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e,a Agency on Aging
LMTAAA Open House
at our new location:
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Shelton, WA 98584
February 1, 2012, 2 -4 pm
Senior Information and Assistance
Family Caregiver Support Program
Case Management
360-427-2225 or 877-227-4696
Mason Conservation District to condt
The Mason Conservation District
will be conducting an election for
one board position between 10 a.m.
and 2 p.m. on Feb. 25 at ~he district
The elected position is currently
held by Bill Burrows of Harstine Is-
Local residents interested in seek-
ing election to this unpaid volunteer
position must file with the district
before Jan. 28 to be placed on the
February ballot.
Successful candidates will serve a
three-year term as a District Board
A five-member volunteer board
governs the Mason Conservation
District. Three of the board positions
are elected and two are appointed by
the Washington State Conservation
Commission (WSCC), an agency that
assists with conservation District ac-
Mason Conservation District elec-
tions occur during the first quarter of
each calendar year.
The Conservation Commission fills
two positions on the district board by
appointment. The next commission
appointment ~o the district board
will take place in May 2013.
Conservation districts are subdivi-
stuns of state government directed by
a board that represents landowners
a farm wi
trict bourn
This in¢
son Count
A cane
through tt
in the dis
renter or t
and the general public while direct- ed positim
ing the efforts of a professional staff ing petitic
who provide technical assistance on tion Distri
,ct election
~hin the conservation dis-
ludes all residents of Ma-
r outside the incorporated
of the City of Shelton.
idate may also qualify
e possession of land with-
Lrict as an owner, lessee,
Lals interested in the elect-
L must pick up a nominat-
n at the Mason Conserva-
ct office at 450 W Business
natural resource issues to Mason Park Road, Shelton, WA 98584.
County landowners• Petitions can also be requested by
Board members identify local calling th$ district at 427-9436. ext.
natural resource needs, set goals
and direct the efforts of the staff to
implement best management prac-
tices designed to protect soil. water.
wildlife and other renewable natural
To be eligible for either the elect-
ed or appointed position candidates
must occupy land or be an operator of
s must be returned to the
lservation District by Jan.
MGH medical officers elected,
9 qREST chiefs of service appointed
k-~----~c~N~uo~k~,o~ The staff of more than 100 physi- Deborah A. Hartley, CRNA; Intensive
cians at Mason General Hospital & Care Unit - Mark L. Schlauderaff,
A Reputation Built o~ Service Family of Clinics recently elected med- M.D.; Emergency Services - Dean E.
ical officers and appointed its Chiefs of Gushee. M.D.; Infant and Children's
Service for 2012.
The officers include: Chief of Staff,
Kevin J. Roscoe, M.D., board-certified
in radiology; Assistant Chief of Staff,
Dean E. Gushee, M.D., board-certified
in emergency medicine; Secretary, Al-
bert Michael Keep, M.D., board-certi-
Services - Maria Rowena Carreon
Ramirez, M.D.; Laboratory Services
- J. Michael Odell, M.D.: Medical/
Surgical - Christopher W. Penoyar,
D.O.; Nutritional Services - Douglas
F. Lindahl, D.O.; Obstetrics Nkem-
dilium Nwosa, M.D.: Physical Thera-
fled in family medicine; and past Chief py - Frederick J. Davis. M.D.: Respi-
of Staff, Timothy J. Weber, M.D., ratory Therapy- Douglas F. Lindahl,
board-certified in family medicine. D.O.: Surgery - Eldie L. Cruz. M.D..
Mason Co:
can be
ing Joh~
at 427-94~
ml information
obtained by contact-
Bolender by phone
6. extension 21 or email at
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 12, 2012
Catalyst Park Garden.
home to a community gar-
den and the WSU Exten-
sion Master Gardeners of
Mason County's food bank
garden, is inviting the
community te help bring
in another group of gar-
deners -- children.
On Jan. 16 -- the Mar-
tin Luther King National
Day of Service -- the WSU
Direct operating loans may be made
for one to seven years with a current in-
terest rate of 1.5 percent which is subject
to change. If the rate goes above 5 percent
these loans could be made at a rate as low
as 5 percent depending on a farm opera-
tion's cash flow.
The FSA guaranteed loans are made
by banks or other lenders for which FSA
guarantees up to 90 percent of any loss•
The guaranteed loan program includes
both operating and real estate loan pro-
For additional information concern-
ing these programs in Clallam, Clark,
Cowlitz, Grays Harbor• South King,
Kitsap, Jefferson. Lewis, Mason Pacific.
Pierce. Skamania, Thurston and Wah-
kiakum counties, contact Jeff Peterson.
Senior Farm Loan Officer at 1554 Bishop
Rd Ste 100. Chehalis WA 98532 or call
748-0083 ext 2 for more information.
Work party scheduled for Master Gardeners
Master Gardeners of Ma-
son County will host a work
parry to build an extension
to the Catalyst Park Gar-
den. which will be the home
of a children's garden.
The garden will serve as
a learning tool for children
in different youth groups
around Mason County, or-
ganizers said.
