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Victoria Dowling
Victoria Dowling, 91,
died peacefully Jan. 3 at
Alpine Way Retirement
Center in Shelton.
She was born in Calgary,
Alberta, Canada in 1920 to
Walter and Adelaide (Car-
leton) Powell and later the
family moved to Seattle.
She attended Bryant El-
ementary School and Roos-
evelt High School.
She met her husband,
Don Dowling, while attend-
ing the University of Wash-
They were
married in
tion she
worked in
the field of
Victoria and was
an active
Dowling school
member in the Snoqualmie
Valley• She spent 20 years
teaching math and English
and was a counselor at Ho-
quiam Junior High School.
Her husband and she
built their retirement home
on Hood Canal•
She was active in the lo-
cal community, and donat-
ed her time to the Friends
of Hoodsport Timberland
Library. Fire District 17,
PEO, Lilliwaup Commu-
nity Club and the Retired
Teachers Association of
Washington. In addition
to her community activi-
ties, her family shared that
she enjoyed gardening,
bird watching, cooking and
spending time with her
children, grandchildren
and great-grandchildren.
She is survived by her
son; Don Dowling (Pat) of
British Columbia; daugh-
ters Nancy Dowling (Peter "
Jonesl of Devon, England
and Diana Chittick (John)
of Lilliwaup; seven grand-
children and seven great-
A celebration of life will
be held at 2 p.m., on Sun-
day, Jan. 15, at Fire Dis-
trict 17 Fire Hall at Jorstad
Creek near Lilliwaup. In
lieu of flowers, donations
in her memory can be sent
to Friends of the Hoodsport
Timberland Library, PO
Box 847, Hoodsport, WA or
Mason County Literacy PO
Box 2529, Shelton WA.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton handled the ar-
Joseph Isaac Lescelius
Joseph Isaac Lescelius,
84, died Wednesday, Jan.
4, at Mason General Hos-
pital in Shelton. He was a
resident of Shelton.
He was born Sept. 1,
1927, in Portland, Ore., to
Isaac and Saima (Pietila)
He graduated in 1945
from L-Anse High School
in L-Anse,
~Mich. and
a book-
in 1946.
Joseph He gradu-
ated from
Lescelius Northern
College of Education with
a bachelor's degree in 1956
followed by a master's de-
gree from the University of
Michigan in 1958.
He served in the U.S.
Army Korean conflict from
1950 to1952 and was hon-
orably discharged at the
rank of corporal•
He married Lois Irene
Sandifer in Detroit, Mich.
in June of 1959.
Lescelius worked for Re-
vere Copper and Brass as
a bookkeeper until he was
called to the service. After
college, he taught business
at Lake Shore High School
in St• Clare Shores, Mich.
for 30 years until he retired
in 1990.
His family said he took
great pride in teaching
Driver Education and had
a fondness fol
He enjoyed hi
classical mo~=
tirement yem
with his gran
helping on hi~
farm• He enjc
mals and also
cats of his ow
shared that h
graduation ql.
"Silence spea~
words," and il
He was descr:
et, gentle and
and he was w
that knew hii
He is survi
daughter Reb
noyar of Ellei
Timothy Pen(
of Klam
He was pre
death by his
brother Peter
A private
vice will be h~
Memorial (
be sent to the
lege, 601 Qufi
cock, MI 4993
McComb F
of Shelton is t
convenience o
lences may be
family at ww~
Denise Rene
Denise Rer~
Black, 47, die
Surprise, Ari~
tle with pancl
She was bo
1964, in Shelt
She is surv
daughter Ash
mother Norm
(Gary); father
Putvin IVivial
Charlene Hat
Miklethun (&
ron Steinle ar
(Tammy) and
and nephews.
A memoria
held in Phoen
ditional mem~
held at 2 p.m.
at Mount Oliv
Church, 206 t
Ave. Shelton.
James A. Br,
James A. B
died Dec. 18,
hab on Bainb~
lung cancer.
