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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 12, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 12, 2012
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Shelton-Mason County Journal By EMILY HANSON On Friday, Jan. with eight points, six rebounds and 6, the Highclimb-three assists. Freshman forward The Shelton boys' basketball ers lost at home Sean German scored eight points Leam couldn't come up with a win' to Mt. Tahoma 65-and grabbed up five rebounds while ~n the road or at home last week. 47. sophomore gUard Colton Hubble On Wednesday, Jan. 4, the High- "We had a hard scored eight points, snatched up climbers lost at Stadium 83-49. time with their three steals and passed out two as- "We didn't play great but we FRI quickness and ath- sists. /lidn't play bad," Mark Jensen, head Mt. 65 leticism," JensenAs of press time, the Highclimb- ~oach, said. "Stadium just shot it said. "We really ers had not yet played at Bellar- vcell against us and we didn't de- struggled and they mine on Wednesday, Jan. 11. The rend very well in the first half. We TOMORROW: created a lot of de- team is set to play next at 7 p.m. on Sheldon at flections and turn- Friday, Jan, 13 at Olympia. ~lso didn't shoot it very well, mak- Olyn~pia, 7 p.m. overs. It's like we [ng only 35 percent." "It'll be very tough," Jensen said. Senior forward Patrick Fabrizio 1 had a brain freeze "They both have real big lineups. ed the Highclimbers with 14 points ~ and couldn't run Bellarmine has a 6-foot-eight-inch tnd six rebounds while junior play . Mr. Tahoma was probablykid who averages 20 points a game ,~uard Dakota Andrews scored eight the ~uickest team we've seen and and Olympia has8'a6'" six-foot-seven- ~oints, grabbed up five rebounds it's l~ard for us to deal with quick- inch kid and a kid they start ~nd handed out two assists. Senior ness ibecause we don't see that lo- pretty often. We'll have trouble ,~uards Curtis Wuestner and Austin callyltoo much." with the match up. They're both on ~chirato each scored seven points. A~drews led the Highclimbers the road, so that makes it tougher." / Journal photo by Emily Hanson Shelton sophomore guard Colton Hubble charges to the hoop during the Highclimbers' home game on against Mt. Tahoma Friday, Jan. 6. &TH LETE 0 FTH EWE E K ][l~p Journal photos by Emily Hanson lhelton senior guard Jordanne Kru ols attempts to drive around a Stadium defender during the Lady High- limbers' home game on Wednesday, lan. 4. ly EMILY HANSON In its first two games back from winter reak, the Shelton girls' basketball team )st at home and on the road. On Wednesday, Jan. 4, the Lady High- limbers lost at home to Stadium 48-33. The game started well for Shelton, with oth teams going into the second period rith 13 points and then going into halftime ,ith Stadium up 22-18. The second half was a different game, hough. In the third period, Stadium pulled head with 12 points to 34-25 and then .'ored 14 points in the fourth period while HS scored just seven in the third and eight 1 the fourth. "That's what happens when you have ~o and a half weeks off without a game,"" aron Leth, head coach, said. "The losses hat are hardest for me are the ones I know 'e could've won." Senior guard Clara Robbins led the Lady [ighclimbers with 13 points while senior ing Allison Hunter scored five. "It didn't go as well as I thought it 'ould," Hunter said. "We kind of fell apart 1 the second half and we weren't running n offense." Hunter said the Lady Highclimbers had ~o many turnovers and that Leth told them aring the game to slow things down in- ;ead of taking fast breaks. "We tried to do that but we forced it in- side too much," she added. Leth said that what killed the team was end- ing up with 34 turnovers. OnFriday, Jan. 6, the Lady Highclimbers lost at Mt. Tahoma 78-36. FRIDAY: "The Mt. Tahoma Mt. Tahoma 78 game actually went re- Shelton ........ 36 ally well in the first half," Leth said. "We were tied TOMORROW: at 14 at the end of the first Shelton vs. period and were down by Olympia, 7 p.m. seven going into halftime. We broke their press re- ally well but didn't have enough momentum in the second half." Hunter led the team with 11 points and five rebounds while senior post Nicole Os- berg scored seven points and sophomore point guard Taylor Stroud added five points. Robbins grabbed up four rebounds. "The girls are starting to see they can compete and are not expecting to go out and get beat every time," Leth said. "The girls know they can beat presses we just have to work on our turnovers because they're not forced, we're doing it to ourselves." As of press time, the Lady Highclimbers had not yet played Bellarmine on Wednes- day, Jan. 11. The team is set to play next at 7 p,m. on Friday, Jan. 13 at home against Olympia. See Lady Climbers on page C-4 Shelton sophomore point guard Taylor Stroud hustles upcourt during the Lady Highclimbers' home game against Stadium on Wednesday, Jan. 4. Shelton-Mason County Journal MMK senior works with his hands By EMILY HANSON Eric Johnson likes to work with his hands. Johnson, a senior on the Mary M. Knight boys' bas- ketball team, enjoys build- ing, working with machines, raising livestock and, of course, basketball. "I've ~ played basketball since I was a little boy, prob- ably about fourth grade be- cause my Eric dad start- Johnson ed coach- ing," John- son said. "I love playing with the team and the intensity of the game. I love being physical, making baskets and win- ning. Even if we lose, it's still fun to play with the team." Tim Diggle, Johnson's head coach, said Johnson really stepped up for the Knight Owls the week of Jan. 2 through Jan. 7. "Eric was double-double three games in a row and is the one holding us togeth- er," Diggle said. "He was solid all week." By "double-double" Dig- gle meant that Johnson scored in the double digits in each of the three games and also led the Knight Owls in rebounds with double digits each game. Though basketball is the main sport Johnson has stuck with, he said he's also played soccer since he was about 8 and that he ran track in seventh and eighth grades. Outside of sports, John- son is involved with MMK by being the senior class representative and work- ing with his friend, Sean Sexton, who was the junior class president last year. "Me and Sean take care of the vending machine our class owns and we take charge of what the class needs," Johnson said. "We started taking care of the vending machine last year because other people didn't seem like they wanted to do it." He said he is a decent student, earning mostly Bs See Athlete on page C~4 Thursday, January 12, 2012 - Page C-1