The Master Garden-
ers are inviting members
of the larger community.
There will be a potluck.
and helpers are asked
to bring a dish to share.
chairs, tables, and table-
cloths if available.
The event will begin at
10 a.m. at Catalyst Park
Garden located at the cor-
ner of 8th Stree~ and West
Harvard Avenue.
aver was
t Capital
~G o Samantha Marie Weaver
nd Kyle Daniel Weaver of
rapeview. She weighed 9
pounds. 5 ounces•
Omar Grant Rosas Collins
Omar Grant Rosas Collins
pvas born Dec. 29 at Capital
~VIedical Center in Olympia
~o Kami Lee Rosas Collins
and Omar Rosas Ramirez
of Olympia. He weighed 8
pounds, 5 ounces.
Evan Manuel Flores-Jensen
Evan Manuel Flores-Jen-
sen was born Dec. 21 at Capi-
tal Medical Center in Olym-
pia to Kierston Renae Flores
and Adam Jay Evers-Jensen
of Olympia. He weighed 6
pounds. 12 ounces.
Raymond James O'Hagan
Raymond James O'Hagan
was born Dec 29 at Capital
Medical Center m Olympia to
Charlene Cathenne O Hagan
and Raymond Allen O'Hagan
of Grayland. He weighed 9
pounds. 14 ounces.
Justin Thaddeus Morgan Jr.
Justin Thaddeus Morgan Jr.
was born Nov. 7 at Providence
St. Peter's Hospital in Olympia
to Justin Morgan and Kather-
ine Brown of Grapeview.
He is welcomed in the fam-
ily by siblings Madelyn, 11,
Hope, 6 and Hm~ter 4. His
~andparents are Janet Gar-
nann of Grapeview, Gene
and Laronge Morgan of Joyce,
Rene and Les Hoopes of
Shelton and Mark and Barb
Brown of Sumas. His great-
~andparents are Hope and
Don Cadwell of Shelton, Jane
Brown of Shelton, Dorthea
Morgan of Joyce and Hener-
~ta S.r:~;t,_'.,~ ,~Michigan.
farm loan program funds specifically al-
located for minority and women produc-
ers announced Judy Olson, State Execu-
tive Director. %Vhile FSA farm loans are
available to all qualified applicants, by
setting aside funds specifically for minori-
ties and women, it ensures that they will
receive a portion of available funds," said
Loan funds can be used to purchase
farms, livestock and equipment. They
may also be used ~o operate the farm.
build or repair farm service buildings, pay
for soil and water conservation practices,
and in some cases refinance debts. FSA
offers both direct and guaranteed loans
For direct loans made by FSA to pur-
chase a farm the terms may extend to
40 years with a current interest rate of
3.5 percent. Special programs are avail-
able for participation with a commercial
lender. For rates and terms and down-
funds for minorities and womeon
The U.S. Department of Agriculture paymen~ requirements• please ct
Farm Service Agency has a portion of its the local FSA office.
Farm Service Agency allocates
~vents during their reign.
For information, call Julie
ray 432-0145.
Call or email by Monday at 5pm
.............. r
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Nancy Trucksess of
Shelton was elected presi-
dent of the three-person
board; Scott Hilburn of
Shelton is the secretary
cept holidays).
With the hospital con-
struction project proceed-
ing on schedule, the board
members said they are
ton Orthopedics. MGH Sur-
gery Clinic, Mountain View
Women's Health Clinic.
Oakland Bay Pediatrics and
Shelton Family Medicine.
No. 1, the governing body latch is a trustee, opening of the new sur-
of Mason General Hos- The Board of Commis- gery wing in late summer.
pital & Family of Clinics sioners meets at 8 a.m. in Mason General Hospi-
recently announced its of- the Washington Room attal's Family of Clinics in-
ricers for the 2012 Board of Mason General Hospitalclude MGH Ankle and Foot,
Hospital Commissioners, every second and fourth MGH Eye Clinic, MGH
as elected by their peers. Tuesday of the month ( ex- Family Health. MGH Shel-
The 2012 Clinical Chief of Service and Radiology - Kevin J. Roscoe, md interview competition.
department heads are: Anesthesia - M.D. [~e young ladies who capture
;he titles will represent the
Mason County Rodeo in 2012
#nd will reign over our two-
~lay rodeo. They will also be
2 rd offi el d promoting the rodeo and the
O12 Boa cers ecte ~Teat western way of life by
~naking numerous appearanc-
es at rodeos, fairs, schools, ser-
i:'Ublic Hospital District and ~Don Wilson of Pot- looking forward to the vice clubs, parades and related
odeo Queen
2ommittee seeks
The Mason County Rodeo
kssociation and Rodeo Queen
3ommittee invites young
vomen between 17 and 23 to
:ompete fbr the title of Mason
3ounty Rodeo Queen 2012.
Also for 2012 the commit-
:ee will be looking for girls
~ho were 14 and not older
:had 16 on Jan. 1, to be on
:he Mason County Rodeo Jr.
3ourt. the deadline for appli-
:ations is Feb. 3.
The competition will in-
:lude horsemanship, speech