He was bor
1949, in Brer~
He served
Vietnam and~
ter years in M
He enjoyed
in the woods
His sons
land, daughte
Patti and sew
children survi
His parent~,
er preceded hi
A memoria:
at 1 p.m. on J
Valley Reside:
James Edwa
James Edw
87, died Dec. :
causes. He wa
of Lacey and
dent of Shelto
He was bor
1924, in Olym
A. and Corinn
mother's Fren
family founde
Logging Comt
operating in 1~
Thurston corn
He was raL,
pia, attending
Grade School
tin's High Scb
service in the
Corps during
II, he returne,
pia, complete(
degree at St.
automobiles• married Patricia Sullivan, he was also known for his
story and whom he met in grade love of "all things stereo."
es. His re- school. They recently cel- He is survived by his
s were spent ebrated their 65th anniver- daughters Shannon Erick-
~children and sary. He was recalled into son of Belfair and Melissa
daughter's the Marines for the Korean Erickson of Spain: brother
Ted all ani- War, rising to the rank of Gordon of Oregon; sister
had dogs and captain and the young fam- Judy Ford of Mexico and
a. His family ily lived in Virginia and numerous nieces' nephews
is high school California. and stepchildren.
Lotation was, In 1953, he and his Lewis Funeral Chapel
;s louder than brother Jack purchased the handled cremation and a
fit him well. Shelton Meat Company, a private family service will
bed as a qui- business founded by their be held at a later date.
sweet man grandfather and ran it
~11 liked by all until 1968 when Mason David Earl Gault
1. General Hospital was built David Earl Gault, 53,
eed by his on the property. After that died Saturday, Jan. 7,
ecca Penoyar he worked as Director ofpeacefully at home in Lil-
of Shelton; Planning for Mason County liwaup after a brief battle
, Patrick Pe- (1968-1980) and for the with cancer. He lived in the
sburg and Energy Facility Site Evalu- Colony Surf Community on
yar (Aurora) ation Council of the State Hood Canal with his long
ath Falls, of Washington, retiring in time companion Adriane
1986. Myers.
ceded in He lived across the He was born at Olympic
rife Lois and street from Shelton MeatMemorial Hospital in Port
Company and the hospitalAngeles on Nov. 29, 1958,
tmily ser- for nearly 40 years before to Esther B. (Bascom)
ld at a later retiring to Hood Canal and Forsyth and the late Earl
eventually Panorama in (Lefty) K. Gault.
onations may Lacey. He attended school
Suomi Col- His family shared that in Port Angeles. Gault
my, St. Han- his life was focused on fam- worked construction for
0. ily, community and work.several years around west-
meral Home They said he appreciatedern Washington. He also
tandling the the outdoors, especiallyworked at a fishing lodge in
• For your time at the family cabin a~ Alaska, the Rayonier clean-
aline condo- Stetson's on Hood Canal up site in Port Angeles, and
sent to the and he enjoyed travel. He other odd jobs in Eastern
~.mccombfh. was active in St. Edward's Washington, Idaho, and
in Shelton and St. Mi- Texas• He met Adriane
chael's in Olympia catholic while working as caretaker
e Black parishes, the Mason Coun- at the Colony Surf Com-
ee (Putvin) ty Historical Society, where munity where he settled for
Dec. 22, in his Marine Corps uniformthe duration of his life. He
., after a bat- is on display, the Knights was an active member of
eatic cancer, of Columbus, 4th Degree AA for many years. He also
m June 10, and the Skookum Rotary enjoyed the outdoors walk-
on. Club of Shelton, of which ing, hiking, camping, and
xed by her he was a founding member, clamming with his family
ey Putvin; He was elected to the and dogs.
Bisom Port of Shelton Commis- He is survived by Adri-
Richard sion. ane Myers of Lilliwaup; his
1); siblings He is survived by his mother Esther Forsyth of
son, Travis wife Pat; daughters MaryPuyallup; sisters Marilyn
lgela), Sha- Beth Davis (Charles) and
d Ted Putvin Anne Bell (Michael); son
many nieces Michael (Neill); daughter-
in-law Catherine; six
grandchildren, five great-
service was
ix. An ad-
,rial is being
on Jan. 14
e Lutheran
,. Wyandotte
roughton, 62,
tt Island Re-
idge Island of
May 12,
wo tours in
~pent his lat-
ason County.
nd picking
~yne and Ry-
es Paula and
ral grand-
ve him.
and a broth-
m in death.
will be held
m. 21 at the
~ce in Belfair.
grandchildren; siblings Jo-
sephine McNeil, Jack C6/i:
nolly (Tuey) and Jill Hani-
gan (Robert); numerous
nieces and nephews and a
large extended family•
His son James preceded
him in death.
