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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 12, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Spanish instru St. David's Episcopal Church and N County Literacy/Sound Leaning are ing a ten-week Spanish Language im tion series that will be from 4 to 5:30 for the advanced class and from 5:3(3 p.m. for the beginning class on M( CALENDAR Jan. 12 7 p.m., The Shelton breakfa High School Drama De- lessons partment presents "The groups Seussification of Romeo get the and Juliet," by Peter Bloc- weeken del- an adaptation of Wil- mation liam Shakespeare's "Ro- 427-90~ meo and Juliet" com-bined 10:4~ with the style of Dr. Seuss. er Alto The performances will be at Beth held at the SHS Audito- located rium. Tickets cost $6 per St., Shq person and audiences will of Hope be Iimited to 60 per perfor- sis, B~ mance. Team, The 36( Jan. 13 1:30 p.m., Retired Sci- entists meeting at Shel- ton library Dave and Dot- tie Bonnet will talk about their research on Pink Dolphins. Lunch bunch at noon at Grove Street Bre- whouse. 7 p.m., The Shelton High School Drama De- partment presents "The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet," by Peter Bloe- del - an adaptation of Wil- liam Shakespeare's "Ro- meo and Juliet" com-bined with the style of Dr. Seuss. The performances will be held at the SHS Audito- rium. Tickets cost $6 per person and audiences will be limited to 60 per perfor- mance. lday, grades Jan 16 All q ies will in obs Luther braries lar sc Jan. 17 tion ca Olympi 1-877-2 9 a, ction series offered ason Feb. 6 at St. David's Church, 324 West Ce- )ffer- dar Street. truc-Both sessions are designed to emphasize p.m. conversational Spanish. For information to 7 and registration call Jo Ewart 432-9474 or Carolyn Carlton 427-5460. crafts, games, Jan 18 st, music, bible 10 a.m., The Board of skits and small Commissioners of Mason to help your kids County Fire District 5 most out of every will be holding its regular J. For more infor-meeting at Station 58 in contact Melody at Shelton, 122 W Franklin 2 3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim- ;a.m., guest speak- berland Library presents 3. Garrison will be Teen Gaming Lounge. ~l Assembly of GodPlay Xbox Kinect, Wii and at 1521 Monroe other games, watch mov- dton. He is authories and have refreshments in American's Cri-with friends. Snacks and ilding a Winning supplies provided by the ~ct 2 Church and Friends of the Shelton degree Disciple. Timberland Library. For more information call 426- 1362. [mberland Librar- be closed Monday, Thursday, Jan 19 rvance of Martin 10-11 a.m., TOPS meets King Jr. Day. Li- at the Shelton Christian will resume regu- Church every Thursday. ]edules Tuesday, For more information call For more informa- Ruth at 432-0870. 1 943-5001 in the 1-2 p.m., Shelton Di- t area or toll free abetes Support Group 34-6237. meets in the Ellinor Room m., TOPS #1402 at Mason General Hospi- meets eceryMonday at thetal. Contact Sue at 427- Harstire Island Commu- 7332 for more information. nity Htdl, 3371 E Harst- 6 p.m., Relay for Life ine Island Road N. If you of Shelton Kick-off Party are loo:cing for a support at Olympic Middle School, group t3 Take Off Pounds 800 E K St, Shelton. This Sensiblj, come andjoinus, informational event will More i~formation please serve as a kick-off for the contact|Marlene at 427- 2012 Relay for Life. Open 3873. to the public. 6:30 p.m., Hood Canal Jan 17 Jan. 14 11:3{ 7 p.m., The Shelton Kiwani~ High School Drama De- days a partment presents "The Se-Oyster ussification of Romeo and gins at Juliet," by Peter Bloedel prograr - an adaptation of Williamuntil 1 : Shakespeare's "Romeo ander ava: a.m., The Shelton Club meets Tues- Xinh's Clam & House. Lunch be- ll:30 a.m. and the Phone (360) 426-4412 i runs from noon ?.m. Programs cov- 'iety Of topics from Lions club meetings at the Union fire Hall, 4th St. in Union (1st and 3rd Thursdays Sept. through May) 7-10 p.m. John Lucas and Randy Linder will perform at Taylor Station, RestaUrant and Lounge on' Juliet" com-bined'with the 'nonprot Style of Dr. Seuss: The per- tal ent formances will be held at nity me the SHS Auditorium. Tick- 11:3{ ets cost $6 per person and County audiences will be limited to Voters~ 60 per performance, ly meet Library Jan 15 Shelton 10 a.m.