was booked at 8:27 p.m. for four counts of identity theft, theft third degree, possession of stolen property, three counts of forgery and trafficking sto- len property first degree. Beverly Ann Breault, 48, of the 100 block of Northeast Steelhead Drive North was booked at 11:32 p.m. for assault fourth de- gree (DV). Jan. 6 James Alexander Manderson, 22, of the 1300 block of Cottman Avenue, Bremerton, was booked at 4:55 p.m. for VUCSA and possession of drug para- phernalia. Joshua Caleb Wilson, 31, of the 3500 block of South 256th Street, Kent, was booked at 8:08 p.m. for possession of con- trolled substance, theft third degree and making false/misleading state- ments. Nathaniel Aquila Harsh- man, 19, of the 100 block of East Cedargrove Lane was booked at 9:44 p.m. for as- sault fourth degree. Desiree Dawn Forsberg, 21, of the 1900 block of Lauren Street was booked at 10:19 p.m. for burglary second degree and theft third degree. Jan. 7 Barbara Ann Thompson- Yeck, 50, of the 100 block of East Wilson Street was booked at 4:23 a.m. for DWI and possession of less than 40 grams of marijua- na. Jan. 8 Rich F. Marquiss, 63, of the 800 ] gundy R, 12:28 a.~ Dougl~ 54 of tt West Rai booked a sesion oi stance. Ralph man, 77, of Wes East wa a.m. for gree. Cody a transi~ was book VUCSA. Jan. 9 Shelb 100 blo Nancy : was boo] for NVO cation. Jan. 10 Antho posito, 5 booked ~ DWLS tt Allen 50, of Southea was book possessi( phernali PIONEER SCHOOL District TWO BI is accepting applications for home, 1 school secretary/registrar. Clean Please see the District web- available site at for job monthly. posting and application mate- L1/12tfn rials. For additional informa- AKC RE tion contact Kelly Evans at puppies. P1/12- mation, lv 19 360-528- 8159: Wl lock of East Bur- ~ad was booked at l. for DWI. LS Lee Anderson, Le 1500 block of lroad Avenue was : 1:31 a.m. for pos- a controlled sub- Edward Bariek- of the 1400 block Deegan Road booked at 11:22 DWLS third de- [~obert Lloyd, 24, nt from Olympia, ed at 2:29 p.m. for Scott, 19, of the .~k of Northeast ~oad, Hoodsport, :ed at 12:19 p.m. without identifi- y Joseph Des- 1, of Shelton was tt 12:06 a.m. for ird degree. Francis Carter, he 100 block of t Picadilly Drive ed at 2:59 a.m. for n of drug para- t. 1 bath mile from Belfair. aterfront property, February 1. $850 360-710-4554. !GISTERED boxer Sail for more infor- om and dad on site. 7486 or 509-438- I12-19 k. L( dt bl By I cau lan, ruli At 12:51 p.m. on Jan. 8, a residential burglary was reported in the 300 block of East Stretch Island Road. At 3:46 p.m. on Jan. 8, a safe with titles, jewelry and tools was reported stolen from the 400 block of East Lakeshore Drive East. At 5:55 p.m. on Jan. 9, a burglary was reported in the 200 block of Southeast Craig Road. Assaults At 9:24 a.m. on Jan. 3, an individual reported that his cousin stole his video game system in the 100 block of East Maple Drive. The reporting person said he went to the address to get it and a fight broke out. At 1:19 p.m. on Jan 5, an individual reported that At 11:14 a.m. on Jan. 3, a mail theft was reported in the 2000 block of East Phillips Lake Loop. At 12:57 p.m. on Jan. 3, two Netflix DVDs were re- ported stolen from a mail- box in the 1700 block of East Shelton Springs Road. At 1:40 p.m. Jan. 3, a theft was reported in the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. At 6:17 p.m. on Jan. 3, beer was reported stolen from Airport Grocery, lo- cated in the 11900 block of North U.S. Highway 101. At 8:45 p.m. on Jan. 3, a bicycle was reported stolen from the 600 block of Elli- nor Avenue. At 7:51 a.m. on Jan. 5, a possible theft was reported At 12:16 p.m. on Jan. 8, copper plumbing was re- ported stolen from under a residence in the 9100 block of West Highland Drive. At 12:59 p.m. on Jan. 8, a red 1997 Dodge Caravan was reported stolen from the 300 block of West Bam- bi Farms Road. At 12:59 p.m. on Jan. 8, a pistol was reported sto- len from the 2100 block of Lauren Street. At 8:38 a.m. on Jan. 9, mail was reported stolen from a mailbox in the 1400 block of East Benson Loop. At 11:06 a.m. on Jan. 9, diesel fuel was reported stolen from the 100 block of Southeast Arkada Court. At 3:06 p.m. on Jan. 9, a ladder was reported stolen Serving Western Washington for 41 years Superior quality workmanship at an affordable pJ RESIDENTIAL " COMMERCIAL " MOBILI ** Our Roofs Are Hand Nailed ** 30 YEAR WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY TODAY AND A COMPLETE ROOF SYSTEM (1500 sq. ft. minimum) ** Not valid with any other offer** ooo FREE Estimates ooo -- Saturday & Evening Appointme~ Call today to schedule your appointment emer .... 360-432-0296 .OOjo Etc.# AIROO,*111PR • Sel 'ice ! HOMES ts Available • Local 24-hour gency service inancing OAC fior discount 5th Annual [L/ fl CHfl/ b[P & January 21, 2012 Noon- 9:00 p.m. Tickets Available at: Les Schwab Tire Centers Aberdeen, Elma, West Olympia & Shelton or from any Chamber Board Member Pre-Sale tickets available until Jan~ 19, 2012 * Ticketprices will be higher at the door. Free Shuttle from Elma All Day Live Music All Day Must be over 21 to attend. Elma Chamber of Commerce 360-482-3055 Email: Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 12, 2012 • Alcohol / Drug Evaluations O0 • 91 • Deferred Prosecution STOP • Outpatient Counseling • Alcohol / Drug Information School • Domestic Violence Evaluations • • Consumer Awareness Ii • • Anger Management Social Treatment Opportunity Program 426-5654 • 611 W. Cota St., Shelton Cell Phones Laptops Palm Pilots Cameras 811