Mass of Christian Burial
was celebrated at noon on
Friday, Jan. 6, at St. Mi-
chael's Catholic Church,
1055 Boundary St. SE,
Olympia followed by lunch
at the church and burial at
Calvary Cemetery in Tum-
The family suggests
memorial donations to the
James A. Connolly Memo-
rial Fund supporting John
Paul II High School, P.O.
Box 3248, Olympia, WA
98509 or St. Martin's Uni-
versity or the Mason Coun-
ty Historical Society.
The family wishes to
thank the excellent care-
givers at NorFlor Manor in
Douglas Newell
ard Connolly, Erickson
11 of natural Douglas Newell Erick-
s a residentson, 63, died Thursday,
former resi-Nov. 10, of natural causes
a. at his home in Allyn.
on March 6, He was born Aug. 24,
)ia to James1948, at Harrison Hospital
Bordeaux in Bremerton to Gordon
M. Erickson and Virginia
His fa- (Carlson) Erickson.
ther was He grew up and attend-
the third ed school in Bremerton,
genera- [~~[~i~a~ living at
tion of a ~ [~ the family
pioneer- [~~l home in
ing fam- ~ Bremerton
ily who as well as
arrived in the "canal
Olympia house" on
from Mas- the North
sachusetts Shore
in 1868 of Hood
and his Douglas Canal in
~h Canadian Erickson Belfair.
t Bordeaux His
any in 1890, training
Jason and as an electrician during
.ties. his employment at PSNS
ed in Olym- and his enjoyment of travel
St. Michael's led him to a wide variety
md St. Mar- of jobs in Egypt, Mexico,
~ol. After Greece, Spain and power
U.S. Marine plant/hydroelectric dams in
Norld War Arizona and Colorado until
[ to Olym' his disability retirement in
his college early 2000.
~artin's and His family shared that
Parrish (Greg) of Port An-
geles and Marcia Hughes
of Puyallup and their fami-
A celebration of life will
be held at 1 p.m. on Satur-
day, Jan. 14 at the Camp-
fire Club House, 619 E. 4th
Street in Port Angeles
Forest Funeral Home of
Shelton is handling the ar-
Dirk Jan Groenhuizen
Dirk Jan Groenhuizen,
82, died Saturday, Jan.
7, at Providence St. Peter
Hospital in Olympia. He
was a resident of Shelton.
He was born Aug. 7,
1929, in Amsterdam, Neth-
erlands to Frederick and
Cornelia (Eijsink) Groen-
from an
ing pro-
gram in
Holland in
Dirk lived in
Groenhuizen Gronigen
and joined
the Dutch Merchant Ma-
rines because he wanted to
travel the world, his family
He married Cora Van
Schaik in Pretoria, South
Africa in January of 1949.
The family moved to
Lusaka, Zimbabwe where
he worked for the Shell Oil
Company. After Africa, the
family stayed in Holland,
then moved to the USA in
1964. He lived in California
until 1983 then moved to
He work for Dutch Inter-
ocean Lines as an engineer
in 1949, Mechanical Engi-
neer for Leland-Alamb in
South Africa, supervisor for
Shell Oil Company at Lu-
saka Airport in Zimbabwe
and designer for General
Wax candle making com-
pany and did landscape
and maintenance for Wash-
ington State Patrol Acad-
He enjoyed readi~g, mu-
sic and traveling the world
when he was in the Dutch
Merchant Marines•
He is survived by his
sons Frits Groenhuizen of
San Francisco, Calif. and
Eric Groenhuizen (Cindy)
of Simi Valley, Ca-
lif.; daughter Dina Koenen
of Shelton; grandchildren
Michelle, Michael, Beth
and Nicole Koenen, Brandi
(Chad) Corriveau, Crystal
and Brent Groenhuizen,
Christine (Jered) Borden,
Megan Grey; great-grand-
children Anastasia and
Elizabeth Conner, Jocelyn,
Robert and Maverick Bor-
den and Olivia Corriveau.
He was preceded in death
by his parents, Frederick
and Cornelia Groenhuizen,
wife, Cora Groenhuizen,
daughter, Yvonne Gray and
grandson, Robert Gray.
Memorial Donations
may be sent to: The Ameri-
can Cancer Society, 2120
1st Ave N. Seattle, WA
A memorial service will
be held at 1 p.m. on Satur-
day, Jan. 14 at the Hope
Chapel 421 W. "E" St. Shel-
ton, WA.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
For your convenience
online condolences may be
sent to the family at www.
See Obits on page B-8
William Henry "Bill"
' "Bill" Smith was born on
November 9,1917 and
Shelton on December 11. 2011
At Alpine Retirement Center.