-noon, Kidz- speakel town at Olympic Middle 1:30 p3 School for kids K-6th brown t ENIORCALENDAR Unless otherwise noted, all events take place at the Mason County Senior Ac- tivities Center at 826 W. Railroad Ave. The Shel- ton senior center hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon- day through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m, on Fri- day. The center's telephone desk (426-7374) is closed for lunch from noon until 12:30 p.m. 10:4i Mondv Close King Tuesda 8:05~ ative yo 9-10: ate/adv,' 9 a.~ circle No Z1 Thursday 11 a.: 8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- Nora ative yoga 12:3£ 9-10:30 a.m., intermedi-up day ate/advanced line dancing 1:15 9-noon, EZ Crafters your he its to governmen- ties, and commu- tubers. a.m., the Mason League of Women rill have its month- [ng at the Johnson Olympic College, Campus. Guest are from noon to L. The meeting is a ,ag lunch. a.m., Zumba Martin Luther Y Y l.m, gentle, restor- ga. 30 a.m., intermedi- raced line dancing .-2:30 p.m., sewing tmba Class n., general meeting L, lunch: ham p.m., bridge sign ~efore a.m. take control of ilth class Thursdays 7 p.m:, Sheiton High School Talent Show at Shelton High School audi- torium. The showcase will feature students and staff. This is a non-profit ben- efit. Entry into the talent show is a canned food item all canned items will be donated to Saint's Pantry Food Bank. Wednesday Foot care by appoint- ment 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi 9 a.m., WA State History Museum van trip 9 a.m., beginning line dancing 10 a.m., intermediate/ advanced line dancing 11 a.m., music by Evelyn Trenckmann Noon, lunch: baked ziti casserole 12:30 p.m., game day 1 p.m., pinochle 2 p.m., treats from Capi- tal Place 10:30--11:30 a.m., blood pressure checks 10:45 a.m., Zumba class Noon lunch: spaghetti w/meat sauce 12:30 p.m., bridge - sign up the day before 1 p.m., bingo 2 p.m., treats from Fir Lane Friday 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi 9-11 a.m., open line dance 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., fab- ric sorting volunteers 11:30 a.m., John Rosen- gren's piano bar Noon, lunch Sponsored by MCSAA: tacos 1 p.m., MCSAA goes to the movies Saturday 10 a.m., intermediate watercolor class Mic Night Come See Our 1st-Run M OVI ES ! $1I[lOi CI DiA$ 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-11~C www.SHELTONCINEMAS,com Corner of 5th & Franklin War Horse Daily 3:00, 6:00pro Additional Shows Fri-Sat 9:00pm Contraband Daily 4:20, 6:45pm Additional Shows Sat-Mon 2:00pm Fri-Sat 9-05pm -- NOW OPEN- Serving all organic, fair trade espresso drinks * ALWAYS FEWER THAN 8 MIN. OF PREVIEWS * .~,L,?,:. L L~ Shelton Elks PROGRESSIVE BLACKOUT GAME Effective Thursday, January 5, 2012 Starts at 50 Blackout numbers called and $250 Prize. The Jackpot will increase $25 per week and one additional Blackout number will be added each week until jackpot is won. Week # Blackout #s Called Jackpot Prize 1 50 $250 2 51 $275 3 52 $300 4 . 53 : : $325 This progression will advance every week until there, is a Jackpot winner. There is no limit on how high the Jac, kpot can go. s25 Consolation Weekly Prize until there is a jackpot. Every Thursday Evening Doors Open: 5:00 pm • Early Bird: 6:00 pm Food & Beverages Available • Smoke-Free 741 SE Craig Rd. 360-426-2322 This event is sponsored by the Shelton Elks Lodge #2467 and is Open to The Publi¢ Mom, Grandma... We Can't Bdieve You're 70 EitheH Love, Your Family Friends Patrick Palmer Boy Scout Forever Camp Ranger at Skokomish Park Lake Cushman --- Love, Dad &Mom Shelton-Mason County Journal - 3"/ Thursday, January 12, 2011 - Page B-3