Bill was born to James D.
and Martha M. (Tobey)
Smith in Bucoda, WA
where he lived with
his parents in the
Bucoda Hotel owned
by his grandparents.
He was the oldest
of five children. The
family later moved to
Fredrickson where his father
worked in the mill. Around
1929, the family moved to Fortson
where Bill lived until around 1935.
Bill graduated from Darrington High School in 1934 at the age of 16 and was class valedictorian. After high
school, Bill started working with the Civilian Conservation Corp out of Darrington and numerous other places
helping to build many public infrastructure projects including construction of the North Cascades Highway.
After the Fortson mill burned down, the family moved to Hoquiam to seek employmentl From an early age,
Bill was always very generous and the money he earned from the CCC that was to be for his college fund, he
instead gave to his father, so his parents could buy their first home in Hoquiam. Employment with Paulson
Logging helped him attend some courses at Grays Harbor Community College and University Of Washington.
He went on to join the Army Air Corps at Tuflock Air Field, CA and later moved to Bremerton to live with his
Aunt while he worked at the Bremerton Naval Shipyard as an Electrical Engineer.
It was forttmate for Bill that his Uncle Mart'm and Aunt Frieda Smith lived in Skokomish Valley, as that was
where he met the love of his life, Mary I Eager, and married in 1942. The joy of their life, a son, Micheal
D. Smith, was born in October 1944. They lived in the Valley until 1955 when they built their own home in
Shelton. He also began his own business as an Electrical Contractor in 1947 and actively worked through 2011.
Bill had many interests including, fishing, hunting, smelt dipping, tree grafting, making apple cider from the
apples in his orchard, gardening, and serving as the neighborhood's secret Easter Bunny. He was particularly
fond of his fruit trees. He also enjoyed raising honey bees for honey and to help pollinate his fruit trees even
though he was allergic to bees. There was ajoy in creating mason bee nests and bird houses out of old cedar
shakes. Bill built a second home on Hood Canal in 1960 where he enjoyed spending time With his family,
friends, many drop-ins, fishing, picking up oysters, digging geoducks, and fresh clams. His Grandchildren
would report that he would always find entertaining activities for all the kids to participate in,such as, mak'mg
homemade noodles, root beer, and pulling taffy. He was very fond of sweets and loved his strawberry, green
river, and pineapple sodas. It would never fail that just before dinner; Bill would request a peanut butter
sandwich and would still eat his dinner. Bill loved animals and had many pets throughout his life including
everything from raccoons to pigs and chickens to cats and dogs and was known to take his dogs to the local
drive-in for ice cream cones.
As a youth, he began foraging and becoming an entrepreneur.., his first gallon of tiny wild blackberries went
to his Mother and any following blackberries, mushrooms or huckleberries- he sold to help out his family. He
started young with his generosity.
Bill was a member of the Masonic Lodge of Shelton and the Rhododendron Society. He also served on the
Peninsula Credit Union for close to 40 years. He gave of his time on the Mason County Shoreline Commission.
A very selfless man, Bill spoke softly without a single curse, but carried a very BIG, BIG stick and when he
spoke people always listened. He always had an answer for everything. Undeniable patience, teacher, mentor.
He was a great story teller and prankster with a big smile and a twinkle in his eye. Bill would always prefer
a glass of milk to any adult beverage and a good dessert instead of an after dinner smoke. When recently
asked what hurts, Is it in your Spine or in your Hips? To his answer, "No, I just have a" REMINDER IN MY
Survivors include his son Mike (Judy) Smith, Olympia, WA; sister, Carolyn (Wally) Fisher, Olympia; brothers,
Daniel (Marcia) Smith, Ellensburg, WA and James (Joan) Smith, Sunnyvale, CA; grandsons, Padraic (Brand;c)
Smith, Olympia and Royce (Marlee) Smith, Olympia; great grandchildren, Tate, Tanner, Samantha, Aspyn
and Alexandra, numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his parents, wife Mary
in 2002 and sister Millie Putnam. A Celebration of Life will be held at Hope Chapel, 421 W. "E" St Shelton,
WA on Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 1:00 pm. Memorial donations can be made to the Nature Conservancy
or Conservation District of Mason County; Stream Team of Mason County 450 W. Business Park Rd, Shelton,
WA 98584. McComb Funeral Home was honored to serve this family.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 12,2012 - Page B-7